The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, November 01, 1879, Image 1

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1BdMBglW""V'" '7'jo Wilis' Ll''iM(rirIirfrfBrrjM1J"TTjM
The Coast Mail.
The Coast Mail.
Mamhneld, Coon Co,, Or.
Tho Interests of Southorn Ore
gon Always Foremost.
Ono year 13 60
rtlx month IN)
Threo montlin 1 CO
VOL. 3.
Tho Development of our Mine, the Im
provement of our Harbor, ana lUllroad Com
munication with I he Interior, Specialties.
NO. 44.
OfMrlnl Inir nrCoo ViHiuly.
Iluiih Humphrey In Golden Kr
J tiu t rupl mill
nl look oil' tlio slumber Hint resli'd
heavily upon mo mid liHtmii'it. I could
hour nothing; only tho miuiiil of milk
wiiKonmind imtlior-viitlM In tlio street,
und Hid Imiivy tinmp f H'Mito Into trav
(lor on tlm wooden Hfilovvnlk boiit'tilli,
dozed oil' to hlt'oii ugiiiii.
lliti mpl mill
Homo ono Mow at tlio olllco door,
Hiirely. I opened tlio Hiimll window, ill
tlio lii'ail of my bod und looked down into
tlio Ntii'ot, A Inuly f oi in Mood nl tlio
olllfo door, loaning vv illi ono hniid agaliiHt
tllll 1'llHlllg
"WIio'h tlii'Ky" 1 iloiiuindrd,
"(lit lit nn' gl' iiio a 'oi!r wild n
tit it K . inubrinloMilt'o.
"Wliut do yon want w itli n low, Mill
liuiin V" I asked.
"(loin' tor lili lltmtitr'H I'lnt; mini
fun then1, (lit up, git tip! I van' a
Wo "
"Tlio old xeoio In too long, llillv. Can't
do il."
"Can't do It, oh V Yor iiiHeilent, young
"It's no iiho, Mulligan. You own ino
a lingo liill now, with no pioMiocI of
jilting il. You'd bettor leiivo. I'm go
into hIcoi)," and I closed tlio window.
"You'll -hiohour from uiu in tlio
nioruin'. voting man," ho tliiviitouod ; and
Rill. Mulligan, the desperado, it'eled uwny
down tlio ulrout.
I dropped toHlcopiigiitu.
IUpl rapt rapt
I sprung to my feet. t in morning,
thought I, and thnhtmtlor in at tlio door.
Again 1 opened tlio window and looked
down. 1 hiav nt a gluiiro it wiiMi't the
"I- Garland. (Jet up, Moulton, and
niiddlo two homes diiiekl Thoro'i a duid I
coming oil- at litintor'x Point thin morn- I
iug at Minriw. We've jimt time to reach
there." t '
1 luiHtily driiMsisl, descended from tlio
loft and admitted my fiiond. In two I
miiiutoN tlio horm.'H weiu Middled, 1
awoke tlio hurdler and directed him to
look after tlio btalilo, mid in llo minutes
more wo went thndiing down Kearney
fttrrct on our way to tlio Point
"What tune in it, Giuliind?"
"Throo o'clock. The road Is homy, i
and tlio mud fearful at Main crock. N o .
liavo barely timo to reach there w itli good
"Who mo to tight?"
"Two gainbloiH. Thev quarieled at
tlio III Dorado hod iiigltt over a faio '
"Von know th ?" .
"No." I
A cold fog Huept in over tho Mission ;
Hills Tho darkitcxx wuh deep, ncarcelv i
permitting im to make out tho road.
Novortheluax, w o dim. led recklessly nlong,
out Brunnnn tttrcrt and mcr tlio 8nn j
llruno roa 1. It wax xoareoly daybreak
when wo arrived at tho Point, our horni'M
pnto Mown and covered with mud and
foam Not ii tioul vvhn on tho ground. A ,
cold mint hung over the hay, mid now'
and then n dn.lllig shower riiuui nweep
ing down front the hills. Wo tied our.
hoicH to a stunted oak, and walked along
tho Hand, perhaps, teu minutes, in ono
direction, ami then returned, There
had lieen, nieaiitiuio, another arrival. A
tall form, in n heavy htorin cloak, was
pacing holeimily, hack and forth mi tho
winds. His head wiih bent low, his eyes j
upon the ground. Ho rteomoit entirely I
oldiwoiiH to eierything about him. Ho
look no notice of our prenonco, but kept
up his Mow, measured inarch, to and fro,
between it jagged rock and u liioco of .
driftwood, which lay half buried in tho
Baud. i
A half hour passed in tho cold fog, !
drizzling mist nod Ncmi-darkuess, Our i
horses ehaiiiped their bitH impatiently. .
and oceiiHionally neighed their unrest. '
(larland and I strode baok and foith on
tho beach, looked nt our wntchcH nvory ,
three miuutos, and wondered if the duel
ists wort) over going to airivo.
It grew lighter at lust, and in the sun ,
rising above tho distant mountains near- J
ly Hiiccceded in breaking through the
heavy fog, u close carriage eiuuo dashing i
along tlio mutiny roiui, louowoa ny Jinn
a doeu men on horseliaek. Tho tlrixer
tlrow uji hiri horses at the lice, sjiraug to
tho ground, ami throw open the ciuriage.
Throe men alighted. Ono wiih u medium
sized mini, with sandy hair and bcatil,
niul with tho most villainous face I had
ever looked upon. Ho commenced u
slmmbling walk on tho beach, his IiuiiiIh
tliiiist into hiHiocktitH, uutl IiIh lint tipictl i
back f i oiu liia forehead. Tho occupants I
of the ciuriago J judged to bo his second '
and a surgeon. They conitultoil together i
a moment, when tho second approached j
mo ami demanded if cither of tin was the '
"friend of tho other party,' pointing to
the tall llgure, who Mill k'ept up his sol-
emu iiuueli
Wo iiHHtiroit him wo were tottdly tin-
kuovin to him, having como huio merely
,m spectators to witness tho duel. Ho
then iiihiinccd to thu tall figure in tho
cloik and addroMHCil him. Wo woro not
mar enough to catch tho worda. l'rtw
entlv tho Hocontl returned fo iih.
"ThiH inetirHed roughl" Haiti ho. "Hero
he is out hero alone; ready to tight, ho, hut has no second witli him. Cmso
me if over J heaid of hucIi ii thing.
"J'uoii't do, no how. NVonldn't ono of
Jim gentlemen bo kind enough to uolV"
(larland instantly declined, and ho did
I. 1 hail no intention of being ii party
to what I considered littlo better than u
murder. I inquired, howovor, what woro
tlio wmpons and tho distance. His an
Hwor horrilled mo.
"Well, Htrangor. U'h piolty tough,"
Hiiid tho Hocontl "U'h Iuh arrangement,
though," pointing to tho tlgnro in tho
Mm ui'cloiik. "Thoy holt! oaeh other by
the left hand, Mioot at tho word- navy
pistols. Unth will bo killed, huio. That
ain't my businoHH, though. If nion will
I'd hiioIi fooln 'tain't my nll'iiir."
"Hirl" I ntiHWOiod, "can you bo ii
pally ton murder like thin? for murder it
i", and nothing else, In Heaven's name,
lot im try and end It beforo it goes
"Hnillnl Htopitlfyoucan! Yo don't
know Ited Kill and Yank as well as 1 do,
or yo wouldn't lulk that way," replied tho
I Immediately mhanced and iuIiIiohmuI
tho tall htrungor.
"I trunt, Hlr." I naltl, "that yon will
ot pcrsUt lit tho tonriM of tlm iitiol It
in murder. If cither falls you cannot bo
regarded guiltless of n terrible sin."
Ho raised IiIh oyoH to initio and shook
IiIh head, "you mo waMingyour timo,"
lio (tlnijily said.
Ho had ii lino iivoo, n fair brow with
dellcato llpn, but oyoH Hint hod n Htrnngo,
nlmoHt unearthly glitter.
"Can nothing uioio youV Think of
your frienilH. of your nlMor or inolher:
ooiiKldor their torrlblo griof whon thoy
hear of this feat fill tragedy."
Ho Miook IiIh head and coolly mnilml.
"I haxo no frhiiitlH," wiih his only an
Hwer. "You wasto time."
I leturned to Garland. Thu second of
lied Dili airaiu nihaiiceil. convnrmxl with
him n shoit time, mid then joined his
principal. Ited Hill made u gesture of
itsHont, and tho two duellistn advanced
toward each othor. Tho hoooiiiI took two
pistols from the conch; the loading took
place in tho proseneu of tho prluuipals; n
coin wiih tosseil lor clioico of wenpoiiH.
Ih'd IIIH won. Thoy took tholr poi
tioiiH. Tho few HjicctntorH beneath tho
tiee weio commenting on tho appearance
of the men and haarding opinions as to
the result.
"(Imitleiuon." Haiti tho hoooiiiI, inn
loud volco, "it in neucHsnry that I Hhoitld
iiiuke some explanation. This 'nro gen
tleman has seen fit to como hem without
n friend Ho also insists on lighting no
cordiu' to ngi cement made lust night.
Navy pistols, hold each other by tho left
hand, and tho at tho word. My friend
has won the clioico of pistols, consequent
ly tile other lmilv Iiilh tlm ritrlif nt iivlnir
the word, Nono of you gonllomon hco
lit to act as his second, and ho requests
ine to giio tio word. IM rnthor not do
it, but if no ono else will, 1 aupposo I
Ho paused, No one answorod. A mo
ment, ami thou ho culled out in a clear
"Aio you ready?"
Their left hands met, tho pistols woro
slowly raised till thu muzzles of each al
most touched tho cheek of his opponent.
Calmly and firmly camo tho rosponso
from each:
"1 toady I"
"Ono! two! three! tiro!"
lie fore tho word tiro, tho report of Ited
Pill's pistol mug out on tho air, and wiih
followed instantly by that of his oppo
nent, lloth men foil to tho earth, the ono
motionless ami Milf, tho other in terrible
convulsions of agony. The tall Mntiigor
hail met his death without n pang ; tho
ball of hia treacherous foo penetrating
mid passing through his bruin,
Ited Hill hud 1 1 rod beforo tho ord.
Ilutictribution, Hwift and terrible, fol
lowed. Tho ptHtol of hia adversary had ex
ploded in timo to send a ball ora-thing
through his lower jaw, and indicting n
most terrible wound. Tho Hiirgeon pro
pounced it fatal. Hod Hill was plncctl in
a carriage which, with tho second and
Hiirgeon, wiut driven rapidly uwny. Vo
nn tethered our horses from tho treo and
mounted again to tho saddle. As woiodn
uvvay fi oiu tho fatal spot, tho huh broke
thtoiigh the heavy chimin nnd fell in n
halo of radiance around tho form of tho
dead duelist.
Tho Hiimll cnvnlcudo spurred thoir
horses towaid tho city. At IMniH Crook
wo pansod tho coach, tho horse lloundor
iug in tho mud. Ah wo dashed by, tho
head of tho second wiih thrust from tho
window. niul I caught two wordH" Hill's
dead 1"
iio.MK.vru; KECIPKS.
Tin:'i: n Halt. Tlio vnluo of
tnlt cannot bo overrated. It in mi un
doubted fact that whetc animals have un
restrained iiccchH to halt nt till tiiiien
many of tho ilisciiHcs to which thoy nro
liable anil warded off und proven tort
by keeping tho nystcm regular. Kiirni
animals, when Sept on grass or green
huccnlont feed, nntiinilly tnkot
morn salt than when kept on dry
fodder. Halt increases digestion by in
cleaning tho How of hjiHvu, uirting" also
fiuther in promoting thirst and ii con
stant How of lluiiU to insist in dissolving
much of tho food which might otherwise
lo only imperfectly rtigentcil. Actual
oxpnriinonlM, cnrofu'lly coiuluctort, havo
doinonstratcd that whort two hogswero
fattened, one fed wilt in its food nnd tho
other with wait excluded, tho ono fed wilt
food fattoneil very much faMor uutl in
Hovornl weeliH IcHHtiino. It exceeded in
weight by coiiHidernblo proportion tho
one fort without suit in its food. Stock
should havo free iiccohm to wilt, uutl they
will take only what is needful; but if
thoy nro left without it forn long timo ii
Hiufeit iH often tnken which oporutcH in
juriously. OAH. A huly wrltoH i fol
Iiivihs "I'vo learned this Hummer that n
goott many intelligent housewives heat
tholr caim before) putting hot fruit in
them to prevent breaking. Thnt'H tho
'good old-fash ionod way,' 1 know; but u
later and liottor wuy in to wring a oloth
out of water (cold or hot) fold it two or
more thiokiumses, not tho can nn tho wot
cloth thinly; let tho hot fiuit hit thu bot
tom of tho can UrM. Thoro isn't any
danger of thoir breaking, uutl is much
hundior than tho old wny. If lu) only
oun can to fill I not it on my diMiolnth. I
wish thoso who have never tried tliU
method would do ho, oven if thoy fool
like my mother did tho llrst out) alio tried.
'Well, I'll try it; but I know it will
Hgt'AHit I'm. Hununor wptnuhea of nny
variety tniiko oxcollont plo. In rooking
those wo prof or paring thorn to cooking
thorn with tho rind on, Put them
through, tuko out tho seeds and with u
slmip Idiifo tuko off tlio thinnost possible
rind. Hoil until tender, draw in a oul
londor und mush through a Move. Now
piopnio an you would if to Ihi served as a
vegotnblo, HoiiHoning with wilt, jioppor
ami plenty of butter. Tuko onuul quan
tities of the squash and rich milk, swoct
on uutl Hideo to taste. Add from two to
four well beuton oggH, according to tho
Mice of tho dish, Lino your dish with
poMo and buko with u modorato oven nn
Iiour if tho pio bo largo and thick, Wo
frequently utilize what Is loft from din
nor by mnking n pio for the noxt rty.
Hoi,t.n, Pour boiling water into Grn
ham Hour, Mir with Hjioon, then etir in
dry flour nnd knoud, Work into rolla
nn inch or an inch and a half In diamotor,
baku in n quick oven, but not no hot uh
for gems, With oxporionoo tlio rolls may
bo mado niuch largor, Thoy nro excel,
lent for dyspeptics,
Blorlcs of n Millionaire.
I'or forty yentH Daniel Drew wiih tho
moM grotowpio figure in Wall Mreet. Ho
wuh in m Id die life whon ho gave "tho
boyn" IiIh flrnt "pintH" on "HhoerH."
Whon n taw country lurt ho begun to
drive cattle from his native village to the
Now York mnrkot, niul Hubnoquonlly
oponetl a Htook-ynrrt, kept n tavern, mid
made u fortune in tlio Meainhout busi
ness. Hhrovvrt cintl illiterate, reckloHHunil
timid, good iintuted and uiiHcrupulmiH,
HometimcHgeneroiiHund always tieaohor
iiiih, ho inittlo from $&,m,lHH) toSiri.WK),
(MX) out of friend nnd foo, only to lose
(liotu all nnd die a bankrupt. If Hogarth
could hnvo lived in Wall Mreet during
tho hiHt forty yearn past, "Undo Dan'l,
with Hcumcd face and twinkling eyes,
with tho stealthy trend of u cat, mid tho
bland air of a country deacon, would
have been the central figure in IiIh car
toons. Ho wiih In IiIh 17th year -the huiiio ago
nt which Cornelius Vnmleibilt lnirrowetl
81(H) of his mother, bought u boat and
began to ferry inarketmeii from Htuteu
Island to the Jlattcry. Daniel Drow did
not borrow his small capital, ho earned
It by enlisting asamibstituto in the Htate
Militia, whicli had been called into ser
vice. Tlio regiment wiih called to Tort
Gimsovoort, ou the Hudson river, oppo
site Now York. About three mnntlm
after his enlistment hostilities ceased be
tween the United Suites nnd Orent
llrituiii, mid the regiment was mustered
"I want my Hiibstituto uionoy, moth
er," Hiiid ho, ono morning utter his ictiini
to the farm. "1 am going to buy cuttle
nnd hoII ilium in Now York."
"Aroyou Hiiro you will not I oho money
by II? " Mr. Drow wuh im wiguoioiiH ami
cautious as tho mother whom Commo
dore Vnnderbilt delighted to honor till
lim life long.
"I nm Htire I Miull make monoy."
He did make money from the start,
but ho hutl to work teriibly hard for it.
Ho wiih in the saddle day mid night,
purchiisiiigcnttlo in Putnam aiiilDucliess
couuticH and driving them to tho city
nfter night full, llv wiih uu excellent
judge of cattle ami a shrewd buyer.
When IiIh comjietilorH begun to multiply
uutl to out down his protlts, ho enlarged
his Ilold of operations by making Ohio n
hate or supply. He needed capital and
ho hurt no securities to offer for loans.
He went to Henry Ahtor, John Jacob
AMor'H brother, the Fulton Mnrkot
butcher, who hurt recently totircrt from
business. "I'll take the risk," Haiti tho
capitalist, after the plan had been un
folded. It Rcemert to be n foolhardy, ,
oruck-brninert Hclicme. It took iienrly
nixty rtnj'H to drive cottlo from Ohio l
ucroHH the Alleghany Mountains to Now
Yolk. Out of udiove of WK) head 200
or !KM) would frequently bo lent na the
wny In the foreHtn nnd uiountnin fust- .
nosHOH. Cuttle, however, were exeeert-1
ingly cheap in the Ohio Valley, and j
Drew'H profits were ro largo flint ho wob
ublo in n fow yeurn to icpuy tho boi rowert '
money ami to extend his' operations to '
Kentucky mid Illinois. He in said to ,
liuvo boon tho llrst man to drive euttlo '
over tho Alleghany Mountains. 1
A no wHpuper correspondent who viMtetl
him noon after the bankruptcy proceed-
iugH were niinouncetl, found him ex
ceedingly communicative. "Iliad boon
wonrterfully blcHsert in money mnking,"
ho remurke'rt. "I got to bo n millionaire
nforo I kuow'rt it, hnrrtly 1 was alwnyn
pretty lucky till lately, and I didn't think
I could oior Ioho very extensively. I
was ambitious to make u greut fortune
hko Vnnderbilt, und I tried every wny I
know, but got caught nt lust. Besides
thut, I liked the exeitemont of making
money und giving it nw ny. I havo gi en
ii good tleal of money awny, nnd am glnrt
of it. Ho much Iiuh been ituvetliuiyhow.
Wnll Mreet wut u grtyit plnco for mnking
monoy, uutl I couldn't give up tho busi
ness when I ought to hno done ho. Now
I see very clearly whnt I ought to huo
done. I oimht to havo left tho street
eight or ten years ngo nnd paid up what j
l owed, vvnenx gave puw.ow tonus
institution und thut, I ought to have paid
the money. Audi ought to havo pro
vided for my children by giving them
enough to uiuko them rich for life. In
stead of that I guv o my notes, mid only
puirt the interest on Vm, thinking I
could do bettor with tho principal my
self. Ono of the hardest things I've hart
to bear litis been the fact that I couldn't
continue to pay the interest on the notes
I gave to the schools and churches.
During the past year or two Mr. Drew
spent considerable putt of his timo In tho
city. Mr. Drow was, perhaps, tho old
est looking man in nil street. His eyes
never lost thoir Hie, but his face wns
scrtinod uutl sernggy. Homo of the vot
ernus say thr.t he usotl to rtrivo rtown to
his otlleo in n ouo-horso chaise, looking
for nil tho worhl like n country minister.
Ho rtrossetl plainly, if not shabbily. IHh
wnrrtrobo Is vnluert in tho bankruptcy
Hchetlulo nt SltK), oxoIuhivu of a great
sealskin ovcicoat, worth $150, Even ns
it millionaire ho hart tho tastes and hab
its of u drovor. His dry, sednto manner
Holdom vnriod.
btoek spooulotoru wore
and tho victim who
for "pints on shoorii,"
"tho boys,"
emtio to him
wuh "my son.
lie talKeil witli u
nnsal twnng uuo n
countryman. "Btop
Hpoekorlnting,' ilont tech 1-lrlo without u
margin,' wns tno consoling rouinrK,
which, if rumor may bo trusted, he made
to sonio MothortiBt biothrou who hart
hikon sonio "pints" tinrt lost thoir mar
gins. Whllo his wife AynH living, his
liouso, nt Union Squuro nnrt lCnst Hovon
toonth street, was always open to Moth
dist elorgyinon nnd lnymon, In tho
Hohortulo of his personal proporty Is tho
entry, "Hiblo, hymn books, etc., 160."
His temperament mode him u"benrj" ho
muh iih Hliortsightort as Commodore Van
rterbilt wnsfarsightertj ho ulmort ut imme
diate rnthor thanttltimiitoroBults. "Yims,
I skinnert tlio boys," ho used to say, In
tho end ho was ''skinnod" himsolf.
A railroad train movort out of Donvor
with u brirto on boarrt, but tho careless
husbanil was loft In tho station. Ho wns
wilrt with oxoitomontwhonhounderstootl
that sho hart boon whisked off on hor
lionoymoon journoy alone, nnrt nt length
ii oompasslonnto ofllolal put him ou n
special looomotivo, with ordora to tho
englueor to ovortnko tho brirto nt nil
A Companion with Hip Darbies.
Thoro nro fow things ho objcctionablo
to tho pedestrian ns tho knowledgo or tho
HtiHiiicfon thnt ho 1h lwfug followed ch
peclully nt night. I wn wondering up
n long walk ono summer day, somo ycur
bnck, in Dovonshero. Night, which tie
HCcntls rapidly among tho hills there, had
overtaken mo, and I was plodding along
rnthor wearily toward my destination,
guided alono by tho IiuHMtnct whiteness
of the rood. It wan n lonely pnrt of tho
country, furnvvay from rnilwnjH, fashion
ublo resortn nnd busy towtiK, and I could
not help thinking whnt a very eusy thing
it would bo in Bitch nn ont-of-tho-way
comer to dispose of your greatest enemy
quietly, and nover bo discovered. Iwai
inn completo reverie, bronght on by
this uncomfortable thought, when I Htitl
donly not giaduiilly lieanl the sound
of footsteps behintl mo. I grasped my
stick, kopt in my bravery with clenched
tooth, and sttode on. Perhaps this might
bo my greatest enomy, about to settle
matters with mo. It wus odd this sound
nf ffififKtntiii fur T liful lfft flin villmrn
quite alone, und ns I wus in a regular
Jjcvonsiiiro lane, iiutl not lemurkcd
nny by-wuys by which any ono could
havo come. It lookert very suspicious. I
quickened up, ho did tho (footsteps, nnd
ut last the haunting effect of being
dogged became so annoying that I
stopped short und faced ubont. The
footsteps approached, uutl thiough the
gloom, just boing fuintly dissipated by n
rising moon, I nindo out a tull, thin tig
lire. "Good evening, sir," said the thin
llgure; "a lonely road, uutl u dark night
for traveling. Do you mind my nccom
panying you?" I did mind rnthor, but
ns tho appcurnnco of the Htrangor, becom
ing more distinct, did not proclaim tho
tho lieavily-urmcd rullinu4 1 nequiosced,
anil wo walked on together. He wus u
strungo tlgnro I etmhl now see. Ho hud
but very scanty clothing, nnd that tatter
ed, torn and mud-stained; ono arm was
bound iqi in sling, niul ho limped
heavily us ho walked. After a silence ho
said: "You urc u tourist, Sir, I see, by
your kimpsuck mid dross.und are walking
for pleasure. 1 was often a tourist, uutl
often wulketl for pleosute. Would il
surprise you to hour that lam now wulk
ing for my life?" Of course, it surprised
me, und 1 looked ugriu at tho speaker.
"I trust to your honor. Sir. und. of
course, you won't split," said ho, "so
look here, you can gues what Inm."
And he pulled his arm from tho sling,
and showed the jugged, battered rem
nant of n pair of handcuffs hanging to
his wrist. "Twasn'tfor anything bad
Sir; I was innocent, but they copped mo,
mid tho mini who did tho job got off by
rounding on mo. If you lot mo w;alK
alongsido of you until we got to Dawiish,
I'll bo oblige'd. Look ahead, Sir." Wo
heard the sound of horses hoofs, nnd
soon camo upon a polico patrol. They
looked hard nt us an wo pilsscd, but uiy
knickerbockers and knapsacks won tho
tho giiuio, nnd thev were soon out of
sight. "Thivt's nil right, Sir," said tho
poor wretch nt my side. "Soon I shall
bo in my own country, among friends
who will soon off with thtto durliies, nnd
keep me snug nnd duik until tho affair
has blown over." As wo approached
Dawiish the man stopjicd, thanked mo
heartily for hu ing provided him with ii
respoctnblo convoy, and disappeared. I
suppose I hart bee'n defeating tho ends of
justice; but nothing would hnvo induced
mo to plnco myself lotvveen tho poor
wretch nnd his liberty, and I felt I hart
rtono a fellovv-ninn u service All (he
'ear Hound.
How II k Got His SuorLUEti STiur-s.
It was during the siege of .Wnguer,
und tho Union parallels were but a few
hundred yards uvvuy fiom tho lino of
grim black tubes thut ever and unon
"embowelled with outiiigeous noiso tho
nir disgorging foul thoir devlish glut
of iron globes." A lino of nbntsi was
to lw built across a clear Bpaco in point
blank mngo of tho relel guns nnd
shurpshooters. "Scrgcnnt," suys tho
ouleeriu charge, "go paco thnt opening
uutl give mo the distance as near ns
possible," Says tho Sergeant (for we
will let him tell the rest of tho story),
"I staitod right off. Whon I got to tho
openiug I put 'or like tho dovil in n
gulo of wind. What withgrnpe, ennistor,
round shot, shell, nnd n regulnr beos'
nest of title bulls, I just think there
must hnvo boon n fearful dniiu of nm
muiiition on tho Confederate Govern
ment about that time. 1 don't know
how it wns, but 1 didn't get so much
as n scmtoli, but I did get powerful
scared. Whon 1 got utider cover I
couldn't or told for tho life o mo
whethor it was n hundred or u hundred
thousand paces; I should booner er
guessed a hundred thousand. Says tho
Captain, 'Well, Seigeunt, what do you
mnko it?' Boon's I could got my wind,
says I, 'Give u guess, Captain.' Ho
10OKS across tno opening u. swumi in-
two, and then snys, :A hundred and sov-cnty-flvo
paces, wiy.' 'Thunder! Cap
tain,' suys 1; 'you've mado n pretty close
guess, 'it's just a hundred nnd sovonty
ono.' " "Ami thut," udded tho Sergeant,
nfter tho laugh hud subslrted, "Hint's
how I gotmyshouldor straps." flJoston
Inoehsoij.'h Sound Sknsi:. I will
nover nsk God to take euro of my chil
dren, unless I nut doing my lovol best by
thorn. I will tell you what I say to my
children. It is this: "Go whoro you
may, do what you will, thoro is no crime
you cannot commit, thoro is no dopth of
infamy to winch you cuu biuk, mat can
Mint j:ott to my door, my arms or my
heart. Ah long as I live you shall havo
ono sincere friend." Another thing.
Thoro is nothing liko being honest with
thoso little ohildron. Do not pretend
vott nro perfection. You nro not. If you
hurt ono of your ehihlton has been toll
ing n Ho, don't let on ns if the world was
going to burst. Toll him honestly that
you itavo told hundreds of thorn, nnrt it
'don't pay. You can't play any Georgo
Washington business on this gouoration,
nud tho sharp oyos of childhood will look
through tho robo of hypoorisy. Somo
peoplo will say that will do for rioh folks
nnd not for poor. It's just ns easy to
wnko a child with a kiss as with a blow.
LirenoH's JyVip lei lure.
Four of tho principal labor unions in
England havo pont 81,800,000 in tho
last yoar in extending relief to their
A Mlirlit Hk fieri of nmernl Ornnl'n
rrnonsl HlKlory mm lnb.
Ho flertlcfu.
I'h&viH. Ornnt wn. lorn on Ihc27tli tiny of
April, J 822, nt (lie villngo of Point l'lra-mnt,
tlluatnl in Clermont county f Ohio, on the north
bank of the Ohio Hirer about tnviity-five mlle
nbovo Clnc'nnnll. IIo is (ledccniliil from the
Urnuta or Scotland, nnd ioiwcm innny of the
chanu tcrittiai of that Dtiinly rnoe. Ilm father,
Jewe Hoot Grant, wa born In Wetriiorclanil Oo ,
Pa , tho 2.T.I of January, 17!) 1. His Krarnlfnthcr,
.onn urani. .Jr., was atmtivc or ivinnocticm,
non'cl as a lieutenant at tho Initio of bcxirietoti
and stilxcquently sharol nil the dangers of tho
revolutionary war. Hit greatgrandfather, Xoah
Orant, enme to America early in the eighteenth
century, but In what year Is not now- known.
A brother, Holomon Grant, camo with him. The
two brothers took active pnrt in the French and
Indian wars which preceded the revolution, and
in which Noah Grant (Gen. Grant's aneetor)
coimimiided n company of olonial troof s When
tho revolutionary war broke out the brothers,
Noah and Solomon Grant, (ns well as Noah
Grant, Jr., as abovo staled) rromplly
entered the service, and both were killed at the
tattle or White Plains in 1770. It will be ii-n
that Gen. Grant comes of first-rale fighting
Noah Grant, Jr., moved went shortly after the
clow of the revolution. His son, Jeese It. Grant,
at tlio ago of sixteen, was sent to Maysvillc, Ky.,
tthero he was nppreiiticed to a tanner. In June,
1820, he iiiamil Hannah Biinon at Point
PJearaut, near C'iiicinna'l.
After the birth of their first son, lTlyses, who
is Mid to owe his name to hi sle-grandmother,
who is tvircs)iiUyl as having been n reader of
Pope's Homer nnd nn anient admirer of the
Homeric hero. Mr. and Mrs. Grant removed to
Goorptown, Uroun ctiunty, Ohio. Hero their
son first went ti Bchcd.
sikt to wrtr IMIT.
By the lime Ulysios bad reached his fifteenth
year bo had fully resolved Ilia' lie would not be
a tanner, and give lm naming to that
effect. He said he dewired a good edncation and
intended to bo a farmer, or a trader to the bliiUa
of the South. Hut his father did not fancy this
plan, and fortunately for the country ugaciously
suggested the idea of sending him U West Point.
At tho age of seventeen lio was aiintcd to that
military reboot ut the instance of Congressman
Thomas li. Hamer. At the ago of ttcntv-ono
bo graduated twenty-first in a tlaw of tfnrty
nine. On the first of July, IS-11, he was appoint
ed second lieutenant cnd'iuuigijod to duty m the
fourth infantry. Tho regiment was stationed at
Jcffcrbou Ilirnnke, near St. Iaiiiis, llicn the prin
eiul niilitiiry btntiou of the cl. In 1HII,
Grant aouommiicd the rt-giineiit to Ixiuitiiun,
whither it bad beui ordentl in vu w of probable
war with Mexico. Ijirly in 1 sir, the war broke
out. Ho partirimtud in ueurlv till il" imiiort-
ant baltleis. AtMolmuiM Key und the (ity of
Mexico ma lu'liav tor was mi gallant tuut ho waa
mentioned for "distiiiguiiiiied and meritorious
serv ices." After the treaty of inacv w illi Jlexiso
lie rtturnwi vnlh Jm regiment to Scp iork
City. In 1S18 be nnrrieil Julia, daughter of
Frederick Pent, a widily known and successful
merchant of St. Louis. After a short leave of
absence be returned with his wife lo S.ickett's
Harbor, X. Y., where his regiment tationed.
Ho there rcmalneil till Kl'.i. In September of
that year he was apminted regimental quarter
master, which office lie held till 15"I.
In tho fall of 1R49 bis regiment moved to Fort
Brady near Detroit, where it was stationed near
ly two years, and tbenTeturnwl loStrkctt's Har
bor. In 1852 it was wut lo the city of Xew
York, prewratory ti sailing for tho Pacific coast,
where n rush of Vmigration was then selling in.
The. regiment pixuxleil by way of Panama, and
suffered iiitu'h on the istluuii transit, but Grant's
rugoHl ciiustitiitiou defiiil the uularm. A ir-
tiouof the regiment rameon to Ongon. This I
portion, including GrantV cniiiiny, wns onlereii
to the Dalleji, where it remained pome time, j
Major Alvonl was in command, in August,
1853, while on duty at Port Vancouver, Grant
was promoted to the full rnnk of captain. Shortly
afterwards he was avigned to the command of
Fort Humboldt in Caliloniu.
Grant remained at Fort Humboldt about a
vear.but seeing no chaneo of further promotion,
and having nothing to rompci)iate him for sepa
ration from his family, ho resigned his commis
sion on the 31 jt of July, 1854, and rejoined his
wife and children at fel. Louis, from whom ho
had been separated about two years.
utiles t roil v rvn.
With no fortuno of his own and with few
friends in civil life, Grant was thrunu upon his
oh n resources. Without hesitation ho settled on
a small farm near St. Louis, which had been pre
sented to Mrs Grant by her father Ho worked
bant nnd attended closely to his business Dur
ing tho winter season he'cmplovcd meu to clear
land and chop wood, which lie hauled to St
I.OHIS, driving one team in person while his little
soudiove another When the summer ripened
his crop! he hhs the foremost hand iu tho honest
After four yearn of firming Grant resolved to
trv soiiR'lliing clo Uu nmoveil to St I.ouis,
where he condticteil a real estate ollice, nnd sub
sequently had a place iu the custom house An
application which he made for (he position of city
engineer was denied In ISfiO he accepted a prop
osition to remove to Ualenn und join Ills brothers
in tho leather businesn He was hero when the
warbrokoout. At this time ho unsjuit thirty
iiiiio years of ago. ou
III April 1R6I, ho raised a comiwuy at
Gulcnn, and shortly after was npjintcd by Gov
Vutw, mustering otlicvr of the fctnte. nud'subrie
nucntly nt his own njnot was made colonel of
the Twenty-first Illinois Infantry He rcrloil
to Gen Pojw in June, lMi,nud'lu tho folloniug
August waJcouimUsioned a brigadier of volun
teers, without his knowledge, upon tho recom
mendation of tho Illinois delegation in congress
In September ho was placed iu command of Uiu
Southeast Missouri District, and a few days after
seized Paducuh, an important strategic joint,
which commanded tlio Totuioveo and Ohio riv
ers, anil practically Fnved Kentucky from seced
ing. Iu tho early jwit of November lio was or
dered to makes uviuoiittratioii ngauist Ilelmoiit,
a point on the Mississippi river, to prevent tho
crossing of rebel troo)w into Missouri With 3100
meu he attacked 7000 con hxlerntes, broke up and
destroyed their camp, und retired to his trniis
rts w itli 200 prisoners and two pieces of artil
lery In February, 1M12, ut bis own request, he
was allowed to attack Foit Jlenry, on the Ten
nessee river, in conjunction with n naval force,
and after n light engagement tho garrison mr
rendereil. Without waiting for orders General
Grant moved on to Fort Donelson, 12 miles dii
Unt, on the Cumberland river, and with 15,000
men attacked tho fortress, which w as defended
by 21,000 men nnd heavy artillery. Hero was
tho turning point in the General's career, and
wiih the tall of Donelson camo tho plaudits
of tho people nud recognition from the
Government. The 11k lit lasted throednys, nnd on
the 15th Grant carried the work by assault, cap
turing 55 cnnnoii, 17,100 small anus, 11,023
soldiers aiul the fort About 2,000 Confederate
escued, 5,500 were killed and wouuded, while
Grtint's loss was about 2,000. Ik sides lieing
tho first important success for tho I'nlon of the
tub ca nune or roRT pokelbon
Coutrlbulel (o tho opening of Ilia Teunessec,
Mississippi and Cumbcrlaiul Hivers, nnd caused
the States of Te.nties.-ieo and Kentucky to fall en
tirely Into Union hands. Grant wan made, a
Malor-Gcneral at once, and placed in commiud
of the West Tennessee District. In March, the
battle of Shiloh was fought, Grant, with a force
or 38,000 being uttackod by 50,000 Confeder
ates lie futiglit fiercely, hut was driveii back to
tho Todumsvu ltiver) but held his position until
the morning of the next day, when General
Busll arrived with reinforcements, and subse
quently, upon the appearance of General Hat-
lock, the rebels wem driven out of Corlntii and
tho filaco tnken In July, Ilalleck was made
Oeneral-ln-Chlcf, and Grant was placed In com
mand of tho Army of the Tennessee During
the autumn the battle of Iuka, Ifntchie and
Corinth were fought under Grant's direction, nil
of which were victories Immediately after tho
repulse of the Confederates at Corinth, Grant
sentn communication to General Hallcck, pro-
oing an aiiaric on vicksrmrg, but receiving no
reply, commenced a movement into Mississippi,
that place being tho objective loint The cam
paign fell through, however, owing to failure in
executing his plans In January, 1853, he began
tho memorable campaign, which resulted In the
surrenderor Vicksburg, being nppuvd by John-
sion ami remwiMii won over w,ihw lonkiler
ale?, while his own army numbered but little
over 11,000 After a fenes ol fights, awuults and
terrible battle on the land nnd river, be scattered
Johnston's army and drove Pernberton back into
Vicksburg, and on the 23d of Mny began a Tgu
lar siege On the 4th or July the plnco surren
dered, with 31 ,000 men nnd 172 guns, the larg
est captur.), at that time, ever made in modern
war, with tho exception or that at I'lm, by tho
Emperor Napoleon
the Loss or tue con rtVTtUltt
during this campaign was about 60,000 men.
Grant's entire lost is given by Badeati at 8873.
The fall of Vicksburg opened the Mississippi to
the coeaii, and closed all important fighting in
the valley. Grant was immediately made Major
General in the regular army, and given command
of tho Military Division of the Mississippi, which
included thcarmiesof the Ohio, Cumberland and
Tennessee. While in such command, Tie defeat
ed Bragg at Chattanooga, and extinguished the
last hootilc army west of the Allegbenies. This
scries of important succeoses, and the public at
tention attracted to them, canted Congress to cre
ate, in February, IMi, the rank of Lieutenant
General for Grant,and in March he assumed com
mand of tho Federal armies of tho nation. Hav
ing defeated ever- other Confederate commander,
Grant immediately prejarod to encounter in per
son tho army of irginia, under Gen It E Lee,
and occupy all other important forces, so that he
could get no support He consequenllv sent
.Sherman to Georgia, Butler to ltichmonJ, Sigcl
into the v alley ot Virginia, and began fighting
his own way from the Itapidan to the James
Grant started with nn army ofllOjOO, while Lee,
fighting on the dcfcnive, hail 73,000 Tlio tat
tles of tho Wilderness, RpoUsyhama, Nona
Anna and Cold Harbor foUuwcd, in each one of
w Inch Lee was forced back All these cugagc
medtscost the I'tiion army many incii, but tl.ey
were fought with tbo sole pur)Kneof annihilating
Lee, iu whoso destruction Grant bchctcd, lay the
only hope or ending tho war With this view
only, the ciiiiiaign of the Wilderness was plan
ned and fought. When Grant arrived in front of
Itichmoud, he crowd the James, and as Butler
had failed to capture the city, its teige was beguu
blicrinan was fighting his way to Atlanta; bigcl
had bi-en defeated in the valley of Virginia, and
was superseded by Hunter, who, iu turn, was ro
pellcil at Lynchburg Hunter's retreat left a road
open to Washington, and Lee sent Early to thi cat
en tho National Capitol. A force was quickly
gathered up by Grant, and placed in charge of
.SberiUin, whoj by n series of brilliant successes,
completely destroyed Early's army as an organi
zed force. In the meant rae Grant was unable to
cut oil" the supplies to Richmond, and for several
months attacked the places without carrying it
In September Sherman reached Atalant'a. when
Grant sent bitn on his famous march to the sea, a J
trip which lie had plannnl Tor lninsen seicral
months before. Grant then pitted Sheridan,
Thomas and Sherman, agaimt the Confederates
outside of Richmond and kept I,eo occupied him
self. Schofieid was brought from the west and
sent into .Jforth Carolinaandtho four having
whipped everything ncceasib , Grant brviigbt
the great cavalry chieftain, Sheridan, back to tlio
James, and together they abutted Richmond
and drove Leo out of "the city Lee had
73J000 men behind the entrenchments of
Richmond and Grant had 110X100 ou the outide
Itichmoud Tell en the 3d of Apul, 1SC5 Lee
lied to Lynchburg, being fought on nil sides dur
ing his retreat, and finally, finding himself sur
rounded and beaten everywhere, ha surrendered
all that remained of his army 27,000 men at
Aptumatlox Court Houso on the IHh In this
teu days of fighting. Grant had fought four or
five battles, captured Petersburg and Richmond,
taken 47,000 prisoner", and captured au army of
over 70,000 men During the year the losses
under his command were, in round numbers,
12,000 killed, 49,000 wounded and 20,000 mis
sing total 81,000 He bad destroyed the armies
of Lee, Early and Beaureganl, si-altered thu rein
forcements sent to Lee from all parts .f the
South, and captured 66,512 soldiers His forces
were never more than oiie-lhird greater than
those opposed to him. The terms given Leo at
Appomattox were embraced by the remaining
Confederates, and thus the rebellion was ended
Grant returned to Washington to suerintend
the dibandment of his army , but the work had
hardly begun wheu Pres dent Lincoln was a&as
sinated It was doubtkss the intention of the
conspirators to kill Grant nlso, but fortunately he
had been prevented by engagements from attend
ing tho theatre where tho attempt might havo
been made This ceut made Ai drew' Johnson
Presideut, and left Grant the most conspicuous
man in tho country. Ho was honored eery
whero Congress created the office or General or
tho Army for him, and iu. about this time John
son begaii measures in relation to this Confedera
cy which displeased I he Xorth, laws were passed
conferring unheard of powers upon Grant, with
tho design of nullifying Johnson's power. Tho
President had previously boou tho bitter enemy
of tho Confederates; ho suddenly turned and
created tho suspicion that ho was plotting their
return to power Tho whole country turned to
Grant Johnson endeavored to secure the Gen
eral's advocacy of his policy, and, suspending
Secretary Stanton, ho made hi ui Secretary of War
Grant, however, finally camo out oeiily and re
fused to v iolato tho law iu supporting Johnson's
policy, and thus the Presideut became his enemy,
and Ids resignation from tho Cabinet was accept
ed. Tho Geucral's popularity was much strength
ened among tho wople who had supported tho
war, and in 1803 ho was nominated by tho Re
publican National Convention and elected 1 resi
dent of tho United States
Tho above facts concerning tho military history
of General Grant are drawn mainly from the
work of General ttndeau, which i considered on
tho w hole tho most accurate authority.
Grant' first administration witnessed n cessa
tion of tho strife between tho Korth nud South,
the carrying out of many opular reconstruc
tion measures, a material reduction or the Na
tional debt, and the settlement of tho difficulties
with Great Britain growing out of English pn
vateenngduring tho war In 1872 ho was again
elected President by a larger vote than ever bo
fore received by any candidate, although bitterly
opposed by Intlueiilial members of his own par
ty His second term was itasscd as the first hod
been, and on March 4th, 1877, ho retired from
tho ollice, having had hea)wd uKn him more
honor than nny American since Washington.
Immediately upon tho succession of It II
Hayea to the Presidency, General Grant sold out
his farm at Galena, Illinois, settled up his affairs,
and In tho rail or 1877 left New York on n tour
round the world, accompanied by Mr. Grant
and several friends. Unon arriving in London
he was lionized by the English nobility and ev
erywhere wined and dined Since leaving Kng
laud the Goneral has explored France, Italy,
Turkey. Russia, India and China, having been
received every whero w itli great consideration and
respect, by Kings, Q.ueeu, Emperor and potent
ate generally
General Grant arrived in San Francisco from
China ou the 20th of last mouth. With hit
splendid reception in that city and throughout
California our reader are familiar He I now
among u for a short time, whence ho goo di
rectly to the eastern State
UeueMorr orttan Urnuti.
In the lifo or Grant by Dam and Wilton, there
U the fotlowiug note on the Grant gonealogyi
riayiairt jiuiisu ramuy niwquiiy, vwi mi
state that the original of the Grant i somewhat
liublful, and whether they were originally
rkotoh or camo from Denmark pr ranoe, cannot
now bo positively stated. It is probable, how.
lY-r, they were Norman, and arrived nbout 1065
with William, tho Conqueror, it is certain that
tho clan hod become great and powerful In the
early day or the Scotch monarchy. Gregory
Grant, wns "Sheriff Principal" of Inverness, be
tween .! i and 1219. John Grant commanded
tho right wing of tho Scotch army nt Halidotin
Hill 1333, and was defeated About 1400, the
clan, became divided into clan Chiaran and clan
Allan They held great possesion in tho
Slruthsy country, nnd in the Jacobite troubles
adhered to the Protestant and Whig cause.
The Strathspey country, the original home of
the Grant?, lies in the northeastern part of Scot
land, olonx tho course of the picturesque river
8ey. iu the shires of Inverness, Moray and
Bind", nnd is remarkable for it beautiful scenery
and noble foreU orfir "
In "('ollectanca Tojwgraphica et Geneologica,"
vol vii it is stated that Lieutenant General
Francis Grant was buried in Hampshire, Eng
lind, December, 2,1 781, nnd thnt his monument
lionrs as a crert a burning mount with tho motto
"Steadfast " In "F.-irbain Crests of the Fami
lies of Great Britain and Ireland," twenty ono
diirerent crests of tho Grant family are given.
One of them represents a burning hill with four
jieaks, eacli surmounted by a llame, with the
motto: "Stand sure: Stand fast: Craig Kllacliie I "
Another Grant has as a crest, an oak sprouting
and sun shining, with tho motto: "Wise and
Harmless "
Hobson's "British Herald" gives twenty-four
crests of different Grants Grant of Jamaica has
a burning mount motto: "Stablt;" Grant of
Grant, a burning mount, supimrted by two sava
ges motto: "Stand sure;" Grant of Currimony, a
derui savage motto: "I II stand sure," and Grant
of Leith, a rock motto: "Immobile.
One nf the most distinguished regiments or the
British army in ndia during the Sepoy rebellion,
was n highland regiment composed almoft entire
ly or Grants, bearing upon their colors the motto:
"Stand fast Craig Ellachie t ''
The reader cannot help being struck by tho
remarkable description of Grant s most noticeable
peculiarities contained in the foregoing mottoes
of his sturdy clansmen
The Inhabitants of Northers Siberia.
Tho Pull Mall Gazelle's correspondent
nt Copenhagen, in liis summary -of tho
reports received from Professor Nor
dcnskjold, says: At Cape Schelagskojr
tho Vega -wan much hamiiercd by ico.
and it wan determined to try to proceed
through tho more open sound along the
coast. Hero tho steamer was met by
several lionts, manned by natives, tho
first which woro met with since leaving
Chalanivii uud Judo Schar. The boats
closely resembled those used by the Es
fpiimaux in Greenland. The Vega was
stopped to iillow tho natives to get on
board, 'riieywere kindly received, but
it was discovered that they did not un
derstand Russian or any other civilized
language. A boy, how ever, was able to
connt tip to ten in English, which
showed that the natives had more inter
course witli the American whalers than
with the Russian merchants. Professor
Xordeuskjold statosthat he brings home
with him a collection of implements
mostly of stone or bone as well as of
dresses of the people, who aro a enrious
mixture of the Asiatic-Mogul race and of
the American Indians. During the Cth
and 7th of September tho Vega steamed
along tho coast, but on the htlishe,waa
obliged to anchor; and on tha morning
of tho 9th, the natives having by signs
invited Professor Xordenskjold to como
onshore, ho landed, with most of his
companions, nnd visited the Tschnkt
bcher's tents, which were generally cov
ered inside with tho skins of reindeer,
and lit and warmed by lamps burning
train-oil. The travelerrfwero kindly re
ceived and treated most hospitably, the
provisions of the natives at tlio moment
lieing plentiful. In ono tent reindeer
tlesh was being boiled in a large iron pot;
in another, the natives were occupied in
dressing, two newly-shot reindeer. In a
third tent an old woman was bnsy pre,
serving the contents of the reindeers'
stomachs, a greenish, spinach-like look
ing substance, in a bag mado of a seal
bkin, evidently as a dolicacy for the
winter, tho haff-digested vegetables be
ing looked upon by tho natives as a
great delicacy. They are mixed with
tho green "bnds of trees, allowed
to ferment and then to freeze,
und in tho winter aro stowed and
eaten with meat, or boiled into a kind
of vegetable soup. Others of the natives
w ere occupied in filling seal-skin bottles
with train oil. Children swarmed every-,
where; they were evidently kindlv treat
ed, and looked healthy. Outside the
tents tho children wero covered up in
skins, but inside thoy wero nearly nakod,
like tho women, who only woro a skin
cover around tho waist probably a rem
iniscence of the habits which prevwled
when thoy inhabited a warmtr climate.
It is remarkable how closely tho imple
ments used by tho natives resemble, oven
to tho most minuto details, those employ
ed by tho Esquimaux, which will be
show n by comparison when tho Professor
returns. M. Nbrdonskjold then writes:
'As in 1875 and 1876, 1 could not mako
any uso of the difforent articles which I
brought w itli mo tor Darter witn uie na
tivos, who, however, accepted eagerly
o en Russian papor money. This timo I
unfortunately took only Russian money
with mo; but this is quito useless hero.
A noto of 25 roubles is thought less of
here than a gilt sheet of paper covering a
piece of soap; and gold nnd silver coin is
of less value than a gilt button, and to bo
of any uso for bartering must first bo
perforated, so as to bo able to sorve as au
earring. Tobacco is hero genorally used
by men, and by women also when thoy
havo a chanco. It is usually smoked in
short, curiously-constructed pipes, which
over- adult male carries about with him.
Usually tho tobacco serves first for chew
ing purposos; it ia afterwards placed be
hind the ear to dry, ami is then in flno
condition for smoking in a pipe. Not a
few had round their necks amulets.whieh ,
thoy would not part with at any price,
and one, who probably hod been bap
tised, w ore a Greek cross. His religion,
however, was in any caso only skin deep,
as ho orossed himself with great rover
euco for tho sun in our presence; otlier
vv iso we havo been unable to discover any
kind of religion or of roligious ceremo
nies. Tlio clothos of tho men aro mado
of tho skin of tho roindeer, or, in a few
cases, of bearskins, with the hair turned
outward; on tho foot moccasins uro worn.
Tho hair of tho head is shaved off, except
a narrow border, which is combed down
ovor tho forehead; and generally tho orn
aro pierced. Tho women aro tuttood in
thu face, and wear a kind of fur rob
reaching to tho knees. Occasionally the
men aro paintod with n Greek cross oi
both ohooKs,
A barber refused to color tho mous
liiclin nf nn intoxicated customer bectUM
j0 jj(i not wftnt to dvo a drunkard,