t4l Ha. THE COAST MAIL NVII'KKAV, JttfHftUW, 1NY. W"" - '-" -! - - i NotQmtk Ooiiiikcjt. Mr HprliiKor who In !ii clinrgo o( tlio I. T, It. It. pule tlnltcn n cntil In willed liu imy: "Kwp owl, Mr. Cwuf .VM ; I cnit not entry your pnpuni frco if chiirge. Complaint nnumly by llioso wnnl to trnvul t ft nilucpil prlct', or luivu tliclr pncka's cnrrlrtl froo Knills". You Imvo novor Iweii rcqui'stQil nor ttxjwlwl tocnrry pnpont or anything vm for tlui Chant M.tn, or tiny parson coiinct'tcil wltli it, frco Kratlx, nor limn wo lutil nny porsomil uromitl for coiiiplnlnl. Tlio Unlloil Btntcs pro vides transportation for ntmspnprs ttti of clmrRO within tlio county, which Is ipilto ssllsindory to ns. Kvory intclllKOiit man In Coo county knows, tlint tliuooinplnints ns to tint wny tho I. T. It, It. linn Ihiuii luloly nmniiKod, lo not come from parson who rrt toefciiiK fsvor. TImho com plsliil ro from nunrly nil who Imvo nythlnR to Jo with It tho ilissnti Urtlou In nlmoul universal, nntl wo li.w reason to bnllovo In tmol tijion K0m1 muJ sufllclent gruiuuls, I'lONIO AT C0HVU.UK ClTY. Tim plonle under tho nitsplees of tho Mi sons of CVjulllo Clly.cnmu on" Inst TuoJny purntinnt to niinounconu'iit, mill wn n very pleasant nlFnlr Tho croml iiinrchcil to tho pleasant grounds near T. II. WtllnrJ', which had Im-cii prepared for the occasion. The lUv. Sir. Dell, from KosolurK,dv llvcrcd a very Intercntinft and lustruc live address, on the subject of Miuou ry. Iiiilninirntal music km tiiruislf od by II.KclinrJer, hiiJ vocl inusirj by Clark Miller, V. L. Dixon, J J. I.ninb, (3. OJUo nnd other, nftcr which thu tallies wore tprend nnd n bountiful repl enjoyed by nil. A dnnco wn organised for the evening, and wan woll attended. Tho occasion I jm ken of by tlioo present, ns one to bo remembered for tho soclnliHily, Rood feeling ami harmony which ehnrnc terixed the excrelxo. AiToirrioxMi'MT or Hriiooi. Monk v. Under thu lule apportionment thn revernl achool tlintrictx of thin county lire entitled to receive the amount following: ffrt 70 DIM No 2fl 18 05 IV.' nO 20 )' .18 IS at M JO GS m m jiv: i m m 4d (2 II let n m ;. ! II II II II "J 811 I 15 ttt " 27 48 " 11 40 " lit 4S " 40 K2 " II 40 " .12 07 .TO 00 12 07 ll II II Aci'iiii:nt ox tiik I. T. H. It. Iat Monday tho baud-car of thu I.T. It. It. left Utter City with Jan. Aiken, C. Onto ami Mi Montgomery as pa--engcrs for Coaledo, nnd when on n curve, near CarHir's place, the car ran oirtho track, throwing Mr. (late ngainnt the wood-work of the ear nnd lirolidug and cutting hi face Mivctcly. Mr Aiken was thrown backward, and brutned considerable, but Miss Mont gomery, fortunately; wnped without iujiiry. Had this accident occurred In Nome lea favorabb loralUy on the ! road, ihqrcaiill would probably have j Ihmmi fatal to Nome. If not all r il,.,, pai0iigcrs. "This U an age of spcwl," Mr. Kprlnger, it is true; but a little caution and good noumi nro qulto ns neceimary as muscle, in "ono who sees! nml governs nil." Tin: Hcnoou Tlio term of public achool now in progress hero, will clone next week on Thursday. Mr. McCor mauls of thu opinion that tho tlmo that Is required o prepare for public exhibitions, may generally bo more protltably employed in thu regular uxorclMi of tho schitol, and thu school will close with n review of thu studies of tho term. Thu aiiiumer term of iho Academy will commence after n vacation of ono month, on August 4th. Tho school is expected to bo large, but Mr. McCormau assures us that ho intends to employ additional salslauco, if necessary, to nssuro tho Ih'sI Huibla facilities for all who may attend. Not Concm'hivk. A Port Orford corrcNondcut hays Asa Carman of that place is willing to wager "all his posKesslous" that the harbor of refuge will not bo located al capo (ircgory, nnd he llndn no ono (hero willing to tnku tho bet. Well, wo will admit that that isnu important clruumstnucu but it is possible that tho wagor is not taken bccatiHO tho people there are, on principal, opposed to hotting; at nny rato Coos liny will not surren der till tho engineers nro heard from, "Tho baud is still playing". Pkiuonai. Examination. Mr, II. 11. Jones of the Bouthport coal mine, hits been out on tho Middlo Fork of tho Coqulllo, looking at Iho proposed rsllrouil roulo and tho resources which exist ns nuiuducomout to tho construction of the road. Mr, Junes is n thoroughly pmutleal man, mid wo shall lo pleased to hear n favora ble report from Itlm. ns his vimva will have much weight in inducing invest ment in Iho ontci'prUo, iM.No.l. o " " n i .. .. . jj i) ii ii 7 .. .. n m y ' " 10 .. n " i 12 ii . jj; "11 ' ir n .. )rt " " 17 " " IS I. .. ,0 I ,1 () ' " "I ,1 II .! II II I i ii 7 ; " 2S 2 1 " 30 M '2 " ai is trt :tt -12 ; " ;w is -is " ill 20 ( " a.i h in " :w n 77 " JI7 as in s " Jll 40 82 " 40 2.1 W " ti in r, - 42 ISt M " 43 X 75 "44 III 4H Jmi'Kovkmkntv Tlio counly rond fnim C'oqiilllo City to Conledo, ha been greatly improved within n year pant, nnd tho farm aIoiik tho route are beiiiK rapidly developed. Mr. Mc Ailiiln hint clcifrrd nnd fenced nlnre nrea, and ha sonio flno crop. Mr. McQjilg, who lino purehaiied tho Hak ley place, In preparing to clear land on a largo scnlo tho coming summer. Thero In probably no pari of tlio court ty whorofnriniinrolKiInK mado "" rapidly than here. Tiik Hliow. Tho porformanco which wa Announced for lat Halur day tn onlng by dear UrliTith, tho ma gician, did not como oir In coimo qtieuco of the very Hinnll attendance. On Monday night ho performed apart of hl programme to a yury miiaII Iioimo. Bomo of lila "illliIoiu"woro woll performed, ami we do not doubt that ho uuderNtandn the IjiinIucm. Hut It U not a good time (or hIiown. Tub IJokhi: hack. Ownora of fant stock, arc laying their plans to con tent, tho "turf" at Kmpiro on tho Fourth. I.tiNo'a homo "Iongfcllow" in oi I cd to run, and innlMy An doraon'a mare l'uan". Joo Nay of Port Orford will probably bo on tho track with Nome of hU"raco Mock." Hlglln A Uennett have noiiio idea of entering their little mare, but have not fully decided to do no. A 1'uer: Tiit.io. Wc learn that the people of Myrtle Point have made ar rAiigomeuU to accommodate thoNo who attend their celebration, with great liberality. Tho dinner will b free of cotimo, and the aupper, dance, and night lunch and hreakfaU, are al m to Iw enjoyed "without money and without price". Thla liberality on the part of the 'x-oplo, nhould iiiNiirc a large atlendauce, DaxokuoUni.y 1 1.1 -Mr. and Mrs. David I'erklim of North Ilend have been for nomo time pat, 'julte feeble with votmumptiou, and uotwitlutand lug all that medical Aill and care could do for their rolief, all hope of their recovery low been abandoned. They and their friend are dally ex pecting the arrival of the mei"enger which (ball Mimmon them "over tho river." No CoMrriKMr.vni'. On Thurnday of thin week, Judge Nosier amUIcJ by Dm Oolden and Mackey, examln cd a Mr it. Itachel P.tmoni charged with being iimnne, and adjudgetl her ton itninnn mrntii, and ent her t. llir. nak'limi. Mr I'jirMliu l( will- ow nbonl CO year of ago, resident of .Sumner, nnd formerly of Oregon City. .Shu ha Ik-cu in thoawylum U'fore. DtNAi'i'oi.NTMiCNr. The ntcamcr Lit tU Annie, of the I'oqullle, wan U'nclicd for Nome nlight n'pair on the '2&, and wa unable to get on" In time to make her regular trip up tin river on the -lilt, in coiiin.sjiieiice of which, many of tho renidpnt on tho lower river were prevented from attending the pic-itii; al Coquilic City. Htuuck With a Hat. I.att Tucn day, nC. Andrewi", potmater nl Co iiuillo City, wan tallying for a game of bimo ball, a bat itlipcil from tho hand of one of tho ntrikcr and hit him in the face, knocking him down, and broking ht faco NvrIoudy. Dr. Angel who was preMUit, drcwrd tho wound, and he will i-oon bo all right. Auiiivai Tlio Nteamer lrr, Capt. Holt, croiued the lar on her ar- ilval al :t a. in., Wcdurodny morning, with tho following lint of patcugor: A' "' r "'1'). rr-. perry, Aira. .-sei 'Io V"Jr -Mr- D.Jone,Joliii Camp- tfc. S k. eu nnu wiie, v api. v. mn-o, .nr. lira ham, and four in tho steerage. Fictio.v. Tho Xttrt publihes a lit tle romance about a fellow stealing Siglin's llro wood, mid being blown up with a chargo of powder. Now, that's not n now story, besides, when wo heard It More, it was tho other fellow who put Iho powder In thu wood. Uat.i. Hutchinson & Maddon'a mining tunnel on Bixc, was covered by a slido from tho hill altoul two weeks ago, which has retanled their work. Hut the Iwya wont to work with energy in removing the slido, and probably before this timo are washing gravel. Hayi.no is in progress among tho farmers. N, J. I.eviniion, Agent of the Orego uinn called on us Wednesday. IIUUKiiKMiiKti are getting ripe with a probability of Mug quite plenty. J uwiK Catiicaut Is visiting his re lations in Douglas county, and will soon como down to Coos again, Mil, Okoiiuu Davih who has been In Ban Francisco for bomo months past, camu up on thu last steamer, Ouu young friend, J. W. Hamilton, of Empire City, is engaged to deliver Iho oration at Myrtlo Point, on tho Fourth. K. Uun.s'hi.i, nnd Thomas Johnson nro getting ready to do somu log giug near tho head of Catching Klough. Cait. Paukku is operating upon tho wreck of tho Gnat Jlrpudlic with tho assistance of n 'diver cquipHd with the proper sub-marino armor, Ai.t. necessary blanks and instruc tions required in making proof on homestead nnd pre-emption claims, tinder tho new law, can Ih found at Webster's olllce, in Mnwhllcld. Htaokh will bo running on the Coon Day Wagon Itond again In n tow dnya. JollK DkahU making sundry and varioiiH lniiroveinontN In and about tho "Pioneer" saloon building. Fiiitz Timmkiimam Is preparing to onlargo and improve his building noxt to Noruinn's Itlttcknrnitli shop. H. IT. Ha.Aiii) Kh(., left on Wed nesday for tho interior, by way of Gardner. Ho will return alxmt tho flth of July. O.H the 18lh Instant, Capt, 0, Potcr noii, of Han llucua Ventura, was mar ried to Miss I.illlo Lyons, of ficotts burg. 0 AHmiKVfn, has put a now front on bin Ntorc (tho Post Olllce) at Coqulllo City, mid It presents a neat appear aucc. An interesting featuro In tho oxer. elses at Kmpiro on tho Fourth, will bo tho "pig race." Thoy will turn Liino a greased pig and lot John Thorn m Cat(ch) it. Tmk Port Orford correspondent of tho Nttis says the Mail has eight sub scrllmrn at that office. A mlstako, it has ten of tho moNt substantial and intelligent men there. JoiiK Oampiikm. Ksq, who left hero something moro than n year ago, re turned by tho last steamer. He has attended" tho Paris KxpoKitiou, and traveled extensively in Kuropo since his doparturo. Thk funeral of Mrs. Ann Perry, which took place on tho Coqulllo last weok, was conducted with tho formal ities of tho order of Patrons of Hus bandry, of which tho deceased was an esteemed and honored mcmlwr. Urox maturo consideration, the poo plo of Mnrshfleld have concluded not to celebrate hero on the Fourth, nnd no doubt many of our citizens will at tend the exercises at Empire and else where on that day. Tm: people of tho Coqulllo are talk hii?of btiSldini! a wai'on road from Coaledo to the head of Isthmus 8Iougli,j In order to avoid lK-ing annoyel y tho Isthmus Transit Uailroad, which of late is an accommodation to no one. Mita. MnxtOAN, from Ohio, sister of Dr. 0. E. Smith of tin place, and W. D. L. F. Smith of Coos Itlver. arrived by the lmifn on Wednewlay. fiho comes to visit her brother-, and to enjoy tho benefit of our health giv ing climate. Jo. HrncoN, of Sumner, who has leen mining on Sixes some weeks past, came home a few days ago; he Is much encouraged with thepnpect in tho mines, nnd will return soon af ter tho Fourth. Maj. Huown, our city recorder, has prepared a plat of Iho cometery, un der the direction of Iho Hoard of Trus tee, and arrangements will soon 1h made so that persons can, by paying a small sum, k euro several lots ad joining. Two deer inndo their appearance over on tho mud flnt In plain view, and just across tho channel from town lat Thursday. After leisurely in snecting tho movement of tho tide for soma time, they retired to tho forests. It Is understood tliat the tug Ftar Uti will run to Gardner on tho 3d of July, and bring down lhoo wish to attend tho celebration, and take them back on tho fitli. H nothing occurs to Interfere with this arrangement, wo may look for a largo delegation from tho Uinpqua. Cait. JamkhCauiiom., formerly in command of tho Great Republic, has leeu nominated by tho working man's party otSan Francisco, for tho office of Chief of Police. Slneo he has turn ed "Working-man" ho will probably be able to get along without doing anything. Mr. Simpson's Views of tkeUreak water. Tho San Franciitco Bulletin reports that on the 10th. "Captain William Simpson" (ovidently A.M.Simpson En.) appeared leforo tho Hoard of Engineers to give them his views on tho subject of thu proposed har)orof refuge. Ho said ho was well acquaint ed with tho coast from San Francisco to Vancouver, and ho docs not believe thero in Any good place to build a har bor. Tho roadsteads are either too small, or they are shoal and rocky. A crippled ship would stand a better ahnnco in open soa than in nny har bor with whioh ho is familiar. He has boon interested in sixteen wrecked vessels, and does not know of an in stance in which a harbor of refuge could have been of tho least assistance. Tho swells on tho Paoillo nro greater thuu any where olso on tho globe, und ho thinks tho work will not stand. Ho closed by saying s "I do not think all tho skill of mnu, backed by all tho money of nil existing governments, could build a breakwater whioh would resist tho full forco of tho breakers on this coast, Indeed I know of but two points whoro money so applied would not bo worso than thrown away; ono of theso KlntH is Crescent City, tho other, Coos Hay, At tho formor place, a wall built from Lighthouse inland to Stoamboat Hook, would protect tho landing now in use from a strong in shoro current. At Capo Gregory, Coos Hay, thero i n lodgo of rooks pro tccted by an outside ledge, on which n breakwater might ho securely built, so that vessels crippled in tlio winter might make good use of tho ohcltcr." Mjrtlo Point Items. Mrs. Wood by Is very 111, and Is at Capt. Harris' place waiting an opor- tunlly to reach hcrhomo on tho south fork. Our citireus hnvojmrfcctcd arrange ments for tho celebration of tho com ing Fourth. Tho dinner Is to boon pic-nic stylo. There is plenty means subscribed to make it an interesting occasion. Many of ns nro going in order to hear our young friend, James Hamilton "orate." I). I). Jones, a man who has done as much for Coos counly ns any other person, Is on a visit to tills region. All nro pleased to see him. Ho has ex amined como of the- coal mines, mid speaks encouragingly. Wo feel suro I rial llio iioveiopini.'ni ui unr coni mines will insure the construction of a railroad. ClrHf-rMl rfewff. "Mak Twain" poys taxes on C7, 800, in Hartford, Conn. Kkntucky ships black-walnut logs to England. Tun prospect for a wheal crop in England, is not good. Wkhto.v tho American "walkisf, has won Iho walking match in London. Tiik will of Huron Lconclde Hoths child, disports of his personality to lite amount of 2,700,000. Tin: Vrtern Star, has been enlarged to eight columns, an indication of merited prosjerity. W. P. Watson, has shown tho Edi tor of tho Mountainrtr, a strawberry which measured 94 inches around. Till: .diiorian reports a flounder which was caught near Astoria, 17 in ches across and 25 inchcslong. A TiioTTiNO horse named "Muggins" latolv purchased by Joe Taylor, for f 1,000, died at Hillsboro.a few days since. A Hltow.vsviU.K dispatch from Sal tiilo sftva: The governor oi Neuva U'ona wa killed by revolutionists at Saltillo, on the 10th. Or.o. PkiikiNsoi the nrm ol wood- nil Nrlon A Perkins, lias bcn nom , . . ttntinliiirnn convention. for Govtrrnor 0f California. Doi'iiLE jiostnl cards are to Ik? isucd, intended to carry-the message of the kcmlcr and tho reply of the person to whom sent. They will cost twoccntN. Tho new steamer Catiarnin is said to have made tho best lime on record between Portland and San Francisco, on her last trip. Two little boys, sons of II. S. Jury of Salem, aged "six and nine respect ively, foil into a will iond and were drowned, on tho 19th instant. W. II. IIyaiu has lakcn a contract to survev a largo tract of government laud in" tho vicinity of fiooao Lake, and will soon commence the work. A Coqi'ilu: City correspondent of tho Star, says newspaper agents arc becoming a nuisance in that jdacc. Why don't he quit the business? A ntt.t. has boon lately pased and signed by the president, making sub sidiarv silver coin a legal tender in sums not exceeding 10. Tho former limit was fo. A man coming out of a Texas news- imiMT onieo wiin ono eye gongcu oui. his nose snrend nil over his face, and one of his cars chawed olT, replied to a policeman who interviewed him, ( "I -didn't like an article that pearcdj in the paper lat week, an' I went in tor see the man who writ it, an' he wero thar'" An exchance sava: The Governor has appointed 'Henry Lenvstachcrof Empire City, as Notary Public for the ensuingtwo years"'. Probably re hiring to tho appointment of H.Scng stacken. Milks, the poligamtst, who has been convicted in Salt Lake, has gone lo tho penitentiary of Nebraska for five years. He asked no mercy cf tho court, but impertinently requested not to lx' lectured. This is tho second conviction under tho law of Congress applicable to that offense. The .tstomin, says tho Hoard of Engineers will visit tho Columbia about the ISth of July in a steamer specially arranged for their accom modation. They will probably visit all !oints contending for tho break water on their passage up. A yoi'NO Max named Jacob Rupor was drowned in tho North Umpmia river near Tipton's lost week. '1 ho skiff that he was crossing in os per mitted to drift too near the rapid, when tho young man became alarmed and iumncil into them, and was un able to swim out. The.boat passed over tlio falls safely. A Man named Cameron contracted to mnrrr a girl named Shoemaker in Mt. Scott precinct Douglas county, and they went to got out tho license ; but it came to light before tho license was issued, that Cameron had a wife in Jackson county, which put a stop to tho proceedings. Tho girl linn not gone back to her parents and tho final result of the ntniir is still uncertain. idieiid. Pkuuy. Ne.ir Norway, Juno liith 1379. Mrs. Ann Perry, Avifo of W. T. Perry H.q , aijod &4 years. .Marl no lnt'llIccHCC. AH HIVED. SmimAY, Juno 21, Str (iiisaic Telfair, llutlor, 5 days from S. F pass and indso to F. Solici tor. Sch (lotnmn, Madson, 0 days from S. F. tQ8iinpoii Hros, St'SDAY, Junk 22. Sell James Townsond, 9 days from S. F, to Eostport Coal Co. Monday, Juno '22. Sch Laura May, Aekorman, 11 days from S. F to Southport Coal Co, Wknimuy, Juno '25. Str Areata, Holt. 3 days from S. F. pans and nideo to F, Solicitor. TmiiMUY, Juno 20, Sob Clara Light, Hagthrop, 1 1 days fom S. F. to Southern Coal Co. SAILED. SI Soh 0. H. Merchant, Mnrtin.S.F. 21 Str (lnsio Telfair, llutlor B, F. 25 Sch Seiciiii Thayer, Wheeler, & F New Market F, TlMMKIlMAN, I'POni. On 'Front street, near Dean fc Co.'s store. Han always on hand tho list of IJEEF,POUK, MEATS of all KIND8, and everything to bo found in a First Class Market. VJUCKHu LO It'a the LO WRHT it A living share of patronage is sollc ted. vl-7-tf Ei B. Dean & Co. K. 1!. DEAN, D. WILLCOX AND C. II. 3IEKC1LVNT. We have Alwaya. on Hand a vuu Arfortmcnt Of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. STOCK ALWAYS COMPUTE, LUMBER MANUFACTURED TO OKDEK And SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY DESIRED. and nt tho LOWEST LIVING PRICES. coos B.ir MARKET, MAHRHIlriEMI, OKf.CON, D. F. Hosh, V. II. SlMI-SON Jt V. IIou.axk Proprietors. im: :e "a. t s and provision of all kinds old at the lowest living rates and DELIVERED &t any point desired roa VESSELS, LOGGINO CAMPS AND FAMILIES, ALWAJTCREADY, JWc keep nothing but thcleU9 and insure satisfaction. lv-l-tf NASBURG St, HIRST, ! HOST OTUECT, JIAltfllFlELD, UGN. w JEW GOODS BY EVEUYSTEAM- er; keep constantly on hand in lourlarce anu commodious store, a well selected stock of nrtlCAAl ftf CDntJAUrWOC fjEnfcJVU. mtnlSmnUdtj ,.',; of tho best staple and fancy I X) IE? 3T G O O D S of all kind, the choicest GROCERIES PROVISIONS. a iu.se: stock or CLOTHING, HATS nnd CAPS, HOOTS and SHOES, RUBBERS and OIL CLOTHING, SLIPPERS and OILCLOTH CROCKKRY nnd GLASS VA RE, HARDWARE and TOOLS, Cigars and Tobacco, PAWW, OlIX, HBd VAK.MSHES, CIIOICK 1VI.-KM and LIQUORS, TO-WAREaBd Ann cm rriox. CUTLERY, WOOD and 'ILLO'-lrAIiE,and Sclxool DSoo3s:s STATfoNERY, yimKisiitiiro- ooossi, A.STZ3 ncosizsnr Our extensive show cases aro filled wish tho finest MILLINERY AND FAMCY GOODS. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES' X II. All goods imrcliaaou at our Store will bo delivered free of charge at any point on tho route of the steamer Myrtle. vl-l-tf THE PIONEER MARKETS, M.u:snm:n a KMnni: City. H. P. WHITNEY, PitorniKTon. A gootl supply of BEEP, PORK, MUTTON, and all kinds of SALTMEATSamVEGETABLES constantly on hand. Also a good stuvk of oxioosixuioa. AND LOGGING GAMPS SUPPLIED AT SHOUT XOTJCE vl-Uf 'I I zv IEW JkJ ' MlW !m7i flj TTiii. Reieliert9 Proprietor Kcci3 constantly on Jiniul,niul ofrersfor pitlo a Buperior nrtiolo of LAGER BEER, ALE AND PORTER, WHOLESALE and ItETAIL. MYIIAII IS SU1 PLIED WJT1ITHK CHOICEST IUIAXD8 OF WMES, LIQUOKS AND CIOAJIS. UHANCH SALOON Al EMPIIIE CITY. lvltf J. ESTEY & Wo. I M-2TrtBt Ytair. BRAHLEBORO. VT. Ottr new Organ, ciprcaaly designed for Sunday Scbeole?, CnapelSy etc, Is proTing a GrTEL'mA.I SUOOBSS. Bo sare to send for fall descriptive Catalogue before purchasing any other. THE LARGEST WORK (OF THE HKD) Oil THE GLOBE Hlostrated Catalogue seat free. VICTORIOUS! HIGHEST & BEST AWARD iad Onsd SteJsl cf Hcaer. Xeoaosty, Darsbility said Sapidity combined with perfect work, Axe TKubfuibin j Taaati et lix ccUtnicd Giait Fan ad Waretae Fobs, IIAOS IV A.-P. DICKEY, Racine, Wis. N bnU BaayUte iacooan, tbey ate faDj csil is nrcty irrrtnS: clc2stc( all kiadt of Cnm, Tbcrrrade Mtts, dcvul iav vans, vw im ww . ntt 6i froa What, i rUr asd Rjt Theyhite rnCc vtbulcciwctiTDriiMciaosusc. scs- rfT perfect inu(nsii tor denig Tieooiliy; Cbrcr, FUx 5wd. Orchanl Cnu, ud 3 echn MuU v lBr tian rnr.T. tna omm rrtry qoiEfiatioa rero.td a do U box wik ia h HiontfZvae. Winhtnar, u we3 as Faro MtBt, m brsiiycaa. ttruclrj, boih Viait reccrinf ruw t'aa tt kcto bkxUic ike irtaod. tai pimt a opitity cf ha 50 10 too besheu jwt rocr, tccirW: tt US ei mu. 1 Ttrr "e Hipped, toirf fwccoia i3iportte, I ia4 cp" "koctktd lwa" ht twwsrdJm nU;d, u mjucxtet!; vi U all osrt put free en 1 board Can or Stcaoxr. Order final aim dajr u MiCs aUppeJ "knoeLoj im" t for bjjf ic bxiiht ciurccj when firwrded "Kt op." Ol-o. tTjphX34Cireai)riuppUrdonappSraaoB. Fnm will t qooittl in and ca Hbcial tcnu. Conta paieacc aolKitrd. TBE LIGHT-RUMIHS HlWItlH 0ns BEST, LATEST IMPROVED, and BiMt THOROUGHLY cotulnictej SEWING MACHINEorcrlmeuteU. M ttio Wforiu; ivuif cro mada of U10 BEST STEEL, CAREFULLY TEMPERED and aro ADJUSTABLE. baa tho Ljjiaxar noauixi it hu tt Easiest Threaded Shuttle, Tba BOBBINa aro "WOUND without RUNNINtt or UUTlMtriADXKQ tba StAOilLNK It ha a SULF-SCTTINa NKCDUBt It hat a UIAI. for Ktulatliic tho leiuUi of atitcb, WITHOUT TKarl.NUl II lua a IUUli al'ACK umlcr ibo arm; It U NOlBKUUil, tnd Ua moro ItoiaU of VXCKlXXUSCiS tbaa all ether macbluci cotuUucd, i)Aont wanted In tocalitUa vrhera we nro not ropreeanled. Johnson, Clark & Co. SO UNION SQUARE, N.Y. Sl'HSCKlHi: for Iho '4ANT .11.111. .'J. at it'r j vir. l3fcjf jffBB 4BjrdPBBPQ .lull ' vis" IWMW. COMPANY, Ho. 160-Bosk XUrw. Mtoifij. ElcslMtlM XBCOE Taylor & Farley CABINET ORGAN at wrn, I All ZXi!iBI3S&XXim of atty a!oe mf be kmi b &oe isxtrtuaena. aid tbej ceotata many KBSSKTIAL. IMPROVEMKMTS Wt TCTSB ia Jur Orfaea. Abnlncto prcxSuoo work whteh shall hm DurablA.vrewlilnot eaertftee that whMi la net ean( and yet Is vital to a pcrfaot Orsan, in ordsr to mako a morenmtr esArlor. VT ate uSt eaaUed to pretest as Stylish sail Apprep rlate Cases u can he baai in the oaikct, Uh a faith which b MtrflCtibyaay. AS REGARDS TONE, THI TKJUOVWa Aiart Willi Medal & Diploma of Howr was cx-urro sv thk avrurauL rxHrarnos coxum&tuzi tttlusnrt la VertnfM?.EicHa. rtHTTaaf BaRUUCI CF TS1C nifxmUr U tmr uJ ChkoJ tNatr It latal JpflkSftl f ta fSryMN totoWf Do set ta3 to cuJc application and XX&aCXNE THKS3 IS8THUMIMT8 Before Furchauac. CaaJagvet tiee, ca applicatioa to tho Taylor & Farley Organ Co. WORCESTER. MASS. THE WILC0X&WH1TE ORGAN CO. Meriden, Ccnn. U.S. A. "Children's Blow Pedals1! Adjusted trramoysdlisiMtly. iRYitittd and Exctaslviljf isid by this Cwpty, The most iopular Organs of the day! , UNRIVALLED IN QUALITY. "Tfce Wilee: fe Wfctt OrKaUft Iwtrer" tmjikp B1T mmI OKEAJJDiV in t Jm jaUwriMrt ! Send Ibr JUmtrattd "(Xtdogt. ASflSSMMVvS fl lLaBaBaaJnto vl