The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, October 25, 1879, Image 4

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The Coast Mail.
"Dd Jrou plujr Uio'Ilojral Gnu, M(m Uen-
w8omUme," trai the young ladj'g reply.
Ahd l the next moment tho gentleman wa
fta-tag tin men on tho botnl.
"Why, Io4in lUmrington," tald Mr. Ulan.
?rky no, ogling ami hurtling up to thoUbloal
which tho youog people wero nested, "surely
you're not agoing to try to play chw$ with Mr.
Jj6ttl It It onoof tho very boat player, whllo
yoa dos'l know anything about tha game. You'd
ftewr let Ijotica oomo and tako your pie.
" II Mr. Iiorell rlntln m i ,in i ..
Will.'' aald MIm Remington, comuvllr.
"vaxm, Mr. Blandcntkyncyou had better
let l Ucnwngton try her hand at onoorlwo
gmrV' aald Mr. Lovell, In toil eaiy, nrm aud
quiet manner which la tho most cfTrciual way to
rwwl an Intrusion.
The tlmo and placoof thla Incident wm n social
enlerulnmcnt In tho parlors of Colonel Austin.
Tho amuanmenu of tho evening worn gliding
Along In any way that tho panic who engaged
In tfiem cliowa to adopt, quite free from the re
training Influcnceanra pre-arranged programme.
A for the clieM,lher htul been tnolng contin
ually ( new players Icing ready to toko their
pi ft cos at the table Hie moment it was vacant.
The lady and gentleman now at the table had
never met until thatevcning.and a formal intro
duction given by the hwtow mxn after tho com
pany oaaomuled, waa their only acquaintance.
" nijiw coma hoi nave lout llie
lliroronco bctneeu cues aud backgammon, and
knew nothing whatever in regard to Miss Hen
alngton'a knowledge of tho gamo. But he did
know that Mr. Lot ell wain wealthy and hand
aoino young bachelor, whoc attentions to her
(Mughtcr, Xorice, tho would bo very glad to
aocuro. ,
"At for that girl, Lodina Itensington, tho it
Jtut nobody," ftaid Mrs. Blandcriikvne, addressing
A aiu4ll ejrclc or elderly and middle-aged ladle,
whom the hod ptliered around her " I've
known her from the day hc was born, and knew
lierparent before they were marned. Her father
wft poor clergy man, and just nobody at all.
llitaalary watonlytlx hundred dollart.aud that
waa a grout deal more than he earned. Hit wife,
poor thing, died when Lodina waa only eight
months old. 1 don't know why they gave her
auch an outlandith namo Dill jou overhear
that name before, Mrs, Lister I"
Jo," nutwerod the lady.
" Jfor I, either, nor any one elsw. But, I was
aaylng.hcr father, the foolish man, wafted a great
deal of time reading and studying, and since 1
think of it now, 1 remember hearing that he was
very fond of clieiw-iilaying, and that Dome of hit
people thought ho en-tit too much time in that
Perhar he Uught hit daughter to plav when
she was a child," suggested Mrs. Sanborn.
" I hoj noil " Aaid Mrs. Blanderskvne. " It
would bo such a foolish wav for a poor young
jwrsou like her to waste her time. She has onlv
three hundred dollar a year, iind ther say she fs
o clow aud luminous that tho doesn't use more
tbau half ol that. But, of course, she does her
own acwing. Poor girls like her ought to mske
all their own clothos, cveu if ready made gar
ment are cheap."
"I hae been told," said Mrs. Sanborn, "that
Mlsa Itensington make & little tnonev by giving
lessons in German aud music, also bv "oopving
"I am glad tho poor girl lias some wav to get
along," said Mrs. Blanderskj ne. "Hut I was
going to tell you more about her father. He died
when Lodina was about leu vears old. I wa
acarcd when I heard or his death.for 1 wat afraid
the poor child would hive logo to the wor-houe.
ltut it aeenu he had a little money all the time
pui away scmewnere. lie kept very still about
t, thruueh fear. I supruec. that if his soeietv
knew he had anything laid away they would cut
flown hi salon-; aud no doubt they would have
done ."
; Then the throo hundred a year is the income
Lodina. receive from the proiierty left bv her
lather?" said Mrs. Litter.
"That' the way I understand it. Tho princi
pal aha could have and use any time, but the it
o close and managing that the adds a liulw to it
itvenr rear."
tt1 "ft would be well. I think." raid Mrs.Sanborn.
if tome other loung ladies would follow her ex
ample "
For poor girlt it it nil right, I suppo.-e." said
Mrs. BUndcrnkvue, with a pt:rcctible curl of her
lip. M But 1 do uot like to see the forward and
pretentious ways ol such persons. Just notio
Lodina, talking in an easy and familiar way, and
even joking and laughing, with a gentlemau like
Mr. Lovell. Bee that splendid diamond stud ou
hit boeoni ; and she hat no jewelry, exoept one
old amethyst ring her mother's engagement
ring. I Bujipose."
"Perhaps sho will have an engagement nng 1
her own some of these days," said Mrs. Ward,
with a sly but slightly mischievous twinkle in
her eye.
Mrs. Ward had been listening attentively, but
bad not tjoken before now,
"That it a ter curious insinuation, Mrs.
"Ward," said Mrs. lilaukerskyne. "You surely
don't think that a poor girl like her who has
been always ti ing to edge along into good soci
ety, but has never jet received the special atten
tions of any gentleman, can manage to inveigle
Mr. Lovell."
I don't aee where the inveigling comes in,"
said Mrs. Ward, in a formal and dignified man
ner. "But so far as relates to the matter or special
attentions, I am not sure that the lady is any worso
off than Mr. Lovell himself. You may perhaps
know that he calls at our house quite frequently; in
fact, my husband and I are, I suppose, among bis
most Intimate friends. Hetoldusooeeteninglast
week that ho had just entered his thirty-third
year, but had never yet become acquainted with
any young lady who appeared to him to be the
one he would desire to bae for a wife."
' Particular, isn't heT very!" said Mrs. Blan
dertkyne, with a sneer. "I'erhaps the tan-sun's
daughter will just suit him."
"Mr. Lovell," said Mrs. Ward. " divides his
time between bus ness and study, aud gives but
little attention to company or social amusements.
My husband sometimes plays chess with him at
our house, but neither of them are very tkillful
any first-rate player will beat either or both to
cether,aud I would not be surprised if Miss Jten
mngtou It beating him now. I heard him say
ouoo that he would never marry any laty who
did Jiot understand chess well enough to check
male biro the first time." .
" I will see how thev are coming ou with their
game," aald Mrs. BlanJerskyne, "just for my own
satisfaction." ...,., T n
"Well, Mns. Blanderskyne," said Mr. Loell,
" I am glad to seo you again : I am in need of
your tympathy and help. You play chess, I
sup note T ' , ,
" Xo, Mr. Lovell, I am sorry to say, but my
daughter Lovice it a first-rate player," autwered
""So you told mo before; but for Ibat very
reason tuo it not needed hero just at present. H
would not be wry gracious, or even quite fair, to
..v i,,- in ainL inn ai-aimt another oune lady:
but I thought vou might perhaps giyo me a hint
that would help me out of my trouble. This is
our second game. At the flrrt I was checkmated
at tho tenth wove i thit tlmo I have put in rcqui
altiuu all my genius and skill, for 1 am playing
ur a atako that I would be sorry to lose. Mist
Ifcutlngtou hot agreed to allow mo to Uke her ti
theoncro next Thursday evening, If I win this
uame. Of course, I could scarcely thinker asking
"our daughter to aid me in au emergency of this
aort; If you caunot help me, and no one else
wme to my rcacuB, I tupjic I am lost."
The !awon' daughter thought tho delecUsd a
rery lUUo grim Irony In Mr. Lovell't apal for
wSipalhy 2nd aid, aud hervery limited knowj.
oUaeof aorlety" did uot prevent her from feeling
vSured tu " InvlUUon to the ora would be
lher eervloe, even though the won tho next
Gorrf atinr" tho exclalmoil,treentIy.
0m, out, puultMisclM But If, I move my
Hnta out of danger my king It in ckeck and tho
next wove Tarn shockmated. There, I have lost
f) Mn, ktako tor wlileU I waa piaying, aim . m
P " ."! TT" .i. .ioji.t i.. imimmnv von to
L h n"?"'rrJ,.7.iTd7aSrtniatiitt
SlrWl wnaldemtlo'u'orTho'Cid luck that
Qa aUetided uiy eiforts." .... i
Ail MSling tuile,wilh a alisut W"l wi
It wm ta ouiy answer required.
ToUwvwl'MU Jteutlngton, that you came
) JMiud Mi.," Mr. vell'a
vTfc mllU for me. It U only wnr
-, eut ( U.lrway-ana the waa about to
aaMi'Mliey will eav tn at my homo, on their
jTtM M vt by'Mr.Ivol,who
Mrs. Blandertkytto had rallcn back a few tier
M the conversation progressed.
She knew very well that thoiad no right to
be trying to hear what thoto young pooplo were
aayiug, and yet the alood there with a malignant
fowl, and hoartl owry wor.1, and then erien
tined hcrsell nenxs tho room to where Lovlco was
tuindlng lik a wall-flower.
" Jutt at I told you 1 " tald tho angry and dis
heartened mother. "You are always keeping
yourtcll back out of tight I You teem to think
tho twenty-five hundred dollars a year spent for
your wanlrobe will manage your ease) but you
should show your areompliihmcnta at well a
your fmo clothing. There's that little Lodina,
the nnon't daughter, only twenty-two year old
seven ycart younger than you are and I be
lieve tho hat actually made a conquest of Mr.
Ixivell, while my anly object In bringing you
hero to-night was to havo you make hit acquaint
ance, lit too bad I Call your father, and let ut
go home."
Mrs, Blanderskviie't urcdletlons In rerninl to
the conquest wens verified
The place Lodina called home, and tho only
home she had when Mr. Lovell first met her. wat
a quiet and cumfortablo boarding-houtc, where
the had a right to remain and waa welcome, be
cauo the wat able to pay her board at the end ol
each week.
Within six month after their first meeting her
wedding reception was given in Mrs. Ward'a
"You may remember my telling you," said
Mr. IaitcII, addressing his friends, Mr. and Mrs.
Want. "that tho lady who should be my wife
must be able to play chew, and must checkmate
me tho first time."
" IK you hear that, Lovice?" said Mrs. Blan
derskyne. who was at the reception in full force,
her daughter's trouweau outthining that of the
bride. You know how to nlav chess, and if vou
had pmo right up to the table and plaved with
Mr. Uivell, and beat him, you would have
brought him right down to your TeeL But it's
too late now. I don't belieo you'll ever gel a
husband, unless you j down as far below your
proper position at Lodina Kensington ha gone
abovo here.'
But the chosen and happy bride of tho onlv
man she ever loved could have told the husbanif
hunting mother that a true marriage comet like
fortune and slcc not to those who devise ways
to encompass and catch it, but to those who are
prepared and ready to accept it as the dearest and
best gilt or Heaven.
A Coon Swallowed by a Snake.
Seeing a corner iu your iapcr devoted
to uie nmusing and instructive version
of wonderful "snake stories," which havo
been liberally dealt with, I hnvo waited
several weeks for somo more able writer
to give nn account of the ntrange behav
ior of a monstrous serpent that met his
fate in tho presence of several gentlemen
from St. Louis, that are abundantly able
to do the Rubject justice, but as they con
tinue to keep silent, I unostentahoxtsly
contribute the following, knowing that
many of your readers will entertain
gnvte doubts of the authenticity of tho re
lort as w ell as the veracity of the author:
Not many months ago, the writer was
I.Aiitnn'nr.1 Itmtnd ftvttn fltn fmttll U1H1
several gentlemen of quasi political rep- J
utation, who had beon sitting as tlio JLou
iiana Keturning Board, electiou ft anils,
etc. When our boat drew up to the
bank, a fow miles below Vicksburg, to
take ou wood, a number of pafjngerst I
among tho rest, ventured aslioro. While
engaged in drawing down a huge stream
er of Spanish moss, my attention was
called to a raccoon that was descending
a leaning tree a few yards away. Ap
proaching, I discovered a very largo
wrpent eagerly inspecting his coonship,
ami seemingly sjeculating on tho amount
of nitrogenous matter surrounded by tltat
glossy hide.
Down came tho coon, and his serpen
tine foe swallowed him without a strug
gle. By this time a number of the party
were on the siot, and were preparing to
liberate the animal by opening the abdo
men of the snake, wheu to our surprise,
the coon emerged from the caudal ex
tremity of his living prison, and scram
bled for the tree ho liad recently occu
pied. In thus attempt ho was foiled. The
wily serpent seized lum, tail foremost,
and sent him bowling home, but not as
easy as before, for the coon resisted every
effort of deglutition, and in this ho was
aided bv the displacement of his f nr, for
tho snaka was swallowinghim against the
nap. Such beiug the case, we concluded
the coon would never find his way out,
via the alimentary, and we again prepar
ed to open the reptile. In this we were
mistaken, for, after a series of struggles,
starts, stops, blind switches, etc., he
struck the main track, and came backing
out, bewildered but not discouraged, anil
again set ont for the tree. But tho snake
arrested him head foremost this time, and
drawing his huge body into a dozen or
more lateral angles, curves and convolu
tions, hoping thereby to retain him, ho
slid him down his oesophagus like a worm
lozenge. "But all to late." Tho cun
ning coon had learned tho route, with all
its by-roads, blind paths, drifts, dips and
angles. Ho again emerged, only to be
seized by the hungry serpent, who now
stood guard at the door.
This was repeated until the serpent
was eafeebled by exertion, and the coon,
animated with success, came galloping
through like a steer in a cornfield,
sprang clear of his foe and regained the
tree. The snake was then killed. Corr.
A Doctor with too Maky Patients.
Professor Virchow, the celebrated Berlin
phvsiologist, went last spring to Asia
Minor for the sake of rest and recreation,
and passed a large part of his vacation at
Hissarlik, on tho invitation of Dr. SclUie
mann. On his arrival at Hissarlik he
found several of the workingmen engaged
.. i. TMivntinns bnfferinK from an
obBtiuato fever, and although it is long
since ho gave up practice, he took them
under treatment. Ho cured them, and
immediately his reputation as a magician
was established there; and as there were
many Hick people everywhere in Asia
Minor, and nowhere a doctor or an
apothecary, Uie fame of the great magi
,.f ..-n.i with crrfat ramditv from vil-
luge to village. Every morning when
Yirchow left Uie little wpoden shanty in
which ho slept, ho found, first a few por
bons, then a crowd, and at last a mass of
people, encamped in front of the door,
and waiting patiently, but with eager
glances, for hU appearance. To
Send them away. impoH-ublo,
for thoy needed his help sorely, and
they hud often como from very long
distances, on foot, on horseback, on
camels, or carried on litters and in bas
kets. But to help them, involved an al
most complete sacrifice of rest and recre
ation, for thoy were many, and the con
sultation generally demanded tho em
ployment of two or three interpreters.
The sacrifice was mode, however, and it
Iiub an odd mult. For tho purpose of
making omo geological observations,
fi. i.n.1 lmln diitr in tho bed of a
driod-up river in tho "FHboh?wn"?
nl noticed that, until the holo filled
Ul) Willi waior, m ..-o.w.-.. r
down Uiero and made somo curious re
searches with a lidded candle. As soon
at Virchow had leit Hissarlik, the iieoplo
assembled around tho hole, lined U
sides with ueat brickwork and marblo,
baffied I it" Virchow's Well,' and now,
ffie tho magician has gone they bring
their sick to this well to o cured by
drinking ita tors and by ablutions.
The Bochestor Fprc toU ' PJ
son who "was born, warned and buried
?, tho same dav." We novor heard of
.., A..- il.i
.., a. ,i.a ..ittfrw.inn fiimiHui
An Incident or tho War.
Tho historian of "Tlio Lost CnuAo,"
Edward A. Pollnrd, doclnroa that tho
dotbttt of tho Confederate Army of
tho Vnlloy, near Winohostor, Vt.,
Sopt. 10, 18l5i, was tho beginning of
tho downfall of tho Contbdoraoy
Binco that victory, with tho opera
tions of tho following month In tho
Btuno quarter, destroyed tho military
powor of tho robollion in tho valloy,
olosod pormnucntly that broad
highway of Northern invasiou,
by which tho South had boon
ablo so long and so success
fully 10 divert tho war from tho
Interior of Virginia to its boundaries,
and effectually circumscribed tho
territory in that Stato. Tho battlo of
Winchester waa ouo of tho most
sanguinary and hotly contrasted bat
tics of tho war, Tho actual tiirhtinir
of tho day was confined to a spaco of
about fivo hours' titno after mid-day,
ana octoro mo mint result, over ouuu
of Sheridan's army wcro put hors lu
combat. Tho contest ended about six
o'clock, with tho rout of tho onemy,
vho lied iu tho greatest disorder to
Pishor's Hill. Tho Confedorato his
toriau is probably correct in tho
itnpot'tanco that he gives to this Un
ion victor, although 1 boliovo ho is
the only writer on either sido who
has clearly pointed out tho reasons
which made it bo disastrous to tho
of tho South. Tho report of
Gen. Grant (page 10) sets forth in a
few words, tho military situation in
tho Shcnanaoah Valloy just prior to
tho buttle. Ho says:
"Tho two armies lay in such a position
the enemy on tho west bank of the
Opequan creek, covering Winchester,
and our forces in frout of Borryvillo
that either could bring on n battle at any
time. Defeat to us would lay open to
the enemy Uie States of Maryland and
Pennsylvania for long distances before
another army could bo interposed to
check him. Under these circumstances,
I hesitated about allowing tho initiative
to Imj taken. Finally, tho use of the
Baltimore and Ohio Bailroad and the
Chesapeako and Ohio Canal, which wero
both obstructed by tho enemy, became
so indispensably necessary to us, and the
importance of rclioving Pennsylvania
and Maryland from continuously threat
ened invasion so groat, that I determined
Uie risk should be taken. But fearing
to telegraph the order for an attack with
out knowing moro than I did of General
Sheridan's feelings as to what would bo
tho probable result, I left City Point on
tho 15th of September to visit him at Ids
headquarters, to decide, after conference
with him, what should be dono. I met
him at Charleston n, and ho pointed out
so distinctly how each army lay, what he
could do tlio moment he was authorized;
and expressed such confidence of suc
cess, that I saw there wore but two words
of instruction necessary Go in!"
It is quite evident from nil this
that General Sheridan had very ex
act information as to tho numbers
and disposition of Early's army.
The facts as to how ho obtained this
information mako one of the moat in
teresting events of tho war; and
considering tho great importance of
the results that followed, the inci
dent deserves to be preserved iu a
reliable form. Somo attempts havo
been made to tell this story in tho
nowspapers, but always with an
effort to give a romantic gloss to tho
atfair which has detracted from tho
simple and interesting truth. Tlio
writer hereof passed through all tho
fortunes of that glorious day in one
of the Now York regiments, and
feeling desirous of learning tho
actual facts as to ho Sheridan
obtained his information, ho recently
wrote to tho person who has been
accredited with giving it a lady,
supposed to bo living at Winchester
requesting the facts and permission
to mako them public. Both woio
given a fow days later in a lotter
from Washington, and tho writer is
glad to bo able to furnish to tho
thousands who will feel deeply in
terested in tho matter, tho Btatomcnt
of Sheridan's informant in her own
words: "On tho 10th September,18G4,
a colored man camo to our house and
L'stvo mo n little package of tin-foil
about ono-half an inch square, which
ho said contatnod a nolo from Gon-
eral Sheridan, desiring mo to give
him any reliable information could
of Larlys forces. I had snont an
evening with a rebel officer tho Barao
wcek, and, as tho war was tho most
intoresting suuject, uu tiu u .
I askod many questions, and ho
replied to them; -so, when General
.Sheridan's noto camo, I knew all ho
wanted to know, answered his note,
and rolled it in tho same foil. Tho
colored man put it in his mouth and
i & i.- ...ii. Aii .
wont, mi-uv. Tho next i ncaru oi it
'the EomlnlV cannon on Mon-
day morning. You well Know mo
result of that day. llio goora
called in tho evening and told mo it
was on my information alono that ho
travo his orders of attack."
The writer of tho above now fills a
psi a-j-sjf js-rr
'rrcasury Dopartment, V, as 'Hftton.
Her namo m lorwarded to tho limes
with this communication; vui as siio
probably docs not cravo the notori
ety which would follow its publica.
tion, it is withheld. Of all the thou
sands of Union women at tho South
during tho war who helped aiong ino
good cause, it may do questions .
any of them had a bettor opportu
nity to aid it, or improved it better,
than this one. Sho pcrformod an in-
good cause, it may bo questioned u
estimable servico tor that causo, oy
giving this information, and doBorvcs
the gratitudo of ovory patriot lor it.
m....r.,.,Mr.PAiiiioT. Avery nico-
lorfv irirold clerm-man took o haudsoino
i, "this
birds I
young Jauy W see , . m-r
"- . m ..n .1, . ntrfit.
lu "I1V iicur. PUIU i.
. . A n.MHalrnli1n ItlfilU T
is one oi uie most n "-"-"-V" T.iT
oversaw, ion wui ".."--
i..i" riiiin i,i frntininun s voicu wub
.-, -J . mw .
ho young lady
of ongolio ex-
(od itself and
dovelike in its softness, ino
l.nnl fnruriiril with U look Of
...i.,nv 'I'tui binl aroused
Lid. onlv this and nothing moro: "O,
him." Thev stood JOOKing ui um yn
for somo timo, but it preserved ft digin- hfps beating up
lied silenco. Tlio ow u .w. Avury,....,i An Tiitf? Won't vou speak ' much
Awnw Y
dry nn, you old, hoary-Ueodod hypo
Street Change! In Paris. j
Tho report of the Prefect of tho Soino
on tho subjeot of tlio proposed changes
in UionamoHof Uio streets in Pnrin, which
has just been publiMiod, provokes
numerous comments. M. llerold begins
by acknowledging that changes in
familiar nomenclature are undesirable
unless specially called for by public or
national consideration, lie proceeds
forthwith, hownvor. to liiako tho execu
tion provo tho rule, and either on his
own proposition, or as mouth-iiicco of
tho Municipal Council, lays before tho
Minister of tho Interior a table for ro-
lunusior oi mo interior a lame lor ri
classing highways and byways that Mi
stagger tho most knowing of Purisin
Jarvios. To begin with that promiuei
mn witn mat uromimml
landmark the Place de l'Ktoile, where
stands tho magnificent Arc do Triompho
(now crowdod bv Cook's tourists, one of
whom may bo heard contending -a ith his
fellows Unit this monument is really no
finer than tho marble arch on Oxford
street), twolvo avenues radiate from its
, strt
enter, tliree ol which tlio t'leiect ot the
Seine intends saoritleing, to wit tho Hoi
uo Komo, iiOAotiluno, anil Kcino llor
tense. In their places tho names of
Klebor, Marceau and IIoclio are to ap
pear. M. llerold expresses surpriso that
nouo of theso llepublican generals have
i been honored in this spot dedicated to
martial memorials, and can only account
for tho omission by tho fury of Imperi
alist worship. It seems high timo that
i thoy should havo their due now. Four
leading persons of the Second Enmiro
are to be relegated to oblivion Marshals
St. Arnrud and Magnani and MM. Ab
batucci.audBillault. The first because
ho owed his Marshal's staff to tho abom
inable crime of which ho was one of the
principal authors, viz., tho coup tl'ctul.
The second, because nobody desires tho
mainteuancs of his name. The third be
cause there is a doubt as to its paternity,
whether a General of the same name, or
tho Minister of Justice, the Abbattuci, of
the Second of December. Ah public
opinion identifies the street with the hit
ter, there can be no question of its lieing
spared. Billault ought to disappear, be
cause talent is uo extenuating circum
stance in a case of political apostney. In
their place wo are promised the nnmes
Lincoln, Beaurepairo, La Bootie, Chnr
ras aud Bouget do Lisle. Lincoln and
Washington are suggested by thoir
proximity to tho Chtunps-Elysoes, Ameri
can spirits, who are expected to feel
highly honored at the compliment.
Beaurepairo was the heroic defender of
Verdun in 179'J, and is intended to
eclipso Magnan. La Boetie, author of u
work called "Contreun," will, it is sup
posed, bo in suitable company near
Pierre Chandon, the obscure successor
ofDoMornv. The namo of the Picsi
dent of the llcpublic.ontlie '.20th of Janu
ary, the day of his accession, has been
suggested as appropriate to tho K-lluo
St. Arnaud, whero M. Gievy occupied an
apartment, but his well known modesty
forbado such a stroke of adulation. It
is to become Ituo do Volnoy, aftor tho
author of "Les ltuines." Charms is to
efface Clary, an obscure member of tho
Imperial family. The Municipal Coun
cil, in a suifdcn whim of classicism,
thought of Juvenal, but nobody cared
for the Roman satirist outside tlio Lux
embourg. The Hue de Bouillo will get
rid of an irritating souvenir of tho enemy
of tho Revolution for tho peaceful namo
of an artist of great talent. Tho Buo
Dauphine, emblem of monarchy, niiut
assume tho stylo of Buo do la Conven
tion. Tho Buo des Fouillants is con
demned because the late Prefect, M. Du
val, did not think fit to consult his Coun
cil before christening it. Tho present
ediles suggested in its stead tlio Marseil
laise, but M. Herald, for his own reason,
prefers the supposed composer of that
melody, Bouget do Lisle. Tho clerical
sounding Ituo des Carmens is to Iks re
tained, and tho priestly Buo do la Visita
tion will become Buo St. Simon, be
cause that aristocratic worshiper of kings
had his abodo there. "Is not this a tri
unphant answer to thoso who accuso us
of blind exclusieness?"asks tho Perfect.
Georges Sand is to perpetuate her fame
in the appropriate precincts of a theater
near Paul Louis Courier. Mario Louise
and Mario Louise Antoinette streets aro
to have "and" interposed botween tho
double name, according to the original
idea of their founders, who never thought
of these royal personages, but only of
their two daughters. "Where is tho
cause for laughter or complaint of intol
erance?" hero again inpuiresM. Herald.
Ledru-Rollin is to bowl over a Colonel
named Lacuee, whoso only claim to dis
tinction consisted in having been killed
at Austerlitz, though his remains are
promised preservation by way of transla
Hm,n,i nf inazus to oeccant journalists is
tion to another locality, xuo ioo nuiiumr
to vanish in favor of tho encyclopedist
Diderot, and Edgar Qninet is to wipe out
Boulevard do Montrougo "w hie hill re-
tn!& "Z
Denfort (t,,0 namJe of tho tiefontler of
Jioitort)t although tho Prefect is no nar-
tigan of this play upon world. Corr.
London Mirror.
Women and Schools. Tho registra
tion of women voters for the school com
mittee is going on actively in Massachu
settsmore actively, it is said, in the
country' townships than in tlio cities.
Tho Rev. O. V. Mayo says: "Jo ouo
imi n c,i r.. ful nhsorver can estimate tlio
-lirinc o( hundreds of these
bottns of .llool committeemen during
tll0 t fiv0 VC(ir8 jt i not too much
to say that tho entire class of superior
. teachers in these towns is in tho market
biding its timo to remove to mow favor-
suisrtl s
can ,mral 1)0 timatolf Ha-
I)ermteruent M. A. West's expenoneo in
t. Tiiinnln iKstricts leads her to m:
"A woman is much moro apt to havo in
oyo single to tho good of tho school n
casting her ballot for schoorolllcers. Hix
years' experience as County buperin-
"";" artv 1)0ntics. whisky or bus-
tondent lias convinced mo u; i 'j
j conHi,loroft0n control tho votes
WHICH .H0J0CI BCllOUi Uliiv-u.". ,.."
York Tribuno.
i mQOr M Vflrard do Santa Anna, who
hf (ioviil a schomo for constructing a
viluluct acIom til0 Htraits of Dover, will
' soon go to England with tho viow of cn-
Hstinirtho aid of capitalists, ;
mates tho cost of the viaduct at feou.uw,
mates tho cost of the viaduct at feou.uw,-
fXJO, but his figures nro undoubtedly too
low. Ho proposes that his viaduct .shall
, l,o high enough for tho largest ships to
, Iia liwrli 'knit1
' "'"","'- ."Vi ii n onu enough
i"i -;- ,, ,( Hfliijnir
not to eimuiiBcr w." " y4l --.., '
.,;i,,.r will havo U bo
stronKor thun tho Eddystouo Light-
. . .. ..,1, ...nn.jnM V IIO
noiiso. Dccauuu it ,.v--- rf
much higher, and broader at tho baond
ton, so us Ut secure tho double oliccto
! allowing ships to pass underneath, a nil
u...1.ll,, n mitmrstnicturo Bliosiuiinut
enough to boar tho weight of ft railway
train to bo built upon them,
On a recent visit lo Dr. Keek's office,
wo thoro hod tho pleasure of mooting
Mrs. P. S. Fokor, daughter of Dr. Win.
Jolly, of Washington county, and now
tho wife of a well-known cltiren of Mo
Minnvillo. This lndy stated that for
three months she had been allHotod with
that terriblo disease, cancer ot tho womb.
After being treated by ouo physician
without receiving any benefit, and tho
cancer in the meantime rapidly enlarging
until it attained the sio of a man's list,
causing the most excruciating pains, shu
consulted several physicians of high
standing in tho profession, who, upon
examination of her coso pronounced it
incurable, and said that sho must die.
Bolioviug that her speedy demise was
certain sho accordingly nmdo tho neces
sary pro-mortuary arrangement of hor
affairs. But her father, who is also an
old physician, advised hor to place herself
under Dr. Keek's treatment, which, with
very slight hopes of recovery, sho con
sented to do. In about six weeks from
that time tho Dr. remoed the cancer
from her, root aud branch, restoring her
to husband, family and friends; and sho
expresses herself as being now in tho en
joyment of excellent health.
Through gratitude tothoDoctor.whoni
sho regards as tho savior of her life, and
for tho benetlt of thoso who aro now. or
may yet be, similarly alllicted, she dosttes
ino jiuiiucaiiiiii in iiiti lurvgwiig -ii ii
quest to which we cheerfully accede.
A soldier told a Curiri,-Joiminlint the
other day that at the battlo of Hull Bun
lufmet a fellow soldier who was very
much excited. "Wlmfs up?" "It's
getting hot up there." "How do you
know?" "Because a sutler's just been
killed." -Louisville Courier-Journal
Mlti in a Mil ir nny iiiirrlimir or In writ
lutein rMnitoniir mlMllfiiiiitln
I III. vl""r )'" will citir niri.ll.iii 'I""
hlnr ol' thr tirr.
Portland Business Directory
CAltnWKl.t. W. IJ.-H.i: cor. HlrmtuU Mor
rltun, over Stomas I'lilnecof Art.
SMITH, tilt. K. 0.-!7 ;Klmt utrcet,
sill I'nllrol'ir. limine i a illatnnce
promptly att)-iilil I 'W till nnl -almim
moni:y i.oam-.k -tiooos iiouuur
ItB Produce Hold XivninU Unllri'lril. I.
A. VOOA CO., Itc il Kutitto Alicut
T. I'll I t MS.
Woimvp.'HI potiti'l- r llr vlor 111 cxcelli'iil
ortlir uhtcli wa will k-II f r WrnlK prr pmuiil.
W. I'. I'aI.viKH. liirtlnml.
At lot ny i " oiui"oli' ur Ijiirr
Portland, : : : "regwi.
HoomsSitnd ' oei First N.tlioiuil Hank
l'irticn!r uiifiiM n pil'l to liulniMi In thr
Unito I -ln conn
A First-Class Lodging House
be unlil nn o Iitiiih. Tlie lioup lui
o enrnl S'WJ Iht tminili under If m prmrut iiikii
an mem A rmr I uivnln lo thr ilclit twirou.
AiJri' 'ritLHiit M ttltv, I'iit I mil.
Urund, Hqnure and Upright I'lanon, nd
Etejr and MUudurd UiRint.
ins Firm Stlrrrt. I'orllnnil rricon
Morrison Mlrret, er th Pust Olllce,
I'OitTi.A.tii, oitK;ojr,
I prcpurtd tofurnlnti SB Grtn for ) cent;
lg UouiIc-Ie.(1 Uriiii forMcenu; 12 curd lze
for 1 25; 4 Uou-tonn for tl; hx it. to Irame,
St ft). Children pictures u uptcmlty. II
Tlio XSoMt Soap Maik.
Atk your Orooor for It.
1SJ3 I'roiitHt . Portland, or.
Mni for Ort-iron nd Wsuhlnitton Terrltorr
IloMolMtrtr. Orugoii.
No Mom-: mi: to bkkd youii fink
Walchot Ui Portland for repair A lino
artmiit of WbU-Iics, Clockt, Jewelry, 8c
taclct ami Kyc-jilatwt always on liaml.
Th only reliable 0itomeU-r In Howbiiro for
tho proKT uiljiiiitiut'iit of Hieetarltt nil Kyo
glniwot, which will prctenc nnd ttrengtl.tii tho
pit- All work warranteil.
I'rrimro for llualiim
tnd the practical duilenot
llfti In a yntrnitlo ooiirno ol
Inttructliiii In Ilookkoeiilnir.
linnlnetH Kormt. lluilneu
) Knifllih Urunclw. Koi
roll liiformHllon HddreH
l)r yniner .t Whltr. lirllitwl
Patent Fire, Water uml Vtott Proof
X tliU valuuble patent on tlio I'mcKIo I'oum,
It now prepared to execute all ordert fnrlliti
above Uine for wtlkt, driven cllart, lloiiin,
and mII oullilliiir iiurioot. TliU ttone It
lulil In all hapeiunil In ny color or variety of
colors. Order muy lo left st 81 Front tret,
opp Kite llio Holtin i'ounn, I'ortlaud. Tirirm
idven and ekllmala made by mull,
" 0I1AH. 1J. IJUUItiCOOl', Proprietor.
Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds,
Silver nnd Plated Ware,
At Greatly Reduced Prices.
No Failure, No Forced Sale, No Deception.
To mako room for u now ttock of gooU wlilrli
I am about lo tclci t croiially In llio Kuat uml In
, liurojw, i oner ai nrntiet in my lino
I At Cott Durlae Sentember
Cimtorneri aro invito! to rail anil jnniiutt, ami
be convinced of the good fultli of my ttutvinent.
xjisxois Mtoiv woi:t.T:5jf
lllnchmiilltiliiK mid reiAlrln- Mono tt Mmrt lintlrn
OjimIoI nltontlou given to Wood Working limohlliory. Corner I'rmit uml Main MlrrnU
rottlniKl. orcKiui. .. .-
So fumed for his great success In tho trout
iiuiut aud cure of
Can, will and does, positively, radically,
painlessly, and itiliuiit Iht ute of thr lnfr,
If alllicted with this terrible illteiwo,
heretofore usually fatal, do not, as you
value your life, submit to the murderous
bntcheiy of a stirulcnl operation, which In
variable leaves portions of the roots In the
llesh us (miit.aml all thecancerotis linniur
In the system us ood for tlio Krowtlt and
development of ouo or more rancors,
more painful, luritcr and deeper scaled
thiiu the ilrxt.
lly Dr. Keek's method, the cancer, If
not too ruriidvuiired. isdooird by medi
cine, administered Internally, ami tints
carried front I lie system, never to return;
and In the more advanced stum's, It Is re
inovud by a iiu'dlciuut iiiilU'nlloii to the
part, and the medklue is used internally
to cleiiitsu the system of the cuiuerous
Do not he huiiihti!K('d' ' physlclnns
who will show you a number of cnucer
tumors, cut from patients mid preserved
in class ars. True, the cancers uro there,
bet too often the patients from whom
they were cut', nut bo found only In the
Call and see the Doctor, and, Instead or
showing you pi luted or written cerlill
eates, ho will rt-rer you to reputable, liv
ing citlrens of Portland and elsewhere,
who will isrutefu'.ly testify that tlioyiinve
been periiuinontly cured by him, even
after liavlnn heoti prouminieil incurable
and loft to dio by other pliysh-hins.
Ollleo consultation free. Chronic am!
diseases peculiar to womvn a sHciulty.
Ollleo. 135 Klrst st., Ktrow bridge's build
ing, l'oithuul, Oregon. olfilm
rliln llnuclioiuo Aiiiixrliiiu la M iulr.
or 10(1 ljr r ruiilnllie.l In iur II
liMiraletl cnlMloicitei ol
Brackets and Chandeliers.
Tlio nAmpletliown liold3K;llonnr water;
I niHilnol liciivy mill KitM, Willi I liflily eirua
niintrd Iron ttaiid utid brR ctiatiu ami urn
menu l'rlcn S7. Hume ntyln iioldliic ifal
loin of wilier without chain-., i. Othei aril
elm at iroporlloiiHtely low prlc. Calaloxii(
lOcenU, wnlcli limy Imj deducted from ttie llrl
113 Morrison St., Portland, Or.
Solo Agont Tor" Oregon, Wnah
ington nnd Idnho.
Safer than Korosono !
Cheaper than Coal Gas !
H prln n n eld (Itt MHrtilne, we are now pre
nared lo Introduce Maclilnen, lu l'lpe, Klx-hire-,
etc. Into Cntiktry Itetldenceii, llotele,
KrUirlM, I'ulillo IlullitliiK'. eln., In any part o(
llio Htnln or Terrllnrlnt. r"or further Informa.
lion apply or tend fnrclrruUri.
joiinho.v iior.nKy,
1W Front HI., rortlaud, Or,
i i iiai i in.
to iiuv
for. rirNluuil YiiiiiIiI I. Pwrllnuil,
Cook, I'arior anil IIox Slovcs,
Maimfaclutert of all klndt of
Jloolhio' ami all kind or Job Work
I'loinjitlyiilleiiduil to
No. IUJ rimt rltii-l, I'orllnml, UreKPH
Mnnufnoturors nnd Oenlers In
102 Front Stmnt, Poitliunl, Or
NKWH PHINT, Wl.llo nml CoIoiimI.
HOOK PAI'iniS, Whiln nml TliiUM.
FLAT rAI'KllH. ofiill iliwilpUona.
liKDCIKU l'Al'UltH.
KNVKI.OIM'.S, of nil hihiiiii1 quitlttlcH
CAltnilOAHDof nil KIihIh.
l'Al'KH UA0.4.
TWINKH, i:ti-., lUo.
Cnnla Cut to Onlr.
AgontH rorSluittttolt A PlotolieM-'n
wall-known 13lnck untl
Coloftul InUu.
Wo lmvo Hovenil fnulM of .lob 'I'jjm
(tti'iirl.v nnw), whli'li wo will will )r
Ciikun, (lulloyn, Li'iuIh, UiiIch ,uh
rrhiturH nocoKwu iim Kimoriilly Kojit on
liiiitil. ,
Nii'nmporrt otitlltti'il tit Hit jirii-o
froirjlit ItlllllHl.
WJ.VauSchuyvor & Co.
1.3 Klonl nnd ft flr.l M... 1'orlUiin, Oj
CyitiB Noblo Distillery
l.yiirli'jiiU Oilo,
AIo keep nn li.ti'l 4 Nri- .ilmc It ol tl.r ta.
1m litar forlle lirH). ol
iiNiri:u vi: htanh
comisiintm. iiointinv
old ioiTi:it inirn.i i:d uk
Forrlen and lliiimOlr 11 Inn, llrandlri
()'n, Hurt, nml nil Ihr l.raillnc
iliandauf lllttrn. mm CnioUooili.
(I'lliner) MIU.U'KKK IIKKU.
Al,iiiHtabl(k Slralncr
Kltlirr or llotlt Flltcd to nnr Mir.
rplir. BTKAMKIW Wll.l H.Wh THE
a prirn of llionix'hixi III two ml in in)
family Tlioy run li iim, with aihnU
In lulling, u It It nnaMllile to Imril meat M
vrp!Uililn U) tlio oollnin of y.nir li. III.- WlifO
tliev arn ihh-I Iu teniiuiit, wlinlrir you r
niilliiR It iinhl.i of tho kettle, lli-'n-lty iUaf
tlio full ln-in-fil of tli IhsiI. 'I'lu-y nn: jii-t what
It itaiilttl in mniiiDK fruit Kitlmr Ilia Nlrninrr
orHtiaiiKr run Ui reinvil with n Kiuf' or fork
wlicu liol, anil urn i-nily n-ljn t i .No rrierl
orJnlnU about eltlior that art1 Imril to teeji rlfiui.
Mold l.y AKrnl foi 7,1 ftnU e-'
County Rlubta for Sale.. Aildrau
JA.M1-H MiMI'ltltAY,
lUtt Portland, Or.
For (tooling liotli nu 'I In mil Hhlnflti
nliliiKln rixtrn lit h unrlit Wllltloiilrili
on ux toof. Wi lefer tiy iermll'1ii lo J '
Ihinovun, lulex ICnii, All.Ky A llenelr.l";
!.nliimitt A Onlmnii.Hiiil oilier i-IIU'i"
I'nrlluii.l. Tho imlnt will Im iniplM n
Hodgs. DhvU A Co., IMillHliil nl II HU"t '
Ion. Kncli gullon will n ver !', iiiiii" I'1
nnit I mUitrr liliijcln tixif bill one coul U "f
ery. Kill I illrriitlonnHrooinpMiiy eclif
go. All InforiiiHtloii with regHnl to tlie 11"
ran bo huil I.) mlilreaalng
ui'KiNHntv .i nr.NmnXi
V, rtluml, Of.
Tho iiikIt1ikn having Immmi oj!1!!.!"! T'1
ii inu nn wniu'tt
"tUUKKA 8t.N JUAN 1 1.MK,
WoiiM remx-clfiilly rail Hi.- nlli-ntloiiof 'Im'J
mm i-oniri-iori to nml iirunn loiioio iun
eliwwliere. We ilinll rmteovor lo kii-p u Ml W
ply on linmt nl nil tlim-4 and ut llio lowwl m,w
Ant MHliiifncturom of
Toold for rittiilnit, Moldlnir nnd TurnW'
t'alllei HteiU'lK, Iron llniur WrU, !
nnuiiiK utr rein-en. iiwnii .--or
II re nor y Work iimilo
u ururri .-
Aim Kuriii MHclilnnry ropulreil on "liorl o"rl
No. (U null 04 KroiitNlrrel orlllU','"
IHH Uml Nlreel, I'orllNitil, "
WlmlmtloanJ Ilttull Dealer I"
Doon.Wlndowi and Blindi. Paints. D'"'
Bruihei, etc, ofo.
Ho. 05 Front 8ti-t,Fortlnud-
urCnutrmctor ami DeMleri urn nM',eJ
kiuil for ourllitof nrltiM,
r7 . w i rj-fjiriL; whW wiu
? MXMS J WW ff- ..-,
v.l W.
. fWi1J-it., .' if
?R 1
! J