SESHHSBH awiei !3 -i inyfc T ifii kIVS afflf2 1 13iH i-J E (OAST MAIL. JHIAV, - - Ht'iil. , IN7. I.obt TiikmT A nlmrt (lino Thoniiw Vllm)ii,it minor on llio fork of Hlxei river, ulnrlrtl lo eel a dnlni on llio hill lilo i thoro win1 no hIkii of nny work invlnR In'Cii loiio. Ho miis on i in running an "open out," when )nilirnl)ln depth under croiiml mil nn old pick, of nil nivkwurd rn, and worn off nearly to llio )n llifl Imdrock, At u ilopth of Ion feet, lie aim) found u nmull ia llttlo than n dinio up- tly eoinponod of n inlxttiru of ' gtifcl Will ropper. 11 win Imdly rusted, bttioH Ixiini; cleiinod, lutterK or clmr fvctartof oinc kind nro dUllnully vl Mild. Tlwy nro not CIiIikw nor Kn- H4ff n44it1io cxporln ol llio oimp run iridnxtid. Tlioy nro limillu; Dnnivl" to lU'olplii'i tlio ulutr- lit Ik evident tlutt tlio unrtli III coin wan found, had nuvnr rol ly Hio proioiit Konorntlon g. and tlio iiueitloii niilurully Whethor, In tlio dim mid un- rii.iil, xoiuo otliur people had ffor old In tlint tinaltrrtotlvu ln K'X,K",i H"5 'n"l traccN ol work liavo Ioiik lnco dinnp ujmiii tlio iturfnio. Tlio ul it a wide field for conjecture. JClllMi Hi'ECTaa.K.l.iut Tuet- ykir uttuiition hm nttrACtud to n laboiitiiliioyenrn old, nittin on lioor in the "lirrllF ollko nt the limno, unite mid apparently om a now inniiin luenioiifHiui kTutli.... I.t. Hit ImiiiUi itfit liiftrli. otlwS ki$m ATTIBHIB Hk ,-jjKjt runS -'?B sb ''rSliJfciit the old Kontloiiun wn Mr. Wwmy from UifHouiii loricol llio to- 9, nd the rliilit III (Utif'.litor, u lci idiot, who lim never walked r," pokeu. Tho mnlliar of tlio i, who hit lay taken rare of relied fhort timo fdnoo, mid the man. Im-Iiij: iMxir. U eiiuiollel to CH)itt t" hinc the child taken to ttJHy iiiii Ho appealed (oho much (fceled hy hit miHftirtiiuoK, and lii 5i)ii' that could not fail to draw llio nympalhy of all who ww tWnv in ir?--Tli Aril" Kv vent Mlita petit up iiullKiiatioit in tho fCriMtornu when Ono. Caiiimauii tt htn wife, mid thou uiadu it uiort- JfAgfl tiH)n ltir property, an It asinmoi. IMttlic ptirpomiofdefwtiutrthoclalmi KtJM wife for Alimony; yet whun W. lnmU lilt wife, couiitiiU the im of adultery, and lunko nn u b ... .... gJpiiKMil ol lil property to aviiIiI Hie iinM cUiiii of hi ininnvl wife, nil of KStkh ato matter of a& mueh ttotorl &r; it tho ('niiimaiiu dillhuiUy, the fjmfu$ l apjiroliiKly illeiit. How I ksjw that journal n "reopootorof por f" l H pox'iliio that IrtlN lal roha eiM-apixl tho noileo of tho jtamdred oye" of that guardian of &NI people' rihtur W'ntr. Ai-aum Wcducmlay a hlni; heloutiliiL' to Mr. Nnsluiri:. taHiieillrttely north of nut on m, Audit tho wind wan blowing from 10k uorthwiMt, tho llaiuo mid axho lin tho burning hruth catun diroetty rard town. At one tiino rouxidor- In alarm na felt for tho Kafoty of jdeo, and Mr. Onliorii' rotldeueo the hill cnuhl fire rovnrul llniiw, It It wa promptly oxtius;iilidiitd hy w c'itlxeiii. It wa M)muwhnt lin- prudent tittiuK Mm to tho hruh with llio wind In that nuartor, and it may M considered fortuiiatu that no aori- i damage wa tho result. i!xrii(HioK. An oxeiirnou waa or- fPHrilxed hy llio proplo of Newport lHt Haturdny.aud a lao numher from 4t vlllriK pawtod .i day of roonw p$n on Coo rlvor. The .Uire tiaik ilie party from NowiHirt in tho morn. fog, and all enjoyed tho trip up llio Nfer. They wont anhoro at the farm M I)avl, whoro thoy wore ro npivoil witli uront hospitality hy Mr tSjgrvU ami hi family, mid after in- agiiiR in ix Niimptuoii dliiuor, and Sflou AtnuoineiitH, reliirnod tiud M a daueo nl Newport in tho oven htf . Tho occasion wa hiirhlr appro- P(ol hy all. fk DiHt'ovKUY, -Tho Anju ha made dlcovory that I'.mpiro City i iror Curry county than Mandilield, tliluku tlio otlicrr of tho Land 9N)c have niailo a mItako in the iiiiiKeiuent of tho hindooo rolnt- IK to tho pulilic land outrioa. ThUli nit'thliiK like tho startliiiK nuuounu- Dili niado from tho k.iiiio Hourtin lino linioidiioo, that I.uxe' IokuIiik Witi h at .Stunner would conned with ftfio IthmtiH Transit ltallroml, etc. It mirpriHiiig with what rapidity tho litor of that paper i learning tho rogrnphy of U region. r.vfoiiTl vati:.TIio City oj Dublin been almiiiloned hy Oitjit. rarknr, ml tho hull Jin hrokon in two. Cnpt. likcr ami hi party of energetic frrKimit HtietHHjdoiI m gottiiiK her trlyoir, when iiufavorrthln woalhor 1 IhohreakiiiKof romo of tholrca- 4cn fiuioil lier to lnK ftiouud.on no iieacli, wnoro hIio wa noon do- iroywl It in iv jrroat iuifortuno to Cnpt, I'iiikornud hlnerew, and leave ie former fiiuincliilly ruined. Contiiact Ij.t. Mr. t'lotiKh, con rnetoron tho now mail route from lorn to Myrtlo 'nint,lini lot n con. fact to Mr. Hchofiold of Dora, lo one. fe'lho niail. Tho sorviuo U to Im pnu-wcokly. fm A Htiianok Cahi:. Ono day lnt week, Until. Dunham nyoiuiK mini ro- nldliiK nt Uoaledo, on making n Mid den movement with ono of hi linnd, wn cled with a crump lu tho mil' olo of hi neck and liown iiiiahln to turn hi head, til laco Miik tumrd towntd liinaido. Ho hecrtmo middon. I) almost hlliul, nnd on holiiK ni(cd lo llio homo, wn conllned to hi hed for aevornl dnya, HI faco nnil neck heenmo dlncolorod nml hadly .wollon, nnil lin auirorod conldernhto iiuiii. AthmtHCCouiilii )io wn alow ly rooovorlnic- A VKNiniiot'H Titli'. A corrcpon dorllof tho New, writiiiK front Hlir ahiw, iftyii i Onpt. Cox arrived on llio 2.')d from tho OiKptlllo in nn open boat, i!iJ feet knot flfcothoam,iiclioorier rlRKod, mid Indian Chnrloy for a main cook nud ilownrd. Tho captain had n plnaftant trip nud 1 well plcacd with tho river. 1,i:iti: IiiT.I.otlcr uncnllod for remniuiiiK in Umpire) Oily Pot Ollko Sept. It187t., V. Hhettcr, V. M. UriKlit, O.K., Hullnr, II. M., Ilrul tier, Ml I.ona.Chotco, Anna, Clinp man, Mix., J. 0. Cotton, Jcio, Oarhl olfl, JcfT, I'tiuaK, Frank, (irater, Lout (liuiiinn, (leort'e, I.oueaii, Jhhn, inor r!, Harri, Hpraiiejr, A. I'.. I.tmxu Liht.TIio following i n litof letter reinalulnK in tho Ktof flco nt Marhfield, Hopt, 1, 1870 : Hull"), Jom-ph; Ilnrotlo, Ccaro; Iliittcrfield, Mary ; Flanagan, Jnnto J Kirkpatrlok, J h (2); Kiukdalc, .t aheth; Miller, Ilel; McCotinclI, A; McDonald, N M ; Nolcor, J ; Stew art, John; William, A Y : Wilmot, V II. A. NAmieno, V. M. fimi:. Tho Irrofo nailed lat Sunday, with tho following named pjw-tiKCMS V. A. Luo, V. L. Daw wm, W. K. Moore, Mr. TliornipiUt.S. TmIIuuiii, Jai. ( Miirrcll, H. Zwanij, Tho. Madon, 0car IvnrNtrom, J. W, Hadley, J. V. Womack, Walter Max well, W. II. Adunirf, and ono China mnii. Own Taxiw Tho County Court I una wook lOMciia mx, tiiciiuiiiightaio I ami cehool tnxo. of t!o mill on tho !. i.. it... r... , i... ..,..... ....- m'i.i- fiirul1t a market lor n largo amount of county ordont, nml iKirhap ghc tho "ritiR" which hna hftcii dincovorwl hy tho Arytu, a benefit. Iniusc. Jori.i IMman, a painter, who ha l,oou living In thi place joino threo yimr jat, wa pro- nounord iiisinn lrtt WediiMdny, hy the proper authorities, and wn iont to tho Aaytiini. Ho I nlno Miry fcehle in health. Auuivmi. Tho Gunir Trlnlr nr rived on Thurdiy, throo day from (m Franeiwo, with tho following pan m-okcm n. B. Wriuht, J. C. McDou Kfll, Miiw I. 1). Shnrtior.T. Jonet, wife ami child, Mi M. Joniw. Wi.vciikhtkii'h now atonumr will prolmbly lo launohod noxt wook. Ot;u young friend Cliarlo JacLMin, of Umpire City, i dork of tho Sum nor (itoro. Ciuh. F. McCoiimao ha Imjoohio n clerk ami tudcul in tho ollko of law yer Hughe of Portland. Tin; htenmur J)uucnu unilnd fniiu Portland ytenlay, nml may bo ex pected lo morrow or Monday. Tho attention of Judge Xolor htm boon occupied tho greater part ol the wook by coutenUnl probate ipicMlonn. Peter Deriek nud Jceph Hudou, from tho Bixe mine, woro in town thi week. Wo aokowledgo n call from 0. S. Wright, Kk., hrothorof W. P.Wright, aurvoyor, who wa n iac tiger on tho 7V.ifr. Tk.mpi.k, the pnlntor, hm bcon giv ing Hacker A DovinoV building on Front Hiroet n now coal of paint, thi w cok. Frihiv t Itut,t:v'rt now building nd Joining llio nianco Hotel i nearly complotod, and will look woll when flniiliod. Thk nowMchoonor building nt Donn ,t Co.' ahlpyanl, by Cmliiunii fc Co., i nearly in frame nud being pushed forward with energy. Owikci to thoro being no coal on hand with wlilch to loml tho Tttitfr lit will not lonVrt tho Day till Wed neadny, Mr. T. R. Bhoriilnn of Rotoburg, I on n visit at tlio homo of her p.t lent. Mr. and Mr. Patrick Flniiignii of Xowpoil. W. P. Wright, tlio aurvoyoi", hn gono lo Ton .Mile to oo about making arrangement to comploto Hiirvoying tho bottled portion of tho country. Wi: lecoived'n call fiom Mr. Han Hood, of tho Coipiillo, who inform n that tho rust ha alloctod the grain on the river hut little, and the yield will ho aniivonigoorop. Mit. Pai.miu:, of Coo livor, loft at our ollieo n linskot of lino plunifo which woroaamplod hy tho editor of tho agricultural dopartuioiit, nud pro noiincod excellent. Oi'ii young friond Knloy Motion, of of Donghm county, niailo our ollieo a ploaaant cnll on Tuosdny. lie i vis iting vnriott point on tho Hay, no coinpaniud by his mothor. Wi: nro in roooiptof tho Daily Ogn. CttplUil, (ho now paper Intuiy atnrtod t Hnlom. It in published by F.Owon and 11. tj. W. Hninmond, nud will drjubtlogi logoivo n libornl nuppoil, which it diMU'i'vw THE SETTLEMENT AXJ BAIILV SETTLEIIHP COOS BAY. (no III.) AAI.OOXA AND HAI.OOH Klini'l'.lta. Ill the early day,opiiorttinitin for liquid rofrndinient were not wanting. Kach prominont corner had It array of drcnulom nml mytoriou Itottlc, to induce tho pacing pcdotriiui, wil lingly tomptod, to take "a llttlo so mo thing," just becnuso tic wn hot or cold, thlraty or weary, or for aomo po tent roiiftou, nud by nn mtant bocnuso ho riijoi'il tho stimulant. "Walk in to my parlor, say tho spider to tho fly," wn tho inviaiblo legend, for po lite reason, not legibly written over their door. Now the money ehnn grr modestly retire to some quiet room in llio roar, whnro they mnku exchange through the medium of "picture" and ''checks." and call in tlio cheering mixture from tho ox port nt the liar. Then thoy wrestled with pokor without a "draw" with honosl fenrloiiea in tho broad glare of tlio open bar loom, in convenient proximity lo the sparkling tempta tion. .Many of tho staid ami sober citizen of to day might have lxeu seen taking n hand in thono froo and easy oiijoymentti, wtione plcaMiit dig nified and careful deportment would repel nny aunpiclon of "ueh foolish no." Ttnat Hofcr, Hilly Huckhorn and Charley Hnskoll, are remembered a general dispenser of "drinks." TKN'AH UtKlRRH Wa so nained in contradistinction to him Itogors, tho ono siniill nud tho other bulky, nud both with a largo capacity for fluid. Ttnai, when in good rtiuniiit: order, with the proper uiimlKir of inches of lightning whis key was remarkably jovial, nud when woll flred up, the ofJerU oood out of hi tiM.H, in n perpetual hornpipe. At IIiiiim, 7Vfin, in company with hi boon compntiion, Wing, atiUMed tho community in n prolonged "spree" of wrek. Witty nml jolly, thoy kopt the ball of fun rolling night nod day, nml people wotnlorud whou thoy slept. IIIM.Y 1IUCKII0U.S Wa dUtiugtiirhod for the wonderful JMoriwho rolnlod, rendered truthful by the fact that he wn alway it par ticipant in the events dccrilcd. Among lholiiitouor,oiuowerecredu- Ion, while other had the temerity to distrust his fidelity to truth On ouoj occasion Norlhrupwn prevent, when Hilly wpokeof the landing of tho "Pil grim" nt Plymouth. In jest, Xortk rup ntortod thnl tho jiilgrinu laudod in Virginia; a warm controversy en sued ttKHi thi piint, nml Northrup propord to submit tho fact lo Undo Hon ltrrtllnn. Uncle Hon Milomnly loudoiod hi verdict, "you're wrongi Hilly, I hnppeueit to Iki down In Vir ginia at the time, mid taw the Pil grim when thoy landed thoro." Hil ly cullercd for tho drink. NOimtUUI', SYMO.VIK AMI ItOUIIKB, Though pnmiinuiit bttsiue men, could absorb largo qunntitio of stitn- uiauu. .Norllirup count consumo glut oftorgla, and appear "n. ober a a judge." Tho three often sat down together with their rations for tho symposium. Tho result usually occurred, that tho two wore lloorcd, and .Vorthrtip wnlkotl out to bring in n few friends, and ointcd thorn out n lamoiitnblo examplei of inlcnipor ntico. Among thobuineii men, who were early notllors, may 1h included Mer chant, Hirst, Xneburg, Konyon, Murso, tho Cnuimauu brothers, nud others already noticed. MKHCIIAST, Who wn formnuy year hok-kccpcr nml general manager of tho largo lumber nud tdiip building operation at Xorth Horn!, won for hiuiMilf high reputation a n thorough, vigilnut and nctiyo conductor of btuinotw. Tent pernio in hnbitii, nttontivo to duties, exorcising prudence nml economy, ho nccumulntcd capital. Wo find him now, tho local manager, associated ,tn tho partnership of E. H. Donn A. Co. Their husinou at Mnrahtleld, com prising tho manufacture of lumber, Milp building, morchnndiiing and hiiping, give omploymont tonlnrgo mi in bar of ompIoyeoM, nnd contrib ute largely to tho wealth nud pros perity of thi community. IlllthT AND KKXVON Arc oxninploa of what mny bo accom plished by persistent industry, accom panied willi tdiiowductw, economy, and tompornto hnbitti. Hotli woro coal minor for many year, working diligently at thoir occupation, ami farming on tlio Coquillo for n few in termediate i, oar. Hnth nro now en gaged in mercantile pursuit, with capital, nud Mattering prospect for tho future. Konyon i now ono of tlio board of county commissioner. NAKIIl'ltl) AS!) MOKSi: Aro examples of a linlhir oharactor' who hnvo worked thoir way Ironi luiin paiativo indigence to a position of liouornblo buino3 mid piospority. Morao him boon county clerk novum! terms, ami I now county (roiuuror. TIIK OAMMAX.V lUUITIIKItt), Among tho earliest of our aitliou, woro ougngoil In vnriou brauoho of tmilo, nml tcxd tho lead fur tunny year, in the Importance nnd value of their transaction, nnd had nccumu lntcd Inrgo means, In Inter year tlio volume of their business hn gradual ly k'ciit'(l until thoy enn hardly bo Included among tho nctlro operator of our locality. thk rtoxKnua or coo ntvr.rt, Who encountered tho difficulties nnd annoyance of n new settlement, hivo prospered, and sea around thorn to day, tho wealth of plcnsanl homo and cultivated ncrc. They doiorve a iHirsonnl notice, which may bo im proved lu tho future. JO T.AKC. There wn ono of our pccullnr whoio characteristic claim n passing notice Jo Italic, not Gen. Jo Lane, but our Jo., simple, clcvor, honest, Jo. Ho was not particularly brilliant, nor highly educated or distinguished. Hc lacked confidence in himself, and Ivy like, needed some one to loan upon ; nomobody to cling to; soma ono to own and direct him. He held a half share, and a half Voto in tho Coo Hay Company, but depended on Captain Harris for guidance. Whnn n criti cal voto wn taken, Jo would look noxiously puzzled, until tho inquiry, "how diil Cnpt. Hnrri vote," wn nn wercd, nnd then hi voted ditto. Ho changed hi mnstor from limo to time, and wa generally industrious but not thriving. Hi power of des cription woro limited, and hi explan ations far from lucid. For a time, he built boat, which ho deilred to (ell in tubntitution of the Indian canoe. Ex plaining their superiority over the lat ter, ho remarked : "Suppose in going up Coo river in a canoe, you run on a sung, where nro you? Hut if you run on to one of them in one of my ImmU, there you are." Wo may gun what hc designed to illustrate, al though the exK)ition is a little mud dy. Poor, honest, Jo! "Pity 'lis, pity 'tis, 'tis true," that villninoii alcohol helped to ferry him over tho dark river to-hi final Isiurnc. t'onntjr Court I'rocecdliip. I'ltOIIATK MATTKm. Estate of Frnnci Frank ; petition of J. M. Davis for removal of J. W. Hennett, administrator, and citation Uucd for hearing nt first day of next term of tho court. Hstnte of Ilink &. Grubbc; ordered that receipt for l'J15 7G given by John Fliiuuiraii to tiustaf Grubo, be cor rected by filing a receipt for 1573 37, tlio amount actually received. Kstntc of E. Morris ; order for tho sale of real estnto by ndminutrator to satifvoouU ol aatil cstale, vis: . Of XVAj MX. 27, T. ST, H. K. 13 wet. Estate of Hen Smith ; final report of administrator approved and ad ministrator discharged ujwh filing the receipt of hei Eitnto John Prewetl; citation to Eau Pniott to show canto why ho re fuse to deliver certain twronal prop erty, heard nnd taken under advise inent. , r Estate of T. D. Winchoitcr; final report of ndmiuihtrator appnivod and ndininistrator orderctl discharged on filing receipt of legatee. Liquor licence granted to John Xni-biirg, Coquille City; J. 8. Kiloy, Empire City; Knowlesit Floyd, Em pire City; John Flanagan, Empire Citv: Goo. W. llngun, htimner, and 1). L Watson, Coo City. AUwi:i). In Juticc'fc Court, Coos City precinct. State of Oregon vs. Wm. and Lizzie Udor, 130 50 In Empire City precinct. Coos Co. vs. S. E. Sherwood, $40 40 " J. K. Coojer, 14 GO State of Oregon vs. M. Glynn, 1CI 0-1 Wilnesse before grand jury, May term : Jnmo II King, W H Noble, C Moore, Siglin A Hennett, publishitrii ing nsoojisor's notice for Hoard of Equalization. A Lobroe, 7 M. plank for road 5 20 4 00 2 20 5 00 dthiricl No. 3, G3 00 J P Mocr, keeping pauiwrs 239 72 " clothing furiiiahcd pauper I) L Steele, M D, county pliy. J F Moore, county school supt, 1) Mork'O, Jr.. " treasurer 9 35 97 50 50 Oil 75 00 I 10 00 10 00 5 00 i 4 CO 1S7 00 10 75 l)r T C Mackoy, professional set vices in examination of in sane nnd idiotic Dr C W Tower, do l)r C H Golden, do J LSmiiti, making insano pap'r Alex btaull. county Clerk Alex Stuutl', stationery John Lane, assessor 70S 00 Alfred Weidby, for conveying idiot child to Empire City 15 00 Viewing and locating proposed road botwocn Chas. NVard'a place and Coquillo City, 95 00 A. G. Aikon, K) 00 Fred Sehroodor, Noah Tripp and J. E. Hodges woro appointed to assess and ifotormo damages by proposed toad between Chas. Want's placo and Cotjitillo City. Onlored. that tho rate of license to l'.' leddlors under Title HI of General aws bo ono hundred dollaru per an num. David Drew was oppointod Inspect-) or oi salmon, ami (piaunou uy lining oath and bond. Tho rato of feos for Salmon In spector was Ilxod at J I 00 per duy and mileage. Tho California lllcrtlim A Itepubllcan Trluuiili. Xowu from tho California election which tiwkplnco last Wednesday, is vory meager. It is aimounced by tologntph, however, that Kalloeh is I'loctod iMnyor of Pan FrnnclscOj and tho whclu'lluniiblictm Stnto tioket is oh'Ctod. The latest reports bo- fore going to press fix Torkins1 nm jorlty at lf,000. Tho inajoritieH on oiiwr portloiiH oi tno uokcx nro not given, hut it ia piohnblo that thov will L'onomllv fall fliort of that uf tho gujiorniitoritil cmulidiito. Itcanrrcllonlsf. And now Ioiuch tho Han Frnn- cIhco "Argonnul," following in the wuko of the "Wnshington Capital," with tlio hihtory of tho word "Ore gon," TJii'h Hiiliject lin hocn ox plninod through the coltimni of thd "Hopeburg Plnindcnler," raven or eight yncTB ngo, hy the undersigned, in ntiBWor to Ifon. J. Quinn Tliorn ton's nrliclo in tho "Willamette Frtrmcr," wlicffin ho took tho ground that tho word originntcd from "Orcgntitirn," or, "wild mnjo- rtim." .My nutlionty won taKcn from a memlier of the Hudson Bay OoVnpany, formerly in charge of Fort Umpqun, M. Gamier. Having considernblo acquain tance with the Hpaniwh language, I paw the appropriateness of the ap plication.' It i pronounced ''or-a- own," or, "ora-onc." "urcja" is "ear:" "Orejon" in "big ear." "Cabe- za," is"licnd ;" "Cfllwzon," in "big head." Tlio terma aro vulgar. '-E" Jh pronouncel "a" in Spanish, as in hay." "J" is flilcnt. Now, Sir, this matter ih open Ut dispute, and, an the editor of the "Argonaut" once jK)3HeHfed a cele brated mulo, I have Bomething left Ui fall back. on. Where did thy name originate, Va'tr Inrirl nl lirrrzes ciKill Alaat 'iwa t&'en thro' cursed fat From Pixley'a famou mulo. Ob! Oregon, "big-ear," "Wcbfcet," Vniifht ran thv wftrtli defame! "The roue's perfume smell a sweet, railed nysome omer name. The jtoets, still, eholl sing thy praise, In ruitful fields, iu healthful darn, o hlnto can tlio excel! Italian skies ; we have these here, That none o'rr there can beat ; A climate that wo hold most dear, With water pure and sweet. Tis mild, refreshing, evergreen, The sirk grow wondrou glad ; Why, e'en tho dog enjoy tho scene, None ever yet went mad. A n-al. invienrritintr halm The nights so cool do keep, You need the blanknU to keep warm ; Incongruence you sleep. And many thing that I couldnamc, We have hereto unfold. The forest aro wet! filled with game. The mountain rich in gold. Le Garcon-. Tin: scow schooner Gmngrr, from Astoria, bound for San Kranctco, put Into our harbor of refuge yestorday to avoid a southerly gale. As tho time for the exchange of school book,and for the sale of book nt introductory price i limited, teachers and pupil would do well to supply thenuelvc as soon as possible. Dr. Golden is agent for thi county, to whom all onion -liould lc sent. 3InrlBa iHtullls't-Bcc Arrived. Scxiut, Stpt. Schr rrithioff, Mattson, days from Sau Franciiico ; to Newport Coal Co. WeUXWDAT, S-J)t-1 Tug Fearless, Hill, from Umpqua. Str Gussio Telfair, Uutlcr, CO hours from San Francisco ; pass it mdse to F Schcttcr. Batukdat, Sept. 4. Schr Premier, Rocke, 11 from San Francisco; to Eastport Coal Co. Nulled. Aug 31 Str Areata, Holt, S. F. Sopt 5 Sclir C II Merchant, Law rence, S F. do C Schr Laura. May, Ackennan, S F. Str Alex Duncan from Portland, due Sunday. NASBURG & HIRST, Fiiokt Stiieet, M.vnsuriELn, Ogn. F!W GOODS HY EVERY STEAM er: keen contantlv on hand iu our largo nnd commodious store, a well selected stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, coiiMtsing of the beststaplo and fancy JDJElSr GOODS, of all kinds, tho choicest GR00ERES PROVISIONS. X LAKGE STOCK OX CLOTHING, UATS and CAPS, HOOTS and SHOES, RUBBERS nnd OIL CLOTHING, SLIPPEHS and OILCLOTH CROCKERY nnd GLASS WARE, HARDWARE and TOOLS, Cigars and Tobacco, A:vrs, oii.s, ami V.VICMWlir.S, ami I.Kll'OIIH, .VllJII.MTIOX. CUTLKJIY, WOOD mid HV.iOir-ir.liW.niii School IBoolss statTonerv, x,,crx.Nrxssxxxivc- aooss, AJVX IIOSJXMII.Y Our oxton&ivo show rosea aro filled ! wish thotiuot MILLINERY AMD JANCY GOODS, PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. N. II. All goodd purelinnod at our Store will I delivered froo of rhnrk'o at nny point on tho routu of tho otoninor MyrtU. TM.'tl BAY VIEW BREWERY, Wm.MeiclicrtjPfopriietor ' Kotis cont.tntly on hnnd.nnd ofTem for Piilo n Miix-rior nrtielo of LAGER BEER, ALE AND PORTE!!, WHOLESALE axd IlirTAIL. MYllAll 18 SUl PLIED WITUTItK VUOWEST JUlANDS OF WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGA11S. HHANCH HALOON AT EMPIUE CITY vl J. ESTEV & So. 1 90rroat View. BRATTLEBORO. VT. Our new Organ, expressly deelgacd for Sunday Schools, Cliapcls, etc. Is proving a Bo suro to send for fall descriptivo Catalogno bcfoTO purchasing any other. THE LARGEST WORKS (Of THE UHD) OX THE GLOBE Illustrated Catalogue sent free. . VICTORIOUS! HIGHEST & BEST AWARD Asd Grand Xedal of Hoscr. Economy, Durability asd Bepidity combined with perfect work, An Dat&ctrohiag Fatsrcs ct the cdttnitd Giant Fan anil I arelioose Fans, UJ&X IT A., P. DICKEY, Racine, Wis. fo tilci r-asy Utc iopcoTegmtOir m (vSy Kyjll to naj demand : tUamcc II ndi of Graia. rcms. ueacs, uauor iKans. ium kiui cbuu dco. Tbcjfmit wheat jrfa"lrby ootc tiadSoj. Sep. I ante 0l froa Wheat, Ixrlej- aed Kyt. Tliejr liars Trry pcrirct amBteaieBU for deactcs Timothy, 1 Lttrcr. tax zero, irruuuu unn, ua u itukt SmaU Setdi. They Chaff rxiictCr. wl cocibioe ererr qoaSfieaooa rcqsirc! la do im beat vetk ia lh lacruu ttae. mjrj3uP Vaieheoae, at eH ai Fans IHUt, art Urjily coa. muixtr th deman.!. and civiae&caoacinr cf froei o I ta ja beubcia per bou, accacmt lo cf niX . They are (hipped, b Jied far cccai iraotportatioo, j ud "et p" or "ksccVed dawa" far tonmiat talaad, aa rrqoesuj; and ia all cases put free ea beard Cars er hteasscr. Orders tiled same day as nceired. J I . j MiQs ihtpprd "Inoeled im" C tit ! trrifht charscd rs when f rwanied "t up." Oc. (races and (.irru'unscpplKd en acsimuon. nicra will fc quettd Itr usl en liberal terms. Coma. 'TSELIGHT-RTOlOTff lb BEST, LATEST IMPROVED, mt raost THOROUGHLY couslrueteU SEWING MACHINE orcrlmcntcO. Jin tha trearlo juris aro laailo of Uio BEST STEEL, CAREFULLY TEMPERED ua are ADJUSTABLE. It ha tho .1 VT03TA TIO TK.VIO.V; It ha tha XUMQU&T XtOttBLSt It baa tha Easiest Throadod Shuttle Tho DODDIN3 aro "WOUND without RUNNING or UNTIULBADUtQ tha MACHINE. ' It ha a 8EIiVrCTTINa NSTtDUSl It ha a 1)1 AT. fur rcsulatloi; tho IcokUi of stitch. WITHOUT TKsTlNUi Jt has a LAUOU Bt'ACIS uudcr tho arm J It I NOIBKI.KS3. and lias uioro tiolut nr Kvnm.i -Wfw than all oltxr luacluuon couiUucd. .WAflonU wstnted In looUUa wnoro wo nro not roproaantod. Johnson, Clark & Co.a SO UNION SQUARE. N.Y- s I'ItSKIIti: lur tho I'O.IST IAII.-4,C5(iiri j car. mi COMPANY, Ho.l90-BTe. EpitoAnj. EiceMlffc. THE Taylor & Farley CABINET ORGAN. AIL VSKnCSli ef sry Tklm nay ta food U these hutrmoena, aid they contain tuny BSSKMTIAL IMPXOVBMCNTS VtT rJ53 U other Crews. Abniflsto produce) work which shall ls Durabla. w will not mcrrfics that whtcft la not aean. and yt la rltal to n perfect orzan, in ordar to mnlco a mora fancy starter. We an nH audited to preseet as Stylish aed Ajipreprlcto Coses aa eaa be (bead U the aiAtt, with fiuh which It UtSftsSalbyuy. A8 RSQAROS TOI1C, Tits rouonsc AwaH witli Medal & Diploma or Honor VAX CXAXTED V TICK csTtUL EXHnonoa conKisjioaraj: u Ta Itreur t ffjrlaaaUls, If rasns. tXVXl txi MrUilld TMC, tslAralt; In rrr u4 (nml Do eat tail ta nale appEcatisn aa4 XZAK2KX THESE IKStZKUKlaDTS XSehn Puchsisng. CcaalscMa tnt, ta apptkauaa ta tha Taylor & Farley Organ Co. WORCESTER. SSASS. WILGOX&WHITE ORGAN CO. Meriden, Cokik V. & A, "Children's Blow Pedals,5'! Adjusted or ,etinsiani!y. Invented and Exclusively used by this Company. The most popular Organs of the day! , UNRIVALLED IN QUALITY. "The WileMC fc Wkit Oreas Ijatrctor" i tlfc B8Tiuil OHEAPJET la the jURi'Jtet I ivvi fvr Itiuftntlai fUMcyw. - MHBaBl attHaLsBLaHiVKLLwCjBflBLLSK'IBLw iBIbBvEbT wB vvflHvfflY 1