'i? i' M J i i v II ? ' 2T 'V '3 fc . fl' . "W.. V V ! THE COAST MAIL. omrui organ of coos co. NA'rTIIAV. tssssssiss'Sssj'Sf'm Mcpl. IS. n?. Tjhn Malarial Fever. CY C. tUflOMlKN, t. i. iwimww fi. rt.u . .. .. hv uiiiiurnin Election. Tho uwcping victory Balnctl by tho 1lpnbltPAii wrty in Cnlifornin n the Into olection, is the first ex proMion of tho judgment of the Voter or nny northern State upon tho polUienl mioa which hnvo boon forowl upon tho country by tho in. temperate action of tho Democratic party within Uio past year. As tho jlrstolcotion taking plnco after these iwuot! hrul Ihwu cooly considered by tho people, the roMtlt of this con tost hns lxon looked forward to with much intorafet, nnd as announced, is mora than gratifying to Republicans, ! nnu correspondingly dampening to the spirits of tho Democracy. It may 1 claimed by tho IVmocratic press that the complicated condi tion of local !muo in California has brought about this result, and it is truo that Uud condition of af fairs has had its effect upon the State and local ticket, but there is no reason why it should have con trolled tho votes of electors as to congressional candidates and given to the Republicans tho entire dele gation of that State, The true causo of this cliange in the tendency of popular sentiment, is that the peo plo hnvo become dissatisfied and disgusted with the exhibition of Domocratic management given in the last two sessions of Congress. YVtt may expect Maine, Ohio and ths other States whore elections are to be hold this fall, to follow with de cisive victories, assuring the triumph of tho Republicans in the presiden tial oampaign of 1SS0. Jlanlcr tn Mississippi. Dfejmtehes from the South an n unc tiio cownrdlv murder of AT. Dixon, of Yazoo, by the straight out lie was a man of in- Having had much experience in tho treatment of malarial and tv phoid fever, it is only proper tlmtl should express my opinion in n few words on the subject ; the more no, as many of our people miht Ivceuuiu unduly nlanneil from the tone of an article in tho Coos Hay News of the lutn uiptmiu To a coTlain extent, I can omlnrso Dr. Tower's views in regard to suni tary measures, but I think he is too extreme in his views. Certainly tho air of Coos Hay cannot beeonfu contaminated liko tho airof ltroslau, or any German city with narrow streets, badly ventilated houses, and closly packed, crowded, and lmorly fed inhabitant.. Springfield, to Ikj sure, is not a German city, nor one tit narrow streets or ill fed inhabitants, but a beautiful city in tho valley of tho Connecticut, Yet there are many solid blocks of houses, and in niunv cases (as in all cities) badly con structed drains and sowers, and sit uated in a climate whore tho ther mometer in mid-summer ranges from 107 degrees in day time, to 50 or CO degrees at night ; and dur ing a drouth, which sometimes oc curs at such a time for many weeks, a contagion spreads like a prairie fire. In mid-winter the thermome ter runs down to from 15 to o0 de grees below zero ; the houses closed with double doors and double win daws, and tho inmatos breathing such confined air as wo, in this health-giving climate never dream of. But notwithstandmgour health ful climate, it is well to uso all pre cautions against filth. Every house snoum bo well ventillateu ; pure air should circulate under and through it ; all sinks well cleansed and deo dorized, and cleanliness always ob served. In regard to tho melancholy case alluded Jo in tho 2ows, Mrs! Pasco was a lady esteemed bv all who her: tidv in her habits and house-! hold, and living in one of the pret tiest cottages m Eastiwrt, supplied i with running water of crystal purity which was conducted away from tho premises in an ever-running Nkaui.y fcl.OOO.OOO in gold i wihl to he on its way to thU eountiv from hurope or ready to eoine, but this Is a nurt drop compared with the Moreaof Mcio which are now gathered in Lon don and ParU unable to find employ, inent 1 he bank of Knglnnd holu about tho jMunoituumnt of coin and bullion tut the federal immorv. irr.. j O00.JXW, two-thirds mOro than the bank iTV,.WrB'u,0,MMk "i l'raiieo f I 0.1KXi,(HXI, and the other great hanks of Knropti $JhK).tyx,(K0 more; taken collectively these (renMitv hohw hold $tOO.OOO.ro more coin than a year ago. It is not 8t range that trtnieli economists are predict ing that at lotun l(XUXX),lM in treas ure will onv4 the Atlantic in pay ment for fond thin year. Such an im portation of t ho precious int'lali would more than quadruple the iwulti of the great grain export of ISoO-fll. when thi country imjwrted $10,100.000 in lKcie I'MhltM pttxlueing UB.00rt.0tX of the precious metal. The homo ptuduetion of the precious metalHthi your is certain to he at least CO nor cent larger than in ISttl. Outbreak hi AftnuiMan. (aiitain H. Miaswcipfif, Domocras. fiuettce, and iondar in tlw but h liad A diixtteh of tho Cth tells of n totl ous outbreak against tho ltriti-di in Afganiotau. it says At a late hour Thursday night n messenger traveling iKMt haste, reached Aliknevt from Ca hul and informed Major tiunollv,the ltritlsb political agent, that tho'lhit th embassy at Cabul had been attack cd by seeral Afghan regiment which had assembled in that city, de manding arrears of pay. and that the military eicort of the embay was d fendinj; themoelves. A letter was ro cclvod from the ameer of Afghanistan who confirms tho new of- tho revolt nud adds that the rcgimonU which have mutinied were joined bv the topulaco. Tho ameers arconal and stores were firit phimlenhi and do stroyed and tho llritth embassy was then attacked by overwhelming num. ben. Uolil Dhcorery. ThoSnlom Tulk announces tho dis covery of eoKl in the CalitHxnr moun tains in Douglas county; it svs: ltetort-t Imm Drains, Yoncalla and Comatook's. stations on the O. vfc C. It. R., received here l:t night, say that the cxciteiueut over tho'ducovery of Koldiu theCaliHH)ia mountain, h extended ail over Douglas county. One crowd of men who were thresh. uiji wheat near Drains, iiumcdiatelv to discuss, but will hero saw as I ImkI formerly been a have said all the time, I do not be- Earty in his locality, , licve her disease was of a contagious jcomo a prominent ! tno. and hail not pneumonia super- cnndklate ami leader in an indeion- J vened in hor exhausted condition, dent movement, and tho Democratic ! like the last straw on tho camel's loaders had -decided that it would 'back, to overpower exhausted na not do to permit an independent ture.Mrs. I'ascomicht have lived to- ii?v;a in u.i uu-i miuuii, ., ., , ,. !.... stream Known ne tho nremies o ''"".""" "v"- ." "rawni prop stream, ivnowinu uio prvimses so aratioa! lo go to Uu, niineik lf tll0 re. well, I cannot behove Ijer disease port of the ield prove to l true. was brought on by foul air or water. J there will lie a general sUmpede in Vt hat its origin was.l sliallnot stop i southern Oregon for the placer dig- gmg- party to h orsaiuzed in Mississippi. Captain Dixon hud leen requested by the Democrats to withdraw as a candidate and he had partly con scnJ'itl to do so.but subsequently dewided to remain in the contest, so rif oursf! thov liad to kill him. They'firt iiirctl a gang of negroes to do trie work, but circumstances de feated the plan; then one Barksdale, a Democratic caudnLnte for a county office, did the job. Dixon had him self ltoon a Democratic "bulldozer," - and it wont miooth till lie decided to oppose that organization in an in dependent movement, then it was nocessary to put him out of the way. That is the manner in which the De mocracy of t lie South is kept "solid." Election Xcrrt Tlie Republicans Erery uhcre Triumphant. day to bless and comfort her family of interesting children and loving husband. I would say in this place that tho water in East port isto all appear ance as pure as any in tho county, and the disease with which some of tho children were troubled, was brought on more by eating unripe fruit than bv tho water thov used. Jt Hundred Years Heace. Ilnilgrutiou "from Rzigland. It appear that not only tlie farmers of England, but alao tho skilled mo eliHiitcs are dtaoumged with the prufjH.-ot of having to compete, with American productions. A 'w York dispatch of the 2nd says: IJryson, Prtittideut of the Northumberland Miners' Association, haj urged unem ployel laborers to give up the strujjRle at once and forever iu Kngland and to emigrate. Three hundred men of the Bradford iron and tnachino works ar on thuir way to i'hilndltiiiin, whore employment is promised them. A cutlery firm in Shetlieht, with ail its capital and whole stair of workmen is ieing movcnl Ixxlity to thU country. A Sail t'ie The bodv of n man was found upon tho heaoh lit Toil (Iambic, T. and an imput being held, It was found death had been caused by poison. There was nothimr on the Irndy by whiehiteouldbo identillnl. and tho following note found on the body fur nished tho only clue to Iho eauso of liisKolfdostiuction ; Aug. 20, 1871) lam no tramp. I will not bog nor steal. I have looked for woik every, whoie on Puget Sound. May Hod help my iH)or wife and children. I am sor ry that I can't make a living hero; there is nothing foi me. Death before dishonor. Oh.m, jxwir wilo and chil dren are far olV. lied forgive us all. Nearly forty thousand people wore present at the reunion of war veter ans at Aurora, HI., theotherday. Ar tillery and bands of music rendered the city a complete camp, and deco rations wore more lavishly distributed thou ovor before The urand event of tho meeting was the storming of tho so-called "reWI Fort Wade," over which tho confederate emblem had been (lying three days Tho soldiers reunion al Cambridge, ()., has drawn big crowds. Hen. (iarucld delivered tho opening address to an audience numbering Itvoor six thousand. Now Orleans i carpeting its river front with mats of cane, bound with wire, to prevent the father of waters from washing its shores away. These mats are a foot and a half thick, 'Jo feet wide and 2iX) feet long, one end being fastened to piles driven in the rivor-bank and the other laid upon tho rivur bottom, where it it anchored by sand-bags. The mats are made by machinery, and it is the intention to cover 8,000 yards f tho river-front with the'm. It is stated iu Dublin that tho lord lieutenant has requested tho ioliec authorities of Limerick to make a special report of the circumstances under which Chas. Stewart I'arnell at a recent banquet suiTcred hissing which greeted the toast, "The Queen, ' to pass unnoticed, though ho is a magistrate and a member of parlia muni. Tho New York Stnto Republican Convention met at Saratoga on the .'td, and nominated tho following tick et : Governor, A. H. Cornell; Lieu tenant Governor, Geo. 0. Iloskins; I Secretary of State, Jos. H. Carr ; t'ou ! (roller, James W. WaiUworlh ; Treas urer, athau D. Wendell; Attorney General, Hamilton Ward ; for Stato Engineer and Surveyor, Howard Sou Jo. Gkn'bralGkant and party will be due in San Francisco on the -'1st In stant; thoy come hv tho stenmur OVy vj Tokio. Jxx GoULO has sont the Memphis Howards ?5,0uO, and says he will foot their hills a long U4 they think uoc osary. Mrs. Sonator Spraguo haaa-ked for the appointment of a trustee fur hur estate . ix vitoxTor tiik centual uori:i. MarshtleM, Ogn. HI 'H.llOS. W. G. WKBSTEft. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Or ogon, for the count) of I'ooe 8. a. Mann, In his own rliiht. and n Ad- liuntstmlor of the arlncmhlp eatate of ?. Miuuuuiil ralrtcK I lananaii. mil nu iwrtnci-s, and Jauie rlana gan deceased irtuepi, iiiuIim the film name of Klanupan c; Maun, M. Tatrlek l'lannBn lit person, und as Ad- mlnlslmtor of the estate ef.lsiwa rlan- ngim, Ann I'liumtrati, .hhu riauainiii andO. W. Tower. 5uit in eiuitytorseltleiiipiitHiidmrtlllu of imttiitirsfiliipnqwrty. To Ann I'liuutgan, one of wdd defend ants : In the name of the SMle ef Oregon--You uio hereby suuunoiieil ami required to opnwir and "answer the bill of com plaint of the plaluttir on tile aitalust yen Iu thealsive entitled Court and chhm, on or before the lltl day of the next rpittr Term of sold Couit. lifter the puhllcattou of this numinous. h-wtt Tire I'd Mon day, the. Stli day of SVpteinlnT, A. P. 1870. And) on will take notice that, Ifi ynt fail toapHarauil answer llieafn-1 said complaint, the plnlntlll' w III opj-lv to the Court fur the ivllef therein de ! mandisl. This sunuiuuis Is published by order of Hon. .1. V. Watson, Juda of nald Court, bearng date July SJ5, 1S70. It. s. SriuuvN, lluuuiA lUMiL-rev. and O. Wi;HsrKM, Attys for I'lalnllir. NOTICE OF JINAL PROOF, I'. S. Lanh OrncK.J Rosumtio. Aug. -lib, IS7V. S (VJOTICl-: IS HRRK11Y GIVRN l that the following named settler hivs filed notice of his intention to make llnal proof iu upnrt of his claliy. and secure final entry thereof al tlio expiration ot thirty days irom the date of thi notice, vit: Dohw Wrvoclruir. onxeiiiiitloii ilm-larstorv statement No. 81MUI, for the St of NR t, see. 8, and Sla of XV, mv , TH5 south range II wet, and iiumw tho following as his wilnewK", vl: Asa Carman, of Curry Co. Or., and Win. Tichunor, of Currv Co., Or. Wm. F. IlK.VilSII.V, !t'J-lw ItPKieler. ll!Al.t:it IS Mmisiiiiii.p, Oit. 11IAVI. I.ATKLY UKTUHNK1) trotn San Francisco with a eoiif oleic stock of every thing In )' H'. teady made hoots ami shoes, do, BEST MATERIAL ONLY USED, COOS BAY FURNITURE STORE MAUnit V'lMltli, Oll.MlI ('0Nsr.Mt.Y ON II AKP Mnttrritntit ,P lUihtctttln, Cliith' r Ismnur, Crib (P Vrmllm, PHTCRIS, ritVMi:.S, MOI'LPlMUfl, TAIILM, MIRRORS Ac 'oiiiiiliiKi'oiu I'u nil euro Made to Order. COI-'I'IXS made al shortest notice. SEWING MACHINES Attawmknt'I, Nriiiu.Kit ve. F MARK', hltf l'uoi'imrTOit. IIUS1NHSS CARDS. T.U, MACKKY.M I). " PHYSICIAN AND SURQEOK, KMI'IIIK CtTV.'.OlllKIOK. (3. II, (lOhl)KN, M J) " PHYSICIAN Jb SURGEON MAMSIIflKl.tl, Onmio.H V. W.T0WKU.M l), PHYSICIAN JbSUBQEON, MAiisiiriKi.n, Oiiroon V.U.AN(KI.,M. I). PHYSICIAN an.. SUflSEOH, 3fan for the future can but reason by the past. In a hundred years he ha ?ouor heard of many change, on the wondrous globe he calls hU homo. Great khiIs have come and pone; rreiit iviiil n.-ill coino a"aiti. Intol- ! feet has quickened the means of this ! a Hue waa pad to her from the Iron locornouon, icstcucti mo aibuhw "i""i ...jra ....- .,,... course of toil ; intellect will do so still, ocen looting on. capi. auminers ap- So he reasons, and so his loiric rests pears to have been the onij- jiorson The ShaiiRhai ilercury records the raising of the British ironclad Iron Duke.which was sunk nt Shanghai. The Mercury says : The LT. S. ship Monocacy imiu hnvo the princiat credit in her release from Iierunpleaa. ant iKJsition ; Thursday niuht, whon Comploie returns from tho Califor nia olection hare not yet been receir oJ, but enough is knorrn to assure the 'complete triumph of the Republican party. The entire Republican State ticket is olectod by majorities ranging from 10001020,000. In San Francieoo the workinrnen'a party hare eloctod the Mayor, Sheriff, ( Auditor, Dutrict Attorney, City and ' County Attorney, Tax Collector, Pub lic Administrator and Surveyor. Re publicans eloct the Asoor, Coroner and Siifrintndont of Schools. Tho shooting of Kalloch by Do Young doubtlo wait tho moend of electing him to the mayoralty. Tho Republicans have elected all four 0ourftnion. The Dumocrats havo elected nothing. HpIcndfJ teRlt la Malae. The Maine election took placo last Monday, threo tickets in tho field,and the result iu another sweeping Re publican triumph. Senator Blaine aeiids a diepatch to Aliaon that the Hopubjioans Iiavo 00WO plurality ovor tho Groonbackeraand -10,000 over tho Democrata. Tho legislature i Jitrongly Republican. The Republi cans lost that istate a year ago by nbou t j a,ooa T)r. L. I. Rlaekburn, Governor-elect of tho fcovereiKii State of Kentucky, llng ro(jiiost4d to explain the char v made ngaint-thim by tho Republi can jns to the oifect that ho was concerned in inlnxluclng yellow fev-er-iufooted clothing into the North .InriiiL' tho war oi tho rooeiuon, him apart from the C)fllc-r.s of tho Iron Duke, who believe! die could be float ed at once. At all events, hi otforta only woro continuous, and yesterday mornings tide, hhortly before 5 o'clock now thorn guccowfiil. Thero i noth ing on earth wo like o well to ce as the American and Hritih (services thus giving evidence of tho brother hood that exist botweon thorn. Tin: nuxtcoftly school building in tho world is tho new polytechnic in- upon the pajit. One hunilrcl year ago the world traveled in lumlering coachc and sailed to ea in glow go ing ships. To-day the iron honse goc tearing through the land and etearn erabridgo the wildost oceans. Months Iiave changed to weeks and houra One hundred years ago tho traveler between New "York and the Illinois would have made up his mind to a three-week trip in lumbering wagon, sleepy ferries and uncomfortableetag- .a It, tin vfir ol if race lniv. two , tii u-nrlii m tint new t: day naxecd in oac and comfort, sec tituto at ilanovor. Tho late king of him safely to hi journey a end. Hanover commenced the comstruo When his majwity'a troops sailed from i tion of a magnificent palace, upon the shores of .England to givo thcee I which he expended about fU'O mil colonwtit a losaon, they wore fortunate ' lj0nH of dolfar. Whon hi govom in thrto weeka' toaing on tho broad j moot waa overthrown and tho king Atlantic brought them In sight of duinof Ilaoover Ijecamo tho a prov Xewfoundland. To-lay an eight-day inee of I'rufaia, tho building wn found parage ii a matter of courc. Who j i0 lo in a half fliuhod condition, know what is to be? Already whirf-j p0r several year tho window were jKiring fill the air with wondrous mo- boarded up and tho empty rooms a lay tora. The busy brains of man work, j came the residence of hata and bird. "Acroufi the ocean in fifty houra!" (m, t Iat tho Herman government re read the latest talc) a Ille-bout raiecti . solvel to alter the imliotng ami auapi If you want an eay khave, A good as Ixnlwr ovor gavo, JtiBt call on me at my .aliRin, From morn 'till night or busy noon ; My raiont'rharp, my wiwow, k'on, My hop i neat and towel- clean ; And there I think that uii n ill ti in! Kaeh article to suiit the mind ; I trim the hairwith xkill for gent, Of conrno the price-b( fifty cent ; Shamjiooitig, tw), I do that well, Give mo a trial, that will toll ; So helpruograuIouK if I make you hol ler. You ml not pay a quarter of a dollar. J. W. Cox. I'ropr. I. S Hot and cold hatha alwaya ready. Ll-lStfJ J .i .,,vk "TlinHtHtoinentb are lie, ami L doit care a damn forall the Repub lic.,,, ni.mm.iitii in Christondeudom.' JIo ia n highly oxomplary oxetutive, und the Democrat of Kentucky have u man at their head with rjuuUtiu whioh could not fail to distinguish him. . 1'isopi.e lyho aro eo fond of punch ing hole in United Statojj coin, aro not awuraof tho faot that uuoh ainuwi inoutUaitaiiiNt tho law of tho land. Tho iwntdty of o doing h two year impriuonim.ntiuidfJ.OOOfiiio for ov iry oirnnce I,,- i'-im mill mtilod bv steam A hundred vears henccl Who that is born to-day" will live to see it? And what if he does? Shall ho co a daily balloon to London and an afternoon trip to Florida? Will the docks, now echoing to the hi of steam, be filled with strange, unearthly idiaiH, with wing and fans, and gaudy bags ol gasT Will freight-train drawn by noiwjle power,; pas swiftly be neath tho sea, und parcels dart like lightning around the world? Stran ger thing than tbeso havo happened within a hundred year, ami some may live to see etill greater wonders. Thk King of Denmark i Kuflering much Irom ill health. Ho ha felt deeply the loss of his last daughter, Thyra, Duchce of Cumberland, and the inconioration by I'rtifisia of North Schleswig wjw also a trouble to him. He ha attack of ovorn pain in the back, which pain nomelimessoizcs him w suddenly that lor instance, at a late battue in the Royal coverts, ho was unablo to remain standing, ami hail to bo carried to and bo lifted into hi carriage. 1 1 is generally suppled that tho origin of those attack date i.n.L- fnp k!viir;il vrmrs. when tho howo which hi Majesty was riding fol h throwing him violontly to tho ground, and it is feared that-possibly a joint In ii,...Sn ii.ui Imvn ruddivod SOIIIO niut iritlinr iniurv. a ever siucoi whenever tho King got a cold it at onco fccttlosin hi baok. aocomjnicl Uy utter protration and ngonlring pain. , Bviucnioi: for tht Coat Maw- ( Utnn.oHof the tolvtochnic schoob Thi work ha Iwen going forward for several years, and is now nearly com pleted. Two farmer in Fanta Clara county, Cal., aro having a queer lawsuit. One had a fine artesian well on his orniinih. vifchlinir water enough to ir rigate large strawbory beds and an or chard during tho season. Tho other day a well, unk on tho adjoining property, struck tho identical vein of water which supplied the first, and effectually chocked its flow. Land owner No. 1 then instituted Hiiit for damago for injury to hi woll, while No. 2 claims that tho woll ho dug, and which No. 1 considers a injurious, was dug on hi own proporty and. thoro foro, was not an injury which No, 1 could ask retires for The Marchiones of I) is very proud of her nobility, which roaches back to the Crusades. Hhc i also proud of her admirable hand, the finest, without doubt, In nil I'aris. Tho other day she gave ono of thoto marvel to a friend to kiss. Ho could not refrain from oiithiiJatitml y ex pressing hi admiration, declaring that her hand wore tho dlvinost, etc. "I should think thoy ought to ho,' said sho "hands thut haven't worked in tho kltchon for Rvo hundred yoarsl" i A Jfnw .TKiifluy family ato toad stooln sujijHMiiig llioni lo M mush room; two olifTilrcn havo dil,am two more are ahoiit o dlo, hut tho old folk aro goUins; wU. Dean & Co. E. Ii. DEAN, I). WILUCOX AN!) C. H. MERCHANT. We iiavk Always o.v Hash a Foi.i. Assortment Of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. I'oi-iii Otr Sulc. K OFFKR FOR SLK, X'RRY cheap, our farm containing acres, situated on Daniel creek, St iv miles from the north and south forkx of Coot river ; 'JO m iv lwttom laml in cultivation- It ha a small orchard of 70 two year-old apple trt-r. and a small fruit garden containing lm ginmeliorrie , Jhx red cherry and white xrap' current; 2-ifl blackU-r-rie and raspUrncs, uul all m hearing. Alma trawlH'ry patch of K.OO0 plant of thi flnt-t orU, It i all under xwkI fence, ami in a high Mate of cultivation : pleasantly situa ted iu a giiol uiMghliorhood within h yard of a school house. Tonus tl tXi bui'-half cash lo u, balance k unnl. A lihcral discount will he given for all txi,.!i. I'or full Mtrticitlar enquire on tho farm oraddre- box I, Marsh Meld, Or. llRAVKK t iMVINIt. I3.'t tf .Nutlce of final Proof. HlacIiHiiiithing. ) r. y .Tsm7c oi. a a x st'cismou to THOMAS id ll'.s'O.V. HA VINO I.KASliOTlli: DAWSON htaelmith fhop, iu Marshlleld, I am proiwtred to do 01CNKUAI. llhAOKSMITHINd ion OSf-A tiling share of patroiiage i solicited. vt--t( B80T& SHOE MAKER ! MAUsitfti.'i.n.Oo.v. I 'ri,iit)OAiiiuinn Jqttstcxm: -w"or( j tn a lhorvuj(h luauuer and um ouh the :bestmaterial rewShi'pon Front Street opitoitelhe ltoite4r Alarkel. M -tt STOCK ALWAYS COMPLETE, XjTTIMZIBIEIR, MANL'FACTURKI) TO ORDRR U. U. l.A.vi QrrtcK. ) Ronnaiao, Or., Aug. V, laTu. $ ATOTICK 1H IIKRF.rh' 0IVKX ! that the followim: namf-d ettlfr naa illed notice of In iiitriUion lo mako rioal jiroof m ujrt of bin claim, and ftecure foul eiilr thrreof al tho expiration of thirty dajs from tho data of this imlie, u. A III Camp, liommleal appliratlon Nn ' iflS, for the SW4 .f NlJt,. Ntt'4 of , S Kif, S M of N W i . ami liU t 'i. , T 'Jo, S of R 1 1 wel, a ml name th.- following a his witnessew, ls : S It. i Cathcart, of t;oo Co , Or., uud James Richmond of Coot Co. Or. V. F, ItKXJAMIir, RogUter. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In the County Ctairt far Coos county, Oregon, In Probate. In the matter of the estate of A. 1). liwmncu, dwofiefd. Wiikiik.s, An '(olir has liwn duly i nail u I iy thealsivenitltle'l C'Hirt, dirn-t-1 log the'tUHlernlxiKtl, ailmhilstrat'if of the l itilitliiof A. 1). 1jw hws, deceased, lowll I the ronl estate Iwl'iuinoa l salt estate to-wlt: It (1 in blm-k I.IoUm" townul Ruinnur, in Cjionceiuiily, Oreffon, U sat isfy the debt of aid estate j therefore, notit'o Is herehv alien, that, in norsu- 1 mice of wild order, I will, on S,VtVlt ! DAY, THK ITII DAY OF oCTollKR. ! h7U, lKtwwn the hHirs iA HoVtoi-k .. m i iitul 4 iiVIocI: v. v. nl ha lil ilav. at llu, Coiirlhoiito ilistr In Kmpire City, nfTer rMiid real oatate for sale at public aiM-tiuti, tn tho highest hlihlrr for rash. S. It. fcumiwooi), Aillnliil-rtrutirn said eatalc Dated Swiiteiulii-r 1st, 18711. Empire House, Lwt'tUK CTV fiuis iiocsi: has iikr.v in:- i oiiied thruiiKhoot. GOOD BEOS AND GOOD BOARD. .Vo VlltXIUilHIHWS rmphtynl. TRRMH LIIIHRAL, f. b. wiNciuyrriiR, S'roprlotor. SOLD Ifi ANY And QUANTITY uud at tho DESIRED. LOYBSTLIVIXOIRJCES, itoselmrp; & Coos y STAGE-LINE, J. VlAH'Utt Ac o., roirllor. St.ic will have Coo City vvrru afternoon (Sunday excepted; on tho arrival of tliontcamor Coon, I'ASSIiXOUUH wWihiK lo k l" ItowcburK or any othor jmrt of tho interior will mako connection with tho taK by koIiik to Cooa City on any of tho R.iy Umiiiow, I.KAVISO 000 CITV TIIK HAMK DAY. twTiits is Milan to in-: run CUKA PHUT, IIKSTawl QUICKKST 0FAU.J10UTJM. snuovou i.-vo.ti: .tv mnkiiiK clono connection with tho cam and nvnrland HftK-' atfltonohurK. All hiiMiiioit oiitrmilcd to our caro will bo atlomlod to with projuptnoM and security, ...--. . FARE TO ROSEBURGREDUCED TO 6 JiuehpaiicnuertttloivedMrhobutJUHve. F.H0iii:'rri:R,AKt. Toloratih olllco, Empiro Oily. l-L'8-tf ollre of I'lnal I'rour. U. H. LA.vnOrnoK, ItoHi.'nuuo, Or.. Auk la, 1S7U lATOTICK 13 IJBRKIJY CIIVKX that tho following named settlor harf hied notice of hix intention to Jiuikii final proof in miniHrt of It ih chum, ami miciiro final entry thereof! at tho expiration of thiity oayii from the date of thlji uolieo, viz : Uuorm V. Majory, pro-omptiou det laralory fctatement No. .'trKj, for tho N'l4 of HW'H w 151, and VM ofNKH.aiid, m: d Hi:t.,ec. ii.Tsii, s ofitisi. woft.aml mimcft the following aa IiIh! witnouon, vl. : !!. Win. Noil, of (hiott j county, Oregon, and Camper Mucir-i haiiri, id Com county, Or. Wit. F. IJIWJA1U.V, SH-lw Rotjlattr. TI-X2D PIOWEtR MARKETS, M uixiif tin i a I'ttriKK Cirv. JI. V. WHITNIvV, I'ltoniurrou. A K'mhI aupply of iii:i:f, i'orw. Mb'rro.v, and all kimU of SALTMEATSamiVEGETADLES loimtautly on hand Abo a pod Ktoek of cmoowHiwii. VESSELS logging"" camps Sl'l'l'UKD AT 8H0HT X0TICK tvllf NOTICE OF FINAL PROOF, U. fi. Land Orrirts, ! R(Mi:iitiim,Or..Atii(.f),187f). ' OTICK IH JIKKKIIY OIVLN that the following named m-llki iii.t hod not ce ol hi iiilciiliun t , make final proof iu itupjMirt of Inn claim, and annum final entry thereof i at tho oxpirution of thirty day from the date of I hi notice, vi, : .Mary .1. 1 (Jaroy, houieidend aiipllcation No.K&'il for tho of SW'H eu. 17. and NK i H of HH and lot 1 oo. IH, T JO, H It I M went, and namim thu following an, nor wunou'M, viz: . j. iSdnou, or Curry Co. 0i.,m llohert Walker, of Curry Co., Oku. Wm, F. IIbnjamiv, l2 fw Uogl , HIGHEST HONOR) Centennial World's Fair, J876t SHONINffER ORGANS ttntoxneto mniuKntf t na BEST INSTRUMENTS. llluwlU, oIIIMtI ' ' '""w"" iblliUaill.. ,e,t In.irnw.2u ?i l r.tUMr.,l.,B Btu.uoaoln.u! iJn,' t""""" "0I m4 pImii.i ,SiJu HANK. " AWAMDfcO THU Xw ni;lc ml prlcM J u.l ImqmI, hUb tn In aejwr.M. will, cur ruU,u,. ukV owl AW for tti 141 tooojr, " V r. r(irl to p;lnt i fc Mw A.tnU B, SHOHIHGER ORGAN CO., o? t its CHEflTiwr irutr. Oniiilllf I'ltft, Ottn. H. II. 1 1 AX A IIP, HAZARD IIAMIIiTO.V, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW III (iractico In tho vartmii i ( otte tlflllt ATKMriHK CITY, Ol.X J NY llAMUTOIf, M ATTORXEI'A rorXSELUMl AT UW MARSIIFIKLO.ORROOV (J, WKIIKTtiU, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW Mittaartaui, Oaiijoa HENRY SENQSTACKEN, xotauy n Bue a ro.w e. aacei, t:xr:ur. citv, e,. (Ntllotlomi hliil othrr bulur ' In my hand, will nx-en roui(t !'" ftf V. P. WRKIHT, tr, S.fJHncrul unit I'. S. ; STJ-JS'V'Y'CXR,, CtNt'ii.ut t'trv, Dus Wilt attend to tli"lHiitici,( (tiirT.iritv : In any utrt ( tho enmity 1'oilivi mMto all urvrvel UiaU f. lllirlilt ln.nt notice. iu o. o it i mi non, AHORSIT iwtoBNSH.mil at iu, MMl'rif M OtIVtC MOOI A nhaiv of itibhv putMnagn l itJijrf fllUy iHeitnl. t Sid &A.SM(tr(i MtRvitriKin Omkoov Ttll Ill'tlttllllixU ItMU Oir.lf.U ir rrf Irti-illll.M, fur edm-aikx! to hv foutHl In U Cit Rexhui of Saitherti thefiii Tti Acndeiuy i ifnuluaicd Into ihn lffrl ment n fit)lnHi' The I'rlmttry ItrjHtrtmrnl n wlikll lltlritiMl4i?y IUm,mmiJ UUKItt, The ttimlnr ttrttrliiiritl. Hiubrat'hut Ortlnvraphy, llrlit(, Wrltliii, tlrnwiiiAr, to'iffaphr, IImKj, 1'hynleh; , l'ioollii NM-iK-at I Mii Ut and iWlhal Arithmela 1'hr .Srnlor lh"jnirhurHt Kinbradni: llAt,r-Hiti.fii.rlv M . . ' . . lUioiile rntr) )ltany. t io;tiui), r& eal Ketinoiny, IjIiii, tlhHnrtr Unrir .ritinoein-, MHfUtA. in.mu'A, irtf initntitry and mirtevlni; mi sir IiKtrnrtktfi In lhl hranrh u jha when drwlnl. IkMNUeau bw bad fur friii 12 fel --r wreV with prlliilo htii,lhin whJ fit till W when reietol piU'lii t iiMt KHther and lwd lhnfHehc rnitMS. 1'fbiwrY IVMrrtut 1 JnnWir . . .... ji renUir . . Ml J.T. MiCoiitit vltttf. pi-xrs LOCKHART HOTEL, Mr. H. M. twhhnrt fropritin r.nii:CiTV,OoV CENTRAL HOTEL OK Corner of "A" and l-'rni.t Sired MARMHKIICUI.CH.N. ii.... ....i i i .i i .... ,i. k "ii n iiii'i.'u mm ntrii up iiv - hu ii e w warrantH In tr"taiir ( ' . . 1 . . . .I.u .! w mrr neai, unilp ihiia oi " e- lnn and tiM-al innloiu CALL AND SEE US. T. O. ONVi.T nAaiHiri;i.D rug Store ) DR. C II. OOLDRN', 1'nnr. Oltpnnlte Xnnburu' Sloff- nxrr. (;oxmtasti.v ox ii"! AM, OITM 01 IDTtTTOrS An CHEMICALS SF WINKH roll w .Ml:l)ICIN'l, I'l'RI'OHl i UYW.MiliIJV'yM, 'I'llVMHMM, 'l'OXTiW'I'.AIt'r ObMN, 1'MlirUMW"'' WeAil'IOWMllVIAWW Iwoicoorj UOOKUl A run Clfllll'l! RIRARANnTnRACCU miti ,.,.,. ,- ii. i... null, iiii Li nt In I i IIIIOKMI, IIINI'l.'NKAIIV PirtcHpUoii (.atrfiillU C""' jiuitiulalt Vl4l'U iLi4( i.-t-j . , i-:.-.t .-ij Aa ttluSC?P, yumirwnmmmmm'" "iTin iig-iTB