The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, August 02, 1879, Image 1

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    y " '' " ' ' if y ' " 'i"'"i''"rpw'riiyww)MgaMsA ttwiMaaaq&apwaYJCfa
"H V' S -JH&J V
lii .-u.,11 un iii.ajuujia
R Published ovary Bntut'dny Moriilnp;
f tAJCJXj XjX"V23 ISSX72D:
MaraliftelihCoo Co., Ori'jfiiii.
Ons Tsar (3 M
nix Motilli u
Tbrsn Months , 100
To adtsitiarra w jruariuiUs Ilia wont
fsvoratils larnii anil filr Mulliii;,
Tlio Interest of Soathcrn Ore
U'on Always Foremost
The Development of onr Mine, the Improvs
merit of oar Harbor, and Railroad Com.
munlcation with Ufa Interior, specialties.
OL. 1.
NO. 31.
Only aihuplu llm Inirlii.'l,
lloUviry drop will till
Tfi buckrl would soon lie empty
YJIliotit llindruM In tint well.
Only a jMxir Mils Kntiy,
II had all 1 had loiilvoj
Jlnl aa (K niilca liiako Ilia gitlnc,
II may litlji mono causa to lite.
A few IIIIU hit of ribbon
And omn tufa tliey worn mil nowj
Dill llicy Marin llio alck clillii happy,
WMoli liti iiixlo mo happy, Ion,
Only arintv oiilfttuwii nrninl--Tlity
Hero all 1 liaij loaiarvi
Hill lliry'll help to elollis (lift urtdy,
And llio pour are mwlirv
A word new aiid'llivii of eoinfnrl,
'I'll a I cm I ina nothing Id ray I
llul tli )Hior nlil man died happy,
A ltd II lii ld him uii Ida way,
(JirI luvclli llm oliMrfut Ktrer.
TIhiukIi '"" Kill bwpiair and in:li
What riutli l.t tlif lik Uf III. clilldlllt
WIicii llity iisvpf Kite at all 1
A Pintle's Stoiy.
On llio nineteenth (( Docouihor. 182.1.
t a trial fur pinny, whluli oxuitod groat
Attention ill mhiiiou nun oisnwiioro,
took place Iwforn tliu high court of ad
miralty, Tlio prinoiior who stood ar
raigned, aud w lio waallabio.lf (hiii vloMi
to llio penally of death, had passed
through it aerlea of niUhup nuil udven
turea, stranger tlmii tlutiou, nnl untjr
rivuled by tho career of aomoof DtimoV
horooa, involuntarily tin) associates of
i a crow oi murderer ami buccaneers,
t whoso deed wero fiitcli as struck terror
linto every iMirii!iut nttiiijiorV In-art, tin'
fprlsoner. Anton Hmilh, now stood t n
onmlnal bar, and Iib1 to provn Ut u jury
(filial hi companionship Willi tlio pirate
had Ixmmi oompuUory On Hint proof
'lila llio Iiiiiik on tlml aimii liooouiuur
; day.
To u iinlfoii llko KnuUtnl. rluli In
H luurdiatit aliippl, ami ilurlviiiK from
it enormous Wiallli, tlio crlmo o( ptracr
vmm nlwaya huiiioua ono. l'ar l)aiK
aa tlio fttitiiljrlKlitu jimr of Hmiry tin
lllKlilll'a rulMli. n at4tllti liud litailo roll
liory on tin) liltfli imiw pilllUlialilo ullli
iltmth ami loan of lamia. Wlion (o Ilia
rolibnrjr.innrilortn Hatiioat unirl form
waa mliloil. It ta widen! that to l!nuliali-
Fiinnn lltu crlmn ami uriiuinala liecauiu ao
Imtdful to bu luiiitc! down on nvurj
5clmiir. Tim loportt of tlio Htroollica
'of tlio Wrl Imllail H'4 tlilovca hail
icoinn. over anil anon. oroa tlio ocon
Uo Knulaiul. uiid hail rouatnl both hatu
Bainl luar and hommt vnrath.
Tim riak which Aaron Hmllh rati
; m very ilauKoroiia ono. lio wan aotilt
iimt. fiiiurnviir! for lila atorr. wliloli. ililr
t'l.... !. ............ ........ 1..... I, ..l.i .......i
Jury and mibliu oiilhralliHl tir it ititur
Sit, ua markil by llio algna of truth.
;IIu eallod twnnly ultucaaca to aitfulc na
Mo hla liuinatilty ami mnorosiiy.
lliu Krl lo Mlioiu lio hik tiulrollUHl,
tahoko In-Atily ntlraoltil fionorul admira
tion, nrotod that thulr itiarrlaizo would
iiavo Ioiik ainoo luknll Jiluoo, had Dot
thu uriaonnr bcun dvlaliipd abroad.
i'Tlio tuara of I ho joiuift lady, and Hit)
omoltnu oi llio priaouiT, iouuiit-ii iiiiw
pioMUit aa atiKHiro lokriia oi Rrlol, niiii
Aaron Hmith waa lmhl it iltply lujurud
man, ami nt frcv.
Mm ilrow up a llttlo olumo, cillod
' Tlio AtrocllU'a of llm I'ltatoa," ooti
taming u very aluiplo and uuvarnlaliiHl
rvoonl of hla ndvontnra, ami which
Mita puhlialivd tu 182 1.
In Juno, 1HJI, Aarou Kuiith loft in
tlio war altip Jltrrmatim for llio WVat
Imllca. Thoro ho Uld (Imvlii;; loft tlio
uhlp) foraomn tlmo. uiiHaod in varioua
j-puraultn, Wthdll lit) Uhhudo (illgdml ua
fllrat iniito of tho bri 7ihyr, n Mr
.unimlun Iioinir uiaiinr. On too -JUi
iof J iiiiu, thu voyKo to KiiKlaud mini
Ijni'iiood. Homo daya broiiKht tho lirli;
IdII (aim Halnt Antonio, vrhenco hho
atMd itaatward.
On tho unit day. at '2 r. (.. it otrniiKo
ichooiuir atood out from thu count of
Culm toward tho YspUyr. Tlio niiihtcr
ai Informml of tlita liy omltli unit olln
Japtuiu t'owpor, it paaMtiiKuV, but ob-
tlnatuiy ruiiiaod to olmtiKo Ida oourao,
tuppoaiuK 1 proiiumi), on tlio rir( It"-
i.i.m principle that ua lio uoro tlio
uuliali nrtK, none woulil molxat Htm.
Air. Ijuniwlt'll waa iloomod to Ik)
larajily uudtiouivi'd. Tlio k run aolioon
rr ouiiiu on awlflly, dor ih'oka lull oi
nun, and lowured hoata. Tstxt camo n
4imrao onlvr to iny-to, cniorooii ny u
Ivolloy of miiakotry, which Incrcanod
Uho riniiiK terror of tho Zrphyr't imialor.
Tho briK waa now boarded ly tlio
liriitoH boat, which Mcro llllcd uith
urmoil inon, xuo omoi, u inrooiuua ioi
Mow. almd In hla Hchooiicr. mid hud
Ijumadnii. OiMvpOr. Kmith und ollu'ra
Lliroiitiht liofoto him on his dock. Ilia
K. .... ........ I.. I. ..!..... t... ..1 1..I. .. t ...ih
lllivaiioiia ill linmuil Liiiimi, in mini
o, ulo,, wrro oiiiorooit ny in rem oi
iiiriiltur tho tiivr mid uvory aoul
ImloiiKiiiK to lutr if tho truth waa not
Hmitli wiih told by tho litrnlo ouptulu
Hint ho would bo kept to mtvltf'ito Iho
aolioonor. Tlio initio unlrouUnl lo no
rolmiKud, mid drow u Itiirrtnv inu pioturo
of im limmiuiiry who uinl children Jony
Inil for hla return, hut till in vain.
L'lllmuloly ho 'ii a forced to no on
board Iho brltf, colldut hlrt propoity uml
tiiit'oaaarh k for imvlnullon uml return to
Ida now inuMor. In tho intorim, Luma
dou ami Uowpor worn liudiml to thu
liumpa, mui comtuuttiiiua pluccd round
thiim uml llnul to extort it oonfuHnlon ua
to liidilon treaaurq. Thu plratca plun
diiroil tho brlK, uml Hmitli tvua driven
tit tho point or llio knlfo Into tho plralo
Bohoonur, nnd hiuv tho hriu; uml Ida
ooiiipuiilona null oil", luuvhiff him In cap.
In duo oourao, tho Hiilioonor touched
At harbor Itlo Mcdlus wburo utt evi
dent unilcrNluiuliiiK uxUtod between
tho plrnloa uml thoHpunish imtgiatrAtoa,
aud whero u danoo took pluoo btihreon
tho nrnw mill tho fair ludiea of tho
ni)lnhborhood at tho uhitf iiiui'latriito'u
Our liuro, oonipillcd to share in tho
ostlvitioa, uiutlo tho uoqimluUnoo of a
yoiitifi bpnnlnh lieatily, Hoaplilna, who
Doom to Intvo' oxdltod n reciprocal lit
tnohmoiit in lila hnnrt.
Thcro Arcadian dollhU of mtiaio nnd
dniicltiK uml hobnobbing of tJiiunlah
itiithorltlea with oorxulra, troro followed
by tho Halo on board tho aclioouur of
too brltf'a oartto, tho loro-makinn; on
Huillh'a j;iirltoBuraplilna, und Ida prom'
Inch of umrrJftKO if alio woiiuld aid hfa
imoapo, uml wound up by a furloua
IlKht betweon two of Iho plrabw, ono
bo I UK slabbod.
Hmllh wax onlnrcd, doapllo lit pro
teatiitlou, to net ua auracon, tho captain
udmltliiiK no pica of lu;uoranco, uml tlio
unhnppy oaptivo had to utaiiuuli nnd
ImiiiluKo ua boat ho could.
Tho cauao of tho (itiarrol wm Invos
tlirated, Ouo wounded man informed
hla cnplnln that tho other had formed a
plot to uHauaalnuto him, Tho orowr al
iniilluiieotialy ruahod down, out oft" tho
iKWr wrotoh'a leg uml itrma with a
blunt hatchet, nnd throw him over
board. Hitch wna Hmllh'a 11 rat oxw
rlouco of plralo ouatoina, und, whlio ho
atill ahtidderod, tho aaptniu told him
thia would bo hla fa to if ho conooalcd
luforinatton from him,
Tho ftolioonor oruiaod put (o nea, and
at lal catno back to harbor. Out to
meet her camo tho chief mato, with that
portion of tho crow who had boon luft
lichind. Thoao woro implloatod in tho
ttunaiwillialion plot.
A whilo humlkorclilof wua hold up lo
decoy llmin, and, when clono, it volloy
llrod amoiiK Ihuto. Hut ouo man ur
vlvod, nnd ho wan iloomod by tho cap
bdu to din in tho favorito fiomMiko
manner of tho Cuban plratos.
i'or throo hours a boat'a crow wbji
ovtiupiud tu rowitift up uuil down a nar
row buh friiiKod chaiitiol, tho uuhappv
wrutch boIiiK nlripiHxl naked and iiin-J
iouml in thu lioat, whilo myrlada of
moaquitotta and aatnl-llle hovorod
rouuil, and olo(nl on liia lloah. Haya
Hmitli. "Wo hod IxMjn scarcely half ait
hour iii IhU plaoo, when tho lulaorablo
vlotim wo dlalracUMl with pain ; Ida
body bi'Kun to ell, and ho appoared
ono comploto bliator from head to foot."
Ilia voice failed, Ida fealtirva bvcamn
uudlaliuKUiahable, and in thia condi
thin they brought him hack, Thu cap
Irtin hud tho lxal luiH)lod, and crdvrtd
It muakcla to Im tired at tho dyiiifd
man. lio only faiiiltti. a plK oi iron
waa faatuiiod round hla neck, und ho
IlitUK lulu tho aea.
Ho etidcd tbUMclminof Vunfjoanco,
and next tMmo tlm turn of Aaron Hmitli
tu feot tho cnptulu'a cruelly. ltoftiKtiiK
lo Iward u merchant brig, tho rafo of
tho eoraair waa au ureal iUi Ida cap
tive, that ho hud him Hod to tho tuont,
n circle of KUtijowdor alrtiwn round
him, a train laid, aud a match applied
to it.
Tlio blaro burnt up, lapjcd tho un
happy man in ita embrace, und. hl
clollnH all on tiro, ho fall Inaonaibln.
lU'sovorliiK, ho found himself ttuabla to
movo, bolli liauda und lega lacerated,
ami, in fact, tho bouea laid biro, und
larh'o bliatvra on varioua parta of hla
Gompaaaion waa exciltsl iu tho heart
of ouo of tho crow, who allowed kind
uoa mid uttoulioii to tho iiufortuuato
priaoucr. Tho latter, ii tho jwlu ho
waa, waa tundo to tnako aalta, to ucl aa
aurKcoii, und even tu muuiit tho riff
iiiK, by tho captain, whoao britf 11 U of
humanity ended tu burnt of forooiou
thruata, '
About thia liuio a oollialon occurro I
lH'twHiii some atirvlvora of tho chief
umto'a Kaug (who lurked in tho wooda
near tho harbor in which tho aehooner
conatautly nmdo her hcudiuarlcnt) uud
tho ,erow, . Tho friendly umniiruto,
before roferrvd to, waa ttoumlrd, and
tho iiiutilatod Hmlth wlut carried on a
lualtreaa two mile in Uml to tho liuitao,
lo drcna thu onicirtl'a wound.
Hero ho haw tho oharmiiif; daughter
Hornphiim nKalu, mid ho)v!i of encape
wore iudiilKOtt iu by both. To lull aua
pieioti, bo uflectcd elucUnci) to K)
aahore, which producotl couipuUiou.
Ouo day, on hla return, ouo of the
M(aoB" waa captured by tho boat'a
crow, exponed tu tho nuud-llicH, half
umildinod, blindfolded, Hod to a treo
and abut, ero their return to thoir ap
proving captain nnd comrade.
Other unhappy trultora were made
larueta of, tldl to tree, and beta in
duiijed in AatoliitHiiK or miaaliiK them.
All thoso lhintt' Hmllh woa com jnd I ml
to wltnces ailontly on jtorit of lifts
wliilo liia own uiaimod, torturod limb
forcibly reminded ldm Of bin captor's
aUto of ml ml,
A Duloh veaael wua next captured,
itmi iter uariin taKoii, wliilo Hmitli waa
mado to uut the Miirftoon. About thia
liuio ho met with Heraphlna, on ouo of
hiavihitrtto her father, mid wan over
joyed to find alio had urrunKod tuattura
for their HIkIiW
Home dii) a elnpaed, tho feverish hope
iu ItioprUoiiur'ri mlndmnkliiK'him uiia
bio to remain (inigt. Whilo thus on
touUirhooka, ho t ilnoaaod unothcr acouu
of iiiuidor.
'. TlioFreuoli oook,of tlio Ihitoti vt
Hid, leiuod by hla oaptora," aeieod it
lia'ohet und wounded ono. Tho real
tdmiiUitouiily plunged their knitea
Into Ida body, uud iluiiK him. Mill
breulhluK, overboard. AKiiiu Hmitli
wua mado to bouomu thu iujuiod pirato'a
Two more prlro. wcro tiuon,ami tiiou
thu (uwoualUo grutv Uki hut tu huh! tho
pirates. Five nunboatM woro ordered
down by tlio Governor of lluvuuu, n
fitut which tho friendly muKiatrutoduly
iuforniod tho piruto caiitaln, '
Tho eoriudr eluded tlio llotillft (which
acotna to hnvo hIiowii llttlo reul will to
capture hor) uml ruimiluod for throo
wooka oiT thu MorlllU, whero u l'renoh
voanol whs cupturod by hor. Tho pi
riitoa plundered her, out nwitr hor inle
koU'IuuhJ and nUrboartl inatii riKRiu.,
uud iu thii condition inafrnnulinoualy
turned hor adrift to purano hor voyniw.
ltetiiruod to hor old unoliorngo Hio
atorin IiiivIub blown over tho Hohoonjr
lay iiiuullve, Tho pinttu captain (who,
by tho wny,ooordii to Ida orow'a no
ouiitit, Jiiid murdered Hyeiity mtm with
IthTowu linud) Ml 111. "
Hmllh, forced to pronorlbo, put no
opInU) into aouio arrowroot; anil wliilo
tho captain idumbarodnnd Iho orow got
drunk, atolu into tho canoo of omo
ilahormon who woro aboard, out hor
loono, und atrcrcd for Havana.
Two niuhu aud a day in thin frail
cookloahoii, ho traveraod tho ocoad,
whilo, aa ho anyii, "tho win I blow from
tho aouthwoat, and, what appeared to
mo to bo it Hpochd providence, continued
to do mo tho whole day it thln vury
iiniiRiml in that climato."
lio reached Havana, ami After board
ing it aliip commanded by on old ao
(iiiaiuUuco, went uahoro. Ilooofrnfecd
by a HpauUh olllcor who had bean a
prlaoimr on board tho achootior, tho un
fortunate man waa ooized and Hung in
to n dutitfoon awaruiitiK with vormiu,
und kept prUonorfor 11 vo wcoka. though
u fow comfort woro ot for him by a
friendly Hpaufard. Ho waa thou bund
ed over to tho llritlali odmirul, who, ho
bltUirly comjilulna, had him put iu
double Iron.
Ho Booms to havo Ixvtn treated at firat
with ureal oovurily. During tho whole
voyage ho wua, although frood from fet
teia, kept with a eentry oror Jilm to
provout hia ajKtaklng to any ouo.
On arrival home ho woa taken to Lon
dou, committed for trial, indicted, tried
ai)ducqultted,thaitoryuf wuluh wo havo
Klveu tho outline being ao evidently
truo an to couvinco all that Aarou
Hmlth'a career of auflering and hardahip
waa involuutary, aud that Ida plralo
adventurea woro aa unavoidable aa re
markable in tho hiatory of tho ncoit.
How Homo Women Make Slaves of
Very oflon wo Uud women who make
au ovorlaatlni tread-mill of their life
ono continual atraln of body and inind
from moruing tut Mlgiu, auu wncu
uiuht come, the time for renewing
and regaining alrength for tho coming
day, tho liuio aro so weary aud tue
head throbbing with Biich twin, that
tho night la paaard in roatloaa loaning
and mtmulug. Morning dawn, but
not to dud her frcab and ready for tho
day'a duties, but peevish aud weary of
her work, aud aouiutimoa wtary of tho
Wo apeak of thoao who, by circum
alaticoa, are coiuik-IKhI to do their on
houaonrork; who havo no thought be
yond tho mere idta that they-woro loro
for work, uud they tniut work their
life away in cooking .and ovoracciug
Iho rations for hungry, dyspeptic ore
turoa, who havo beunmado o, only by
her (apcakiug of ofof ihia kind iu
(articular) own ignorant hand, bho
baa placed cholco dinbea betoro their
gormnudijdoK- oyus until lhy havo
lalleu into Iho habit of complaining
if alio deviate a trillo from her accus
tomed indulgences. After a heated
round of cooklnir. over aacorchlng lint,
aha take hor mui ut tho Ubte with her
family, who como iu tho cool dining
room, feeling in perfeot humor for h
dainty, weil-cookcd dinuer, whilo the
ia warm, out of humor aud tired. Sho
ait down, uut to cat with tho others,
aud converse pleaaautly, but to pour
coffee, hand thia aud that, replenish
this dish aud then that, cut u uow sup
ply of bread, la ho doing hwr aixUvou
yt nr-old daughter, who siu quietly eat
ing her dinuer, an act of honor, rever
ence of whalT-nothing, but apoiling
her for after yearn, uud wearing hor
own life out. A cuauco visitor drop
plug iu for a rural, goes away with thia
Idea: "Mrs. A ia $a uuretlued look
lug with her rod face, and really, I do
not think hor capable of currying ou uu
intelligent couvorftatlon." "Oh, for
Utt spico iu our cooking nnd wore lu
uur wives' conversation! cried a truly
aeiiaiblo man. Wo would far rather
oat down to a clean, tastily Bet table,
with very fow dishes on it, and a awoot
faced. iileasant-sDokou littlo wotuau
presiding over it, than to a moat do
guul repast, with a tiro, over-heated
face, tormenting tu with tho idea that
o t llvo to ottt" ralher thou " eat to
lto." Clivo your family gootl plain
food, if you aw compelled to prearu it
yourself, aud tako tho time wasted ou
tiollcacics and improto y our owu tuiud,
aud givo your body real by systematic
ruloaud work, arM thus your daily du
ties may bo mado a pleasure ia placo of
weariaomo Uuk. juAw)r,
How to Make i. Fiuh. I am sur
prised sometimes whou I sea women
cooking or'irouiug ami tho tiro won't
burn; thwy punch aud couipluiu, aud
wonder why it is. It womeu woro ob-
aerviug they would soon llnd out. Iu
bakiug it is well to nuvo tlio altuks in
tho Dlovo rilaoetl so thut thoy lio level
ouo end no higher than tho other. Hut
lor uoiltug tue toa-koUIo merely, or tlio
coffee-pot, whuu qjily a lllllo tiro is
wumiHi, mo wooa biiouiu iki tuo uigii
ot under that ouo idaoo. Bo in heat
iug tho irons; thoro is uo uoed of a tiro
under tho whole frout of tho stove, let
it bo at ono sido. Homo girl( will pile
uu tho wood whuu thoy go to boil tho
kuttlu or fry a couple of eggs, while a
handful of sticks or oobs, or dry chips
under ono plato would sufllou, uml
would huatuu tho work most admirably.
Hut wo must all learn by experience, 1
auppoao. Bometiiuos I fool sorry when
a mnti is iu a hurry to got to tho Held or
barn or ollbo. aud hurries his wife,
uud hIio never learned lo build u quick,
hot tiro. Too ofion both got out of
humor uud say unkind things aud aro
unhappy all day, just because of this
htckof thnoommonost practical ku6wl
odgo.JiMftf, in lndUimi Furmtr.
Tho demand for Amorioau beef, both
dressed uud on tho hoof, is iuci easing
to such uu extent in Holland that a com
pany has boon orgauicod for thu prose
cution of tho trade. Tho Dutch port
of Fluahiug Is the headquarters of tho
I'jisvbthjoiMeat wtm,IlimuNO.-
Bet a oup of water iu thu oven whilo
baking. It will provontiueatt or bread
from burning,
Hotel Fire.
Tho Ore at tho Lswreoco homo Fri
day morning camo Tory near being a
repetition of tho tarriblo df-Mler at tho
Houthorn hotel at Ht. Louis, on a nomo
what smaller acalo, but none tho leas
terrible to every victim, -Tho flames
up read with incredible rapidity, tho
elevator nerving as a 11 no and alr-fecder
to fan tho flames and give them an ojxjn
way from floor to Uoor. The bouso
was so quickly lilted with amoko and
flame as lo cut off all wans of exit
except from tho windows. It required
tho utmont efforts of tho flro depart
merit to handle their isddera In timo
lo rotcuo tho inmates, aud even then,
sotuo were scorched, ono man sovcrely
injured by jumping or falling from a
fourth story window, and with scarcely
an oxcoptiou all tho iu mates lost every
thing but tho clothes on their bocks.
Ono cannot but shudder at tho peril
so narrowly escaped, but unfortunately
It is uot without numerous precedent
and with every probability of many
rejetitions in tlio future. For unless
all hotels aro compelled by law, aud a
vigorous publfo boutlment, to provide
better safeguards agufust flro and better
method oi escape, iho progress in that
direction Vill bo vorf alow. We be
lieve, however, that public opinion can
do much to brine about the necexsiry
remedy, and that tin duly .of the
-press to sgiUtft tho tifctUoVand intensify
public suotimout.i v ,
In thecaso of the flro Friday morning
thu night clerk of, tuo .hotel, wheu ho
discovered tho lire, had the forethought,
alter giving the alarm lo t watchman
near by, lo rush up stairs and arouse
tho stooping iumste. The smoke and
flame, however, soou drove him from
this duty and tho firemen, who wero
quickly on the spot, found it impossi
ble lo enter too building above the
tirst floor and woro comixdleJ to devote
all thoir energies to the rescuing of
shrieking iwoiilo by ladders from tue
wiudoos. Af'er all were rescued the
flro department then threw water aud
found no trouble iu (lueuching the flro
Now, hero was a condition of things
that very clearly points to the essential
safeguards that ought to bo provided
iu every public iuu. I. A system of
electric bill in overy bedroom which
could bo rung ituiUntly aud simulta
neously from Iho hotel oflice. This
would bo reversing tho ordinary eleo
trio call boll system now found in all
lirst-chu hotels and could bo made au
attachment of the seme using the same
wires for that purpose 2. Every ho
tel should bo provided with per
manent escape of soma kind. There
aro varioui devices for UiMfiiurcoBe; the
difficulty is that very tSsy of iheei awl
never put in servtea. 'mT cast moay
aud so aro neglected. 3. Elevator ways
ought to bo trapped to prevent the
rapid spread of tiro. 4. Every floor
should havo a water supply and hose,
aud chemical flro extinguishers. These
precautious all involve some outlay aud
supervision, but humsu hfo is worth
all the cost aud trouble, and au ap
procialivo public will quickly learu how
ro discrtmiuato iu its patronage. llmek
A Piece or Pmxtkiis "I'i." Bet ween
tho reports of tho races', tho report of
Hio Presbytoriati assembly, tho typo
setters aud a " pi, tho following para
graph was accidentally constructed aud
would have appeared in ono of yester
day's city papers, but tor its timely dis
covery by a proof loader: " Iho as
sembly was opened und Iter. Dr. Bhor
taok led in prayer up to tho quarter
pjlo when Trinidad pushed up leading
lor a moment soou succeeded by Strut h
more, who yielded tho floor to Dr.
Aoklett, wh wished to state lo tho as
sembly that tho co nmittee on bills and
ovurtures juiued thostraugers iu their
belief thai the Touuesseo crack would
provo a sura wiuuer. raiseito wax
uext with a motion to call up their re
port when Dr. Ulaokenighl moved to
amend by forcing tho p.e which wai
exceedingly hot, Kov. Dr. Winggers
offered a resolution iu lieu of that, aa
the committee ou v nodical records werr
huuehod. At this point Hor, T. C. P.
Oladdia knocked Lord Murphy to his
kueos. but the bouuio boollaud was ou
his feet, catliug lor tho previous qtics
liou. Tho ayes aud uoea boiug UKen,
viotorv was declared iu lavor ui if if
den's Lonl Murphy, with Her. D.r.
GntuUtll a second to tho motion and
ueuk-aud-uock with Ouo Dime. Paris
mutual paid tho foreign missiou iu
A jib Fibii Ve.KY Most trout-fliUar-men
would laugh at any scientist who
hliuuld tell thorn that trout aro deaf
Accustomod to more uoisossly uloug the
banks of brooks, lest the timid flsh take
alarm, and their sport bo spoiled, the
umo muntioii of dtuf trout seems ab
surd to them. Hut Both Greeu, the
lamous brttnlor of usu, wlio knows
more about trout thau veteran flshermeu
ux(irusses tho opiuiou that lish caunot
hear. Ho ulso gives stubboru facts iu
support of hts opiuion.
Iu a poud a hundred feet long, well
stocked with trout, when the tlsh wero
gathered at ono cud, his aervaut, lyiug
flat ou tho ground, nmt unseen by tho
trout, could strike together heavy
stones iu tho wtttor without oxoitingauy
disiurbuuoo umoug them. Mr. Oreeu
ofteu Urod his gnu close by tho poud,
but if tho trout oould uot sou tho flash,
thoy novor sUrrvd." On tho otborlund,
a slight j.w of Iho ground oommuuioated
to tho'wuter would sturt them iu uhtrui,
Mr. Qreon is convinced by his experi
ments that trout cauuot hoar common
sounds. They uro quiok-sightotl tp
detect any moving object, uud thoy
may bo sturtled by tho step of a Usher
mau, if ho jars tho ground. Hut to
ordiuary soituds.ho belloroa they aro
utterly deaf.
Popular errors havo always somo
fouudatiou iu fact. At a recent school
examiuutiou ulittlo Kuglish girl dotlued
"u uoblemau" as " it goutlomau who
gulua his livelihood by riotous living."
Could Cicero a boat?
With perhaps an exception in favor
of tho csprioion canoo, there is no
spades of craft which can glide from
beneath it unaccustomed occupant
with more startling coso than a fisher
man's dpry.
This characteristic, with tho fact that
it it light, sharp, narrow, sod flat
bottomed, suggests to tho avorago lands
man, that a dory is not a very safo craft.
Yet tho question of safety depend
largely upon tho man having tho man
agement. If skillfully handled, a dory
will rido out a gslu in midoceau with
comparalivo ease, when a ship's long
boat would probably bo swamjxid.
Tho important point nnder such cir
cumstances i to keep tho lit:Io craft, as
tho sailors say " head on to the sea ;"
which means thai, tho bow must con
tinually bo presented to tho on-coming
wave.' Thus managed, tho dory, from
jts extreme buoyancy, dances like a
com on tbo summit of terrible wavo
crests, which nould breakover and fill
a hoarier boat.
Hut if tho heart of tho rower fails, or
worse still, if his thole-pin gives way,
or his oar breaks, then is ho in daoger
indeod. Tho dory, swinging broadside
to tho soa, is rolled over in an instant,
and bocomtts tho sport of tho waves,
whilo its occupaut flods himself strug
gling ia, tho watci.
Tho throo rnetuods most in rogue
among fishermen for takiog cod on the
Hanks of Newfoundland, are these
" hand-lining ' trawling," and " dory
fishing." Tuo two former havo beou
often described. It is sufficient for me
to say that in " hand lining,'' all hands
fldt from the vessel's deck, while iu
" trawling," a lioo sometimes a milo in
length, to which hundreds of baited
hooks are attached, is sunk to th
proper depih, cud visited once or twice
iu the twenty-four hours if the weather
permits-bo that tho fish may bo takou
off ami the hooks rebaitod.
Uut in " dory-flshiug," a dory is al
lotted to each of the crow, in" which,
uuless tho weather .be exceptionally
bod. ho must launch out into the deep,
thero to remain nntil ho catches his
boat full, or is warned by tho gathering
darkness to return.
Though, as to that, it is seldom or
nover reslly light for any length ol
timo on thu Bauks. Hero, indeed, i
tho birthplace of gloomier, denser, and
more generally unpleasant fogs thau
can bo found anywhere else in the
world. Hut catching thousands upon
thousands of flue cod-fish seems -kn
ample equivalent for not catching even
a giimpatf of the sun. for weeks at a
time, and, doubtless, the world looks
all the brighter wheq ouo again reaches
a giou vl dear aUaosphero aud. snUBy1
skies. w
Bat despito tho many unpleasxnt and
dangerous surroundings of such a trip.
almost every ouo returns several pouudi
heavier, aud several degrees ntalluier.
Hard-worked collegians, and even puny
by-studeuW, ofton ship from Ctpe
Ann or Gloucester in tho spring, with
this solo object in view. St. Jtichvtat
fur July.
Au Unpublished Letter of Burns.
Not far from this strucinro Corrick
Hill rises abruptly from tho rood, aud
from its crest a n ide view is revealed of
tho Frith and its mountain boundaries
in purple hsso, Ailsa Craig out toward
tho sos, tho town on tho bay, and the
village at the toot. These scenes will
always have an interest from their a-tao-cuttuu
with the pool ; but hia family is
ou tbo verge of extinction. Xwomaiuou
ladles of advanced years, tho Misses
Bcgg are the coly sninvors. They
live very comfortably iu a lito cottage
called tbo Urtdgooide, within two miles
of tho old kirk, and hospitably receive
visitors who are interested in the poet,
though they pdisoss few reminiscencss
of him. Qeueral Qraut, and Henry M.
Btauley tho explorer, had beou among
their recent guests ; and through their
kindness wo were allowed to copy the
following interesting and hitherto un
published letter of Burns to his brother
William :
" Isi.b, Tuesday netting.
."Suu Wiu.uu;-ln my last I roc
ommeudetl that valuable apothegm,
Learn taciturnity. It is absolutely cer
tain that nobody can know our thoughts,
aud yot from a slight observation ol
.maukind one would uot thinkeo. What
misjhiefs daily arise from Billy garrulity
and foolish confldenco I Thero ia au
excellent Boots saying that A man's
mind is hia kingdom. It is certainly
ao ; but how few cau govern that king
dom with propriety I Tue botious
mischiefs in Busiuess which this Flux
of language occasions do not como im
mediately to your situation ; but iu an
other point of view tho dignity of
mau uow is tho timo that will make or
mar. lours is tho time of life for lay
ing iu habits. You can not avoid it,
though you will choose, and these nab
its will slick to your lost sand. At after
periods, oven at so little advance ms my
tears, 'tis true that ouo mar still be
very oharp-sighted to oue'a habitual
failiuRsaud weaknesses, but to er.idi
cute them, or oveu ineud them, is quite
a different matter. Acquired at nrni uy
accident, they by-aud-uy begiu to be,
a it were, suecoiaary part oi our exui
enoo. I havo not timo for more
Whatever you read, whaloveryou hear,
of that strauco creature Mu. look iuto
the living world about you, look to
yourself, for the evidences of tho fact
or tuo application or tuo aomuuo,
" 1 am ever yours,
ItouutT Huknb,
"Mr. 'Wn.T.ti.M Borss, saddler. Loug
town." II. U. Hiding, in Ilarpe,'.
Wing aud feathers of birds retain
their brichtnesa aud oolor host wheu
they aro plucked from llviug birds. Th
a. 1 a ... a V .... .. 1 susa Alt aa nml I auu
Oirtl uuiouera ut twuray-iiuu umuium
on lUhhooks suspended by silken
threads from polos. When the swallows,
fly low, as thoy do in warm weather, or
ou tuo aptruou or rain, tuo uaiioa
hooks aro iu tueir patu, ono tuo oirus,
jumping at tbo bait, ato catjght.
Of all tho wouderlul sishts in ibis
land of wond' rs thero aro nono greater
loan tlio wonders of tho reor wlonth
tide is low. Tho ideas about coral
which ixionlo havo who have never scon
it in its living sUto are generally orro
neons. They know it is a beautiful
whilo ornament under a glass shado or
in delicate pink branches iu their Jew
elry, and they imagine living coral is
llko luese. Their Ideas arr helped along
by tuo common misnomer ox trees and
branches, as applied to coral. I have
never seen it in tho South Bea Islands,
but throughout tho Eastern ocas the
most common variety takes a laminated
form, uot nnliko tho largo fungi to bo
met with any summer day in an Eng
lish wood growing out of the older
trees. Flat, circular tables of dingy
brown, growing ouo over another, with
spaces nudor each. Theso atuin a great
size, extending for years without a
break, so that tha bottom of Iho sea is
perfectly level. This kind is mnch
sought after by tho lime burners. An
othor species grows in defAvho 1 botses
like thick st-mined plaut which the
gardener has trimmed round tho top
Tneso clantps grow out of the ssun
aud stand up in dull browu against the
while uooring. A third pattern is
spiked like a stig's horns tangled io
getter and is of a dingier brown than
tlio first ; its spikes collect thu dnfting
weeds uud its appearance is conse
quently untidy. TLero are scores ol
varieties ol corals and madrepores, out
tho three' mentioned are thoo which
principally make up tho mass which is
ever growing under thu still waters in
side tbo lent. At Maheburg the reef
is distant seven miles. from the shore,
and'the whole of this great lagoon is
in process of filling np by coral. There
are one or two holes left capriciously,
and a Channel which tho river has cut
to the reef which it pierces in wuat is
loc-tlly called 'a pass.' Everywhere
else tbo bottom is only a few feet nnder
water, and is always slowly rising. The
various corals, the patches of silvei
sand, the deep winding channel, lend
each a tint to Ibe water sapphire, blue,
where it is deepest sea-green with em
eraid fleck's, or cerulean blno shut with
opalio tiulx, in tho shallows. The
reef is a solid wall, shelving towards
the ocean, and varies in width from -20
to ICO yards. Against the outer face
the rollers rage incessantly. Swell
follows swell smouthiy aud regularly.
There ia no hurry, for hero there is no
shelving bottom to ke-p them bock.
On they como, separating their ink
blue masses from the tumble of the
ocean, reanug aloft their crests, liko living-tUmga try their strength,
stul fall with, a roar ou its edge as it
stands np to meet them. You cau
stand witnin a few feet of tho practi
cally bottomless sea and watch them
tumble, with the water no further than
your knees, as the surge of their on
ward rush carries across the reef. To
stand so and watch them coming ou
appears, to ono nut utd to tho right,
to court destruction ; the wavo is so
vast, its creat rising higher as .it ad
vauces, shuts out the sea behind ;
nothing cau beseeu but a wall of water
rolling in ; its strength is so apparent,
ao irresistible, and tho pauao it appears
to toko as the top curls over seems to
check your breath. The rocic and
taints of dead coral with which storms
huve strewn the reel are nigh ana dry
the pools of limpid water in the holes
siue uown ana oral a away, tueir sur
faco glassy abd their depths full of
color ana traugo-shsped living thiugs;
then the roller brooks aud sends a
surge of water hissing by, aud the reef
has sunk beLeath tho foam and bub
bling water. Iwder't Jfiouia.
Tigers pursed by Goats.
An Englishman, hunting with a party
of natives, found a litter of tiger kit
tens in a jungle, carried them home
after shooting their dam, and installed
a she-ghat us their stepmother. Uo
Tho poor Nanny screamed tremen
dously ut first sight of them, aud when
they grew a little bigger she would
olteu playfully butt at them with her
The littlo brutes throvo wonderfully,
and soou developed such an appetite
that I bad to get uot less than six goats
to satisfy their constant thirst. I kept
the cutis lor over two mouths, aud I
shall not soon forget.the excitement I
caused wheu my boat stopped utBahrib
guuge, aud my goats, tiger cubs and
attendants formed a procession from
tho ghat, or landing place, to tho rail
way station.
Soldiers, guards, engineers, travelers
and arowda of natives surrouudoa me,
aud at overy station the guard's ran,
with my uovel menagerie, was tho cen
ter of attraction.
I sold the-cubs to Jamraoh s, in Cal
cutta, fpra very satisfactory price. Two
of them were very powerful, flnely
marked, haudsomu animals ; tho third
had been sickly, had frequent convul
sions, und died u fow days after 1
sold it;
I was afterwards told that the milk
diet was a mistake, aud that I should
have foil them on raw meat. However,
f was very well satisfied on tho whole
with tho result of my adventure.
'roAim5v' Libia' j).
Two CiitELUsa Bjsu. They "didn't
mean to," but see what their careless
ness di I. Boys who aro thus careless
are criminal.
Miss Nellie Gr is wold, a young lady
about niueteen years ol age, was fatally
shot at tho rttsidtmco of Geo, Bearlo iu
Honth Norwulk, Conn., by u sixteen
3 oar-old son of Mr, Searle, who had in
hia hand u pistol supposed to bo un
loaded. Another similar case occurred
iu a house at Norwich. A lllllo boy
visitor in somo war obtained a email
revolver, Iu sport he pointed aud dia
charged at Iho bev whom ho wua visit
ing. Tho bullet struck the lad in the
mouth and tore away tbrJu of hla teeth
But for tho teeth piobably tho ball
would havo entered tuo boy s brain and
suulo n fatal wound,
Good Amrrlrnna In Pari.
Tho American colony in Paris, con
trary to tho general belief ht home, ia
uot nnliko au American rillngo. Tho
usual number of eccoutrio characters
who made the talk and gossip of the
olaco, aro to bo fonnd, whilo tbo mass
iivo a quiet and dignified Hfo, in per
fect harmony with that of their friends
and rolations on tho other sido of the
ocean. Their happiest momenta aro
when they rcccivo " letters from home,"
and mauy a drivo or evening entertain
ment is refused because thoy have " let
ters to write," and then the daily, or
weekly paper which arrives by the for
eign poit, perhaps a journal of ono of
our great cities, or a poorly-printed
provincial sheet, bnt giving items of
local interest from home thoy all re
ceive it and look for its coming. They
look carefully through the lists of ar
rivals in tho local papers befora reading
the fashions, although tho fashions aro
uot forgotten. They aro interested in
homo politics only and attend church
every Bnnday. Thiuk of a lady (and
wo know one) who has lived in Paris
many years in Iuxnry, and fond of en
jiyment, the grand felet, military re
vidwsatd iar, who has never at ea a
Orand Prix, aud will miss the next,
because they are alwayarnn on Bisday I
.Aud 4bere are many other ladies in the
colony who sUy qnietly at ltoae on
that Parisian gala day. No one that
knows them thinks of arguing or of
trying to changn their convictions, and
if a now acquaintance pots tbo familiar
question, " Aro yon going to the Orand
Prix I the answer " No I "is given with
such repose that the questioner Is si
lenced. Wo also know tho wife of aa
artist who did not go to the Salon oa
varnishing day, although having the
uiuch-envicd privilege of euterinz oa
that day of dajs, becanso this year's
varnishingday came npon Bunday. We
know of ladies who have passed several
winters in Paris during the gay season,
aud have never been io a party or a
theater on Sunday evening; and, strange
as it may aeem to those who only know
our colony by hearsay,, there are Amer
ican men who hare lived in Paris for
years who have never sen thcinside of
the JardinMabille. All do not consider
it necessary to " go this once " to such
places and then explain at length how
they have been shocked. It is grasd to
see the energy of some of our ladies is
combining duty end pleasure, which is
essentially Parisian, and only acquired
after years of residence. We hare
known a mother of a young faaaily te
spend Saturday afternoon ua Basking
visits,, and after dinner nslp we little
onea with their leasoaa for BaBdsy
scho"l ; tnen dress for a boll. aBd, with
eyes upon the clock, stand all bedeeked
and bt-jeweled while she pate oa her
long gloves snd listens to the long re
cital of the first day's precepts ; and oa
the next morning she was to be found
in church, with her little brood about
her, before the first lesson. 2fet York
Home Journal.
A Submarine Boat.
Some time ago the world was startled
by tho discovery of the deadly effects
of the torpedo ; and as this fearful en
gine of naval warfare ia every day ar
riving at a greater stage of perfection,
it bids, fair before long to completely
drive out of tho field our costly iron
clads. We cease, however, to marvel
at the torpedo wheu we hear of the latest
discovery of scientific warfare namely,
a submarine boat.
This boat, named after the designer
of the " Garrett " torpedo boat, can be
made to sink, riro, move forward aBd
backward, above or below the surface,
at the wid of tho manipulator. It is
cigar-shaped, running to a point at each
end, in length about fourteen feet, and
in width about fire feet. It is con
structed of iron plates nearly a quarter
of au inch in thickuess ; and the weight
of the boat, including ballast, is abuat
Ave tons. It is propelled by saeaaa
of a four-b uded screw, worked from
within by means of an ingenious cosa
btuution of treadle aud fly-wheel, and
is steered by means of an ordinary rud
der. The bout is balanced evenly by
means of a leaden keel aearly two feet
broad and weighing abont two tons.
Access is gained to the interior of the
boat by means of a little square tower
rising from tbo center of the -cigar ta
the height or about two feet. Once
within, and having carefully closed thia
mau-hole, the operator can. deseesd
when he pleatos. At each end of the
boat is placed a water-tank ; and it ia
by means of these tanks that he de
scends snd asoenda at will. If he
wishes to descend he turns a small tap,
and, this filling the above-awstioaed
tauk with water, the boat naturally
sinks ; when he desires to rise ap to
the surface he makes nse of aa air
pump, and, expelling tho water, re
stores the buoyancy of tbo boat.
In tho sides of the above-BMsatioaed
tower are four litUe windows, and, ia
addition, two small brass caps. These
aro flanked internally by a long kind ol
stocking of stout waterproof walerial.
The cups beiug remored,theae stoekiaga
All with water, and by turning then ia-side-out
and using each aa a glove the
opera or gels tho free nse of his araw
outside tho boat to work his torpedo.
Iu addition to working the boat, the
submaitno traveler has to keep hloasalf
supplied with pure air. The air wkteh
ho exhales pusses by means of a tahe
through a kind of knapsack oaaialaiaff
a mixture of chemicals, and by taw
means it is purified lutSoieutly to be ft
to-euterhia luugs agaiu. The boot is,
of course, lighted by electricity, as gas
would inert aao the impurity of the at
mosphere. A series of experiment took wlasa a
short time ago with the boat ia aasssioa,
and wero, we are givea to aaaiail.
highly successful. The pressat spistl
of tho boat is only four or Hvka aa
hour, but Mr. G-trreU saalsaiaUle
building a boat of ntaoh lasiwr as),
capable of acooaiBiodAtlaf InM at
four men, and has a ackeaM ia v4ew tmr
Incretaing the powws ef H)nlisn sf
the boat.