gzgzsT.yr. sgi r '; '"-' pwtWP"' 'WrOT WW" JWHWHSPilJMIiy1'! i'!",;W'H!feHWJ"lf "" '( Mf illi i i fci i I i ill i T The Coast Mail. The Coast Mail. THE I'UliMsiiiU) KVKIIY SATURDAY MOUNING IIY WEDSTEfl, HACKER & LOCKHART, Mnrnliflelil, Coon Co., Or. COAST MAIL. DEVOTED TO ALL LIVE ISSUES. Tho Intorosts of Southern Ore gon Always Foremost. Ti:ilMM, IN AllVANt'K. One year ? 5" KK iiinutli , Threo Jiimilliit I mi llllrlnl l'ntrr f t'ncm tlouuly. VOL. l. MARSIIFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1871). The Development of our Mltie, the Im provement of our Harbors, nnd Hallroad Com munication with the Interior, Bpeclalllos. NO. 43. E '"' '.' ' 'I).. 5Sg KHBHlnBHHHHMH A Night In Hun PrnnclNco. (Illnr In Huorsmnnto Heeonl. Ool. I 1 I wish I could give yon im '1"1 "' 1m1 Saturday night Hie. IM''t Paviliiin. Jt was n gala ,K,t ,w ov,,rv Saturday night i"i HlU1 i''ranoiwo, Il1"1 rOVlirV 1)110 UHS (Hit, (llOSKCtl III HIM llCSt, jnniiy "f tint Indies almost In oporn cos- Ftlllliert light WOllllltlH, Willi waving IkIiihiiih. white kids nnd flue dresses. Ami Eohl wlml ghastly fOtnpIoxloiiH wont ill) Ehud down; some oni-pso-while, with rod- IrimiiH'tl h.vom ly ooiitniHi, unci iiiniiiccu fliar wrinkly look lyliiK underneath llio Hmor nfclmlk which iilwuyM strikes me ns t't, lliilli-.lull-l'el cllccl. '1 lull is t II 0 llcilll iwhilo complexion, ho iinniitiii-ul, so ..... ......--.-- - - -- .'.rlwiutlv Nil lllil llllll ll llllllil'M llll' 111)111 111 juntorwilh pity for tlm woinnn wlio puts it on Powder, wnsh, onnmolino should ..1..mvu Iwi iiinL iu i u' i In. mil nil urn ,.,..,.,.. - ..-, ,...- --.. .. nlili... n will Hofl oiiiiniiH Mk n. f i it miiHt bo HHod at all. , - - - r - Nilioty iilim women out of a hundred ; Villi luoot oil tin HlreetH liuuuilnyH Uho I J .... ..... r . I hoiihi limud or oilier lor uiu complexion. 11h iiho never can bo concoalodj it In I patent w the eyeMor Hioiiomooii Hid face, . for every woman who lnH it on, no mat- ! tor witli what art or wkill, Iiuh that ! hiiiooHi, mailo look, and her tooth look vellow, and, iiiiIomh hIio poneilH them, lior nvt'ii red mid weak and red benido it. , On .Saturday nlKht a mother and (IuiihIi- ' tor wont arm and arm up and down tlio ' hall tlm Mholo oveniiiK loii(, and tlm ' poor old 1oh of the former miiHt huvo lu'licil liko tlm tootuaclio wuuu at lanl nor uearv, vain proiuuuiulo wna ended. Tlio mother uiunt have Iteon lltty, and tlm daughter perhaim Huvoutcuii, but thoy had taken a wiihIi out of tlm kuiiio bottle, which evidently contained a dead white mixture. Olil Hiobo dreadful, utaring deathly wrinkle, made morn upiinront by mi occiiHioual vain Kfin meant for Hweet iioiw, tlio old, crinkly wrinkles that wont up and down, and up and down by tlm round, huiooHi, death-white uhcok of Hoveuteeu! Hah I how 1 should huvo liked to hold both under tho Hpray of the foun- tain. Tho fountain itself wns encircled by n rim, thieo deep, of elderly couples, content to sit and look on, while a fourth and outer row of chairs was occupied by young people who could both see and be seen, dowiiik uoro nun uioru ami e.v chaiiKing smiles diiectly after at the up poaraiico of the friend they had just hou cd to so oolitolv. criticisiuKtho dnms. One SvoinleriliK who hercHcort'miKht bo and noli party consisted or lio Kirls, under fcccort of the uncle of one of tiioni, whom I knew. Ho wan only one man to the. and ho was u Kor excuse at Hint, but ho ns better than none. These irls sut tlm whole oveniiiK loiiy, and kept up a runninu'llre of comniont. and when they tartcil homo thoy nil said thoy had hud ft splendid time, "such fun, nnd thoy woro so .sorry llm lutr was 10 close, i must give you tho costume of one. iter tlrcsH was of nshes of rose, silk and some one of tho snmll-tlgiiri'd stulls, so much "worji, made short with silk polonaise. jTlm llouuces of the skirt wore Isix-plait-cd, u bins baud of tlm other uniterml stitched on an inch from the edge. A Helm of tho silk trimmed with fringe vent over tho shoulders to tlm front, where it crossed to tho back with ends; gloves to match. Tho hat was of tlm sumo silk, mailo in N'oruinndy style, a tint piece of pasteboard Horving' for tho back frame. Tlio shape is niucli worn mill looks liko a dunce cap. This was trimmed with cardinal roses. The young lady wasa brunette, and she just thought she was "got up lovely." Her ovon wore penciled and had u molting, Highlng, lan guishing look, while oiiiiuioliuo made her face soft and peachy, but not nearly so soft as tlm top of her head, I'll war rant. Her hair was cut and elaborately laid out upon her cheeks still nnd hard, while behind it full in n long braid, stuck ovenlvin two iowh with gold hair pins puinfully conspicuous. Thisyouug lady lept lmrhand sgoing, all tho time, smoothing down her gloves, feeling of her hut, tenderly touching her horrible hair, putting the niching at lior nock or lingering her gorgeous lookol. "How does mv hair look?" sho whispered to onoof tlio other llvo under cover of tho music, "Nice," said tho other admir ingly. Then uro hundreds, silly, vain, shallow, just liko these girls, who simper if u youth looks timir way, ami eagerly respond to nil tho ogling that may bo i olVored. Kvory day I am mom and j morn amazed at tlm blind trust in Iroi- deneo which Kan Francisco parents o.v hiliit. If children bo small, thoy are allowed tlm run of tho street from morn ing till night, and a gioat hue and cry is raised if one is accidentally knocked over by a passing car or team, Faith, tlm mystery is that so many escape, "When tlm lioy growH ho chooses his own associates, hours and habits, and when ho goes wrong his parents shako their heads and wonder why tho Lord has thus allleted them. When the girl comes into lmrteoiiHsho is given a carte blaiieho, Him promenades the streets dressed liko a young lady, and the glances sho ineotH mid returns harden her conscience. Alono or by two and throes sho is at tho matinees, and conceives a passion for each aetor in turn, and if by any means she could attraet his attention she would bo more than proud. Oil Saturday night, with a young companion, she is at tho fair, noveronco slopping to omuuIuo 11 curiosity, u work of art or an achieve niontof labor, but endlessly walking up and down and up and down, wherever rdio may bo most public, lior faco paint od, her hair banged and frizzed and plastered, her hat on the buok of lior head, -her dress bo-bowed, bo-rul!lod and bo-latod. Him is on tho ijut rircj lior handkerchief will llirt across her smiling face at tlm least opportunity; she is not above coming to a speaking uciiuaint auco upon tempting occasion. No won der no many mothers llnd their daugh ters broken roods. You may toll mo these uro tint children of good families' that thoy comn of uncultivated mothers iimi fathers out of society, but I toll you 110. Thoy are of the worst and best aliko tlioy are Jewish girlH, thoy aro deacons' daughters, thoy aro millionaires children, Moto than ono scandal is liushod again and again, more than one girl Ih sent oast, mom Hum ono boy bnnishod to rigid private academy, and tho fuotu aro wliiHporod to few. It jh not that worst always comes to worst, but tho young person is compromised and ruin )io not far beyond Hint milomm rescue is effected. I write this in no npiril of ox nuKonitod gossip, 1ml In solonm wiirnlng. Oil I Hint J might wuul tlm cry to tlio war of oviiry parent in tlio Ininl. Your liny hcdiiim to bo n good boy--by every wiitcli, by ovory gunrd by every precept to keep lilin ho, Your girl hocium Innocent and pure of thought -know hor dully llfo iviul hor oompiinlwiM intimately. Because hIw Ih VOID' child 1m till I-rMlHdll llf 1 1 Kill f llllll she Is tliurcforo n good child. What of tlm worlds wnyH miiHt lio known to either -and J claim Hint much iiiuhI bo known who in ho llliiHnpnronttololl.it ally (Hear uitny tlm mysteries Hint are no fascinating to youth, rob knowledge of wickedness, don't lot your children linvo tlm fun of "finding out things." Durum: I llm eleven yearn of my wo in Hun rrini oiseo I linvo boon in n position whun loro !'' '"HIom and sins ns mill on tlm virtues (II. VOIIIIg )00 PlOlinvO 1)0011 IDOHl llllirKOIHV , - . ... . r iiioiilmii to my nouco, unn i mmouki iiko f i i .- -w t jiihi oiico io ujii wimi l Know in prim and i l",u 'K""K' i refluiw 01 iiimu """i " "' jmrnn liuroiiin, inn in inrK" ...... :i..i.. y ..I l.i i:i... ... l. l :. iimi.. i"n "" i mwi n, iy Mothers Only. "Wlml a Kmnd tiling it ih ' ri"K into turn life a hoiiI, to food it, to "'"'' t. t (It it for a liquor life, and what a wicked thiiiK to brniK it to lifo 1 fail of the rout. And then at the '', when tlii proccHHion of boyn and KiflH, without any luTcctioimto watch, k oaiuinc at will tliroui a promiHoiioiiH aHHemblago, HollyouitiHiiothtraiiBo that the peauh Ih robbed of itH bloom, and tlm "Wit niukoH mo Hick at heart. "Somebody Lores Mo." Two or three yearn ngo tho Sujiur intuiiilont of tho Iiitllo Wanderers' Jlomo in Jt received ono inoin ing a loquest from tho Judge that he would coinu to the Court House, lie complied diiectly, and found there u gioup of seven little girls, ragged, dirty and lorlorn, beyond cvou what he was accustomed to I'lio Judge, pointing to thorn huo. (utterly homeless and friendless), said: '.Mr. T , enn you talco any of thfsoV" "Certainly, I can take lliein all," wan the prompt reply. "A III What in the world can you do with them?" "I'll innko women of theni." ThoJudgo singled out one oven woirio in appearance than the rest, and asked again: "What will you do with that ono?" "111 make a woman of her," Mr. T ropcatod, llrmly and hopefully. Thoy wero wnHhcd and dressed and provided with a supper and hods. The next morning thoy went into tho schoolroom willi tho chil dren. Mary was tho name of the little girl whoso chance for bettor things the Jiidgo thought small. During tho forenoon the teacher naiil to Mr. T in reference to her: "1 never Haw a child like that. I have tried for an hour to get a smile, and have failed." Mr. T Haiti afterwaulH hiiiiHolt that her iace was the saddest ho had over Hoon Horrowful beyond oxpres Hiou; yet who wan a very liltlo girl, only llvo or six years old. After school ho culled her into his olllco and said pleasantly: "Mary, I'vo lout my little pot. I used to have a little girl here that would wait on mo, and Hit on 1113' Unco, and I loved her very inueh. A kind lady and gentleman have adopted her, and 1 Hhould liko for you to take her place and bo my pot now. Will you?" A gleam of light flitted over tho poor ohild'rt face, and hIio bognn to understand him. ile gavo her ten cents and told her sl:o might go to the store near by and get some candy. While Hhewtm out ho took two or three newspapers, toie them in pieces and Hoatlered them about . J ln.L wild: room. When slio returned lie .Mary, will 3'ou clear up my ofllco a little for me, and pick up the paper and hoo how nice you can make it look?" Sho went to work with a will. A 1 liltlo more of this kind of inanngo ! incut in fact, treating her as a kind father would wrought tho desired result. Site went into tho school room after dinner with ho uhaugod a look and hearing that the teacher wan aatonmheil. Tho ohiloVa faco was absolutely radiant. She went to her and said: "Mary, what a it? What makea you look ho happy?" "Oh, I'vo got Homo ono to lovo mol" the child answered earnestly, as if it wero heaven coino down to earth. That wuh all tlio socrot. For want of lovo that liltlo 0110's lifo had boon ho cold and desolate that she had lost childhood's bountiful faith and liopo. Sho could not at first believe in tho roality of lcludnoss or joy for her. It was tho oortainty that hoiuo ono had loved lior anil desired her alVoetion that lighted the child's soul and glorified her faco, Mary has sinco boon adoptod by wealthy people and lives in a beauti ful houso; but moro than all its beauty and comfort, running liko a golden thread through it all, hIio still liiids tho lovo of her adopted father and mothor,- Philadelphia Price JM. ff.Tlmy wore talking about tho approach ing thoatrieol Houaon, Hho, Innocently "I boliovo Mnry Anderson has a now play, 'Lovo?'" Ho, taking unworthy advantage of tho unoortnin oouatnuHioii of tho Hontoneo "I think uho lms, dear," Then sho snw it ami Boretuuod, Vengeance of n Worann Scorned. A dashing young follow arrived ai Galveston, Texas, 11 few months since, and gave out Hint tho death of 11 relative had left him 11 small fortune, which ho wished to invest in n farm, After a week or two of leisuroly retirement, ho bought a ranch 011 Chocolate IJnyou for $5000, There, domesticuting himself at once an what ho termed a "gentleman fanner," ho cordinlly rcciproonted tho attentions of tlm neighboring "squires" for duo sooiul rolntions, and though un commuuicativo as to all points in his past life, found no dilllculty in fngru tinting himself with the most select so ciety in that section. A man of his ad dress, apparent property nnd unmnrried condition, could not live under such cir cumstnnccH without marking or being marked for matrimony, and toward the end of Inst month certain ussidiioitH ad dresses ho hud paid to an estimable young lady culminated in a matrimonial proposition, which was not rejected. Tho wedding was fixed for an early dny, and sumptuary nnd domiciliary prepara tions for it wero nearly completed, when, k the horror of Chocolate society, tho unspeakable anguish of tlio bride-elect, and the dismay of tlm bridegroom, the hitter received tho congratulations oft detective officer from 1'iukerton's agoney in Chicago, in whoso company, after a brief interview, ho depurted hurriedly for tlio Kust us 11 prisoner of tho law. It seems Hint some time sinco 11 wealthy oil company of I'ennsyl vania had its burglar proof safe roblied of 817,000, ami simultaneously ono Norman Hpcneor, the previously immaculate bookkeeper of tlm concern, disuppcared from liis desk, bonrding house, and other fiuniliar plaeos. The coincidence permitted but one inference, and no 01m doubted thut the missing muu hud been tho robber. A eortnin detective, aware thut before his crime nnd flight Spencer hud been do voted in hisuttoiitions to 11 youngorphnn gill in Titusville, decided to keep n strict wntch on the young ludy'H move ments, thinking thut there would 1h some communication between them. Two mouths ohipseil beforo tho olllcerV vigilnnco found any rownrd; but at the end of that time, just after receiving n letter addressed in "backhand" from St. Joseph, Mo., the lady suddenly departed for tlio West, followed nnd "sundew ed," of courso, by tho dotectivo. Through l'ennsylvnnia and Ohio she journeyed on to Chicago, where, by tho direction of his superiors nt home, the ollleor en listed the sol vices of a noted young de tective of that city to continue tlio "shadowing." From Chicago, under tho surveillance of tlio now wntchor, tho lady wont to Quinoy. On reaching Hint city tho lady went to u hotel, nnd the de tective advised his employers of tho siute of the case. Instructions wero sent to changouifllcors, ami a Quincy olll eor was put to work. Remaining at Quincy a day, the lady loft ono fine morning "on the Hannibal and St. Joseph road. Her every mo tion had locii watched, mid tho offi cer wont on the train with her. At Cameron Junction, sho took tho cars for Knnsus City, with the nrgus-oyed dotec tivo on the same ear. Arriving there slio vent to 11 hotel, followed by tho oflieor. The morning after her arrivnl in Kansas City, tlio detective was seated at break fast, when a woman exactly resembling the ono ho had been watching, took her seat in the dining room. She was closely veiled, but the height, figure and dress wero the same, and there could bo no mistake about it. Ho quietly Hnished breakfast, and then resumed his position to watch further developmenti. Tho omnibus rolled up in front of tho door, and piissengem bound on tho Knnsus-Pn-eillo ltuilwuy wero culled for. The lady lie hud seen took her heat in tho 'bus, lie followed, nnd the two wore soon on tho train whirling westward. At June lion Citv the woman got off tho car and took her scat in tlm depot, tho oflleer fol lowing. A few hours afterward the train eustwurn enme along, and tho woman took her seat in ono of tho cars, l'liz .led by this singular nianouvre, tho olll eor followed, and in duo courso of time both found themselves in tho snmo hotel in Kansas City they lnul loft in tlio morning. Next morning the astonishing fact was revealed that the woman who went to Junction City wis merely a ser vnnt in the house, who nenrly resounded in face nnd tlguro tlio winnnn tho oflleer was following, and who htul been dress ed up in a suit of that indiviilual'H cloth ing as n decoy duck. Convinced Hint ho Iimi been sold, nnd nimble to procure uny traco whatever of tho fugitive, the ollleor gave up tho ohaso and reported to liis employer. From this time, for some months, nothing was heard of either Norman Spencer or tho woman whoso wit linil foiled tho trained pursuers, but, inasmuch as it had boon tho ingenuity of a devoted woman that had covered tho trail of tho olVoniler from the hunter, tho game was not yet to bo betrayed by a woman scorned. It appeared Hint nftor luiving sent off tho "decoy," tho lady hurried to St. Joseph, whore, undor an assumed naino, Spencer mot lior. ltopro Honting that ho hnd resolved to buy a ranch in Galveston county, Texas, "far from tho maddening erowd'H strife," as sume tlio name of Normnn, nnd thou marry the woman who had boon bo truo to him, ho induced -lior to remain in St. Josoph until lm should wuul for her. She, all trusting, consented, and ho re turned to his Chocolate llayou ranch Tlio man was false to hor as to his em ployers, nnd his last letter, of compara tively recent dato, ci.unsolod her to re turn to Titusvillo, as ho was about to marry a lady of Galveston county. Do sorve'dly for him and happily for the law, slio who had onco thrown HioIiouikIh of the law off his trail, could put thorn on again, and sho did. Tho result has been told already. Tho gontlonmn far mor of Chocolato no longer Mr. Nor man, but Norman Spencer, tho folon was arrested for his crime in the su premo hour of his fiinoied seourity, and, liko Kugono Aram, wont forth to retri bution "with gyves upon his wrists," Tho London newspapers toll of 11 bollo who paid 8U5 to linvo initials of hor lov er's name tnttoed on hor arm, and later, having nuarroled with him, was offering $000 for a means of oblitoratiou, Indian Mnsgncrci. Thursday evening tho people of Hills borough wero electrified by tlm intelli gence Hint tlm Indians' had raided tho plncer camp, about fivo miles below that town. The news came to tho effect Hint thoy had ridden into camp in great num bers, mounted 011 government liorsos nnd armed with revolvers nnd government rifles. Thoy sacked the camp, driving on lHitweon thirty and forty head of stock. Tho miners wero mostly all nt work on their claims, and having no thought of an attack, had left their arms 111 their cabins. Homo few, however, rushed for ami obtained their guns and opened Are on the band of red dovils us thoy were riding hither and thither through the camp. This lire seemed to exasperate tho Indians, who immediately shot and mangled several women nnd children in isolated cabins, ns ulso wounding several men. Thoy rodo off in a body, driving the captured stock before them, in the direction of the Parches river. Tlio band unlabeled seventy-live to ono hundred Indians. A nnmber of minors rodo pell moll to Hillsborough, carrying the start ling news thut tho copper-colored dovils wero heading toward that town. J: or a while this caused great consternation and excitement. Women nnd children wero guthercd together iii a common plnco of ' safety, nnd tho town, though wofully do- ' flcient in arms, presented a stirring and martial appearance. Hoon came another courier from the placers, saying that tho band had divided into two parties and that both divisions wero making south; ono toward the Trtijillo pluco, and the other toward McEvur's cienegu. A band of twenty Americans, imperfectly nriccd and poorly mounted, started out at onco to intercept them. Tho band was fol lowed by other smaller parties shirting out whenever thoy could find horses und guns to go with. The ilrst party -which BUrted after tho Indians camo upon them in a eornfiold tho other side of McEvnr's house, nnd immediately gavo them battle, but tho force of tho red skins so over powered them in numbers, nnd was so much hotter mined thut tlio American boys weio Muttered, a though fighting in n bruvo manner, only liko Hillsbor- ough boys can do-like chaff lwfon tho ;,,,i 'I'iv 1..-..1;., fin.i seimnihsl. eneb mnii taking cum of himself as best ho could, meanwhile muny a suddlo they emptied of its red skin occupant, and a lurgo numlier of Indian horses wero left riderless lsjforo thoy fell buck. Tho parties going to their assistance united on the road, but wero intercepted by n detachment of Indians beforo thoy could reach tho cienegu, where they could hear the bottle raging. The relieving party at once engaged tho detachment of reds pud fought ns only men can light whose lives nrout issue, but all to no purjiose tho otlds wero too greatlheyboing outnum bered ton to one. They flaw that they wero surrounded; a shower of Indian bullets was poured in upon thoir little company from all sides, und finally they, too, sought each for himself shelter us best lie could Hud. Thoy retreated, leaving u numl)er of their men dead on tlio field, a larger number wounded, and animals crippled and dying on every side. Small parties mado their way nfoot, skulking behind bushes und rocks, where they joined those who had first gone out niid who had reassembled after the route nt McEvnr's ranch; others pick ed up stray horses bereft of their riders nnd made tho best of their way back to Hillsborough, to carry tho direful news nnd obtain reinforcements; nnd others dotected in their lligHt by tho merciless savages, wero ridden down, trampled upon, mutilated in every conceivable und inhuman manner, and loft dead or dying food forthevuituresand coyotes. In this contliet tho Indians nro known to have lost their chief, who fell from his suddlo, pierced through tho heart by a bullet from tin) unerring ritlo of poor Tom Hughes, who paid tho forfeit of his own lifo just ono moment after. Tho savages having now whetted their horrid thirst for blood, and mnddoned beyond measure at U10 death of their chief nnd so many of their braves, and finding no fresh parties to attack, mailo their wny to 11 Moxienn ranch n short distanco off, whom resided ton souls threo men, a youth, throe women and threo children of tender years, ono a meio suckling babo. All of this congregation wore cruelly massacred, tho moil linoked to pieces with lances and riddled with num berless bullets, the babies liown with axes and their little innocent heads eleft from crown to chin, and tho women, re served for a still moro horriblo fate, worn left dead nnd mutilated after atroci ties had been committed, tho very thought of which compels humanity to shudder. Tho Indians then gathered up their surplus stock, took all tho mules and horses from tho ranehos in the vicinity, and not daring to attaek Mo Evar's much, which was now so well protected by the Hillsborough boys, made for tho mountains, ono party of thoni taking a southerly courso, and tho other directing their march toward tlio Mimbros river. They will undoubtedly strike for Mexico nnd dispose of the stock stolen from Undo Sam, of which thoy can have no less than two hundred bend. Silcer lleconl, September 18th. lNTKM.KCTUMi Peoi'1,k. Physical bounty rurely nssociatos itsolf with great montal ability; but still there linvo been many notable exceptions. Miss Lander was rather pretty and feminine in tho face, but Miss Sedgwick MisH Pat-quo, Miss Leslie and tlm late Anna Maria and Jano Porter on the contrary. Ono of tho Misses Porter hnd a forehead tvs high us that of 1111 intellectual man. Wo never know of nny very talented man who was mlmirod for his personnl beauty. Popo was vorv homely; Dr. Johnson was no hotter; Mirabeau was the ugliest man in Franco, and yet ho was the greatest favorite with the ladies. "Wornon more frequently prize mon for their sterling qualities of the mind than men do wom en. Dr. Johnson ohoso a woman who hod scarcely an idea above an oyster. Ho thought her the loveliest creature in ex istence, If wo may judge by tho inscrip tion left on her tumb, A mun who was being triod beforo a magistrate for stealing some butter and oroam from a fnrmor, coolly liegun to hum "ltobin Adair." Tho court, in its sentence, mid tho song was very appro 1 riato, for while tho prisoner was not lloblu Adair ho was robbin' a dairy. FA KM, (MRDKff, IIOMK. IlKoir.Di.vo I'icTiiiK Thames. Get aboltlo of gold paint, take a sauco dish and mix up n little nt a time, for it is in two bottles, and apply with a Hinnll paint brush; it will cost sixty fivo cents, and will rcgild a number. Huwii.vaPosTfl. A i'ow rubbing posts sot up in pastures, will save in jury to tho fences. Cattle will uso these conveniences very often, if pro vided for them, and it is worth all the trouble to witness the enjoyment of tho animals in tho uso of thorn. Guek.v Con.v I'uiJDiNO. Twelve cars of green corn, grated, ono quart of sweet milk, throe tablcspoonsful of butter, three of sugar and thrco eggs; bake in a buttered dish until it begins to thicken, then it is done, put tho butter in last on top and it will bake nice and brown; Tomato Picki-es. Take ono peck of tomatoes', gathered green, and one third as many peppers, soak them in cold water twenty-four hours; cold, sharp vinegar enough to cover, with an ounce of bruised cloves to a gallon of vinegar. Tomatoes pickled in tins way win Keep ono year. Fiiuit Cake. Ono pound of flour, ono 0 sugar, ono of butter, two of raisins, two of currents, ono of cition, ten eggs, ono quarter ounce of cloves, ono ounco of cinnamon, two nutmegs, nn ounco ot mnco, halt ounce ot , alUpicc, one cup ofmolasscs, ono- halt cup of brandy and onc-balt cup of wine; bake four hours. To Keei' Tomatoes. Tako ripo tomatoes and wipe them drj, taking caro not to break the skin. Put them into a jar with cold vinegar, adding a thin muslin bug filled with cloves auu whole peppers. Then cone tho i:ar tightly with a cork that has been di , in' mchc(i rosm an,i plU awav 1 . ' , . M'nniMines niekled in , "a dl l)Illc.- loniatocs pick td in this manner keep perfectly well and retain their color. For this purpose uso tho small round tomatoes. Preservation or Fruit Trees. Ono gallon of wlinlu or sperm oil, half a gallon pine tar, ono pound of carbonate ammonia, ono pound saler Htus. Put the ingredients into a barrel, fill up with rain water, and put in cotton or wool enough for each tree, then bind it mound the samo near tho surface of the ground. Every other morning for ten days early, beforo tho sun gives much heat, with tho watering pot wet the wool or cotton with the abovo preparation. This must be done in tho spring, when tho frost has left tho earth and tho trees commence budding. It is very important that this should bo strictly observed. When trees aro much decayed, this preparation should bo also used in tho fall. Jlasplierries, grape vines, etc., need only to bo bathed near tho roots. Tho abovo quantity is suffi cient for fivo hundred ttees. For a greater or less numboruso in propor tion. It must bo well stirred beforo using. For all small vines or tlow crs dilulo with rain water ono-hulf. Sheep llusuANDiir. Sheep bus baudry possesses moro interest for tho avorago citizen not immediately engaged in it than does any other branch of livestock culture. This for tho samo reason that tho question of both food and raiment enter into its consideration. Mon ent mutton from choice, while thoy wear woolen clothes from necessity. Tho doublo demand thus mado upon tho products of tbo flock bring its economical cul turo nnd thrift homo to tho fireside of every household. These demand wool and mutton of good quality, at .low prices, and need not bo expected to remain long passivo under a con dition of tho market not in accord ance with their desiro. Tho succoss ful flock-masters of tho future aro to bo thoso who appreciate theso facts, and adjust thoir business accordingly. Tho maximum amount 01 meat anu fibro will bo secured for tho outlay of labor and provendor, by bestow ing theso only upon animals best adapted to bring tho highest returns thorcfor. Money will bo mado by furnishing tho purchaser a superior, rather than by ottbrts at forcing up prices for articles ol an ordinary or low grade Tho litllo economics will bo lookod after with a vigilant oyo, nnd unnecessary oxpenses lop nod oil' with an unspuirini; hand. In tho moro rigorous localities, stock will bo warmed oxtornnlly by com fortablo shelters, rather than inter nally by food which should go to tho building up of meat and fibro. Constant improvements, through tho employment of animals of bettor blood, will bo looked after in short, nil tho accessories to profit will bo mado to contribute to tho income of tho flock muster who hereafter sue cesstully compotes for tho highest profits in tho Allure now as seen bo foro him. National Lice Stock Journal. A M11.1: Snakk. A few days ago Wal ter Laugloy, in Alexandria, Va., killed a nnako on his front pavement. The rep tile was about six feet long and as thick as a man's wrist. It was white in color, except on tho belly, where it was pure white, and was pronounced to bo what is known ns n "milk snnko." Mr. Lungloy lias been complaining for some time of other persons milking his cow, ami was pleased to find tho cause of tho troublo nnil get nil 01 u. Fivo hundred Welsh immigrants have lately arrived in Honintou, Pa, Hott tbo Coffro X!n Kept His Word. Trooper Rickors, belonging -tb ono of tho corps ongaged in hostilities against Sccocoeni, and who has been missing for Bomo time, has coino in with a remarka ble story of his adventures during his peregrinations. Ho was captured by tho enemy nnd taken to Sccococni's, where ho was right royally treated, and sent away with a present of 5 from tho chief and a letter to prove that ho had been in the kraul. Ho says: "My horso being knocked np, I was ordered to rcmnin with tho Caffrcs at Murder Kop, with Mr. Tainton, lint as I did not rigi'tly comprehend my instruc tions I continued on tho march und re joined my troop, which wns 1$ troop, forreira's horse, and I remained with them until tho first lot of cattle were taken. After this I got separated from tho main body nnd foil in with five oth ers who had nlso lost themselves. They wero Peter Grant, Abrahams, Blackburn, Goorge and St. Croix. We rode through out too morning without finding the spoor of the main body. My horse by this time was so exhausted that I shouted to the men and wanted them to stop, but they went on, and were frequently two hundred yards ahead of me. At length I was left alone altogether, as I conld not keep up to them. I remembered Hint Grant bad toid mo that the Panama flats were on tho other side of a high moun tain; but beforo I got halfway up my bono gave in, and I let him loose, after which I never saw him again until I got to Secocooni's. I then walked over tho mountains and on tho fiats in search of water, but found none until noon tho following day. The river whero I got it was smaller thsn tho Olifants river, and I followed it bc-'anso I met large troops of cattle. Nobody saw me. I went tow ard a high mountain, but was too tired to get to the top that night, and walked up tho next morning. When here, I made up my mind to follow the first path Isaw. "While going along I saw large troops of cattle, and at noon I observed a Caffro town in front of me. Two Caffro women saw me and gave the alarm. I then hid my gun In the bush. I was beaten and scratched by the women, and some men came out and took mo into a kraal. I told them that I had left Middleburg dnmk, and had lost the road, but thej laughed at me. They, however, gavo me something to eat anil drink. After this I wus marched off to Soeocoeni's town, about six miles awny. Here the men came out in thousands, and I was beaten with sticks. A brother of Secocoeni's came out afterward and took me ujj to Secocoeni's kraal. Secocoeni sent to say that I must not be afraid and ordered that I should be taken to a lint and tied up. In the evening I had an interviow with Secocoeni, and told him the same story I had told the others about the rea-wn of my being in the neighliorhood. Tho Chief said he was not such a fool as to believo that. He then gave me some beer to drink and dismissed me, raying that I must not be afraid as he would see that I should be sent to tho fort safely. The next day I did not see the Chief, but on the day after he sent for me and told me to speak the truth to him. I was shown four Martini-Henry rifles (ono of which I recognized as mine, which I had hid awav.) and fifteen cartridges. Secocoeni then produced tho arm and hand of a -white man, and said tho five men had been seen and two wero dead. He again asked mo to speak the truth, and I confessed that I belonged to Fer reira's Horse. He then said that he had given his word, and never broko it, and I should go, ami added Hint he knew ns well ns n white man how to treat a pris oner. "I was next asked if I recognized the arm, and tho spectacles of Peter Grant wero held up beforo mo. The day after I saw Secocoeni again, when he said I should get my horso back, and in tho evening I told him that I could ride without a saddle. In tho morning he oidered two Caffres to accompany mo with a white flag, and I was brought through by Manialuho to this sido on the road to the fort. Secocoeni's brother was wiUi mo up to this timo, nnd boforo leav ing ho gavo mo ten half-sovereigns in gold. In tho town I noticed there wero many thousands of Caffres. Secocoeni wanted to know why the war was still carried on against him, and why peaeo was not mado. Tho chief whoso cattle was captured by us was thero and ho tied my legs. Ho added that he and his peo ple would fight tho white man to tho last, and that we had better not come to his sido of tho mountains, as wo would never get out again. A paper was givon mo by Secocoeni's brother for Capt. Perreira. When Itiokers arrived iu damp he looked moro dead than alivo. lYnsvaal Argus. AcTon ami Kino. Tho King of Den mark was tho other day driving along a sea-sido road, when suddenly his car riage canio in collision with another dri ven by a well-known youug actor. The King was unhurt, but his vehicle was so injured that ho was obliged to finish his journey on foot. Tho actor was so con fused when ho recognized his sovereign that ho was nnablo to givo uttorauco to his feelings. Nor was ho less perplexed when the King turned and said to him: "My dear Mr. A, I would really sug gest to you tho propriety of studying your part as coachman a littlo better noxt time. If you hail not prepared yourself moro carefully for previous performan ces in whioh I have seen you, I am afraid I should never have had tho pleasure of witnessing your performances at all; and if you continue to appear in the rolo you have now taken up with no better sue cess than has attended you to-day, I fear that that will happen which will effec tually deprive me of tho pleasure of ever seeing you again." A littlo follow in Norwich, Conn., rushed into tho stroet recently to look at a monkey that accompanied an organ grimier who was playing in front of an adjoining block. Never having perused tho "Original of Man," ho gaxed in won dor and admiration a few minutes, ami then rushing into tho house-, ho met his grandmother, to whom ho addressed this inquiry: "GrandinoUier, who mado monkeys?" "God, my boy," replied tho old lady iu her usual candid way. "Well," said Uio graudson, "I'll bet God laughed when ho got the first mon key done." Oregon, St. fyoula Republic. Tho immenso shipments of grain from this country to Emopo during tho last four years havo opened onr eyes and tho eyes of foreigners to the unsuspected capacities of tho West. But tho wholo truth is not known even yet. Wo have measured tho proportions of Texan nnd its marvelous capacity for cattle grow ing; wo havo some exhibitions of tho grain-growing power of Kansas, Ne braska and Colorado; we havo seen Min nesota increasing its wheat yield with each succeeding year, and during tho lost twelvo months we havo becomo slightly acquainted with tho immense fertile region of Dakota, whero tho machinery-reaped wheat fields aro as largo as principalities; but there is another re gion of almost boundless resources lying still further west which has almost escajjed observation. Oregon is a State scarcely less interesting than California, though it docs not attract as largo a share of public attention. Tlio population of its chief city, Portland, has grown in tho last nine years from 0000 to 20,000. Last year a thousand new houses wero erected, nnd it is stated Hint thero "isnnoro nctunl wenlth per capita in Portland than in any other city in the country, except Providence, Khodo Island." The wheat fields of Eastern Oregon and Washington and Northern Idaho aro described as little less marvellous than thoso along tho lino of the Northern Pacific in Dakota. This region wns onco given up to bunch-grass but it has lcon found by experiment that bunch-grassland is good wheat land, and the district lying along tho Colum bia river in Oregon and Washington Territory a hundred miles in width and three hundred miles in length, being larger in extent 'than the State of Pennsylvania, is being gradually broken up in to wheat cultivation. Tho soil is declared to be fertile and productive beyond tho concep tion of those who havo not looked upon it and seen the illustrations of its yield ing capacity turning out thirty, forty, fifty and even ceventy-fivo bushels per care, and giving an average of Hiirty-tiyo bushels of wheat per acre, with sHU larger yields of oats and barley, year after year, with unfailing regularity for, unlike the wheat crop of California, that of Oregon never fails. A State with such agricultural resources as theso, with a genial climate and with a seaport who' harbor affords shelter to vessels drawing nineteen feet of water, cannot but rise to wealth and honor, and it will not be muny years before Oregon will contest with California tho Pacific Coast supremacy. The Marquis de Caux in a New Roi.e. Carlotta Patti and Do Munck aro married. Tho Marquis do Cans' was ono of the witnesses. At the reception after tho ceremony, the Marquis blessed tho happy conple like a;)ere 7io6fe, or rather a beau frere noble. Ho mado a touching ad dress that drew tears from the eyes of a Figaro correspondent who was present at tho bullet. Ho warned M. Do Munck; against tho vico of gambling. Ho assured nim that tins was tho happiest moment of his lito at least, tho happiest but ono; for, of courso, tho happiest was that su premo insUM when ho plightod his faith to tho fondly loved and fondly regretted Adolina before tho Mayor of the First Arrondisemont. Ho wol eomed M. Do Munck into his family; as a noblo, as a Marquis, as a Breton gentleman, ho ombraeed in spirit his now parent. Henceforth thoir inter ests wero i common, tboir pursea wero iu common. Would M. Do Munck lend him a thousand francs till Tuesday noxt, at 3 o'clock p. m.? These wero for Adolina poor, an gel 1 Hero emotion choked tho Mar quis' voice. As for Carlotta, ho cop. tinned, ho lookod upon hor as ft sis tor; it painod him to think that she was going so far away. Wero ho not tho husjand of Adolina ho would gladly bo tho spouso of Carlotta. Finally, ho wished them all tho happiness that can befall a loving pair. Ho could offer no bettor model for imitation than his own domestic career. But lot Carlotta beware of avat'ico, to which Adolina had be como a viotim, rofustng absolutely to furnish him, a Breton gontloman, with tho pockot raonoy necessary for his menus plaisirs. Lot hor not be oxtravagaut and squander on a 'col list; ho meant lot her always rcmom bor that sho had a brothor-in-law, poor, destituto and abandonod. Ho thou solomuly gavo thorn his blessing. now to PniNT Several CoriES of a Lettkii.. A new process, by M. Char don, is as follows: Mako a zino troy about a quarter of an inch iu depth and pour into it a solution mado as follows: Water, four ounces; sulphate of baryta, two and one-half ounces; sugar, one r.!,vtn.. irnlntmn niio mince: crlvcorino. six ounces. Writo whatever is required to bo printed upon a shoet of white paper, using instead of ordinary ink the aniline color known a3 "violet of tneth mylanilino." As soon as tho writing i pretty dry, lay it upon tho gelatine sur faco and-rub tho back of tho paper witk the palm of tho hanil. Xlio mu wu. wj absorbed by the gelatinous product. AH that is to bo done in order to obtain ft fao similo of tho writing is to lay a shet of paper upon the writing on the goto tino and rub tho book with tho wwd. From forty to fifty can thus be drawn m in a few minutes. Wo find that in wiw weathor, plates thus prepared to res too soft aud adhesive to work torily. Better results are obtained a larger proportion of barium HHlytn-1 say threo and ono-half ounces-are wm and the mixture is heated for an hour o tho wator-bath. ISeientiHo Anionc, a lnilv's linden wear is described W rm "linwrta. it..i .i..l.Anla ami ilafniv tarm ' but o man is obliged to use such blamM nnmmonnlace terms as "gniri' una I "night-gown." (Boston Post, ,