-. ,?, ! nmvtkiw imiHi ni.m i. nm, ownxwumw ftMrmnmm, & aPaiiSBaiMMfjJ WMi, l ,IIU .!,. I,, I, ..- jjra-iiiwiiiiin;i n i ' &. . . , -'- - " ' II I1 ' - i -n iff -7 5f J- : ir i - 'Jv- "- I ' m1 -itf" ST. 4- W '" Ef - la-' - ? :. -J -; 8.-, v' a ,t -: R-, Sf A -." ' W' .Vs,- B.KA . ry-"5 i' 'f 'A L ;.& ;V.--. KfNT- . " ; ?' sr hi&ti M HJ., '- i I, tt wtlr aw 'thai f wit! ut (.. --".- . - vrww -ajaass-Fr aW' u, Mii!i:i.r,i w t .tows us ifee trpt tk, wwe3tla&rjd Mwon Georgia mad. .".. ft teo ttofc m tha ptlsow . Mrftt Wit, tt al.na.lW - ' ,,.. . " CtU &. ami. mrAHcaUa lemon- lT ZlLw,at,0,,w' creeping into tho Jee ci, mIoosji of Uj Ruli-liMtuie w wm -m viw w At .-jas! -WAMffl i,i,a ii j ..: warn .. : "MB. KEffiJKSiyv! or more of hr m wi.iu i... . a i t. :.. t iw r T, l ... ",a " bwoi FC,TLR!f S25LWI & BBj From a boat. una is tot Tff StcwtBAvArk)r. Qtl Victoria tuultwiiiir thoXSna 1UU ptlnetxjsrn mo tirt boftuUfullV ftlfM hj Kjoellcuoy Vic AdMlMl Vlhuti' AteluuMulor of tho ,tucii wraww io tltu Uoutt ot 8t. . . .uu,., hu, iiimiutuimo. mMm4mmm JH&2 & of bec will only ki ,bbt to tkiw out. 'Tkn torifMtnf lilw.e4a.tai t.l k.i wgiiiiy. ai.mi IMHtHMUk- VakU an'l rfJ. .S"5irKm"".T'' ?. M.v 'ml i7! MHVfliPHW: SeXfK .l...i.i- ... ...k ""? l ... v iv ubio utui muDin. iiin mhiuIai. dilw who Usy to golnff to fcbooU 'wVWiw0, iff' 'iH 3jtif , egli tho taoath 5I MUBUJ (jiuwiaj TfrrowiaKwiJft , Tniifma ajra mnnoi. Thn iiUKrV Ar n. asKiKBS :& .?.!srwi5 n to iiiHHi br Bhark. nhf, "'". ".,"" Ji"' ,nTA''ptf l no uanl nr t:mw AI, Z, "r.i.'.J' .V.'T '"" " X KnOWOr Hft MtftflnftM II, h tl..l.. " - ""'8UM v ui.'iw. .'ilNrtW'W. wns wrullr. .,VRfi4.rtMia now ho iW CUlOvllr lUMatrura ttnnl r.trllm ... HOT DllVMOiinnnir Imn nt vi ..... and Uolr i.) ext.tcnco. Mho I1.11. fktJAliiiS DiHtt&KS WM..u,.i w. -' tAoott'aiuL ii . vyrr J: .v VV...J. mmuw MnrHWJAllltMy, bUI ..-v iramm HPr 10g A icrttbio o lroboliogo, on th Jeh It- jSa rf 5?S "ft WHltt orM ot ono ot tbo crtw. vi.u !?-?.- ttr.' r.-1"? kw'r .lwniiytlw mutt tknm.crfjy wcu, woaA 10 untiie. , "( i,nv !hr gSggl fK -qf " , , sf otnwTirwribTiwn u piercing iuiuiL litnnklln- torn him to )lecc)u Aniowai thrown to him, hnt hit injnriea wcro o tcrri- m Jti Mmim go to $mr exUiMwt i& ioa- .HKlllftUitediThflWylhSI ' Mia lh.lnniii-'.,xiafeak 1. b ImmA jNnm Mm ufawtm' i.hiV dlWtf HmMC mm that ho immodi !etepauion ctcaped t tl, , to ftfe'uaM'iiAJA'lM HbV io kb f awwafttly toitawriafc goiw.iMiMirM ltk M4 Vmo4 to 1 ttitkbe Might Wt jw J WtT WffBT r!ft?K vtW IRb hhi iiMtthkiiMiMMM uk. His 1, bat ot i2i"kli,."- "r "ormiif to arittinlo lromulnd. hV wu.ir 3 "riL'C Hiooi)niWoad tn Uint owa.hoa Qn. who w ilT e.P qL.ro her kfal,ha timuml u,o ltUlodu:iT T"""0",reicl 'h,'a piano, 1 ho expression ot Uio Quea'a Y Tagun an, dwnmj, nuloon whoa 2;a,lVWaie,'foiwbodlT1 who-Uko just praoeatnl to her. It thou i iitmI, uuimatrd, aud. abom utrvthtiil Kl9fV JiWrt tUinkhQWAknaTish (lyAiifaaoH peDQ coftld Support bar I IrUK. OnCflt Purt TttMV ..!) n... -1... ovorvd.ba tbo citt ot diviniua tiriU. A a. ' wo tunttnr of fM !.. 1... ....... i ifi.wnf.!.K". .,-..-"" :": - j " lUOt uwrk tvb. the dan-1! bj JltiiidlElitT t Aitn!lIor .! K thero a . Wu;itg ChrKUafi'S would bo lout mar-ionooi tuo hndomoU women in Eur- and na jlc atont. Sbcvcatuo up with hr babi that have i 'rom Frosmora whon I wai at tho caa- iorty, and j Ue. ller lifj la placid and beautiful as o 801noanoa. w tho Jutdst oUnrbtoh alio worlJCf JL JWL.qLjpityC'wrftMU, oubt are ' "cuocaaana calm ot tbo Wiudaor laud- cne.j.H0 rrtneM mtbotaost nktlletl ueedlewoeiaa inaRlnd. Sho i also a musician jdJ superior oxcellence, aud a wondertol housewife and fartutp. vuvwu ii,scornn,ntit ,i, mrntttitv fi.ktt.i. ifJi VH1" lUclne her coutldenco. ITholMbceauB&trio3 is small and f.itr. Shn mv mmmm - wwipiwi HV WHWiMdSllMk BH T.lll-JlU f "no d S? mo thojdea of being iu oor m rHaur tJw MUM4lMirt anl.1 urn in t i. I.-1 ii uu it. v:.v. r'i kL.' .t .. . ; i . rjf!l ; - . gew waj. t '. Mb.'HMr ---L m ,L .vl'l I ...,.-... T-r'-'ML. .6 i ,-'ijWfc". :n- khu isipowbi. Diiminci ! m iwwtasr 4-wmi'' j in .uliimhmi . uui Ian saifTFT-r icrriuie. l lint-nr nnin.i mm paw, lo oMttosseat, that aay ot the bthdd row, aaahi?!mnaclca ot ita aa iwrt of mi bad said it? Whew 1 are of enormous strength. Hut thor We Mm-lttJMf vj? -mm,-.rliug and lacerating llfkt n!a cmiAj &tNisrp -n ffaftt cntttog or sererisg. ky. r.Sr lad whilaXT,ir";leto,,t that of aheaw, but dat. bat a fellow haft tti-bfo.'i rather of tho harrow or scritlr. M .'- . -. . . . . , ' .. -- - m , J. T ..- . .. . - . .... . . l -.a iTO,wmuwgi mw pirn jwc Aiowsss Jo. r; - even elglit, UHltmUt coajpel him to take it back wiU u aa by. UMt'OiiabTand striw la U DMt liu. .. . .. . ... , k- .,.1. 1.:. i . i...'.i.i i " "" " .2sfesa! r a a ii uuh ei im ijmiii jk ii .m t in ) v.isi urn ' - ka w an wwi riiu tuu nMin i c a - -.. -.w.w . '-"'i'y . ...... . s -------w. rtmrs to New Orleans, and uow. if " ny poasfWy tear tfc;ier oat of tbo ller, iwultrT-jfafanildairT are modola of excellent luanauiimbnt. Xottho loa UofJujbdeuUXaaji&iprOtikinjr; Every oj,,u..Wio.llimai,,,,n musor, ho prepare with ber own hands a dish for hoc lunch wbtcu is sent tin to tho Princea are well grown aud robust. ,"- wsU m imt!jaf 'UMh Unn bA Vidy 7Ui. M ffn-KeW Orlearaifalo Oil Cit xMom were -wtu ao ts uwjwrw ', "" pITdJiiSehi'has-3ttt ba inter.' MUsiw that it u Mr. Tild"a iaica- sLXLTf.TS'SnS L ' u jThevQoeoR.aema :oat loring Krand. i.nfVf!Mmtn-fr(TlTi,4ii .W..V..W.1 luo woni'X enumenw in mo exercise liHSiStetefci-lp' ticho baa found herreatcst tisihatcku aa hsw to exjsscrt the sjw of tho shark.Uor a j5siljifc?lE,.UJUunitrjJ1iJLPJcVlUr ttasriaiW fro hieh U IHWSHaRfflra... la laiea- j"u usoiauwi Ksoirvuut a dog tfe, II eked nresidect, to plunge the ' S1 iU lUck a cod or a hng twice iu W(W,'.wiuwimi( Ui c uirnicu aaaminr uv, u nnfmn rr hm lkwiwwi.ww uiiuv mi ncu uiraicu i ehiMal in, 3ieaad breOsteo, away f w. Uit to pledni. It ;lhu that kw.i4 - -, wifc tkW fT4o tlw psblic peice. fk deal with a man. FoUawiOlB0' WPH ,d .f s- rf i ' ; ? 4 bits' amldMtvn,lrti-ltAl.im it rolUIfor hU recimeDt was cai SklMaTsw a,Klr& tkl al.i....f 1 .1 w " ....r 1 , r y' ? i 0W5OSiyti3 UUtciiAriniasToIil AVA. KRai wnnt;nn. t. u- in ,.v ?? rlwsfy tWt J jwnaoai, isOicta wooed auJttlcienUj ' ' 1 5?fc:ir li4d itlij 0 cana ioataatcollaiwe. It is iSf STJ Hf . w f tho old Btory bf the wolf attacking the TUd rf. Mmmb will be dead, but tho j deer or the hoKilo. few kM.iatamM at that time wOU Ideed. the hiahlr colored atones b MetpitNuwNt - - aawiuekJ!ts" iitrentttk Mtt 3Mt ,. W&Sliia.'' i tltrlltad njUrBThia hfltllJl'r. ' -; f T ... s JrJ!S-r JZl-TslTrZh ... ..- " -Ji.Tiii3! ..m 'avmri :.:, w tuo long raca- a : To"f?: "rTi trraoc" .., w.n" 'r... , nrrK.r7.... "." ji ,w ve lets "! J f niwi a w jvms politic ? Hurrah far old Abo," shouted Polly. Tho foldiers were greatly amnsed. One after asi0&krMiOP and t the qefeea lb.what are itiAaratv, thft , create a daajftrrous sqs of sccarity, m the panila ot the Wrf Jf 4C awmginsri at anchor m ffaMfc JMtteaavrsMMl".lM bor who wiu a the tropics, tho bauds will think noth- isMt t AeAMWsalM Am few week ) i6 of veatmizig overbotrd for a plunge, C "fmm-'Wimymim it the gTtMter J U i?chicw ahrkaj( Kjaeen,abont are i n g7f i Sinn i'iair er uu.iliMte.il ay. . ..- or. Uifcin, .' " ',. hteMKirMklr happinoaa' Polly and Her l'rliouer. A few Tears since Sammio llicks drcseod himself in blue and went to the Slaneoto go, tnited'so near his mother'a house that she could plainly hear the buglo sound that called Lira toMhfy. He had been with hi company but a few hours, when Polly Parrot, hia old friend and pet, ilow into camp, and WIUB 1MV U9W Li .I. .j. .mm. -.-. .. - - - . WlftH MWMf... T"T. WWWt T FVBWel lraL b 1T n.f cJilV 1,1. wMU it -.t, . - -- ' -" - -" J0f jkn Msfltf .sssJs! ' Mfasjr mU Ism Ml tntatp with Mnm a , tawb'.K . Alftd H would aakwUh tho ' vagahartiflw omITm jato tho best . s-gesasjr -,wni 'isJ,. how JWAajr men hare,; Then were only aixtyaefca opera . JMero3fi'la July thia aea&oa. We "HianHlir Hmkh had. beea an onnasal " ' iHWt4f6! lulhm oprUq talent li- jrt4 iala thxa, coactxy during- the mw4 yeur. 3caVJy "orery town has hI " MietoBoartwtwhoooald pby lee- i - - turn f hr ?stwj M oa hasa orgia. .Jt.to 0fi thiaff'jaya the JiW B'tiJhWtf, ""hnUl it 1 done, aail m:4miiTImmM ysU& wrote' thtt " Hstt Aiie,fcimiaiimaiy watchlcg Mm teMaekr.oa mwrvaut which iapuc afiiaisftttiacwui-isfcJe.tward, uoig' ita iiHi. W to veraudow the bright jHNtfMcilr.el IsWeitiifgisMAof anus - AWsKWiilwi'Sft ose nigai tiU twoViekrj Mfiesnoruiog, throw iafphr Aee -wrtfc liiewtro Ke- . ..j. itv. sum men wuen iuot rose ... i m. sU Ue .V,' IUlr ilt tutftir T f W L. kyi wsk' n&i la W , Lc JttiW &, remarked that j; " iMewjt fe"f Wf8 luaoeairi. " A mi J)ir naoacc th&t ila read re " wilt Al it failofvlu, Yincgsr mul Titrioi." Not very much of an in dcwMtti ier people to take the paper. 'Xfcey li4iiaue aa xaucii Tim m the weeeeet seeUt ever hi ted a dash ImmsM," TkaefMrTthey oa get in ay BMHMtUr t frocery, and the eV ie Its jwwtr pUeo to go for vitaaeL. A tilg po4 svn in Keokuk sk7Md we hie t aoEff " which (HMi for I ov 0,j4daadrwirjiAaref Tncfrlypor poU,?" aaOore. oC tfce7rk asd IfishabiU. is. jtl& we .MSJwtwr wlhe brute awacsRt la twwisiaewr, aosaeuung ai- aost MlonitsMav- AW o btory or me jr w( i' Utmif o-nig,htt tut the friceis of my Am lAtSSSTmS- fUaif sleep ia the . .. 'J.'-, - 'r".nii TWJIT "?4 r w.rirovl'S: Ii.-rtf with eniloclni bolleb. tt.M - - . .. ''.a iifx..fii ir im im nlse bin., JW wu "wy"':. t ".u Vst, tfcit tt jTiMhaib sV' - uealskatwesjit tiiexa w ":jifgmMt. the U4, wenM job? "We MNaSOt ait ! - at lie with our own mfm tim itsw l yfem of the o , mm we swn mu sssy rr" wkunuiiuitiia aiucb mare f im )mm iMted to f J hlt great bolei Bt fa hi; be r o a -- -- lauia the vouncr kdr. ir,wl?ovre hkbrfcki ei'W'B "'" TT:.:::.. .,.:.... ..t. i.u i.,i,r hi. I , .;.. .-.' jid raat expanse oi i SSfe-JSLttSa HtlUJ-KS. COOUUK Bl vm "'" .. ,a ad idiepate' tttHmtUf over tuo kX however, of all mode, of ; ...i, i... Ilimum Bloat acientiue. and ooBseaaeBUr mostaasoaiog.U that rLuv adopted i th Ko4 . o eobiBifl torpedo drill wttu aiwr fishery. A VfaWo torpedo ia in- wZMt to i JBp through tb Uauner hw '' taesiH Moeaewlltil te ga ahort on clothen. U- iuu- ilav a Weat Hill WOWaB IbmssI a hmi, " MuHie, worth aout TaiisN hM cfrMt, and ahe liumw ZTl!rriyaUias7wrt la It. Bhe Si (MskbtTte tiHWo juat what it wZU UuW the bouhr very oauthiM- Smm4 evert UUUt tm aaake that ker aeessad etewed away ia that bottle, ZIYisifcTuareluW t doenouA repeat and the same answer en, Hurrah for old It U not stranire that in a short time ia also part of the foreeaetlw creed that , i'J ae tae petoi me wnoio rcgi tJUe ihrH"rn at night. I ment. The soldiers were often heard fafeWeik mmt&ti aailr- has paid the ! to say that, her fvatheni should bo blue pslt j oFls&lilClmhneaa of this instead of green, foraho was loyal to JUBd; aaa.swaapifitanecweni among ""J-"W Thero was no soldier in the regiment more atU&tire to military drill than Polly. Tcrchcd upon a high pole in the center of 'the parade gronnd, she iw&aiUoi.fiXSlefcaleatteomnanT I would watch with evident delight tbo theahark, and guide Wk to hia prey, u j whole proceeding. il! rtaraW i?n!J ssd aa kmvcIv i Uot jahe aoon ceased to. hp beMI YtiitaliiSofnaffi f PctaU. od ! Uoubleome oal. lamirililreliirtCoowa when 7 '??. i?0 TH ",: theee-ie adyitWMa-ottboard ship, and, will follow the reasel for mllea, guided by frOtae sinwterod almoit demoniacal iaaUBet.r A a matter of faci there are always pilot- fish to be eeex a th waaTeJ of a veceelj only that theyaftt- cot no tit walfise a shark iu their company cAlla attention to them: whlld a aback- will, for rteaoos othia owb invariably follow a vcaeel, whether tfy$ be a sick snan in it or not. The shark ia not KOTaacb the tiger ihraJijrerlftlH- lr-Ifei a cosr- .. .. ll...LIiiM...lrtia,' tf1i&)mrc7. O amiMHir wrwm,., --, o WSJKJBJHBCUWnaoi M iBnai:iiian;ufti. JjUMfBicAne iianaA!aBDtt luc IhSfeiMib, Mrtlsc lisswalf ony oMat awy come in J.;; ana ifo follows shipa for the same reason, nap piag -up Qierj " unconsidered trifle thatssaybe thrown overboard, froin a mLmhlT Mamiior a tncce of putrid pork, to a comJemned jackxt or a pair of wecs-oat boo'HBMK JAk the TBltare, IwJkjiItM to at tack anything with 1Mb in it; bnt if hungry, becomeafor ftCtime poaaeaaed of courage sot Ws owaJlVVe shall never exteminste Was, and, lie presences in tropSesl waters wnstjelway remain a cowtaut aoeree of dasier. Meanume he hae at least the ea& that whervec. iiM mt ho found. heaJevrds a cersaia T' r' T-. .W4 Tl,,ri rOeU,J IOClC Oi vwme mv. dfr iTlw anmted tho soldiers, but oltijn It greatly prpYOS.eu,u)0 omcers. Uat tluicamoa ehange to tho quiet eawp. JeoidieraviB gray were becoming theirs ngbbdn, aud sending out their seonta iu all directions. Sitnaio wa.ono day gnardiug on of .the, ojitiMu,rwhcn ho'w"arI'riK, and "wowaaeo: aa, sw-ine euiu ia"nb a shark with 'better! nn thee, fishing ibr a shark witu fLue iec U .MLy of bait. ?JalarpciBl.fJte- exctt rasThsmUSIu no-MlWHl aciont tie Set Mism) Utrrf Uaaeforaurfiou cne, Sltelsw bwrMiwf o o " f1" SJsir1i6 ih tMii overture p : W' Trn?lT:i ..'. j7Z:AL uua mitl tWfiifel' i ewsssawa'w ... !.. Itwi eiatiee-fceJWt w - jeiur betore in" jw fDKiM closc4ia .!. LffaES nrnwiroirVi w t..j the momeut as 'M thought, left upon tho ground to die. , "JofUsT tiii S Confederate omcer m uaauiog iJimfc wo iiv.v, u. Ppllr.who was perched upon the limb nt um. screamed Halt I ' The uflfcer alonood instantly, but hearing nothing ' more, was about to Again ho stopped, and after a mo ment, asked, Who are you 1" Pretty Poll, Pretty Poll," answered tlit Mntrtr. mw r.. i, i.!.. The omcer pui nis spnm iw horse, and rode away saying some word that I will not recall. ioulh Companion. iTtam Am-m. Amonii the many cu riositiea of Utah, the red and black ant is excelled bynone, une oi mere ohm, weighing only one-fourth of a grain, ! mq tlraw four (Trains, or sixteen vji - -r . ., ,.,3 c. . ! B sjwn yWWSW'fRP" derfnl. The other da I witnesaod an attack of four anta, one after anotber, on green qtm,w& pach retired from the conflict badly wounded, the worm resisting the attack vigorously. Hie wounded ant meeting companions, re ported tbeir troubles, and soon seren ante wore seen advancing In a line of ba'Ue on his wormshiw, when a hard battle, -took pUce. The worm made Frarftro eirorU to rd!ovo hlmafclf, tbut all in vain. In oua mfnnle fro to the timo of fcttack, the worm waa lifeless !i... ..i-ill lioblfnrytohitu. 1 plttfwi IF?!??--.r .I.Vn b all ariDearaucea I 1 WB414 - -.- r --.- they heeae life 1" l u ifrttt'os tho-wornsr'I tben placed th; AMAttf or Itttoroit) to Trtivelem. H-Ultot's Stomach Hitter a invdtelnal sruut sitatnit utihealthrul lnflusnces, i. Ort which they cn Unillcitiy ry, since U VterchU the meet that sit uuhtslihy clt insl,tUUc(iatmohetc, unscuuiUiuttl or unwholiomo dirt, lutt wsUr. or otliar con. rtiuons tintavorahle to hcMlh, wouhl other wile imvlntc. ou loh votmkc, orlourupjs btlsiid Ih Utltudvs sitjucsiit to the equator, I i-il-etUHy Uosful a A vrtulve K th iw.Miiu ra,ii,i4ims aim uiioruors r the slum, sch.llvur MhI liowfaU. wlilelmfrt mt In ili.hL titivr of tho U-mifrtc sottc iouniliii; or ...... .uH ,,i MvU n-Kiun,, nu kbii czrvuoni lrttcllm S)(lnL ttm lutluctice, of cslrems void,iH,tden vhiucw el teniiicrsturc, cxp i urc tit (Urn j or cstrtxnc tstiKue. H net only Itrevtnu Intcnnltunt nd tcmlUcnt fovor, and vthr tlUcaics of a mnlarUl tpiic, liul ersdlcslQt tUnra, a fact which lis Vcu nu. tortona for vesrs tt lit North and Sgulh America, Mexico, ths Welt Indies Auslrail sud other countries SPIRITUALISM, Ettt!0fdtnty iTaniteataUoiw WrouUHr a Wrttlns Medium. - Mjrstorlous Hist V, tmtig.-rtpittta that am -nil oT Musio. -A WondorlUl Mulo Uox CoutrelUd by uusssa luflucnoos. "?" llrll notld?" slRulflcsntly ..'7 .v"""" "ht iii ni rvcen'ir iuu Ihhsd work DUlllltd " 5ttrtt MsnlleiUilotu." Assuiuinit an sUlrnuUte rcinue bout the majority or ttiu human ta bill fnw illlm UailnK in a future exuleiiee f autne kind saansttitat outgrowth to this, arlica Urn quvsllwu "Dotlio lutmt)llSMtorthtlihvte cotmiiunlcate with tiivir ftlcmt In IliU world" If so, wht method do they cm luoyr Modern itrlttu)Um tiwcr Uith these laitr ".utiles very emiihallcalty: the former la the smrmatlve, the latter tluouuh liecullarly otKmd Ixelnjc uceptitile to ibelrliiflui-nci.t,uowu m ilrU medluuu. WbenUie term MOIIEttX KlllllIfAMs-M I ed It embraces no unimportant Hirllon ot society, fur, however much the skeptic may ridicule or tcou at It, th fact temalu unchanged that a Wilt fin snlrlt commimUa. Hon u entertained hy a Urpj iiroportton of men and women of the hiKUeatiutellU'ence and culture, WlUia-vlewof nvcUi;atui; thl aulilect " Ucho of the 7Vf recently lallrd on Mr. E. V Lcnnott, who, In the wctcI of her tieculUr jcllu In thl proleaaton. ataudl Iu the foremot rank of spirit medium on the Klnhc, at her new teildepce, Xe,M7 Hush trcel, Hn KraucUea What we wlnced theie t here kItcu the reader of the J'ott without bl, prejudice or comment, leaving them perhctly frets to draw their own con. ciutloo. Thu medium 1 a Udr of com msdlif tliturv, with a llnely formed and weit developed Intellectual i.eJ.ktn.brlichl, aparklluK eyt and a pleaaiit, franK, open countenattce. The particular I'uask or licit MituiUMitir I tudependeat alate wrlUu, thouuh the alao Claims the xtfu ot aeelug plflt forma aud bearlni; spirit Tolcee, commonly Vuowu a clalrtoyauce and clalraudleuce. Tho acatice was glvou In a well lluhtrd parlor ol her rcil. dencc, the furniture of which conUted of an ttcxtnt parlor aulte, Ineludliit; a walnut cen ter table. . The ceuter table m ornamented wllh a muile box, with a capacity of six or seren tune, to cheer the tplrlla with IU nulca on their return to thl world. The floor wa richlf carpeted, and nothliij; lu or about lite room Indicated any prcrtuuly pre pared ajtteru for the dcrelopmeut ot aplrll manifestations. Ilavlut; prcvtouily wltnced the various otber phaie of ao-called eplrlt mimfealatloaa, the imreillsator requested s seance for i.xiieraxbB.ii start! wkiti.no. The medium took a neat at the table, wound up the muio box and requcated her Tlaltor to alao take a neat at the Utile. A re- qurat to be permitted to examine the cou ttrucltuu of the table wai readily and cberr fully granted him, and the examination ru rcaleu nothing out of the ordinary ttyle of manuiaciure. .n oiuinsry acnooi aiaie lay upon the table, and was then jclt rn to the In credulous thor for his Inapvction which waa alao critically performed, wilhuut mak ing any unUeilotn or uoutual dUcoeerr. Alter carefully ubllterstlus every Vcailo of u mark with a mulal nagv, the stale waa reiutneu m me mcoium, nu piaeeu a suuii blvce of comiaon alaie pencil, not moro than uoeefchtb oi an Inch in length t u It, and, UOWIik ll in lsr Icll band, pal It under tbo table, while the writer, al her rvqurat, took one end of Uie slate In hia ricut hand The led baud of the writer and the rltcbt band ot the medium were Ibcli placed nu the table, while the muile box. which had pre viouly beeu "turucd looe,n kept up lb tuutsofTUe Uottomof the l'umh llovrl," "The Spirit of the "Jail," aud other popuUr alt hlt y appropriate to spirit earn. In 1cm ttmn than it lakes to write It the punoil could be distinctly beard ratini; over the utUcu of Ihealsie, appareutly wal'tluto the tune of tbe mtule box. The late m tben paaaed from uudrr the table to tbe full view of Urn tl.itor, where the (Knell coul I L cu gilding In jjracrful curvet ovrr IU surface, leaYiue In its wake clearly defined white Hues. Alter wsicblm; it evolution for a short time It suddenly stopped, with a thud, a though it bad dropped on tin' alate from a bUli lot several f,ct, when the medi um lufonucd bet now thoroughly Interested vUilor that tbe communication wa rndtd. Tbe alate waa tbeu taken from the poaltlnn In which it had been held under the table, nd handrd over to him for hi inspection And te hU uttr Satontibmeul It wa found to contain a communication writUn lu a very clear, bold baud, with the excrptlon or tbe slxusturr, which ws not a clrer and dlttlnctas the rest, Tbe communication commenced, My dear friend, and Ihe akep tlrsl vUltor, ptrfeclly surprised at the pbu. omenon, naturally enough had bU curloilly arouied a to tbe name ol thla unknowu and InvUlble friend wto should attdrets htm In aucb a sociable and, still, myalertuut man uer. The Interest In the phenomenon now paiied to that of tbe ihruature, sud after many valu stteiupt to decipher It the slain waa waa laid ajlde slid auother one tsken sod placed tn the same oltlotl, when tbe medium rrnueited the Uiuceu wrIUr to try aud Improve hi chlfography lufflclentiy to be lexibte. Tiic.reaca aoiix struck ixtotimb flu lha alata to the tune of a familiar achot tl-iche fr-m the muile box, when, slier a few turn. It axlu m stlddeuly ttopped with the peculiar thud a before, and, to hi great-r .urtirlmt. tbe visitor witnessed on the slale Ihe familiar name of a deceased unrle. A very peculiar feature of thl phenomenon Is the lCl lul Ihe person wuuc n. (. ol mineral In correct sud mesiurcd llnss ercr the hle, wllh attfllclciit ptture to lesvo III traces In perfectly distinct iHtllnicd Ixttcrs. and lhoe teller srrstiKed wllh pre. eUloti Into word, mid the wurdi sRsln Into Intelllcsut, ursmmatlcst phrsie and ivn. tencc. U It X PNUONSTHSTIOV Of TIIR nONIINItrUt. MaU.NKriU IMri.USNUM Aud power which mind exert over msllerf Did tho medium, by some ptocei or mind readlii);, divine the thouttlita of her visitor, and by a powerlul exerclso of will. coihuisihI IliU Inert body to wtlte themt Hut the thouKhls pasalutf tliruuith his tulud sud those appesrlntr on Urn sUte had not the remotest comicclUm. Tho tesder U loll to jorii i ma own theory, or luveittifsle the ub Ject for himself. lha inedium next lock smaller slato, .,v, "imvii.iK u(i hid muiic uox, ami, vriin Ihu sinsll plwe ot pencil, pUcid tlism within iiio uiiiaiv m,a, nntu ikjiu me mctllilin's sud her visitor' hand were placed ou Ihe top of the box. Presently, above Ihe sound of niilMc front within, could stfalu bo heard the familiar urallng ol the pencil as befbrei and, wheultceed and thu state w removed, Him latter wo found to contain nearly Ita cutlro side covered wllh wrlllnir. The incdl urn, then illllnit In front and lu hill view of her visitor, placed the slate on top tit her head, hotdimr the etida ot It lu her hand, and requested ihe aikllijf ot any qtioitlous, which wasdoue recrlviuif written ivanum,- on Urn Wte. Ihitlni; nil the lime these uiya terlou innl(Dtjiins were belmc xlreu, thu medium remalui din a perfectly normal and natural condition, no convulsive move men e ot handi or arm briny visible, and sulUelcnt couveriAllou was held lo demon strate that tbe medium' mind was not specially toncetiluted on the manifestation. Ihn next thlu; undertaken wsa a demonslra Hon of spirit power. Tho music box wa sksIii brought Into requUltliu, sud after betojr aalu worn d up and Ihe lid closed, tho medium placed her hand ou the top ol the box aud nquesled her INVIaitlbK WUriNION To atop IU mtisie. In a very few srconds the note began to come perceptibly slower, until thev came straggling aloug at Intervals "fur all tho world" aa If the machine was" troubled wllh somiiolenec. tiluwer and slower it It InletvaN of several seconds Intel renlng between the notoi and dually the music ceased allognlhrr, and the medium (Kiuowd her haudi from Ihe box. lu spite of tbe Irregular and unnatural way It siup ped, the thought oceurrt-d that the machine had naturally run down, or been alopprd by some secret spring, and Ibn still Incredulous vlsllur suggested such au agency. The ttu ilium, however, laughed at his iteptlctim, aud moving entirely out of reach of the box and lolling her ami, requested Ihe unseen agent to permit the music to proceed. Wtielhcr fnuu a dlsiucllualluu to obey her whims In evrrr particular, or merely from a dlMjliim ut co lUetry, two or thrte minutes elapsed befre the liquet wa compiled with, whm the refrain wa again taken up al the (ml nt brokelt uir. and proceeded with at a rapidity, apparently to make up for leet time- This operation was re(estril two or three time belore tbe Instrument slopptd Itself from the unroll or the spring. A be rore staled, the actual occurreuec are hero accurately related, without any attempt to explain them by any natural or supernatural law, leaving; the nuder the performance of that task according to the Inclinations of hi on u lillud. .V ". h'ltuitnj 1'ott. Without rv Poor. The lulghtcsl, newatesl, most spicy, aud withal tbe moil iuUtautl.il and valuable weekly paper published on lha I'aelDe Coast Is unquestionably the Sin Krenrlsco WetKi.r UilKOMcte. It large aire, lu corrrspoud euee Irom evert quarter uf the globe, the originality and dHlslou ot Ita opinions, and IU prominent fooiurcs tuo varied for crtum eratlou, plarc It Mlthout cr In tho rank of western Journal'Sut. lu every department It shine. 11 wide and growing circulation fully warranted by II sterling merit. Anothor Oront Invention I A. A. McLu ha Invented a Truss for the radical curuot rUilure or Hernia, which 1 acknowledged by the pr.if. t.m tu be the mint positive retainer, tominnliig turn tort and cnsr,nver bi'fore the piibllf. It Is t)lcil the t-X.L KhtlK Ttui:" and paUutcd March II, lU. Price, lOW. We advise those who are ruptured to lurestlgale, as Mr. McLean guarantors sverr linlruniiftil. Mauiifsetorv I Im-ated at 0J& hsrrameulo St., 3. K, where all conimunlcalluns should be addressed. Iraile tupplled. Now Entorpriuo. Notwithstanding dull time and tbe lm inehfe esjiniwlltlou lu the cigar trsde the popularity of Ihe Horse hboe Tag i'lgar Is so rapidly Increasing that the rnUrpnsltig II nu of iiaudarsui .t Hunt, 9iJ fruut .-it dan Vranelico. although luiulng out MtiO per day, ar barely able to supply the demand. Ilia fait that nolle but tbe best uf material Isulcd, and that white labor It employed exclusively In their manufacture, commends title cigar to the popular taste of tbe community. ECONOMICAL Al. .VAYnflBSsWlf ' A I) Y " iiiriiiiiiimisjssj DUlUlltiB roil I'HB IIXEV kjfr FA IJSTW N. RELIABLE COAL OIL, Water White, 150 dog. Fire Teit. MAtUlt'N HKON. sw CO, Uliiee, tjrHliiH nitd t'lihilerV Hiipplles. NncrnmeuloNI., Knit "euelaeo, Nemt tut I'lrriilwr. IJIimI 4'ta their em P.":.""-"-.7. t the ium for ten &&&&&$&&& again, 'and their hill. A French duel resulted fishery. inu.J with nroeeroare. if.rtaiand: SsaffSS Titod'aiid law of the monster wWlawUcuMhjf. fr i... lut. suid a bouuung eiVcle ?r tbVwMe7Wfc. the .pol Shore, a few Vcoud before, bto doml fl.a waa ahowing above tho wave.-Witvley, fatally tho . ,..- Tin. lin.U-H OI OIIO " 'u duelUu'ran away ai he was "turning . .i .,...( ami killed him. mi irom mo .w..w. -T ---..., onght to moiierate m aiasm for dueling. cuthu Ilell are agaludn inHon uVlImui.te.lhe.to Leuls'lotollc-llhy sc !bw IwwlVall 6t "Uj$' peered here, durlnic hl life ws In the habit of writing the body of all hi correspondence In s plln and distinct hand, while Ills ture would ho all cxienueo acrawi i ; nirrl.ln.ir lilsrka. SO lllSl the Irt0ll U- dreaied, unless previously nollflcd of It pro iectire arrival, or Informed In swne other in. niier ol Itaaulhorsbl". was St Sea, without rudder, compos or sal's, ss to Its Identity. t,. wrii,.V ii.nl undertaken thl private sesnee. eonvinied In hU own mind that the o-calUd spirit maulfeitatlon were but a lv.e.lrlLM i.r liirerdt!IUHln. a well a 01 hi lfclty and ability to delect III hut hi previously formtd conviction in this dlree lion have met with a severe backset. In he Uist place, he had confidently expected the periormanco Ut take place lis the dark, where the movements of tbe medium could not be distinctly seen, but, luitcsd of which, nol ouly ws the room well llgbltd by the ample uncurtained windows, t'tuu' ,"ue, '! .., . ii..,.,i ..I i'.i dun I ir it. but the alste ilUelf was not even concealed Irom .view, and tbe tin) pencil cpiiu w h"""'S overllssurfsce, forming every ' curve of the well formed letter. Again, m expected that the omrauulcalloiii. If snj were received, wou'd be wrltteri lu n I urrlesl and only seinhlegihla msnnnr. through some "islgbtif.haiid oYtb medlum.orprejmrcd by her btforcbsiid lu some mysterious way, aim n ehhor c..e to Have. If sny, seine s guaturr attached with which he wo e ilraly uae qualnted. In shoit, he 'tlc ale be ,b.dow without the subsmoeo. Ihe I he .0 lueiiou sloue; Instead ot -hteli, bo found the wrlilni clear, deilberstc, dUilncti aw int Sct"'ove,r the slsl.: and found a ,... ure the uame of a relative, the . 'l' '' whom either in the spirit i h'l or'a, the medium mMlmtwUy)nnm foundlr JKiior.nl of. lt l' l'I J"."" plain, U they can, lbs 'J'V,1' m,n the tin, wa this signature nrsl came on me luicr-iTd th't luhlch tuo one who bore tbe uW, which on iccou I trls ap, ear to. power propsliedthiV Insulm.t., oert pise SAN rRANCISGO 8HOPPINO Or KVKiir iiKKiittiTioN nut i.aihks nil asnllemsn, ItmiwIioM ailletrs, liveev. Ihltssr Iniuahl Willi illseirtlun, Issla ail luit. ni.nl, Kur rlrenlar, silitirM Mas J ,v. Kli It AHPMON, 4 I'tsl sliset, Mas riaaelico, tl I llllaiv Aet ma nrutlair ll t lunar iniiuih suit ,m, .,,, sii.iw a !' cumiiiiiui..ii, iu Mil iiur bSW SU.I Wl.U.IStrUt IttfsllllullS, M,Mf4SM4l ,, nu,i,iana. AiHiTsseasssai.tt,iii, sosm EXCEIeSIOR In Quinlltlei, st Rieuce ft si it imr.AT t'.ANTKH.'V KXt'KIMIUH I'll. aaa and asaTshsmsst., Ssa rrielseu, J, II. OltOSH, Proprietor. L'or llunterSI. sua Wrlr Auu, HlwkUl, Cl. r"issrits ix sit. its Arroixmsxts. Vlns I.nenllun. 'lin,r flsil,rsl, LANDS AND FARMS All slios shJ ptitr fitr ssls In lh bsil(sl Vjll'T uftunlaClsr. Ssnl lUmix ftif t'sUloa, It JV n, liavaiu,iifi'l Aat.Mt I'alirurai at, ssa rrsa Hk, or It U iliuuias, ?1 rtrsl kl., ha Ji, Lai , Msauor CHAMPION SATE Ur'TIIK W0llt.ll. M,ntl.ftfo-l br li.lo.ll Sara Vinsii A snr nrulwliun (ruin Mtol MersU's. fasl, ll Ysi ni lts, Hsu's I'aKiJ tsusr Vlbmi. lloaUls IIMX aVmtlUi. A AMI. II t'AUIX AU1 . AM. S Nsw UuHlrfullurj alrl, I'aUr ItuKl, ssu rrsselM,). "ltHTini (IHHI'.NI.'SM str Irom us Mill ssvs fivm)lu W xrcul. N,i trs,rl.t snipliijl iVihihU' suus sstnt br ul.loilo ,ltl IttfmOKKVr C-MiTKIlH CIOAH ti) , em WMiie.tMU si , r Tsrins cash PAOIFIO WATER OURE Eclectic Health Institute, NORTHWEST OORNXK 7th AND I. sTI, HAOUAMHNTO, OAIi, JUDGE you Yoorself. Dr. Spinney & Co., II Urfy ll .Ssa rrl Tsfsiesni tan ir-miM)'r loslsir s s sasansa 1wm a.arrsl SHMlialtea o-i ssais ul las i siaas Mbicit Uwr esn nvl sreoaal ruf I'f Kfiaae; oi.i aaslsnlf smiImI ealsi simbj ts 4 a Cwu, tlrr,iuraliuaullkiail(sl ! asivum vs. II uf 4 J !.. Uj,e FOR DYSPsIPSIA VSC ' Dr. Otn. Mnnektotta Ps-pslnWiaaJUttlar lrt'.uilH"ll r l'l(MB iurU tr coeais" W lis l.iuarrrui, im rraK'Un. $& wyj&MWj Tlxo XlxotOBfX-ilxox. IIMsrlslSt sm IS Msblxln. rise sl ni.f.r saitif' tMs Ph ii'set ASHT$ WAHTED-rJl, MjirXXi Im.tlra, A o( U.-SifW-r, " l t, ... M Hi. ,. A U..I.. .. . ' r.wTM.qi,. i,. i"w. .w. ...-.-, 't "- .iioa bt ur." t-bi.if.i ur oi w.,..," -in. .u.nf I i..Mi,k .hjtk.t, U.mI kStcMftt IUu,4te M b -'Ctloi--IUt IfciwMtK trvkuttir " Tksw witih. .ll .Alilr eai iwaJ lf elrea.i ol ! sil er u, Tho Sponoor Piuno. Thl 1'lano lis become almost s household necessity In every home, and notwithstand ing tho vast number manufactured the do uioinl for a rco-fity Jlrl-eltf$ mtrununt does not In the least seem to abate. II our read er wish-to buy we would advise them lo see tbo " Spencer " before making a svluctlou. Address Y..W Hp'iifer .t Co., Melroitilitjn Temple, S3 Fifth St.,. Y. O. J. Hawloy fc Co. U our reader desire really flrstelss gro. eerie at the very loweil market rales, we advlietlmm to remit to Ihe house of C.J Howley fc Co., Sift Sutler Ml, San Francisco, by Wells, Kargo A Co, or by P. O. order, a small amouul, and we can assure them that their ordera wilt be tilled with tho same fidelity ss if iLjy were present, Tbo Wilcox Pump. So Inventor upon thl coast lis done o much In this waleHiflIng Interest a W I' Wilcox, of 117 Mission Si., 8 F. This latest Invention, tbe Wlt.cox IVmp, I undoubtedly Ihe I mm tin use. It I lmple,cbrai, durable Send for descriptlvu cin-ular and pilce list liny the oesf. HuylherAnfrfjf, Uuylhemwf durable. Detitlntry. (lur readers that need the lervlce of really flrst-clsi denlit Mill llnd It to their Interest to cull upon Dr. Cochrane,.') Market Hi , Han Francisco. He stands at the liosd o his iroftsslun and Is a pleasant geutlemsii. J. W. BI1AF.FFKU A CO.'n OltKEN BKAL Of (i A HH are guaranteed to be made of the fin. eat Havana Tobacco. ) Sacramento sb, H V. ss. maar raa tm Bi-U f sa iiiru au,.. vi ihtvucii ii r4, INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, S ssssil Uxarssr Mstw rrM,lim. 01 SS and l BO l-KII I1A V, It, a rATHHMIK. .....--. rsviraieroa Tna CsHMrit ,srl. -tlk l ssmaef It oUb.IUI-sm Ik la Ills ! i UtMlse lu coat IMWSfii, lu Ik IMsi Iim aTtU sol. v lilUWlIi, IUl Cvrki It IV 4 -, IMJ Hill rs u. JOHN ROOEIta A SONS, UKKKIIAL STOCK AND SALE YARDS, Cr Uuk'l4 NlkikSs.aa ri.aa, iiuuxn AT I.OVVKSST M.tltUKT M 4T!H, JakB Itusvrs has twsa vU kanakla . f Ikslul Ivsal) ls tH 11 K O K I Livery Stable, 1324 and 1320 HAHKET STB LET. Ust Jib s4 Its, SAX riUMISCO rneAMi or eveitr "imst iiiition to ttrr 1 SpurlSlslUnltullMM n lha Uu,ttlS( WlSSI, lists fullr eieesi4 te t' i"af hismii, &9I0MARKE.T.SIS.F. Malta tf llm.tis'ea I si , HARNESS! Aad I.ldlrrOodl Whll d llslall. Ifc-UOHI ltv iia.ita, ,iji ib ,,; f. r rl, Ikihis l'-r llse tllat pf Ml l"Sl II fit l. upm.iiisii i I 'iai! tj. aMss (tea rural nark ) UakefSII .tll- lb. . lU.knMlftl , (t.aitM, 1 1 mJ.iIm. SS i aa. Ii -kipa ii !i.. lSf a ' ten ,uiuliii-f a-- iief a-i kf $y t n.ff. IiimiSm. SI u II I J,j. , iiim. Mi ef l. 'iff a titM I ,im, H.. V ft i ...! ua.'ll . fie wi r'ui jlpar 4..s . (Iskrp, "r ;i- t iJ , IlieikS IOVIIM, Slf P ,i fc... Atmm Um .ftuak k'aHa II IU 0i. I III eat 1.1 S1I1SN... IW miiIui laiusxhis ... . i,. V.U L't 4 Hl'a r't lisiil tanaiis le s.tdaulv OfOaf kf t aaiurfl-uasawakla.! W ! kr Ural. rrsMiar., MPl aaawll WiOlalli , tVrfMlsitl4 taj r r ,4 V .ai lias. 0, m -M HI( !s I, Via. U Vlslaal H. CONCORD CARRIAGES. lST i iia" xt aa jvt o -tr j. x . Tl I'unrasral I'urvlisa's' tlvitssaMssrjr ,asvi,4 ta Mi M Vlil.y, ,iraa' MSlI-lla ll-i-al. al r.-l".. ats. si ,.S aner Waats-. M Wajf-.as, - tSalsS "I " I MS' SaS I! W M'I''S (yo.t-r I I ' 4 asltsiiiHMal-lksl kas, 1H ". t SfA-TUA'. Asasi, Sa Slaw HaaltaMar, a. , r. THOMAS I'UWKU'n I'ATKNT Electric Elovator. ' 4 J E? - . .! S 3 I II ;fcjafial ai asssssjasssajL . IJv 'VSTSSSSSSSSBV I t. Y SjMflrwT-- uli'flltlllii 'aiMir' O r. TTaTIsasil 1" assMHwr'. t " i- iSaasBsaaaaa.ja1auasaarasaa-:v'Miui s MBrjkSalriiasar- 2aaJSV SSSeswaaSaTJ 1 1 1 sjsJWwHIaF ill llwfsea. I.. AMCIIIMAI.Is a I It. ros lb best PkeKisritili ad lawtst .rltes, lo Wm. hksw, IIJKtsiiif kt.Ksn rrsnclsco, J. Y. HILL, tnsaslseiurar of Carrlaase, IIiissim Kicress.Tkoroaik llrseaj aodtJuaiU Wseoos. tkr nsrJaaSlllb 81. I' i. Iw 1M, Stersmsato, Cab ALLl'kitorrsplis mta si the Xi Vork (lallstTi Ho, USTWrd hi J, r , at suaianlseJ t b arst-class, Prices i suit liellM J It l'Ts. fiopr ntr Tho Hist HprliirT locllolno mid ftcuittiilcr of tho Ooinploxloii In iiho. ('iir' IliaplH, Uolln, IJlotcIifH, NtMiralujIa, Horoftilit, (iout, Jtliciimiitli' and Jilurcinlal I'uIiih, atitl all DHtuiHv.n aHaing froin a illrmnlorod Hlalo of thu Ulooil or Liver, sol'1 m all DRuaaim p. U Co. ffVt.'iV' Merle)," ' " "' No. Of !irONTU'MKIIV'fl TKIipkllANUk II0TKI, as? il sceeii I st., hsn Kraiieisee, 0 meal tickets, VI. saaa-isj-raMasTiasi-s, WaiiJ'1, Histi. sic, AMTI8T1 A, 11. Assorr Co., tklcsKO. OUR SIWISISIMIII I Ill IS-IIM SI Ladlot' Outfit Case, euatalesl Ulssi Btiittelissfa f , saillae It-sa Tllmuilaas, i k tracina Wlnal plK iu teals I ..,. i-i.... ii... t .... . ... p, r n -, ". ...-. v..,,-.1., ,-,. l-al .. .v,'- I-,,, ...,. I I'ucksl Pi a Ceaklas, Wlttiae tstnal sa4 Mir fur. Pf lea teats, Iks wla p. t Sail ,.ta-ai In a air caa snl inslttd lu an sililreaa. ev(aa im14. on receipt ot SO teals ia aWni.s, Utalal ln.1ttrfirai, (u staats, .... A. l'HCECo..2 Oiirftl ,finrrsnclice, aSflaBaaaSBHSaTSaSaSaaSSBWSSSaSSSSSSVSS u sun' vouic.v it.:.uv. for Sals, Keorywher. PHYSIOIOCY OF UfE AHO MARRIAGE, My J. II, Jowsrlyss, it, Ir, PIIK MIHT UfTkJraKlY iNTKHKevmU W..IIK t SVarlaaa. !-,, ! .aaaa, ,.-,!( ISj-i(se litaae.a lk Isuwas vnala ( tn llsMkM,, H' Uask it..,. i Svfia.ak-t fcl's, b.,,l. Is .- Ifleai I tka ai aaara saa nt SEISMS aa.4 i is ,.alk,l Ml k rl '"' ' ' f" la, ( itta 4 4-aa. laUf vtsiial tl 'as asaaaaf thai Slaa laas-tkHal Ik. Iai(aa4 wff u ,r ta.i.k uf i.sf.u H4 k a t Vs.ask-a is ti'mii..sj -r ,.,, s,ss , -as a r., a , A-14ifa, a- ,4 a, , fat ' Ksas t . If . i 1 Wa. 'tis n fti-- fca- t L a ar-Ji- tusiii au ti,Kaa5 fa tXSsHCJ si, a - m niwuui rileMKUbY or WOOUbANII. YtlU) CO CAU CI VFN TOWN JOTS. Ul I ! Stt l'UIITIO.N. AWAY; Vou psy cost uf il'a4 suit tska tuur Iit, Han. I or esll forelrealsrs, Onlrsl Csllforul Mm snil lm inlarslloa i. amc 7)1 Mutter HI.. Hsu risuetsra, Celared slsls uttown. a),w laches. cu, llsnul Stile, lOfla. Irrla:ilail farms uf In seres sad ASS eparstda furssle lltMTM VVANTI-.l. MITCHELL WAGONS. A. W. 8ANB0KN, Agsnt, St BsaUSt,, B. T, "Wa. si ?g:ll rpilKslllebsll fsrin, KMilil sinl Sns Waon, 1 sr wall known ss lliabesl tn llisiiisikelsnd wllliatan.) Ilia cilinsl.ol Hi. I'scHc Coast Ullsr I snfuiucr Mr esnixiin sisuasenssll I in li 1 1 l fimn lilauwo losnuiacl'irv i N II a eo-nl aasortiueflt ul his cslsurstsil al 4snclislar, TnOROUOHDIlAOE, EXPI.EQ3 ANII-- 2VE111E. XXTaaarsozxiB tlfsl l, lain v sties, flTAtsii, Muss lea. I'liasUlis sud i an antes. N. CURRY fc BRO. 113 Ssoioai Blret,Bn Frsnlio SOLE AGENTS ros tu Sharps Rifle Co,, of Bridgeport, Conn. run uai.iruitNiA, OIIKIIOK, AlllMHA, Nkv VAI)A,WABl(0TOTKIIItrrOlir,AHIMI)Alltl, Also.Air.nl for W W.UIIKKNKIt'N UtifsUd Weitis'sat, tjlioksCota rasi:li.li.aitlii lacill I SC liltlu. ...a all kinds or (ID tut. I iVT.KM and 'i-fal mine Msnuiae, Aluaika, Lit- aTS I lbs lalail !,. .w.aiaw, p,usianu sail , MUNITION of all klsdi, In ouastltlii to isib i7TIi11ili ThsOnly T.mpsraas Jllttirs Knows, Ti ! W;. fallen' sad laihsf W,r,,lJ a iCp Ii, eu, a slid ,eia.aau,r-'e f, - S'l ll.ahU.sit AH e"lal rem- ' I lJl.l lllllnuanraa. t lira, Hlet s i .l,atliM, l-llea sad I r.auislp I UHSplislHla, laariarn In.asMli, Mlaraara, rl 1 1 s Ii ", are est m.alasrur h--liiaase sr. a e4 -er ia aareal kih,..4 ,.' aa if W i " i4 Va, ixatllia llliiaieai f .( .irkrikie was.saaa, 'Ilk lalitHeaa and I I,ismI Liter S aM ilal Hia, r rsaltir slldrasa ala sal daalatsiii m n.itt, llruaral lla( ;f ll.lnr ' i D5WMTES mmw " m SJ I liifSRll I I I. HJmT?, " m lu LIYER PANACEA I'Mre I'.irry Korm sir I.IVI'.K lOHI'liAINT, IIVNI'I'.I'NIA, UIIINI'.V 1-ONfl.AINT, illrK.ASr-1 OPTIIe. STOMACH AND DOWELS, Ami i lllsvkars silsliti Irani r-srspj3'j?srA, -- HITII AM- ..,.. ,H NTOMAI'If. Hifit iii.AH.K tit:, iiii.iot'finriuia, iiiiAitiMritN, i.-ri. In I'lll'oly ViiMTittllbls), Its srtlns an dlaesa. , sul nl, illflaren' from snr IlisllrUiaoiar lulfu lu tr,l i.inh Uu will irllais snrnrillasrr cae, hm in. mwiicl n Uiili It. ru lluuiuluiiltllleirecua roiuulste rut II tuna sinl (IVlK rslMlkail,s.,s ,,.,1,, ,U stllllUlSleS ill lifer lulisalthv salli,!. ll.,i. i,iH..j,iliij .. anltrrif fiiitne il'sasM-s arising ftuut linllssaimu, vr we " leil'tir Hiiod. Hnutpl.a rres at nil llrua Hiiirea, Largo Slxo, Pxlco 70 Conts. rorc4iiireiiliiciu esrritiis:, His I', slits rm' put up lu luisi'iiea, Priiu el site, per but OIIANNINO WIIITD, IVopV, aoxaiuiao, o. Jleeorsrfl.r.U.S. Ultsii I'stsat Ho. !. "' Waslileswu, I) C.,tKil. Ul, lift ?f HiUrT.' ,i-. l5ff!I3B nsi siessji.eeiii vtf t --it Vft -,