The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, June 28, 1879, Image 4

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1-- " "'""""'''",'M"M,r"'-',iiiiiiiiiiiilii i
Tfcjrt I om Uilair to t wUl Itt Uvor
M HM9 MMWtHHTjr Mimt cake l tlio
wny ftrlal or Ujo cake U atcr
Mlf m IhJe (Jk jotw it,;,. ro fulo
J P? Wo lwl facta!, in an
ITifcLErT rt. lhft onl7 IronblaJouutod slruot
- "" "r" " " ton noiesnro
marrow. Ali&re fa arm eM.tnr
Umb Uut. Tho prien in too
owl wend tueir own lev h..r i,im
Um r own railroads, nor Uko oaro of
nrvir VWH HICK UUl
BMSMLM SM VnnrAilnslA ta..., .. .
-"- vviiivuuiBii mnnnmitnit ft
luejr can
fcHHj Una wo ot tho North oonld tmr
for in year.
Tfeero in no ncix for tit to ilpsrair of
SH fon?Won of Turkey. ThoTurk
WW tbrowu Into the water by tho can
fcilag of boat itt tho llMponu, Iho
olhor day, ami two of thmi tiorkcd ltka
Trojans tog, ashore.
Edward 1 Ingrrtoll, D.D., is ono
??i . ?nt"bUng editor ot tho
Vwr&i Union. Ho ia not a brother of
tho faaona Robert, and it worrit him
awiiuijr to good people, who arc
ialrodnoed to him at socisblc, look
shookd and hold up both hands in
ullent horror when they hear hi naiaou
Thfj car Uwt profaoitT was not
known in tho world until ono day,
owewhoro about fivo hundred txaia
lforo tho ChrlsUta era, when Aria
titles, cutting from his ofllco in dostxu
ate Lisle to catch the laat atxtwt car,
wa atopped bj Tlwmlatoclca, who
waated to tell him how tho rheumatism
Uad been troubling htm nearly all win
tor asd how aany thiaRa bo had tried
for it,
SeM Indian taonnda, anppoecd to
b three or four thousand jeara old or
ao, were recently opened near Belolt,
Wisconsin, and tho tlrat tiling the exca
vates dug out, vere a coaplo of rail
road passes and anantoerauh album.
Thus wo see the early dawn of remote
civilisation singles with the gray shad
owa ot the nrosa that ot the ko the
oaa the gray abadowso the aeons.
iEosa. Gray shadow ot tb awns.
We think Canada ia getting ready for
annexation. Some of the papers aver
there talk about Lome for all the world
aa American paper talk abont tboPrea
idest, no uniformly reapectf ul and an
preey courteous, you know. Que ot
oar provincial exchasges girts thd
gOTernor aerry old lightning tor half
a ool&saa, jmt because he doesn't play
cricket any better. Kow, weconaider
U Preaideat Haye crowning glory
thai ho never belonged to a Loso-bal!
"The tlrat Napoleon," remarked Mr.
MiddJerib, "introduced into France
the manufacture of beet angar and it u
todaj an iaaportant braaeh. in our own
oeaatry.- Xe,"' aaid 2aa4er Middle
rib, ia a subdued tone of countenance,
I taated aosae ol it to-daT. 'Tasted
oaae t whatt Inquired his father,
aharply. "Btcch augar," aaid tho boy,
wearily, and then be drew cloaer to the
table aad sat more specifically on the
edge of hi chair. And silence tcUoa
tfee fawily like a fog.
Th kiss of Soraaah la only twenty
year td ad kaa been on the throne
bt er atoatha. He was one candl
4ate aasftag Sweaty, ail ot royal blood,
awl h waa aaooeaetwlly "counted ia."
Jft ail late aaaae, ae laum ia all Itarssah
darea eaU Mat a " fraad, and the only
aaeaafceraet the oppoaitioa who IoU
seated that he held a seat that righff ully
kteloaged to asother, are wearing
wroagbt-iros jewelry in a stable not far
froat the palace. When a man gets
kisatelf elected President of an Orien
tal kingdom Uiere xs no subtequent
sosaeaae aboat going behind the re
turn. What is the use of being a
Preaideat if you can't club the iculaca
bility out ot the man who aays youj
A young friend up ia Marshall coun
ty sends ne a funny paragraph, to
which be affixes the uto depittsui Ar
tesaus Ward." 2iov, it may be that we
are lacking ia XATere&ce. We have
aoraetiasea eared aa much, and some
timee oax friends hare wept while they
told as oar besetting sin was intiet'
eaae. list we are not wholly irrerer
eat. There are aotae thing and some
people aad aoaw memories that we do
reverojt&d if ever any man ia free Amer
ica publuhea a joke wherein he brings
ia sbe " Putafore b. e. gag aad ties
Artesaa Ward'a name to it. it won't be
ia this department of TAwXye. We
return the young man hia joke, and ad
viao him to aacbor it out ia tho river
aad Jet it soak over the next Presidea
tial election, and aa for himbelf, we
asggeat a less ambitious nam d plume
autil he has tarried long enough in Jer
icho to let his paragraphic beard grow.
The second A. Ward isn't born yet,
dear young friend. Whea he do
cone along, people will recognize his
aUr. without having his name stenciled
I owa to a peculiar carelessness and
forgetfalaeas in personal matter. I
grieve aad saourn over a chronic ina
bility to resiomber name. I woe
Oases lear I would torget my brother
Bewe, if it didn't sound so much like
y owa. I h aometimes, when on
tue war pth. forgotten my own, and
been oowpelled to write home to my
wife to ascertain what it was. I have
oassiiwm been introduced to a gentlo
asaa aad thca, before he could get
tbrotigk with th customary iutrodue
tsrr resiark about the weather, or how
I lied the towa, I hare found myself
wofidariag. woauenng, wk""b
bd iched. what under the sun
wa that aiaa'a name. Since my return
so ay own peaceful fireside I forget,
ikia iaa't the llreaide season ; I mean,
to lay owa protecUng Uy screens, 1
Uave. or rather, the members of my
shelly have, ia overhauling my effect
uTtreatied aearch for loose nickels,
dUeoveted seven autogrsph albums, rtntntnJttod U SIM lor luo lu
rtlo U "a autogrsph." These
iMtsaa uoaaeaa we uu;
MUsaQi albums. Ther contain
. . .. .i.
GUneo Over Um Head m n
In Uio good old day ot ignorance
jud honesty, inany hundml jwlS
tow tho introduction of iatS;?.i
opera bouffo tho hair was looked upon
in France with a kladlv MM.i i
llUOat to ttsvnrnnA. 1.1.
wonieo prised thefr aa they did
J"cf nor, and bravo men valued
uvir iw as nearly as tooy love! life
Aiiouatr 01 tuo head conimahdcd the
same respect a tho board ot the Prophet
Inspire in the heart of tho faithful.
It was something to a ear by. As an
expnwuou pi politeness, it was tho
faatoion to pluck a hair trow tho head
na we doff our hata or bow nowa
days, and tho Indians rub aosos by
way ot salute ; aud an nneomplimcnt
ary referenco to thohair waseonaidored
an insnlt ot an uubvorablo nature.
Long aud flowing hair was so mnoh
esteemed that Uio tobtmro ol tho olergy
wasregarxled aa an act ot inortitlcattou
and sett denial. Tho moat degrading
punishment to which a criminal or a
acrf who had been wautiug iu respect
to his lord was condemned consisted
in shaviug the head. A clone crop was
a token of subjection. Women who
treated somoot tho commandments with
contempt, too, wero deprived of their
rtngiou. a. King lost uis crown wuou
ho tost hia hair, aud It was tho custom
among tho mart$ ot tho palace, wheu
they wished to rid themselves of a
rvi flttntsmt, to cut off his majesty's Lair
and send huu to a convent. It ho ob
jected to this, they cut off his kad iu
stead. A great value was attached to a flue
head of hair, and all tho resources ot
ingenuity and art were exhausted by
the women to set it off to advantage'.
It was as much considered and culti
vated as it was by tho goddesses ot
Olympus ; and, according to tho poet,
tho painter, and tho sculptor, the art
ot dressing tho hair was uot neglected
by too mythological beauties. Iho
Concerning DUmnmls.
31 U not generally known that thoto is
fn Oeorginnn immense lMlgo,tho form a
lion commonly called elastic samUton o,
iHHiNHiuanwnxw tho titAiuoud, it
a described by Mr. M. P. Bteplienaon,
tn id book, now almost out of priut,
on "Iho Mineralogy and Geology of
Ueorgia. It extends for many miles.
a tow splendid diamonds were found
there years ago by nold-washohi, who
wero ignorant ot what thoy found.
Some of these wero cut in liuclaud and
, Jewelry, but luot ot thorn wore
tost. J..,y were of weight from two to
carat, and three aro remombereil
which were of largo aiu. Ono of these
was broken up by tho miners to learn
Ihocanso ot its luatcr. Auother xtas
uel for yoara by Uio iwy in playing
wwWw. lly far tho latgest ono was
lost uv a Dr. Lord, ulm w rtmiinv..i
to oversee tho miuers, and was onoilay
working in tho pit in tho place ot a
wck hand. Ho aaya that nbont two
hours lcror sundown, whilo eiuplovisl
In raising gravel, he piekel up a sto'uo,
which was briuht and uhlnv .! ....
ono sido, tot other sides Iwing covered
with a crust of brown stuff. It was
about tho also of n guinea egg." Ho
laid it out on a bank under a gam tree,
intending at night to show it to his wifo
aud children as thn largest of tho
" pretty stoues" which had beeu found.
Hut he forgot all about it. Twelve
years later ho learned from exports who
took his description that his "guinea
eiTCn was a tlinmnn.V w).il. it .......
miut havo been worth about twenty-tiro
millions of dollars.
Tho kooh-i-uoor and tho mogul aro
twoot tho most notable diamonds in
tho world. Tho nrst.nH is well known.
"" mwh luiuriR, oy uio cou
qmst ot Fuujaub in India, who, to
Kratify a caprice of her owu, has
quite destroywt its historic value. It
was found four thousand eight hun
dred and soventy-two yean ago ithis
oaiois amply votiuovU, ami wheu cut
, a ,M.r l.ltV t,H vZ .1,. ?'? ' ' ' '- ll'l" '" "" Wo 'l
i HIT imrllUHl rll (III kh.I irwlu umik. il i.. ,i,n,W,..i
ifJv Hi t1ltuet n a ,H ' sluwim.i mitti li w ni Vl.hni.fiiir
ii. wMeliwnisinmlll """ ' '-. v
Dcnl Qontly with tho Btomnoh.
If It prtratefrai.lotyttdditlpliiiM It io
miikk. u rci iviikiii
urauittit ami tmln
naiiAtumm Ui rnup
lew Mimi;ianM--n
tetter btomnou Hill
i'vj iTiiiti, null vu'iiuiAiiy imnnh tiwry
uyucitt.i amt btliont niiUMn l k )uml
cli, ncrouuon, m!l,iiitM of tins cul.
ItlPXlOII, tlir VIiMi ti tt.HlSUC, YtlllH, Mill
ltioe instiv luJi rnhai lc ami (ltKirelilo
cnatlon eaiunt h Imlliscatlou, an Um
olttu ierrotiuio. ti) injmlluiou tUwilmr. An
ImiiiritUlo abaiuUmmriit ot urh rmutom uml
IlLaitt ett exvrlmeiiU ulioiiM tie Uio Hint
swp In llir tllrrcllou of a rutv, tliti imxl tlei
T.".? of ll1 tantnt Initio ulU'tBtlvi'.
whleli lit retclvcil ttic IiIkUmI medical mie
lion ana won unireclauit 0uUruj,
Tho Murh or Prottrosa.
In ttits iire there l mi vxeun (or Ijtnor.
no. Hooks arc lead le and le cicry
lr, while nawincr re mure vinlcrll)
clmiUKjl. Takeam-Ua brilliant Journal a '
tlio Sin , traneUeo vaKi v Ciihonuls, ami
It will dinnoro tolnf.irm ami tducalva rami
IrUian a library of tli hunOrttl vulutiu
would Hook gi buhtiid tli liiui, bill a
........iSiii. luuiHKHMi uiripr Kci in
lite fruut Hue or tilt. march ol troicr Wo
cutttUlcr Iho Wklmv CUUONIC1.K the wry
bel apecluten ( an Anisriean iiwiiainT ot
Uintlml tU that c..iiU ioaibty b. naiiird
li ltould b in cicry homo on Iho I'arlik
" IXoreo ahoo Tng,"
It U now tome twrho utonths lncu the
liouiu of Samlcrmin .t Horn Inaugurated the
ptitrrprUo of (upiWlUK ths Undo of ttif
tarlttc Coast with iluar, iiuuutaeiurtMl x
duthely by Hblt lbor, that would com
jr favorably with the Itliest brand ol the
hmcrn market. iuc beyond ihulr mot
vkiikuiko xiHcaiiona
ctl rl, and tht ilfuutul
riiKijH iiiimun.
In QuanllllH. at lltductU Hatsal
(iititAT i:Mrt.itN k(i:imih to.
ass aiii aa h ii ni h.t. riirit.
Campaign Rates,
Vlao XJUotocxi3lxox.
IIOUrkvIM .DfanttaHaLlwIn, Saurian
UlifX 11 lH. V)m d aalvan.
llortcSlioo lai; (. iar
lUclr ability lo njdy
bavn crowned llicit
for thxlr uiKiitiatcd
tM ti tlio Uluioat
W a 1 r
Hitil Hint iii,
4AHIrJX HONK, iseatsidr.
Iiinnst Hl.wi liui, I a.l i'ipo,rTr,
H.llr, lliltilabs Mrn4 lor I'ttio 1JI
WD A I I CU'UI Mnrkrl Nlrrt,
II, ftL.Ut.ll 4N ratti(.i,co.
hair, indevu, was accounted one of the by Indian lapidaries, webjhed only ono
most precious attributes of female love-J hundred eighty-six aud a halt carats,
lincsa by the gods, and mortals have j If honestly cut it would have beeu
alwaya agreed with them in this opin I worth thirty million dollars. Hut by
loa. Poets still sing ot woman's hair taking off slabs from tho facets ot a
as they did ot old, and no poet ot au
tupxily has expressed himself more eu
UiusiasUcally on the subject than Mr.
Swinburne, who it bbstercd, as it
were, with poetic tire, as soon as he
touches this theme. The blood boils
iu his veins, and his eyes aro lit up
with a one frenzy, when ho stretches
himself at tho feet ot one ot his hero
ices and pUys with the tangles ot her
hair. CUuunui does not become near
ly so warm when ho describes Venus
orrounded by tne graces, combing out
hundred carats they reduced
valua of three millions. Afterwards
the queen, not being satisfied with tho
Indian cnt of it, had tho stone re-cut
by Amsterdam jewelers, who reduced
it to one hundred and teu nud a hall
carats, and of course totally obliterated
its historic shape. Sho still values it
ut three millions, when, by tho laws ot
inuie, it is not worth hall that sum. A
O. J. Huwtoy ds Co.
Tho wll known Miulailtr of thU llrm l
but the Ifgtilmatu rc-iull of n liberal and
bonorabto iiyttcm of dotuic bu,lnc. Their
customers havo Icaiucd by cX)irrluc tbal
tnclrurucvrlta, Ulber imrclund In I'er
sou or by order. ti alwaya Ural cla, and al
the lowval iMliiit. tlKure. Tholr ad.lrraa la
315 Sutter St . 3. P. lUi.ilt by WVlli, Farco
A Co, or by V O. ordr " "
Tho Wilcox Pump.
0 Inventor tunm ttila roal liaa ilnnn ao
tmuvniu Uib w.iorliftlnsr luUtt a W t
I U'ii.. .rii. tni.... ji i . ........ .
U iHi,wiiiiHmiii,o t IUI lllrii
"J I Intention. IIih U'limr l'i'ui. l. ...!... .,.,...!.
Il" . " , .. HHHVHV1VWJ
mo in-i in mc. ji i atmi.if.cneati, uuraim'
Send for drtcriiulva ctrrtilara and irlco)U'
llujllie &rt. lluythcc.i;-i(, lluy Iho mw(
CIO AR3 an cuaraiitctd to b tnado of tho flu
al HavanaTuHaeco. a 8ac ramenlo at, 8 V
foa tti tl rtKiiuir, k o.t lowr.t fflfrt, aoto
rough diamond generally loses one-halt I Wia .iKrjbi,Sa rraortwa
us wcignt oy cutting. This ucpeuils
upon iu form ot crystallization and its
her lone, clonous locks." It was to i freedom from flaws, which aro common.
Venus, by Uio way, that the ItomaulTho "Mogul' diamond, tlio largest!
ladies prayed wheu they were suhcted ever found, weighed 7S7 carats. It was
with au epidemio malady which carried .cut down by dishonest workmen to
off the hair of their heads ; and when weigh only 2S0 carat, and tho stolen
tLo plague ceased thoy erected a statuo slabs cut off woro worth far nioro than
to the goddess in gratitude. Ariadne, the stone. The truo worth of the stone, I
abandoned at Naxoe, wandered by tho by the rules of trado, was $03,000,000,
shore, so Catullus tells us, with her hut it was thus reduced to St.000,000. ,
luxuriant golden hair dealing over her j It is only iu the ilexiblo sandstone
naked shoulders ; and thus lUcchus 1 thst tho diamond is fonnd in any eouu
saw her, and became at once enamored j try, because tho earth's tcuipt-raturo.
ol tho love-lorn moid. Ana icciius wuen iua roc receives us prcioni
i r. niuu mMaiMiartr or carrtMrt. nutate
Kirtxa.Vltotuiuib Uraca MidCauM Wacoa. Ctor
BrJaatnS Sta.1' Ik. (mi sat. Sxratnaalo. CU
AU.I'n.oixnp mJ at Iho Nw Vork (Ullfl T
Na mTtlfUt .A. r .iruUIUit (rLM
fririittll hallute J II l'r.. I'd'pr rt f
was noLafkod to be denied : he took
her ia his arms, carried her to his
chariot, and drove away with her before
tho very ej ot the satyrs. It he hail
met JJiana when sho hunted in tho
JItr locks aabocsd waring U ti waotoa wtrtd,
he would have been fascinated, no
doubt, ia the same way. Juno, "by
whose splendid hair, as the poet fcays,
" all Olvmons was perfumed,' tho god
nl in iltml not aooroach out of re
form of crystalb ration, was uoccssary to
crvatalliro carbem.
For five thousand years this rock was .
lounu oniy in uoiconua. utii in n-w,
when these old minra were re worked,
Tho Uo.Ht Spring Medicine nml
Ilcantillcr of tlio Comploxiou in
UHo. Cures V I in p 1 o m . ItolN,
t 1 tlikf slistl Vtiiin1tvlii UittotAilii
after having been idlo for sevonty-llvo , ., ... , '
years, they yielded from ono thousand I Gout, Ulieuiiiiitlc and .tlcrctirlnl
to ono thousand six hundred ounces I'ulns, iitut nil Dltcuse arNiug
per year, xuey are now ayunuoneu.' ...... .. ,, . , , ,. .
rhomincsoflUszil havo prcxlucedin j ,rom "rdrrcd Mtnto ol
the last hundred and forty years two , Illood or Liver.
tons of diamonds, besides thojvast num-, BOLD B7 ALL DRU0OI6T3.
oer sioien. .iguaiz in us explains mo
"rr , T. "..;fifDf Msfather j" """-- i :.".. "r1':". f st f.u, n
BfXG.!. uuiv. w uv.. m-m lOUg BlUVtCU tUvllVlUU Ui IUO UIlIU Ui . -
j or ine btitoou uw w "m'.." diamond: xnisonuuc sandstone, wutcii
stroyer ot his mother.- l rtJM M the matrix of tho diamond, was otio
Joartttil. (of the jlrst sediments deposited in a
quirt, deep-sea bed, long before tho ox
iatence of animal or vegetable life on
Berlin I the globe. ThU formation, with the
w Srltn).
.j W
crinditetle Professor.
Wn'llni, nt t1t TTnirrsltr of
mSa-tbtur tot June, and especially of contemporaneous strata, was upheaved
Fxnst Cartius, Mr. II. II. Jioywen tuns
Meacnbe his interesting method ol
teaching history :
Prcitfsror Curtius has a very sgrcea
ble voice and a clear aud lucid manner
of lecturing; he Is frequently in tho
habitof conducting hia auditors through
the Greek division of the Hot a! Muse
um, and illustrating by the veritable
objects, many of which be has himself
excavated at Olympia, the manner of
iifo and thought among the ancients.
It ia nredleas to add tLat these per
ipatetic lectures are very popular, be-
BniSflU naif.Catr'Ibr KirMrtdo.ltriMl.
wi umioiJ n Anuria nrua,tn r
j.'t. wtnmi k, , f nnniro ommiucmii, ail
. ISTI.Irrf Mtrrwt, mm trrmmrttra.
Ilhn.lno 1(V
Lftaaa A Co.OI
irtr..!.. ia.l. n...nlri.t ii.ii.. ir .....
r.l. I W.U . f M ......'1.. '..Va . .mTl.
i r
PnOironujiiKs1i, UuCrU
V UIMOia Aatkoivtie
l.v vnlA.n(rt fr.rr.A fln.1 fitiHttryf.! fn i '
"j w,r" rv .' v.. .n ... ,
present highly crystallized conuition; f)'
tini carbon was liberated, and, by seg- "si
I - a!uu .1 sWTMfaM l llf-.vjl X r
rc(B(iuu aim uiiiiiij, vrju,jiv. juw nnnmr nrD OrTmiM AVUKllll.iKOa
thtiumond, being tn greater or less vJUiulitO onoao 1 rill cns.f eta .ir
.;.a ...vtlinffti llmammint nf Mrluin el.wtip ru fjf II HiliMau't UaK
within reach of its sOlnities or power -
IWcXd ,n an;flfcounft are iZ 1
lUma xiau a irarai iuv.T au uit uv Kttnai
yield of Brazil were fonud iaora tuaa
IU UUfa) c rtin r rl f
RarW mu-t W fi tsrftot iMlltoU V tawt-ii irW cy
mjtarjm iraa. m. --- - . k .x i .. naiiuaii . jua.u.
. - e a, .a I .,,--.-- -,., . ,
turee or xoar yery large uiaraonuii. mm "
never more tbao ten I uut weighed moto
tlian Ifiirtw sAi-ial4. It fjA a vtilcrar rrt)r JdA tfti rnirs. iiucboM t)i-k Y.Yrv
., . . m .s I iIiIms l.nni fiib rftserrlLun. tk'si snd iiuitt
-- . "T" -."" -7:". .. .' . '... n
vr fuxutr. ta4ir - j a ii ti
rr .vhv oioruuTios run tunr
V4B4 bi
!U0..,!7.,.rf " 1LTLm. o sunio thst to bo pure the diamond . I ??
u.6 iuj .v.--" ; ",.,. 1 ..,..., 1. InnnA .1Mn in lli trrotlflil. ahIWO.H SI '. utrrt, f tlro. I i
tiou from the days oix-iaioaauDocric. f - - -- ---r -- - ,-",,,.. f ---
lou seem to breathe the breath of
Greece, These objects socio of them
two or three thousand years old may
have been touched by the heroes who
came to participate in the Olympian
games. Here, for instance, is an urn
or pitcher of burnt day, or terra cotu,
the fragments ol which Profcaaor Cur
tins discovered ia an Olympian tomb.
Jt has now been carefully joined to
gether, and no piece was found lack
ing. The form is ught and graceful,
and the sides ceorated witn hasty
eoiored sketches, representing scenes
t .-,lr lif. There is tho picture
cildrawn. and the colon, yet bright J g'sTta
andwana. Kotice the wonderful grace f,?1"
! TiwTLift distinctdess of tho Jew I Woo of any.
simple lines which go to make up thi
t . .. . (!. ..bh4 wuaa mlll
The use of diamond dast for catling 'HION
anu ponsuing was uukuuwu ai. , .. cross. pr0Drllor,
In this wsy .ho artiau can now poitsu tor junu,t. .ou wtr ai, sikion. ct
the ntitui at facets, and also erf ate new Kr t l. im au it aria rmxii,
mm. nml thus increSSfl the brilliancy ' "li.. I.ralln. lr lltrrlr
of the stone. In Persia olouo tho dia-1 .-- - - JnU(1
Orcexs or jwnians uum mo iuKuaiaii . ,-;; t;; ' Vumii ior uui n. w f,
sire. Tho "Ailmantine Chains in iuou, um, t. wf ..rrmc mo it
Scbjlna' pictures of Prometheus,,........
bound and his iron finger ring prove f
the adamas of tho early Greeks to havo
ln nothii a but hardened steel. Tho ,
Ilomans never obtained any diamonds
above three carats, by reason of a strin-
Indl opcainst mo extwna-
over that weight. All over
L..n ciifatrt reverted to tho crown. 'Iho
br Wclroll hf.i Coronar.r A nrf
r son liariEiira. rrgai, wr
or uib woi.i.11
Mo ttetfttil br
..(I.HIIIA If fj. iff
lll.r.Oil laioTim. lcf iiarrt 'll. "'''
! Wbrm. Jlf nl.l. MacK smo Otorr. Ac BAM I. II
1'AIUKAio. Asfu, S Ml'mryiilrl,
iruTa iniiiiTrn roil iikiiokk
Pl'fJiAUmondelH, broken. It is crystal SJ'Z&jiSVtJ::
S all lpl, aave those of their
i: aad I. wretched man that I am,
iot wbreIgot them. If the
Z? wbo sent mo their
fiMt aot where
SMsWMlsHT Ji'1
?.?' iEir.. n.vfiiav nromiae to
SWSHMarS. ..,. lta.l will
AM wll tue oi" v.-, -
Md their names and ad
mA precise description of
Oudr rHWtive albums, x wm ..
SWA n'?v""p. . . '. i. Hoar
i. .-. iv jm nm lurjiviHuvm r-" .
w. .jiLhi "irs,
Lk weighed, aud aell it to soma
JS5liVo&orr the bos- tumor-
among a ptopio -uw ,--.
draw lines like these. Tho foot that
they are not the work of 'educated art
ist is proved by various circumstances ;
inthollrst place, the material is very
cheap ; and! secondly, the pitchers are
found in Eteat absneein he tombs
of a certain penw. -' .,
of mortuary vesaek, which were thrown
into the grave, and thus puricse!y
broken tho breaking having sows
mbolurn, and being a part of the
tmrial ceremony. In these lectures,
wLatowPSf-wr Curtius touches is
wadTto tell, not only its own hUtory,
but the history of the iwplo who
laaliloaed and used it. Antiquity re
vlves under hU hands and logins to
breathe aud move in a human aud in
telliKible msnncr. Wo feel our own
blood pulsing i JU . n
emotious and passions animating iU
actios. mt .
Tho business manager of Adelina
Patti complained to the hotel proprio
t atKsil- it the prima donna,
rooms were not up to her standard of
KSy7 "But monsieur," id mine
host dwk J Vriaee L"vo bf ?.
latUued wllli tllese apartmenU."
Fudge r interrupted the manager,
SlTrld i. tull of dukes an. ( prince,
but it can boast of only one I Ml.
fihltl itoul is tblutf to bo studied.
Knclbt IluMMir.'
t husuuiar " lbrrr
ri Imi in.! ut an
uj oiar bookf, r
1MB Vf.uiUtu
Indies In tuosaie oi oimuuu, uu
used for several thousanii years an iuo
unit of weiaht. The rule of lapidaries
r,.r .i.rminini7 I ho value of perfect
diamonds is to square tho weiBht in i
caiats.and multiply the projlust by t
orj iLn.lMiilmiAmt. Tills thoy i
; until tho weight reaches thirty , WSlXrZW&ZilWlXVW'WW
caraU. At that point tho price M lar- rj,,.,.,,
bitrariJy raised to glOO per carat. nt JOHN ItOOEItS A SONS,
if mueh under three oirats, tho price okkkual mr
810 er carat. Alio uncryswiu, Luf UAtUtlulX Wmni i. rrHuw.
ind Hi 0 Hrmruf Nl.. Mmn,
i as au e so :u IMV.
w Oururil Coar.lirm, wllh lh O'litc Of Ibr
ub wi ! v 1" wiua " i.Mu.ii w
1 Ml.
fuonds ueed for iH&ciU, for iolihing,
in timepieces and tor engraving aro
but seventy-five cents to ono dollar per
carat. .
This is tho diamond rule . A csrot,
for convenience, is allowed to bo four
grains. If you have a flrtt-ruto dia
mond of bin carats it will Imj computed
thus ; 10xlU100xCQ$XX). if a
diamond of 800 curat it will bo 100x100
10.000x00-84,000,000. - Wetting
Ion Poil. i
Coiifures remain JoWj
A OxtUt OiST, A C'UAKiJB or H'ATBIl,
eraUuklistillugialfas f',i cr f','1
Lriuxontllli Tatiuoii of Ihe year, an oh
Allnste UiarrUuia, orawiiw other lroutUtine
aiiuaie uimnum. v. ...- .,"" "i. if ,,
AflurtiouuftUe Btewsriior UoeJ. I (you
Could ireU oPal"J " ff"V
waV. iri ai onto 'c. 7w. ,-..-----..
Jiafaaw. s Alwpls, hut fe rcoity t' llitw,
.nd Luallv sircetual Iu all cm of Oriup,
nutcry, aid ouinmcr
and euually elfcttual
Ciiolrrs Morbui,
i or niMim m ntiiui iAi-
"I M Iw ,XI COMIiriO.VN.
l "Ai
ui wul.
cywjy. i
GU1MG ff
'm )i4r tn.. uf J Mil anJ
Uk tvur !! fuJ or
rail for clrrttUr. l-nti,i
(III rtiU I,iiJ and lui
lili,rti 'i l, nm Ui
Sullor Nl Hu I'kikIxu
It o Jill 0 b.c,JAfK lltpul
Irrlan! r"it,. uf tu rr t4
tt Ull, n,tTKI.
Tq CompUxloti CUar,
thi: Ti'.irru miiiti-.
Tita iiiiiii roXT,
n llatr n ana ,nf rrUlalna
r r t or. ti. U r'l
ttj iryittt ? prt nt'iur witaklr,
r. MMiirkloH I.tMl4
4i)rerlM NttMli
f ti ry US lMcstlvrS M , .
No. H, Kill St., Sun IVnncUoo.
t ..i her I! u. lliiim, .lctrUM, tl.U Wu
uient. Mr Ol U(t r c
HjiHMal BoirJ an rieisail Sdjjj Booms.
II V. 71 0 OIIH. M. It. aI ,.-Uto 0( llf
Tr t lu-ai ret 1'iitl eh b4 Miar
,1lr. It. MlMlllt:, JI, tl. U4I.'I lliMu
and II J hu ritaumtrit.
a4 I u strr , Ni k. I f a ttm fissst,
s P si A h a' as 'rewia vt rna,
ft !f'(r nla. II ui. Ww. tKlrr (tea.
tia ) -it - 1 H. Arlnir am .Ur l
n l " t . l...4.lly r(, ,.m.U.
SENT FREE! .' . l r,J,?,WUli!Ka.
Will bo .out tlurliiK Um eomlnn Krual triiKKl of Uio People under tlio iiuilnt" of
the Now Conilltiitlon 1'arty at tlio loi!cmler Klcolloti, nud one week tlioroaftor,
to tieplemhcr 10 for the ainall tunt of
In postn(o tnmi, poalal order or In coin, Von can net tlio frioat tiMnaiiapur. tlm
Inolutllng tho Djublo Hlient .SUNDAY (MIHONK'Iii:, iu whloti Um oeourreucoa
uouiicetud with the unreal couleat will bo fully detailed, for tliu iinall nun uf
$1.35, '
In Poatne tam, muU1 order or In coin, until Hitembnr lOlIt, wliloli wilt OuVttr
(lie oiillrocanipalgu aul ouo week tlivreafler. Addle all tinier to
Shu FrauoiHoo, Onl.
AU roitmaittn and Obrsntels Sealeri will reeolve OuDteriptleni at sbye rati.
KCONOMlOAb . w A mju.viir.K
...... .vdAHtHraTan . i w
III. A I' 1
Wstsr White, 130 dK. Firs Telt.
HAHI'l'M HKIia. A "0. tlliiM. Ityw niilira nud l'liilrr" Ntitlir. illnwil AM
Nrr(.Htulu rl., Kau l-nnrl-a. hitl lur IrrMlnr.
TI03 l?ARMI3.1t'N
Containinz 110 pages oa first-class paper, Size of the pazes 8x10 Incites.
yia. brxaaxr u 1'iiu, IIU Oiranl St.1 hit.
Electric Elevator.
'I r X.J " 5. "
t r
IU Baaaoma Slraat, Sao Tiaclio.
rga tb
Sharps Rifle Co., of Bridieporl, Conn.
Uwful Information for Farmer, Form of Farmer
1 able, pic,
Uinta and liutructlmi In tho Vo of this lt-wk
of the folluwlni; Item '
luvontorr of l'ropcrly.
Farm ami Famllj Kicna.
Fruit ltalied.
1"v.It, etc , leaned.
FajMjr. Utoful ltocclpti,
with pacr tr kreplnjf renUP1"
Malirt ot Fatm Product
Yield of ths Fm.
Itioipam nf 1,1m HtocV.
Diary of Imp rtaul HrnU,
bt aU rrtlr ( . la wnnr f iaa ai.
'., iiuaiiMial iim ri
a. ,him rinr i.Bicni.rr
l.r, f, , llM !.
Atm.Ainni rr w vr oimaKKif,
Ol.l.r.l.U Wrl(alaal, t.hob.jl
I'uwli lo.llnr I if it III K OtSa ana
an irimti or Ol N't. liirl.M and VI
T'HI ma t t. th- Uadlsa HauafM
iurr..if Xof.. ao.l Atnarlr. AM
Mf.VITIOV (if M km.W. In oot!l. In mil.
twtul lor lllnatratrd latajv.
Boswell Healer, Cooker and "Dryer
foMMNiuirnii r ani v i hk ipkiiatko iiv
nKrixiKiiiieAr .. .
Ifrala nt Vvmr .' T'W YwiA' Ortaa your
Prul't rir Loio'iiiiur, llnif. Ubur aliil (ul, ami
at. nl, up i'urt uf hr In CMikina
In warm wpallxr wiiaa mi'HM ot drjrlaa, lti
Ural aa.It.r, r.a Im paa.1 on ha rtiliiiaaf , anil
In w.t.1 Miacr lia.l em Im itaulalad Ki auril
ah; hi flrll0'r.j
Ika li'iu fiwl
hal eyuialo inura uulrlman
tirnl iltff ptrnir IhruMtf miiii
j hral ewiilalB
l morrtat 1 l're'"l iHk,r( Irrab lo )', am I,
ni i
uiual. tlii..r...H.t In fl.vr anil anrjrarif .
and it ci .lli. In I lf all Iwur, and hot ttialfnoi.
Uu..mill4 I Imj nam ouiuaa Irani alpi.urii wnn
kabiln lltafrl out In Wpalllflf lit Cotd fUOtlia
:? 7: .:. .. i - - .... ......... .m....
ill liflru uy l una. if il iicai win aam mwuio
tiv llfda-lril Heat win a
llfi-r rn In wriiiil,miil lii"'l laqualll ulr
lh.t.Jii-l lir or la ttio.uo
ll'U'lIf". Inn .iii i ir I ,a iiuahlilr ur rualuaa.1
in an olb-r li wllna ap(r4 ua Aililrox fur ' ' rj
Alltlll'.A'tHllU,Nu "1 Mnataumarr DI.I H.r
Far 8I Evarrwliar.
Hf J. II. jaawljril, JI. It.
I tt.r i.a. frua, ia r., n4i( la .niae
III, Dr.. ia latuwaa Kurd, r I'f Maiili., twad
laaak Ik !! Uf, braaal, ia rwf
wmiiaa ftlaftil
Ik, nwai rrl lr of llltlt UI4 (wn. la laa
Ikal mar b r4 tf anir w la aaf tac
TA cam o( flfa 4 4lwa faltr aifUlarJ la a
aiaaarf Ual i. Ik ,b).i u li.i &f imih
W .MM. M. H.I.I. ....If IM. 0. wl 1.1..""
,1riuaiioatvr iU.
Adam. allu,aia la a faaariMti KaoaCow.
Xi III WaAklaciti airfC rianirt a
I Valaai rupi (oi ! If ik aikr al X. tle
ai ,a rt.iKixu.
A. W.AWB0KJI,AEBt, Ji Ctalt Bt., i.t.
f nra :r rrH of
I.IVMi lllrtl'I.AIW. H.fifKfMla,
i rAt.n r tu
Ak4 a t IBm ll.'ii ( nt
- Attll A
III.AIIItll H. Ktl.
In IMirnly K'I lllt.
In aritoa mllMuaii aal (.if Ji.,i rr rna-f
miKit.a,.f laic -In 4 fnrt, i inn
af bfiiiati, , bl Ik ln4tl ,vl I Ih-cs.-:
tlnar. nalilll riri. a ,vm4i f II l.'.ianl
tana ( tkauiit maair t iImniIh lb'
ItTVI laktlhr a.1 in Ika frn.llt t aalllal
ralll (4 rra ail,tkAllwilila4laattu, irf ataa aaa
Itui'ufa tliw4
l,l ttvmm Ml All IlrMK ira
Large 8lzo. Prlco 70 Conts.
Fiif f ilrttrii rairi it. '' ! " if
fal u la loit.. I'rl. i m, pit lui
CXI AN NINO WJirril, I'roir.
a'ojjjiijjcj, u.
Hrtutf.ltif I' k Ull.f, I'.laul No llJ il,!l-l
Wai.awn, I t Ixi. in. ii a
Aud 8a4illarrOO'4i WbaUiaU a A Itatall.
fcutiilliifb llarnaa JI.1I1
trf wl, U4II HalMM,
tllufixi ) art aiua' U ui
ai Ha, 1 1 . u t ! (Mf ! '
r.iH. ia a)a.n H(lf
M..ih. .1 L. I.. , u. .... I..
calal.a (ur lithir.. an.l af U..lln.l l.i !.; ( , ,iark tai.. 1011 tlw ,t -r Jul I I. fK
airaal kouaaliaM nr'.!lr W rrrinnio.t Vo. Inlir, 4 It Wl.1,1.14.1 , 1 ui.1.1 IH.U, il
ihII lllllnr fi.r all cbrnnle kiici Ida . b. Ilaint,. U.iL.r a l UiiiT m'Ii
Kiuiir ami ; !irtiii i.itrr ira.Miiii. M uirr Uwui 11 li.r i , fl.uxMia, i
l'IIKMIIrtll r.lttl. rr.linl aa4 Sf ia
ai vail kauwa Mlbalml la tkateatkal aaa lll
llhttaail Ih emnataciltk l"rlte( I kiir Ikaa 1
by vth.r Ut KaaUira aUo .! lhrts H,
ItniwilaJ frum klanva luauulacivtrr al kl.ack.i.r,
. If . a ,fil t!lti,nt u( ti oi.lir.i.!
-own -
IVTillc "Wagons
Of all ,lr ttr-AUi, Maiacl, Clwl.a. ,n, '
a,aii, a )rvviaswi ail aiuq.
r ,
Tb Only Ttapranca Blltar Known.
Th Mix.! I'ortn-f am) ( allitrtle MTarraataJ
lurura all illMaM-i aililna fram aa ImMJla ,ui
Ih IiIomI Ab aSrrlual ifiiir.lf fr Mra,uali,,
llllloManr, lirunln I nn.llui.tliu,
I'llra anjall anwial 'umil)lNla, NrralH.
. aiHiM if , ie, ulm lilllri, an tal
uil.K IX
at i.ov.ithamki:t iiatkh
JvIib lv"a-t la Urn wl known In . f for '
liivery Stable,
132. aad 13ffl MARKET BTttEET,
B.t.TVb.n'IMl., " KIIAHtlSUJ
ri-KAMs uv MMfwunmHrnin
-. -J. ... uTnUtttu " iMrriiM r
V 1.. .iiiuk Im rMlniti In miit
n.rrlUriiiit IU Itolai iwr, yn Mill 'amiUMi. iia. lliaAi'.uuuiliaialit.
Ann thi 11 aiyi r. i.rr.rr.11 run
fui ! In iUatiiltl luiull, ti Ida
San Francisco aud Faciflc Qlass Works,
TMa Jar
Itlailin .t
liatlinlii Kairrnhlalu
ai !, al i wilu ut Uvulil
i (lie , in-in an I 1 aicn 4iri I'rullJir nuw In u
lliaiijr ar 11 tleia'j'o t a r t'f ut He I Hcalma Jar,
!,!-- .... lam lit" "" "'? jmi
No. 1 1 Kearny Ht, Han Francisco.
A4irllNmst is us mo cnnoiciJi
Itf All tlruivUl M d,lvr-tn m1It-ifiia.
(ifiifrrii iw,-'i 94i iiurr "i t ri ftbruco
Ji'oi-Hiilii ly nil iroiiit'M,
W IIOl.T, Mo 711 UontMrrr ilrmt, Hn Iran
tlacu, Atftftl fur Hi rMlll0U.a,t
11 111 bit li
'...' .T ..
IUB( 1111.11
I III JU Li l.l l
Ml di'l llull.f, I IJW
a i wi um. II
SI Iu ll Mill. , , liittin
nl HIM h ... II l lu li.
ivnr U'.J I alluf 1.1a liana lut .1 hit. .UtlU.aia
.if j ,ii4k iu, at. a Hf tiuif n in i
liaril wmul ir, (anu .1 U l al -! I f p'
an I noalllf Onlalt br ititra (iluMii.l r Aialarl
,.ll.f.rl,guau.f.iitrr. tV Hi Ha. Ill llalKcl al rirai, aa Ci.wiwm, a4 lur I'll' Mat.
Eclectic Health Institute,
Iltrt full Diarl lo lrl allfiirminrdUMM
IX 383 3WC O XT A. X. .
Tli Cunruril 'nrrlns;s HHiallur
llat rainiivad In Ho. 41 Hear,mrrr ,i, Hl'aaf. Ilulal, sao Vrisrlaou, aUra a lull
lick of ' lluiirura jIuaalKt an4 Waanna, l,
(ntilbaMiatrillUrAiiaiidK M MllArAlrfi'a
fyularr III ) llu,.!, and 'ailiM ll U r.inui
If .apfonUad T.S. ifAsiUAK, Aal.
Maw MoaliMWr S), u, if.
Iha I, let
lur i
aitat ami iuul KlanilAc rdm
uu4 fiailiMamt buard. kllb
'"'He aaliiiiiaaa rut luflhar
H, ,it,AruM, li.ii,,
Tli offlca (if I'm flfl Kw,Mfr l-utitliMt -'
lrlw Wlilla, IVui'llHor, bat Wfh liiuxd fr
Matkrl ni.birixini I, l.ri wiim uf JUIiraa IlUK
lntMlicaal JMatiiiuiiia at., llf III IW " ,t"
v.1 J oi lai i, ar Wall raiiu A In , l.u at l,b:ri"tuW
Ibiuabl and aM wllliout anjr ruiiiliib.iuii I I'1
aider II u nimali ailraulif Iu IHjr buillitaa tul
au liifiirniallbu ft fun rfl'l uf ilaiiil'l blrl'
uia blind liutia alid mIUii lvIUr lii(n(ii''l"
aolllld III iraaid Iu aiittitHUM fur latllu I"4
ItTOuMUt, Inaldaa, ".ip..iiinl, A , furuM'
aiaitualladrauca on lhiiauf blank lprr
CalUaatwu. or addrtaa UAliU) WillTK r ui
to. U Bail Kiauclicv.
'' . . i '
. . s.
Srf Mt-s- ilVsMi(-(t.
i rr.! J
Jl'WlffllT -TT.Wl..i-.' -