jsksz Pfosr bt , ii- ft, rft wWiwymwAiWf ' i'ijUiwnwftiW" ' ii 111 jmip.iiiuiiiii,.uiiiiii.ijuii.jmii iii.u,'Mj,'ilttltJj yfty rLVJl)-J'' ta Knni COAST MAIL. I ATI HI A V, . Ah. ttO. IM70, Nmv Hoiiooi. Hookh. Dr. (J. 1). (lot on linn boon iIoMimiiUimI n ncont fur till! enmity, (or Hie anlu of tlio litilo- xmnoiit norma 01 runnera rcrimrru to o Inlrotliionl tnlo tlm 'iiiblic aeliooln ftlioHtrtlo. Jf it tnihll cnn lirliiK nn Id book to cxcIiiiiiku with mi order roni Ills traclior, I ho now book onn lio ml nt rmliii'Otl price. DUtilcUcnn bo iimilcnl liy cmllni' nrilora to Dr. lolilon'a (lore. Tlio nrken nro tui von bulnw. WUIl OXl'lllllIRO, Wllliont Kx. .1:1 "t M Wo .0T .70 .II JPriinnry Homlor .fl Siconl l .12 .111 .i!0 .;m .10 .10 wTJilnl II II II I rcHtrtli truth imu Hor HY I.iiit. -Tlm following nro tlio pa of tlm noraon ilnum ro ailrvo mra nt tlio (onu of Circuit Court bit will niaoinblo next Monday J. C. IIftyiio, K. I). Oorlintn, 3ntcliln, w. T. Mtllo, T. Afliton, BP'Coiiiioll.A.Outllp, 1. W. Don- lly.JaiiiiMWHll, W. A. .w, H. ktioofk.M. Iur, 1. 4iiiKliorn, J. CfttchliiK, Allan Uniilinrt, 8. 8. utn, U. A. llrown, J. M. Punolnton (Irciiii. J, V. HoiiAlirnkn, J. 11. inch, H. 0. Hlitill, A. 1'elcMon, V. forms, I'. M, llddc, L. Horlookor, t, I.ydtMi, J Gordon, " Olive, 1. Me- UtrmiUJ.8. Wnukly. I'TAKKN UKDRII AtlVMIIMKNT. -TllO 1U tutritt thu validity of tlio W'tir- Rvick titlu upon tliu Maritliflultl town mli, now litdd by II. II. I.nnu, citnn ijt for nrKiiint'iit in tliu u. 8. Circuit Jourl nt I'nrtlantl, Tlniradity of lift (Week, JuiIkc Fluid nuil Dundy on Out Ileni'li. An tlm tuatimooy I f . . . . ... ... JoiiKtliy.anilulio noliiM invnlvuil In; fcktuonlrim'ray nmiiomti nnd Intrl- tote, tlio jiuIri'k t'Kik tlio onto tmdor 4vliMiHiit Tin doclidou may ho Mclvfil oun, or it may nut ho on- nnccn lor t)tni uov'KK. Hi, iTCiMMi;!ri:i). -On tho !!&! Jit- inl itcoinpbiint win filutl In tlm nut Court, hy Mil. C. 1 I.iim Kuliiitt W A l.uo for illvnrc The oniuU ulU'Ki'tt nn urtiel Mini inliu- fcnii treatment unci mutuary. I no IgHntitifrwiicH for tho oitiHly of thu fiilurun ttiul for illiuony; olio iiImj iy for nu injunction lorcnlroiu tlic Kft'iuhiut fmiii illH)fiiij of hl prop- J l)i:ctio.v Our Donnl of Kqimrmt- n Imvc derided to nlhnv no iudoht- rSiktrKi in Iwdnlootcd hy Ux payor io rldu out of tho county, and id inortRaos on property In thU Mtity, which -arc kmcim!I In tho Minty whorv thr party ronlilov. Thoy Jil Unit in nurh nrtnothi) iuduhloil- hould l) iloduutctl fmiii tho n- iniuiil of proporty in tho county Icro tno tiixpnycr rtwuloN IlKitninta Miiirrixo. -Krom tho tlndralrr vtv lonrn that ltuv. J. lt.N. ill of ItOH'InirKi wan to lunvo thnro th 0n,nillo on Thursday of this uk, nccoinpnnlfd hy Itev. Mr. .Mil t, of JoAi'phliH', nml Itov. Mr. Ilnr- jn, of Jnckxon county. Thoy will Rid miM'lii)Hln vjuloim parUof She lunty. t LSIaii. Coxtiiait, Wo hnvo hcon ifiiriuml thnt tho until oontrncl from nrn to Myrtlo Point, hnn hen nwnr rJtodto.Mr. J. CIoiikIi of ltwohun;. IXr.CloiiKh in ono of thu contrnotnrH tho pri'nuni norvlco hlwcou horo HodoburKMtnd U woll nruiiarod to ithnt thoriorvlcoiH uimlo in KOO'i lvooit thU iHw routo. Jo Mktiiouikt .riu:.oiu:u.--Thc trihutiuu of McthoilUt MinintoiH ilo hy thooiinforcncii, thoKiiiou of bIi hnuHt cloned, innkoH uo pro- n fur n niiiiiHtcr m Coo Hnv, lobly owing to tho fact thnt thoxo Moloro unit horo hnvo heon vory rly NiipM)rti(l. llov. J. McCoriniio slKiiod todutyntOlyiupi.i, W. T. KW llroov. AndorAon.tho liviry i iiiNU, 1 1 ml n Ik-lit liiitruvhmuchL na,i'tho Jrrnfii. Our rimdM nro ho- Me i!4UMti p A fnr itnnrnvml n In miil-n ll lido to have n htiKKY ridu occn- illy, nml Arnlcnion U lwund 'to i up with tlm timed. iioKi: nowM.Tho Htontnor Suttl- kpn hor flriit trip up (!ih)S rlvor nftor K lulu up fur ri'pnlrn, on Tuondny ko lior nhnfl. hlcw hor ovlindor out, nml vuatiiiui'd dimugoH uo il ly Thin npcidonl will prolmlilv her upnniu for n wook or to. Ionb KAHT. MrH. llnokor nml Mrn, Bkhart loft hy tho Teljulr en rout? tho Kimt, Tho fornmr will vixit tidit nml lolntlvuit In Mnlno. uud Inttor in Ohio nml tho Miildlo Iom. '1 hoy will nrohnh v Im nhnnt nl thruo iiioutl'n. nil V):n Tlio Htoamoi- Jnvi,i m-. l-'riduy luornliiK, with tho follow- Iwiiiird puHMciiKom i II. 1). Jono. Miiplirnn, A. II. Collvor. Uoo. kn, rcUrllnnloy.J. Krononlurfc'i mrK, iuix, uiiiiimi' ami y ohihlrou. PnriiorWiii, Hliuio, M, I'otorson t'Mr. Woodwnrd. Hkhkmiii,.kui:. In tho nendoiny nay thin week, wliou the time for ehoouing h Iohkou In roiuling lio following day, ono of (lie uhU d for n Heleetliin ontitlwl "IVinuo iry nml Wnythijr." Circuit Court Docket. Tho following cmiMix nro on tlio docket of tlm Circuit (Jourt for tho tot in coniiiioiu'liitf H(iitoinhor Sth. thnro tiro novorul oriiulnitl utmn nwnll liiK tho notion of tlio jjrnnd jury, Hint nro not on thu lint : Hlnto of Oregon vi J. 1'. Ailnnin, In dictiiiunt for rapo. KmiiMoii A lljiyon yn K. I'oiilolon et nl, fiult (o ijuloUltlo, 0. W. Hnnforil vh H. W. Hmifonl, Hiiit to iIImoIvo pnrtiiornhip. II, II. Ciinunniin v Jno. Hmi'.li, foio cloHiiro; a J T. . Cookrcll v l'orry A llalloy, notion to rrcoyor moiioy. K. II. Denu A Co. h. I.uiililiprn ctnl, Milt for Injiiiiotlon. J, T. Moullon v I). Drow, forculo'it V. M. Hllllnrd vh Job Aligol.foro olohtiro. II. II. Lino v (tco. W'nmou, notion to recover money. II. li. Cmiiiiiniiu vi Illruiu Klllotl, notion to uteovor, money, II. H. Cannuaitn vh A. II. Kohrw dor, action to recover money. It, H. 'n?nmn v Jux, Mcdlone, notion to recover inonoy. B. 8. Mnuii, dmin'tiitrator of the imrtnornliiii outnto of Klniingnn A Mitnu, vh Ann l'lnuaeHii ot ill, milt to determine purtiioisliip intoroxtii. AiiKtmlA 8cleii vh K. It. Duiry nml (I. WclMlor, Injunction. l'revot Dean vh Jn. Count ot l, forcloKtirn. Coon Hay Wagon Hoad v Coon county, writ of review. Thon. Walker vh John Nortunn nml Dora Norman, uit to net imidu a con veyance. 0. F. Luniivn W, A. LtMfl, nlt for divorce and alimony. W. M. Ililllnid vn Jolin Korinan, notion to recover money. John Ahem vn C 1. Wheeler nml Win. Iteiclnut, fonu'lo'uin:. Coipilllo lllnek 8nml Co. vn W. M. llllllunl, oiiit for iiijuueliou. M. J. IVmllctou vh John M. 1'onillo ton, notion to recover inonoy. I). ICronenbur vh Win. Uilor nml. f.ixuhi Udnr, notion to recover money, J. W. Ileunett, ndmiuUtraior of on trtte of F. Fronk, vn J. M. DmvIh, no tion to recover money. W. A. Lime vn M. L. Utuhnelt et nl, ittiitor injunetlou. 0. Hull vn Win. McCrimllo, notion to recover money. I'm. I'kax. of CoUille City, wan on the Hay ou Winlnewlay. Tliu celebrated lIutcliiuKiii family note hliiKing in Koburg thin wool:. Mr. 0. "n. nrtlelo wan roeolvwl too Into for thin Imuoj It will appear nxt week. ' Mil. Wm. Iltnur, ot Xannimo, It. C. i nephew of TIum lllrnt, in ou the liny vinitiug relatlonn. Cot- l.v.'i:, our Ao)r reKirl Ml peroti in thin county nuhjuot to mil itary duty. Tin: llonnl of Kiiillintlon hnleoti In omIoii during tho week, nt Km piro City. W. A. Link, d Kiupiro Olty, mlvcr tinefl that jhjwoiih who extend credit to hlii wife doKo nt their own rbk. A. ll. Colia'ku, ratiiriiiHl to Cioh by tho.lrcoto, ho linn been celling the Kelly A Colo cVHHirator nml fruit dryer, in California. (tKoiiou Davih, him Won oIiomhi hii Hrintendenl of tho Sabbath oobool nt thi olnro, to till tho vnenney canned by the departure of Mr. MeCorinnc. Tiik Siitrllite rontimcl hei regular Iripit ou tho liny and itn ntltuitulu, hint Tiioxlrty, nftor having Wen thorough ly lepaircd. V. Maiik, the furuitunt dealercaine back from Han FrnuoixGo, by the last Meamor,with n lot of new goodn in hid lino. Go to hi Store to make pmchane. A"Ilioii SrutKi:" in roHitwl to hnvo Wen mndu in tho Gruud Apple gnto utiiieof Jaokkou county, of nliicli W. K. Willi nml fiyl Abnihain of Hoixiburg are part owner. W. II. Xoiim:, baa boon ongngod to drivo Home dlut in Coal Hank hlough near the mouth, to ncnirt tho large nteniuern in tlieir unvigntioit of that stream. A Coiikkhi'ON'i)i:.st writing from tlio Cixiulllo, aya runt ban nppenrod upon iiie inienueiu, in Homo locaiitua on tho river. It ltaa held oil" no long thnt it can do coinpnrntivly little hnrm. Wi: call Httontiou to tho profcIon nl card of K. U. Orindrod Esq. who lnw located nt Kinpiro olty for prnc lice. Mr. Orindrod will bo louud en publo nml ndinble, and wo boopenk for him numerouti oliontn. Saii.i:i. Tho Ciilc Ttluir sniled ou Tuenday, with tho following pas neugeiH: Mm. A. 0. Hneker, Mw, K. M. I.ookhnrt, MIm Mnry Ford, J. K. Coopor, 8. Oohcon, 0. Fntteo nml Mr. Ilftwn. J unni: Watson and family, with n party of frlomln, woro imniiotl for n day or two hint week near Lnird'a. Tlio pnrty enughl n largo numbei' of trout, hut their aojouru wm out abort by tho rnlny weather. Ou the 10th iiint., lion. John Ilur nutt, of Corvnllin, Tilmnii Ford, of Sa lem, and 0, Webnter, of Mnrhuold, were admitted nt iittunieya nml conn ncllom nt law in tho U. 8. Ciroult Court, In I'orllnml. Fisiu.NO liiti coinintuiced on tho HI unlnw iu well nn on tlioNCo(uillo nml Hogun river. Thoio will, however, bo ntti utiiQoiibrt inndo tu put up flli in largo (iiiiiiilition.iu the mnrkyt U now uvuratuvkoil Willi thutu. Ncrcr Willi for the Turn of tlio Tide. To Mr. 1 K. Hliorlitnn, nco llanngan, li V t.i: OAiicoy, Tlicro nro pooplo foroyor rrplnln, And from K'0"ny fril'uliiK eo'cr free, Tlio nun raniiot alwnyn bo nlilnhiK, Nor tliln llfn Ilka a airtootli flowing ncn. Iniiiicli the bent, kcoti lior trim anil lio read, Vict tlio wartn of inlmrtnno with prlilo, Take tlio earn witli a tron juill nod nteoiljr; Nnver watt for the turn of the tide. Don't ilenpnlr, for tint It unavailing, If ho trntiJn, wo miut float her kbI $ Tho' the wluili nro ahead, keep her inlllnjr, To rent on tho earn I In vain, And If flcrco firing eloudn gather round Uo, Thoro'll ho calm ot Iu which wo may gllilo, While the nhoalt and tho ((iilcknatxU mr round nJ Norer wait for the turn of tho tide. ThU llfo Jm IU plranuro and norrow, Then enjoy It whenercr wo maj Tho Kiln may be hrlKhbtr tomorrow, Tho' the inKt hover o'er un today. Then la fair or foul weather pull nlendjr, O'er tho rlpplen and whirl we will ride, Willi a will and the heart alwajrn ready; Kover wait for the turn of tho tide. THE SETTLEMENT AXI BARLV SEHLERHF COOS HAY. xo II. J In thoo onrly dnyn, nngel women "unoertuin, coy, nml linnl to pleruo," woro cominonubly few nnd acarcc. nuehelor'n halU wore in tho major ity. Tho occupitnU woro under the necessity of Wing their own cooka mid honnekceperrf, nn well an attend ing to out door nvoantlanii. Thoy could cuddle tho imnginntivo "girl I left behind mo," to their heart, nml "nothing more." An occanional ball gathered the fow Wautlen, young nml old, from far and near, iu aome rough boarded room, brilliantly lighted with tallow dipn. The "fair" and few ahono gorgeounly in calico. Tho baohelorn in ncoreei, nrrayeil in their bent, look ed ou in admiring hojieleannenn. "HHcmI nhirts" were preneriWd an too pretention. Whoever rhould dare to appt-nr In one, would have Wen tho aubjirct of rldiculo. Freed from the ceremonious forum of fashionable life, they "tripped tho light fantnntio toe" iu joyotm hilarity "till daylight doth appear." Tho mlveut of rt marriago bio young lady produced a lively aetiMtioii. All the iKtehelora riuliod In hot hiute to necitrc a chnnco in tho mntnmontnl nruo. liioiairotio wan 'Htrplcxod to cliouo among her many nllVm, and could nelect hor own time to rentoro the "lot rib"towino happy (twain. Thin terrible lack of female loveliuean mid companionship made men ilenjMinUo. There wcro many native maideun camped aWut, who could W purclia.scd from their fond paronU for a fow pniw of blanketn. Itnthor than live ou hopolcniily, Inn guihing for fairer lovitn, ninny em braced the opportunity nml provided theiuselven with companions from the wigwams of the "noble red man," and lived olnmlestinely without any mar- rUge ceremony. Suddenly cloud nrone, darkening the horizon of their domo.itic felicity. An order won ianiied from tho Imlinl) Department, thnt all thu Indians at Coon Day tihould W re iiiovcil to tho Silctx rencrvntiou. Thin order would ruthlcMly include all Uiomj diifky companioun to whom tluvie men bad become ntUtched, turn ing thuni adrift again to solitary, sin gle life. Thcr-o Indian uiaidens, ftmngo an it may mhjui, had wound thcinxclvon deojily Into their nlFee tioiiH, They looked with horror ujon i fojmnulon. Lucky thought, happy dUcovoryt Marriage would make them wives, nml American citizen boyoml the control of Indian agent. The danger wan imminent. Tho em innarie.n of the Indian department were gathering the Indiana together fnr removal. There wan a runh of these couples to tlm juntice.n of the pence in the county, and about thirty couplotf in thin vicinity were joined iu the bond of wedlock. 8omo of them proved faithful wives, and Mine of their liege lordn tiro among un, re sectable, honored, thriving chiton. I II. Murple, nftor bin dincovery nml exploration ot thin locality, on bin re turn to Jackson county, gave a glow ing denoription of tho country, netting forth in exaggerated terms IU renour cox and nd vantages. Having excited much outlui8iaiu, ho ottered to be come their Moon, nml lend them to the promised laud, with thu consider- nto proviso that each poreon should pay him two hundred nml fifty dollar. About forty nharon woro nold by him to dilloiont parties. Jtcsorving ten nharot to himnelf, the company waa organized uud known na tho Coon Day Coiuptiny. They noleeted Emjiiro City, u natural nml beautiful location ou the Hay, nml divided it town lot among (ho nlinreholdom. Thoy wont to work hopefully, nnd noon cleared tho foront, nml bowed out for thorn solves homo iu tho primitive wilder ne Tluy built high hope for the fuiuriinnd Ml rich iu city lot, and prospective foi tunes. To them "thoro wan million iu it." They ofton mot in solemn conclave to discuss tho groat interests, and project that loomed up before thorn. Mnrplo n chief, and other skilled iu high de bate, often prolonged tho wordy con tent into tho "woo hour" of tho night, and tho heated eoutrovoruicu ocean lonally Warmed up to nu argument of blown, While thoro woro among them tunny judlcloun nml decreet pornoiin, tho vlnionnry nml garruloim norvod to keep up n porputunl Irrita tion, which finally resulted iu dlnno lutlou. Tho great cantlen of their ini ngiiintlon, which had been rained to dizzy liolghln, tojiplcd over, nml W came a ruin, and their ownorn woro acntlered fnr nnd wide. 80110 of tho bent portion of them atill remain among tin, who may bo pointed out nn citizoiiH of character and intclli gonco, 111011 of ciilorprlncnml thrift. Tho coal inincH of Newport nnd Hnntport, each, had n atoro at Empire City, which woro tho depot of up ply nml headquarter of bii'lncnn. Hero, 011 Bntutdny night, their em ployee congregated to mako Decen nary ptirohancn, nnd more cnpecinlly to indulge In a Jlachnunlian fennt. Thoro grow up n sonnclrnn rivalry be tween tho Newjwrtcr nml Knntjv)rt nm, thnt became no bitter nnd bo-tile, an to often culminate in a akirminh of nngry wonln,nnd even to terminate in blown. Northrop A Syrnondn occu pied a two atory building, wlicro nrtw tho peaceful dutie of Uncle RamjiglV; po'tal ntrairn nro trnnnacled. Kogorn A FlrtiiRgnii woro nearly opposite. Tho iipcr Htory of tho ICnntport ntorc wan utilirxil n lodgiugn, and there nt Into bourn, their laborers, when foo fiVI to wrcntle longer with alcoholic mixture, retired, nnd made night hidaoun with npaninodic bowls nnd angry conflict, which gradually nub nided into n. peaceful aod welcome nilence. rilchcd;battlea were not un frequent among thene rival bands of workmen. Ou onu Occasion a cbnl lengo wan innued, to neleet one from each gnng, nnd match their prowess in a single content. It was night, nnd a thick Oregon fog enveloped the town in murky darkness. The recent rains had inolntoncd the nn paved streets, nnd loft them ankle deep with pasty mud. Lighted tallow caudles fastened to oleH, were held by the friends of the contestants, in the mid dle of the street. Tho two heroes of the fight, nthlellc, powerful fellows, now nppenrod upon the scone, dimly visible in tho lurid light. One stood erect and firm, the other could hardly stand, swaying to nnd fro with n whis key pendulum. The fight Wgan. At the first blow, the one, whiskey char ged, went down int the soft mud. His Wttle holders placed him on "bin pins," and down ho went again, until the monotony of the thing Wcainc te dious, nnd the drunken crowd declar ed the battle ended. The appoarance of tho defeated athlete, covered with mud, and streaked with "tlio claret of hta mug," was not only-pitiable, but comically ridiculous. Whether Xcw porters or Eaatporlcrs claimed the champion, is immaterial. Thoy now live mingling together in friendly In tercourse, nnd tho folly of hostile ri valry ha passed into oblivion. 1850. Mjrtle I'olnt ItcBSA, Tho Into heavy showers of rain have thrown down considerable grain on the different farms ou the river. Mr. Win. E. Rackliff is building .1 new grist mill at the junction of the North Fork with the main river. Thin is a good locality for such nn es tablishment. Tho Annie has resumed regular trips ou the river. Rust baa appeared ujion tho grain in some localities. Tlio R. R. baso ball club of this place challenged tho Coquillo City Nino to play a match game of ball on tho 3d, which they declined to accept. A II KS ID KM. .Ilnrl-ae Infrlllsrciacr. Arrived. Fainxv. Are. 21. 8ch jaraea Tuwiuend, Henri, It days from! a v ... v.. ....... .,. ... 1 8atckI)av,Aub.23. Sir GuMle Telfair, Untlcr. CO hours from S K mim and wdw to F Schctttr 8cmiit, Auk 21 8ch O It Mcrchaut, Lawrence, 13 dsjs from S r to E B Ucan A Co VcuxaiurAuKa7 Bch EntcrnrUo, Donnelly, 10 days from S F to Sluimon llros. TiiVHSinv, Am- 2. ., , Sch Laura May. Ackrrmtn 8 days, f rot 8 F to Bouthiiort Cl t. , Sell Clara Lhsht Hagtlirop Silaya from 8. F to Bouthiwrt Coal Co. .. Friday Auk 8lr Areata, Holt, b hours fro paat and tuU to T Bchettcr. Nnllrd. AurIM StrauleTelf.lr Dutlcrs r do lft-Sch ltclicrea Wllniu r v . ; ' do 3 do Aurora Hlrkholm nr do '.l- dojanKiaTowmondllcnrlnsr do i5 do Norway Whatman r (oSa-UlrFearleMlllll UmiHjua ; -t COOSUAY ItKTAlL. MARKET. Ilutter pn .S2 Oheeso n. ...... ,20 I.nnl " ir18 Hums " 10020 Hneon (side) " HQ1 " houlder' 12W licet '8Q12 " per or. &nt 7 " roruvil 0" 8 Mutton " 8ii2 Sausage "...-, 10 EgRH per do 23 Potatoes " 1JJ2 Apiiles iwr bus 50QJ75 Ki'imr " 1-,M CotlVo H X Tea 070 RiiHi " . - n10 lleaita 'I 7 Flour ier bbl . I Apples dried " ISJflS, Italslns .'li.V Currants u . . . . . ,i Oyslers, -5 ceiits per can. i , ; Tomatoes, ' n -v Com, ,r ' ' " reaches, .37Jtfor 3 cans for 1. K. (J. OKI XI) it on, ATTORNEY ikd COUNSELLOR AT I.AH, A share of public patronngo l resttfet fully Molleltcd. 1 .'ttlf Nmohern' Alloy! t IjUtOM DATE, HCCII CJOAltfl A8 ) nro now sold 2 for 25 cents, will bo sold nfor25cont,nHin thcsnimi pro portion, 1 nave n nenvy stock 011 iinnd which i wish to sell. 0. II. Uoi,m;v. FIJfAIiHKrrbKMKST. 0, Webster, ndminintrnlor of the Estate of lien 8mith, hnvinc filed bin final account for the settlement of snid entnte, it in ordered that Monday. the 1st day of 8ciitcnihcr, 187!'. W not lor tho hearing of nuy objections to the same, nnd for the final settlement of snid estate. J. II. Xoni.nit. County Judge. Ei B. Dean & Go K.I1.DKAK, -I), WILLCOX AND C. II. MERCHANT. We HArr. Always ox Hash a Fru. Assortment Of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. STOCK ALWAYS COMPLETE. IDTTIMIIBIEilR, MANUFACTURED TO OltDEIl And SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY DESIRED. and nt tho LOWEST LIVING PRICES, NASBURG & HIRST, Fbont Stkket, Maurii rim.!), Ocs. ATEW C.OODS I1Y EVERY STEAM'- i or; keep constantly on hand iu our large nnd commodious store, a well selected stock 01 GENERAL MERCHANDISE consitsing of tholest staiIeand fancy JDJ&ir G-OODS, of all kinds, the choicest GROCERIES PROVISIONS. A LA HOE STOCK OF CLOTHING, HATS nml CAPS. BOOTS nnd SHOKS, RUBBERS nml OI"L CLOTHING, SLIPPERS nnd OILCLOTH CROCKERY owl GLASS WARE.HARIAVARE and TOOLS, Cigars and Tobacco, iMi.vra.oii.s. nnd V.IU.MSIIIS, ciioici:tvi.'ix uud I.H('0"S. ri-'v.4.iti:iiui CVTI.KRY, WOOD and WILLOW'M'AJiK,niuI Sclxool ISoolsrs AXD STATIONERY, AMD IIOCtZn.Y Our e.xtonsivo show cases are filled wish tho finest MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. N, ti. All goods purchased at our Store will be delivered free of charge at any iKiint on tbo ronto of the atoAtuor Myrtle, Tl-l-tf COOS OB-ir : 3 MAiutsiini:.n, onr.i.ov, It. F. Rosh, W. H. Pimcsos jt D. Hoi.i.n 1'roprietoni. j 2 IE .A. T S nod provicUms of nil kinds bold nt thu lowest living rate and DKLTVKltKi Many point ileaiwl ifai? 10 It VESSELS, LOOGINO CAMPS AND FAMILIES, ALWAYS READY, SyVo keep nothing hut thobot9 uud insure tmtUfnotiou. aL.K.SI-IIEJX-iX), OGKN Koops coimtfliilly on Iiand, nmloflcm for le n uperior wrtiele of i.AGER BEER, ALE AND PRTgR, WHOLESA LK Ain IIKTA I L. Mi' 11 All IS SU1 PI.I1SD WITUTIlli CU0WK8T ItUAXDS OF WINE, LIQUORS AND C16ARS. RRANCII HALOON J. ESTEY & Ho. 169-rroatVtew, BRATTLEBO Our new Organ, expressly designed for Sunday Schools, Chapels, etc., Is proving a C3rSLE2.3? SUOOSSS. Bo 0uro to send for full descriptive Cataloguo l-'Cforo purcuasing any other IHE LARGEST WORKS (OF THE HID) 01 THE GLffi Illustrated Catalogue cnt free victorbous! HIGHEST & BEST AWARD . Ard Oncd Z'd nt of Hoser. I Economy, Durability and Rapidity co-nbiaed vritb. perfect work, j Giant Fan a&fl Waieboiise Fails, tusz ar A.-P. DICKETV Racino, Wis. Now biTUij nary Iitt iajproraareu. ikty ai t f j3f -al w rtcry clcroad : Untune tH Ltnd) et Croin, Tmi, liaoi. Caior Bract, Cam oJ SmiH S-t Tbtjmdt Wheat fcif0r ty ot hiodtrc. Sep arate Oat traa What, Wufcya&d Kyt Ttcy have mj pofect in39mtj Hr dcaainr Tlraethr, CIjtct, F!x Strf. On-Iuni Cr. tad a3 elbtr Soall dv Thty Guff fafettj, and caabiee otrr quiSttciaoa rw;'att! 1 1 3 ite belt rtt ia tb uasnot tia. WirLkk, it wn Fira Muls, r Urstly ecn. t mi: ted, Uwh kin re y-sraz B" K2CJ ;'ca raodile ihe ddaind. aaJ rrata apiey etCmm ja a $00 buthtli per hour, ace uttec e ma Tlxy are tiuppei. b icJ f t ocean traaiporutKio. aad "t tj"K "luwckeJ Jara" fw forwardtnj talaed. i rrjeJj and ail cam T.l fie w kcaij Can m Stcxva Onkn !11 uac cay u Mccived. J MUU viiypej "ka.-ltd d iro" r f r tulf.hr irafkt charted unh-a ftirarvjcj "Ml -p " Oi a. TarhiaedCirculiruipl"JonlfScauon- Fn-xi will l-e iiaird iu tad on Ucral tmsv &nc THE LIGHT-RUNKIITG Tha 1EST, LATEST IMPROVED, and inoit THOROUGHLY comlrncled SEWING MACHINE Trimuated.jlU ths ircarlnff axts aro uJo ot Uw OEST STEEL, CAREFULLY TCMPERED ami aro ADJUSTABLE. iilaA.VTOMATIO TEXSIOXt It baa U4 LUMOZSr JtQJiniSf U baa lha Enslost Threaded Ghuttlo. Tho HOBUINa arc WODKTJ wittjoHt UAUUXPllJ. t It hai a SEtrETTlNa NEKprjJt It hai a DIAr. Jbr irxuldtiac thu luiutlt orttitub. WITHOUT TK-.T1XUJ U baa a UVUUti Bl'ACK under tlio annt It U XlM&r.w.hs. ami baa wno tioluta cra.CiXUiCiJ tbaa alt olbcr uacbluoa combined. aj-AoonU wanted In looutitlea wharo wo nro not reproaontoci. Johnson, Clark & Co.fl 30 UNION SQUARE, H.Y S 1 its'ixiiii: rot- tliu coant HEW 10M1 v,W,JS''f" V.;K' J0 fit II U Cc mi .1IA JI.-v',no jK- yenr. AT EMHRE CITY I CO Ko. ICO-HocJiYIott. MiM4iMMha ii mmnxmxvtsara&jn t EpltoAnj. Excellel fiy Hono. TUTS Taylor 8s Eaiiey CABINET ORGAN. TSatmfactarcd at TVorcetcr, 2Ja alii Iir?"jmCSI3 of -t Tatue may be fouad la Uicac iAstrczaesta, &ui tHfy CoBtaa loaay ESSSKTIAU IMMOVCaiENTO JTII H7X3 is cthu Orgta. Aiming to preducot'arUvrhtch sholl bo Durable, wo will not scoftfJce that mhlcl la not seon, and yet lvltat to a prfoct Orjion, In order to ras.a a moruTanoy xterlo. We are ttSI csaUed t reelect aa StjUsIt nail Ajiproprinto Cases ai caa be Cmsd in the txuitt, Trii2 a Ssbh vhicb U CttliCttbyaay. AS RCQAnOQ TOIlfi, TMK TOUXyrtHG AMd Willi Mai l Diploma of Honor w.u ciastio ay rmt cvmimki EXHismra coMincnuni.- " Far Itrsnrj- ii TTctiaastltfo, Eiraftiu, rrJIT tai IIIUUICI r TeiE.2jjritr ia fnrr tni Ctetnt tUUtj la 2UeUaio 1 Cuni fts ttta ;ua3i UUa)rf." Do not i3 ts nuie ajipIScatKn and EXAsnin: the3h xtiws&xrmascza Eeiors rurchaab;. Cuabfuu free, en anukauon 19 tibe Taylor & Farley Organ Co. "WORCESTER. HAS!. THE OBGAN 00. Meridon, Ccnn. U.S.A. R0 VT M& WIL00X&111TE "Children's Blow Pedals," I Adjusted QrteiRQV8dIns!anl!y Invontsd anU Exclusivoly used by this Company, The most popular Ch'gans of the day!-, UBRWALLED IN QUALITY. "JCito WilooxrfcWIjit.,"';, BfiSTa4 Olkii' .n f ;