The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, October 25, 1879, Image 3

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    w-ii'',w.,pj(iiljf.,yiiiiimiil()iyjpljiyjl jgjimj w
a L-. u .E.J.V ' . --- vvio,ws - ' v fli -.virT- ""
mtmMVMimwinnrMyrriiJtMiytvrtti'Mr'hiijjiiifH , uir ijn.n)iiiiwwir.Juii.,ljw i jj,M,i.iiu'.jnmrjii
Oil, tffl. 1S70
Hciiooi. Ki'.N'iw.Wiiiiorlntfnilorit
Monro nnulo (lio nppurtitmiiiciiL of
tlio iimucrt iiiUnvnt mi (ho school
fund (o I lio Hovonil ilinlHol f (liiu
I'otinly, on tho I lth inwtinit. Tli
iiinouniH duo tho ditriot urn n ful
Jowrt : ' .
$ !W on
in is
No. 821 M 1
21 ! 0
25 2U Vfl
" 8fl 80 10
" 27 UniOjiprlrd
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Isiumvmtv. On tho lt instant
jtidKtiicnt wrwiluly ontorod up ly tho
rotiuty Tlcrk, atcoidinj; to the order
of tho JudKc, in favor of 31 r. C. F.
I.iiho and naitiMl W. A. Lino for $."50,
for the Mtppoi t of hcntolf and children.
Tho judgment in not paid, and though
elocution in in tho hand of tho Shot
itf there appoara to lio little olinnuoof
collecting tho monoy. A. K. Wag
KliiU'Ntill fraudiilontly holiU tliu mliij).
ping iiitmwU (purchased for one
lir) which would Htivo paid tlio jmig
incut, if Limo had nut fotioil n ninn
mean enough to help hide it from the
illlccr,i. Mi' leachoa liijclaa In Bab
hath hcIiodI liHika ujton tho happy
facet of thiH'hildrcn by whom hu U
toirrounded and think, perchance
with xatiiifaction, of (he family of lit
tle oncM at Mamliillii whom ho i
uttcmpting to roll of thfir dally bruail.
Oil' liypncriivy iiioat Uannwblol Tho
lii'iirt of acauuibat i imuttmoa wrft
filed by tho MufFsring of ohihihood,
but lliin creature noomi utterly devoid
f the iiiMiiic'U of humanity.
A Uanvkky ok TiitsCoiirfi,WRFor
noine time past a man from tho north
k m p.irt of the Htalc a lwn trying
to :ct up a company to l.uiUl a can
ncrvoii the Cmiuillu rivor, but wo nro
informed that ho lto lliua far 1iet
with no Htl'itanlUl ccourigtmont.
AVidi latncil milniou at th jirwnt
pric 'i the euterprinv would hardly bo
prolilable, but lhv r plenty of Jih
in thi' rier to justify tho et)Urpaine
when tie product Bill) At A fftir price.
1'aiti inn.3it Bnmlft)', Aa tho
htciimer fou wa goinjf dmen the iy,
ii ah irt ditaiii'o below Kuilh Doud a
line bin k waa aighUxl swimming in
the bay, and two nquiiw ill pursuit
with u I'linoe. Tho tcam'r liendcd
I he di er nil', and although be mtuto a
il. peialn i'iatftumi Jio fH Irletim
to the led i;ii N of tho furvvt, who Um
th 'ir j; vnu lulioro in triumph.
Tin: M.iiK. Thfa touncli littlo
hchn '!'-'T unit in at KHuiiftburg on llm
llih, am! at Port Orfiil on the 26Ui.
She is prnbablyJii I ho Coijnillo before
this The pooplo at oAcb of thync
nevcral ports oo depcnditig on her
fnmupplioH, and ro mucli rcjoioodat
her Hafe ariiMil in port oftor a clrmy
A it ii i vim.- Tho 7VrijV arrived yo
torday, with l ho following pmwengoV
lint : I) ltitxtmui, W O Sweetstor, wife
iiiul two imildfuii, Mia F SweeUor,
IIisa K HwouUcr, C T .Swoetjcr wify
uitdoiuld,.MiiM Ilnrifliul, T Hirst wife
nnd child, Mr. A Hntler and child, J
LXay, .Mrn Chimlvr and thrtw ehil
ilren,(i DeLoaa, 1' (luutor nud ll'lirtk-
(Iois'ii NoitTii.l,m(t flubb.tlh ovo
niiiK Itcv. .1. W, lltfiivlnt preachod hU
farewell sormon in this ilaco, to a
InrgocongioKutlun. .Mr. lioavln ia n
young man wlioao ability And OAniW
coiiHiHtcul piety ipittlify him for un
fulncss in tho liiluUtry and wo regret
that hoh.isducided lo loavo thin, for
another field of labor. Ho goo to
Umatilla county.
AH'oixrMr.NT. .Mr. W. 11. WoUull
liaa rocotvud lliouppointiiiuiituf Dep
uty V, H, Maralml. ThU appointmont
will bo gcnorally approved by thopeo
pic, and, uulcHri w nro much uiixlak
I'li.Mr.AVclhollnill inakongood ami
ollltieiit oUicer,
1 Ioti:i, fiiANoii.-.Tlio Wordcn lro.
luuo IciHcd tho Contral Hotel in HiIm
place, and will tiiko control ou tho lt
nppioximo. Thoao gentlemen have
hail Home oxpnrieuoo in thin line of
luiaiiicHs, ami will roooivo u large
nluiroof tho patronage of thopuhlio,
Iti:v. 1'AriiRii llKiNituiui of the
f'atliolic Clnuoh, luu bt'uii on the bay
during tho wcok, and will iit lita
people down tho eouat as far aa Hoguedcu, A. lobreo, and all other men
river, before returning to the inlet lor.
Tin: steamer Myr.le has beou thor
oughly repaired, and w ill probably n
aiiui'i her regular trijisijii tho bd) to
day or to morrow. She ia iun in i
lielter.coudlliiiii than alio has eu l
fore been much she came to Oreguil.
Wiihiu.ku'h ale.ini ihreshin ma
chine has boon running on H i i 1 1 1 K -1 : -'
nnd Oiluioro'a iiopi mi Willa.nli
"lough.apaiaof do vy
Pcrlltirtil liilcrniitnturlcN AiihtVci'CiI.
Tlnri' npcnm lo lio coimldurnhlo
Voting nKmiii Mr. Jmu on nrcotint
of llio peinlliiK nellniiH of ojeotiiioiit
agnhiHt reiloU occupying join) for
wlifrli lit- liol.ln (lie KAt Utlu. WlirU
itinnii liny ami payn for ii lit. Jlut
wo do not wIhIi (oiIIooiiwi tho inorll
nfllmnnxo. We irillimlni fow qinw'
Uoiu which nuiy lul liglit inlo diuk
pliu'f", ns follow i
Wm not oiio Wnnvioktlio owitOr of
too proiuiMMlu (UiipuloV
Did not tho pcoplo of Mnrtliilulri
hi w ii lawyer Io ffo ittitl buy tho prom
loon from Warwick?
After thi lawyer had aeon Warwick
and iwortaliioil that tha proiniaea
eoiild h imiight for C.0CK), why did lio
not conclude a bargain?
Did not Luce dif'ovor Warwick'
wliuroAlaiuU Ihroiigh lawyor Wolwtar?
When lawyer Welwter ot Imok to
Han Framdico. did not Luuo Hart itn
medialoly for Iowa and buy out War
wick? Did not Wrlwter, inntoad of buying
(ho land. Induco Warwick lo nfl in
another man, and did ho not makoar-
mugementa with anid other mini to
noli lota and act ai agent for him in
doing T
If mi, what would havo heoii tho
f dlffemnce to tho leoplo whothor they
laiugiii oi liUao or oi wuimtor, a tlio
latlcr.iiUenileil they should, thi be
ing triit?
Wan not W?hlcr tho heat friond
Lute had in thia traiiHaction?
If the pwipln of Alnrxhflcld Ioo
1'icir hiinica. will I hey not owo it cs
i IumvoIv lo I lie ignoranco or dlahon
ity of this xame lawyor whom thoy
paid to go and buy out Warwick, Jbul
who came back without buying, and
as tho agent of tlio owner?
Will tho Ji7 tako up thewo qiioa
tion in tho onlor in which thoy aro
publiahed, and anawor thorn? Argu.
t Tlio forogoiug was written liy ono
of huae' iuiplcmontH and published
by anotlior, the object being to create
distrust and divUion among (bono
whom Lum i trying to rob by legal
procoaa. Hut wo aro prepared to an
swer theao question, and wo invito
IboHo who may be inclinod to give at
tenilon to tho faIelio.Ml auggonti'd
(heroin, lo enquire of thoao who were
acquainted with this citmir.BUncc
and Miliafy tliomnelros n to the facta.
Int. Wan not Warwick tho owner
of the premiac in tliputd?
Wowiawor, lie waa not. Warwick
lived on fho land, not a a donation
claimant, butnaa hired nian for IHvin,
tucefvinfi 50 per mouth therefor. In
'1396 lie turned over all Ida interet to
Dnvla, and left the country, having no
further intereat in Oregon. Hut Da
yfo neglected to put lit oonvurAmm
from Warwiok on reconl.
2.I. Tho jiooido of Mnnthflold did
n'tt "hiiv a lawyer to go and buy the
premise from Warwick." At the
time whan Uie decfaiuu uaa rendered
by tlifteerel.iry of tho Interior in fa
vor of the Warwick title, Webator waa
&mt,to atari- for the HtnlO-of Xow
York on tKmTnoAB nrhVolVu, and "the
people raiaod About $90 toasaist in de
fraying the exiHMiao of hunting War
wick up and ouing if tsomo contract
enidd not be made with him to co-operate
with the uHiceiia in defending
ttaobr projerty Against Lii3e, who waa
then claiming to act oa the agent of
Dwvia in controlling the .Marihfichl
claim. Webutor found Warwick, but
ho did not Ami that the premiaea
eAuld bplwught for 13,000 or any oth
er eum : and if he had. Webaler had
! but a very little available money with
whili to pnrohaKO.
8l. Luae did twl dlaeover War
wick' whereabouts through lawyer
WobHer, but ho niado the diacovcry
through )Mira and ltten that oaiiio
to Uixi County Clork'a yWco from
4th. When Wehater got back to
Han Fntnelaeo, I.imedid hu turt im
mmliately for Iowa, and iidnoi a tart
till after Webaler har reached home
and papewluul been sent on liy War
wick nnd placed .on tho county rec
ord. 5tb. WoUterdW not induce War
wiek to i)ll lo auothOr man. Ho did
Wlggoai to AVarwlck lo niakb a deed,
not a snle) lo Diokouaon, for the pur
poaa of jtfTonliug greater protection
against Jaiao, but AVelwter did not
makoarnmgonient with said Dick
eniioii "or any other man," to act a
hiaagwu in selling lots; nor did Weh
ater over noo DiohoiiMiu after tho
making of said deed waa nteutioiiQd.
Otli. Wohatur did try to make a
contract with Warwick in auch n
niannor aa to protect tho intercuts of
tho occupants of lota in Marshllold,
and did write to (ho committee of auid
oilUensjfroin Atlantic, Iowa, soliciting
their co-operation in his otlbrt.
llelug u u aide to secure a deed (ron
Warwick, Wultor inatlO a parole
contriiot with him, whioh was to havo
been carried out aftor Wohalor's arri
val at Murshtiold, but which was 'vio
lated by Warwiulc in making the
deed to Luso.
- (u support of tho representations
hero niado wo would I'esiwetfully re
for tu Or 11. Merchant, A. Naaburg,
O. II. Uuhlen, I. I lacker, W. A. Win-
who wero mquaintod with tho oir-
i tun .tames at tho timo of their ouour
nun c.
The position of tlio Argus in this
ciintroer. is what wohnd roaaou to
i'vl. Tho i ntiro concern, editor
and all, i but a uiero uuiohine under
I.uso'a control. H has supported W.
A. l.uso in liis robbery of his wife and
ihibli.i' of their means of support
il now i h minion i i in it 1 1
iiuniuon, ilio at'empt of II. I
i! Lo i i i di pi.m, tho ic.iuU'iits of
Mnralllif'bl, find lis th" iimh(-
can prngroaac, cpii t tlmt W
I Aito will jirova hit own virtue and
(hat of Diona Doylei liy tho anine au
or i.miriBi,i).
Ill tho full or Winter of IRoi), (ho
exialetnie of Cooa IJay having become
known among tlio venturous apirila
who thronged tho ahorua of the Pa
cific, at that period, Mr. .faineg C. Tol.
man, tho present Hurvnyor (leneral
of lliia .Slate, came here to scok a Held
for profitable investment. Ho noted
tho advantage of tlio (litre rent point
on the bay, and selected tho present
town ilo of Marsh flold a the jKiint
designated by nature a tho future
emporium of tho bay. Ilo took pov
session of tlio tract and built n don
bio log house on the hill land ; the
same house was formorly occupied by
(Japt. (hiirgo Hamilton, now owned
by John Hear ami occupied by Mr.
Molarkey. In the Spriug of IBM, Uo
men named Villianls and Crosby
entered the baj with a small vessel
ami a contract was mode between
them and Toluiau, by tho term of
which Williams nnd Croahy agrcod
to put up a Bloro and warclioiido and
to bring on a slock of goodi and itinu
gurato tho busiiiosa of merchandis
ing. They wero lo receive from Tol
uiau two lots each u mi inducement
to this enterprise. About this time,
tho channel a far us this point, was
sounded, and the place was named
Marshlield. It has ever since been
popularly known a the town or ito
of Marslilleld. Umpire city had al
ready Hoc n JiHintlisl ny tno associa
tion known a the Coos Hay Compa
ny, uuil tlio local jealousy which has
since existed with varying intensity,
then commenced. The store was iin
"mediately built near where Mr. Ker
rigan's hotel now stands, and a kind
of wharf was contpcUl but Will
jams and Crosby neer returned, nor
sent mi the merchandise to establish
luwiness. Tol man, carrioil on some
tralie with the Indians, but no regu
lnr trade was established till some two
years later. In the Summer of J 8W,
Mr. Tolfhau admitted one A. J. Davis
to one half interest in the Marsh Me Id
claim, and on account of tho declin
ing health of his wife, decided to re
move lo Jackson county. Davia was
a man of some means nnd a uecula
tor. who could not afford to soldo up
on the claim and. hold it in iwospi' i
ao'lmhfftlilaY'oifng'iltnn named Wil
kiua Warwick to represent hini upon
tho claim, pd Tolmau einployctl one
Ad. Oaakill, and these men were
placed jn possession of the oiaiin for
Davis and Tolnnvn. Gasklll after
wards left the place, but Warwick -wa
furnished with employment by Davis
and maintained an irregular resi
lience upon tho place, living in the old
Tolmau house and keeping a kind of
hotel till 1S50, when he turned it over
to Davis and left Oregon for Iowa,
where he uow resides. Dttriug the
time when he resided on this clr,im
as agent as before mentioned, lie was
simply an agent and hired man of A
J Davis, receiving .?5J per mouth for
his servlees.
Be f oio leaving, at Davis' Bilges! ion
ho made a "notilication" upon the
.uarMiiiutu claim under tne Donation
law of Oregon, and after ho loft, Da
vis, in arwjck's mune, doiRtsitod
money iu tho Land Office sufficient
lo uav for the land at ?1 23 nernore.
This payment .was authorised by thq,
i;ouatiou inw i ne made niter tne
survey and ono car's residenoo and
cultivation, Iu lieu of live year resi
lience. Warwick's settlement was
dated Aug. 4, 1851, bur on the 17lh
of July, IH5I, an Act of Conuresa had
been duly passed and approved,
which provided that "The Donations
"heriwifter lo bo surveyed in Oregon
"and Washington Territories, shall in
"no cute include n town site or lauds
"settled upon for the purposes of bust
"iioss or trade, and not for axrieul
"tore." The irregular and suspicions
character of this entry stood in iho
way of (ho Usuanoo of a patent for
many years.
Soon after making payment on the
Mnrahflold claim, Davis, having sunk
a largo amount of money in a coal
mine near whero Lobrco's mill now
stands, also turnod his back on Ore
gon forever. Ono Oapt. Match nnd
Dr, Ferber were in jioseasion of the
Marsh (ield claim for n year or 'two af
tor Dais' dopirture, as agents lor
Put is and Tolmau, and iu prtrsuanoe
of a contract made homo years before,
earlv iA 1857. a survey of a portion
of the claim into blocks and lota was
niado and a plat of tho town was pre
pared. The lT. S. bind siuvoy was ex
tended this township in thd full of
1S57, and tho Warwick Donation (as
since known) was designated to the
oilloers of tho Land Office by dipt.
Hatch. A little trade in whisky nnd
general merchandise waa uArrlnil on
by viuluua parties from that time till
1807, when John Pershbaker built the
mill now owned by Dean & Co. This
nnd tho general inorcaao of business
on tho hay gac tin iiuniusto the
growth of Mitmliiield, and tln town
soon had two or lime hundud inhab
itants, The tii.,ilitauts thm Jjog4ii to
tliink nlniut the necessity of taking
steps to secuto a title to the ground
they occupied, and the fact (hat no
patent nail Ivi uiiicl to Warwick,
' .. ...i i ... .. .
Iltlll I I 1 I t til It I. It ll II fl Ull.llllOlbl
i li.u
L .1 4"
..... ,.r i. .,.,. ,!, ,i , i,,,,,
tin m hujit that 'h v imml i
iMmumrr muuiihi mimiiiwi
Iho litlo from tho Government under
the "town ;to law." They applied to
havo tho Warwick oiaiin cancelled,
which was ircommondcd by tho offi
cer of tho lhxobtirg Land OIIlco and
niiproved by tho Commissioner of the
(leneral Laud Office; but II. II. Ltisc.
n the agent of A. J. Davis, apponled
to the Hi'crclnry of the Interior. Oco.
II. Williams, then United HIatos Hon.
ator from Orctron was retained bv Mr.
Luf, to support tho Warwick title,
iiuu alter no iioonme Aliorncy-Uen-oral,
in 1H7I, the contest was decided
In favor of tho Warwick title and tho
iintent was issued. The claim had
heretofore embraced 185 18-100 acres,
nut il was then cut down lo 100 aoros,
and the tract of Uol&rlOO taken from
tlio north nnd of tho claim was cu-
leiod by A. Nnshiirg.
Tho remainder of this chaplor lo
be continued in tho pamphlet.
Threshing isubotil ovsr in this vi
cinity ; the onily ruin hits done some
damage lo grain standing iu tho fiold,
Tho miners aro gradually leaving
the mines its thoro is too much water
for working crook diggings. Thoao
who have bench and hill clainm will
remain during tho winter.
Levi Cant this season raised eight
een hundred bushels of grain, on
about fifty acres ofaHii9ly land. Ho
will find sale forovory bushel.
K. Uendor and J Ion. H. Herman
have lately pniehacd two lots in the
town of Myrtle Point, on which thoy
intend to put up u building between
this nnd spriug.
The grain crop of tho Ooquille
turns out well.
Wo uro waiting anxiously for the re
turn of tho schooner Mom, which is
expected to biingn largo amount of
journeyman printer vaunts tho as
sumed great superiority of n lot of
legal blanks lately printed in w Argun
.olllce. Wo havo soon thco blank1
in fact wo have been victims of tho le
gal servico of them. As a specimen
of composition in nn oilico enjoying
a meager variety of material, these
blank will just pins muster that's
all but come to consider the press
work on them, thoy presont the np-
pcAraucp of having boon rolled with a
horse collnr and thon worked off on a
cheese press.
Tun 2tw says quite a number of
objeetiofmblcappointmcuts havo been
inndo in this county. "Objectionable'
to the iWws, of course', and that state
of affairs is liable to continue.
Tiik steamer Arcula arrived on
Wednesday with Mrs. Cnpt. IJobcrts,
P. Peudograst and Charles llromley
in tlio cabin, and six steorago pnsscn
gora. A. LowtKn and T. Q, Owen Esq.
left this placo for Portland, on buni
ncsa.lnst Saturday. Mr. Owen will
probably lie abaenl some weeks and
will return by way of S.m Francisco.
O. A. Winchester, captain and own
er of Iho irj, has moved with his
family into Marahfield, iu order to bo
better aituaf oil for his now business.
Tun wool that was shipped on the
Jor is said to havo bcon damaged by
getting wet. Tho price realized by
shippers was below tho market.
Two parties aro reported to have vis
ited Outry county lately, for tho pur
pose of testing new inventions for sav
ing gold in tho black Kind mines of
Hint region.
J. W. Cox has fitted up bath rooms
iu good stylo at his. barber shop, whero
ho will boat all times pleased to wait
on oustomors.
Tiios. TIntSTand wife, of this place,
returnod by tho 7Vnir yesterday, a f.
ter inoxtonded vis-it anihng friends in
Our townsman John Konyonis vis
iting some of tho health-giving springs
of California
lh:v. Ciias. P. JR.wi.KV is announced
toproaohin this place Sabbath oven
iug. A Scow load of coal was capsized in
Coal Hank slough last week, oy an
II. P. Wiiitxky, on last Tuesday,
brought in n band of cattle from Ham
block's much.
Sohooi, district No. 4!) has $53 82
duo it on former apportionments not
TiinitE is a scarcity of houses in this
Mu. Diian. of Cow crook. Domdas
county, had a terrible light on tho flth
uisst., Willi a large uuck inai camo into
Ida garden. Dean fhut ntrtho intrud
er and broke its thigh ; just at this mo-
montthuold favonle uog annoanim
upon the scene clinched the buck, but
tliodoiririttinirthe worst of tho bar
gain, was about to be hooked to death
when Dean ran up. caugnt tlio huck
bv the horns and cut his throat witli a
lockot knife. Iho annual weighed
rn.-qtrcta.M im mm im-imir
At Eastnort. October 18. 1870. An
nie Maiia Ogren, wifo of Andrew
Ogwn, aged 2S years.
At Anronvillo, Octohur 20, 1879.
Charles 0car, infant eon Qf Oscar and
Annio Petorson.
AtCoiiuillo City, Oct. 10, 1879, of
scarlet fever, Willie, oldgst poji pf John
and Amanda .1. Snyder, aged 8 years
:.' months niul in days.
NeartitiuellA.rd IV t. lath, 1870,
bunt - r Hi..".rio- -,n of John V, nnd
I M na F Hi ;ius,u:!i. J22 years.
mwet jmiui.
.Ifiirliio IiitrllfKOHcn.
Hfsutv, Oct. 10.
Heh Clara Light, Ifagthrop, 15 days
from 8. F. to SouthiKirt Coal Co.
Wkh.nksday, Cct. 22.
Hlr Areata, Holt, 2 days from H. F.
pass and indue to F. Schcttcr, agent.
TiitmsiiiY. Oct. 23.
Hch flotama, Mndsen, J days from 8.
P. to Simpson Bros.
Hch Fimna Utter, Dillon, 0 days from
H. F. to E. 15. Dean & Co.
FmoAY, Oct. 24.
Ktr flusslo Telfair, Ilutler, 2 days from
H. F. inHsnud milse to F. Hchcttcr agent.
Oct 20 fch Frithlof, Matsen, H. F.
' 21 Hch Norway, Wlialmaii, H. F.
" 22 Hch Arago, H. F.
23 Soli Jlobolink, Morse, H. F.
LOUIS MUXllOH, 1'roprMor.
Drugs & Uledicincs,
Prescriptions Carefully Cempoanded.
BV VIRTIJb: of an execution duly
issued out of the honorable Circuit
Courtof the State of Oregon for the
county of Coos, on the first day of Oc
tober, A. D. 1870. in favor of Ifc II.
Catnmann, plaintill", and against Hi
ram Elliott, defendant, for the sum of
two hundred and fifty-six dollars and
tho further sum of twenty-eight and
sixty-five one hundicdlhs dollars costs
anddisburacincnts, to-gether wfth in
terest and accruing costs, I havo lev
ied upon and will fell at public auction
on Nittitr1ii)'i thclNt tiny of So-
vcmier ?!, at two o clock r. i.,
at the court house door in the town
of Kmpire City, iu the county of Coos
and State of Oregon, nil the right title
and interact which tho said Hiram
Elliott had on or after the 8th day of
Septe;nber, A. I). 1879, in or to the fol
lowing described real property, to-wit
Lot No. one (1), in block No. forty
even (47), in the town of Enipiro
City, Coos county, Oregon, as shown
by the recorded plat of Miid town of
Enipiro City.
A. G. Aiken-,
Bv H. W. McIxtosii, Depty.
Empire City, Or., October 2d, 1879.
B. F. Ross, V. It. HivrsoN a D. Hou.Avn
and provisions of all kinds
told at the lowest
living rate.-J
DBLirEItEDtAy point desired
CSyWo keep nothing but thebcsU5S
1II1U 1I1MIIU CilllSi.lUllOII.
U. S. Land Officii.
lto-ebm ', Ocn. Oct. 1G, 1S79
TVTOTICi: is hereby given that the
W following named settler has hied
notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim, and se
cure final entry thereof at the expira
tion of thirty days from tho date of
tins notice, viz : unvis b. Moore, ac
claratorv statement No. 8417, for the
NJ of SEVf sec. 8, and N of SWX
sec. 9, T 85, S It 14 W, and names the
following as his witnesses, via: A.
H. Moore, of Ellensburg, Or., and J.
W. Cnroy, of Ellensburg, Or.
48 Wsi. F. Benjamin, Itcgister.
Ctntmial World's Fair; 18761
frsoaopjtcio rxunKocsjt xt tit
ntlroomrutttr eiclUoc t Mcotnltei by
th JnilRi) la their Itcparl, troa vhloti Ui
fciUowlug U sa titrtel:
"Tha D. ailOMNQBn, OROAJf OO.'S
exhibit ai tho bait Instrument il a
piio renaentc men poitlbl tasurso elus
of parohtseri, catlos comblnittoa ol Rteds
eonUlalog mm; dulrablt ImproTtsxoti. will
Uad loo cor la drT or iluso cllnut. Imi llibla
lo cl out of order. U tb bouili being axi
toree-rly, put together to It it lmpoulbl for
tbera V itbr tbrluk, wll or pm." THU
Tbli iloJtt r3 Avtrd ni ernJltf tbc
taoit Mrero ouiupttltloa of In b nikirs,
bifor onoot Ui uut oompotaot Jarloa
erir suambltil.
t?w Btjli sndrricM Jut tMud, which u
la ooordnce with our rul,U I1US1' OH
MAN fur tbo leut tuooer,
W its prtptrtd to appoint t few new Agtat.
IUaUla CtUloeuu suUid, pott-fcM, e
op pUoiUoa (a
01 U itt C11E3THDT STMMT.
NlW UiTTS. Oojm.
m l?. T37 Pi F3 H E73 '
k n W H ! b
mm am li W u uoa
Kocjis constantly on hand, nnd ofTcrs for sale n superior article of
j, mill t cohpany ,
Ko. ICO Oaoavtow.
m i
Our new Organ, expressly designed for Sunday Schools
Chapels, etc.. is proving a
C3-:E3.jE3-3J3? SUOOEISS.
Bo snro to send for full descriptivo Cataloguo heforo
purcUasing any othftr.
Illustrated Catalosuo cent free.
ryt. nm'WaW II 1
And Grand Hcal of Eoncr.
Economy, Durability and Rapidity
combined with perfect work,
Arc Distinguishing Features of the
Giant Farm and. Warelionse Fans,
Racino, Wis.
Now havir.e mary late inip:ovemen they re fully
iqualtey 5eriarJ: cleating.all kindiof Grcin,
Pen, Beart, Castor Ilearf, Cera ard Small Seed.
They (trade Vheit jwrleclv by once liasdbnc. Sep
arate Oats from Wheat, Lr!ey and Rye. They h e
very peifett arranjeraentt f"r deacin; Timoihy,
Qorer, Fbx Feed, Orchard Grass, and a!l other
Small Feed They Chaff frf-ct!y, and combine
erery quU5eaiioa required to d the best work la
the shortest tisie.
Warehouse, ti we!' ei Tom Mills re largely ccn
itructed, both licds re-,mrbg rire rises to acceov
raodale the demand, and Riviar a capacity of tract i"
to 5oo bushels per r.oitr, tuCordirg ta uie cf biU.
lliey arc f hipped, b rcd forpceat transportaooo,
and "set tip" or "kn-Kked dwn" for forwarding
inlaid, as requested; and h ll cases put free en
board Cars or bteaxer. Orders filled same day as
received. ) , ? v
Mills shipped "knccVed dawn go fcr half lit
freight ch.irs;cd rswhen forvrarded "setup." Olro.
grarhs and Circu'ars suy plied en application Prices
will be qjoted - and en literal (erms. Correa
pondence solicited.
nd most THOROUQHLY couatructed
SEWING MACMINEovcrlncnted. jlU
tho wearing iarts tro tunda of tho OUST
It lis tho .1 VTOITATIO TKyPXOXi It
hi tho iOJiCJii'l' 1IUUUIX; It has tha
Eaoloot Thrcadocl Shuttle.
Tha IIOBBINB nro WOUIfD without
It lias ft SUF.SRTTINfl NCEDUIl It
hsa n UTAr. for Tvgiilaliui? tho letitrlli of stltcli,
WITHOUT TKiriNOj It lias n llKQK
81'ACi: UUdcr l!lO Mm; It Is NOISEIOCbS.
ami baa mora iiomU of i:xCliLUINCK Uaa
ll otticr uacUluca cotnbluod.
47-AoenU wsintetl In localities
whoro wo uro not repreeented,
' Johnson, Clark & Co.9
iiis;kiiii: lor tii ro.isT
MAlB..-."bt,..30iki)r jcur.
mwwmw w'.ai'LfaMjui'.iMUtfjxaj
iibViFi ?H win fZSS H 13 P;il ih v?v
m vmwrmw
rn i'9 mmJ H H rrt mu -n N Fl 11 Rl
.tfl PncflrVtog
; JSp to MJ. MCeMDJfc.
Taylor & Farley
Soiitifticttired ne Worcester, Han.
US, 001S72UZXT3 of any value may t facad
In these icstrumeiiu, ad they contaiu raany
VSS IMSiiS In ether Orgacs.
Almlne to produce work which shall be)
Durable, vre will not encrifloo that whlcn
ta not seen, nnd yot la vital to a perfect
Organ, in ordar to rr.nlco n moro fanoy
V.'e are eull enabled ta present as
Stylish and Appropriate Cases
jean be found in tbc market, mthaucishwbichtfl
GCI tuUii by any.
Art Willi Medal & Diploma of Honor
' Fr ltntttj la ffettcaritl ?, Etr;;et. TCUTI and
HILU1KI CF T91E. taifarsllr la ftr taj Craml
aUKtf U Bttaaslal If liscti far tat pMjesri latiaieo."
Do net fail la cake application and
Before Purchasing.
Catalogue free, on application to the
Taylor & Farley Organ Co.
mrJw.ra . r. ru- lm -,-t . , ,- - -jf
Meriden, Conn. U.S.JL
"OWIdretfs Blow Pedals," I
Adjusted or removodlnsiantly.
Invented snd Exclusively
used by tills Company.
The most popiilar
Organs of the day! ,
"Tho Wilcox Sc White
OrRnn Inatxmotor" Is thm
iu tlio mavliet!
ieivi Fur IttustnUaZ OMogut.