i Ny)."y ... imii i'iipji;niifm.KjiM!jynjLjM.in ,,, ,, f THE COAST MAIL. MATI'MlsAY, - - .Xnly 0, 1H79. KXAMINKI) AND 1)IKUIIAWIKI -III (ho curly portion of tills week, N. Do frlno anil A. Itnlno who llvo near llio head of tlio north fork of Coot river, tvero nrralKiicd before Justleo Kong nUokunof Kinnlro City, clmrunl with larceny In a dwelling house, on com plaint of Mlutwl Demure. A iiinii oorof wiliicsae woro sult'io'inned nml I'xamlncd on both sides, nml nftor n mllcnt nml en refill homing of tho caso, It nieuritiK ( 1 1 t t Defrlno t(M)k tlio jiro'iorly uiulera elnlni of owner ulil'i and thnl ltnino was In no wny lniillontel In (hn removal of tho Hoods, tho dofnndaiil wore dlscliarK d Iroin custody. Tho tlllo to tlio iroK)rly U llkoly yet to be made tho ntlijuctof n civil notion. Wkul AnuANtiKii. A few days since -,vo visited Cat, Fackard's lo-,jinR camp on tho north fork of Coon Hivor. ThU camp wan rstalitlslicd last year imiler Ilia personal supervision of Mr. Faokard lilmsolf, nml It is the most perfect In nil It appointment of nny institution of tho kind that linn come under our notice. Mr. l'ackard linn Mccurvd alar-o tract of limber himl lyliiKadjarcnt to hi roads, nml will lo nhlo to enrry on the business where ho now li, for Peroral yrnrn. Tho camp In now fnlrly openrtl, nml log are being put Into the river very fttnt ; tro do not doubt that he will roalUe liberal return for tho expense in cur red In tho preliminary work. WttiTlXU School Mr. .McCormac'a writing school, rloed last Wednesday ovenliij(. A commlttou coitnUtiitK of K, A. Anderson, Chan Forslutid, Dr. nml Mm. 0. K. Kuilth nml A. Lockhart, wn ap'ioliitrd to ilecldo who hud iiindo tho most improvement during tho term. Tho prlxo for tho best pen manship waa awarded to Hobt. Dun bur, and that for tho greatest Improve incut, to Mi MhkkIo McKulght. The committee sjtoak very highly of tho iiiipnneim'iit inutle by tho cine genernlly. Mr. McCorniat will or nanl-o another ela next W editor-day menltig, conimouceliig at 7 I', M. The terms will be lliu same a fur the school jmt cloed. IUilkoaii Hi'Iivkv. lion. It. Her man Frraideitt of tho U. AC. II. It. It. Company, ! at Myrtle l'oint, nml Ilurlburt tho surveyor who la to roni plcto tho survey of tho pro-muni rail road to tho Day, UaUo on the river prrparliifj to commence itiirveyiug a mkiii a practicable. Mr. Ilurlburt In acknowledged to I hi a thoroughly comjH'tcnt surveyor and civil curI neer, and hla work on the O. fc C It. It, hn Ikhii pnniouured upcrio to mat jKTiormed ny (lie utiior survey or who wem employed on that road. Wo hope our citizen will extend tho urtyiitg ur ty all awlotnocc wi thin their power. iMfiiorKii Htook. Mr. Knintic) It. Dement, of tho couth fork of the l juillo, ha pntlmbly the finest lot of caJivniii CoiMor Curry county. Ho hat taken much pains nod Imhmi to roiictderablo ox-wim in getting brceI Jug aiilmnU from tlio heat breeding rtnek In tho Male, mid it toll in tho look of hi young animal. Hn ray lit) Kill have tho bent of the Improved breed, even If he ha to go Kant to liudtliein. This la tho right theory; il costs no mora to raise a good mil tnul than n poorone and tho profit on tho former I greater. All our stock minor would do well to. follow Mr. Dement' example, and keup only thu Ixut available breed of cattle. titii'CulXTKXtiiiM-ni. Tliecniiiinlttco for tho celebration nt Kmplro hnvo nppolnted superintendent of tho vn r loiu nmmwmenta m follow) : Hnmo raeing, to take placo Immediately nf tor tho brlccuo, W. A. I.uao; wheel Imrnn.' raco, J. 0. Cook; Jumping match, V. tineenlaw; rowing match, 0. It. Loiigeo aack race, J. M Adam; alcamboal race, J. 8. Kiloy, and clinn lug tho greartl pig, Walter Keating. Pavouahl. Wo havo received n luuor irom i.. w. i-niton, vlm wan present when a number of nea cap tain made their atntcmnnts before tho Hoard of Knglueora in Bun Fran c1mo, with regard to tho harbor of rcfugo, nml ho anya tho pronpect for Coo Hay la very good. Ho forimi thUojilnlou from what ho hoard and MW. 1'ATnjOTIO DlIMOSSTHATIOK. -TllO people of Kmplro aw making every pofdiblo edort to luauro tho huccom of the celuhrntlon, Arrmigemcntd nro being iniule for a ''Liberty Car," in which nnoh of tho nlnten ahnll be roproHonteil by n young girl, and the army nml navy by lioyn, nil dressed in proper continue for bo dUtlngulnhod n part. A.vothku Duvmt. A. D. QoHvcr, of till county, la noting u agent for tho Kelly t Colo fruit dryer, whloh U nnldtobo auporlor In lmpllelty nnd ohenpncH to tho Aldeu or riuminor dryer. Mr, Collver hita the ugeney for tho l'nelllo eonnt, nnd ho la nt tho Hnuto time Introducing Oollver'a fruit imd vegetnhlo prea (Invented by one of Ida on) with very gKd Htiecoaa. Wim, l'lC'-mo. Wo nro Informed that tho Good Templnr of thU pbieo voiitompluto a piu-ntu oxoumlou in nbout two week. Wo nro unnblo in (hi Uhuo to glvo pnrtluulnra n to tho programme, hut it will doubtlcM bo n plenuunt a Hair, Hoitooi, IJook, Hupcrlnlomlont Mooro hn aunt to tho clerk) of tho acvcrnl dlttrlctri In tho county, to find out how tunny hooka of tho now rterlca will he required to mipply each dla trlcl. The Independent i-crina of roa dora, ombrnco nix hooka from tho flrnt to tho tilxth Inclunlvo, "Wntaona complete "poller" la tho apolllng book ndoptcd. Tho now aerlca nro required to bo In lino within nix month from tho 20th of June. Akotiikh I.JMr;. irumo'a atenmor Alrxamler Duuenn la hereafter to run between Knu Prnnnlxco nnd Axtorla utojiplng nt thl nml other Intermedi ate port, dipt. Cnrroll i in com mnud. tiho left Hmi Prnnclnco lnt flnturdny, being therefore now due here. Ahead of timt. In order to enjoy the Fourth, wo Imuo the Mail thl week ono tiny nhend of time, It com Ing out on Friday Inntend of Hnltir day morning. Till! Umiir Vetair U duo nt thii Kirt. Hk.viiy Hkuich, I clerking with Dean t Co. Tiikiii: I to bo a dance nt Newport thU (Friday) evening. Tiutiir. or four liquor llcennc wore iMiicd thl week, In (hi place. Tin: fiteamer Juno which ha been tied up for norno neck pact, will run on the 4th. Wk nre under obligation) to Cnpt Hobert of tho Vooi for ntimcrotu favor. Loiiiot. I fitting up hla hall over tho AVir ofTlco for the Independent Order of Ilrd Men, A. V. Owi:.v ha taken a attuation a clerk In E. D. Dean A Co.' itore, In thi place. Tin: Hhmeo Hotel I rccehlng n new coat of pnlnl.n shade darker than tho former. W. F. Hill of thlaplneo haa charge of the harbecuo nt Kmplru; he Unn old hand in the buiincM. In our lait Imiio the name of Mr. Mllligau wruoinitted from thatrcui' Hut of cubln pnwenger. Miiit. Hoatuun in having her houe, opM)lto the AVironiee, lilted up with n new piazza nnd other improvement. TilMpring ruunf natinoiiHt Hume'a ONtabtUhmouL at Kllciiiburg, wa l.tiOrt caiwi, of -18 iMJiiiuU each, ao ay a AVir corri)tondent. Mil. l.urTii:-. I'auiiiii, of Dora i itudyiug nml learning practicut den- tlhtry, under Dr. fitcelo of Ccxjuille City, Tin: cople of .Sumner nnd vicinity give notice ihut they dedro n change in tho rond from b'umner to Coo 1th er. Ir U nnnouuceil that Itevt. Dai ley and Martin, of tho JluptNi CliurrJi, will hold en Ice hero next tiabbath, nl 11 a.m. Dn. MoitiiiHOS, who wn healing tho alek nl Kmplro City n year ngo, ia now following the. nunio nvocatiou nt tho Dalle in Wruico county. TllKltov.L. H.WelUof tho Epis copal Church, will hold aervico nt Kmplro City on Hunday, July Oth, nt IV A. M., and in Marnhfleld at -1 1. M. XAtutt'im .t Htuar'a ateumer Myrtlt, hrui rcceivcl a now coat of paint, nl the hmid of Temple the painter, and now prcocuM n very nllrnclive ap pearance Cocstv Court will be in calon next week, judge J, II. Xoilcr prcid iug, nnd John Kenyou and It. C. De ment commlMloner. try little civil builneM will he done. A I'ktition will bo preeuled in tho County Court uuxt week for a reloca tion of tho county road from Coqulllo City, by tlio wny of Denver lough to Uthimu alough. 8am, tho pilgrim, llanlltt in thl town, Mr. Jlaiiuleuler, nnd though wo hnvo no Hluo ltiblton here, the (Jowl Templnra will ''take him in" if ho can furnUli projiercredotltinla. TilKatoiunor Myrtle will lonvo Xow M)rt 7 :iM) A. M, on the 1th of July, nml return nt 5:!I0 P.M., leave Marsh Hold 7 :fW F, M., for Empire, nnd ro turn niter the ball. Dav trip half fare. IiATiiuor nnd Duukor, who havo been employed in Demi A Co' store for Homo time punt, left by tho Areata Inat Haturdny. Thu former thiuka he will become a reaibent of Kuatern Oregon. Tin: II VW Share for Juno la nt hand with the iiHiinl nttrnclloiiK of that in teresting periodical. Ithnan Hketeh of the "Atlrnction of Coos County," fiom tho pen of n Hovontoon year old native of Coos Hay, the "Junior" of thi paper. Tm: funeral of Mr, David Perkins which took plnco nt Kmpho, hut Sab bath, wn attended by n largo con cutiiaeof tho filcudaof tho doceiued. ltev. J. MuCormno olllatnted, nnd tho tug Ftarlett carried a largo number of the citlKons of tho upper bay to nnd from tho finiornl. Hkkoiii: another Uuo of tho Maiu, wo cxcot to co tho atenmor CoiiWioi line with tho Hoard ot Kuginoer hero to examine into the advantage of otir enpo lor tlio iinrnoroi reiuge wo hopo nil possible miMiatnuco will be given, thorn to forum correal opinion of tho advantage of thU region. On Tucfday, n J. It, Hlglln wan golhg ntirona by tho trail to Kltljilro to attend a cao before Kq. Bengntackcll, ho cntno upon nu old bear mid two oiibn, Ho chnxed ono of tho cub up a tree, and nt flrnt thought would go up mid bring her down, but remembering (hat tho cno wna to como on nt 10 o'elook nml it wna nl ready 11, ho decided to olH)uo tho cnao with tho boar to n more con venient onou. Mua, I'kukim, widow of David Per kin, of North Ilond, whoio death la announced In nnothor column, i ly ing in n very critical condition, mid will probably toon follow her depart ed cotiAort. Hlmpaon Ilro., nnd the neighbor at North Ilond, have been unremitting in attention to Mr. mid Mr. Perkins and their family, and nothing that could add to their com fort has been neglected. Iatteu List.- Tho following i a list of tho letter remaining in the pout offlco at thl p'.nco, July Int. 1870 : itlchnrd Anderson, John Anderson, Joseph Anderson, Frederick Allon, H. 1M. Dray, Maria Carpenter, J. G. Hnglund, Fits Hazclstein, Thcodoro Ilarri, Emma Hite, L. Kclscy, Kate Moorlicad, Pat Morrlsy, Henry Nuts, II. N. Night, A. J. Pence. Jan. Itussoll. Peter Hmitb, Ida M. Hnnpp, Fred Wnlson, John West, T. Wnllnee, J. F. Welfonr. K&llroad Knnrrjr. ct. Wo would like to hear something nlKHit the local capital railroad, occas slonally, from the Mail or Itaindeater. Come gentlemen ou worked suc cessfully in preventing a surrey by Han Francisco capitalists last spring. It lobks to us a if the people must sco by this time what these patriotic gentlemen wero driving at. Oo on with your road. A'etrs. Slum like tho above upon the character nnd motives of tho men who compose tho U. 6c C. D. R. R. Company, nre in nccordnnce with tho character and habits of tho "Ncwb." Instead of keeping it render, informed ah to what is trans piring in tho county, and encourag ing such cnterpriBGS n arc calcula ted to promote the development of its resources, it utande bnek and growls nt and ridicules everything it cannot control. Hut the motivo ia no apparent, and wanting honor, that thoy who&o motives it assails can well nflbrd to bear them. No ono will form an opinion of the mer itn of tho company or its mcmlicrs from tho representations of the "New." Tho fact i, Uo surveyor is now on tlio Coquille river, and tho ex tension of the survey of tho road to the Hay will proceed without delay. When that is completed, tho com pany will press the subscription to Ktock, and such measures as may bo avnilablo to roino moans to pros ccuto the work, in all of which we boiic they may Iks successful. Htrottf KecomeadatloM for Cape Orcgorj. A mono the strongest recomonda. tiou In favor of Capo Gregory before tho Hoard of Engineers, was Clint of Captain Dcbnoy, of tho steamsliip Stole of Citlifornia, vho is ono of tho most experienced and competent commanders on tho Pacific coast, and says he has been running on the coast since 1857. A harbor is needed nnd should bo located on tho Oregon coast, oomewhero In tho neighborhood of Port Orford, but would object to that place for tho same reason that ho would to Crescent City, on account of the reefs; would have tho harbor in tho vicinity of some placo from which tugs could be sent out to aid vessels which wore becalmed and nt tho mercy of tho swell. Ho thought that Trinidad is too far south, and around Capo Mendocino it would be dougcrous, a thcro is an ugly reef there. Ho thought Cape Gregory ia tho only plnco on the coast where a harbor of rcfugo could be built with out having the money thrown away. Crcscnt City is n rooky shallow place, with many sunken rocks outside. 4?carrat TVcwtt. DirimiKUiA prevails in the Palouse country, ItosKiiuno has about 1000 inhabit ants, by actual enumeration. TiiKMcwero 103 earthquakes, nnd 12 volcanic eruptions reported during the year 1878. 8katti.k is $10,000 in debt nnd tho authorities are trying to "fund tho Indebtedness. Tiikv hnvo had frosts in various parts ol Washington Territory, with in a week or two past. A tin mino (so it is reported) haa neeu discovered near urownsvtue, Linn county. The Orrv-onfaii calls tho editor of unotlior journal, a "liar," "puppy," nml ninny oilier elegant names. IiADiKS in uniform on horseback will represent tho States nnd Territor ies nt tho Junction celebration on tho Fourth. An oxohnnge says that nil tho lnrgo sawmills on tlio const havo agreed to run on two-thirds time for u rear from Juno 1st. Tin: in; will not bo ono-third na ninny logs cut on PiiKCt Sound this summer ns bus boon tho nvomgo for soinq yea re past. Tin: infant son of P. Cnudido, an Italian vegetable gardlncr in tho west ern mlilitlnn, rinn lruncisco, wna found dead in his father's garden, on tho 28th. Hi throat was cut. No cluo to tho murderer, Mtts.DiHiwAY lectured In Roschtirg Inst week, on the subject of her visit to tlio centennial. Tlio lecture is well jK)kcn of by thojircsfi. Tub Han snya the while feather Is tho distinguishing badge, of tho Dem ocratsreferring to tho failure of Congress to forco the president to their views. Tub grand jury of Multnomah Co. have returned "not a truo bill" to tho charges against Mnud Miller, nnd F. K. L. Logan, for concealing tho girl Alico McDonald. Tin rcsldcnco of Hntniiel Miller, near Monroovillo, Pcnn. was burned on the 10th. Mrs. Miller perished in thn flame. Her husband Is not ex pected to recovor from his burns. J. P. Jaooaiid, a resident of Biggs, Hutta county, was stabbed lately by a tramp and instantly killed. Citi zens threatened to lynch the tramp, who wna locked up. Caw. Pahkkb is gettingalong nice ly in hla preparations for getting the Citp of Dublin on" the sands of Clatsop beach. Wo expect to sco tho vessel in port inside of six weeks. Aitorian. Til e Canadian government have de cided to rccind all permission to Amer ican soldier to visit Canada under arms, alleging na reasons therefor, that these visits might lead to future complications. Mn. John Graime, of Washington county, who lives in Richardson dis trict, loll upon a scythe, a few days since, nnd tho blade cut tho ligature below tho kneecap mid the leg was unjointed. It may bo necessary to amputate It. At tho Into meeting of the veterans of the Mexican war, held at 8alem, a petition to Congress was signed, ask ing that all surviving soldiers of the Mexican war, and the widow of those who havo died, be granted a pension for the remainder of their lives. A Youkq shad twelve inches long was lately caught in the Columbia river. This is the first fish of the kind over seen in that stream, and it is a mystery how it came there. Shad have been placed In the Sacramento, but none in tho Columbia. .Ewboh, tho inventor was born in wii. ni.i. tv.1. iiv. iqjt .r ..-.. i. 41 II nil, Willi', A'W. aii, (rx , vi (ii;iiM of Gentian descent. Ho is therefore 32 veara old. and probably the most re markablo man for the importance and number ot ills inventions and scien tific discoveries, which tho world haa ever known. A A new claimant for public favor. appear in tbs newspaper world this week, hailing from Salem, called the Kiting Star. It is an outspoken ad- oca to of the Union Greenback Labor party, declaring that on this issue its convictions nre "as firm as life and Immortality. Bet. Geo. KiainAU. Esq. of Roscburg has received a letter from Edison, tho inventor, making inquiry for platina as lie uses a great deal ol mat metal in Ills electric light experiments. Any one knowmc where this metal can be found, will confer a favor by writing to Mr. Kimball. Ax unsuccessful attempt was made on tho 2ith mutant, to burn the town of Canyonville. The fire was started on a porch of Win. DIackwoods saloon, and if it bad not been discovered would have destroyed the place. Cir cumstance point to certain parties as being guilty ol the act, but no ar rest have been made. Da. L. L. Rowlaxd, writing to his wife and daughter from Edinburgh Scotland, at late date, says that he is living on Oregon products in that far ofTland liecf, mutton, salmon, etc. The Doctor i prosecuting the study of medicine very closely, and yet be improves his opportunities of sight seeing in the old world to the best advantage. 'Stalttman. BOK,3ST. At Southport, June 27th, 1870, to tho wifo of Andrew Hougard. a son. DDIE3D. At North Hend, June 28th 1873, David E. Perkins, aged 33 yean. Marl sie IratelUreace, AMUVED. Monday, June 30. Tug Escort, Magee, 2 hour from Umpqua river. Tiiuuspay, July 3. Tug Fearless, Hill, 2 hours from Umpqua river. SAILED. Juno 28 Sir Areata, Holt, 8. F. " St iug Moon, Magee, Umpqua. " 30 Sch Frlthiot. Matteson. 8. F. " 30 Sch Laura May, Acbernian, SF July 2 ciiLiara ugtil, itaguirop, s ,f 2 Tug Fearless, Hill Umpqua. COOS DAY RETAIL MARKET. Iluttcr Chccso )Bi - .32 - -.20 1516 1CS0 HftlG - 121,' 812 . 6" 7 o" 8 - 8'15 . 10 - 25 1X2 M75 - 27?1 - 0070 8"10 - U" 7 - $7 12,'tl5 I.ard " Hams " ltacon (side) ". " shoulder Beef " ior or. " corned " Mutton " Pausagtt " Eggs per dot Potatoes " Apples jht bus Cotfeo r.iii;i Tea ltico Iteana Flour per bid Apples dried Raisins Currants i it ii ii ii ii S5 16K Oysters, 25 eenta per can. Corn, " " " " IVaehes, .371 or 3 cans for l, Pio fruit and jellies per can 60 cents. Wcw Market F, TlMMEKMAN, PlWR. On Front stnct. near Dean & Co.'a store. Has always on hand tho best of UEEF.TOItK, MEATS of nil KINDS, nnd everything to bo found in a First Class Market. VltlCESaa LOU'hm theLOK'KST A livliiB share of patronage U solfc- ted. vl-7-tf E. B. Dean Gi. K, UKAN, D, W1LLCOX Attn C. II. MERCHANT. Ws iiavc Always ok Hand a Feu. Assortment Of GENERAL MEICHANIISE. rrecK always mmtiete IiTJ3WCBE3I MANUFACTURED TO ORDER And SOLD W AMY QUANTITY KSME0. and at the LOWEST LIVIN6 PUCES. COOS BAT MARKET, MAXNSliriSUI, oaxcox, B. F. Ross, W. It. film-Box a D. UoLLurp Proprietora. JSL 151 .A. T S and provisions of all kinds told at the lowest living retea and DELIVERED l my point dsaJred to a VESSEI.8, LOGGING CAMPS AND FAMILIES, &WAY-SJCAIY. Wc keep nothing but thebetU0t and insure satisfaction. lv-1-tf NASIUKG HIRST, BOST DTREET, J1AIISIFIE'.D, UOK. TYTEW GOODS BYEVEBY STEAM X er ; keep constantly on hand In our large and commodious store, a wen selected stock ol Geneaal Mmmmtt, consitaing of tho best staple and fancy JDJEblT C3-OOHDS, of all kinds, the choicest GROCERIES 1KD PROVISIONS. A LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHING, IIATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, RUBBERS and OIL CLOTHING, SLIPrERS and OILCLOTH CROCKERY and GLASS WARE. HARDWARE and TOOLS, Cigars and Tobacco, PAKVra, U.S. aal TAjrUHXtt. CMeiCKWIWBS tan tJtslVfSKff, 'Myt.yHTAUKmm AMXi;'VEnt.T. CUTLERY, WOOD and WILLOW-WARE, and School Boo2os STATI-MERV, Our extensive show cases are filled wish the finest KNLUNERY ANIJMCY MODS. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES ft. u. All goods purchased at our Store will bo delivered free of charge at any point on the route of tho steamtr Myrtle. vl-l-tf if' H'W PIONEER MARKETS, Marsuheld a EMriBE Crrr. H. P. WHITNEY, Promueto. A good supply ol BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, and all kinds of ULT MEATS and VEGETAILES cona'antly on hand. Also a good stock of T7E3SSE3XaS AXD LOGGING GAMPS SUPPLIED AV SHORT XOTICE vlUf LOCKHART HOTEL, EMrtRKClTY, OUN, tow mmwmw, Win Reichert, Proprietor Kccpa constantly on hand, nnd offers for alo a ntipcrior article of LASER IEER, ALE ANI PORTER, WHOLESALE Ann RETAIL. MY BAR 18 8UI PLIED WJTIITIIE CHOICEST BRAND SOV WINES, LIQUORS AIJD CIGARS. BRANCn SALOON AT EMPIRE CITY. lvltf J. ESTEY ft 9.m rrwITIfT, RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRkRRRRRRRRRRar SRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRP iRnHRHRBRlsnBBR lfljB9BS9Hw9HHHB BRATTLEBORO, VT. to msb4 tax fH KMT. TK IIUEST ffSSXS (OF VICTORIOUS! HIGHESf&ilEST AWARD Xaftl trf IhaaltiHty SayUKy Aw VMtgmAimg Fi-iiriii t& tusm at A. P. DIOKIY. Haetne, Wta. KlarilitTlcitt'ciii.MT-)M Mlra74Maa: ilmr-mn H Vii of Ormm, 9m 9ao Can Bum, Cwb Sao! 5tL TTaf BnlnwTUtyfcirti hrmmfttmtSmt. ftp. ll(MitwWlal,Mb-u4t. Tirir rtty pattes Muttacati far doaaw Ttmohy, Oner, TTtx Si. Otclurf Cno, tad ti et&ar SaJI Sc4t. Tbtr CTuST ptxfcolr, a4 coaUm mrr arTWfiniwi nufsuri ! tt bat irata is tnAnmn.tawiuTuulSb.tTtbifh' mmi. koa kiadt imn( timm tin t KIM UK iIm Smud. aA drier OfMOJ- tttm twtilHb ytt kosr. aeonimg t tin oC wM. TWy &M&. Mtd btan intifoittin, U MI at) ot "k-wekad dawn" tot fanmdtas UIa4. u nnmi4; tA la M cut fat frt n tMtai4 do Vtiwt. Onicn t4 btm dy u UUm UPJ "kMcfc-! ion" to tot tulfdM Mtlk. dunrt4 MMmfonrd4''Mlp.'' Oka. grtylrt tad CimUn iurlid tycKcariiMi. triett via W Md Urn toA a Wutnk Ufa. Com N1WI0M1 Tt KtT, LATCIT mPHQVZr, U4 aM( THMtttHLY ccatUiwW MtWIIMs MAOHINKsTwtaraato.1. Mi 8M mariaf parts ar suuU ef Um MCST ITIIL, OAMEPULLY TKMIHIIHW sotwADJUSTAW.r. . HkuBi AVT0XATIO TXXMI9X, H Ut IfM XJLK0JN-T MVMMJJtt K Ims Hm KMtMtThrMMll thuttU. iMff BTKB are WOTOD vMSni or XJNTHMMJlDIXQ tte II Tus a WHJrJTWHJWI UsatHAXior ik "f"'-,'"g--ilTrfhrfiWlL WITHWOT TAflSS tia4tr Mm artai K to TtTiliMlllli H, oHmt BtaakiaM coaMaod. Aja-'Ayonu waatod In latUW who wo ar mn yopxooatoA. Johnson, Cltrk 1 Co." M UMMstf ftWAJW, M.V -E-RRHRERBflRaHBRBRRaRRRRaRft isPppppHJppHpppppRJp SITMMCKIMK Aw the C9AHT NAIt-N.wr7(ar. COMPART, e.i-anews flwtJgniifl for W limy gfalnihr 4MrriiTe Or-tafegM lutfici TR! BID) 01 TIE SLOIE CfttMrag-aVB Btmt free. JB-Mr Irv Mm J -BMnriHkR wj JHHrv XZZK Taylor & Farley GAIINET ORGAN. Tamaftufiia . AttMHraatRlof aayniaamtrt$0mA U Am liisnmi mi; tzd riay tntmin wtmf HMHTMI HRVRVVRwiH1VM W If WHk ttiut Orgus. Vf-aK W ST'WWWV WTr VTTIV 9Sm Mrakla. aria UAI rtab MAatirKia-a k.afeA WvTrSwlf rar-V T--rm f PVV-S-nVv-flV-OT "OTv-W 1 yHWt W tC VR-lvCfv n I W aw a wWrf togfiintat m St)kh $mi AMMTtfriMd Cm ftHmHlHTaiay. Aft RSftAltaS TftNSt was rajurrsD ar-H "Tn tiwiiifiTy !! ilfa ffiwiii saarstAj jrs-ssts-M-B-cw vc mm HmHtv m cfw sin imhh Bo ncfclo il swfciJw Bill Stftn PimhuMf. THI WiLGOX&WHITE ORGAN CO. Mstidvn, Conn. U.S.A. II HNlM'S Bin rWHj,"t iiTiiiii m cAiNiffii The mot poptiW Organs of the day! , UMMLE8 ti mm, tal UMI MMUiMHkl W w VTMOtvVs JRfeWv SiRHRRlRRhRB RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR1 RRRRRRRhIhHrRRRRh RRRRflRRRtKn&HRnMElRRjBt RRRRRRRRRRRRhERSRkSbhRRRR ma ,3 1 1 U . - y, '" J