Jpf, s,cwjj ygy-ca, ?i fi niiiritiivlit8t.'toM'--' ySiyzsc ,nm..iiM..lwwluwwmwiiWH.n..).ilw,....i.,.., .. ,., rtr- ruiH-i iin ii.iidi iiuji nm,u jij auiun'ji.hil. .j ... .. .1 i.-j,i hu.hh.j. nmrammimt IIIU'OANT MAIL '! Rl,tl - Nepl.UO, IK? jr. wMwinwjmwiw "Hn;n" t AUiwtifiin.ij. VciIihn.1(i nlulil. V. A. Lute o up to ManhhVId fur n "rack- Hi iiiudo tho I'nini'it saloon, , by Mr Moore, hi, lionehium- iind inudi niulil hideous willi ;lini(inimliHii orgies. Ilo nnd f)I'1 llllillMll llll'lllM'lve 111 llMllnl lilironini' liar uhiance through lilowH mill piiluiea, mid firing Mm into the walls of llio anloon. uuitl In nun "IniHtod," but wag of tin.' i fut ltiiflod men. with tv (if inniii f .' 'I'lin ill fim !iOf I lid I I III I im una nilliut ami RaHrtht llu mid mum very iiowr set- run tlio to the building. 'I lid iittxl morning Mi Line nndW. E. Mooro worn urn ttd 011 a warrant bunted iiyMtyccirilt r Ihiiwn for iiuillclrni. iiyuryjto h rinniil property, which Irffifglj.ny undir thnalnlute. The (lMw4iy una 1 chicIumIvo flfCttillHt tkfjijmd tin r Ik inn no mitigating (.'mwiiiniTi except KniHMi ijk f54ftt thij have heon in tin (Mifno jrt Ik fun1 they worn plaoml liu iiinriutiiiK bond of 1'IK- )LI US oiii'li. for their an- r-cinUi' ( imiUfnuit. Thm Iwo or Ibii otbitr minor ehurg- do ni'iliiMt them, which are too Inlc to lw fiiii)Oiiiil In mw l'iiii v. loiinu noil A.l hci.ttiH bull for (bo uofurul- lTi.1T Tin' "racket" caae Mmr ji'Urdsy, woro diHH(Hl n( a iwti. lor defacing a building, promised liv the payment of dm (ninl n 11, for Mng drunk, tin tof guiltv wn made mill defend we re lln il if each mill ousts, and imi mm tbiDK lb" eacehy UiJiig pi- iQiKclr , ih ft ndant plead guilty, otiit Iweero v HI hill d-'j and I. line fill. at 1 mm on Un tlio exami Ion of iK-t ill before Judge Wat Jil I'll I i Ibi' frti-l WM dick.nd he 1 11. b im.I t 1Mb Interest in , I 1 tb III the JftaVJMr. and ijn t'c II ',-..1. nil for OM? iirtly It f'irth r .iKrrl (hnl he LtJl ni bd-'ttl (he solicitation FsV I il-.', uikI ho claim it na fn pr t -t il..- iiiitirct of M. U. X.mml J'nl t W ii. n nronouiiciHl tlio jili il tr t i-l-r voltj, mhI diNtotad Int ri t ( lit itriitd m the rU if A Uim. Tbo Cm 1 s bujl t'iot br lb trlirh ' II. .-Itn NVUai furtber 44ct 1 n. I ' 1 n .et -4 to by l.n uv l3Sc 1 ljuti - I" .b'fuot tbw ortter b ll Jo l,,,r for Ui iii-nii of mSSj.u . '1 1 I., r ilirw nmull vhiU tfw7n i) 1 m 10 . hii. IT Q 1,1. CoHilKCT.Tfw AVim (Im 1 tt ;" fr th proprlclor j P"'.TT' T I qgMf i 1' -1. 'iiilntftba 'wwnr rf.rNiii 1 . it,i,r iieoiWriv."aUf. X0i ilu i. ..i.iif i to Mr. WftrittAlf imj v .'.Mioruf iinr rirouerty ttttlbi 11 i b I'ltuiittMv urauiro: iutii in xiiii niTvrIVVS nun' -tflt (I M .. . ut... u.1uuk...a t.2.u mHiih('Iii u 11, M.lmiUnly Uer.i IWimriv 1 1 a mill I.IihhM mid bif- 1 II l'i I ill Mllili UltfrltfUMOIUill- arpiirt t . ii.',u Ikwouicm a I fmQfirr", u .j mmmeni. Jlu est- tl it ' 1' .1 ) t.'i.rutwt i ho u iwyl r t ( II II l.n0, i lrn IhMlit lf) x ilt vuluiiU'prto-liiu-Uwa i' 1 ' 'I -I bkf bum. m n,nint wwuK"i ij'i ii.ii'Uim r wife clu' I 11 f ! iiif.uin uf luj'purt, b I 'In 1 1 without n heart.' H U MM -s ItKLATtOX. U MWty ! .lid, buaittctU, UN Wldl twill t ", 'iimki alrnnBO bodfed- ki." 'I bo iiiiihiwto and conHUou .yjlft I di ii of nttornoy uml ulivnt jSSlbci ii i . .iti d Im'Iwooii J. M. Hlir- WTMUd A K iiLHtti(F Thi nriu... Illrt'ii of ihn Iwliijr UJ0 ult4r- oi .nr i.uc, mill auatujr be- MUiiK Impi-iii'iit .y tin. Um of which mill' uuin; bj cover up bia rlS Mi that it .'nliiinl u oitoui MAwdlu wil. ainUIUldren. 1; .... . ... .vh.v-.s rw nvv SfttAM l)i I Ix.l- it. li'ltttinmtti A fHtmm hu u ii-lnii UiJ a niai'lili.n fCSTaiul.iii , . .i . ..i i.. . .. .i. . "V"" ""'.. "' .i I'ltttu lU WUTJI WIO ijattyur m Hunk alouglt, twar yQld of lie il trm-k. It works Wjwjitlii') rin. ipb of n pump, HAing 0lft mud with thiiuuliir. miuI .In. jSWnn il i-tam poiuldi'Mrixl.'Thf anp to uio tbH jmtoiii whs pur nMMd in Hau l'riUK ico. IMti ee ii'KST Ono dny loal Mr Jlobl M.'l'min, who wat at n l hud' h'twing ramp on EC. riMMint with a painful ao .ippt ii' uitbrtlmk IWfyWi whin tin- log which ho waa amvniK I'iriiii uiul oauglil liim on IfllSlthbdi biniHintr thu limb bndlv. Kliioi In ( u bud nn w Ith Ida Inluriesa. 'ronrdii hiuiKi'lf with ihowileo 'Hint it miiht buMiboon wunw." lit Ariowi -Tho protent term li Mm "lib. Id Vi'ttdnmv ndleloNi idnj of iii xl vi',.k. Il bun boon, o.J HMpiit.Niiie-ewiful, nlthough i oi mm two uioiil ha'diirntiiiii. nil di m will tiiMn on iloiidnv. tttjjetb liiMnnt, niul all who wiih to tin m .im e.f tho auiltvlor ml. W'i ollt ii d b tliu aoboolnlMiiihl mi liiui'l to (ummonoe uUh lha HK HlNllH m1'iik'I.!totiikLbkt llnofthi A. t, and Wagatalfof Ariu, him 1'bn.pad hmuU er fnw iiiiik ubi en, and like Jav id and thnu i. fold, fiilluii upon im. b nib fm Li mid wept, '(if u&L IloM, in llojtnn. At r(Hiiolof Y. H. l.nnllli, Iciu'lmr of tlio Nnvioil Urbool, WO Jlllllllall (bo llllllll'l Of )M. iiiln ilUtliiKtiidmd fur Kood dcporU infill diirliiK Him imnilb cikIIdk Hujil. ti!.IS7U: I'liplln of olrti A. ri'tttlrliiK "00 CM'illln Mngirlo (iiilgloy, Mury I'liuin Kan, I'rfibHolliuih. - CleaiM I), rwiirlnif flTOcruilIU If mi n nb Hiirililun. CIumC, rmiilrliiK -100 rnl!ti Mn ria riniiiignn, Jobunlu Biiu'ldon. PlaiM 1), roeinlring ?MK) cnidlU OoorMo WfnolKMtor, Musfglq HiUqbln- noil, ItolH'i't Ihltcbhiiion. A mioiiwriiB utonnior A lie. Dunean went Atboro on tlio NOtitb nplL nl I loan o rlvflr l(il gntiitibiy, nnil nt bmt nccMiiinU oilorU war IminK iinulo In gt liur olf by inamu of han'ora unit olbt)riHmicfw. Wo boj'o mIiu i ilfo. Mom hf. Our city nutlinri lltM have elwielml to jinL ii anotliiT lamp on tlio walk lou'nnl llio AcnIe my, near A nilvraonN lb!. Tbl ii a good lil, ocpt clftlly ft limy will an mi far at to inalui provbrion foi baring it light. In It. fiKOKM Cviiki), Onr friend .Ino tSllawnrtli, ongitiucr of llio lUrtha, bud oiio of hi nnew badly miuln-d ImI ftimiay. Unit UI1 ut hit poat, but tlio other ohap Iioji to liHinlle lht wood jiwt now. OoAtr Srimr, -Wo nro liifomiril that a jwrty of U. a. Hurvoyor I'miic U fiiiidnor in tlio luttur pnrt of lenit ivoelt, to commence tho tirvoy8 of the mouth of tlio Umnqua for which pro viaion ban befin mmlo. KoaTThar wore alit;bl ftoita HOtioed on Cooa rirar, Friday mid St ttroay nighu of lat wcuk; ono of them waa bard yiiongb imi t lint lU of- iet were viiiblo on rugptatUm. 1'AftM Soijj. Jlr. 8. I.ovim of Dnn tela' c.rtfvk, ha aobl hi farm to J. J. Clinkenlamnl for fliK), and will bemifter dovoto Ida atioulion to tho miiiinlry, IJIi tmtty friend wiih him atircMta. Opiilh! City lleitu.' Dr. ftteoie U tho happy futhor of a bran now boy. Pauper Hainnol mall dlotl Sal- nrday OTtnhiu.of heart diaa. John Dottn, Jnntlce of ibo l'eaco, baa jftirw up the river to marry aomp loving cvii pic ; m rvpot I aaya. Mra. Win. V. Wright and oiilhlran, acenrnrianM Mr. Wright on Ida ru torn to Trn ilih. on Uio JOUi. C.tuiIU City. Si'A. Hlh, 1870. Chtr wmal friend, Thoa. Norria hu In tuwu Mtvornl day during tbU wek. Tlie fine atrrtiner Juno i aain plyln on Un Hay and tributaries. Wimi Turjdn will jkkui imiva to iJarahfleld with hla family. T. O. Owoh, ljarj., I oh et fishing (W- urakn up ihoolaftsifMillbxnim rimr. Ilia report! that Cox, at tho mouth of ibo Cotjuillo, ia taking aalmou vory fast. OooalUv lxaw no "dollar atoro:M but the xaettum Iim 'Imoii raised by r nguinir a uonariieei. We ufkiHiwbMc a nloaaant call from (?. Y. Iknijnmaii, formerly of the nuHttuaier. Tiickk wm n MH-iaJ danca at liinnlm City lewl Tiiumlay nlsbt : it i Mkt to haiu Un a pleaaant alTuir. Kn. itt'KKKU. ha rvaitmed the ear ryiiitf of frtdgbt. and aaaengiirt on Uateliing alough witlt hlaujtprtvM ItonU Cai-t. J. J. Jackwx hvi plaoeel in charptif Uicateamer rM, by deputy erterffTaleliitoeh, on Thnrlay. W.1I. Koblo t Cm. drove apllos yeainrdny to nasial navigation in Cool Hank slough. Tony Want U rtieUeating on Coot rivor (or tlio benefll of hU bonltb, wbiob la improi ing. vWhKdieater'ji new atflftincr will not ho launched till Tiiocdny or Wwlnoaday of noxl weolc. D, MuMK.Jtt.. of Umpire City, hu gone to San I'lanclaoo to pnrehaao now good fur Ida torw, and II. I'hugor iw aoting aa deputy oounty trwntuor in Ida absence. The englnejora went out over tho bar Thumdayon thoeor, billowing to a donao fog ut ovening, tho tun wni unablo to return, ami tho oiighioorei returned by Inntl. Mr. Matthew Millar, who has boon for aevartd yonrn jiimt, t rosidont of Nunporl, i nhuut to movoto Iln'tisb roluoibia with hi family; be gooa by tho Duncan. llunte'a flahery at ISIIonaumg, in do. Ing hut little buainoiw mynl, on no cxmiiiI of oart-lty of flub ; (ho run of Allium in oitbor vory light, or it bus not yet fully commoucod. The lug IWmmo, of Hoguu rivor, haa met with iui uoeldtnit, and hroko her whvcli which provohtwl hor go lug to thu uaaUUtuuo of tho miftdii when ilu wont nnhmo. Ituaaoll titephoiiM, of Oulohliig filuugh, thiiiKa hn will bii vo In tho unigbboihuuil uf ono thuinuiud bush ola of grain thti yonr. Ilta fnrm in roelaiined marah bind. The suit of K. Jl. Doan t Oo. va. h. ra-ttighorii, ot L, wh (locldod hut SftUinlRv by.ludgo Wutuon in favor of thu plftJnUnif, n nrrputiiiil Iniuiio tion juajiut (ho dufViidmit lioing grunted, Mr CleorgM Davis niul J. Onhorno b ve built n new Unit iiwtr tho Wow- on ,poit ma wharf, to furnish wnlgr I i, nt ttu eiiiKoOBllu'iv for THE SETTLEMENT Mil) FJIILV SKTTLGIIS OF COOS IIAV, ? no. i v.J roAr. Avn, Migi;a, Aftor Ibo flrit eltwovory of w at I'iii)ilri('ity mid Kortli Itoml, foimld orabtn tlinii oIhihwiI beforo opuralioim woio commmii'ejd, Tlio flrat oargo of oonl wim mined from a drift in the llo.itmnu .Donation Claim. It waa trmisporlod in wiigoni a mllo anil n half, to Coal Hank Hlotigb, and trana ferrod in eowa to Kmplro t'ity, Thia cargo wa ahlpjied on tho Chantry, and both voanul and oargo woro lost on (ho bar In J8.TI. Another cargo wan idilppeei ahorlly nftorwonli, tiro- cured fiom llio nhiiim nourco, which ar ill rd in Man Kraucixco. At tide time, tho prlt'o of coal in finn Kraneiaco wiih forty dollara por (on, and freight fiom Coim Hay wna jmid at (ho rate of thirtucu dollarapor ton. MtU'l'OHT Al) KASTCOKT. During Ibo niimmor of lfW, woik wa initiated at Newport mid Kaal port. Tbvaeminon rfereocomiluld aa (o commotion the uhlpmout of coal ewrlv in IfiW, and have continued, with wcmIoiihI iutorrujdionii, their produotiou up to thu prcaent lime. Their early operation wad expensive, on account of their crude and limited bidlitioi, which lnivo boon gradually imjirovod hiuI perfected. Thu New port mine wuu originally ownud by IUjgorx and Flanagan, and is now the properly of Flanagan & Mann, Tho lvaatport mine wan opened at the out net by Nortbrup and Hyniomln. Chaa. mid John I'orahlwkar were miInkv epiout proprlt'tOM, who raid to J. L, I'Oil, tho pionut chief owner. A. J. IHVI, Am agent fur San rnuiobu'e eapitaliata, leK'Hted a miuo near Ibo mouth of iMliiiniif Htoiigh, in 1.S&0. A ttore Iioiiik.1, railroad and wharf went com pleted, with all (he neceaaary ad juueU, lwfore tho vein wan properly tol. Tho cnlurprhw reunited in a total failure and alMtudonmenl, and aliout Mreuly-llvo liiouaaud dollnra wero lost to the piojeotora. Till! IIAHDV MI.VK, OpMMita North llend, waa toealed in IS71, wltlnMit any thorough projaei- ing. Over ono hundred tbouaand dol lar MireevK)iidml in it development, aud it U now deaertett and eonipara lively xortble. There wero evral principal on now, ome of whom were bally crimlel by the failure of the mine Till) UTTKlt mxtt. In 1871, the Utter inino, on tho lalhmna waa openetl, ami the lath inns Tmnsil Hail road Imilt. The wliolooiiierjirfee became Milnvolvwli in debt, that, after tovoral moiuha' ahipmenla of ceml, tho mine waa cloed. Whether tho nroiuirty in of value a u inino, i a question nol ful ly ib'lermiucd. T!:e railroad U atill in operation, rig a public eon ven- ienco, by (iifording a much needoil niwiim of uommuuieaiittu. tiii: lll..SKYVII.I.S JII.VB Waa alto opt'tiod duri ng the year ISM. 1 1 in represented thai over two Iran- heel thoutaml iIoIIhm have been ex-! ponded in the various iinproiemenu - on the properly. An outcrop of ev en foot of coal, mixed wiih slate, waa pro'poolcd in connection with oostly constructions for mining facilitic. and when lluUhed, it wit found that the coal vein was broken, impure ami worthies. The owners base attinH il to repair thn diator, by sinking n duop Minfl. to discover lower veins. It is repotted that a workable vein of oual wan otruok at a depth of aboat four hundred fuel, hut no further ex ploration ban boon made, aud tho shaft hni now remainod for a year, lilted with water. II. S. Crocker, a California railroad king, and Hilly Carr, another California magnate, wore among iU proprietors, and can not bo matorinlly injured by ita fail ure. Tint soiTiiroitT mini: Waa opened in 1875, by 1). II. .Tone., agunt for 1. II. Cornwall and others, after a thorotiiih examination of tho vein, by running upon It a drift of sovoral hundred foot, until ihoro was nn Bstmrniicc of its perniiuiuncu and value A Inrgo amount of money win ovpondod iijiou it, in valuable ami Miixitaniial iniproeiuonU. Tho Milpimint of ooal fiom this miuo has boon oontiuuod, inid proinio to be butting. f WASiTi: Of t'Al'lTAI. Fivo hundiod thousand dollar ii not too largo an amount as an oti undo of tho inonoy actually lost aud tKiumidorod ut Uood liny in tho dovol. opiueut of coal mini's, that have proved thus far a total loss to their propiiotors, fiom the want of onutiou aud o.xjM)iionoo, accompanied with n iool;loiS oNpondituio of capital by nub and improvident agonl. These mining fn Huron bavu all exblbitiHl souiu moiil. They lmo been finely looatiid for ublpiiii'iit, well improved and ovorythlng oiWy except tho amort iiii no good coal. A few of our oitixoiiB huvo roapml a porsonnl beuo 111 in tho niiloof lands to tho.-m uusuo ooasful advontuiora, and many labor ora have reuutvod wages and euijiloy moiit. Willson aud Joixlan pot keted fouitii-u tluui.-,iud dolliK (loin ibo Mile of landMlolhfl Jlardf mine, and Wnlnwrn and olhr-. ee"ivH nvar thirty tbrniMP 1 ! ,fl i fi- ,i ! owilgfa of If in, wile. Tin oai. ni'i'imaa At Cum Hay bo boon fnii'iuuoiM from 1.T0 to tho prcetwt lima. '! b aililmt materially to nflf.'.riii, Mr Mill' r And fnmily, in eonie furnllliiii lalmr, Mlrn'-Mnft pfipoli 'jo in e of lb" li ncm Kcttiug nnhoro lion and adding to Ibe wealth -' Hun ami her return 'mum Dlk-nubfrgbefng eommnnlly. C,nl now eoini n. large aharnof tbcbipmentafrom ihla lort, amounting monthly to almut five llimiaand lone. rita arKAMCw jnMrRpT Waa the flrat ttenm voaaaliij arrive-on tho water of Coo liny, aftfl wm em ployed oarly in fngyhtingroai from llio Newport mlneMffretl a for Maongera. Her enginei 'jfrero efler- wartw lranferrei to it Hoall leak wooil erhooner, whh'h wifthrinb tied Thn 'Veirr, nnd wn thr,flri.t, and for many year the er Utf-htni hero, fthe waa lot near uwm Hend. and tho profieul '1ar !rainn the nam. ;? "ttib rwurr ruWi" A moTitt tbe early tripe (mJUho uleam- er A'nrport, an onlor wa t to (hn. JUtell, her owiht, to forwMJta 1"Y la iKirera for tne Newport fyf0- The Gen. hod charge of tho California State priaon, and twk itttSt in ita occupant, o for, aa il waeiaid, a to let them "lip" oeeaionaiKfaud pro vide places feirthem wheirMtOharged. On the return ef I be 2ftpri. in re jone Ui the order, a ctftwd of forty "hard eaaea" appeand upon harde-ck. A few only wera reejulTwl at 2ii wf t, and the rmaind-r droppe! abore at Kmpire City. The unfoapeetinK and uuanphUticatcd cilir.eua acart tbem cu- rionaly, and retire with itfnetcetit cdu fldenco to their domicUa. lint con ternation anon jwrvoiel tb commu nity. Hen-roota have Itlddordy Ij como depopuIatAd, Uie graqajul limrw thai have dangled (mm r elt-the linea abruptly diMpporj puiything and everything valuable Utko myte riotu elcparture. until thift eonfiding peojde rq rouv) to Mrr. They begin to unpecl--lhey "go-Jwr' thee stranger, and rmphaijofflh mlt-isc their Immediate emigMiln. Tlie touehtng recollection ooected with thi intereting gang, led ON eltixen to peaV. of them ever aHr M "The Forty Tbievea." There wt atopng them a few honei and ridntrion men. who are atiil arnoag aa. and whom h would l unjuataod invidi ous to mrntum. laeiermeie (laaay. Afrw week sfnee, th ,Arg09" puhlwhed Alt xlib)rial article which aiadl In flHtanc iit Doloa ilnUrd in aithlanc lot, Deloe WooilrufT, County Juelge f Curry jaA&.KMj ,ts$mJmJwmL in California. Jast W tnotlve nrompUHl thi publication U g difB- cull to conjecture, hot tlie evident that the assertion is in awry partic ular false and unfmrded. Judge Woodruff ecrved tor abtmt eleven years upon tbe police ftpce in San Kmnciaco immediately before com ing to Curry eotmty, and. thwu re sigiied Ida poeiliou. roopiving the complinjentfi of the Sw yrancifoo press for llw eftlcicnt juh! fiuUiflil manner in which his dUe bad lwen diw barged. A a sgaiple of these notices, we take the ibSowin from tho daily "Alta" of Deocmln-r 7, 187d : ' Loi-aI Officer Deb Woodrttft", who has been connected with the lHlicc Department for over nine veers, has resigned to inter into njuMcautile pursuits, Dur.n Offeer iadrttirs connection wiih the diparitmeul he IiAsg.ihicd tho rep'itution of Ml active, onorgetlo. and faithful officer always prompt in the ducbarxe of his duties, j III specialty was looking after Chi nose thieve, in whuh he vvns most successful, and unled ho vra lookeel Uu as the head sua (rent oi me Chi nese special wht'iuner jay important duty was to le performed i that hiaucb of the pubiv ruee. Ultring hist'oui.ectton with tin' force he has made 7W arre t, oi w 1 ieh 36 vere for i burglary, Gtfot u-AnIt and Mtterj-, Nlfor grand iarnu, 13 for robbery,! 83 for pent lai.ii, ami UwatOoid show that the mini'HT oi Chiuese thieves convictetl, more were arrested t WiHxIrutl' than any oilisr oUtcer 'llio valuu of stiden property rtjeovarod bv his oxerUons exeudr jHfidii. With his resignation the Department lone a valunblti aiui tihcueit ofllcer, who won the coiill.n e orms uprt orotticer. and he enuiei into private life the well wi-lu ni it wdy those with whom he hiUnid.but Of tlie re norters. to whom be w- ttlws oblig ing and u whom ho often furnished interesting item. Mr. Aoodrull ha- Un dojiwhu iuost) ownly for In Carry hfUJ-visitw! the cil reneMtoilly, iu company with pnmuncnt cltUwu of nun county, iitnl in coiupuny wiu thorn luui visited the eityprtaon nnd miugloil with the otlhvrs theno lioo rorec. To him tfth heiag a refugee fnm justice, unjr those circumstance without the hSeta to supjKirt tho churgo, ' crtrfiUy not very creilittthK' ; and il wotlUl doubt leas plontio Mr. Woalinfrto heJn. funned who ju .vl tho ',ArfU to uiiiKe this nttiu k ms bun CiiASi.i r Y ibnj i . .ui.hasboon in i'Iuhk" of the iVioiftuier for tl year luut. has gem to I'alllgrnte to reside, and it U uiuleitood Uiat thai paper will lo un.Uribi ul.tuil oon (Ml of Sun I. 'muii' , with whose abiluj as n wnli ( u , ople of OiC ill IK ,11 i.ll II I I 8. Smith, who Mre near ! ('ollver'a olocewiiCiMMiUer. Iim Inxoi authorised by Lieutenant I'uyaoti to ojh ri and put a ' I wi '' on n Mono (pinrry near In ii id if ,witbaw"V t Uing the alone in the ruinU'ivti'jii L f breakwater. JinWved In imeertaiu'i, went to Hait Francieeoby ibe A, nln, and will go from there to Drttbih Colombia. Lieut. J'ayaon haa eatabliabed tide gauge m tlilbi place and North fiend. Waller Origan mW A. Afatwro hv been emtibye.I to at tend that here, sod J. I. Jlmfttt and Mr. JJrmm at North Bend, Their da liMeottimenee next Wcdnueday at 7 A.M. Tlie Xews nroiKMoa Ut fnrnlah "ttm" for the atreet lamps of thU town. So faraa the quantity concerned, it U eotialtotho leak, but tbe commodity "ia too nun. Wm. Ueieherthaa lately had aome fancy paper featnonery annpemled from tho ceiling in hi brewery saloon. Haddaiminenaely to aipMrneea. The Mr. Harlori. whoe eleath mat mentioned aome time aineo by tin prvnt, wo not Mr. Sartoria, daughter of General Grant, but an Eniieh bvl of note. That emrjriJng Cooa Asut Granger, Wm. Fainter, vtolU-d rmr office h1e weel , accimpankxl by a blerai attppiy of ehatU iiwt lor tb "agricaltaral departntcnt. CAPT.Hoi.T.of the uteamcr Areat, remained at Newiort to run the atenm dredger, and the irtoamer waa taken on hor trip by S. F. Graves, Aretoiltcer. Mrs.S. II. Hazard hi cmite ill; we hope soon to 1k able to chronicle her returned health. Thanks, to Mrs. W. 1). L. F. Bmfth for a haaket of the largest and finest black berries in the country. W. I). u Y. Smith, who haa been laid up by rheumatism lor some weeVe, k able to be about on eratdhea, and b Improving. i. . i -. ii.. ..... ii. i iw jiwenff smy tae utxn imy : built bark 7iea (TSkanter, k tbe larg est and heat vessel In onr eoetwie trade. Joasrii Feubt biabonl lo commence work on tbe Eagle mine, at Randolph. Cox' liarber shop Is anon to br moved to Feny i Bailey's new build ing. Saimto. The Areola aeiied Thurs day, with tbe following named pawen ger : tt. W. Elliott, W. B. Blriott, Dr II. MilVr. K. McDoucal, f Y. Beniam- j in. D. Wtllcox, John Williams. Jame ulArk.Jffattnew Miller tlii -e sons anet daughter, D. Morse, Jr. ana tme oth er. BOK,isr. At Mambflcld. fit. U, 1S79, to wi F' Timmeruan, asr. I' A'LIl. ?I4.' il the wife n 4 i itiTH r miittjitjj, niauu(cr. Jluriito : it tet licence. alt.Hl. " " .. Sept 14flchr Freader, Reche, 9 . " SchrVrithW, Makuu,RF. " I.V-Hi'hrGrnner, Hnmrhrey, B F. ' "Belir Compeer. Martin F. ' 8chr Clara 1-Iffht, llagthn-p, sr Xo arrival since onr last report. W. G. VEBSTEft UEAUUt IN Marsuhki.d, Ok. T!IVE LATELY BETURXED i irom au Kranciseo with a com plete iiitick of eiery thing iu my line, ready made boots and hoes, etc. BEST MATIBBL OBLY USED. NASBURa' A HIRST, Fkost Stbect, M.iKHrtKiA Oox. TVTEW O)0D3 1)Y EYKK STEAM X er ; keep constantly nn baud in our large ami oommodious store, a well selected stock of gfiNERAL g;ERGHANDiSE comntsing of the lest staple aud faucy ZDTT GOODS,; of all kind, the choices; I O H fs Sf D 5SO U ft ISULnSE" Jl ! PBOVSS 0M. A I.AHCE STOCK 01 CLOTH INO, HATS and CAlri. IKXYTS nnd 8IIOKS, ltrilKKRM and OIL Cl.OTHTXG, .LIPI'KRS and OILCLOTH CttOCKKHY and GLASS WAIUJ.IIARDWAKK and TOOLS, Cispirs and Tobacco, mill VACCASSESISii, 'E10-t'3!E.H tuitl I.Ell h;m, 'Vl.-tV VtCS'.ninl CU7LKHY. mt)l J WILLUU-WAltE.swt S0l2.00l SOOCS ' STATIONERY, TJi.i.iv3i:ra3:srca- oooa, jaM-3 aw:9sii3JW-w Our extensive show eases are filled wish theftueet WILUNEnY AND JANCY GOODS, PRICES TO SHIT THE TIMES. Mr. John sk:o::s, fii, N. II All ind piiiehiuvil t out Store willi e tlvbioitd fm' .1 ib.i'i ,it any Ih'iiii i o tb 10U10 d the1 sum H MyiiU 1-1 tl i k v view nnciaffeii v wei nai ni nn in in wtvu n 9 n u vnii i Wm. Reicl&eit9Propretor Krcp centntly on hand, nnd ofTem for enlo n wupcrtor nttiulo of LA3E1? BEER, ALE AND PORTER, WJI O f.r.8Ahi: Mi RETAIL, urn m is huipmrd mrtrriri-: choicest imams Oh" WINES, LIQUORS Am) CIGARS. AltANCII MALOOX AT KMI'IRK CITV vl & Ho. ICO I'ront View. BBATTLEBORO, VT. Our new Organ, expressly designed for Sunday Schools, Cfcapcis, etc, is proving a GrLITiJSTf SUOOEI8S. Bo Euro to send for full descriptivo Catalogno beforo purchasing any other. THE LARGEST WORKS (OF THE ID) OH TIE GLOBE Illustrated Catoloinio sent free. jw-1i Pw,giu:nnuifc vsctorious! HIGHEST & BEST AWARD And Czsad 2o3&! of Zazex. Ecosossy, Darabi!it7 end BEpitlity combined with perfect work, Are Dtfds(aUuir Ftans dtkc uUbnttd IFana S8 MAB S? P. DICKEY, Raclno, VIs. A. . luvioj; aaaf hit impcwitnratv, ri.rj tie faHj 'Olil 1 crttT ittwifnd . tltanac all Lutdt of Grjtn. l,IuirtiM,l)M, biH, Cm ud S!l S-fi. ( iccrjpaoc nnitpnan S) once sasanns. ocp- Kite JMi ftxTl beat, trUr aaJ Ue. Thfluta l wry ptriKX vrngtmccu r onuv lisot-j-, Oanr, ITtx $e, OkKikI Gran, vd a3 ether Sejtt SS TIM? ClofT yrrcxy, tod ccraUoc i rrcxT qmliVimoa rc..-K. tl so tt; bCl WCtK IS cs- Wmhesir. u w r -i Tsi Mflli, -te Urrthf e-c BMitate the dnuwl. ci fiia.iapaoqrcfra jo ! t us huWi ptf -. J nc u r tt Eli ' ad "H p ' o -kDocl xld wt" f- fonreidae hnni Can or Ewukt i VJetj Uc J iae djy u ( luerfd. 1 MiEj titrppcv! "la --J d-rn" go fcr half lie bctrLi (kr.i.! sx ccn f i.nx4 "ttx up. Olta. En fat wt - ir.u'ari i-,i-iJv -Ppt vtlf be anwed - ik - buera ti ration. Fiictj tenst. Ccnt ptmmitBee totlOMi -rr' -n-rTi ,iw iiinann THE LIC-HT-EUMIM ?j Th BEST, LATEST IMPROVED, n4 most THOROUGHLY tonatructca SEWING MACHlNSonrlmeniea.11 tho nvuijf lu.'j iu-0 ui-u!o ot ilta 0E5T STEEL, OAREF'JLLY TEMPERED ctKUre ADJUSTABLE. lti. tiw .1 rrojrjirrp tsxhioxi It hi u4 x,uvajjii' uuiiiu.i it Jisi Ut EooIostThrondod Shuttle. The no; RVUJTIN UAohm Biwa are WOUND wluioul or UrJTHilEABIWU Uxa It lieu 8KLV-SRTTTNO NTTEHU:: It tm n 1) IA C ij rtKutatlue i'0 IcuxiU uf tltclia WITHOIIT rKVUMJj H U-u a LAHUlJ BIMUU nmkr tUo aria; U U NOr3l'.fO:ss, ami um hwto iwiuu or j:xut:ia.KMt tnin alt ullwr Rkietiluoj omuUiivU. JO-Auanw wuntotl In localltlM whuro wo ri nol ropretentoU. Johnson, Clark & Co. 30 UNION SQUARE, N.Y fffrapa k Mr -.aY "t- ' " .j-jfi.' -s-rrLt k-. &?&! i&r l&MP lfc4gv HwiffWffrnirT" i '1 if i ii sjH II Jv M V II Pi Sl'KeHmiltft fov t he KAlS4t$tf,(Itl pur 'OA.ST 5 ear, COMPANY, No. 160-Back YlV. 'umtmmtmimmmMimmmaa t IpltoAnj. EiceHeOyHoiK. THE Taylor & Farley CABINET ORGAN. 3SBBliBeiBred t TVorcMtcr, SSaa. AH H51Z7ZXZ5Z1 of tny nine ray te fbtaad U IktM tattruaeou, ard tKey cctuia bus; E8SZNTIAL IMPROVSMRMTB V7Z K: ta cthtl Orprt. Atmlnato produeawsrk which hll b Durable, wro mill not saertflca that which Is not on, one rt Is vital to a prfet Orsan, In orUr to nuict a morofanof ztarlor. We an iuH csatlei! to preecat u Stylish end Appropriate Cases u cab be CmjuJ Ia the tatsixt, vuH a ir.iih wKkli If UttpjCslbyiajr- A3 RCOAROS TOHK, ts rcuovtxc Airart witliMCaal & Diploma orHosor vas ciumo rr Tns CtSTCXBUI. EUIIBjTJOK C0MHUS1OHIM z " ftr JL-fsruj la Vi rtcusi!, Eimcu, fCUTT ui UUUUCT 01 TCIE, tuitraltr U tntt ui Cesml t4JJtjliiEiitilrillpiIU2tnftiii7C3MUUaW. Do soc bJX ta mile app!icat!sa aaj EXA20KE XHESB INSTSUSCXXTS Eetbrs Perch ning. Cttiiofaa tne, on ippiiauoa ta lis Taylor & Farley Organ Co. I WOSCSXS. KASS. WILOOXlWHITE ORGAN CO.' Meriden, Comu U.S.A. "Children's Blow Pedals,"! Adjusted or reiuovodlnstantly. Invented and Exclusively used by this Company. The most popular Organs of the day!-, UNRIVALLED IN QUALITY. "Tho Wiloos te Wkit Orgau InatiTiotor" in tkn BUST tind OHEAPJT iu the xaorlrot ! .inul Ftr ISustrubJ QMogut i I A raBwrrN fe o -m -M i'jiWfc -rrs.