The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, September 27, 1879, Image 3

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sr- i I'M'WIWW, wuuuuna
Mm-aJ j - '.. .... .WH
3Jtt5J(. E
?t r'i
wwuwuni n.ui m i;y a w jy.'.l""'
mmtv, -
H(U. U7,ii,
.: tSR
(ohhhis I'ukm HMrriiroinv-t.nnt
uy iniirnliiK llio nloniiior Juno
ii Imnril n nw m ly of plmiiuro
ill 8uUlliloit, bound fur nit ox
up Com rlvnr. Tlio bountiful
rateAiiirr wnu lltonilly covorou
a nnlnitUnl (rclil mil left tlw
I nl t til h ilnru ami pnn'oilod up
for Tint piirty plnppml at llio
jit fnnn of AiiroiilloKorN, wlioro
jw liourn which they linri to
lon nliori', worn pwawnl hi vnrlotiit
unr-iila, Amoiitt oilier oxoroiaoa
jculitr (Innui) vii proiulnuiitj
! Ilupitliit fiii-iiUliml tllrt "lIlllH
kSSen llin'o airing of n ix-lIt Htl-
OfcbOHld It went oirin bkm1 tj-lo. It
RflrlMiil plcnlo, ilUllngiUMiMl
tely niul kooiI order, and tlio
lilmei to Hotillipori, wnoro n
men hi llio uvnnliiK ciulniliui
i flair.
tiii: Katii: Cook. (3. Bt'n-
rho win on tho h"llf (mk nl
of her tliiuiotor In thu Allan,
irvn tho const n fw tiny hIiico,
iniiiul hy Win. IIiiiiiiiierliiirK
ilhorof thocrnw. Ho inorte
(ienlrml. on llio Imrln uttrnijit
'cnter lluit river, mid wnn viiry
lintullml. Him lout her ruil-
d pMpoller(niid hroko liernnl-
5 a plnco of lior kwl w lo
id own)'. They movfid hornornn
moo oyr mo wnuu pi '
JiM her Into tho rlrer. Hho
lict iiIhiiiI four inllo up tho river,
re. xhe will rtMiinlu till hho omi ho
llred inul Kot to t whluh i" very
fierlitln, iu there hi but llltlo water
Mm bur
CbsnTAtiiKM iRtAi- ' A ooimtniilon
WiiX wiw held In thin pluee by W. II.
WrlnV, lift Monday, to test tho owner-
p of n immviiir nineliluc nnd niiilwlt-
JwlnnpliiK to tho wlfn of V. A.
WSk. In order to strip Ihw wynitui
. WjSary arti h iijkiii which idm coulil
xfwnd (r either RtipiKirt or comfort.
5gm l.iw sun whs inatitutwl be-
.itwSn W. I: Moorunml V. A. I,uw,
tint property wi nttacliwl s the
SScrlyofW. A, l.uw. The Jury,
ffffycu r. promptly K"V ft vtmllct In
For of llm clftlitt of Mm. Mine.
atioy 'till tnritioii to indemnify thfc
RSnstabb , nnd require him to mil the
ipert . 'i he whole lriincllnu is
the in. )-tciiteniptlileclnncter.
RounuT.f.Mii.--Mr.N. ?. 0-
fiSm m1i1ku n pre-emption claim on
flin Mib hs jut fcen a qamiUty of
ItHuhrr to h l'lsee lo build u hou.
kHJls l the tlrnl lumlHar taken to taut
Dement, ntid Mr. Ostrom reM)rts no
MMIU'iilt intrftiisportnlioii. Ilehuul-
!h. 1 ,i.' r up tho hcacii, to the
SmuMi of the creek, And mitel It up
Si the he,vl of ttieUku. There U one
Mum" in theereek, whluh tint lumber
Kid t '' hauled mund, bul thu Jam
Hi Ik i i-u) temovvd, when unter
SroiiiP'rt itiu from the ln-nd of the
tki t the roust will he uiiliitemipt-
gil ThKHnii imHrUnt fct to tho
Bctlhrs in that reiflon.
Hi. u. Cuciiiso. Hmmiel Ando
ion, t'i" mnii who cught tho ft ret snl
Jnrn i.i the Uy thU yer, CAUghl jv
"bo il in lu net near North Dead I Mil
Vik It ueitthml aloil 180 jmuiuU,
ninl w.v liAtidled with coiiidarnble
ilifll. nlti Mr. Andenon nd Mr,
h ii- -n ixi,-t to engage in the buei
iifsof. tl rsteUing at Hocky llnt,
In n ft w mouth.
HimoiH AroiftRXT. Sir. Cudinun,
amintr ut NfwjHtrl, was strtiok hy
eonie fulling rook hut Tueedtty nnd
badly hurt Ono of his lojjrt wiw hro
bun mid ono of his liHiids bmlly lucor
iited Mr Cmluinnis a iintii nearly
ixty ,onm of iiki, nml his injuries arc serious thiiii would bo tho cteo
If he were younger.
Attiuvrn The Outfit Trlnir, arriv
ing Inst Hnturday, hioiiKht tho follow
up, iinmud pneoiiKors : (Juo. fiiiuin
ud wifcChas. Durroll, Kdwurd Ilur
iroll, J 0. WriKht, Min. WuKstan', Miwi
Jtoiihth Hutler, Jiimos btroUi, John
Wilier, T. Uarhiud, J. 0. Clark, J. H.
JJorlou ami K. Cnshmau,
Gonkto 1'oitTi.ANii. V.1 WriKht,
tho surveyor, has (;ouo to I'ortlnud to
fpot authority to correct some errors in
tlio linos upon which ho is oompollod
tocloio, in coinplotliiR hw survoyuiR
contraetou Ten Mile. He will loturn
uud flntsh tho work this fall,
Vimroit Dr. Charles Hurrell, In
upeelorof DniKH for San Fruiiniseo,
and Hd ward Hurrell his brother, arriv
ed by tho (luitlt 7Viirlat Saturday
nnd nro theKiiestsof Dr. Towor. Dr.
Jlurrcll is tho father of Mrs. Tower.
Homi: Totaiokb. Our friend, Chus.
ft. Illllhorn, donated to tho Mail, this
week, lliiily potnlooe woIkIiIiik thirty
Mix pounds, Thoy wore raisud on his
farm neross tho bay from this place,
Mouh llnnoitw. W. II. Noblo .t
llro, nruoxpodliiKA now htiKity and
burner by tho schooner Jilhinff'
when she returns from Han Fnuiotsen i
ho should bo hero within ft wouk or
C'oimroTioN In tho Inst Usuo of
(he Mail tbobiiUiof u "daughtor" in
the family of 1. Klnuiian, Ks(., was
iiiiiiouueod. Wo botf pardon fpr tho
error, II wasn flno hoy,
Tiir. suhsurlptioii list of tho Mail Is
now iwTousint; mora rapidly Hum ov
cr-nntJ yot t here is room
OoMi'LirriM.Y JiiwTii'jr.o. Tho Xcw
eoiuos fonvitrd wllh n Jiisllflo-illoii of
tho coitrso pursued by Mr. WiiKslnir
In iieceplInK iishnm truntifer of iirop
erly lo prevent Its bolilB lovlod upon
for (ho support of thu wlfo and olill
dron of W. A. fiiise. Ho ;rM lliut It
was not vroi in two ways: 1'irst,
Mr. WiiKslnll' was it frloiid of It. II.
I.nso. and had a riaht to proloot his
Inlerostsj and second, llio transfer
was reeeoinineiulod hy Jlr. Hlralian,
an attorney, who wns also pnid to jiro
loci II. H. Luso'm Inlorost, Yos, after
all that can ho wild l dofon0 of H"
fraud, It was simply losortliiK to niies
llouahlo nioKiis of ooveriiiK up tlm
property of the hmi fninily lo provonl
tho wife mill children haviiiL' H !
port which ft court hsd decreed lliotii.
If Unit Is hoiiorahloinid pralsoworthy,
'o tho dovll his iluo ."
wwmj'i'W''1' vmfrwmt
ii imnjiwixji mm
xo. v.
"Mo tho dovll his iluo."
IJssuoriwsi'tu. IMiosijol'tio.v. Last
Tiuwdny, Mowm. W. II. Noblo, P. C.
Durban, 0. A. JIaiiseoin antl u.M.
Noblo woio arrested, on complaint of
W.A. I.uso, for diiUUik and rumoviiiK
timber fioni tho Warwick Donation
elaiin. Tlio cause was oxamlnod by
Kwp RuiiBstiiekouof Kmpiro City and
tho' dofcttdaiiUi werl lleiare,ol.
Thoro was no ground for ehar;lnK
those psrtlw wllh crime and lonlyto
hj regretted thai in siiuli malicious
proiouuttons the cosU cannot bo oii
forrwl HKiilnsl tlm cninplaluiiiK wit
nos,who soeks to usu the criminal
courts as an uiv,tuo with which to
gratify private malice,
"All is xor OoM)." Quito a stir
u ereuted Thursduv mnoiik' the
liihabitftiits of tho lower bay, by tho
report that llio eimliieers, in iiinKinK
sounding near llio Cape, had bronchi
up on tlio load, sand, mixed in a
very Urge proHirtion with nold lust.
Tho speoulatliiK cilixen at oneo saw
visions of hxrxe fortunes accumulated
bydriMlguiK in this reinarknblo aurif
ormn deHMPil, but tlioso Roldon dreams
were )on dispellwl by thu disclosure
of tho feet llmt the metal wh copper!
"All Is not nob! thai Klltters."
ltijv. C. P. Hailkv lies Rono to Cam
as valley to hold protracted mooting ;
he will probably Ikj absout about two
Wit acknowledge a rail from Judgo
Wotxlruir of Curry oounty, who re
turned UiW week from a buelncss trip
to Hal omi and ItoeelHirg.
Wi; believe Hie two echoUreliliM to
which this county U entilleil in the
State University, ftre vacant ; lo in
the Agricultural College.
TilKitoeehurg lwUpdnt publUh
m later news from the coast than any
other peperof the Interior. Tho pub
lisher of that journal posces tlie
ulemenu of eucceee.
A ijuaxtity of lumber he boon tak
en ui CatehiiiB slouich to llninh tho
chiiteh in Sumner, and it is expected
Hint the building will bn so far com
pleted this fall, thai it can be used.
Wi: owu our reader up Isthmus
lough, an ajwloBy for Iho delay in
sending tho last iMueof the Mail. It
wm purely accidental, and was oocas
innod partly, by a change In the move
ments of tho steamers.
W rail atlonllon to the ulverllc-
uieut of the livery and feed stable of
tfte Noblo llros. And if any of our
readers want r good-riding homo or
anything in their Hup, we roommoud
Mil Caiu'kxtxr. whocAimt to Ibis
county from New York twmo months
since, line aecurutl a fxrm adjuiuliig
Stephen Kogora' place on Coo Itiver,
and is clearing and improving exten
sively. He will probably build next
Wi: have hoard of a conplo of Han
don '-sports," who wore soon a fow
days slnco with blankots on their
Imoks, going up thaooast from Ump
qua, whuro thoy had boon to work.
Tor the pleasure of packing their
blankota, thoy arc returning to tho
Ooqulllo by way of Yiujuina Hay and
jiTii, hiom cviiiTw
Ho who has no perwiial pwullarlly
or individual Idiosyncrasy, would bo
not only a singular typo of manhood,
but wotlld indicator want of charau-
tor nmuuntlng lo lameness, and ovou
weakness. Only a few exhibit pecu
liar characteristics, so strange and
parldoxlcal, as to oxelto geuoral no
tlco for lliolr eorontricity. Among
tho old residents of our locality, who
havo paid the debt of uatiiro, are a
fow whoso MH!itllaritlosdosorvo notice,
nml whom it ofltinot harm todeecribo.
eAiTAirt imvnr.w,
Is a name familiar to all old solllors
Ho was a character! Social, witty
endowed with great powers of mimic
ry, and an exact memory of events,
ho amused his auditors with an ond
los rotation of ludicrous narativos,
uud quaint romarks. In his presence
tho laugh was snro lo go sound; not
in gotillo ripples, but in a brawling
stream. In a family who wore all hu
morous, ho was chief. Tim boy who
whistled In school, excused it by Hay
ing, "it whistled llsolf. Ho, froth
Oapt. Drydon the How of wit and hu
mor bubbled out sjioiitaneously, from
a natural and irrepressible impulse.
His polite and doferontial gallantry
modified tho roughness of his nara
llons to tho ladies, who were often
startled with strange and cpicor jests
thai were a littlo dubious.
His foftluros wore bronxod, largo
and irrogular; with high cheok bones,
and his whole physiognomy variega 11
with scare and wrinkle, he wm home
ly, but not repuiitva. Hie giant frame
was gaunt ami tiilwart,uud when his
long arms wore extended in awkward
and rapid gesticulation, thoy added lo
(ho fun of his entertainment. Any
one wtio ever mw president Lincoln,
would bo struck with tho romarknble
personal likouos 1 wit ween tlio men.
mil efforts, and much lime and money
expended, he camo to understand that
.a sailor might write In a itnutl book,
"what he know about farming," and
that Coos Hay hill lops arc not profi
tably productive. Though he did not
succeed In farming, ho made a pleas
ant home, and spent time In pursuits
hucolio, that might havo boon wasted
111 tho alcoholic
tiii; ohim Mimsn.vorm (;omi:.
Imprudent exposures undermined
his slroiigcoiistitiilJon. A fatal con
sumption was clutching at his vitals,
his stout voice grew weak end piping,
hut still he maintained his activity
and ohdorfulne'si. Ho died on board
the AViesf Anchor, on bar way to Coos
Hay, and was buried in tlio broad
ocean, upon whoso bosom so much of
his life had been patsed.
Was another "oueor fish." His lino-
anient wore not mprcttivtly Iwauti-!
fill or intellectual. His capacious
head indicated oithor a large brain or
a Iblck skull. "Tho milk of human
kindnotw" was but dimly shadowed
forth in his expression. H may be
that his foaturoa boiled his noble hoarl,
and his physiognomy was at fault.
ICxcept a littlo domestic tyranny, ho
loft no record of violonco or criminal
His great ambition was business.
"Hizncst is bizness," was his oft re
peated watchword. Trade for tho
sake of trade, was his enjoyment.
His capital was limited, his transac
tions wcro not ponderous, and did not
materially aiTrct tho commercial
world, or rccoivo extended notice in
the treat marts of trade. Exchanges
from fifty cents up, or from five dol
lars down, wore worthy of his finan
cial attention. If lie could shako a
few dollars in his pocket, he nas sure
to do so, and felt happy in lite display
of coin.
Ho had iiffllnitc assurance . nd fa-
Tlio Curry County Court House question.
Thoro has been much said and writ
ten about the purchase, by tho County
Court of Curry counly,of a building
for a court house, and judge Woodruff
has been consurcd for wting for the
purchase of hi own building for tho
county. In conscpienreof this oppo
sition tho subject was taken up by tho
County Court at their late sotslon and
tho former action was rescinded. Af
ter tho former contract was cancelled,
it was promised to repair tho old court
house, hut upon examination, it was
ascertained that tho building stands
upon land towhirh tho county has no
title (ft fart of which judge Woodruff
was before aware) and the commis
sioners thou decided to make a new
contract with judgo Woodruff for his
building, whfrh was accordirglydone
the county paying $"") for tlio prop
erty. Tho building purchased is con
veniently situated, and as suitable in
every respect for tho purpose, ai any
that could have been had in tho place,
tho former action of judgo Woodruff
and commissioner Hughes, which was
censured with so much haste, appoars
after all to have been for the best.
Wbml. IteiclicrtjPjroprfetop
Keeps connUmtly 'on hand, and offera for pnlo a auporior nvtjcla of
A Suggestion.
Slglin again turns Lusc and reck
lessly sacrifices a column of the valua
ble space of his paper, in order to slur
the U. A C. U. It. H. company and its
incorporators. He says for the forti
eth time, that this company was or
ganized lo forco some other party to
"buy them off." The motive tor this
unwaranted assertion at this tiino, is
apparent. About- the samo lime that
the U. &C. H. company was formed
bore there was another corporation
organized for the same purpose, with
J. XL Siglln and W.A. I.'iscas princi
pal incorporators. Tho company
which ho denounces, and whose mo
live ho impugns, was composed nl this
end of the route by such men as judge
Mann, C. H. Men-bant, . Wingatc,
A.Xaaburtr. II l. Whitney and S. P.
Having Htad hi life aa a teaman
mllinrity. "A word with , u" to , Hailoy. We would luk which of thwc
call an unsuspecting victim aside, and
"butlon-holo" him for a half an hour
about nothing, wax hispcrpctualborc.
It reminded the old eottlers of the an
noyance of captain Harris, when an
old fogy called him confidentially to
organizations not likely lobe gov
erned by tho dndionorable .notivefs
which the Xewt assigns ; a company
comjiosed of such men, or ono led by
J.M. Siglin and W.A. Lusc? We shall
bo satisfied with the vordict.
he wm very "mlf In all hi exproa-! H' l ,0K whnrf nt hl"J"rC
.Ions. A ,rtition waa a "bulwark ;" City, and whispered in his ear, hat
torfldo.,,watocomet anchor j" lo you think, Itoger wouldn t lend
The steamer AUt Jhtnovt, Captain
Carroll, alloiujited to enter lloguo
river on tho Milt inst., and struck on
the south spit, where slio now lies
high and dry at low tide. All the
freight has boon removed. Tho pro
poler shaft is broken, and as it will
have to bo sunt to San Frunclsco for
repairs, it will probably bo thirty days
before sho will bo roady ready for son,
Some doubtrt are entertained about
getting lior off tho hoach without
damngo. No blaiiio is attaohed to
Oapt. Oorroll, as it in stated Hint tho
signals for eroseing the bar woio ()
feet out of tho way.
Tho tug-boat I'uriiuabroko hor rud
der last week, but U now oady for
service again.
In tho moo for purse of $10, bo
twoon .loo Nay's "Thud Srovenir" and
T. W, Crook's "Polo," distance t-10
yaids, "Thud Stovons" Won by 10 foot.
Joothinkii ho can boat any horeo in
Coos or Curry, W. A. Luso's "Long-
follow" included.
There will he a mutch gamo of huso
ball at Port Orfoid, on tho SStli lust.,
botwuou tho "StltlV of Port Orford,
uud tlio -Limbers" of Flora's oreok.
Tho tax levy for this your, Is i!li
mills, including county and State.
Ourry oounty Is.oonipurutlvolysponk
lug, out of debt.
Woo bo unto Wugstuff If ho fulls in
to tho olutolieof our Oounty Judge.
Hni&riiuu: for the Ioat Mal
and he hit a fellow on the "slurlKXird
orlarlioanl Imiw," and thus on, ho in
torlanlwl his whole conversation with
a vocabulary of nautical terms. His
ship was himself jersotiBted. A Chi
naman had been Miffucatod by . the
fume of charcoal, which had boon
employed to destroy rats in the hold
of his veel. The Pan Praneiwo cor
oner was mystified and antonishod by
his evidence : "I returned to jwrt be
cause I had rata in me ; they gnawed
holosju my boitoni, and I was leaking.
I waa obliged to smoke mysolf, and the
d d fool of n Chtiianittii camo on
board in the night, audi found him a
wreck in llio morning." He wm for
sovoral years capUin of tho old tujf
Wlw.and afterward sailed theci)
jttrhrif, Shttt Anchor, whoso cmb-liko
progression waabroverulal. 'I no cap
Lain of the clow lwirk, Chart Detent,
once remarkml, that "ho had novor
Imsm1 anything at sea. except the
Shri jlnefcur-andthorarallones. On
ablplawnl bis stentorian louasof voice
mounded alar, ami H reipiirwl but a
alight omerxtmey to oxcite liim to a
frenzy of impreoation.
on siioiti:.
Hoattondml all thepartied and balls,
and was the gayust of tho gay ; but too
often In tho lato hours, having drunk
to deeply of "tho llowing lowl," ho
boiled with vongeanooat soiuo fancied
!!ght or insult, and row began,
lllood llowoil, ladlos Bcreumod, and
tho Terpsichorean rovol closed sud
denly in gloom, l'ew dared to moot
his stalwart frame and dogged determ
ination in single combat, when his
blood was up. They aomolimoa
"doublod toams"on him, and now and
then ho camo out with battorod face,
and oven broken limb. Hut again,
he, single handed, put to ignominious
illght their combined cohorts, driving
them U cover in abject fear, thoir val
or oozing from thoir trembling limbs.
"Tho raokota" wo hoar about to-day are
tamo apd spiritless, compared with
tho Mirring gulosof oxoltomout under
tho direction of Drydon.
Ho orootod a spacious and pleasant
mtuisiou near North Heud, mid in
stalled his aged mother, to whom ho
was ever kind, indulgent, and gonor
oii8, as mihtruM, It wns here, thut,
with a uautioul experience, ho inaug
urn toil an agricultural campaign.
Thoio wns money in farming, ami ho
would roup tho golden rewards. Ho
had no doubt of his ability tonnvlgnto
the plough and Npnde ; to sail the dai
ry nnd thooropa into ft luvibor of dimes
and I loll result. Tho buriou hills oh
sltnntely i of used to deliver crops. His
com uud vegetables put on sickly
hue of puloneea, grow to n spiteful
stumpednoss of stntuie, and showed n
niouii disposition to sonudnlizo his
Bklll and oflbrts. Drydon wns muro
than disappointed, ho wa angrylie
wns loud in southing abuse of thoso
San Pmnoikoo roonls, who had swin
dled him. He boliovod that tho peer
( (hoy had sent him, wns tho oauso
uf alt his misfortune After incllVct-
inn hi htillot molds." He was never
at a loss to make the acquaintance of
a MUStng stranger, whotr it was so
easy to inlroduco himself with a flour
jj,),I nm CupUin Cussans." and
then followed with a tree and careful
inquisition into tho victim's designs
and business. He owed whisky a ter
rible spite, nnd "punished" it on all
occasions, so that he was saturated
with its fumes "from early morn to
dewy ove."
Ho kept a small hotel at Empire
City. His table abounded" with the
nroductions of our waters fish,
clnma and crabs which were his
chief staple, and cooked in all the va
riotioa of tho culinary art. His pat
rons were mitiiily of that high-toned
class who, nl late hours, were too Ja
tiyul to disrobe, and "turned in,"
booti and nil. His supply of blaukoU
was limited, especially when thero
was a rush of lodgers. Although tho
storv isold.yol it is true, that ho sup-
diod tho deficiency of blnnkots by
nulling them off the sleoping'-druuks"
anil passing them over to fresh arriv-
It is said he was mure polite to his
family in words than acts; that ho
hung, Hotty-liko, around the kitchen
to dictate and scold. Now and then,
addressing his wife with "my dear,
don't do that," ho hit her with tho
frying-pan by way of emphasis.
He is now in "another sphere," and
only loft "to point a moral or adorn a
Was not a graituate ol any university,
or ft member of the learned profes.
sious. Hi course of reading had not
extended to classic lore or any other
loro : oven tho modorn newspaper did
not olnim much of his attention. Ho
received the appellation of Fbrtnight,
from a slight misapprehension. It is
rolntcd that, being informed that
some ono luul hauled a large number
of mils in ft fortnight, Miller, havinc
novor hoard of that designation of
time,concoivedittobo somo vehicle
or innohine, nnd expressed ft strong
desiro to pososs one.
On another occasion, hearing somo
ono sponk of the World's Fair, ho be
came impressed with tho idea that it
wm tho hollo of womankind, selected
from all tho beauties of tho world, and
declared: "I would givo fifty dollar
to kiss her." Whon it is recollected
thai the fainwt joung ladies retail kiss
on nil round at twenty-five cents onch,
at ohurch fairs, that tho poor Ksqut
ninux may bo provided with linen
dusters, or benighted Africans with
woolen mutters, wo can imagine what
impression tho lovolinosi of tho
Worlds Fair, made upon Mr. Millor.
Those nro but trilling orrors commit
ted by ono who was not "posted," and
which permit us to smile broadly, and
not condemn.
. Cull mo pet names; warble soft
cadences in mine car, love. "Will,"
now come,darling,don't bo naughty,
my lad 1 For drawing it mild, and
doling out gush, tho "Argus" is
Mn. W. A. Lrnrc during the week
past has been soliciting some of the
Marshfield jwople lo a qualified or
partial surrender of thoir rights in the
pending controversy touching the ti
tle to lots. Hi kind and generous in
tentions wore fully appreciated, but
his offer was universally declined.
Tmkre arc prospects of several, if
not more, ncv? ejectment suits being
commenced by Lusc against citizens
of Marshfiold, but thoy do not seem to
disturb tho equilibrium of our average
townsmen in the least
"Thoso evos and voice are mischiev
ous weapons", mj'j tho veteran
editor. Wo concur , especially "thoso
At Newport, Sept. 24Ui 1879, to tho
wifo of K. Walter, a sou.
At Newport. Sept. 7th 1S79, to the
wifo of 0. A. Winchester, a son.
At Norwav Coos Co. Oregon, Sopt.
11th 1S79, to tho wife of 0. Nelson, a
At Koseburs, Pej't- 19. 1S79, to the wife
of John M. Hvxlwin, a daughter.
AtEinplt) City, September 22, infant
Mm of Jay and ancy Tuttlo.
At Marshfiold, Sent. 24, 1670. Ida J,
infant daughter of John and I izzie all
stroni, agvil 10 months and 21 days,
3InrI.HU InlcllIgcHCf.
8iTuanJiv, PcpL2.
Sir Gu?slo Tolfatr, Hutler, CO hours
from S F pass and indse to Fred Schetter,
Sell Emma UUor, Dillon, lo days from
Bl'in Snuthiwirt Coal Co,
BC.NDAT, StpL 21.
Pch Norway, Whahnan, 12 days from
S F to Eastpo'rt Coal Co.
TncKiDXV, BepL 25.
Sch Jamos Townsend, Hourix, 14 days
Pch Aurora, IMrkholm, 12 days from S
Fto Southport Cd Co.
Sent 20 Sch Eutornrise, Donnelly, S F.
' 25 Str Uussle Telfair, Butler, S F
fcfe. SHOES, &A.
Mausukikli, Ok.
J from Sun Frunclsco with a com
plete stock of every thing in my lino,
ready made boots nnd shoos, etc.
W. A. Lust: and W. E, Mooro, havo
It Is reported, huvo gone to Snlom.
SvuHitunTfor the Coast Mail.
Livory &Foed Stable,
NOHLE 11U0S., Proprietors.
We, have lately built n. first-class
Stable on Pino street, and have Hores
to biro at nil hours. Hauling done at
thort notice.
Wo. 100 Front TIrtr.
No. ICO Back 1W
Oar new Organ, expressly designed for Sunday Schools,
Chapels, etc, Is proving a
Bo sure- to send for full descrlptlvo Catalogno beforo
purchaEing any other.
Illustrated Catalogue sent rcc.w m t
viCTORsousi i KQaaiioMj. Mceuea dj Bone.
And Grasd Uodil of Hcssr.
Economy, Durability cxd Eapidlty
combined with perfect work,
Art DuasEsidune Ftitara ef Ux
Giant Farm aM Warelioiise Fans,
iuu r
Raclno, Wis.
Nrr hTlBS cartt iajrortatna, t!T f fn?T
cxul t erery denial : cltsaite all kimlt of Ijtin.
Pt. Doc, Cauct Ear, Cora lrd Smia Srf.
truOiii&ooiWht3t.Uu!eyadRyt Tkeyh"
rar pofcet mtaro fax diiaiaj -nmoihjr.
Ckmr. FUx Sttd, OrOarf Gnu, aaJ. a ejVr
Smn Stedj. Ther Chaff t-crfea-Y, 1 cooVim
crcrr QiuSficaooa reqrd to da fin bat wax a
(hi tbsttctt cat.
Taylor & Farley
atirffcctgra at WorCMtcr, 21iw
Wrehwf. wd' --i Fir M2, its hrjelT eon
tnxtcd. both U. i rT--C e- i3 VfftS
is o boiheU perh.'-r, a rie to ue erxau.
1Twt art darpeJ. bawi J-roctan tnapotaacB,
aad "KX up" ct "koxked dm" (ox forwatOss
udaid. a, teiid; asd in all oe pu ca
feanl Can or Steamer. Orfsta fitted uac dar "
"UflU iJJrped "knitd down" fo (a half tie
bdzU charged ai when f wanied 'Kt up." Oleo.
cnphsadCiieu!ari.p?edooa?fi5c3too, Pncn
Snfbeated te and cc Uber ai terra. Ccm
jwodenee toliottd.
AIL XX7SJT32XTS of aey alue may te tami
la Uicac icatroxaenta. A tey coeitau vaatf
5K5 K733 ta ether Organs.
Almlneto producs work which shall b
Durable, wo will not acrrtlooiat whteft
la not eean, nnd yst Is vital to paiwet
Orjcan, in order to mako a moroftinar
Wa are atQ enaUedU prwent a
Stylish tnd Appropriate Cases
aaeaabeibosdlatbeisaratt, ii a finish wiJeiil
Awar witli MeM & Diploma of Eewr
Tttlttmtx U?trartuu3ii,Erwu!. KUTIaad
EUIIUia U niCoilaaltr U rar ini Crttnl
ifflltj U BafV-'l'.i Ifflhxa fu tit jsijomi UtcaM.
Do ect ul to saie sppCcalioo aaj
Edbre Pochasine.
Catalojw &ee, en app!t.'aooa to the
Taylor & Farley Organ Co,
TT- WJlT-apTT- 11,HfTafaiM
Meridcn, Conn. U.S. A
and moot THOROUGHLY con.trucUd
lh wearioj por'j cro luido of tho DEST i
itiiauoarrojrjrrt7ri;.V5ZO-V it
hM tho jjOi'r JiQltttlXl it tuu Um I
EastoStThroadod Shuttle
Tho HOnMiro nro WOUSTD ulthout
It lias a SKLFrtTINO NKr.DIJ?t It
haa n m AI. lor rcgulatm,; Iho lenj;Ui or Hitch,
Bl'ACU tiudcr iho anal It I NOiSUUtss.
and haa muro imla of nxCKLXilNCK Una
all other uucblncd combined.
49-Aoanta wanted In looallUea
whura wo uro not reprovented.
Johnson, Clark & Co.9
(iitscmnr. rr iit
.11AIJ. s'.'.oopcr jr.
"Children's Blow Podails,!
Ailjustccl orromovedinstanily.
Inventod and Exclusively
used by this Company.
The most popidar
Organs of the day! (
"Tho Wilcox & Wtw
lu tJio jaarJret I
itiki tor Jtustr-iled Cuteiow.
n :i
Vjy j.