Iwr v? rCw l,'' 'v ' " 4 ""T -V s&i Re IV-; iw . L H k S vi tf?' rfS t St r- v, ir 0QA8TMAIL ATW1MAV, Jr,wi, avnL SSSwff.W l U, & BJW ",0 " expenses of Uavo been provided for before tin adjournment of IhorcRuUr sMslon, 1 ITl T ".p"?6" Democrat- vonmonUtt. TlieyhanjcMeAiliy. ui . mcan$ .V which they nlRht forco W),no issue upon tlie nitknt which should Injure the Republican, party and benefit the Democracy in the ensuing presiden tial election. They haw cngraftwl unusual and extraordinary parthan provisJons upon the regular appro priation bills and tent them to the iTcMdont for approval, and when WturnW with tho veto they have "withdrawn tho objectionable provis ions. This has been repeated till their performances have assumed the charactor of childishness and folly. After frittering awny tho time toll tho patience of the country was well nich cxliausbxl thev haro ad loutned without making full provis ion faradminifitcring tho laws. They failed to make any appropriation for the payment of United States Marshals or their deputies. This is a very important branch of tho Gov ernment service, and one that if neglected or inefficient will causes much damage to the public interests. A Washington dispatch of the 2nd, takes the following view of the situation : M Commissioner Raum, of the internal revenue, said to-day the fail ure to provide for tho Deputy far ahals wis a virtual rvpeal "of the criminal portion of tho law relating to the illicit distilling. Deputy Col lectors of tho internal revenue have Swer to make a seizure of property violations of tho law, bufc have TaHw, Brrrim t..i a . . ... f"Vhtf'ijr injured tonight by her husband, John Santord. ' Dunbar, aged twcntr.two vear w burned todeatti to-aW U-a hnvTn ignited her clothing fth tire rS viuntt Juy;Wimam HUko and rue,J?.r,1B nc" ,0,s Corner, One. !? Kiwt nly .TO M with beatlmi tholradonted Hri. .i ."'"" to death. " "v"v i MlMCOtA. Jill K.TJ.A - i... on cdnesday captuml vester' .K .f IH,lllR itlfhl bv his Victim. Was Htwrnllf ),.,V,I i ..V- .. by a mob. His body wna found tlU. ngnreil beyond recognition. WltKKLtNO. Jnlv ft n w .. i "T? Cnrr co P n'o dlmeiilty at Clarksburg, in this State. Saturday evening, which resulted in Itogges ShOOtlnc Crriin. lrt Kall.....Cv.i, breast near tho hoar, n.tt-m. i.. tied, - - St. Josbi'ii, (Mo.) July I. opcclat t? l TGscUo from Piatt City, says Dr. U. I SjMsncer, a dentist and prom- iii.Ci,,inmw J? wimutactutlnn and Sttila lnora' iu MMervllle, Call. Fifty men were kllloil by an exnlo- ' lKh Blautyro coal piC near Glasgow. . f H 8iiwo, the poet, bus gone into outh-eatorn Oregon with W. H. iiyars on a surveying expetlition. . our hundred nihilists were arrestcn .ioi on tho night of Juno iMtlu -.. fcvn oiurg 01 wcnions vetted. XllR Alkln lllnnn nnrtl. ,.t 1.... burg, has been sold to Messrs. Dakin. iroin hnglaml, for Ut,00O. Tho farm embrace 1,000 acres. Tho Rraln in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois , and Ihn interior Wvotcru States U nald tnent-cuisen. vras shnt tht mnmim. by Wiley Stallard, a farmer rcsldinc near town. Spencer was seatetl in front of his office wading a paper, when Btallard approaehed, drew his pistol and fired. Spencer nut through a store room and Staltard followed, still shooting. Spencer fell in tho back yaIr . ",0 store, and died almost instantly. Stallard surrenderetl. He states that the dontitt. whilMnnfMtit. on MVa, Sullard's teeth, administered whiskey and opiates, and while she was under their influence took Improp er liberties with bor nersnn. mid attempted an outrace. Soeneer Iohym a wife and fiv children. FHSJaa or Democrats and "Hoaorable UllLV tn tHforola. ling ho could not prevent the officer seising tlie distillery, but he could stand still and defy 'arrest. By next Sundav every distiller in the" coun try will know what tlie effect will bp of having no dejiuty marshals to aid revenue officers, and I suppose the dishonest ones will seek to take advantage of tho crippled condition of tho office not power to make arrcets. If atr5w monueo.yet inthedcefwrate person was detected in illicit distil- inort o increase their chancea of ue- v luviiicjuiwr, nicy Mirrcuutir their principle- and enter this dis creditable coiiartnorshin. Tho New I York Timtt comments on tho coali tion as follows : "For a party that claims to be the unterrified, fearless, uncompromising, tho attitude of the Democracy of Cal ifornia is simply ludicrous. Tho whole performance in the Convention shows how dotporatc U the strait to which the oncv proud Democracy in reduced. Once the almost only party in the State, where it has been in power almost continuously now seeking fusion with the 'nondescript known as the 'Honorable Bilks.' Cole and Terry are fair represenUiivos of the composite character of tho H. BV ; the former United States Sena tor by accident, and shelved bynatn- ;ivea- a rrcord. A. Democrat, then a Know-nothing, then a Democrat, next a Sccsionist, then & Democrat again and now a leading member of the H. B.'a. Xico companions, Cole and Terry. TheDcmocraev of ralifonia. hnvn partially coalesced with the New Con stitution party Xo vnemios of the New Constitution party wero more ac tive or bitter than the Democrats a Csafrdermtc Xwacy In Market. It is & curious and significant fact that tho success of the Democratic party, and tho spirit which thev have manifested since bring clothed with power in the legislative branch of j mc uuicnuwus was awusw I -i w v. tv-.ja. those Vho wep in sympathy with j ,,, ot Terry's political C ultimate recognition of tho Con- Jedtrate cause and the payment of Hr liabilities. A late issue or uie " jWOlatklphia "Record" makes the following etAtemcnt with regard to this subject; For the last few months (so says & local coinTdealer) there has been ftlarco increase in the number of inquiries from tho continent for Confederate paper money. As a result, the price of the scrip (for Confederate notes have still a value) has materially advanced. The reason for this sudden deimmd no one setms to know. It is surmised, however, that an idea prevails there that some successful attempt may be made to redeem the Southern war-time issues. "Wliatevcr xnav be the reason, how ever, it is certain the demand exists, nA lriral collector is this week shipping to England a collection of several uiousauu wws, ui,uiB -" f 1 to f 1,000, which arc to be dis tributed among customers in Great Britain, France ana outer countries. The number of Confederate notes srtill in existence in this country can not bo estimated. It iB certain how ever, that it runs far into the millions. One New York coin collector recently sold a bale of two millions at auc tion, is now traveling through Europe on therGcc-eds.' No one may be able to trace this movement to any particular act, yet the reason Ib sufficiently apparent The Democratic party has achieved partial success and coptrola the national Jiau oi legwumim. . utrengthof that party m in the South, and the Democracy of tho South are represented by well known secession itis, men who made sacrifices for the lost cause' and are still willing, as opportunity may offer, and as may i Ji,,.t,f nniiient. to nledije anew i.:- raCu Timt orators in Con- KWjss and elsewhere liavo gone so for m to indicate the possibility of doing - ..:!. ,.ii lawn and (constitutional provisions which may stand in the way of what Uiey deem the rights of tlie South. Under these circu uui- ces it is not surprising iat Lonwa i ....wr ktwmlfl nnnrcctate. lne people will do well to see that they havcnofurtlier ground for hope of faier Confederate claims than what " w exist gome few weeks ago tho Alaska Indians were aeitwl with the super IS "bTonc of their Iribe, a young SSuiSuful -MTuVw7was lijd of wHfikBS and a grand council of the dlnl wedlelno men was held, !iju was 4eclded that she should be Crwb at the fUka, and accordingly SSinPraUon. were made. The iSuaw hearing of her fate SiSU fto Captain esrdley, of the ffiuivdSUtea war ilip, Jamestown, fa? iwtffll. He tolk'them if they furlS hit he would hang every one S tm i the yard arm of i hfc Jmjjj qwb. It is useless to add that their M7rstliloi! Uninediately vanUhed. Secession Oratory oh tae Foartk. Tlie JUf. gives an account of a cel ebration at Wright's Spring. Clack amas county. The oration on the occasion is mentioned as follows : "Tlie gentleman who had been selected to deliver tho oration was ex Senator George K. Shields, of Salem. He was on hand and succeeded thor oughly in disgusting the people and driving tbern from within his hearing by a ranting, storming, sccawion speech. A more violent rebel speech could not have been uttered in the South during the late war than was made by bun, and the assembled ihou2nd.both Republicans and Dem ocrats, left the grove thoroughly dis gusted, not more than twenty of the unterrified who could stand lightning up to thiur china remaining. Wo can not see how General Shields o forgot himself m to give way to such a har angue and general denunciation of the Kepublican party, and everything else save secession and rebellion. It may be that his long sleep-in the oak grubs on the bank of the Willamette, in North Salem, has befuddled his mind and cauwi him to forget that the rebellion has been wiped out. nd neaett Tturchaftcd for one 01 the most prosperous nations of the earth. His burst of fiery secession iwmriv c&uuxl him to be despised hv men of his own narty, as the occa sion was one whereon the dillercnccs of our people as a nation sitouiu nm be mentioned. It was entirely out of ni.ru . nl it U imt such man as Geo. K. Shields, who waa repudiated and snubbed bv hU own party when aspir ing to a re-election, that Irritates the wound and keeps afresh tliocause that led to so much bloodshed and lamen tation." .. IasprrlaJ Hnece&sloa la Frsscc. A French paper publishes a codicil to the will of the Prince Imperial, de ceased, which says : The duty which our house owes to our country will not lairte by my death. The arduous and glorious task of continuing in the work of the firt Napoleon will depend In the event of death, upon the oldest sou of Prince Jerome Napoleon, who bv the laws of succession of our house, is in v heir. I trust my Ulo ved moth er, by Seconding him ae jl the wsjJOiwibilUIes and duties which in the event of my death will devolve upon him, will give to 'n"1""1,?! no longer upon this earth, this best a,ni supreme proof of her affection for me and of her lovo of France. will probably pro- The Supremo Court assembled in Salem Iast31onday. The office of the Portland dally Jke Is to be supplied with a fi.VW0 power press. The schooner Oypiy to no ranicu off at Astoria. Secretary ftriiur coniempiaws vi ing tho Indian agenoles during the summer, to look well, and ,uco a largo crop. The Central raelflo Itallrond Com Ijany have no Intention of tvxiemliiig their railroad further north for the present. A late dispatch from London hull calea a prospect for poor crops In that country, and consequent tncreasctl de mand for foreign grain. "tons. Fimn. Lystrr. known In the theatrical world iui Minnie Walton, died on the night of July 1st after an illness of a few days' duration. J. M Ilumganlner, who was arrested alhmpiro City some eight months ago, charged with forgerv, litis boon found guilty, and will be sentenced ivsxt Monday. The steamer Isaac Davis, loaded with pasongen, in Lnko Quinsogna niond. Jfassachusetts. eareoned on tho Fourth, and tho hurricane deck brook ing olf, several teoplo wore drowned and many were thrown into tho water. Govxn.HOR TiiAYKn has commuted tho sentence of Louis Lakin. convict ed for larceny, and Gervats Raymond. rconvicted of assault with a dangerous wcapou. Tnr. entire fifteen millions of four iwr cent, bonds recoutlv pttrchatsl by the First National Hank of New York, havo been soM in London, aud tho prico has advanced to 101W. The English are negotiating with the Zulus for peace. Tho British troops in that region axe said to lie disheartened and disgusted, and eager to close hostilities. One Edwin Cartwright, who was hurt on the Orepon and California Railroad about a year ago, ami had to have his arm amputated, has com menced a suit against tho railroad company to recover fll00daiungos. Oxb J. M. Logwlon of Washington Territory, was lately convicted of per jury for swearing faholy on his final proof. He bad occasionally slept on bis homestead, and he swore ho had lived there continuously. The action of Inspector Homis in exonerating Captain Carroll from blame for the low of tho stoamer Great Republic, has been approved by J, A. Dumont, Supervising Inspector Gen eral, of Washington. Tho International Exhibition at Sydney, Australia, will open the first week in September next aud continue till the following March. Tho United States, it Is said, will be Well repre sented. A St. PETEnsnfRO dispatch says: Owing to the dullness ot trade aud tho general feeling of tho Insecurity of business, the Industrial Exhibition coqtempJatcd for Moscow in 1SS0 is postponed ono year. A COBRESrOJfDE.fT of the OiXStttt, saysr The new schoonor for the AI sea Bay, tho Helen Jano, will soon bo done. It is already under contract to go to Astoria or to Portland for Engin eer Habersdiam who is going to sur vey tho Alsca Bay. J. W. Coluss, of Table Rock Ore- fon, hassixteon acres of sorghum lin er cultivation, which isgrowing fine ly and promises to yield abundantly. He has sent for the requisite machi nery for the manufacture of sorghum svrunofa superior quality, and is sanguine of the success of this groat industry. Seattle dispatch: The Skagit gold miners arc taking out VM jwr day to tho man. Crevice diggings and rich quart ledges have boon struck recently, and a rush has set Into the mines. Log drivors who came down tho river last Wednesday passed nine canoes on the way up, loaded with men for the mines. Boston la now being paved with the asphalt block in place of other pa ving material. This block weighs 21 pounds, and is five inches deep and Jour inches square superficially. It base is pulverized lime-stone, which is cemented by asphaltum and crude petroleum. The blocks are struck out by a steam press, and each block lias a pressure of fifty ions. Tuts Atlorian cays: Tillamook rock has been fully explored, and found to be admirably adapted to tho purposes of a light-house and fog whistle. It stand out to sea promi nently from tho shore, and in view of tho shore lino north and south. Be ing beyond tho line of breakers the blast of'a whistle would not bo inter rupted seaward. The Albany Democrat nays -. Last week a Mrs. Orishsm, living at Browns ville, made an attempt to tako her own life. She took a large dose of morphine, and then wrote a noto toll ing her husband whaffthe had done, and asking him to take caro of their children, and then pliiuiiiK it to her breast laid down to die. Fortunately she was discovered in time and saved. The cause of her rash act can only be surmised. lloscburg & Coos Bay STAGE-LINE, 3, CK.orUU .V Co., anrrUor. ft'fri(ea trfffnit'eCVMM City evertf afternoon (Sunday excepted) on the arrival of the steamer Coos. rASSKXGKKH wishing to go to Roteburg or any other part of the Interior will make connection with tho stage by going to Coos 0lt on any of the liny stoiuuers, LKAYIMI COOS CITY Till. SAMK DAY. tarTins rs vova'h to CIIKAVKS l tUiSTand QU VI'' AU, liUl'TKlf. UK run QUWKKST TimoKm ix orvr. day making cloe connection with tho cars and oerluud stages iitlltoseburg. All buslues entrusted to our caro will bo attended to with promptness ami socuriti FARE TO ROSEBURGnEDUCED TO S6 biaHiHuti()r (iJotceU10tb o6ijjjuf F.8Ciu:rrBit,Attt. Telegraph olllce, Empire Cltw 1-tvtf iMiTICi:. All persons indebted to tho under signed on account of over GO days standing are nnptested to call and mottle tlio same without dolnv. W. 0. WEBSTER. -jvroTi 1 tl, issued i SlIKUlFPti SALL". ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by virtue of an execution out of the Circuit Court of tho btato of Oregon for tho couutv of Coos, in faor of E. R. Duffy, "and against E S Scale and Augusta Scal es, and to mo delivered, commanding me that of tho personal property, ami If sufficient personal property bo not found, then of tho real profHirly of said defendants I cano to bo made the sum of eighty-six 15-100 dollars with inter est and accruing costs. I havo levied upon lots 1 and 2"ln block 15 iu the town of Marshtleld.as platted by S. It. Cathcart. and on file in the Recorder's office of said town, ftlw the house situ ated on or adjoining said lots, occu pied by said defendant. Augusta Scalos, and known as Mrs. Scales' bousu.and will, on tho '2d day ot Au gust, IS"'.', at tho tho hour of 12 o'clock M id said day. at tho court hotu'odour in Hmpire City, sell at pub lic auction to the hi;:heii bidder for cash, alt the rieht aud interest which the said di'iVmlnuU or eithor of them lav of icreaUor. myiuiml this LVthday orMtins. 1S?J. A.G.AIKEN, JM-lw ShoriirCoosCo. mo snio (ii'ii'iuinuiH or euuor oi i had iu said proprty on tho ISth il Sent. KTtl or at any time therm Given under my bund this L7tl SHKUIFPS S.U.B. 1VTGTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN I hat by virtuo of a writ of execu tion issued out of the Circuit court of tho state of Oregon, for the county of Curry, to me directed and delivered, in faror of S. B. Gardner, plnintiil. and against W. C. Miller, defendant, for the sum of f 1,MX), and costs taxed at SID, aud accruing cost, and inter est, and commanding me to fell tho mortgaged premise therein described, to satisfy mud judgment and costs, ami Accruing costs, 1 barn this day levied upon said mortgaged promise, to-wit : Tho SW1-1 of the SEl-t. and tho NEl -I, and the N?i of the SK1-I. andtheSEM of tho SK1-J, and the SKI I of the SW1-1, of sec. 8, and the SEl-l of sec 5, and the El of the N WI-I. and the N9' of the NEW, and the fcWW of tho NEW of see. 17, TownshlpSG, south of rango It west, in tho county of Curry and state of Oregon. And I will on tho notlt dny of. Inly, I7f, at the hour of ono o'clock in tho af torm on of said day, at the front door of the Court HoUso in Etlensbttrg, offer said Ianit lor sale, or so much thereof as may bo sufllciont to sat isfy said judgment and costs, and ac cruing costs, and intorest on said judgment from tho -Ith day of Juno, 1S7U, at one por cent or month, to the highest and Inut biddor for gold coin cstsh in hand. A. II. MOORE, Shoriirof Curry Co. Or. Dateil at Ei.l.BSSiieuo. Juno 12,1870 NimilrTM HAbK. fa Ihc Circuit Ciuirl nt the Kh n t7rriini)r ih ruiinry oCuny. J. II . Ticbimnr. Plaiutlll'. vs. Jason Springer, atsou IC. A I. Minimum Sinllh ami Warren Salsbuvy, Defend ant. MOTION IS HKUKI1V tllVKN J.M that by lrtue of an i.wutlon Is sued out of mid under tho seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oiigim for tho county of Cuiiy.oii the Oth dav of June, 1.S71, to mo dlioetod and dclivotcd, commanding uo to mil to satisfy a jtidgmont iecoenil In tho above entitled action, by J. 11. Tiche nor, plalntitr. against Jason Springer, defendant, for tho sum of one thous and two hundred mid thlity dollsrs, aud thirty four dollars aud thirty cents costs aud dlsbuisomonU, togeth er with accruing Interest on said judgment ami the eostu of said writ, as wull ns certain personal property described on said writ, all tho right title and Interest which the said lason Springer had on the Sllsl day of No vember 1878, or has since nequlicd In and to tho real property lionitofore at tached by mo In said action and in said writ, and hereinafter particularly described, I will on Saturday, the 24 day of August, IH7U, at twelve o'clock, noon, of said day, ai the Court llouso door at Kllriml'iirg. Curry county, Oregon, sell at public auction, lo tho highest bidder, foi cash.nll the light, title aud iult-rfst which Jason Springer bad mi the'Jlst day of NovemUir, A. I). IH7S, or hns Kinco acquired in aud totlm rest pntji erty tn Curry county, Oregon, known ami described as follows, to-w it- Be- no'l'lt'll, Huvitig liitnly bought tln utoek of drugs iteivioiure Dcloiining lo or. Ham' lfluo, I nm now propanul to PHtvmlly eompotnul uml put up physlcinn'l preset iptlmiH. Tho pat iiiars of Uiose lmvlng itntsorlittfoiiH lo 1 filled, is rwpeofiully solicited. l.OUlBlf.MUNItOK. 'AJ'I'KOX AJOTICIC IK IIKItKIIY GIVEN thttt t) II l'lvj.ofUoqUlllo llvur Ctms eount . t ri'non, n not authorUud lo trsiiMel any buincs for us. UKKIUNKLSON'. Noswav. May l.isnt stOJJin ginning at tho soiith-vvmt corner of Win. 'lichenor's donation laud claim, theuco north, ten degrees ost, four chains and fifty links; theuco oast seven chains ami sixty-si.i links , theuco south ton dogrcos mint four chains and fifty links j tliuneo west to point of beginning. Also thoSWk soc.S7:NKt,f sec W. NEtfwc. 28; Ettf of SWij sw- s , NKV)'Heti.S7i 8KW of Ni:vtc tM. N ofNE'f see. lis SWt4 of Ni:4 see. 17; NVi of SKKf .ec. 17; lot No. 2 and n sec. 17; lot No 1 iwe i. SEtfof NWtr see 20; bX of 8WW sec. 20; KU, of sec Si ; Wit of N KVsc.2l; ES, of SWU see. 5; 1 of N Wkj sec. 2 ; loth No fi. 0, 7 and 6 sec. 02 ; lots No. 1 and 2. 88 ; N W H see. 17 ; 8V4 hh:. a ; SKW stx 8 : SV H sec. 8 ; S K i see. 7 ; S B t4 m 21 ; SWtd sco. l, ami N W'H sv i7, all in township it, south raiige M west A. II MOOKK. Sheriirol Curry Co. Dated at nttiu.'m)K(i, June W. I.S7V. (2Mt OTICtl. The utidersignwl hereby glvo tin ties to all ihom.n Indpbtsd lo them on aeeouui. to pleas come ami ssttln tho sains wtthmit delay, with cash or I note. IUSKD.Y MShHO.V, j Norway, Cihs Co Ojrn. I To OS BAY PRNiTURE STORI CONSTANTLY UN IIANtl MtttiiviiHm V llntniriiiln, Vlnttrf it1 l.oHiiuon, (Ylbn ,l (Viii, PICTITUIW. I'ltAMKH, MtH'bDINtia, TABLES, MHiKOKtt Ac. 'oun(Iiiu-i'oiiiii 1 'u rut i urn Made to Order, VOITJXS made at shoitwd not loo. StWING MACHINES ATTACtlMKXT, Ngt:tMW d'O, P. M.VU1C, lvltf 1'iiui'itiMToa 1IUSINEN8 fAim "" T.C. MACICEY.M D, A PHYSICIAN AND sURGtty KMI'IIIK GlTY,;()liKilo( -"si 0. II. UOIiDKN.M.D, PHYSICIAN JbSURQEt .MAIISlll-IKI.K, OmamN a TOWKIt, M. I). PHYSICIAN&SURQEOli .M.iiisunri.n, Ojimio.n. 'I W. 0. AN0I5I,, M ) PHYSICIAN and SiVJcfOff OiyiHWrt VUn, . H. II. IIAUHI., J. W IUhiuJ HAKAIll) it HAMILTON, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLOnS ATUl Will practice In the variom c&, of thostate. orriei: at isMnut: ijty, Ook, a, aye. sia-Xiiasr. AnOIIA'EVACOrASBlUIIIATUI MAitHiini:i.i),oii;(io.v JUacksiiiH hiuc. It X A I S M c o Y. a J .V st'ccKSiKiK ro THoMAS uiiwo.v. II' AVISO LKAttftDTHi: DAWSON blacksmith slioo, in .Murshneld, 1 i am iinrtMrrof to K UKNJCHAl, IHjACKSMITIIKVa 1 uuf secx:pzwo:e2j3c Mr A living hnn of mtrnaiti I ,Ah itcd vl-7-tf COX'M HAKIIK NHOP, I.H rilOXTOV TIIC CCN'TIUL IIOTKI. 3fainhfleld, Ogn. If you want an easy shave, Ah good as barber evcrgavo, Just call on mo at my saloon, In front of Central hotel, at noon ; My razors are idiarp, my nclssors keen. My riiop i neat and towe U mo clean, Aii4 there I think you'll linil EvorythlmftoBuittliofiilMu; I trim thXlrwIth skill for RonU, Of course the price 1 fifty oonts; oi.....!..,, i. r ib) i but well. And3lkKtt?iwn!t,,I; Bo help mo yracious j x urn You need not pay yijg i'' I,8, Hot and cold baths alrayn rvwi. llfitfj X0TIC1J TO O0.VATIO.V CLAI3IAXTS. rniiE ArrKN-rioiT of claim- I mils to donations of land, thoir as iimc and Icjfal n-prewntatives, Ih particularly called to that part of section :j of tin- act of congress, appro'el July 17 lh!, i nthiod "An art to anifiid an act appimiil HeiitrrnlKir twonty-soventh, uiKlit(N ti huinlrwl anl fifty, to cruato tho ulfli f .l Survoyor Uuncral of the public lands in Orwon, etc, and also tfio act amendatery thurrof, approvod February iiiuch-4-nth (fourtifiitfi) dxhtoon bund rod and fifty-three ; w hlch rends as fol- iuws. "All persons clniniinx iionatioiiH unih r fids act or the nrta of which It is amendatory shall a jrlvojno" Hr i.. ilm Stin'ovor (ifiiural on otiikii hclv Ai-TiioiiwenorriCKB. of tho particu lar lauds claimed as such donation, with in thirty day after holm? requited so lo do by such officer ; and falling , tho claimant or claimant shall forfeit all rlpht and claim thereto." Now therefore the undersigned boiK such otiieb nut-r at'TiioiuzKi orriCKit do hereby jnvo notice to uu b and every jor son, bis or her nssijms and Irpal reprtcn tatives, clalinnnts of donations of lund within the district of lands subject to salo attlm I'lilted States District LindOfllrw, atlt'ibtirK, Oregon, under said actH of congress ; that each and every' ""(' of them ulthln thirty dayn from tho IWh day of July IM7U, (Unatlieday of the expira tion of hk week's publication hereof, el vo iiollro to the register and receiver of said hand 0lco at Hosoburg, Oregon, of "the particular lands claimed on Hiichdo rwtiMM. and foiling Hiieh iwitlco, the rhiimantor elafinantti shall forfeit all right and claim thereto." And iiioh ami every iienoii rlnlnilnx the benefltof aaW net of rhiptombor W, lhW), and the legislation biipj.letnental Jhi-n-to, will wrrriiw " montik flor the expiration of the atorewiW . wk" piibliratlon. caused U lo filed In th U. i. DiHtrict d Office a ItomiburK, Ore eon, the proof refjuirerl bylaw, toeom iiluto heir clnfniM tondonutlon of land ! der s'dd acts, and falling to . o, such clnimM u 111 be held for cancellation. In wK" whereof tho renter and retSvw SmIio 'alii V. S. band Ofllcu uTtoZbli. Oregon, Imvo horm.nto kubMiribwl tlielr nttineu thin 31th day of May, pnwJAWl:ngftor. j. 0.1'uw.KttTo.v, Jtccelver,- 22 flw N!it:i:irrs SAidi. In the Cireuit Crt of tkt ttah oj i Urtyon Jt tlw rtHiafy of l ry. J. II. Ticbeuor, plHtutiir, vs. Jason Spriugor, Watson K. HftrinyiT, A. !. Smith, and Warren SaUlntry, defend auti. iVTUTICK It? IIKItKIIY OIVHX X that by irtue of an exin-uilon is sued out of and under tho sal of the Circuit Court of tin State of Oroynn for tho county of Curry, on the tith dav id June. 1S71). In mo dlrnt'ld and delivered, commsndiuir me to ll, lo j satisfy a judgment recovered in lhl above entitled m lion bj J. It. Tithe- nor, plaiutitr, ngniost Jnuii HpriiiKer, iiofemiaui. tor tue sum of one thm aud and sixty -two dollars and sialyl five rents, and thirty-six dollars and tbirtv-llo cooIm ctwU mid ditiunw meiits, together with Nccrtiiuit iuUr-! est on said judge in"iit. snd the nu of saiil writ, us well as certain person-1 nl projHarly descrtlNil iu said writ, all thu right title mid interest which the i saui JMn npnnger mm on tin- snun day of Novomlicr, lh7S,or has mce acquired In and to the real protx-rty baretoforo at t ached by me in aid ac tion and in said writ, and hereinafter particularly described, ! will, on Saturday, the 24 day of Aurtmt, IHlii, at twelvo o'clock, uom, of said day, at tho Court IfotiM dxr, at lllb-m- burg, Curry county, Oregon, jh at public auction to the inchest bidder, for cash, all the right title and inU'r csl which Jason .Springer had on the 20th day of November, A. I) l7H, or has since acquired in and to the real iirojHirly in Curry county, Utem. knows! and described a follows uwit Hegiuiug at tho south-west earner of Win, Tichonor's douatieu laud claim , -thence north, ten degree east, four chains and fifty Jinks;-theuco -oast seven chains uud sixty-six links; thence south, ten degrees oast, four chains and fifty linhs, theuco west to the iiotul of beginning. Also tho HW'Umc. 27; NK1 aoc. JW: NKtisec. 28; KJ of SW sec. 28 ; NKJi Her. 27 ; HKl-1 of N'Kl-l sw. 20; XX of NE1-1 sec. 17 ; HW1-I of K Kl-1 see. J7; NW1-1 of HBM ts. 17; lots So. 2 and .1, see. 17 ; lot No. 1 sec. 2() ; HKl-t of NW1-I see. 20 ; VM of 8 ; at ; Y 1 lOOT&lSHOE MAKER MAtisitrti;t.t), Ou.N". vtX(ijOAr,rjKrNOM or g'CTSTCXM: WOB in a tborutigh manlier and ne only thn BEST JIATERIAL tHMiprn lff.m Mtret,oiXMitc the Kitipire Ilotiso, 3S go polled. Kmi'ikc CltV. rnnirt not .hkT hah ki:x hi:- 1 opened thrutigliuitt. GOOD KOS AHP GOOD BOARD. .Vo CUIXKMtlVOKg amphntnt. TliRJl.S 1.1 1! BRA U V. K-WlXCIIKSTKIt. l'ruprielor. WJ- -I hoc. 20; KW of VU sec 21 ; U of NK1-1 soe. 21; VM of NW1 sec. vj : Y.y, ot i v i-i sec v ; mis sn fi, , 7 and 8 sec .12? lote No. 1 ami i, sec. 33 ; NWM sec. 17 : 8'.VI- sue. 20 8K1-1 hoc 8 : 8Wl-t see. 8 . 8K1-I see. 27: 8E1-1 sec. 21 ; 8W1-1 sec. 0: mid iVWl-1 sec. 27: all in township 82, south range 10 west. A. If. MOOUK fiherlirof Curry Co, Doled at KM.K.Vffiieiio, June 0, Jh70. TJEnnu PiOHEER MARKETS, UkMntivvb a Kmi-iucCitv. 11. P. WIMTXKY, Pnoi-nirron. A good rupply of IJKBF. l'Olth'. MC'ITON, and all kind of SALTMEATSandVEGETAQLES constantly uu hand. Also a good tk of cmopiio ITMDI, AX II LOGGING, CAMPS St' Wit UU AT Sit OUT XOTtCt: lvltf A0mmfiMMmmjmm&mmmmmmm00wm Wew Market F, TlMMKIIMAN, Profit. On Front street, near Dean A C ' store. JIas always on hand the l st nt IIKKIM'OKK, .M BATH of all ICINIiH. and overythiiiK to bo found in a First Class Market.! l'JlWIifiUH LO Han tho LO ll'ISST o ! A living xluirc of patronage U solie ted. l-7tf Win. 0. Wolistor, MANUFACTURER OF BOOTS Sc SI-IOE3S A" SMALL BTOfJK OfCiiHtoinWorlcCmiHtttntlyonliniiil REPAIRING Will Receive Prompt Attention. SHOP Locfttori on Front HI root, opposite thu OlfiNTUAL J10TJSL. sMnndtAvlil. Oregon. fltf HIGHEST HONORS, Contomial World's Fair, 1870! raa SH0NIN9ER ORflANS Ii3occso VKistMoeriT it tn BEST INSTRUMENTS. TtlrrmaprllT.nflUn.l ikoibU b llliluVUtuutriicli mw ilill.lt its ilm hMl liulruiu.iiii i , erlso renlttluir tkia ixitilkl.iatUrs. elut "' PV,'moJ-Iub o eemMnUttUo llt.ls mI lull., prodaolnjuoTd u pttulna tff.ol MDUInlnsw.nilMUitlo Itnprcrra.als, nl tUui Joiificrln ill cr rmp clhnsu, I in tUMt U nl oulb(oMr,ll tb b.sijf,nus4t Uiicrljr, put u,,,. ilr , , j, WPMJ ,0; h" lo tltUtr nnlulr, iwell i.t lit. TUB IIAfllL. Till. M11 nMAwrowM srtoUd trisHbt faotl ika y-n,j,.utWiii tl lb. LM (u,,t, kt(9. bli.o) lb Ull COIUU.t.ut Jurl.a Mtl atftuibJ. ' ' Ww niilc. m1 iilo Jut! ImqwI, wlleh tn In o.rJun Willi our rnl,Ui. ufcT UH UAH frru.iulbuiii7. TT r prepmid to ippolnt ft Uw ntw to!. Iltuilrld CilUnpiu iMllid, ixat-tJl. M ITVUc4Un lo t r , w 0, SIIOfilNGER ORGAN CO., 01 U 11J CIIMTBUT BTBEtT, Vfir Ilirrs, 0.. 0. WK1ISTKK, AHOnNEY & COUNSELLUnAriA MAiuiirtKin, OutooM, HPNRV .QPWnQTArucu ..-...,. ........wm,,. A'OTARVPrilLll'iU'OXVEllJrn iiiiur; nn, on,, Ciillttliis and other biultir W Iu my bund, will irnrivo ivintViv lien. Ai v. p. wuu.iir, ( S", JUitnitl ami I S. cpt)i sxrvrniTro, CotMl.r.K ClTV, Ot.V Will nt loud (tbflMiliieni(iincjl! In any imrtid tbeirtititv iWeit iusMf nil Minejrd laatbi.hji HIUlXmiKl Uliori IHHHC WJLSOX SEWING MACHINES! THlt Choapost A: Best ! .MUM IIAl'KI'll svctMni ; MV JlX- r-jr.O -uO-A-xd Ei nxl MMiriM(Hhiti .ut TliW lct!lltitlili imw nfTtr-U IU ma MrilltiiM fur eitm Um to liw fnornl 1st CtMlkt Ittwi.ill of S.illllirn (Itoi.H t AeHtlrliiv U ifradtlaliti int.. llitr-r. .Um3 metiiH an loiiunn: 'Vh J'rhiiitrtt llnutrtment In hlrh Intrwhtctory lSnmrlir a iiik"i. Tim ,nnlnr Hnmrtmtiit. 1'iidirsrtiiic OrUHsrjdiy. Hcfclbtj WrtUiMt. Orwiiunar. (b-i.t;fa.ir, llio.J msiiff). I stMiirtr Hirii. . and JIj (ut mill I'ru, IImiI Atlll...niln i The Snlur ItfjHtrtmrat KmUncltiK ltHik-kiH'iHt i-ifijln fj wwo inir jiMaiiy. tiiemistrv, 1W6I ml lic-omxny, Uuu. Itlu turir, lul Arithtwiie. AUt-bm, (ti-omctrj1, Titpl nummry situ uni-iiiK Ml 'SIC IiiKtru.'tf-fii hi this brain h . ffrtj wlwn ile-ifml. lIoiNtirnn l Iwd for fnun $3 Vl 1 . . k v"Ul I""3'' umilirs, ihllr! nun iwn wuen mivnriil stmients rW Kther ami buord Ibeniw T.'JfJ.V, Primary Deitartinciit ... .IVI Jtmliir . . .... ') Hentur . . . . JUl J. T. MiCnuwir l'rlitrt;t Vl-3-f. CENTRAL HOTEL! ow Corner of "A" ami Front fllrrct, MAHHJIFIKLD.OGN. JIttV or leiiMi and HxikI ti the st. lio'ise we fwl uftrraiitd hi iroinlln I i inre iioal, iindpxal Unln to the trsnf in -r aim leeal riuioiu, CALL AND SEE US. t ci owr.x .TIAKMIIS'ir.I.l Driits: Stord I)It. 0. II. tlOI.DKN, I'ltora. OiijioHttn yanburu'i' Store HAVK CO.NHTANTbV OX IU.1J Aid. KOIITH Of JDJEnjQrS "NO- CHEMICALS w wi.si.ti roit V .MFDICIVAI, IM'Itl'ONKH, DYlll.lM'I'lJfli'SI, -I'llOMMIilM, sti'oivawsi, voxziMViMivr s'i'-rvi'xojva.irJ. INOUOOXi J.IOOJK.SS, AbMO ciioioi: CIGARS and TOBACCO, and everything usuiilly kept la nWDICII, IIIHI'KNMAIIV. rrctcrliitloiiH tnivTiifff Coin- poumtat, vHMf r M ' ...I-jSkJ-i mmimmmimi .ij!iii ..." .i.nw'l. ii,.5in,.,nTr 1maiBmfJm6ttm'twm rt iiia. i i1 n.i,nifc.i iwi. w J . .. i, . . sir iZT J&kJIk. t V i i TT ,jT T . , , ivl Sfru? .'SWjS! of? I J. ..... t- itfym" x ';"-s ,. t