The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, June 14, 1879, Image 2

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iMMrlS, lN?f,
Nctltat In KitMuc
About tonoFc.
The urotrnctod nnd oxrwnslvo ex
tra Gaston of court, which vn
rorelx)n the country by the dem-
OCWlUc tmrtV. in linnfi .i:..
Tfco Democratic confederate briga-
wno ronnuuto the minority in
conercpmtsfiumctl that tho imwitloni
wan weak, nml could 1k forced in
toUionpprovidoftlio roixjnl of the
lawn which stand in the vmy of the
fraud by which largo Democratic
Majorities in the largo citfes, hnvo
been in former years' secured. In
this they wore mistaken ; thoy were
met in every instance by nn intel
ligent veto, and were not long in
making tlio discovery that the coun
Iry nutaiiicd U president. Thoy
nowbnek doirn abandon the course
which they bonstingly marked out
for the party, and arc ready to ad
journ. Tho tension has been one of mark
ed and extreme pcJjtical rancor,
and the heated discussions -abbd.
liave taken place, have done much '
to arouse the feelings of fifteen years !
ago, nd to awaken the distrust of!
the thinking men of the country as
to tins purpose of these professed
reformers. Jt has weakened the
Democratic rtarlv. and ittnnTiHr,.ul
the Republicans. The people novrj
begin to realize and believe tltat there !
w little dilTerence between the De-t
mocracy of 1SG0, the confetierate!
sympaUiixersof 1S64 ami the reck-'
less Democratic partiz.ins of 1S70. '
Asa national step the extra session i
lias been pernicious, and as a stroke ;
of Democratic iolicy it is a failure!
wwen will swell tlio Republican
Majority in JSSG.
Harbor of Briton.
1-mm all pntl fet ,,. Kns,t pomo
now indicating a gcnorai revival in
business. The cotton and woolen
factories that hnv ollhor Imon sus
ponded or running on short Unto,
have generally resumed work to tholr
full cftpaolty, and tho price and de.
mnnd for raw material have corrc-s-pnndinKly
improvl. A Into Now
York dNpntch wys that iwrments
throngh Shi clortrinR houses In May,
ISro, execcdnl thoe in May 1878, ly
forty and sixteuth por conU, tho to
tal this year MnK $2,tHO,00(). nKnin-t
2,7tX,000 lat y wr. njlio: urerttl v
exceeds that of any May einco the
panic of 1873. Tlwwo jwol rc(lU
may Ihj Attributeil, to a great extent,
o the resumption of iixKft payment
by the govern menUnnd thoy o'ffbctn
ally lefnte tho arinmionts'of thooo
whoadvoeated inllation and predicted
disaster and tlnaneUl embarraameni
tron tlio net of resumption. There U
reason to Wlievo thnt when the local
caum of depression of buwuess in
the l'ttcifioatates ii removetl, there will
be no farther just grounds for com
plaint of hard times.
Seduction ana Homicide.
The following, taken from the Alta
of the 1st, It a seaman' opinion with
out, a particle of cxare ration, in nspird
)to the natural advantage of cape
CJrefcOry. Ttic writer is only one out
of many hundred who can testify to
the ftms thing :
Congress havingapproprated a tarn
of money for the purpose of creating
a harbor of refuge- on the northern
coast, where tcac1 could run for with
safety and find shelter during hoary
ITinter tde-also keeping m xltvr
Ike van U of commerce, and thenatu
tsl outlets or the country-1, liR
ttmol Urn many seamen on this coat
, -, tec wWetw GoYerwMeiit intend to
mHi tkm karfeerot refuge, therefore
1 U y & few words about it from a
dcajBatt's taudjomt.
That commerce needs a sheltering
harbor there s no denying, and one
iliat can be made available at an early
Ute. There "mi many places put
ting forth claims for this harbor of
refuge ; the mot of them hare no mer
it no natural advantage and
would be more likely to prove a plao
of destruction to tho unfortunate ves
sel that would have to run for it.
To the officer having in charge the
selection of a site, I would resK-ctful-Iv
MiKfjeH cape Gregorr for their con
sideration, as being a central point
and the most practicable and certain
in its benefits. Cane Gregory i a
prominent headland, juttincout bold
ly from a line of the ooat which bore
runs nearly north and south for a dis
tance of 30 mile on each side of the
cape, with the water gradually deep
ening from the beach to ICO fathoms,
12 miles off shore ; so that a vessel can
always get Bounding in thick weath
er, and tell her o&ition. Another
good feature of thia place is that the
wind always blows home, so that a
vessel running for it 1ms no fear of
get ti ng becal med- There arc nci ther
rocks or shoals nor danger in approach
ing it. The nearest danger U Blanco
Xef. 35 miles south, and 5 miles
north wet of the entrance to TortOr-
Under the north face of cape Greg
ory the bight make the form of a
fcdU-woon, with a dutsaico of nearly
two miles from the lighthouse to Coos
Mead- In this hight there is nowhere
Jess than 45 feet of water at mean low
tf4e, with c!earbotWn and good hold
fag ground. ThU p!aw i now a sale
ftouthestl and south anchorage, iu
proof of which scleral sieamers have
it different time anchored there and
laid with safety during violent south
cMt gales; but a the wind on this
coast alwaya veers from soutluvutt to
southwest and west, it wouhl then
leave tel expned. Extending up
from the cape in a north-northwest
direction for a distance of half a mll
U nsrrow reef, and on tins reef a a
foundation a break-water could bo
built that would afford protection from
all heavy gale;snd by such improve
ment theentmnco to CotMlUy would
U brought within the shelter and
protection of the break-water. thu
rcHtlerlng all of that large body of wa
ter available a a harbor, and giving
to Southern Oregon an outlet for her
wroduds, a harbor for her commerce,
jmd to .the world at large a K-aport
eoond to none on the Pacific Coat
I am writiugthi. after an eziwneuee
of twelve years a imuter of a vcii
fm thl. cowt. and during tlmt time 1
have been to nearly every bur, harbor,
landing d cove, where there in , any
taring ilouc o th0 coa1 ofCnMor
J"ndOrego.and I give it a my
Snliiton thnt Oajio Oreuory i the
JSl? Joint that ntwrdsn siiilaMo la
Sloo, nd fills all the rwflulrcmwits
looked ler hi a luurlairof rBjugc.
WjcarehTreceiptot tho !,
mnTii new tlr at Crescent OUy
fiSErnii. It U Vounjs and small, bu
SSSJIitly strong enough to live and
pjgtfTtr. which we hope it may-
TAviMliiulKelho bill making
Jtti&i : stiver coin- intcrchungc,..
A dispatch from Kington, X. C,
datett the oth intant, ha the follow
ing : A fatal shooting ntfair occurred
here totlsy, gtw ing out f an allcgwl
seduction of a ymmg lady of highlv
respectable tarvntagv. Itugh Owvus
metS It rock West on tho street, ami
chnrgel him with the ruin of a voung
cirl, his niece, living in his home.
West denied the charge, and asserted
he knew nothing of the matter. Ow
ens called him a liar and a scoundrel.
West caught hU accuser by the coat
and told him that if he did "not retract
the opprobrious language ho would
ehooL The outraged unele of the girl
refused, whervujon West drew a pis
tol. Omm started t.) nm. but was
pursued by Wet, who fireti three
shote at him, oncpasing through tho
body of the pursued man. while the
other two lodged in his boek. Owens
tell to thegnmnd.cxclaiming : "1 am
ruined, but I'll never take it lack ; I'll
1)0 damned if I do." The wounded
man died lat night. Both of the par
lies arc highly connected.
Oil Upnn Trontilcd Wutors,
blneo the days iwlum Franklin p-r-htrmod
hU weft known nxiMUiituntlon
tho tompct-Uved huh1. Ulling tho
nitgry wnx-cs with a spoonful of mind
oil, producing a smooth, U uiimvon
surface by tho momltbly thin film
thus formed, account having been
irom imo to tlmo puhUihed ifvoss!
indautter of ths senB.ropwUing this
oxpenment on a huge walo. Tho
last instance i that of tho Anbt, Urk,
which in OetoWr lnt met with ox
cepUouably heavy weather on hor
voi-ago to Unyomio. The eaptain.
wrtting of the vo,mi;p vvs:
7 had the hnnlwi passage 1 cvor
made, without any oxeeption. On
October 13th and I Hh ory Ud wenth
or yith heavy nah;nu tho 18th a
hnrneauo from X. X. K and wo had
to run. I think tho vessel wuuld ba o
foundered if wo had hovw to. I got
two oil bags ocr the stum, and found
that thoy kopt ths hk from breaking
over tho aftr wtt of tho veel, but
once or twice when she got n shoor so
as to run-out of ths track of tho oil,
she took it on tho forward house and
dock so heavily as to stagger hor, and
for a few moments I could hardlv toll
whether sho would (toot or not. If I
am ever caught again in such a gnlo,
SSy!"lL!l.','i-,!ijw'''llB''J iiijniwini
4eneint ;owt.
SMAW-fOXj pnnalMtt nl Ottawa.
ll.wisa Tuts eiMumeueed In the
Clntulu 'fliajtr. son af Oowrunr
riiaxTr, stilite . has purehassd
the Host PflrUandCnrt.
lUnox hrbhel Nathan do Uoths
eldld, phiot pat tu.-r iu the banking
linn of Uotluiohild l Co., Is doiul.
-V tustwTOii NiinouneiM that (Ion.
( hrlos K. Mamhi'on, of Oumhn. has
wen tundoied tlif. -tries of fceorstarv
of war, to succeed M.-Orary.
. ,SBX,,JTtm 8ut.r bin tnttoduceil
hi OhluecK) rentrirtiou hill, the puiv
jwrtof whlqh WH4givou In a former
Oxis John My res was liehmulml hv a
rnilttmd train a few days since, at Mar
n,,,,,,l, Indiana, Ho was drunk and
laid down to sleep on the track.
Tun chamber of deputies, at Homo,
have voted COO.ixiO lure for the rellsf
of sullbrers by the eruption of ,KUm.
and the inundation of the Po.
At Knowllle Canhforuia on Iho 8d
Charlesltleowas-liotuud killed by
wife and family. Cause, an altoren-
and in the stream where the soa is so tum bout a matter of husiuess,
lutd, I shall, tor runnintr. not. tlm lini- A MAmtmti tmumn nf ,ilni,.
to each yard arm, or tow from them,! ted to euthur tlmwt with a nuor, one
so as to make a wider track of oil I
tmiiK uitt will prevent it from break
ing over forward. -.1 s(ritn.
A ilystcrj-.
Tho Moloi rmUimHlent saic Honrv
rritehett telts us that n few'ilays ago
whila traveling on the plateau north
of hero ho discovered some human
lono nrotrudim: thmueh sumo rooks.
and his euriodty beinc excitetl. ho
wont to work, ami after removing tho
rocks, discovered tho remains of a hu
man being, togother with an ox, pis
tol, table knives and forks, and in fact
outfit Tho place is about ton innw'y,ul,l,"1 fmm .Malta for Hohrint's
from here, and about a milo from the f'' way of tho Sues ouual, in
emigrant road. The remaiui were! 'I""1" thostottmer Uu, enntaiuiug
certainly those of a white man, for tho
day this week, but attar making one
lsh shu aUiudmiotl that molc of ex
ecution, amldreed tho wound.
'Tiik aecrotnry of war hits denided
that enlisted men who he served in
Indian nunpulgiui approaching the
magnitude of wars, ro entitled to
wsar distinethe choverons for "or
vlee in war.1
A M.vs&AOiii'sirrrs man now living
tri l.i .... 1...I ..I i. ... n "
. """'", Mill vml IU KTIK HI me, -
queatlu one dollar to each man, wo
man, and child who altendi his
ItiK steamer A. K. Xonlouvlcfold
articles meutionod certainty tlid not ( A
belong to an Indian, and had the tier
son been murdered by Imhaus. thev ; ",
tli bweitsh arctic exnlorar. 1'rof.
Xontonskiold and party.
Scrrn have commenced in tho fMr-
euit court of .Marion county, against Ki soc.21
SllltKl.V.S NAI.l!.
a Ikt Cfmtil (SMr n As Slate a
Org Ar ' eoaay qr Carry.
.1. U. Tiehonar, riaitilltr, vs. Jskou
Springer, Wntsnti K. (tprinor, A. I
Smith and Warren Hnlslury. lsfemb
tlmt by virtue of an oxoeutliiti is
sued out of and under the sen I nf the
Circuit Court of tho Htato of Oregon
for tho county of Curry, on the fltli
day of June, J7lt, to mo directed and
dellvored, eomiiumdtuK mo to H'll (o
"StUfy it jiulgiuout tveovored iu the
alaivo entitled action, by J. II. Tivlie
nor, plalntiir, against Jason riuMcr,
dofuudaut, for tho sum of one thomr
and two huudiod and lldity dollars,
and thirty four dollars and thirty
cents cost and ilislmrsemonts, togotli
ur with accruing interest on said
jtulRinont nud Iho costs of Mild writ,
na well as coitaiu ersoual pmporty
deseribeil on said writ, all tho right
title and interest which tlio said Jason
Spriugur had on the iSlvt day of No
vember 1878, or has ulnce acquired In
and to the leal property hotetofure nt
tsehetl by me m said action nnd In
said writ, and hereinafter particularly
dswiitted, 1 will on
Prhlny, tho SAtli !ny of July. I87t),
at twcUo o'clock, noon, of said day, at
tho Couit Hou.MMloor at KlleuHburi;,
Curry county, Oiegou, soil at public
auction, to (he highest hlddur, for
cash, all tho right, title and interest
which Jaauu Springer had on tlioUUt
day of Xitvemlwr, A. I). 187S. or has
since Hccpdred iu and to tho real prop
erty in Curry county, Oregon, known
and described as follows, to-wit : llo
Kinniug at the stuith-wost cornet of
Wm. TTehouor'a donation land claim,
thence north, ten degrees oast, four
chains and fifty links; thsuee east
seou chains and sixty-six links;
thence south ton degrees otvd .four
chains and fifty links ; thonce west to
point of beginning.
ANo thoSWti sec.i!7:XKtf;
XKVf soo. i!8; KSj of SW'U stw.SS;
x K v see. 'i, ; s Ji t. of X I! v,r see. a)
X otXKta Mc. 17; SW of XK-
sc. 17; NWtf of SKSi ec. 17; Iot
Xo. 2 suit H ee. 17; lot Xo. I see. 20;
SKt$ of XW. see, 20; Kt' of SW
e. Si); KS f Wt, sec. 81 ; W, of X
would have keitt tho article instetul
of btirvinr thim. Win, it nnu nr Imtv
he met hU death will probably forever ' Hrown.) Also against S V. Chadwick
?.. . . I.. ...I r ii rii.:.. ,.. .,...
remain a mystery.
Do Gold Nuggets Crow.
Working-men's Courenllon.
Tlio workimtmen convention of
California met in San Francisco on
the 5th and nominoted W. F. White
for Gov., on the first ballot ; and Ste
phenon who was nominated for Sur
veyor General. tdeirrailicd his accept
ance. Charle Kursr. the nominee for
Trea-urer, declined on arcotint of pri
vate btisines. and L. B. Clark, of Yu
ba was nominated in hii place. V.
. White candidate for govornor,
carno forwanl and took the pledge,
making an addrciw. O. F. Thornton,
of San Lour Obisiw, was nominated
for Clerk of the Supreme court r J.J.
j Avers of Los Angeles, telegraphed his
j acceptance. Associate Justices of Su
I premc court were nominated as fol
low ; J. Jt. Shanein, C. A- Tuttle.
, of Alameda, for SA district ; Judge O.
5 A. Johnson, of Sonoma, for tho 3d
I district v Judge Wm. V. McXealy, Hh
district ; J. II. Budd.of San Joaquin,
.completed the Judicial ticket. A
rote was taken that the W. 1', C. reo
ognise no journal now in existence as
iu official organ.
' TilK Independence Itirerside says :
The district court, nt the lat sewio i,
granted a decree of divorce and sopa-
.-.ri.w, nt nmiytrfr ta MrL Wood frOni
, her husband. The jwrties have been
, living in Marion county, opivosiicj
Uucna Vit.13. From all accounts,
! Woods must be a brute. Hi wife at- j
j tempted U ecaie from him more,
; man Jncc, uui e wj" !'-.. i
it. The last time she concealed lier
1 self near the landing to take the boat.
j The boat not coming, and she seeing
i her brother, called to him and beg
1 ged him to take her across tho river
imaskitr. This he attempted to do,
but before they wore far from the
i shore. Wood appeared with a cocked
poor woman at length made her way
to II M- Line, of this city, to whoso j
i wife she was rolatcJ. oeanng tinner
heron the marks of violence. It is
I said that the scoundrel threw her on
the floor and salon nor. i no com
munity in which he lives will bo dis
graced as long as he is at large.
Is the time of Julius Crar, Lake
Fucin, situated in tho Ajcnnincs,
about 50 rniles south-east of ifome,
and Mme2.SO0fcet abovo tho level of
the sea, was the source of great annoy
ance. It received the rainfall of a
very hug" district, and was constant
ly varying in extent, frequently do
stroying the labors of the tillers of the
neighboring soil- Juh Cwwr there
fore plannwl the drainage of the lake
by a subterranean tunnel, but was kil
led U'fore this could be done. In the
intervening centuries since his death,
varions speculators have proposed to
complete the work, which, at lenth,
has been admirable came! outat tho
instance of tho great banker. Torlon
ffS eol uf WMOfltX). The work
has taken twenty-four years, ond 35,
000 acres "of oxcellont arable land have
boen rwlcerned, on which the farmer
iS VSSmI W. labors without fear of
Inundation. As an engineering feat,
this ranks very high-
We take tho following from tho !
torlan : From the Jn IP0 w
learn that a mermaid wu cauglit on
tho coast, near Taiio-muro, 1 ';
the 27th of April. A creature of this
dewrildion was taken four or ve
yea"eo; it was called by tho iw
tines "fugo-ningio " Tlieono in quos
on ! ttlHwt one 'Jmku'; and two
WMong- Thehwid is liko that o
tt man- the ejes.ears, nou and 'tHh
being well proportioned. Tho fore
heaifis covered with hair, and the
teeth are like thtM of a rat. An at
om t was made to preserve it iu snlr
IU but it had begun m dway, and it
has tlierefore been dried.
Twki-vk 'thousand prisoners with
thei famUios-probably thirty .
nnd in all are wit ting at'
g "rod "iJ U sent off t Wla as toou
is tho Volga ixuaviK'
the- late loard of Sclnxd Land Com-
misstouors (Crovcr, Chadwick ami
A startling theory has been advanc
ed by Mr. 0, A U wood, in a jwper roaXl
before tho chomical secioty of Eng
land, which will nmke experienced
California miners shako their hesd-t.
Mr. Attwood asks, do gold nuggoU j
ami . ii. waiKins ir tiie recovery
of mouiwf aUsgotl as due tho state.
Tun ImlqwHtlent says: In conver
sation with several gentlemen who
were intimato with the late James I).
Fay we lenrn that Sir. Ky often talk
ed of suicide, and that ho more than
once declared that when he became
tired of life he would ond it.
Tiik stnka oj the workmen In the
. etow? and answers by asummg thttimK.r trade at Suudswall, Swe.lon,
i they do, owing to th accumulattoti which commeiicct the lost of Mv,
! of fresh iwrticlw of ftnely preeimta- lja, xu-mlsd to all the loadinff imr"ts
ted gold. At Guayaua, eneauo a. a , nf tiu. Sodwhiiuiiiw dUtnct. At tho
large area of alluvial sod has been CJuU f Ho,., miw ten thuand mou
found to contain gold, and nuggets . wero Mlw al m accounts. Tho gov
up to 2o ounces have been disomend. prnmpnt j takiuc irecautionan-
wiinin tnreo icet o. tne suriace measures against nets of iolonco. suel out of and under the seul of tlm
uuuoone-naii oi uioHo nuKKei are t-..n. .r. ,... .. 1 -;...; r...,w ,.r ii. ki,. ..i n..,n
covered with adark brown substance .,rf,"b..aT"""."llrr...w "TW !3 hr'ii ; nir. . ,1 , 7 h
wiiiv;wn ii v-" v-swviKiifl " ": V""T " --' -; "-;
titiv yi fUUVt 17 V i iuv "irtviw IMs
32 ; lot Xo.
sec. ft); r.
6, 6, 7 snd
! ; UU No. 1 sod 2, see. 88 ; X V
, 17 : S't4 rsoo. SW ; KW sec. 8 :
see. S ; SK4 hv. 27 ; Kf4 see.
jofXW.S' sec
see IK
b H w
21 ; SWV sec. 9, aud XWtf sec. ST. nil
in tow usiup 3S, soutli range 10 west
Sherifi'of Curry Co.
Mated at IJmrxanruo, Juue 0, IS7U,
bllltltll'rs 9JAIJ!.
h Ms Chenil Cotttt o As Mate oj
OrrgoHor It cosay of Curry.
J. 11. Tiehenor, plaiiititf. vs. Joimmi
Springer, Watson K. springer, A I..
Smith, and Warren SaNbii'-y, ilcfeud
tltat oy vtrue of an execution s
"resemblinc a silicato of iron." By
: treating such a nugget with hydro!
cuiortc aciu ami causuc sotia, u woa
found to bodimminished considerably
in weight. During this dissolving
process much gold, in a finely divided
state, liecame attached, and aftr the
nugget was partly covered with a
coating of finely divided gokl of a dull
It. A- SI. Chapter.
Jt!inrifnrS?rtfV. Ihn rafl.l In nnimi lloV of Jul
oirat the Slafu Fair or Portland, ho to illIreAbmMpdtJg -nJi nil. to
pay the cximuijos of bringing 'Sem wiwiy a umgmiiii rswrww n m
lerdown'? to either place, or ho will above en tltlwl action by J. It. richc-
tak hU horso to Jackwnvillo, ami w'i pjainUtT, against Jason inuxer,
Jtw niAti'h nav tltn ovtiAMKvi id l ha UOieiHISIU. IOr I lie UHI Ol one !iirtt'
.. and and ststv-twn dollars and ixi
Omu reports from Cashmere f ?,!, ! Adw.or
say that it l;n,os.lbIe to exoggorats I Ji" JK5" fff .i. n L
ti, diM. thnt t. fi.tin 57..,?,, i ents, toiet.ier with ocrnung tnu-r-
: """r "" ". ; . " .t. . o ! y n !! iulinMlit. anil iho riMli
too maiiaraiiui of thw nrov- t,r,j."":,'r" "',., ...
. i.,. . - . .,. .j... oi miu wnt m iint m inruiiii irr,,!-
" "" r, I"?: " if rJi ! Z "2!? al lwrty dirlll In said Writ, all
sou Springer had on the 2inh
Having Inlely laught Uie slnek or
ilrugalietvtnfiiiv '.lelonging tn Dr.
1 1 arty Iann, I ;.m now prupurwl to
pittvfully cotupotmil aiul hul tt i
liltyaicinu's prsacrtplions. Tlio jiitt
rounge of those having jiresflrilUmtis
to lie filled, is rrniHH'tmlly MlSrtUitl.
that 0. II. 1'rvy, of CmiiiIUo river
oos county, Oriion, Is not HUlluuUod
to tmimuet any Inisinrss for us.
Xouww, .My l, IK7U. vio-jjni
The uudci'slgned hereby give no
tice to all Hrson indebted to thorn
on arcouul, to please cotno snd settle
the saiuo without dolav, with citsli or
uuto. HKUn.tXUION',
Noinay, Coos Co. Ogn.
All persons Indebted to the under
signed on nccouul of over (K) days
Htautling are requested to etttl and
settle the Nunc without delay.
Wew Mfflpkctl
l'". TlMMKKMAN, i't'OPM.
On Front street near l)ean A Co'
(.tore. llosaUnjson hand thelal of
ltnnF.ltUtK, .MKA'IXofall KINDS,
himI evi ruhiiig tube found lu u
First Claras Ularket.
T.ll. MACKKV.M.I).
llMriltn ClTV.'Oitltiuiv.
C. II. (10I.DKX, M. I).
M Misiiiitii n, (hittoo.v.
(!. W.'mWICH.AI. I).
M OiotdoN,
V. V. ANfilCL, M. I).
fo.iWc ry, tfn.
H. II. IIax.mio, J. W. IIimiiiux,
Will practice In tho parlous courts
of thestnle.
orl'H I. AT UMI'ISU eirv, Ons,
nillCKSn l.On'tiA (h LOW HUT
,A living share of patronage i sHe-
: s a x m r o i. a a .v
l l I MSON T
Ha vi mi i.tTrnTriti? da wko.n
bl.u kiiii;b lmp, in Msrsldicld, I
i i.irvi to tio
SHI l'l Ml
IS K.N Kit.'
SX-3IX3? 'WplRKI.
tST" Hvlnn share of patronage i
sutuiled. P7-tl
M tKiniKin, tiimtios.
laii'iiti: nrr, ox.
Collections and iSltcr basiaeM (lrI
la my iMUMb, will rvmtvs prHMipl sttcit
kM. rl-3-tt
W. V. WltKMIT,
J?. S. JlhirrHl ml I". S, iteputt
CoMftttj: City. (o,.
Will sttrnl to tji, lnilu-4MoftiirTcviii-In
snv jsitt of UV fntntv
IVrtVit itisMi' l nrvrjed UhhU, fur
nilMist ii .n-,
I1- XDe-vino,
lo a tboru"fV usuW sod turn
oiTy til
Cheapest & Host!
iBEST Mmmi
MAtllMtl 14 I. U
iIiuiMnsuOsii. '
The Royal Arch Chapter, A. F. & niy m nui, sprw ior w n no- h- rfi,t iu, ,, ,crott wh)ch t,l0
A. -M. iuet in Fortland ou U,e i tnst. t """;; ''"Z.K"r " said J
ana oieoiea ine iohowjhk omwj. - - - - - -- ----- .--- - - ,-- , (jdy ol .November, jnzs.or inw s'neo Highl'rTiwt ;M. V. 'ltiJ'tJSkLm tn"wlt ,0 aciuirnl in and to the real proprty
Brown, Deputy Grand High Priest ; valley of XsMhnere. heretofore sttached by mc in said -
P V Slir.rtliff. (irand Kinir : Uiutsori Ix answer to an inquiry as to when :,, .ml ;., uut writ, itml hcrtmiAftar
Herman, Grand Scribe ; It. I. Earhart 1 the new cam tit u lion of Calif ruts articularh ib'M-ribed, 1 will, on
Grand Secrctarv ; C II. Lewi Qrand I roo mm cHet, yive trie lollowing Praiar, ilis 'i&Ut dsr of July, 170,
Trvaeuror; 1). V Mason, Unuid lec
turer; S. L. I'o, Grand L. II. ; II C
I'ajje, o. p. s ; Knoch Iloult. O. It. A. ;
IS. F. Goodwin, G. M. 1st Veil ; J. J.
JIunihy, G M. L'nd Veil ; II. K. Haine
(J., il. 1st Veil; Gustaf Wilson,
Chratlnp thr Gallow.
A Colusa dispatch of the &1 instant
says : X. L. Squires who was found
Kiiiltv of murder in tho, first degree
last Friday, committed suicide at
half-pasty to-night. He cut both
arm and his throat with a razor.
ri.. t,( thr- tirisoncrs in the iail, (rave
tho alarm, and when the sheriff got siipn-ea
r. r .1... ..... ..K.... l.iff jliflil ,!....
for eem-rnl information .
!?. VI Tidsconstitution sIihII taku
cfl'ectand IhsIii forci, on, and nftr, horg, Curry county, Oregon, sell at
tlio tourtit nay oi .nuy, miv. ai is nubhc auction to the nieiicst oiiiiicr,
at twelve o'ebn-k. noon, f said tlay.
at iln Court If-Mnn door, at Kllens-
o clock meridian, so far as tho sjinio!
n-IiitwK to tho election of all oflincM, J
the conitnenoeinoiit of their tonus of :
oilico. and meeting of tin Legislature.
In all other respects, ami lor an otn-
for cash, all the right title and inter
ost which Jasuii .Springer had on the
Jth day of Xoveiubcr, A. I) I7, oi
has since acquired iu ami to tin- rexl
property in curry county, wngou
tol., mi huf tn llinf ti'irL ,il ujM'tlfin
lO i-JOUireS HO won jummn, " '' ' mmuium.iv V" " " ' " , ,..,,-
-.. ... ., ., ,""i-, . "t . - -, " -.- -" -
or purpwn!. tti consiiiniion snail Unown and diseruMl as follows t-w it
take elTect on the first day of January ! Ueginiug al the south-west cone r (
1SS0, al 12 o'clock, meridian j v,, Ticlienvr's dunativii laud claim
. thence north, ten degree east, our
.VOTICB TO DON'ATIO.V CLAIMASTS. chains and fifty link, theme east
. Ueveu chains aud sixly-six links,
rpilK ATTKXTIOX OP CLAIM-1 thence south, ton degrees cast, four
I nnts t donations oi iano,iunir as-, unaius ami nuy iiiiks, iiivuco i oi
t Frnt Hirevt,oitMile the
1'tmoH'r Msrki t.
Mniph'C liouse,
SS e o perxed.
Mmmiii. Cirv.
rpiIlK llol'HK HAS UK EX UK
L, omned thoinulioul.
.Vo CllXHSKtVOlxX ttuployi'it.
This Inti!(iIiat slf.oU the Ut
fariiiUfs l f !o. ati.n b bt fiw. hi tho
Coast lbid-n l Koaibrru Ofsyuii Tho
Acmlrwy Is (roihiteiI lato thliv drjisrt
mvnts as ailbot ;
Tit lvttmtrti Dr-jmrtintiiit
In nhlrh Intrvlwtury llrsnhes mo
Tltm .hlllliW IhllllHirilt.
ICwhrarlnii Oniuttniy, itetclliis:,
Wrilins, (irsmmir, (Uig4.r. llbtotv,
11yi.Ini; , I'miiiiltr Hrirnce ani Men
tal ami rracUiat A ridntM lie.
The .Vcnor lirpttrtutnitt
Kmbracin lt.k kcfianssiiitrl nml
UUe eatrj )itlniiy, CfwutUtry, IVIlIf
cat lfHsiiy, fjilm, UUrUtU, UIkhii
Arithaieik'., (tsotaetry, Tiigo
lKUtutry atvl mirveUnij
M Cliia
hi this branch
Is civrti
-000KIXO OK it r. A T 1 X o !
Tiikuk has been coniiderablcexcito
ntent near 1'endleton among stock
men, on account of several of them
hail cattle drivon oIL A man named
Jones who had charge of a baud or
cattle going to Idaho, was nrrostod at
La Grande and brought to town, and
Squire Baily hold him to answer in a
t'jvi IumkI rtri ? f hnrc-a til larceny. La
ter another charge was preferred!
against Jones, wlion Justice jhsi i
required him to give a lurlher bund of
$5fJ to insure his nrpettrancc at the
next Circuit Court.
We quote the following from the
r...i.i.,i,,,t (In Monday last, Mr.
riifW of i-iirviivor General of tho iiiibllr
lands In Orastnt, etc., and ulso tho act
amenduti.ry tliuroof, arjiropl Fcbniary
n(..t,..-,.ili ffaiirteantn) riiibb-tii hund-
reJ and .Wtvlliree; whwh nsds as fol
' low s " Ml iisrsona cluhninx dsiatlnaa
tioib-r tins act or tlw ls oi wnuii it is
nim-n'lamry shall o ghiiiiio
tlcc Jo the Hurvoyor (eneral o otkkij
iifi.Y ai riioHUi:nossicK,riflMpartl,ti
lr lands Ishnwlns such donation, with
in thirty dov after lieliig rwiuslI m to
do by Hiich '.Illcer ; and failing,
tin- claimant or claimants shall forfeit nil
right ami i Islrn thereto."
Xow therefore tlio undersigned Ixtlng
hereby give notice to each and overy ler
wm, his or her assigns and legal represen-
tatiws, claiinauts oi uonaiioiis m um
wte, 2): HU of XW1-1 sijc 32. lots No
. (J. 7 ami A see, .12 ; loU No I and i.
rtiinrri ss
nrif, OroWin. umlvr said acta of
, tlmt each ami every one of them
. ... .., . i. ..
tf fi-r,ia nl 1IIO UnilHIIIil flUNIIH win, i iJiiiiiiM," . '" ,: .- --.-
iwenis Hie clcceaseii went mi " "J ,,,.., (rii.,n. uwlr said acta of
. ..I I . .,l flit 1VIIM 111. 1 ... .'"" '
UIO mill UVJO'V .ww" ; ,
custom, and not roturning. Mrs.
Myros went o look for him, and found
him at tho top of tho hill, where, he
had Ikjoii. apparently to oil tho main
"haft, and it Is thought that his blouro
oiiueht in the shaft and drew h in in
to i ill machinery. Th ' ,"
eomploUily torn ofl his thigh, and in
this condition Mrs. Myres found iiini
-duL .
The Xow York chamber of com
merce 1ms sent Sir. Oyrus W. Field
and Wm. 1L WcUl. M h'legates to
tho Internatiouwl Cprujrw at rns,
to promote tho com-truetloii tt ca
nal across tho Isthmus of Daricn,
Sulsicriptions have boon opened to
the stock of. a company to be formed
to lay a submarine cable from Iho IV
oiflo coast ly tho ll.iwalhm Inlands
and Japan, Mr. Field Iiw dl tho Ht
with a wnlwrlptton of IIOOXW, A
SiUrlptlon of JlJD0att 1- oxpootod
from tlJolfnwafbu government
within thirty days fmm tho llh day of
July W'i, ffmlng ho day ; of tho oxplra of six week's publication hereof,
glv noti. to the roister and recolver of
said Imu.I Olffco at Kosoliurg. Oregon, of
"the ptrti-iilr lundsclalmo-lon such do
nation, hikJ faflbig Mich "VTT'V J ii -ii
the i luiw.Jtitor cbiliaaiiUahall forfeit all
right and rlaini thsrwto.
And i-a-li awl every norson cli fm ing
tlishenwltofsafd act of HeplnlM.ri7,
JWJ, mii.1 tho lagblatlon siipj-lemei till
thereto, will Utllh MX iiosTlii i aftor the
xirfratwn oM frt' f1, ?lS"
oiii,,cawsnolofllwliii the I ,
X. uiatiKit Ud oiiice 'vf,t1"; " :::
uon tiu. iimefas rju rel by law, t ':
Xu- thi' r aliiw to ilWifltfcin of Jand
Ztr mU Tsats tnd idllnw' ay Oodo, such
claims w .11 ha lll,i'or ....,,
In witiwM whorwif tho regiater hiiii
at Itoburu, Oregon, Jiuvo here., to
sulsM-rilad tholr iinmo" " 'l "'
of May, l7ft.
W P. Ultf JAUW, llegister.
tho noint of beitiuniuK.
Also tho SWt., seo.27; XEi4' sec
,t.'J; XKHccia; K of HWt4' -
1 ; XKtiT Soc. L'7 ; SKl-l of X KM sec.
2(1: X!- of XKM soc 17 ; HW1 of N
Kl-l sec. 17; XWM of KKI-t sec 17 ,
lots Xo. ii aud !l, sc. 17 ; lot No 1 s,c i
2U;SKl-lofXWMsec. Iff), K', of H,
WM sec. 30; K of W', mh: til , W
U o X KM sec. Ml: KJk ol ."Wl-l
oe.f: XW1-1 sec. 17: HWM sec 29
SKl-l see. ii : HWM see. : 8E1-I sec.
27 : SKl-l sc, 21 : BWI-i sue. U : and
XWM see. 27: II In township .12,
south range lo west.
Hheriirof Curry Co,
Dated at lU.i.v.snimuu, Juno I), 1871),
rniiBitK aukTTvk iikad ok
stray ealtlo at my place on tho
Itiuidolph prairie: murk "under bit"
iu the loft tmr. If tho same nro not
immediately taken away by tho own
er, two dollars jair month will h
charged for pimluiiigo, with other ox
puiisos. J.H.MOUUI80X,
ItAKooM'it, June 0, 17U,
ix I'lionTor tub citrrgAi. iioikl
Maraliflold, Ogu.
If you want nuonsyshnvo,
As good ih barbsr overgsvo,
Just odll on mo at my saloon,
In front of (Neutral hotel, al noon ;
.My razors are sharp, my scissois keen.
My shop is neul and towels ate clean,
And thoro I think you'll flud
Kvory thing to suit tlio mind ;
I trim tho hair with skill for gouts,
Of course tho nriuc Is fifty cents ;
filiating, too, I (Iu that well,
And nothing but a trial will tell;
rio help mo gnioious If I mnks
Von net d not pay a quai tr of ,i .1 illgr.
J W r.u I'm j i
1' H J f . jt uudtold I. . I Iih iU. , U
11 !'i
New Excelsior Oil Stove.
Juit lllx'llitli for Mglll llo"-.kfiilu(i. '
II will tlftd, ll' -! I t" " ll M I
VtltMt. SuJ (al U(.Ui Ai.KSTS W A.MI.K 1
on CO..
1IMittrrsr, n.w. lit.
1L(lrrt t'l.r. tt l'H.U, ItHtUjMtkw. lnllo.
lMJr,4V llltl (l.llil, I twAH., U,MI4I
iMul'O Mullll,. mrtkl.ll I l,.i 4 KflMS
.,A Ih. brwljr 4I4.4I
v.. l.-.f. S .luf WSt I
i Instruction
1 wlirn diirl
IUmmdcsii btthad for from tt to ft
lcr win-k whii Hvsl huattlew, snd for
till Mwlittn tw vend sliidunls ijubto
K.tlur int Iward Uiitatum.
I'rlumry Ik-rlnuiiit
.iniMor . . ...
beiilur , . ...
nno ,
l Iff
1 MoaicaUit
4 W !
Corner of "A" and Front .Street,
U4 lk H.ul.11" II l UMlbS IH II.' KiM U UmM
I).wiiI llrll, 51,
lkrvrrlil Akii. Illl. VI.
Touts II. II, W, tHil lilfniil. Itl(,6l.
11.. IWIU .ill U nl ' ., 'M v In. i4 IMMi
ti , uf tt i. t h. w l m wr ImI.bI S4i
AOKNTO ssiiimi lu tyi-ry county hi L
tlnlU'l Hlalw.
Wi llllnol. Ml., rliUotrD,
lliiv ag IssjhhI nrul rlel up the alxmi
Ii.iim. '(i frrl HHirHiit.'.l In iirxiiilslnc a
1 1 . i, .,i... w.iu i i mrtt tit-si, auiltfs UmN in Dm trflwl-
II .... AM.,. 14.
On Tho Const,
lii' nud hs'sl cunhiin.
DrBBg Store9
DU. (' 11. (IOLDKN, I'lturii.
Ojtponlltt Xiinttiii't'n Sinn:
ii a v i: v. o s .s t yyr u v o ,n ii a x o
At. I. SOUTH 'M'
-.- ,S,
IM N IIHt 1st
l'l t-rjs.twi.jnt,
or.nn, i'mhd'Dhimuv,
SJ'I'A'l'JON Jll it V IV1V T
Al.fM) t Iloh K
nud ovurylhlug usiutlly kejd In a
I'l'wvvlpllnm Qtrefullu f"'""
vl ' II
: ' ' , '" ',4,fi ?" vro, n.M,,,tw
. ':M
' H "j-"
-jJ-AVW J i & v M ,