1, ' wtafct,! WWmfWm4mWMNWMMKMMuiM fcHrtWHfcw) Mi B M Miumi mwumii'iiiiwiwiw mrr mm in iciii iibiiii n in 3113 COAST JIIAIL. Li'l'l HIV, Oti. f, IN7II, Hioni: Worn:. WmliiPixIny Muni nymin ittnH1 II. MiuHinnt, ihtoiii- iiiimI liv llolit, M. lliitrliiiiMiu, went p Cook Hlvcr (( Mm I u toint wlioro tone cnii !" qintrrli'il to llio ltit ml- nnlnt' Mr. Iltitt-liiii'oli lnu luitl uii'licxiH'ilcnci' In (lint lino of luiO- nit mill ln lirni Im'imi cinployiMi l H'li ii uiiiirry mill iim'i'rlitlii (lie prnc Tlonlillily til uottiiiK ""' l'"l",,l Minlf rial fur tlio m-awiill from Unit loi-iillty, rtinvi'll MHtlm iirnlinlili runt of yotllnK Uout, Tlio luinl Mni'lc Htonn which ti foimil I" Inru" (iiiiiiitllli'H noiir tho fork of (ho river, in nll lo he woll ndAptotl for tlio work. JJkwaiiiwntkh Amhijmii ion. Tlio editor of tln lrii, In niMltioii to hi jj'SBSfiotn hlKh ChrlMtlmi HlmnlliiK, U jyHMtMiuint hmmipiirlorjoiirniiimili.' 1I0( iitiuiiH, both In ociiioii ixntl otii Bm'tiHtiu. hi ptipt'r, iioiviivit, fSSiinilH with unimullciu mm HyutncU SSI error of i chnrnctcr o jtrivw. Unit nuriM tyro In tin wo of tin it Kngliiih coiiltl not, If lm 'Hid, overlook llinin. In hit IhhI id tln M'lormi mil tor imyir II ml It not licon for the iiiiniimr- Rwl r-onilurl of .NMtntur Miti'ln!!, etc." Two nt'Kiithffi th'ittroy onch other, Knl Kriicrnlly miimint to mi iilnnua- Rvc"n tin' millionth". I ho voter- Sti lm K"t l"" "" I"""' ni" ,l Iwuiihl mm in, However. Usji'ht - Our Kiupin Cily cotttin- fitnrnry ilo n tint lnjuitiro lo itiniiiti- Ctlmt we itre wmititiK In rcppecl lor Rlio Chrlttlmi rellKlon, mnl no tnki; Ttiiitoppoituiiity tomiy llmt iho itn Ipiitmlon. like the renter portion of Jthcii'tertloini from the wiini' mtirrit, 0 wtterlv fhe, rtinl it nnnle for Iho IW itirpixn ni injuring u, Eot W.Vm.imitpeiii.rrrii.t..i.iiuri m Tnrdlvrlheeo.is.c.,tChri.tim,;,i(lrumpMUj .)( lmW Mm u.Uof M. M,.1.1ess,nmW.unenorMm n h! ..rite. win. Ihiunts the chmk lm mfc li i-ii.inil) mill m puiif in . !.... ... ..... nt Sii vll invrnci' M iirmneii. llsin miv -.1. W. HiMinett ruturiMHl Hroin iliff'-pdllc on I linrwlny. Dr. IM .v l, v who Hcwiitipntiiwi him, r V L..i. il... ..r.-.u.l f..r- ...ill ..mil on ' ... ., ... . ,., ...-... ,. r.i .. ... .u..i .. ti.A i....... ..i i.a i III 11 nil K'nni, hi.' u.iiiiwi , .,' ,V' i n..pMd for i few niesU nt .-! r.d tf thf farm hou4. Hi eapari. v in ili.it p.triicuinr is notorious, mil Uu oeM'rihilcMcrutd tolenvw a poor r"t r en the verRct of slnrvathni, Kilt ll a mill m inter is eliti in. r.XTiuniuiivMtv Mr. J. Davi;, nfj XL (hni'is IoiikIi. has the thank of nh tMii iilllee for a lot tif tlu Ionia-, RBt! teontributed to Hie Agricultural' Ii. pnrliuciil One cluster was ininet!. , ! (unoily ; twenty I'trgd tonialoal Ihci nk l-M'dv pseketl utiou a sinall El ... . ' ii.' ( in iiiiv .illuir ill our l:lriiHr IT HMl II I I'Vm lt!'irtrxT. Jms Itooko I d Urein Farrin, two of our Coos j r.n t r farmers, each recclvtul by Ihn IImM trip id the ..treofu, Hue' new Mt 'ut p tnt i ihgRer for mm on their nariis They are very practical look- n; itiiptemetits, ami nuilo not tloubl ill n,ie a great ileal of hilair in twk- lln cure of tho imtnto .too. i ..... ....v Wi....i.Mi.,r. ,lrt,.. 'cea4l h 52 years of age. a native of I,At m in n- inelestor iiim (w SuU( o( sj,w Yofk -1(, tfm (m, .it iiiu-r w.i Iminehed last halunlay. tMiilmmiy lJra us, ami from iwrmm jiid was inpeced Tiiestlay. She is a , al limpeetion of the liotly, wo Wlieve irarcful linle ernft and an eineMent '. thai Mihl .lamei tirw'ii eame Itj Ids iiirri ,i i,tLi,.,,iul,ln ui,l alt1nii'li itieain irutua wounu III Ilia lieau Hi ll workman-nip, .imi mitioiihU ....... , . . .,, ,,. :,ai ...... lliosio,u!eil ol our nay (emutrs. t Ii II s nlrniu: and wtdl adapted for riding III id waMs -She was elirislonutl Iho H ti;. Wiu Hi u iv 1 ii,i:. It Is nnder- Mood that, owing lo Iho -low prleti of pjricd frull, the drying tmUiblishineiil of llmumerhiiri; & Kosn, ul Myrtle 'oliil, will uol be put in opontlion lis fall. Ni w Sikh. Cox the Imrlmr, hs Moved Into his now shop. IPs olio ol the fluent of the kind on tho Hay, Kill a giiod plain to gut shaved. Hot Rlid cold baths in coiiunotion with Iho MJop. jQuiTiin slorut on Tuesday night. Tnr steamer llfrtlm h again run- Ring. (I Wi.iimc.ii has gone down tho Voast lobeiibsout a week oruioro. Tin: Hoard of Trustees arti to have meeting nexl Wednesday evening. Mil 1I.mixst.ss DtsiiAM returned from California on the .trcuti, having hecu absent some time. Miih, S K. IIaii.cy, who has buou visiting friends in tho valley, loturnml Tuesday of this wutik. Coon Hay now lehigrnphs a daily murine and weather report to Sun l'raiii'lHi'omitl Poll hind. Tin; apple crop on tho Cotpilllo river is said lo bo miiuh bolow tho uv- Icr.iKi , this year. Miih Jons I.kvaii, of Siunnor, hns Kone Kast lo visit rolatlviMj sho will probably be absent nearly n your. Till Myrtle is undoigoing it Ihof migh ovcrhuulingand il will proba bly he a viook or mom bofot'o nhti will bo ready forhusiuoss again. Cox mid Ida llshoruiou caught MO loiliuoii last Monday probably tho largest catch over iiiado iiioiioday on thcCtH'iiillo, A MMAi.i. lioiiHo ououpiod by n fami ly, near tho mouth of tho Ooipiillo liver, was blown tluwn IiihI Tuunday forltiiiatuly uu one win injuicd. htiianiii: Hi'irini:t LAUDNUM FAWNS" HE FINISHES WITH THE PISTOL I A Niiicijlnl Scribe! OiiTiiPmlnyof lhin week Dr.Alncic oy, coioner, rceelvctl nollco llnit n mini minimi .liinitM (Ircon, living on the Coqulllo rlvtiru short tllntmioo ho low Itciivcr nloiigli, Innl "lllicr homi Idlleil, or hiul cominltltvl Hiilchlc On srrlvliiK Ihofu ho found Unit Orccn hint oomii to hln tloiith )Y MiooIIiik hiinm'lf Ihroniih tin ilit tmnplo with iiplHtol. It hooiiih Hint on Hun tiny I'VtMiliiK he honwht mi oiinco vlnl of ImiilniHiiihy Iho tnklnj; of which helnlfimlctllott'rininiilchiMttxistuncui hill II hml iioutlKM-HIVct Hum (oiniiku him shtcpy. Aflor hiking tlio hiuii mini lm iniuht u nicmormitlnm of Iho I'HViot proilncctl. Ho wan uviilniilly not itfnilil to tile; tlio loiter wiih writ Ion in n Ixtltl Ininil. without uu Union loiMlinoor itny otlitr intlliHtion of tho milhor'i four of tlcnlh. It would nppciir, Hint IniviiiB slojtt throughout Mm nlejit, ho iiuoko in tho morninj;, mill lludlliK tho hiinlntim Innl not pro duiMitl the ilcslntl cll'wt, hint rucotirit! lo the pUlol. We (;iv helow n copy of tint uiumormuliiiii ; "I took Hint vlnl full of I.mitlmium it hnlf mi hour Ht. hut 1 tloul feel ulenpy Vfl, hut I hopo it'l Imvo tllPthv siretlHlI'iH-t nflcr i while. I feel very ihnsmil ) fur 1 Intve Immmi lyiiiK down Mini tried to jjo lo sleep hut did unt Nucret'tl. I wish I IihiI miothor l.nltle. It in now iiIhiiU mi hour nflor ilnrk ; 0 minute Inter; 1 hnvon phtHc mil, hiiHjuiil fcelhiK, hut not sleepy; .My iiiiiut is perfitotly tmsy mid culm ns 1 fiiivtt not the lent pHrtlrlo of fimr ortlriHitl nlMiiit tlyij. 1 will lay tlown mxsIii and try lo sleep. Ho left severs! letters, in sulxtnutc mtiinlv the .omuip, itddrvusiHl to dillVr- t.l iiarll.M i.tnl lii I li.tiil ir ttrim4u l'f ,o, wo "',,, , wiih.,., i..ri.;,. irif-llb IIMtltrl ! !' Mlnm i "'f , M..a -i.-J l1M. !, i. U . MUmi vtlor, m. . . . ... ,.,lilliu .,, - - - i MtllH) SCUtllllUt expressed in Iho ttnirrs : Vvt. ."J i'fl"'U.m?.'. ir.T"..!; uu like made, exlriulo.1. in . . -. inJtenothannriMdrt'irtitliijrwise'UhmKthenctriim'. its tcnU ami cab- M not MHUI1V UWWl. SB" ..'-. . j . . w Wll lliu lvrfcms u, t.ttlM ,-j. . ! hatl intended to kill him Iiom 1 left this world, Imt flr stuilyiutt the matter tvr for m Ioiir tititr. I K'UtKl two gotxi refurm ior not doinic it. Pirt, If I tloim il. I idiiMild put myself on an equality wjlli him. for Ih U a mnrdertr at huart. nml in elfwl whether he rommitted ih n t r mil, mid 1 leave hispiinuh- . ... ! ..:... ...A ....i.i:- llieni Hi iiiii il rwuwiuiii - nun iiiih. otiiiiioii. I he ieoinl rfnon l I he ieoii'l reiiMjo I Dial his wifo and family ait not to blame fr his memines. and if I should do- i nfiP iiiiMii fit ill muur ini' nuHHi irv ..- . i..... i ,.i i::. ...i t jl)rw no d ( that iiiiiiMwnt iMititis in' wum-rrrw nww i huh. " i .. . . hould stitrer for the wroiiK no has h I - !.. -..1.. ....-- ,1.., I nunc inn. inn iiiuj iir,-i uim mn have U. itTer no in tlint it Uier is a mime life a heaven and a hell I mny not b compulW to wMpy the amtlace a Wiilinm Perkins. JAMVS tlllKEX. Monday looming, fl oVloek. The following is the verdict of the coroner' jury : Wa. the jury impaneled (o inquito Into l lie cause of lite death of Jamo .. i i.- i i. t.... i p,i. Sitimv. Or.. fld thai tho ih uracil, Ul lCvrr mihirii l-'-'. lin '' ii jMiM Mfni "mm j.,.,. -. tt.. Dstiil Ort. 1st, 1S7U. Y. M. l.o'K, I'oreinun, M. L. HoNHLUMAN, 1. I). Oakham, Sambui. Hancock, S. W.Oiuian. Itiiut Vovi!i.,.Iiiry. WionTAi r dr-nios that ho is Mr. Siitlin's t-lient. Wo ox km-tod lie would try to liohimsoll out of it, hut tlio truth icmaiiis that Mr. Sigliu is tho nttoruoy who brought tho replevin suit outilloil, II. II, l.imo and A. K. Wngslall' vh A. (1. Aiken, 0. V. Iauo Ami J. W. lliiinilloii, now ponding, to recover WagslalPs iulerost in the Ctw. Mr. Siglin has far the boot grounds for denying tho association, but his ro gard for tho (ruth compels him to ad mit the faet. Tlii'iistiAY night of last week, Harry (Slaves got a shark about boveu feet long in his net, when hauling for sal mon below North llend. Tho not held thellsh, hut he dostroyod about tliruo fathoms of Iho net, mid was not h very prolltablo catch. A.v exchange says i petition for u post olllco at Iho forka of Coos river should ho circulated iiumodlatoly. It has not heou long since tlio post olllco at that plaeu was discontinued bucausu tho pcoilo did not want it. PinuuiN'tf titivollng hetwoon Coon Hay nml any point in tlio interior, will find It a saving of both limo mnl mon ey lo patronise Cloutih vi Oo's lino to HoiMibiug. Tnii family of J. J.Onulllold, who have boon fur somo llvoyomii jmit itW' idunlri of this place, slmtotl for ltnto burg Monday uf Hits wool., whuro tlioy oxpeet loienlde. WKiisrmt tho shoomnkor moved his boot ami shoo sloro, Into Iho huildtiij uowly HiiIsIiihI by Furry A llalloy, whoio ho uaii bo found with mi u.uol limt slock of bouts ami shoot. iliwsii. NVAitiitt I.ot.V,v, iuspootow ol I'ollui mul liulli, woroun tho Uy till wyyk. amammw iiihwiumij THE SETTLEMENT MM EARLY SRTTLBRUF COOS BAY. no. VI. niii.n mixi;. Tlio Kold mines diKUovorod in this vicinity nt mi onrly ditto, nuiy proper ly ho included muoiiK tho ovuuls clnlniiiiK nolico. Tho lositluuts of Coos May coiilrihiiUitl n lurjc portion of tlioso who wcro concerned in their tluvulopumnt, mnl wore more deeply interested in their iosiiHh thmi miy olhurlocitlity. Tim miners mid t rud er wero lar(ily from our citizens. Their supplies ami thuir returns had an intimate connection with Coos liny. flOl.ll HKACII. As curly us IHC2, a year pro ions lo tint sutlhiiueiit of Coos Hay, n few half hroed Indians hatl tliscovorud rich Knld-lxmriui; sand on tho ocean hunch at the mouth of Whiskey Hun,u few miles north of the Cotpiillu river. Tlioy worked ihoir ihiee quietly, a portion of two summers, mid must Imvo saved a laro amount of jjohl. During the summer of 1WK1, they sold their claim lo the McNnmnrn Umth ers for twenty lliousnnd ilollars. l'ans of hlack-smnl, Inkcu from this claim without selection, yielded from eight tti (on ilollnra. The .McNamara Hroth- I ..h .lllrii... fit.. tW1 UMlM,lllri tllf.V IIU'II. etl and workotl it, must have heeit remunecnleti with nhuiitlaut returut. It has heeu estimated that gold to the amount of more than out hundred thoiixmul dollars, was taken from thit one claim. a ou bxciti:.mi:st. Soon aflor tho firnl soltlemcnt of (,'imm Hay, Iho rumor of tho rich do Kniii spiead, and Honied on to the in torlor valleys. ImU in the fnll of 1SI, moru thmi a lliousnnd men wore gath ered thorn on the ocenn Ihw:1i, which was sink! olffor miles in numerous i-hiiiii. TIih simrklinv uold was found evorywhertMlUtrilmtcii in the i form of th ftnet iwrtieh-.. Han- j doltih. IiK-Mtetl near WhiskeV Itiin. ! . ..... " I ins. its restaurants and luduine hou, its tor and saloon-, and put on the I fore his tardy Iwarders and guests ap-' nn,j"disburcinents, to-gethcr with in htullo and iniiHtrUnro of a town. KJr. Mr. Coon clears the table from j terest and accruing coi-H, I have lev- tanco of a town. and with il, the mvy surf, that for. ni by labor, or test Winter had come rollliiK Hves and augr, hil anv devolonmeii l,v iinuiwi'tinv. All warn content in the eKcUHl hnrrot that siimmor i would hriiii;, and made thomnolve merry in the enjoyments of n mining camp. Poker tabks wcro adoruetl with cocked revolvers, ami whiskov, straight and mhed, went gurgling down the joyous throats of tho-o who ait Hnnind. Hooksf wore opened on "bedrock" credit, and all went "merry as n marriKgt 111." I)Iappoi.stji:st. Rummer rolls round; and lol "a t. ........ .... '.'it. t.u ..t, ,.r ,1.. cmM. , m v " - ,,.... v ... ...v. , dreams." All rush to tho lioach, and i halu to turn up tho rich, golden aiids; but, unfortunate to relate, it jrufuamt to "pan out." Among tho I . . . .1 u . ..I . - I alall.. .A (kllll tl4Vft lllinuinu Ul u.Hin, - ....... ...-. H, ,,. 1M of working. Noll ... . . i (ill IV llio ininvr- mtw m... in. ii'iii.i nl foc. wit the lKKik-kpeitrs lookwl mournfully over thrir long ocoiintn, wiw tliu ,lwlrottk" hml vunUhed, nml thoimalvm involvoil in Ioj mid ruin. Tho Hoilo slowly m:d widlydopiirted, mid tha town whi ooinimrntively do Mrtotl. Not it hont now remniiii to toll tho tloof itn kIkIiI, or tho story Mfth8irdiiipioiiitmont. A few claims Imvo heon workwl, moro or lo.-", for your, yielding iv fair eoinpoiiMition. INLAND IIUACtt. Aniineiant Ikmu-Ii, nlmut throe mitus inhuiil, was dweovortNl hy Mr. llinoh, novenil yours after, on which ono claim hs provwl productive Thif ehiini wn Mild hy Hindi it Thrift to John Pomhhaker nml other, for ton thousand dollura, nud hy them to tho pront owuow for thirty thousand dollar. Much capital has heen ex pended on other point of thi muiio land, hut have tliu.s far, proved of no value. JuIIS-.ON'h DKiOINflS, Wore found in 1SJW, on tho upper Co iiuillo. A few imvo heon well com pommtod for their lahor in that locu cation, while a renter portion have reeolvod very moderate payment. It U now nlnio.it entirely ahaudoued to a few Chinese minor. tilMM MINKS. In lS.r7, much excitomrnt prevailed in thin community at the gouoral ru nior of tint dineovery of rich placer on the uppor Sl.ve river. A nt Itau- dolph, tho lniiun- arrived too late in tho xoanoii to comiuoneo oporatiou, hht Htakml out thuir olaiuu, and wnil od for Hummer to IniiiK mild won I Inn am! lower widow. A few only, wero rowaidod with paying claim, and tho unfoituniito one pioptoliil in nar row oannous, and itn ioukIi and rug ged locnlitle, with a dotorminod iirit that devolved a hotter reward, A few Ohiunimin are now found patiently delving iiiuouk it houhhu-i', and reap iiib' a miiiill return. Each year wo hoar of a few adventurous oltixunn of Coo May, who go thuro dolorniiiied to wreet fortune from tho l'UKjjed mwum of IIimu iniuoM, hut gtniornlly lotiirn with a hw amall uugguls and a dilapidated wardiubo. Thin mine oolihl sorvott urj)oo fti n school to train lazy men, wlieio lhcy might! gambol ovor itn proclplloiw moun- tnlns, sllih) down its steep ennnons, enjoy tlio siesta of n rocky couch, ami (lino tiKii tho historic slap-jack, ln-ntis and Imcou.hiitns n plium of comfort and gny liilarity, a source of wealth and advancement, It cannot ho recom mended it is hotter to tarry at homo. on.vmiAi. iiBHUini. All those Million liavo yielded, first anil last, a largo amount of gold, hut if n hnlance ol profit and liww was struck, taking it all in all, it is very certain that the halanco would appear on the wrong side of tho ledger. Mir. coos, Was known at tlio Randolph mines as a man of extraordinary talent in n special direction. II in lean and ca daverous iiipoet, his meek and plead ing couulonaiico tlrew forth sympa thy. "There was an old woman and what do jon think? Hho lived upon nothing hut victuals and drink; Victuals ami drink were the chief of her tllHt;" Are the inipromivc words of a elastic pool. 8o, Mr. Coons lssom sighed constantly for n. largo portion of solid aliment. ASTOSIiilDIS TUB SAT1VK. One of tlio native Indian of that day related, that .Mr. Cimiiis called at his cshin, hungry and tired ; it being in tho salmon seaoii h" set heforo him a quantity of this delectable fish, which rapidly disappeared, mid final ly, after many renewals, Mr. Coon gave up tho contest. Indians arc, at times, enormous eators, but this In dian e.tproed himself surprised nt his jiowors, and declared him, "Hal tnouee Tyhec," or champion salmon eater. CLKA.V8 Orr A IIETAl'RAST. He one tlav called at P. Flanagan's cabin nt Randolph, who knew his Kfiilcunti. His appealing face ami j hungry look, stirretl liw sympntny, : i.ut il.r..ui,.ii..jllii lnrder of sunnlio'. ..... .... - , , . ' he senoruusly tks him to Pilot Smith's re'tauraut, orders his meal, and Ntlvto him to bo roiwly to take - emly scat at the Uble. The inno- cent host prepare hbt menl and in . . . . , -tt vitcs our ehmnpion to be seated. Ho- KJr, Mr. Coon clears the table from j !"im to stem," and loaves tho alon- i,l.I landlord in tho ,41.1.1 of ck;; lug another meal. Smith thanked Flftiiavan at the next opiwrtunity, "in thought that breatho ami words that i 1 1...... .Ml, II. ri.VA.VCH. His tocdv tvnrdrohu. coupled with i lKlK,ailU a Wllir im to travel ex- i .i ." j -qml tousively. Ho has grtLs nonl bovoml timo8,ro, and travels ovcrv where on tho strength of sym pathy. Ho circulate sulworiptiou iwprs in aitl of his family. It is known that ho realised sevarnl hun dred dollars in San Francisco, on the ,lliaCMuiUe sharper wero try. . ,,' ,, ., .. ...... ing to swindle him out ol his little home, that he never lived on, and holds for s'teculatinn. It is known that he h pmptrrty in the "East," , . ..,,;. tl. nr.,,.,! - " '.."V , " Z, Z.CZ.Z": i iiihi niu uui uvuiuni u mu i .(, world. suhcriplion was, to him, a cominon resort. If he t-ot out upon a Siiirn,.v ho made a deinxit of his jourue), lie muii. a ucpOMi oi ni . trihtition and diplomacy for any nee oary expono. While ho btrives to make ni ionrt;riiHy, wo arc improv ed with the skill of his management, and are permitted to rejoice at hi ac cumulation of glittering coin. Itj can hardly he wrong, hut on the eon-, trarv, a pleasant duty to record liir i hrilliant example of financial ability and Miccoa. .Mandtlleld Academy. M.wtsiiru:u. Sept. '2d, 1S79. KniroisCoAhTMAii.: Having tried several plans to hringup thoi-tandard of attondancc, I resolved to publish at tho end of each term, a report show ing the attendance of each oholar; thi l made known to tho eholar at tho beginning of tho present term. The result has been a great deal bet tor than I expected. Savoral who ha bitually came Into and were frequent ly absent, have attended throughout tho term. Tho following are tho name of those who have never "boon late or absent during tho term: HUM AUV l)i:i'ATMRXTV Minnie Uutlor, Maggie EokholV, Horbio Anderson, John Folko, Ada Grotogut. Willie Ooborno, Aaron I.o bree, John Siauf, Willie Galloway, Ida Delauney, Lloyd Cox, llomor Osborno, and MaoMcl.iHxl. Jl'NtOH. Willie Menhaiit.Maggio 0lKirne. Mary MeNauinrra, Flora Mol.eod, Al ice 0borno. UN 10 u. Goo. ltotnor and lti Lavolle Cliukouboard. The following wie either late or ab Htint but onoe : flUMAIIY. Emma Itutlur, Tommy Golden, Mary Hull, Kmuia Audorton, Mary Kerrigan. Jl'SIOIt. Eddie llium'om.llonry Staull', Al ice ('iiukouboai'd. Thobalaunooftho Heholar having greatly improved upon previous, vwt orda, I doeiilwl not to publish their uauiostrtistimo. Keiotfully vomy, J. T. McCoiuiAC. a mock and hiiugrv look, and a wittvi Lot Xo. one (1), in block Xo. forty i.mou... Inn. liolnmi him to travel ex-i . (47), in the town of Empire Lnrrof letters rcmnlning in the post oflleo at Mnrslifichl, Coos county Oregon, Oct. 1st 1H79 John It. Uniley, Margarol Uoattle, V. Crook, J. D. Co'leon, Thondorc Harris, David 0. Harris, Mary Kelly, W. A. Mills, Mono. Nelson, I'. C. Phil lips, John Thomas, 0. II. Hhauklnml, John Silm, Htorn, 0.8. Sehambad, Charles Smith, Heed T. While, A. H. Wndicigh. A. Nahiil'iuj, 1. M. Tint Anjn man says he never "as Hcrted privately" that lie wfts a chris tiau. Of course not; Hie idea is tlint it was asserted publicly. Ho need not bo nsiinmcd of that, however, if he could carry it out. Hut n man cannot bo ft Christian and servo Hill J.use, and it is of no use lo make any such pretense either publicly or privately. Kxohasobh announce the arrival of tho Dimmit at Coo Hay. It is a mis take, sho is not duo bore for wme time Tint Went Shore lor September is at hand, and, as usual, is full pf interest ing matter. W. I. Webster has again taken charge of the hooka in Dan fe Co's establishment. At Marsbfiehl, September 27lh 1879, to the wifo of Jaf. L. Ferry, ft son. MABBIED. At the resilience of the brides pv rents ntCoalcdo, Coos county, Ore gon, Kept. 23d 1879, by A. H. Moore Justice of the Peace. Mr. Jacob Ucu'ch and Miss. Deidcmonia Dun ham, lK)th of Cooa county. At the residence of the bride, in Empire City, Sept. 30th, by Henry Sengstacken, JtHtico of the Peace, Frederick Oreenlow and Laur.a A. Ford, all of Coos County. SHKP.IFPS SALF.. irv VISt'I'B'i; nf mi nxociition dnlv - isAUwlontof the honorable Circuit ... ... r .t. I I ourioi me dibiu ui wn-K" ior int-1 conntv of CfX-, on the fir-t day f Oc-1 . " . ii ,t n :.. t -r t, ii t utixsr, d. . io(.'. in iif 'ii j. ii. Cammnnn, plnintiir, mid againt Hi ram Hlliott. defcydnnt, for the -uin of twohunnrvdand lfty-si dollars anil llie IlirilllT sum Ul mt:iii'i:ij:iih auu ,...,,..- 1,I,o.l,uiidn.-.lth dollar costs terest and accruing cot-tt, I have lcv- iwhipon and will .-oil at public auction - J;5J & , lhe r,nir( loll!l(. d,,. ; tjie town ,,f Kmnire Cilv.in the county of Coos and Slate of Un-Kon, H) the right title and interest which tho said Hiram I Klliutt had on or after the Sth day of ' k.- ...!,... t 11 K7II InnrlnllniM. I lowing described real tirojicrty, to-wit inu-inifdi-seribtHl real urancrtv. to-wit M)l.iu. iiu ij, in uim . ..u. ivjii.- "cvon (47), in tho town of Empire Citv, Cons couutv, Oregon, as shown i. the recorded plut of raid -town of l'inmire City. A. 0. Aikex, SherifiCooCo.,Or., Ity II. V. Mcl.vrosii, Deptv. Knndre Cit v, Or., Octobor 2d, 1S7'JL Notice of Fhul Proof. V. S. I.axii OrncK, ) llo:Bi'KG.Or.. Sept. 2C,lS7fl.S AT( .TOTICK IS IIKKEHY GIVEN that the following immt'd settlor Ua$ filed notice of his intention to; nmke llnal nroof in Biiniiort of his j claim, and secure finul entry tllereof at the expiration of thirty day from tho date ol tin notice, vir Hwlsi homestead applical J. t. wwt, and name the following a hi witnee., viz: Aatlian lurusii, o: Cxs county, Or., and M. Devol, of Coo county, Or. Wm. F. IJkxjamin, fl-40 Register. COOS BAY CURNITURE STORE 1 siAiisxii'xiii.r), on.la y COS-TVNTLY ON HAND Jfttttrivses .t4 JSnMatiln, Chairs tv 1 Mil nuts. Cribs tv Criulh:i, I'ICTl'KUS. FUAMUS, MOl'l.UIXGS, TAHLKS, MtKltOKS Ac. CouiitluK-i-ooiii I'uriitture Made to Order. COFFIXS made nt ohorter-t notice. SEWING MACHINES ATTACHMENT', NtLDI.KS itc. F. MAKK, lvltf rnoi'HIETOR. MnHcaaHaaHnttiBHaaHKaanHBiaHnaMaaaaaanaB HIGHEST HONORS uta Centennial World's Fair, 18761 HONINQER ORGANS moiroracxa rumiocti.T aJ tU BEST INSTIIT7MENTS. TaalrronrnUreirtl!nciUMciilad by tba JuiIkm In Ucir llviirl. Item wblcli tha blluvlui la au axiract; -Th. II. 0HOMNQRR OHQAN CO.'B ihlblt nt Iho Lrat InttrutuejiU al frica racdirtns thro ioalbIa to a tare olua tJ parouawra, rtrlnj a ooabiuailonot RmJj ud lUUi, produda : aortl una plraalrg effacta. ronUtnlrB siany daclrabU luproTecianti. vlli l land ionar ta itry or amp tUiuats. Im llabla Is gal oul of order, all tbo bosrJablDBaJa Uut-ply,vut to'oiW o It I) inroaaibl lor ibrra V) cflbar khrlok. (vail or apttt." T11II O.VLV OilUAa AWAllUICO Till IIAMt, ThU Uidal and Award nia tranladafWr th moat aoiora c rupalition of th bail wakari, balura enaof tba iut comilMt Jurlaa erer axaatukiud. Haw Plylf asd prl J0'' I'lQad, irhloh ara la toaoruuvca vrith our tula, tba llUST OIl AN (ox Itia iaaat tuunay, H ut jirtparad to appoint ft (air caw IjaaU. tlluitralad CaUloU laaUad, paatpaid, ea erpUcaUun to B, SHONINGER ORGAN CO., 0 t Its CllEaTXUT.8TMXT, Nirt IUts. Oowa. Bn. nw m0QnikaM i381 mlUs Wm. BScicIieflPii'oprfetor Keeps constantly on linn(l,nniloflcrfor fiilo a Mipcrior nrtido of LAGER BEER, ALE AND PORTER, WIIOKKSALK ani llKTAHi. MY DAll IS SV1 l'UKD WITJITlK C1I0ICKST MIAXDS 01'' WINES, LIQUORS, AND GIGAHS. JJItAN'CHHAhOON' 1 KMPIKK CITY j. mm t No. 160 Front View. BRAHLEBORO, VT. 1.1 !! Onr new Organ, expressly designed for Sunday Schools, Chapels, etc., is proving a C3-2E2. TEST'S? SUOOBSS. Bo snro to send for fall descriptive Catalogues heforo purchasing any other. THE LARGEST WORKS (OF IDE DID) OH HE GL08E Illustrated Catalocuo sent free. VICTORIOUS! HIGHEST &. BEST AWARD Ard Gztai UtitX et Easor. Economy, Durability and Sapidity combined with perfect work, Ak IKitiasubliii!; Fcinarj t-llht cdsbnui! Giant Farm iJ Warehonse Fans, MASS IT A. P. DICKEY, Raclno, Wis. eailta nay Remind: cJeanifl! .l kiodi of Gmn. Tt... It.. f-jc ll.r. ran, kftd Snull S-co. rteOatfroaY!:aj,vr:tyfiKlKyc. "lhtyhjte j Ttiy tft ifrnstntit fr cleiranz TirooAy, I CkiTir, Flu ittd, Orvlurf Cms and U other j Smn fndi. Thy duff ptrff-'r. srd e?"? i li ihontit cat. Wartheuw. i wtT a Firn MSIi. t Ursety d-o. tructcJ. bvih lunU re-raase tui usM 13 sccaa- . nojitc Oit dnic. xai tire; a espictty tf wci y j to 53 bas!.c!t pr hocr, sccotdraj 13 ue cl nu. I "Thfy rt ihoped. b-ixnl fsr octia triapemuop. I m "it t-o" cr Ijiock'sJ d.wa" for (otwuilcc I uJi.-d. as tcactl. acd ia ill ": pu "J board Can or Sieamtr. Oideri BJ day aa iihi aUcytd "tnocicd Aiwn'' fa fc hal(ih irrijht cirjjed a whta f jwardej "M up.' Olrtt. rtiphi asd Circulara arr1'"! "1 a?p5um. wc will b quoted A-or and co liberal ttrma. Cent pcodeccc toiioted. -TBELieHT-RUiraiNQ HEW HO Tb BEST, LATEST IMPROVED, and moat THOROUGHLY conalrucleil SEWING MACHINE crcrimcuicd. All the wtaxlus i-.ru sro mauo ot tbo BEST STEEL, CAREFULLY TEMPERED aadaroADJUSTADLE. Itliaa Iho AirT03Z.1TIO Tif.VflO.V baa tho LJJfOESV llouilIXt It baa tbt Easiest Threaded Shuttle Th BOBBINS nro VO0Wr wltbout nUNNINCl or UilTUitUA-UINU U MAOHiNK. It hat a 8UXF.SKTTINO NECDLTl It haa a UIAI. Ibi-KjiulaUin; tho Irnclli of Hitch, WITHOUT TlWriKUi U bat a LAUUki BfACK under Iho urru; It U NOIBKU:s3. and hA moro ttoluts of lTVCKLLliKCi: tUau ait other luachluca couibltuxi. J-Aoonto wnntocl i ooalltla whoro wo lira not ropreentoct. Johnson, Clark & Co, 30 UNION SQUARE, N.Y. SI U! .11. 1BI.- ',3tHnr yetir. Vll aUakMMaKalwCB mm? AHf. Ho. 100-Bftclt VlOTf. ruo sent free. jiiTMmi i-i - jjwwvsswviiaw M.v JWMm.il. i it ". -.. r " Epltoini. Mdtillone. TKE Taylor & Farley CABINET ORGAN. SXsBBfactorcd at Worcester, Sin's. UL IlinTrtKEna of mj le may ta fccad la lixw isatrunKSts. aLd tSey contain is-J ESSENTIAL IMPBOVKMEHT8 VGH T1732 in olicr Cixau. Almlnn to produce wofkvrfiloh shnll b Durable, r.o wilt net sarincethnt which Is not seen, and yet Is vital to n perfect Organ. In order to mako a moro rangy narlor. We are till enabled la pmctl i Stylish and ApprojrJate Caws aa ma be found in the market, wiili a fisuh vhkh It ttllfuSiibyasy. A3 nCQAPDC TONS, THI rOUAWUtC Award witli Medal Diploma of Eoeof TTAJ CIUXTSD Bf Till CIHTIHHUL EXIIIBITIOH CCttUISSICKETJ: tt itnruj ii vwicasi rt..n. rr thi u uiuuici oriDie, isirtrsiir u rir ate G9tn.i KtiUty la Bjclaalril IfjBasta Ui tk: f srptoM IsUiti." Do not fa3 ta caie trp!Inlio- asJ examine thege zstsTziiTsnurra Catalofiwa , on application to lbs Taylor & Farley Organ Co. WORCESTER. MASS. T II E hub nmj n un mimmmmt OUGAN CO. Meriden, Conn. U.S.A. &. "Children's Blow Peate,,I Adjusted or removed inslanlly, Inventad and Exclusively used by this Company. The most popular Organs of the clay! , UNRIVALLED IN QUALITY. "Tho Wilcox l& White Organ luaivuoiov"ie th BEST laid CHJ3AJEaT iu tho xuarlcot f mir i 3TF