The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, July 05, 1879, Image 1

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Miii i gplpjuyw
Wtm0lm0tnmt0 it i1 1 i iy fcw wwH- stfutii I'Siftetf- .
iniiiiiiiiB -i1mi"i-TT-" ..y-i-
lhiiirfaji'fii;rYi'iiiiijw inn i m
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i i, m i im art mur.mmMni . mt
l?ubllhnd ererjr Bnturday Moriiluir
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AUrililltilit.C'oi'1 Co,, OrrKori.
ti'.mhii. in ahvVmi:. ,
Ono Ym ,'i .V)
U Monti J M
Tliree Months , I oo
To iHrtltMt wn unrnti tf o tlio muit
favorable, forms mill (ilr tUalliijf, .
":.r.: :mmiM!L22
1 . - 9
TJio Intcro.itu df Bonthcrk-Gro
Son Always I'oroMOAt.,
jl T JL JIjL X ,1 J
mmy. , f
Tbe Development of our Mlnea, the Improve
meot of our Harbor, aal Railroad Cow.
tnunlcatlon with the Interior, Specialties.
VOL. 1.
NO. 27.
IiMtlfl I tltpitt lotlCC.
II Uku an itisnv hunt lo make a day I
II Ultra to many iay4 In in tin a Jt-nr I
My tvyi nlli Mt iliilny in in so fur away,
Ami )ol in clijlilli, (dry aay,' U liowluro
iicr I
'Jim robin.' nctt out In the olitrryliM
Hold four ;ouuk Mnlnikiil,iiil weak and
A month ago I no fait liny Kr"i u .
U'l.rm'a not a. robin lu tlio nut at all I
is They (law, full kiukii I ami I'm no lilugrr now
Than when ilia naat bulll, dial on oaii
How rubles Ktuw ao ft, ami gliU mi alow,
la very lrii lodf-vd, arein to m.
I woiulor how 'IwiiuM tm to txt saveiiheti,
Ami Harlonilrra4lkm;iJmialiiHuo
Hha Iim a watch tlm prtltlwt prr mii,
Ami wlntla it all lierxlf-aa I ahoiihl tin,
1 a'i i.o I aliall tit mnrln.l, loo, mint ilajr, .
A intuitu waa, i'voswii lior toll amljtieis:
TUy'ra lu llio bureau drawer, laid wajrjjj&
Hbo'a nrlhK thorn for me to wear, I KU(iiff
I omlrr mIioui I'll have) Nut Coualn Jo I
Net UultitfCUie! Ma)ltnr Uncle 'llui.
My i la ! nlrv.1 mill I ktioar,
Uut iuaiutu'4Yiy ur ali ein't i(r liloi I
VlntimV Conroiioii.
"Yva, I'rod.n wlfo with money in mow
btjcotno a tiocrary iirll. Thorufnni
Imiiultt ;otir liurulilo aorrmit ir'mroiI
lo turn JlemiUok. Nnj-, inuro 1 Imvo
OMMlf wtfo,"
" Ktiiiml n wlfn? You r miroly jok
iul Von Imvti not tliu look of u murried
" Nor urn I, You tlrnKtfod Ilia full)nl
tiiontiliiK out of ny wordn. I iiierrly
meant to my that 1 know tlni jtouiir
Imly wliuin 1 Into ml almll Hkiuo km Mm.
Vinton ItoMMfni), A protly iimuo,
rathor I it not? ntiil not utiuh u tnul
looking iono.nor of tlm title, oh? Jlut
a truro to joking. MaM llattmwav In
ut jifidiiiit in Hi In vorjr holul, mnl 11 la
MbIhiI Hullinway whom I Imvn coino
down horo to innrrjr, 11 Jovo I 1 Imto
tht word ud liatu llm ooiititnont ; hut
whitt ttlao in to Ihi ilonn? I nui in no end
of dulit utnl troithlit ; liolili't, I wan
brought up wllh tlm Idcn that mi Jtnlr
m wnkinj-dtntlimtloiand whr xhould
I nwnrtn now from Iho mth of dulv 7 '
" Vinton, old follow. thU Ulk doc
not outtnil likn joti. JUvn joit furool
trn our colloid di;, whwii, Imtwuni
tlio iiulfn of our elisor, wo two would
dinoumi lova ntid IU lirobabilitioN, whllo
imtwwti tin and tho nm' of our
' Kuclid ' iirttty facoa woro nlwnja Hit
iiujf, to tlm oorlotu dolrimcut of tlio
lino. J"
" Yo, I romeiubor," nlowly jawnod
tho othor, IcrttiliiK luxily mvii in hln
chair, and kouiIIiih i (rrrat (luff of oiuoko
through tint open wiudow. "Uut I j.ut
nway nil that nonntinao whon I jmt awy
' Huclid.' Onu hoar of fllltiK in lovo.
1 don't think It ln iiraatloal idea. Iiut
to return, You Inmt tnou lit tho fluid
onto Umu. Do ton know Mia Hatha
njr, or mimt 1 look oliowhoro for on
Ym, 1 know hor, hut it would ho n
littld too Imd If, with our hantUomti'
fact) and winning wan, you ntolo tho
(irlxo to whom otlicr luou with lr at
trnolioun ijould olTor"
" Wliall nnutimunUl, Trod? Am I !)
iirooohltiK. yt,ur manor? If no, I will
rt'!itmuc my pinna, and Uko tlio carlinl
train out of ti-niji atlon to-morrow."
"Tlut will ho nunooiwuary," IntiRli
Inftly nlurtrd hU frlotnl. "I havu
ulrt-udy atttiuumhod to another fortruiui ;
hut ,r
" No buU Prod. OIvo mo tho in
troduollon ; or, if you won't, douhlloM
8omo onu oImi will, You don't aupiioao,
If 1 marry hor, 1 would trout hor llko a
lirulo, do you ? No I No ijiioon nhottld
ruooivo Kettr homoKO. (lood-njttht.
old folio Think it ovor."
And IVo.l rkultdiury did think It
aver, romomhcrliiff tho Kreat, uohlo
aoiwtho woudorful ti'iidorntifa ho had
won mm miow ovon n wounded don -tho
princely Kroity with whioh tlio
lliatl M IllllUro ta r.uilnl.i- Imi l-ll.l i
roooncilo it with hi ouU)okon intcu
tiou to marry for money.
Hut aouio onu elno wun tliinkltig it nil
OVOr. too koinn mill in II,
! apokon word had hcon waflud through
wor ojiuu wiiuiow, on tlio uioiuin of to
hucoo miioko tho wind had hroiiKht hor
--ono ono on w I into clioeka Iho hriht
noarlut burned, and wIioho oycH ll.uthod,
an alio hourd ullno lom n hoiiio oii
than Mahol Hutlunvuy horrielf, Hlio had
not mount to llMon, hut euoli word Imd
been homo to hor, oloitr mid diwtinot,
on tho ovoiiiuu; uir, m hLo nt, ntill in
hor ovoniiiK-droaM, lloworu in hor hnlr,
nui jowola Klt'umll'K hvr throat,
rnroly protty pioturo lu tho moonlight.
" My money ? In it ( ho nlnuya my
money?" alio Ihoulit, lenru aiMii(iliiu
to thodnrk eyca nho would Imvt'aeuriirtl
wny hut tho moon to hco. "Oihor (jlrl
aro loved for thouuiulvov it no muii to
lovo mo?"
And, with thin llioiiKht rliiRhiK lt
chun'oH, Mho ut hod hild hor llio.I iieud
upon hor pillow lo llud forKolfulueiw.
Jtttd ho hoiikIiI it lu vulii?
Coituinly, no trwco of diHoomflluro or
IndfHjinilon uppouriKl whon, tho next
mornliiK, hor friend, Mr. Huulidiury,
broujjht ii Mr. ltomaluo to prenent
him - iivriuUaloii bho hud wraciouiily
nooordod but a fow moiuontN Worn.
It wn tho lojjlnnlng, tho Houiidiuir
of tho tooiin for thu fruy ; hut nouo of
tho iiy crowd who mado up tho num
bor of iloamiro Htokora ut Iho uiountain
rotrcat know or drumuod (hut tlio taw
In tho girl, witli her oxipilnilu bouiity,
liftiiiK her eyes to hor comininiou, with
mioh molliiiK ortiieHluthulrdnrk-bluo
dcptlm,und in tlm mun, tall, and young,
nnd huudHomo, lookitiK down upon her,
Mhilo ho talked on, with tho wonderful
lukoliintlou of iimnnor nature hnd lout
hint - two uombuUulH, for tho that tlmn
inot fuoo to iioo, Who Bhould Huin tho
l)uy morHod inlo weok, nnd Dmno
Jlutiior dooiarod that Yintou Uorualuo
Imd won Iho actmon'a prleo. Uut norno
how, in thoKO lutor dnya, n wur wm
rnKlng in tlm nmu'a aoul. What had
lie diino? How uniiill, nnd mnuii, nnd
oonlouiptlblo liU purpoao looked, now
that tliono weekn Imd laitKlil him n loo
mou ho had not mount to lonrn-thu Ion
won that tho heart nt which ha had
acolTod wa beatliiK l'4rd and find lu Ida
hrenut, crying out to lay llMtlf nt tho
foot of tho wotiinn who had won it I
Htaudltitf In tho doorway of tho ball
room, on n wurm miuuncr night, ho
watched hor, aurrouudml by nnrouii of
aduilrom ; thun, wending hia way alow
ly toward hor, ho aaw tho udduu auiilo
of welcome In hor eyed, as, one by onn,
tho othor in no fell back, t uiako placa
for him.
" Thht ia my waltz, It it not?" ho aald.
" Yea," alio auaworod.
" U't un tnko ii (droll on tho plnszu,
tnaUml. Aroyott willlnK?"
"More than willing,'' aha ropliod.
" Jt la too warm for dancing."
Ho had meant to apeak tho dooialro
words toMiight -to nak t!;!a girl to bo
bin wifo. liow could ho doubt hla an
uworV Ilml he not Iwtruyed It? Jlut,
looking down on hor pure lovollnenu,
hln iiiirpoao failed him, and atom ami
liurali cuiuo tho worda, inaUod :
"Mian Hathaway, I tutiat thank you
for a charming aumnior. Had you
heard 1 wna to leave to-morrow 7 Thb
train gooa at ao early nn hour that I
feared I ahould not aco you to any gootl
by." " Good by?" alio qucalioniugly fal
tered. " la not thU n auddon deter
mliiallou on your part?"
"Homowiml; but a rclriovcd lionor
and a reatorod manhood denoud uiion
carrying out my roaolntlon."
The girl'a fnco poled.
Had thia man but mocked her, after
all ? Wan alio to bo robbed of tho one
awect rovongo for which aho had lived
kiuon aha had llrat heard Ida voloo breatho
hor nuioo- tho lovenuo of leadline him
ou to the atop ho hmi ilclared hTmaelf
about to take, tlieu, Willi oilier acoro.
rovenl to him that alio had known all
from tho tlrnt? Hut what meant thia
auddeu pain? In playing her part, Imd
alio forgotten it wua not reality ? Wan
htr Ariiii tho penally of lm cruelly? All
hor prido, all her womanhood, ramu to
Iter reaeue, aa aho courteously mur
mured her regtola, and then placed her
Ittt.o hutid lightly in hla, with tho hotx
lhat they might onu day met it again, era
aho alipjK-d it within the arm of her
partner lor tho next dance, who had
oouio to claim hor.
"Homo richer woman lma como utton
the aeelio," Mio thought, aa alio at laat
gladly hailed tt'o aoliiudo of her room,
"May aho Ik wnrued na I huvo beenl"
lint uron with tho worda canto n bit
ter liurat of aol,
Thoro wna great btiatlo nnd excito
mout, nud terriUetl coufuaion, in tho
hotel next day, for tho early morning
Ir-iin hntl met witlt n aorioua accident
hut it fow tu ilea dulant.nnd tho wound
ed ui-eeiigent wero brought back.
Among them wna Vinton Uomalno.
It wua miiuo internal injury, tho phy
aieiuu wild. They could not atato tho
extent juat yot, but they feared for tho
In tho afternoon. Frud baulahury,
onming to Miwt Ualhaway, told hor that
Vinlon begged lo aeo her,
Without licaiUllou, aho accompanied
him ; but at tho door of hia frioud'a
room ho draw back, and cloaod it after
her aa alio entered alone.
Very whllo wan tho hamUomo face
which looked up with u amilo of wel
come aa hi oyra rested on her.
Thia ia kind," ho aald. "1 had
aoniothing I wanted to My to you. 1
have a bitter confeiinu to make. Tho
doctor a,y there ia little bono for mo,
und perhapi. it ia aa well ; lilo haa aud
doidy grown worthleaa to mo. and I
havo made it ao. Listen, Maind I A
month ago I camo to thia plaoo (oh, my
darling, how jvoor and miaornhlo n plot
it all aooma now I) to marry you or,
rather, to try to win you for my wife.
Not that I Imd aocu, or knowu, or loved
jou, but lxn-nnau I thought I would win
you nnd marry you nnd your money.
Why do you not abut from mo in acorn?
I meant to lma good hnaband.hut I aaw
no reiuou why I nhoud not try for tho
heiroaa. i'ou wonder why I did not?
llecnuao, Mabel, I lout night of hor in
tho woman ; bocauso, I loomed to lovo
tho lieautiful girl whoao fnco haunted
my aloopiug momouta, nud whoao volco
wna tho muaio of my d roams j lccauaof
beaido hnriiohlo woninulieod, my pur
jioso allowed forth Imao nnd oontompt
iblo, until I kuow I hnd alnin my own
hnppiiiova, ainco I had mado myaolt
forever unworthy, Darling, I meant
never to toll yon, but in case thlnga
turned out for tho worat with mo. I
thought I could dio happier if your lips
had iold mo I wna forgiven."
lint, iu answer, Mnbol foil aobblng on
her kntK-H beaido tho hod.
"Idvo, Viuton livol" aho moaned.
"I, loo, have been notiug Ml thoao
nionlha, I wna Billing in tho window
next to youra on that flrat night, nnd
heard nil, I dotermiuod thou to havo
my rovongo, nud tried to make you lovo
mo, only to acorn you. Hut I forgot
that, in toaoliinrr Iho leaaon, I might
learn It, Ah, Vinton, though nn heir
oaa, r havo boon poor f wy liftl Make
mo rich I"
And Vinton, folding hor clono to hla
hoiirt, prays for tho life now rendered
no full of HweottioMD-u prayer which is
miHwored ; nnd whan reatorod to health
ho olalniH hla bride, of whoao fortuuo
ho refuses n penny.
at '. 1
Hod improNsion paper for making
patterns on blnok surfaces ia thus
mado t Hub into n Htiihtblo tlsatto a
mixture of six parts of lard, ono part of
neoswax, mm a siiltlolont quantity of
Venetian rod, rod lend, or vermilion,
lu very lino powder. Tho mixture
ahould bo warm, and ahould uot bo op
pllod in oxocss,
Tlio uniform of tho Zulu wnrrlor oou
slats of n ohest proteolor. Thoro is nn
ndvnntngo in this: thoro nro no ooat
tulla to impede ouo's progrosi whllo tho
enemy aro iu pursuit.
AdvantugfH of Htaylng In Jkd.
Taking nil oocaaional dny In boJ,
klrnply on nccount of indisposition, Is,
however, n very simple and rudimentary
notion of this glorious institution, Hod
ia tho natural domicile of ovory uinu :
" lo btd we laugh, In hid we cry :
And born lu Uil, In tvwl we illo"
Hayard, tho 1'roiioh ihyslologittxnniu
tallied that man is nn animal who oxer
oiaoa tho thinking faculty beat iu n
horizontal position. Thun, thoro nro
high nrllstlo, social, nnd Intellectual
uses conncotod with an occasional day
in bod, whioh imperatively claim dis
cussion. Hrinloy, tho groat ongincor,
whan ha wan fairly bothered nnd puzzled
by aomo tough problem, nlwnya betook
himself to bod until ho hod nolvod it.
Most people have a great kindness for
Lord Melbourne, who, nndor tho uffeo
(alien of frivolity, used to got up He
brow nnd tho Fathers und itnporturba
bio good humor to bear with hla wifo,
Lady Ouroliuo, whllo tho pretty Hyron
struck Icrmagatit used to amaali tho
drnwiug-room furniture. His intimate
friendn would And tlm premier calmly
taking breakfast in bed, with Jotters and
diapatclinn .strown all over tho counter-
pane. Tho poets havo boon terrible
follow to got out of bod. I sutiposo it
la because tho visions of tho day and
tho uight sweetly intonniuglo. Tho
poet Thomson cultivated laziness as n
lino art, nnd thought out hla pooma in
bod. I'opo was u still worse follow.
Whon ho had n lit of inspiration on
him, ho would keep tho servant run
ning about for him all through tho
night. JIo mado amends to them by
tho pI9nteouinoM of his " vails." Wo
Uko a later inaUnco. Uiatuarck says,
according to Dr. Hunch. "I was
troubled with varicose veins in I860.
I lay nt full longth on tho bed and bad
to answer lottorn of a very dospcrato
sort with a poncil." Ho has given us
some of his oxicrionce when lying in
bod. " I uiod tolionwako, full of all
aorta of thoughts nnd troubles. Then
Varzin would nuddonly como up before
mo, jM-rfectly distinct in tho minutest
particulars, like a great pictnro, with
oven nil its colors fresh tho green
trees, tho sunshine on tho stoma, tho
blue aky abovo. 1 saw every individual
there. I struggled to shako tho thing
olT ; and when nt lost I ceased to see it,
othor thing camo in reports, notca,
dispatches, and ao on ; but I fell over
bIkmiI morning." Hismnrcknt Versailles
used lo lie iu bod n great doal, " bo
cause ho cannot keep himself reasona
bly warm in any otuor way.' I aym
pathlzo with Uismarck. Accept, prince,
tho mark of my most diatiuKuished
don Society.
Jt is said that (he once groat cbess
player, Paul Morphy, is iu nn insane
oaylum. He utterly repudiates chew,
and denies having ever known anything
about it. Ho imagines himself a great
lawyer, surrouudod by cliontn, and is
busy at nil times settling an immense
estate left him by bis fathor. Tho legal
part of that information may explain
tho "insanity dodgo." Hut tho chess
repudiation caaU a cloud upou it. It
ia evident that ho ia ashamed of making
himself a profoaaionnl at an ntausotnont.
Kven a lawyer (much as tho news
psjiors abuse him) ia a better man than
a professional gamer. Mr. Morphy has
our congratulations on having como to
his senses, nnd our condolence for
UAying lost them. If ho bad attended
to his professiou, in tho days of his
youth, before tho evil day camo, or
tho years drew nigh when ho said, " I
havo no pleasure iu them," ha might
now Ihi a usofnl member of society.
To neglect a useful and honorable pro
fession for the sake of nu evanescent
notoriety in a calling that ia utterly
useless, except as a recreation, doci not
show satiily.
For aomo years past Mr. Morphy lias
bcou afllictcd with mental dernngemont
of n mild form, whioh haa been merely
ou aunoyanco to bis friouds, na they
havo been compelled to keen constant
watch of him to prevent his making
himself utterly ridiculous. It is plain
to those who know him. that his braiu
has lieon turned by tho iutcuso strain
which his wonderful success as a chess
player, aud tho great famo it brought
to him, occasiouod.
This insanity is a sorious thing to
him poor follow ; but it is valuable ss
teaching a lesson to others who are
wild about nmusomouts when they
ought to bo earnest about business. If
it required any brain to play baao ball,
or croquet, ur archery, it might bo n
waruiug to thoso. professionals nnd
their admirers. It ought to make
bllliardisU and poker-players somewhat
nervous for that kiud of gaming re
quires some little intelligence Hut iu
its seriousuosii to him who was once tho
king but now tho viotim, it preaches a
most oloquont sormun against consider
ing pleasuro flrct and uusiuess after
wnrd. llaiek'Kyti a Mketiiso.A fow years
ugo thoro lived ou tho lino of tho lions
utouio road in Massachusetts a littlo boy
who was only live or six years of ago,
but who was a natural preacher. Bo
much tnlont in that direction did ho
possess, that his friends often put him
on a tabloaud llstouodtoliisdisooursos,
Ono dny ho waa preaching with great
power, nud boooiuing uuusually ani
mated, und swinging tit littlo arms n
tho muutier of older ones, when some
thing about tho platform ou whioh ho
stood gavo way, and dowu to tho tloor
tho littlo follow went bond first. Ho
was considerably hurt, but controlling
himself for u moment ho arose, nud re
suming his place, with groat gravity
ho Maid ; " l'eoplo moolin'a out "
aud thou not able to control himself
any lougor, ho let forth the Hoods of his
ungulsl! until tho wholo neighborhood
could hoar his ohildith otj,Kx,
Wo nro firm believers in the maxim
that, for nil right iudgmout of nuy uiau
or thing, U is useful, liny, ottsoutiul, to
boo his good qualities before pronounc
ing ou his bad, Carlylt,
An American Question.
It may bo n selfish vlowof it, but, all
thlnga considered, will tho Unitod
BUte renp any benefit from a ship
canal across tho ItKmus of Darlen 7
Will it not bourdlt England moro than
u7 I'crhnps that is uo argument
against its construction; indeed, wo
hold that what will bonoilt the world at
largo must ovontually benefit tho Uni
ted tilatcs. Hat unless wo are to build
up our maritime interests ao us to Uko
tho procedenco on tho oa over nil othor
nations, Iho flrat effect of a canal across
Darlen might not provo odvanlagoons
to our commercial IntcresU. Doubt
less, if a practical route can bo found,
tho canal will bo built, but it is nothing
moro than common prudence to look at
tho question iu every light. The Suez
canal shortens the voyage from Eng
land to India by nino thousand miles,
yet tho fact that Uritisb OricnUl trade
has been injured by it to tho sdvanUgo
or tho great commercial cities of tho
Mediterranean tesliflca to tho foresight
of Lrd I'almerston whon ho opposod
it construction. Tbe Darion project,
on tho contrary, met with his approval,
and to-day appears to bo tho only ex
pedient which would enable England
io compete with France, IUly, Austria
and CousUutiuopIo f or iho future Ori
cnUl trade of Northora Europe. At
present not aa inconsiderable amount
of tho Oriental trade crosses tho Amer
ican continent by railway, paying a
handsome tribute to this country.
Iowa readers aro familiar with this fact,
at numerous car loads of less and othor
Asiatic products aro hauled across the
Bute nnd have long ceased to be objects
of curiosity nnd coiuHient.ln tho natur
al course of things this tmfllo ought to
increase. The Daiiou cabal would di
vert some of this traffic, and English
ships would coxpoto with American
veanels for tho trade of not only the
I'ocillo isloi but tbe western coast of
Booth America. Tho only relief from
this unhappy result would bo to foster
American sea commerce until our Hag
predominates iu all the waters of the
world, If tho Darion canal, by crcat
ing at once tho danger and too neces
sity, ahould contribute to bring all this
about, that which at tiist would be our
loss would eventually bo our gain, iiut
that it is a questiou that viully con
cerns American interests, aud one
worthy of tho serious thought of Amer
ican sutrsmausiiip no one can uouut.
Jluritiigion liauk-Hye.
Insanity in the 1'oorhouse.
An article In tho Now York Times.
speaking of tho condition of the iuaaoe
iu tho county noor-house at By ,
brisgs to iad KMMrtisatksDB tfee
aanio subject, wnicu tuo lauxjiya bos
mado ami moro tuan once, heretofore,
lusanity is rarely a fault. It is gener
ally a misfortune. It cannot be called
a crime, and. consequently, it does not
call for punishment. Hut tho consign-
mout ol sucb unfortunates to couuty
almshouses instead ol to places made
expressly for them, Is a punishment,
and ono whioh is criminal.
People who have never seen the dif
ference between an insano asylum and
n jKor house cau hardly undersUnd
how great and sal that difference is.
No matter how much care tho manager
of a poor-house may Uko with these
people, ho ia not educated In regard to
their disease. However willing be may
be to ameliorate their condition, ho
don't know how to do it. They to
coivo but partial attention thcro. They
should be constantly watched, and
every odvauUgo taken to improve the
condition of their minds. This is a
labor that must be done by itself. Tho
only hope of recovery, or even of com
fort in insanity, lies in an almost con
stant occupation of tho mind during
waking hours. Hooks, musio, games,
aud other attractions must be cousUntly
resorted to. Iu a hospital for the in
sane tlioso things are furnished a a
matter of ueceaaity. In tho poor-house
they nro not furni&hid at all. There
tho mind and tho undy are both loafers.
This pernicious pmctico is now, un
fortunately, iu vokuo iu our owu SUto.
Tho reasuu givou for it is that our two
insane asylums aro imulequato. Tho
ofllcers of our asylums are uot responsi
ble for this, but our legislators are.
Tho public pay for tho support of these
people iu ouo place as won in tuo oth
or. The ono is thoir homo tho other
is their prison. Provision should be
mado to put them by themselves, to
Uko flood care or them, aud to minister
to thoir miuds diseased. Uawk-Jfyt.
A story ia told of two Englishmen
who aturted from Denver, Col., for a
walk to tho mountains before breakfast,
au apparently easy task, aa the moun
tains did uot appear to be mora thau a
mile or two away. After walking for
an hour without scorning to havo mado
any progress toward tho desired goal,
ono of them became disoouraged, aud
ooucluded to return for his breakfast ;
afterward, bo took it carriage and went
in search of his friend, whom he found
ou tho bauk of a small ditch, engaged
iu removing his booU. His friend in
quired what ha intended to do ? He
replied, to wade the ditch, Ilia friend
said there was no necessity for that, aa
it was less than threo feet aoroaa, and
ho could easily jump it. ' You can't
toll auything about it iu thia country,"
responded tho othor ; " it may bo throe
hundred feet aoroaa for aught I kuow."
Ills morning walk proved to extend
about tlfteeu miles before he rcaohod
the foot hills.
Tennyson, tho poet laureate, is thus
pioturod in tho Lultpendtnt JMgti
"Tall, rather stout, round shouldered,
walking with a stick, a long beard com
pletely buryiug hi faoo, and a pair of
round, Chiucse-lookiug speoUolos,"
nis attire: " A felt hat, much the worse
for wear, tho brim large and Mabby,
drawn low over his forehead; trousers
too wide. Bhabby-lookiugcoat too tittht.
hit left hand in constant oontaot with
his sreotaoles, whioh have a largo gold
rim that flashes in tho aun as ho ad
vances towirds you,"
Who Owns the Land In England.
Moro than half tho soil of thoUnited
Kingdom is nominally owned by aomo
2.00U persons. According to a valua
ble anal) sis of tho very ill-arranged
and iucompleto parliamenUry return
of tho land-owners of tho Unitod King
dom, published iu tho Financial llt
furm Itecord for 1878, 421 persons ore
tho owners of 22,880,700 acres, or
nearly 5,000,000 acres more than one
fourth of thetoUl area of tho United
Kingdom. Tho nind is unablo to grasp
what such a monopoly costs tho country,
but cerUia features of it stand forth
with a prominonce sufficiently notable.
In a most absolute sonao, tho woll-bo-ing
of tho entiro population of aomo
32,000,000 souls is placed iu tho power
of a fow thousands. For these thou
sand tho multitude toils, and it may bo
on occasions sUrves. Hence it ia that
all through rural England wo havo con
tinually beforo us that most saddening
of all spectacles, two or threo fami
lies living in great splendor, and hard
by their gates tho miserably poor, the
abject slaves of tho soil, whoso solo
bo ik) in life is too often tho workhouse
that famous device against Tersla
tion, paid for by the middle classes
and tho pauper's grave. Our land
owner have not merely burdened the
land with thoir gams preserves; they
hare tied it up, and actively conspired
to prevent it due cultivation. Instead
of rising to the true necessities of the
case, they cling to their game, roako
penal enactmenU about it, and struggles
to augment the intensity of tbe evil
which it is to tho peoplo, as if the rcry
existence of ibe country depended on
hares and rabbits. Ill his abeoluto
supremacy tbe land-owner overrides
all justice, takes precedence of all or
dinary creditors on hi helpless tenanU'
esUtes, and control the system of cul
tivation, often in utter disregard of
private righU or private judgmont, and,
tn addition secures to himself tho ab
solute reversion of every improvement
which tho tenant may make on tbe land.
MUctniltan't Magazine.
Children of One Father-
A touching incident occurred the
othor dy in one of the great hospitals
in -New York. A young man was
brought into it seriously injured by a
fall from a horse. lie lingered for two-
or liar ce days, during wuicu time tuo
matron read from tho Hiblo to him,
Ulked to him in short, tried as beet
she could to fill the place of his dead
mother to tho dying lad.
Ono day, feeling that ho was fast
sinking, he asked for AcUrgyman. Oae
waa br ratqiMoJcly, n vovag soaa, tb
jsiww w isws" owsaJsTp. JsfvfmBi uraw
As he took the boy's bond ia his, aad
spoke to him earnestly of Christ's love,
several pale faces were raised from the
rows of beds that lined the ward on
either side, listening attentively, many
of them with eyes wet with tears.
"Lord, I believe 1" whispered the
dying man. Then the clergyman knelt,
praying that God might receive the
aoul of his departing brother. At the
bedside also knelt tbo Episcopalian
matron, two ltomau Catholic Sisters of
Mercy, and from tho beds of tho pa
lionU came hearty Methodist Amens I
Whwn tho little company rose from
their kneed aud looked down upou the
calm dead face, they did not remember
that they belonged to different aecU.
They were all children of one father,
and He waa very near.
When tbo aovuu men imprisoned in a
Pennsylvania cocl-mine lately were
rescued after five ays imprisonment,
they were naked if tuoy hoped to es
cape. " Wo prayed for it," was tho reverent
reply. "We prayed togother. Borne
were ProtesUnu, and some Catholio,
but when death's as close as that, you
only think of God."
Weia-Authenticated Giajits, We
read that the giant Ferragus, slain by
Orlando, nephew of the celebrated
Charlemagne, was 18 feet high. Fan
num, a Ucotcbman, who lived at the
time of Eugene II., King of Scotland,
measured 11 feet, and La Mare, in
hia voyage to the BtraiU of Magellan,
reporU tbat on tho 18th day of Decem
ber he found at Port Desire several
graves covered with stonos, and having
tbo curiosity to remove them he found
human skeletons 10 and 11 feet long.
Coming to mora reliable evidence, 11
seems cerUin that a height of even
more than uiuo feet has been attained.
In tbe museum of Trinity College,
Dublin, thoro is a Bkcletou eight feet
six inches in height. Iu tho museum
of tho Itoynl College of Burgeons of
England, is another eight feet two
inohes in height, and another in tho
museum of Honu eight feet The giant
who was shown in Rouen in 1835
measured eight feet four and one-half
iuehes. Tho Emperor Maximin was
one inch shorter; Skenkins and Plat
ems, physicians of tho last century,
saw sovoral of that stature, and Qoro
pins saw a girl, nineteen years of age,
who was tu feet high. 1'hos. J. Buv
ditch, tn Troy Timti.
1 11 m m 1
A Newport gentleman boa discovered
a new method of preventing u smash-
up wuen a uorse runs away. 11a was
out driviug the other day with a couple
of lady friends wuen tuo relus broke
and tho horse ran away. Aa the animal
was tearing dowu iienevua avouno at a
torritlo rate Mr. Whitiug reaohod ovor
tho dashboard and uuhitalied the traces,
thui lottiug tho horse enjoy his ruu
without tuo carriage.
Hlesked aro tho homosiok. for they
shall come at latt to tho Father's house.
llcinrich Stilling,
Tho first silk fabrlo woven ia Amer
ica iu 1800, is still preserved at Balem,
i 11 1
Michigan has fifty &I00 oool summer
hi ' m aaiin-ii aa ia
Publio oniulon is a second con-
A Look nt ilelinhollz.
In a naoor in Scribner on the Univor
sity of Berlin, Professor Hoyesou gives
the following sketch of the pertennil of
tut great pliysicitt :
As X have said, the strength of the
Berlin University lies chifley in tho
fact that it count so many great and
renowned men within IU faculty.
Am6ng these no ono is moro con
spicuous than Hermann Lndwitr. Helm-
holtz. urofeaaor of physics, of thorn it
is said, with justice, that he has mode
an epocli in every branch of science to
which he ha devoted himself. Ho U
a man of about fifty-seven, rather be
low middle Jieialit. and somewhat in
elined to stoutness. His faco is de
cidedly handsomo ; tho brow especially
of remarkable spaciousness and breadth,
and nil tho feature clearly modeled
and iu good proportion. Hia gravo
dark eyes express calm and keen ob
servation ; ttiey are undeniably a tnuo
cold, and probably judgo men with tho
samo merciless, mathematical exactness
with which they obserre other natural
phenomena. Ono can hardly imagine
a moro unsentimental, passionless faco,
snr a fitter face for a man of science.
Oce feeli. -at once that hia mcnUl at
mosphere tatibt be clear and bracing,
and nnobscured by fogs of sentiment.
I find also that in social circles Holm
holtz has tho reputation of being an
inUreMing-but a cold and unapproach
able man. However, tho students, who
work in his laboratory and thus come
into close conUct with him, cherish
tho profonndest respect and admira
tion for him. Ono of thorn, a young
American, who ha-i studied nhvsica in
Berlin for three years, told me that
during all thia time ho never remem
bered that tbo professor bod addressed
one personal question or remark lo
him, not even as much as a comment
upon tbo weather. Every morning.
wnen lieimtioitz enters bis Uboratory,
ho grecU tbe young gentlemon. and
tbon immediately begins to question
them successively in regard to their
work. Ho explains with admirable
clearness and ease, and when an inter
esting point comes up for discussion.
he has been known to spend an hour or
moro with oae student in frying to
elucidate it. sometimes even forgetting
ma lecture hour, iiis language 1 at
ways mathematically precise, and the
most abstruse and involved theory be
comes as simple as the multiplication
table beiore be lias done witu it.
The Iioxdos Cabmen. The Prince
of Wales lately presided at the anm &l
meeting of the London Cabmen's Ben
evolent, Association. The Prince de-
ed tbLiCH4ot eataaea to b " kon-
" thoroaghly deserving of sympathy."
"As a proof of that," said the Prince,
" I have aUtistics here before me which
state that last year there were between
sixteen and seventeen thousand articles
left in cabs, amounting in value to
about 20.000. which have be puna
tually returned. I believe at least, it
is the popular belief that ihere is only
one article a cabman never returns, ana
that isan umbrella, and that 13. we may
consider, quite fair. A gentleman hav
ing an umbrella may not want a cab.
bnt withont an umbrella lio will be
compelled to Uke a cab if the rain
comes on. (.Laughter.) There are
now between eleven thousand and
twelvo thousand cabmen, and tho
amount ofsthe expense in cab fares
comes to anost colowal sum, some
thing between 4.000,000 and 5.000.
000." This shows that " cabby" in
London is a character of Jorge public
New York lawyer thus tells how Presi
dent Pierce made au enemy of James
Gordon Bennett, the founder of the Now
York Herald:
I was in Pierce's room when Bennett
got his conge. Ha had been to Europe
and tried to get into society there, and
was given the cold shoulder. He made
up hia mind tbat he would control tho
United States government, and compel
Eugland to receive him. He came to
Washington boou after Pierce's elec
tion. When tho campaigu began he
favored Bcott, but turned about for
Pierce as soon aa he saw how things
wero drilling. After Pierce waa inaug
urated Bonuett came to Washington and
spent his money lavishly, and mado a
claim for tho English mission. The
Southern element declined to have any
thing to do with him. One morning,
when I won sitting with Mr. Pierce,
Bennett came in aud said, " Mr. Presi
dent, I insist on having un answer to
my petition." Pierca replied: "Mr.
Bennett, I will be uuablo to appoint you
to any oQlco whatever." From that
time forward the Herald published edi
torials headed, "Poor Pierce."
i 1 mm 1 1 a 1 in
Any ono who wishes to judge what
Franco is becoming and to become, may
well study tho subject at Marseilles.
Here, on every side, are tokens of pro
gress and prosperity. For all France
has nndorgoce, of mortid&ttion, of ex
pense, of temporary distress, she is to
day, from all the testimony I cau gather,
the most prcsperona couutry in Europe,
The wheels of industry aro humming
thero, and tho ecouomy of her people
is fast replacing tho hoard which was
so drawu upon by the German indemui
ty. Hon, J, D. )'aihbunt, in Woicts
Ur Spy.
The discovery of tho electric pencil
bids fair to havo un important effect on
several industries. According to tho
reports in tbe Paris pajer8, the appa
ratus willeuuble any artist to reproduce
hia designs to any extent, thus doing
away with the engraven' trade. Au
electrio current aud au ordinary pencil
aro tho agents of this new wonder.
When you offer a tramp bread, and
he makes a rye faoo, you can oouoluda
ho prefers whisky.
, 1 . 1 .1 1 1
Wisdom prepues for the wprst, but
folly leaves the worst for the day when
it comes.
-Fond, . ,,
Tho use of food by dlfferest jMr0M
sbould be regulated in quantity or char
acter, or in both, according, to their
ages, their health and 'oeflpMloM,
tho seasons and tho clfmite in which
thoylivo. - jf
Milk is tuo only perfect food for in
fants. It is tbe beat food for children
andyonth up to the age of, sixteen.
Old peoplo are weaker in their digest
ive powers, partly because their
whole systems aro weaker, aad ;'fjrtly
because of their diminished sassealwr
activity. Their food should be kes ia
quantity than that nsed by younger
persons, and of easier digestion.
In summer and in warm cliaoiea lese
food by one-third is needed, the ' tose
of tho system boing lowered, an3 per
sons thns being unable either to tligeftt
or to as8imilato as much is yrine
and in colder latitudes.
Bo also fat, sugar and staktlw
latter includes fine flour beiag ajoinly
heat-making olemenU, shoald be bet
littlo used in summer and in kofieol
regions, aad largely used is winter aad
in cold climates. Corn-bread, -which
conUins a largo per cent, of fat, k bet
ter adapted for inod In wwter wan la
Shoemakers, tailors and people of
sedentary habits generally seed leas
food, ana food that te mere easily di
gested, than the iataer aad aJfcpftrsea
who work hard in the open air.. Sill,
everybody should have efeongh of ac
tive exercise to be able to digest a gen
erous diet. -
A thinker needs a good Bapply of
brain food, such aa k liberally far
nishecj in oatmeal ; bat he atnst set
use his braiu at theexpeaae of vigerea
muscles, for it is muscles that have to
work not only tho stomach, hat tbe
lungs and heart.
The sick, of course, need food care
fully adapted to their particakr condi
tion, and those who are not ia fall
health may greatly help theawelvea by
rejecting whatever they find iajarioaa
to them.
Morulas Work.
A bad custom ia prevalent ia assay
families, especially aatossr iaraaers, et
working aa hour before Drmkfsat, at
tending to " chorea," hoeing the gar
den, cutting wood, mowteg, et. Thk
ia convenient oa masy ocaownky ha k
not conducive to health. Th .preva
lent opinjon is that the BseraMur air k
tbe purest aad the .oat hoaltaral aad
bracing ;' bnt the aoatrary k th fet.
At no hour of the day k the, ak awe
filled with dampaee. fog, aaA! atks
ggaa thas aba saavkey TiWheat af
Hia aa gradaaiiy kwfak tika aakav
aoiie iskaeaeea a day adraaaaa, Aa
early meal bracea ap ae syateat nsjalatat
these iafiaeaees. Bvarybedykaawi
the languor and iaintaoaa .aftes ex
perienced for the first hoar ia the
morning, and this k iaereased try exer
cise aad want of food. Ws- .do set
agree with tbe boardiag-sekool rfkw,
which prescribed along walk before
breakfast an a means of preaMting
health. Probably the beet eastern
woald be to furnish, .every saasabar et
the family, especially those who kber
out of doors, a cup of coffee kaawdi
ately after, rhing Jrosa bad. JbcJsw g.
Fkozeu Poddiso. Place in a maald
slices of light coke (spongecake k very
good), and between them aaykiadof
preserves. When the ae aid k aeariy
full, cover with cold soft custard.
(Dissolve a spooafal of gektiae ia the
custard when yoa make it.) Caver the
mould ; a piece of paper chaatd he
placed over the opea end of the meald
before the cover ia pat oa ;" aad pok
In a box of salt and iee, theaasw aa
you woald in makiBg iee-eraaat, ajg
tbout three-quarters of ke aad eaa
auartcr of salt. Let tbk stead ia the
salt aad ice five hoars. Wbeuyee dkk
it dip the mould in a pail of hot wa
ter for one iaataat, wipe the ateald,
Uke off the cover, aad tarn .the pad
ding out. Serve immedktaly. If
whipped cream k pliee aroaad it, tt
will improve it greatly. Be sire that
tho cover of the mould k as- .tight that
it nlll not admit oae droo at water..
The mould should be made of block tia.
Vim VnsTisn.Foar tnblaamooa-
fnl nt lwt F.nclih maakrd'. two tea
spoonfuls salt, two of white'aafar, oae
01 wuiio txil? " ., -
gar to mix to smooth paste eekry er
i&rragoa is uoei , gawre.
minx.! Ann nnt tha saBatard ia a bewl
and wet with the oil, rubbing it wish a
wooden or silver spooauaUl all k ab
sorbed ; wet gradually with aaar to
a stiff paste; add salt, pepfer, sar
and garlio ; work well ; wet liltk at a
limn vith tka vlaaaar ! make it wheat
as thick oa eake batter ; beat ive er
tuu miuutee very hard ; bottk U ; eerk
tight ; put a little oil oa the top ef Mm
mustard and set it iaa eool piaee far a
tow days.
VmpisB. Oae Ublosnooafwl batter.
Im talif eannoaf nla UUMrUu OOM. AM
cup of milk, pinch, e? salt, three tea
spoonful of baking power, ' fiear t
niako a stia batter ; stir the batter,
eugar and eggs together ; aM a,
aalt and last. Hoar with baking pewdee ;
nlai-.t U in lL AVAn'uautak OA BMftlMe
after giving alia geod beattag; hake
twenty annate ia neai paa.
Drop Cake. Foar aad a half tea
cups of Hour, two aad a haW easu su
gar, ono half-cap batter, ea eap sweat
milk, five egew, Mttee tiaaniiafak
baking powder, areeat, hatter aad m
gar ; beat tbe eg sesrately ;hke i
gem pane,
Scpeeiob &err Ouaaaeaam. tMa
oup of sugar, eaa 4Hai
Now Orkaaa ib'sImbi
milk, four ewae fiear.
toaspooafak (evea) e
solved ia hoi. water,
fa Vm &-riHfm. "Bll
uIm. iind waa a -u taea.est
uauuiv, vk mmmm wra
ypar satoeetuag seats waa
.1 -a
',- 1
a 1