jfiSS5CZ3fflL!y: W ."' ilW9fiSBmri WTryJ '-'TfWWjV f-r- 'jT"- Tfuriro rrj wimrTv -."TjSrfsyr , Hw 55CSS THE COAST MAIL. :hati;hay, .Alt. U8, IN7. The KiiIkIiU I'lrulr. I.niit Hnturilny, tlio tiny aiipolnfoil liy tlio KnlKliU o( VytlilnH for their iitctilo lit) vim ilvcr, iliiwniMl fitvorn My, ami uro'cnlt'il every Intllcntioii tlmt tlio wentltor would not Interfere If with lliu plriuiiro of tlio exriiniluii. QiiHo niiiiiiilierfroiu Umpire City mill polhur imluUoii tlio liny, milled to tlio crowd, while Mnrlilli)ll wiliiumuMi nn uxotlii ("yo rlnlor,"liicliuU'il) which thrt'rtloiK'tl lolimvo it it ilcnencd vil Haire Homo iluliiy wnu experienced nt Hurting, on neeuiint of not having cwrfectvl nil nrrniiROiiiynt, lint nt uttMjiit ten o'clock nil wiih inniio luuuy d tlio Myrllf Mimmcd olf ii)i Coo ier with tlio Inrj?" cow which nu 911 nrovliloil for tlioncroiiiiiioilntion L tlio purty fllled with iih Joll) a cot of entei'M n over urnced tlio duck ii iicli a craft on it olnillar ooeiulnii, n tmrliiiK ilnto of tlirtM olicitint from tlio lOinulnliiK tvvt on tlio hurt). Tlio only liriwflirtiiil of wlilch ;ku liny can l-oiut, fuml'licd Hint mml rentilidto of nil ulr Hint mnke A pleiile n tnio-eim, "Tlio Sweat Hyp IhiuI llye," whloh, toKtlivr with tlio Fiiicludloii pulling of tlio mnokcutm'k, Mint! tlio rippllni; of tlio water, pro- Ftlnccit kik'Ii n lillitriiitii); ofl'out Hint tho dork win iiiMautly rlmtrcd mid niiicinK roinmciiccu. mo "iiniin noincet innn in town" fulled to put in nn appearance, Imt III plnco wnn f iled K by thoo iiumcrou young Kentlfiinmi vrlth licht colored "nnniuntioiinlilOif, who Krnccfnlly Mit down on tho iimiuI nmutintofciiilnrd pie, etc; ttlccpiiiK liilnnia nlo millcrcd in proportion. fk Tito trip up una -to.eiy mor wnn picmani. wuoou, nun nn wo uircmjeu our way through It ninny winding, vnch turn opening to our vUlon mime menu more beitutifiil tlinu otliari fnd liij; in th receding dUtitiiet', we wero truck with tho nent mid homelike lpjmrniieo of the ninny fnrni houpo litciittr-rnd nlujij; it tank, nnd the , hnppy anil contented look of tliolroo- eupiinU. Stopping now nnd than to pick up iMJine tlraKglor on tonto for our dcntinntlon nono tnken, how ov er, nnleiM equipped with tho proper crdcntliil, nmnoly : well filled liuali liukel, etc., wo proceeded mr rll) ononrwny. The joyous peal, of R lAUthter riiiKiiiK out over tho river, I kv eidunco thnt enro hrt'l, for one Rdnynt lenot, hqon thrown wide, nud fll wore iK'iit on pleuMiro, rnini: lhrout;h ih'ciich of paxtornl loveliuc' to tho forko of tlio river, tho north fork wn followed until tho tPrtterhnlted(ind Ihnpuity prooyded f lotnku )io4elon of a grove uenr tho rivcrV brink, to which, the hotpitnldo owner, Mr. Hook, id "nnry n word," hut kindly put hiiuolf mid plnco fi nt ineetinuiinuiioi tuorotnonuv. I lie M . . . . u.. jMrty Hied up (ho Imnk nud dlip penrcd in tho wood, whore, romping in n little nlloy completely uliullered by tho tre), llicy Iny thoir bimketi down nnd uprend thoir repttM Uhiii tho greenwnril, nud fell Um tho cl lldon iu o deKperuto n iiiiiunur n to threnteii eoiuphito uuiiihiluliou, hut for the reiiMiu tlmt thomipply exceed ed thodemiinil. Vitriolic niuuomeut) woto after- wnnU introduced, nmotig which w5 t douce ou "uulimi'u enrpet," nnd n cjjilrlteil h ulllo for the pouidoii of n IkiIIIo of ixmIu wnter. I.in-t, hut not Icnut, enmo tho "drill" by tho Knight f In uniform, reminding ouo of Itohln Hood nud hfn hmid, their bright mil fonui ytumling out iu IhjIiI relief ugftiimt the larjc forest. It ro Hoc ted great credit Umjii tho coiuiiinnding sulllcor for bin Mriet prenervntion of idlnclpllno , nlo upon the Iviiighti' JlieiuielvcM, for their prompt niton thin to ordcrx, nud tho ludiomui nn- ledocribcd in their ellbrlM to obuy. e doubt if n company of idroot Arab fttiiird with broonnitlckri, could hnvo lono much better, mid it wiik qultu evident thai onoli nnd every ouo wn A "born Mildier " lleforo they dlxpor od, tho company formud n circle Mround tho KuigliU, for the simple rciumi tlmt there, wern't ouougli ;'ICiiighttocirelflnrouud the company, FKnug a few moiiI utirrlng ode, mid ; returned to' tho Atcmnor. Ou tho homeward trip, ronohiug S the mouth of tlio river, it una found that old Horont m diatifed iu JfMomo mnnncr, and mmlo tho wnter f ftlonh ou deck so migiily ah to iioccMitntn tho dropping of tho tcow. p which had been towing nlongnlde, louern, iu tho uinueitvcriiignf which, K it beoaiuolooto, nud tho wind ontehiug tlio rnuvnHK whioh nerved nx nn awn ing, drove it mdioro, but by meant) of I IxmcheK, In tho plnuo 01 liny thing eUu, It wnu iiuMied oll'und iiunlu Hvourod. iNo further nocldout oceurrod to ninr ;tliop!uaiuroof tho ooanwion, and nil rottirned to Mnmhllolil feeling Hint thoy weroendebtod to the K'niiihtnof l'ythliu forr, vory ploitsmit day, iiImi, thut foronro ltenllxntiou hud liio bet P tor of Antieipntlon. Tho hall in tlio ovonlng, whiolrwiu. held in tho booiely's hnll, wnu well at- 1 tomlod, nnd n complete miaeortd. I). A Lbvknd, of Onnyonvillo, has uhliinod n I'liiwtiliii'iililn iiihmiIIIm f I flour to llenham'H on tho Cuom Hay "Bou Kutut, wnoio it itfKvptior ealo. Oiir I'm I n re t When tho editor of tho Ariiit, in it moment of frenzy, llmixt hU gray foooitilll drop Into tho hourt'fi Idoud of it bottle of Kfiowltou'H bo.il, nnd gave In it erudiilou publlo tho ntnrt ling fnut (lint Ooon eonnlyV paper wiiv.'iiiuilo tlio nioaii by whloh bane, iiiDicritpnltlu and doxlgniug enpltnl hdrt oitmulntud thoir xloroN of "filthy lucre," llttlo did ho droiiui Hint "thoio thoiiHiiudrf mid temt of tlioiiHnndt who know but little, if unythlng eoncorn lug it," would took upon him nt the grentodt flnauoler that our county hm ovor eou n Hplnner on n muill denlo. Hut before bin ndvent tho peo ple wore inn xtnlo of bli4nfull Ignor ance iu regard to the outrngenuN man ner iu which they wero swindled, but tho warning voice ha como to them, ami to tho "broker" inyiug, "Thus far olintl thou go, nnd no farther." Let usliopr they will lilted tho wnruing(!) Ono problem, though, proftonM iuolf, nn tho regular irrAy nrtlolo on "Coun ty l'innnecw" iniike lt nipenrnuoe with dhl reeling regularity, and id ill we gnrod, nnd yot tho wondor grow "(hat ouo mnnll bond could carry nil he know." lie lion iu hope; iilthohopit that tJixi Hay will, wimo liuio in tho far nwny future, bo the couiuiercinl om porlum for till va I Juuninphere, nud in tho IllgliU of bin liunginalloii, om n city on tho nhortM of Cm), which rival in Holme tlnin of Carthngen inn fame. Tho old court houo fado nwny, mid in it place Hue n nt'ruuturc of innguillnout dinionilonH mid Uto pUnxpleudor the crowning glory of the Hcyiio mid iu imposing gmndour ceiu to ny "ThlnU the rtwlill which ( county. nn houedtmid euroful ndmiuistration) Among thoo mny bo montioiicd cnu not f.til to bring about." All i Mnrple, Unrri. JncLon, Ickhnrl, oiiiet, peace, nnd eontnntmrnt. h Collin, Tolniaii, Noble, nnd Hontmun. count) crlpt i subject to no lluctun tlou, ami I worth ono hundred poiiU ou tho dollar. On the ono corner ap pear tho tflgunturu of Hilt grant II tirtiiclor, nnd "ilrjiiM irt" adorn the otnor. t:i'H ny tuu nun oi juiu, (nlKUit thonito nuw Decupled by the proMUil county jail) n hiindfumo cdl 11 o roar iulf, nnd, by tint mnuy windtiw which dvaomtc It front, re mind ono of Km iiameiwke of old Argu. the hundrwl-nyid. Ciwl your oyo nluft, w!un, towering lovc nil mirrouuillng, tho cupola support; it gildud Utr, mid bohuld iu proud banner uufutliug to tho inorniuy air. Hold! it Iwnrwn motto! Alt t it explain itwlf. Xoiiu othercv er boru n llku one. It wine out. now with the rising bracto. nud rwl,"0f Ike of tho Cto Argu; terini, f2JU) in eon u ty orip." Tiicit. Homo mbornnut the other ilny lolo Jiutico Hull' new benver lint. "Time wn, cro yut in thoo tle- gonernto day," that n innn, ovon Jiuitiee of the IVnce, could hang hUiof (ho:u(H)rt coal mine; Itogor & hat on the wnll,uud it would remain thoru. Hut w hen tlnift i committed iu a hotiiH) containing Aluutof Jiutice nud n copy of the law of Oregon, it' time to uubllndfold Juxtico. Mi of fice U tow cltMo to the Coos liny AViw' which fact will jirobablu nceount fur the "milk iu tho cocoa-nut." DU(ll.ltIOi:n. Cooller and Slier-I i wiKid, the trnveling iiiorehnut who; opened nnimid here lnxt woek, were arretted mid taken tu Kmpire charg ed with Milling good, n peddler?, without n liceimo. Tlio case came leforo justice Scngstackun uoovidonco appearing ttutllclont to hold them they were discharged. Hi:v. .1. MoC'oum c, nud family left on the luiit. Ho will attend the MetluMln Conference nt I'ortluiid.i The departure of Mr. fcConnc. lerve a vacancy iu our pulpit which he ha tilled with credit, for twoyeara. It will probably bo tilled again toon. Tun Diiiifiui, ou her but trip up Hie coattt, took ipilte nnumlMir of pas nengors from Kmpire, among whom woro.Mr.Capt. Ingco, Mr. .Moore nnd .MIk bollle Stoke, nil of whom return to Forest (I rove. It U n enrlou fact, Hint while thioughout the Interior the Into howii grain ban beou badly damaged by nirit, no ruit liua appeared in (hi county. W. D. I,. F. Smith, of Coo Itlver, U nick ut thi place, with neuralgia. Dr. Tower in the attending physician. Joit.S' Ki:iay nud Juliu llurnett, Kmjh., have formed it partiuuhip for the prnctico of tho law, iu tt'orvnllii. J iiHTiru Hum., linn removed his of fice into tho building next tho AYtr, where justice will ho dinpoiMod (with), Mit. Vl. SAl'SDiitiH, bin returned hore from I'm timid, to reside pcrma-, iieutly ou the Hay. Ciiah. I'oitHi.u.vii, i niitlcating nt present, with unnio friend ou the Coipiillo, A. 1.0IIUKK, returned from Han Fran eliicu, lant week, with n full line of new good. If you want n gooil oigtyoi n whol aoino hoverago, go nnd eeo John Hoar. Mug, H. H. IUii-uv, has gone to tho vtilloy. Tun -lirom nailed for Ban FrniicJiUio on Thurfday. Ho tu Heigliort thi' warm wenlhor, for Mol cool Luijgr Hcor." THE SETTLEMENT AXI) EARLr.SETTLERSJDF COOS IIAV, Tho jircccnt voiidition nud i1ovo)oh ment of Coo liny nud county, with it varied resource of lumber, coal, nnd agricultural land,il prox)ering people, nud numoroumid Important ifictunlriuN, bring to mind, Iu contrail, Itrtdottlomoiitnnd cnrly.Nottlcr. "f- I'toviou to IMM, no while ninn had a rolileuco on (ho fertile nhore of it liny or river. Tho aboriginal Indian alone enjoyed it wealth of wild game, (Mi, fro IK nud berrlim, which wore in hik'Ii abundance, n to mnko It nn Iu dian pnrrtdb'o. Hi true Hint provi on to thi time, this locality hnd been neon by a few white. A miinll acIiooic nr, bound to tho t'mpipin rivor, entered Coo Hay by mistake, iu 1652, nnd re mniucil for xeveral week, hunting firr tho xotllomculrt, mid (orrilled by tho Indian, until I'. Flanagan nnd Pilot Smith, learning of thoir condi tion from tho Indian nt IrmKiu, piloted them out, nud inlo (heir des tination. During tho nununer of l&'A, V. It. Mnrple, n redden! of Jncknou county, miido nn exploration to (ho cont, ooming down (he Couille river, learning (ho general character of Coo Hay from tho Indian, he deemed It a valuable locution. He mming toJnckftou county, ho formed n company of ulmut forty pcron, who, proceeding to Coo nny, bee a mo the pioneer nud early ncttlcrrf of our Tho writer reiuoiuber viiiting the present location of Kmpire City, soon nftor tho arrival of thi company, nnd wn vividly Improved with thepictur t'fo.uc nud btuy npjMjnrniicc of their enoiwiipiuent in tlio wild, nud nn cleurtd forest. A Iioumj bad not yot arisen. Around the camplire of tho vnrlou llttlo circle, tho buy ni uiid w wert. preparing new honioi. At night, the lurid glitter of thoc (eiiiKrry hrattlutoiie reflected iv ld nlindown upont ho Hay mid into the durk rcceiwc of the wildorucAi. The dhcVjvory of the gold mini mine nt'ltnudulph, occurring mxju nftor thoir advent, made n largo add! tiou to thoir number. Kmpire City btHMine the dcjtol of Mipplic for a largo mining population. Vixwels with iiierohmidiFe, and men with cap ital were attracted to it. In the end, the mine proved le rich than wn anticipated, but the population nud cnpltnl induced by tho excitement, re mained, nud wa added to the perma nence of tho HOttlomeut. Among tho later Rottlcr. may Ik? rvuicuiburol ajXorthriiit A i?vmond, the originntor r-'htnagnu, the pioneer of the NuW' Krt coal mine; James Aikeu, the principal dhcoverer of the.-oeius; .. M. .Siinp!on nud II. II. I.tu-C; pioneer uwuiill owner; Dr. l'oloy, Yoaknm, Winehejitor uud others. The flrnt conl ilbcovcrcd was nt North llend, witliout any test or pros- imeltin- t wn iw.niil..r..il , v.ilnl. i-- '& ........v. .. .-. .... bio that Mr. I.ockhurt wat IkhiihI nn der the Knn!ty of n very largo sum, tu hold it for the Coo Hay "company, Soon nfler, coal wai fgupd ou both Mnrple' nnd Foley ' claims near Km piro City, and a cargo was .-.liipited from one of tliem. liieso dicovenes wero abnmloueil ou further explora tion, nud hnvo ncor been improved. A.M. Himpxon' mill wu4 the pio neer sawmill, in which Alf Ihitlcr liad nn original iutcrcM. This may be cousidercil the foundation of Mr. Kimpiou's wealth, who now counts hi mill by (ho half dozen, and hi VoasoI nud tenmtug by the dor.cn. II. II. Line roon followed Simpson, with n mill nt Km piro City, which linn proved to him n source of large profit. Tho town of Mnndifieldrwhieh hn now grown to the majority of an in corporated town, with n hirgo unv mill, stores, hotel, uutoons, etc., etc., pruseuting a thriving nud bustling ns pect, wnu for n series of yenr iv mere hamlet, competed of ono hotuo nnd a small storo. WIihu John Forshbnker commenced to bufld it cAwiuill, nnd afterwards n stenmtug nud vessel nt Marshfield, it luvko the shell of ndo lesanco, nnd now feel tiro might nnd strength of maturity. Isthmus Slough was abandoned by Noble, it curliest settler, who took a claim nt what is now Coos City, Now it ran mIiow its settlors in scores and scores, nud bonst of its .Transit HailroaduitH sawmill nud coal mined. Coos river had iuj half dozen farmers settled on its banks. Now it count them by tho hundreds, scatter, ed along its rich bottoms in many comfortable homes, looking out upon broad, cultivated tunc, mid tho wind ings of a beautiful river. Catching slough is tho homo of score of busy loggers and fanners, mid the lit Ho town jit Sumner sits quietly at its hoadj5vntohlog tho steiunor ikrthtt 'SSmo nud go, where fen wnu silence unbroken by human voico. Tho val ley of (lie ;oUi!io was (htn settled by what win considered a few daring 1-Oula, nnd nou' thoy count by the thousand its -many tctHcr, who fill it long nnd rich vnlloy with a busy population. A doxon inlet which wore then incognita terra, now nflbrd homes for n happy population, that dwell along their bnuk nnd ncslle'in their shndy nook. Among the incident's of those early day, may be recounted the fndimi wnr of 18.V5-0O. Although tho Coo In dian always maintained a friendly relation to the whites, still great dis trust nnd nlnrni prevniled. AH the white in tho violnity collected nt Em pire City, built a stockade fort, nnd or ganized a military comphny for pro tcclion.For sovernl week nil tho people resorted to tho utockndo nt night, but nftor being satisfied of the friendliness pt the resident Indians, the pnoplo remained in their homes, yet nlwny on tho nlerl, ready for nny hostile indication, or coming danger. Thcroivoro.mnong these early re T.W' it- tiers, some peculiar nnd eccentric per sons, Mnrple hnd been a prenchor, but like many other who came to the I'ncific const, abandoned old tics nnd beliefs for "filthy lucre." Without much knowledge of tho law, he ob tnincd ndmlssioii to "Hie bur." Vis ionary, romantic, and no great stick ier for tlio truth, gifted with n profu sion of wordy description, he held forth interminably nt meetings nnd in tho court. Judge Dcndy, nt that time judge of thi circuit, often, when Mnrple innde hi plea, would place IhcshcrifTin his sent, nnd retire un til Mnrple snlmided. Mnrplo had nn attachment for one of tho sable daughters of the forest, nnd lived crim. con. During this period lie went to the house of a sick lady, and proffered to pray with her. She in dignniilly rejected hi o(Jcr, nnd ad vised him to go homo and lnlnir with hitiHclf and friend. Dr. ViA-y vrn probably never ble ed with a diploma. Hecould mnnnge p rend slowly nud laboriously, had tho habit of talking in broad, Hike county dialect, with hi cxprc-thc "Ihnr" and "w liar." He had a few medical books, and would often ay to nn anxious paticn(,"Thnr are the lM)ks, you can hoo for yourcelf." He made an entire new dipeovery in med ical science. A bitter, turnip-like root, found on Coo- Hay, which he called "old man iu the ground," was deemed by him to Iki a universal pan acea, which ho kept constantly on hand for all diseaa-:. He had a wie, venorrtble look, and was elected to M)iuc roionsibloolllccs. A a probate judge ho managed to get mime estate? into court, but like tlje man with the prayer, he never could "wind the denied thing up," or get the estate closed. Dr. Foley i now somewhere in tho mountains of Qrcgon, presiding ovor a medicated Spring, with a hos pital attached. By the' way, a son of tho doctor's studied medicine with tho old gentleman, mid graduated, no doubt, to bo enieicut as the old doctor. T. I). Winchester, another, wiv.h im pulsive, open, nnd generous. His genial wit nnd great fund of anecdote, rendered his society attractive. He was upright and honest iu all his deal ings, and conscientious iu his opin ions. Ho "has passed over tho river." Itoininisccuccs too numerous for this article, might Ik added, nnd can be roserved for nnother occasion. 18o(i. Tin: editor of tho Anju took a lr:.t ........ I... Utl.iiinu nn llin I T It I R., which, by tho way, cuiimsU of a Itivnti car illicit up wun a nr plant; IkuicIi, and nijb "were it not for the MMnalion and novelty of tho concern, it would be much more pleasant to walk." Now, jH'rhap the A nju innn i M) peculiarly constituted as to expe rience n "sensation" in tho "novelty" of poundiii a flr plank at tho rate of nliout ono hundred nnd forty Mrokes per minute, but we should judge 'it would require a heavy stretch of the imagination. Miss Lom.ii: Stokes, left on the uiicuri jor her homo at Forest Grove Misa Stokci has lcen for some time vidilhig with her iterat Empire, and will lie Midly micd by her nuuiy friend, J)eak A Co's mill U again running. Heal Estate Transactions. July 170. H. Hutlcr and wlfo to Hiram Elliott, lot 1, block -17, Empire City. $00. H. Hadlevnnd w ife to S. Fcrrin, Nc of lot a, block 8, north Marhtkdd. S0O July 22 -John Horry and wifo to H. Hermnnn, lots 0, 7. 8 nnd I), nnd SEW ufXW.U.bt-v. 10, T 2'J, R 12. J til V 28 'm Triplet and wifo to Heuj.'Figg.SS, of NKU sec. 15, Wa of N E i sw. 22, T 28. . 18. iW. Julvfll Win. Turpin nnd wifo to A. M.'nud R. W. SiiiipKi,SEi of sec. 1, HWkj nnd Srf of NMj,bee.a. M4' of NW't.,'. nnd NV L. of NE4', and 81j .. f .Ii I X'l ..ICt'l' IL'IVI.. n .m.ij, nnu y't iii-4t'""i')ti;j of see. 10, T 27. R M, 10 neres. $2,(u0 Aug. l A. It. Flint nnd D. L. Wat son to Aaron Hom?, uudividvd one tenth of Curtis Noblo donation claim, in T 20, R 1.1. 15011. Aug. 12 C. Lehnherr nnd wifo to K. Render, block iu town of My rt to Tolut. $100. .AJRIRIIEnD. August, 1-tth 1871'. at tho residonco of tho drilled parents nt Coalcdo, by A. H. Moore, J, P., Mr. Oeorgo I. Rob ortd nnd Mlsi Rachel M. Duuliiun, nil of Coos county. .Tf nrlnn iHK-IllfCCHce. Arrtrrd. Bewiur, Aiis 17 fltr Arrata Holt S l.ij from H Y psis and tnilso to Fred Hcheiter Hlr Alojt Dunrsn Carroll 2 tlny from Crr. cent Oily nl wsjr ports pass and mdsetoa Bcliotter TnesDir Aug 13 Br ti Itcbeeek Wton It day from 8 V to IX It Iiiso WK!rsiur Atti 20 floli Aurora Dirk holm 18 days from 8 K to 8outliK,rt Coat ri Veil Norway Wlialman 17 day from 8 Y to !mtmrt Coal co Haltrd. Atlff lo Belt Trcmlf r Hock B F do 18 8tr Alex Duncan Carroll 8 Y do 10-Hoh Arinlo (ico Milter do 19 Belt Knirn Ultr Dillon 8 Y 30 Htr Areata Holt H K HmnUvrn Alioyt IpitOM DATE, 8UCH CIOAKS A8 ' nro now sold 2 for 25 cent, will bo sold U for 23ccnU,nllin tho same pro portion, I hnvo a heavy stock on hand which I wish to roll. C. U. Oomiex. COOHHAY KKTAILMAKKKT. Hutter Tn, 12 tJheeo ' " .'M Lard " lo18 Ham " Irt(20 Itncon (i-Mo) " HftHJ " shollldor', 12! lkvt " ,' 8CflH " iicr or. .-'--- 5 " 7 ' corned " " 8 Mutton " 8 "12 ftnusagc " ----. 10 Kgg jsor ibw ...'.... ,", Potalj " i'i Apple iKir bus .--..- W)(r75 Hnpir " - - - - J2 ", Coflco " ...-.. 27?, Tea " (X)(370 Itico " . - - - - 8T'10 Hcnnt " C " 7 Fluiir iK'r bbl ...... 7 Apple dried " 12,'15 Itnbiin " Vi Currant " 10 Oyster, 25 cent per can. Tomatoes, 25 " ' " Com, " " " " I'euchen, ..17'ior 3 ran for f 1. LOCKHART HOTEL, 3fri. 1-1. J. IstcUhart J'roprletrcm Kmiiii: Citv.Oox. Ei B. Dean & Co K..I.DI2AX. D.AVILLCOX AND C. II. MERCHANT. We iiavi: Ai.way. o.v Hand a Full Assortment Of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. STOCK ALWAYS COMPLETE, MANUFACTURED TO ORDER And SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY DESIRED. and nt the LOWEST LIVIXfi PRICES. NASBURG & HIRST, i Fkost Stiikxt, Maumikiku), Oo.v. TVf EV OOODJJ BY EVERYSTEAM- X er; Keep eunsiuntiy on iinuu in our largo and eoiumolious store, a well selected stocL-oi GENERAL MERCHANNSE, consttsing of tiic U'st utaplc and fancy 3DK-2- G-OODS, of all kinds, tho choicest GROCERIES PROVISIONS. Jl LAUUK STOCK OV CLOTHING, HATS nnd CAPS, HOOTS and SHOES, ItUIIBERS nnd OIL CLOTHING, SLIPPERS nnd OILCLOTH CROCKERY nnd GLASS WARE, HARDWARE uud TOOLS, Cigars- and Tobacco, lMi.vrs, oijj.. uud V.IK.M.-JIIUS, l?IIOK'lMVl.M4 uud I.KMOKM, ri.x.iv.iui.uH.i A3I.tir,.TX.". UUhtii;, uuun una i l'IM.On'-'MiR,uml J AND STATIONERY S"C7XSrxSBXXXX-C3r OOOD8, VIVOD UOBIXIUY Our extensive show eases are tilled wish the. hut MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. PRICES TO SJTIT THE TIMES. V. ItAll L'iKtds nurobased ul our L2.ku ill Ink iliili liiikii,l It-.ui ma I riliiixita at .tuv lntint on Ufu ixntlo o( tuu Biortiuor Myuic, vi'i-u BAY VIEW BREWER Yj jvc.KSHiiEjriX), oct-isr. Wm. RcicliertjProprietor Keeps conxtantly cm Jinnd, nnd ofTem for cnlo n Hniwrlor article of LAGER BEER, ALE AND PORTER, WIJOMMAI.K a.n'u HKTAIL. - MY IIAIl IS SU1 PLIED WJTIIT1IK C1I0WKHT JIIUXDS OF WINES, LIQUORS AM) CIGARS. HKANCII HA LOON AT EMM HE CITY v 1 J. ESTEY & 8(9. 16Mtrwt Vteir. BRAHLEBORO. VT. i m m- hi Our bcw Oriras, expreasly OeeigBed for Sosday Bcfceolg. Cbspl5 etc, Is provtogr a Grtt.TESJL'H SUOOHSS. Bo Sttre to sekd for full dcscrlptivo Catateoe be&X pnrc&aeing' a&y otker. THE LARGEST WORKS (OF THE NXD) OX THE GUK Blastrated Catalogue set free. VICTORIOUS! HIGHEST & BEST AWARD! Izi Otasd Kedl cf Eaaor. Economy, Durability and Sapidity ' combiaed with perfect work, Jin Disuagw&ac Tcuan cTtlx ultbrutd Giant Fan asi f areioise Fass, uads rr A.-P. DICKET, Raetno, Wis. Ke lart3 n btt improrcscnii, ky n bl; trjaxitn tr try dakadi dosuc 3 kinds tf Gram. IVu- "- dot neju. Con 2nd Sou9 Srcd. Tb7 rnd Vheit faiecCr tj- tmx txedbtf. ! i nil Om froan What, wzUr and Kj. Thtjrlurc ry pcitttt maimccK fcr daahsc Ttvohr, , Clor, Flu Seed. Onixrd Can, ssd 3 other 5an 5Jl. Tby Cliff HtOlr, nJ cdibIhm trfTT qvnraom ictjwiw 19 c ic wc . HMtacncu Wkithootr. w!t it Tana MQi. ate luxtfr coo. trotted. bel ka.-xU nuirac dcw iuci to accsot. Bodiu Ut dcauad. ud ci'ioc afttity cthoa 50 to 500 btukclt per hocr, cttrdag la lire cf Bil l'br an shipped, boxed for ocua tnaipccutioa, aad "set up cr "ksocked dm" fir fomidBC tailed, as requested: acd a all cases put free en Visard Cars or Steamer. Orders filled saete day as received. 1 MUU slipped "Laocktd &m" t BalTt freU ht charged at when forwarded "set up." Olf o. .!. ..J iUhim n Miliil im snhhnriL Prim rrapbs aad Cirru'an stpplkd sa apr sll be qmted irw and on peeKJeccc soliqitd. 'THELISHT-aTrMIHQ H1W10M1 Tfaa BEST, LATEST IMPROVED, and moat THOROUGHLY ronslmcted SEWINO MAOHINEoTcrlurcaied. JIU Uta wearing )arU are uiaja of tho BEST STEEL, CAREFULLY TEMPERED aad arti ADJUSTABLE. It baa lha JL VTOXA TIO Tr.V5IO.Vt aaa taa iujt0Mar aobhixi u t ih Easiest Thraded Shuttle. Tho llODBrNH nro 'WOITKP tritbout flOfNINU or ONTHKila-DtHQ tna UJLOU1HJL II liai a SKLeETTINO NXEDtXt H hat a D r Af. fbr reffuUttutr tho Icncto of stitch, WITHOUT TKaTlNOl U baa a UiHQM atAClB uuder tbe arm) It U NOISiCf mr. and has mora italuU orKXCKULKMCK ttaa' all other uuicliluca coiublued. WAotnla wan tad In ooalltla wlwra wo uro pot rpreaaatot, Johnson, Clark I Co. 30 UNION SQUARE, N.Y. s (HM'KlHi: far Ihc O.V'l' ,1t.llI,Jri:,St('r jcr. Km iBatvBmWaVEi-'9$hbS COMPANY, K.l8-SafcTtw. ; EtfltllJQ. MMHm XME Taylor & Parley CABINET ORgAN. flUBMlBV.HVBV4fi s. W wWMIvCvy AILQtfH7ia3ir!3of aarm!iM caaylM fea4 UdteMlastruaKBta.acdthi7CoetaJaBsf SBSMTtAL IMPrcOVRMCNTS VK MSB b otJicr Oijans. Abntfls to produc oric whloh aluiH Im urabl wo wHl not sacrtrte tftat wHtch Is nacsanf and yet la rltl to psvrfoat ersan, in order to mnlf a nierafatrray starter. W are atSI eoahkd to preaest as StjUstt and Apfr,rite Cat M ea be Cwod la th curlut, ith a Sa&k hJch la WtfHTirtbyaay. AS RKQARDS TONI, -m rouomnva Afsti witkMeiti & ffijim ifBmt wax CBAjrrza rr -net CSXIZtarUT. EXffiaaTICM CWWHHKMi - Ftr Utwtf t 9 tttaaasMf. Eftsuu. ffTI tat milllKt THE.irttr la hw nd ftVaoM ae la IstluUlinJaucMftf tat UtaM. Da not lul ta auk tprrkation aad XXtUaVK TSS88 IKSCXTnCKXTS Be&r Pcrr lining. Catalsr-M 6e, on appHcatko to It Ttylor & Farley Orgtn Co. WORCESXEX. MASf. THE WILOOX&WHITE ORGAN GO" Meriden, ConriSU.S.d "Cklltku's Blow Mii? iRYtntid aad Exclvstvtiir isid by this Omw. The moist popiiiar Organs of the day ! , UNRIVALLED IK QUMT. Orgrax Zmstrytar,'JvVBj? S4nd ftr lUuikll Wa-'tyiia, KBHBjB BBaaaHaBalaaaaaaw RBaaaaaHBaaaaaBaBBBaV Jfl -"b -s ' &.