.,- - -s-4.'- "Jr'V !?'' '-" J'1"W'''' T--5" ; "? W"1 " w f&y 'yBBBl-k-aaa-.iaA May?,,,',ir1aBMaassaaaa-ai . t " 2222S?"L - r " o W && v. to .to ii'- i &'" " . 1 1,:- ii -' , '-i iiV &? ;? wis? 3f $ w . A o y ' ,, to W WWlH,LlJ? vmw eTi M Matt. ' BtBtl :m BBBBB BU aaFaftamBa. JaM MM I-H,I -J. Wfcatrf 'Slw"1"1 w owMiiit af iw,i VM Umm ,w zLvr T k " i " "" - '" "i.sl". .. aatsl K$ Ml ! K .VaBBa..' atu - mil t ! r mZi7r ittZZi ., "7V w nuMiv amni nu..i 1fc- tJwT-jT' W'"IJ --. imp jwir rWBWOH - yfcWocoiiW ko iMuj uv. a 4141 tanv a. i tuii u If-SVO? 4ircte4k. W. AMMj al Si MM HttWlY. bt MMllMMkiri ifi. M Sda taalatfal a 11.1 a ' . " w aasn ffiSsS5KSa -LIZiT T "" w -Pww nniu u&o . M IWWLJr t AfeteoH n-riiea to an 3?uim Sar."Ta tak dayUoraU, school I- vkcM gHMdMber'tt oreaartl featMl.MJIOM aad packsof -a4a- win vmil rUcV kRs Mr. OMMltOt, aftar U cmiiw Mr. JCtaHMeMtaMtuJNrt ". "H Jsm had gjSy-w ' A tUalU spall MNMtMl lMMwBrVMtt Iknuu, MMMtaij ranted to kMvwhyl mML wtr MtatrM mcamfwai Baa fcortly afterward t. aflar iwroii?r ym n f Mhre Mm Mbieel. m m . ! to dkve that & 'powmai does adtralrW.. WweU.uid to that H mmm ut yritk thk !. Maw attar aU Ito atoj, jatfe to earn oat f MwsaaMfcoSaitwaatiitat? Ikatk attiatyWdjto?tdr- i ax m na, vmr eiaUMa. lor taa a poatosc ia tfca FiUstmrg 3H "Vkat aballtractt for the katonaakf" totaatoiiof rsd liaa ttaL tktmt am iaak vida. Genldiaa. Wa haiii'fa that to abaci tfea eonect W W fc nHay Mi VJBBw -T wf lite' Sui BAbB Ukv'i Uil wat to lotawaiek aidaef Ae WMk )w -watttod itfor. USi-waator d. 11w I l M M VMVvSWf W 1 w JBVv WWirPJff8Hfc 4SNiv .Mow i akaaid Ml kaw battor tka to :iarMiHaa maitt ttar are anUHad to ittto to ibaat aav. Bt if y mtt Mr ! set waur, asd at m fad. d Aa If tbay LA-Bnw jWMlMlHBOBHWMHwOwwWj wm9 Uhw rtteaaad i to kill aoaM aaat. aad it will i nul linn If paw trMim taai mtmmmt. mj SSf tfifftBa. '(DM jaBsskaja. nw aM viator aad aia tlwax all to ..-...,--. .-1. fj i MMtauriaz ;'aaflhr aaewtlt, aad va t as wfcr fc JCaaaaa raiacaaa oaa't ajp HP -JWalaa w aaiaM ir,atoa aaiim ifr!TatoiiNa avar iMMiaaakaajfrtoadCMlMiMa mv. a aw wim ic a tfaoraarfe k"" 3t. yyaitgi la, a mwWh n; t Wtontrfito Mid fr" wiii irny of Mmh; to tea wlaaMa awl toa ato; to la.ltoe'VttoKwaM m mnissw jMMytory, a wiaau, ar a tMTaHafrfaec TaiitMTr. -T MiaaaaMtiM hm aad Mai. Uaaaatiiur itwd kMtakaaaswaaMfMaM U, tat HJMCMsanu ZHlMalaalMadal ft l war tUaav, tkr paayto wfco l at ato "' MtUa-awi.' Xaa towa to aatok t SaaLaaad faaaka. awlJajlM rto ihiWWWw' -gatto taUhJatou Adaaa,toatiaMtof toafW ' at aW" toc 1mK" vatu Yaaaaat MitomrMfttatoto-a g-jeaj-a-a---- Wlirtolt.w aaka a aamaaoaiaat, "Aat M advitto to aabadaalaeaiui ,MaiaaaMWak-' Ok, la "" rain MHMriaaa aato at Jtor Iaad- jau Ik umm ktonalf aaaapifoawj 5&" SErairsfiftWtftfsa ttojmtaaaiHiBmiaMir IpVaWTf ! ar ajttpw wmmr L.uMUHuaAVlUW(ilWWM MMSaaniaffa ka bf trato CtoMa V lMHit af tkavia daMyalaa yiMPaal fd-b;a to M toatrika hUtutif towa byaUk Mad aftor dark, tbaa kaaaaalu kewa .'aStor Jtta lwaatk, to b tot i, aad --- oj. " aLaaaBksjtM v wwv n Kkagatoto be stays ia bed three or ii. while hk is otoUias are betoc aaaaa aad toa swasar mi ZZX Aa Wktoto hk toet ZaTto a4atii why aar i mm hiaEjtat toay da aaaaa aaa mm - "i;-,.r aaetheaa hack all At aa af aha WkitohaU Bvaday iastraswsg ar -. Hhe Jtoally iikMtiK r'W'Sr m ' ' kmi Whydaa'twehave f aad aahad toe boy r it to held ap hk Ahwtto head ef a aixyaar- aamaaa. BBaaem awBsanarvar BWim Tjt t,iwfl easTlMBr iaaa4 W. "Wait, y utm JtaWkS thwa prof. Srmmr " ' Jinttto, aaa'am, My papa imm m mmm 9mr"r?rtZZIm mEff.M&&: . asLam wajkfj HMpaHagmmsj ' 77z. - J tnlJ i MasaawsrPsW a saPPsai amaas .aaaaavai keaa. Tt toaaasmaBBafi wwa - IMfltoBBBl aaaaasassaaa- aa ! TJ JjrrftHs, """T K h4ek Mek ktM L.u ZL ewftkwt aek kiar keld 1U UM.'a nr..."2iw MMth. m&J Illat.1- wm&vSBEi ii-i?? V rH Ke;" th ooa, tadaaeribcd aa tke "Beat wL. lk Mted tomb or ofrk m th, Abode of JLifo?" fc tolI-iottn0.?tb0W' mb ot tkt remote time SiViE! "" aown, six fJli1 "P?4 ""or kiok ilihST8 ta o Kto ilb gteam, and recorded ratkor tke ! of moBraers thea tke at of toe tomRto eofiseeratod to tke Tonkin. SJMW.te "-f:3P? aear tke Pjramida of Chalra, Menksa " SUeeaaw, Ereaia tke daja of oKua)wi ute eauowGaeata rmoIi aosae of tke oldest kiBga kad coaferred apoatke prieata ef tkeir abrincsoou UBBed to earick offickla -wko after tke topee of name foar tkoaaiad years, por P, eajoyed aiceoarea. In tkeae tcm IIa, ao doabt, oaoe exietod tke same. 4 peraaaa ft reeord. of tke glorioua woi usoaarei varied sear: but, tooagk tke BABaeleas tomb remains ia My eaaea, tke temple kaa every, wkere disappeared, aad writiaga to wkick Haaetko probably kad aeceas kave base lost foreTer. No iaacripUoBS rarnaaa cm way Pyramid. Herailotaa (MM aa of toe aieroglypka on tkePyra MidofSkoefoo. He oariosalyobserTes tbat tkey giro tke earn expended in aapplyisg tke trerkmea xritk onions aadMrlio; a statement from which wo may kaaard tke conjecture, raore tkan probable ia itself, tkat tke king's titles as lord of Upper and lower Egypt, wore eagraved witk tke lotos, tke papyras, aad tke balboas plant, wkick in other plaeea eater ho largely into similar in scriptioM. Huriorically speaking, tko ryramids, aeartireia tkeir aatiqtaty, are of tko highest interest. Tkey represent a lima of profoand peace. They point to tke extoteaoe of & dominant race, and of a race wkick coald be called on for aalimited labor. They tell us little of the finer arts, ia sculpture and painting, wkick eTea tkea flourished, but muck of skill ia engineering, quarrying, hnQdiagas distinguished from archi teetare, aad all tkat could be done by man m&lUtsdes working together and bdagisg brate force to bear on stub born JBstoriak. Whatever of higher art those early kings lavished on their " fair restiag-pUees." whatever of por tvaitara aad peiaUsg, of gold aad jew ak,of earriag aad ornament, of opi tapha aad funeral odee tkey coald com ataad, were bestowed oa tke temple; the tomb itself waa vast, solid, enduring, batBothiag more. lathe aftertime, wkan the kings of the twelfth dynasty toaght Mswiast the Kerthera atrangris, wham Aahaaea led kk neoole aeainat the Shepherds, whea Seti I. subdued the Hittttes aad kk grandson pursued Israel, when fortresses and treasure eities. Pi-Tarn aad Barneses, kad to bo ' baiHoB the border, we no longer hear of sack areat eauas as tae jf vramida. The toatbs to the Valley of tke Kings at Thebes, great an they are, required rather skilled labor than mere force. No Tast maltitade was needed to dec orate them. The peaceful artist and his staff worked quietly ia tke dark cor ridors, while tke people whose ances tors had heaped ap tke tombs of the older Pharaohs bow followed the later Pharaoh to the battlefield. A smaller waste ef names Hie thaa'ahat by which Bonaparte rained JPrssce, woald have biK iisa Pyramid greater than Bhoo fao'a. Sat the Pyramid-bailders bad seithar oaemfoa abroad sor rivals at Hunan. Aooaparisoa of the different Pytwadd-fteldr, and a little research toto daeam eatery evidesae aboat them, bring oat oaef&et very clearly iaoppo atttoa to many theoruta. The dynas ties aader whisk tkey were erected were saeeaseive, not costempor asteoaa. It was not as tkeir rivals, hat as their saeeeesors, tkat the kings of the toarth dynasty made their tombs heeida those ef tke third, and the kinga of the akah' dynasty basfde those oi the fifth. The tost Sfeatahotep of the atoreatk dynasty was probably de- seeaded from Saoferoo, cr possibly from Oacaopkoa, with as muck direct aeasaaQaaaa Yktork from tko early Angaria KtofD or the early Athliags of rw MaWOm mi, i -i aa " Saved Ifk Life. There k a tela told of a sea eaptain who, toadWateraref theSoathera mm, rtoitod as aadiaeorared or un- ezptorad groap a weanMiai wiaaas. After leading aad trading with tke gen tle aatiras. he was astonished by th- visit of a white man, evidenUy a per son ef maaca and coaseqaence, who, aJier making himself very agreeable, implored the captain to give kim a story book, U ha had aaeha thiag is kk pos sesstoa. The osptaJa had, and, deeply toaehed by the pigs .sad oocoannk whkk the white exile had given him, bestowed e hka a copy of tke 4V Ara bian Kkhte' EatortaiBBeak., Over tea by the praseat. the -nil burst into tears, aad erted, " Ym have saved mv life aad glvea cae raakaad wealth." Ob axplaaattoB ha said, " I skoald long acaavabaaB atoB,?bat wkik tkey were Uafaaaa to toll a child tke story of rjito-dBidiBgHoed.' The child repeated it, aad the whrfe pppalatlon wewad with joy. Tkty hod never heard artery hefert. Vtom that day I beaama a grant and ,hBored man. Whea they had a grand hatiocil festi tsI I sat ei top of a hill, aad tsoasaads wept (white soma aMerly relative was betagaeohed tor a toast) at the crael death of aba grandmother as eaaaed by the wkksd wolf. I had with au a vol ume ot Taky Talas,' aad I aoon began to set a prke o my performances. 'Red Kid tog Heed'k rather worn; I amir at a lw eocoaank for her bow, batWsdarUaNk still good for foar Ugt aad a tortk, and ydiJk beast' brtoaa six or seven, aaeordiag to BVeffwMeT Jtot wkh 'tha'ArabkB nWlihaU be abk to go oa ao aaiwlaAiaff pork to the ead of my aw" .'NnHMTii 1A "MMHmMv BrImj in tlto AVoods. Some weeks ago a litllo girl of lire simmer elraved off one day about noon from her father's residence on Gedar creek, Bcott connlr. causinir the doon- ret distroas and wildeet consternation to kor parents and neighbors. Tho child waa n peculiar one, having a atrnngo disposition for a girl, often oviueiug a pasaionato fondneu for tho woods and wanting to follow kor father's dogs in to tke mountains near by to hunt. Hho seemed from babyhood almost to love tke wild, strange soono, iho stem old mountains and darkaomo forest with which her homo nia girt about. Hho lovod to listen to nd imitate the drear, wird howl of tho v;olf, ringing at nightfall down tho d tonal slope of tho mountains and thro.iirh tho sombre aisles of tho forests. Bho was n curi ous child, so tho neighbors mid, a queer littlo girl, and uucotumonly strange, but alio was gono, and no one knew whore, llnr littlo pattering foot falls about tho door wero niinood. Tho rooms wero haunteil, tho barn ami out houses searched, tho garden, tho Holds and patohes agonizingly explored, but all in vain. Tho strange litllo girl had gone. Thon tho neighbors assembled together, and they hunted all tho even ing, and throughout tho loug Mring niaht their torcuos flashod through tho darkness o( many n lonesome glen. Tho startled buck, dazed with surprise, rpraug from his leafy bl into the dark noss ; tko uiountain owl oeaod his hooting, wkilo tho huuter's halloo echoed from peak to jeak And down to tho deep gorges and through the tdiad owt rales. Tho prowhug wildcat crouched low as the party passed the rocky fastnesses of his home, and Uie skulking fox sought denacr thicket. Tho night passed on, guns wero fired and horns wero winded ; hut the mad March blasts wafted back no answering cry, and whea tho sun nwe up slowly from behind tho mountain crest and shot his roseato beams athwart tho morning l&ndicapo, tho child was not yet found. Tho excitement spread like wilduro ; tho pooplo thronged in from other neighborhoods ; tho search was renewed with double vigor. Women boldly took the pathless woods with bravo hearts and streaming eyes, and all that day and night following tho moun tains, tho valleys, tho glou and tho thickets wero scoured ; hut when the sun roso again it dawned upon a sceno of sadness, for the littlo girl was still lost. The suspense was dreadful, for tho nights were cold and bleak, and tho country wild, very wild, and infested with wolves, panthors and bears. The littlo girl was motherless, but had a father, and tho agony of his heart as day and night ho trampled tho forests through in fruitless search for his littlo pet may not bo told. But the hunt was kept up next day. The worn-out, tired settlers never ceased their labors, though disheartened, and the weary searchers sought no roat. Troops of hardy horsemen, abreast in skirmish lino, soonred tho lorel lowlands, while the cliffs and caverns high up tho moun tain's side wero scaled and ransacked by footmen bold and tireless ; but tho day grew on apace, the evening shades began to thicken, and hero and thero to blot and blnr with dreamy darkness on the lovely landscape of tho lonely val leys. The birds had hushed their singing, tho wolf had waked and stirred from his secret couch, tho deer had ceased to browao and sought Ida nightly lair. It was twilight, and tnouil pines had cast their shadows long, like pencil- marks adown tho mountain a eastern slope, where, on a moss-grown rock, a litUe group of hunters, three or four, vho uad met mere oy cuance, " listenod to tho low murmuring oi a tiny littlo mountain stream that slyly supped ana wouna us way among mu bowlders big and ancient treo roots. Long they sat in sombro stillness rest ing, for they had hunted all the day and were tired. The night stole on ; " whip-poor-will" whiopcrcd his first lowly greeting to tho iron-gray dark ness. The feathery pine top began to sigh to tho moaning March wind as it swept up the gorge. The hunters listen ed, and as they listened thero came up on tho wind a sound, a soft sob, a weakly, weary wail from a voico so faint and far that it could scarcely be heard above tho ripple of the brooklet. As if startled by an electric rbock, each roan sprang upright on his feet, and still as marble statues, stood listening. Again the sonnd was heard, and wait ing now no longer, in eager haste they started down tho alopo with long elastic strides. Thoy had gone perhaps two hundred yards, and were passing through a thicket of almost inky dark ness, when suddenly the leader stopped, for prone npon tho ground bo saw a lit tle furm ; a hnman ahapo stretched up on tho chill, bleak earth, shivering with cold and softly weeping all alone. It was the littlo lost girl still alive and unhurt, but oh, no weak and white and wan, so pinched and polo. Bho was clad in a singlo garment and lying ex haustcd near tho brink of tho little mountain brook ; her fair, soft ringlets were damp with the evening dows ; her startled eyes stared wild and vacant. Tho dimples from her cheeks wero gone, and her tiny, tapering ankles and shapely feet were boro, and bora tho marks of many a cruel bruiso and this tle out that had cleft her tender flesh. For two days and a half and two nights she kad wandered through tho moun tains lost and without food, and hero at but, and all alono, tho iit.io thing bad laid her weary bead down to die. It was a touching acene, and tho salty tears shono bright npon the rugged cheeks of the rongh-handod settlers as they reverently took np the littlo lost, quaint girl and tenderly caressed her back to life. Tho horns rang out tho joyful sews, and tho guns belchod out tho tidings glad ; answering shonts re sponded from the spurs and benches of tho mountains, from tho glens and val leys, and ere an hour had passed that grim old mountain witnessed at its foot a sceno of joy and jubilee which no pen msr well describe. Tho story is told and k no fiction. We tell it as it was told ns last week by a very truthful gentlemen, Mr. Wtsloy Itoberts, oi Bcott county, who participated in tho exciting hunt. Tho littlo maid is a daughter of Esquire O. "W. Tinsley, aad her name is Carrie. Bho said that she saw tho hunters overy day and hid from them, and that tho wolves csme near biting her two or iliroo times. JJardanellt Ark.) Immigrant, They who do not rightly know them selves may feel and feast upon falso ap probation ; not I, who see myself, and know very well wht is my due. I am oontont to be less commended, pro vided I am better known. m BaperfkUl knowledge of all kinds is the perdition of women. Stimulate tko SluffHkH Kldueye. In addition to ll tonic auij ealhattlc rop crllee, HoMollfr's Storoseh titters " a boneUclsl Intlue nee upon the kUnoya ana Msa Jer, when they r Inactive, by tlmuU , . Ing tUem to renewed exertion, thui i reopc ; ln. a It were, lulce for the e csw of m purities whoso rcKitUr channel of exit l the orgsn ef urination. Arooutf the", rw Uln abnormal and Inflammatory element, productive or irreparaoie "yri " 'i" tern If not entirely expelled. Ihj aWuf and bladder iheuuelvc r al.o V?"?..ni by thlt atlmuhw, isUislrlnsctlvllvU uauallr a preliminary to their dlea and dlore laitton. They alo experience, In common with other iwlkn. of the ayateio, the potent InvlKorallre effecu of tho Hitter, when furthermore correct dUor.l.ue.l condition of tho stomach, boweU d liver. THmiAi in nn Entire Llbrrvry. Talent, enterprise, and mouey are all rcqulitle. In till day, t tho publlcallon of such a paper a the San KrancUco Wkikuv Ciihoxiclk. It U ' to y that there not a better weeltr pef In the coun ry. II It not only mtniuolh.li Mieet, abound Init with plcy and altractlvo reading, but embodlr new, editorial, and the cholceat specimen of current literature. Kor family reading It Is emial to ail entire library C. J. Hnwloy & Oo. We delr to call the attention ot our red er to the fact that thl old ami popular ilrm are offering uiiumuI Ucllllle for I he pur ehao of all klnd of rocrlc. )) " .'? deal In none but (Irat-claM jpo , they l at tholowett mtrtet rtet. Order from the rouutry promptly Hllnl ltemlt by etl. rariroi WoV br I . Onter. Addre SI5 Sutter St, San Kranchco. Tho Wilcox IMmp. ThU U undoubtedly one ef the bet pump I U undoubtedly one ef the let pump e. It I CallfofiiUluventlon, downed Ully for thl eoi.t. It It tlmple In IU .ruction, not liable to eel out of order, In ue, vtpecUll; durable and cheap. It l elll"C oy It merit and only need a trlat o t appreeUteu. Send for clrruUr to V f. llcot, tit Mi. tlon SL,SuKrancl,civ J. V. 8IIAKrrBK A CO.'B UKWN SIAb CIO AKiJ are KUtrnteed to b made of the dn. ett Havana Tobacco. XU Sacramento tUai. J r. IlltX. Bfclufr of cftlM. &( irw.TMruttt Vttr aa4QarU Wooi. Cur nvrJaJh su.r O. SiiM.SriaBU.Cl. AlLwb4KMri vt-l ! U S York llir. No, Yklnl u.. ". rrt4 la b 8rt ! i-iicrioitihi:K J ii. rf. rprtiif Tho ltcst Spring Slctllclno mid HcaiitlHor of tho Complexion In use. Cures 1' I in plow, ItnlU, lllotche.i, Xciinil:iu, Scrofula, Gout, ItliiMiniatlc mid 3Icrcurlul I'alus, and all DlrictiMCH ari.sln from a dt.virdurvd Ntntc of tho Itlootl or Liver. SOLD BT AU, DRUGQIBTi AsrTI!Tflil"''a'tt. Wai Owtt. ftba4,. lZ nniieie a ii Anoirtcoumrj. MOSTUOMKHVS teUPKtUKCK IIIITKU MV Mcoa4 t. fc3 rrsactMO. wJ ixk.u, l. OfMKTT HH DK1VTIHT M. IB Ttllrd kiir. Mas rrlt. 60 CBfOBJUJnowak,. LocaCartta. tllimIOt iimAln'lC lnuuiaC.CUaiuaUl,Ct. 20 U Ckrono Card,. JUtutttat Uailuu, rutttn. ic.wtia skin f,cm, ,tHAU i,iui lu.. .Hwi, v. r, PHOTOGRAPHS. GETTHEBESOl f.tt.i iim nmt t r. it. nor its, wicm I a tt mini. a rrtiKiKu. a rpilol'NA.lm t,-i:HKIbrTvrT'.17l Mlal. X ur irtlrtalc liiirr Karfutvl tjr Ik m4iri er(. Mlea. iumpl tuilelj l TrunwlI (r tark MTl Ui,hii .11 UkUI, Ul QUARTZ BRBASTPIN.WS httltoatf.-ftfT tJOIAlt II. UlIUtl4llM uiiirf, U:iluu M li,rn; hl, rrwtcvo nlAK(S.UItf.AN'S At AIX KIMMdl" WIXt v n rbrru4 ! u run. (fJr lrva tb ruut.r t J- II. . luicb. 121 KtAtuj V i lsx,jinMrtplrllali(l.nlpoMil!nAA v rcHtniriii L I . r m 2B& Panaris CJmrdaM ar rimr s t mi !' lor IIJll lMa4 tot M..ikillJ TCt:l.I. a Loi a .! Miuwmab 9o. rra. PIAUOS LoaeK frlcM. Klrl Trm of VI aval. VIo.1 rtlutU la.tranMau Watorfl. I'Uft". aulial. . XI Sr Uoltjmri tLl-:c Iiji t I SAN rRAHCIBCO SHOPPIHO rr tvKur osacuirrioM rvn i-auik Vs4 ,0Im. IIoomIkiM wltck. Krj" llilnc toeiM wiO dlK(ttb.i, lw tad JaJt' tn-nL r -t rlrotl&r, MJii Ma. J ,, 1(11. 11 AlllWiO.V. ! WcrC M rrkdK. CJ Vujw "tvf tmt MltOMVJ XUIII mn M) J. 1i(W OHIJI MUM.I, l t '.,;! tv-Mi) -4'ivm v axv MHvrinu u,it U1 9!'jri l.l Ilia 'lUlm 4'M'"all ,aU :uu in tviv.t tiv ui uxsf 'niJ arti lu matt lug- ar parctiaaa or lu HrrllluK lu mpouut ta muf adTcriJuiacU In isila papar, joa will plraM ux-uUon (ba nan of lbs papar. LANDS AND FARMS A.l.linkM ,rUfjr.U Is b Wilfol VM olCwUliUL kintiUniH far CUJtu'. I W ft. tiiToLM,Ofi ai'i.. vu rnfri4 u. ro. nwi, of il L. iikaais. lt tint at., tuu Jom, ii., UkAcr CHAMPIONSAFE or tiik woiao. Uhh.lumifi br Detroif lUf CnMr A ' lrucitca tium fit ! Hnrtftt. p,al, ilr llrM V: Ttsna Ux'. Ilul'l I'aMal Knurr Wtu, H-t 'i Maes akla Otu.r., Ac AMX II. rAldKalO Acau, Jft HoolBHrjf lft,l, r.i Usui o rraU Sarrrl0.r.VAX aCHAAClia Ca. PLAZA STORES, 700 to 710 ICarny Bt. (Oppwiu u Wm. i- o. ui mi. say riuxcisco. OrofcU Otwt ru kr 4 wmwlj Kb7t ........... , II MM WW Orl4llaol',CaWUliM. leMWlMW UaBI'ii w America jituTtmut, k.rur.lri1IKlrfi ... . V trtltUrl Amflca K)'jremaU. ala JMtti lu IIW Mlckel act A uaUaaia tMn, ky ! cm wt4n,.. , ,IAlollW A Urvt flnnol of IkIIw' d l.ullluiifi'i Jtwtirrcoixiit nof IU. Vll. f tblnttrt ftn: Hint., mail.. Ur ItuiUBt, U ft, ., al C ii. ik ut fi 4.jqr. mimm itt..iJf Af M.if. m H.tar. nf lliiil.i tfu.filli t. Iip-r brllialir(aiwoi,lMiloi ..! r. WlUl UUo". W(WUI, tM4f.it ti,t AJ4imStaUk,Mu.l.ll,UK(i, PACIMC TEA CO, Jobtxri t. fUtall plri la at! grUi et (III5A AW JAfA.H TKAM. Staplo and Fancy Groceries. Oram front in. laurjor ropll Sited. ailjQr 1'rlt lii .wt clan iuu. I.AKK sWKKTkKII, ims Murkrl l " kraarlw. AIEMTS WAIITEIi.:"wrk.!',r World. Uu.i inurond IIcIm. Iteujllvra l karofnr Amenc,yimn 4 ifKhaBlei Mauiul. KM)tUifl. ot Yoatot. trlolll and iiiaBr otiwrt. riuw dtoluordjiri eao ba lakaa k Ir b, orkf.. Mmtewr. TUr ud oiburi. with iclturaiin lli d Itli ".. AM" l out; A. V. HANVHOtY CO., Han rras ttfM. I l --. 21 Or. C, OICATTAH'SSl.!! Dipthori. fctsyte'VAsY. Bouts. a.el KlutrtrlM.UoarMrtOf lb Unll'a .". HP""" fcuiKr.iitiMiulviiu4ra.br tba utiillurr, SobII.. worlk A (lf.n..Mkt.a.l trlj.1 ul one. DR. SPINNEY & CO., No. 1 1 Kearny Hk, Baa FniBclaea. Sm AdttrUMiatattu Sa rstsoisoo CHKOX1CLB. "SECRETS TOLD," A ni.-t IM .Wnik, hy Jh fAriViriaM,,h! ui iu.b bA mBinr h " :I,FAN,, it -o i o n m Livery Stable, 13SI and o """tJJVMAMiatti. Il.l. Tlh and M. "vK rl,Ahl ''X I!SSsSSv IIOI.iOJIHM jvcoxroxxo TELEPHONE ,ltladeirii",i alllka.IM(tnipr. i.Mi,irli il inr.rn'M aad l mil u( (una. Irle Hturr '! .iil; w.nlrd I iKHter.aiid IV.tlinuHi.l. i. Unit k lll, Ornri.t Affl '"' l OAnDEMf 00f't Kin. ? iflr ty M 1I03E. 150 " I M " " " a-8 WATEBh '".'I lv'' 'l,u t1 51 TirE. St " - ' JIM M- e V Inch lloaa CooV Ifto. ad fur t'rl" U.i. lu W.R.ALLEN 701 arhrllr. tin .IklMfMMtt. to in thi HARBi torr Th Ctmplexloa CUar, thi: TKtrrn wiiitk. vm Minn vatuuttr. ni. li.ir n .ml uk ruil i.p.lat.i ruiur, ii w ;' oi rHo ftuiur llaklrs Jr. HnHfkl.a'a I.IHtd IJIirarlH. Naap. irMUirr l' laidwdorS' !.. COMPOUND OXYfiEMTMiX m. kunl. r'ts ..'' l" " titm ARKAIli CORES:-; t4 iH, Ao ihwmi aur, REFER If AMISSION A pt.noir MU-hm.t,V. il-n. Ww. rBU.r.tkn. hla llc-ry lr.P- T A AMbttf. uhH Im SEHT FREE1 teU'r,iK SrTi ItZ a r jlMsv at-AUtji.imOtrarail-bU. C'ombHNtlon Chamber STRAW BURKINA PORTABLE ENGINES. PATK.NrkilMAV T. !.'. t rt-ifllr W !. kt lwu lk pWW .ivt aU imiom t.kia I (Mir.ht.. rl "" luw air.w haiBiad Ksl. Ik.l I bi r-li. 4 fur mi fur IB mm" f H.. I"lj S.lkM rl.tuldTkrhia Elr. I uifcl. Iil l Ik .401 klo4 of ! ImI .., 4 lk-r "" i&truu.Mr t.l.4 la l.ndlS-rral ruitaim ft laa uie.k.c ibr oi. ih. ft.ii winrii d .f .itntkitf .oanmiwlf lreud fc4 M mlllr. loUlh. b..ltkt.lil.i:i.UU ! W'k't rr rank. iafvrmilB auplr KarUki, ku Jim., ..! All Kuin M4 Uf hi r kVarraNl'd. niroran mmvm nRiifiu i UullLllU I'IIIIUUa UllUUU Tin; TRAIL HYGIENIC SANITARIUM, No. 8, EUla &t San rmaolaco. riMIKUMll-ICLKCTtllr. T.M. Iltrr All! AXl 1 uth.rlt.ifc.. uittoa, ailrlcltr. aavuat mi m.au. Uf.iiB UH.nr iluiursl Bfinl fliiml Scnr Imv r, v. anuHK, n. ti. (ai. .muii. r tr Tr.ll. Ilnwaal tlkL .4 MB. . ., ... K. U.MOUHK. M, M. L4IV !):. A4 II'm Hs'.rlBl.i4.al. BEE TIIALI. UKALTJI JOUUAI- Ntrar la . P. VA ai'HVAIH dl Ca. PXJkZA STORES. 700 to 710 lCArny 8k urprti l ru . racvitwiv ha rinM.i;. Will d la .f .Uim, C. II. II . lllMoltll l.riMl, wit l..l.f H50 M-kiU. IWt V..t. UU.t .tl f" I Wbllrttk lml,l.lnl .Ijrl., fc,. I W pSM W.tlSI 111 t .tMif. Bil IM 14 III il.. U' !" II r :i IMlwin la Mi dr .all. lfll flat m i Miwr lit.r lrc.iu o Cl....lli.f ..( tl w.l.l .Rm.b4 .4lka .l44war p. mMM X) WHITE'S ffisy LI YER PANACEA Cr Ktmrj r.rix T i.ivi'.k (-oMPfii.iT, ivn:i'aiA. winsr.v I'OMfl.AINT, KISKASKa OrTIIK STOMACH AND BOWELS, Aad all Wxu.. ri.t lrm - -MtCII A HO IK HTOMartl. MUM lir.AIIAI IIIU HII.IOIHWrJlN, ur.AHTHi.Kx, rrrv. 1m Inroly Vf'tftttitlklft. II. Mllno aa 4Imm I. al r.lr dl.ral from a nlil8iif.rUird.d THi.dow. will i.ll.t. .of rlla.rr ci". km iba mticl iImhmi. llad wnill It rBwu . cumpi.ta rar ll . and ial f.lM lh.alfr.ur. iiihh a4 .lluiol.i'. Ih M.r ib.likraciiia, ll.. ( uilo r milnlr carla dlM4M. arttlos frvw ladtexllua, r k ad Impora Wood Mawiplr. Vr at all Itr-K Mlarv. Large Size, Price 70 Cents. Kor rnr.ilofii In e.irrlri, ih. I'rallla riaacrl at up la liu.cit.., Prlva d S fit. Cr kui. CnANNINO WHITE, PropV, TOXj3UIDO, O. lUruf.d kjr I.' , Utl. . I'.ual Ko. . il.lfd W..l,l tum.Jt I Det lfl.J. SUSPENDERS ' 0tt WHEELS. AHOOSY. Tk IIM-fcrkirll.Mla. Xol'nlllPlf ll.'Hf. No llubUr Kr.Kla.il. Tk. Mo.1 imrabia, Tk Mtal OmlolUkl. Kor klKv'Jkl. Aiiuosr AOHjrcr, 3a3NMcraiHiorl., in rnuctuit. I'.N I' i.(HtiwJUrlil. . , t?!!'-0 02TTlVXCrXA-Xs ATEHT AIJUITABLE lUiiiT iurn, VRliiKt " I3lb8. hiiiis iiiiouv Tot is iim1s1"i,ijw L duraLlaAdtsMiaaiMlai' ll '",' f.V... ClM. TiyZii'MS aara.a AiaaU wablad. iOWullkaM tyj iba war nld III Hi" lara ul ma Jiiirwadl'Kie7lsivMbifB !.,. f anuiac- JiVM V, lit Vateac H Can rrnrl.e BBBBBBBBBBUlisBvi) yVf af VT5?4-- Weight, 1879 ! ONWARD AND UPWARD! MAGNIFICENT SUCCESS or - - TH3G SAN FRANCISCO Weekly Chronicle tiilMth.,.rtMfri"llli.dtvrn.l..f mill. T.kaylseNM.prw( HMUerlHh.r, I.UI durlkd trtiulu.a toiti.,.nit. ,.. i ,.,t . " .-...... .... ...ni Acme of Perfect Journalism: In rael.a awsrtsaUlKla Ik. i-ntlr . i.f II,. wM1 M( . ,.,ut. ,wiu w Tb WEEKLY CHRONICLE , ... IS NOW TIIK. , . . titltftaAT IMMIia' NFiWHlMl'im s-Oll tllK.. rww, Miner and Merohimt. NO ONE Should be Without tho WEEKLY CHHONICLE. it I. a pMr.fl Mlrrsr ) r ltB. .t ;! o II,. ,u olM fu, ,Mll mHV. ,, mbUIm 8.alljf.l'lir i'ulMim.a. ar 1411.! fMa., rlrh ai., Jnry wi, iKTf.i.i.Kri'Ai. UMtwi.i-.Hia:. TIIK HN rIU.1l)tHCO Wr.RKI.r t'lini)Ml!I.KH r I nblMmnUftal with Irukvdlu. .l tll.ularo. .II..ikI IhmusU .uM1.m mWr, .li.-isurt iiih "i v.siavlasa (kai? Ml; m.iimil... INi I- .n,r.f..IU liirkUkM tnr V ftt). In .anre. ,,'' " " nu utl A.tNkoflkrM enlevllta. Il.rrr.hi ferarluli t li. Ilpr iHiiuh. fa. . iui.r lTrieml (or 8,MHimeii Ct)f. All i'iatintr nie auttimUetl to reerlvs Hulurrliitloti. lrt .al muB.v ki nMi. vrdtr. l.ll.int IrlUr r ky tiri..., tdiMMst Im IIIAH, UK VOI'NU Hi., Mmm rraurlMo. KCONOMICAIi. Is AMVA V.s4B9bbbV K A l Y " FPU MIIIM EeVa EELIABLE COAL OIL, Water Whits. 130 tier.. Flro Teit, HAnl'I'N HHiih. wt '. tilMM, laiuir and rnlnlV Ni..ir. 4aiMl Id Narram.HlaNl., Han l'rarlrn, NoMit tar I'lrrular, JOHN KOaRKJl & SONH. ICVKIIAL I STOCK AND SALE YARDS,! Cur M.rk.l.M Mllfcli. - i.(,w hau i HAT OLTX3 OX-fVXOT .T kl W H.tS.IHH u-r it AT d.klU.rkMk:i : k..nel I fv.U... I Iw.al; .u .. laruraiuivrm run naiH.taa' niCR I rvitn I c.ua -... r AM.rlr., Al ll n( l-l-i S. l KCfai. ll.l if 4 UiiiflUm A 'T..M. .M.trtr-xkal'ltr ' tK. ii.i h.4'. M 'ililMWdi. as .-. fn IKm v.k.Mll im4.Ii aad Bif riuin w4 kr r.i aad lu tii.a r ul lr d . l r linwiaaAf.il Imixi H...I a.k rt m. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, al and af U.a.Hr a... nM rran.l.M, at it .ad Ml aa fm l V. U t rATIItlhiK, ' raoralaiaa Vh. I'.Nr.l ('..lm, ankl ( lk IM.I. l .!?. !"! !. .1 W UiMlkd W luf. -t.i htlka ll'd.i fl. "ll..l. tmt lalullM ii.t Uk It 4 4 iWf .ill MITCHELL WACON8, A. W. IAN80HH, Aest, 31 DJ Ik, . Y. aillua ! IJf " l"l.k Llf .1 "IN. ll Ill: Miwck.il rit. fUki 4 r ad wm 1 l m.i I kku.a M IfcxtK.t i aMi.l4 " UlMt.ad Ik. IH.1 U IMt t'MI I Mtl.r . ... .lkr Mr ..mtiU4kmllk.HMHU'. at rfortki4 . Ml-.f .. M.nbl.r. ,"( II truwllB.li.l. i.hW.lnl TnOEOUGHUlUCS, 2SPR233 Of ail .ta, ir-Atn. !, faailaH a4 l.lali. I .. af an mi-t. PACIFIO WATER CURE Eclectic Health Institute, NORTHWEST C0RMKH 716 AMU L TS riA(JUA.11i:NTt. OAI.. Mat. at raaliat fttaMt.. In 4 All t-fU "I stlasMastai Ua lolwl fc4 lfciM MlvaUflft flMlpa (,-Ml ( - - : . ww . ... .-. I . .k a.. altt U.AdJ.a.A ..a BTUH atWal faiaSJ kWfw - w-an- i-ra vr-m Narr.w.rlal'.r'.VA!! Nlll'AAI'UA la. PI.AZA STORES, 700 to 710 Kearny Hk iiiff-iw k-I'I.m ) r (,. ns. AH niAKCIWa. Will d C f . I. a aagr (ltd Jd f ! fi " !:Eis::sji!:.r.,f":.tti't"k.ra I, m kft I II a.iu a xi fK::!vr.w'j-?t,?i I V I II AU l'- larorii .... . r.7." '..'J.i; mail ai w .p .-..-.. "- t.i.lr -tn Il7 l li r M. . H dHila "- ,' fu. ,4111. All kind. tr ds iuat -- -. m HootH Hint MIkmx. .bbbbbbbV - . .a w si fat s a at. liat. bbbw "'! ."I'M:.: "r. ,.;.ii.oB... IT, Vaka iT. .d.f lb r r,,1?.,'. ,;'' BbEsBV LT. iMik,r IVumA. tli O.lt.M aad At'ltt I aHaaWTiMaM7rfi '" M",.T,, .rIBTJt il si fwi.' iad f Mtdiaa'a ltaU aad lir-y..:7.dari l;.r.j ia ikj I -.?" lW?SSa1-ia( l Ik I'lii.lrt"l" " assBa an aarMr,Jt rtWT mTTT.WIft BU-AWi- vv -"-- lag Imtation el Iks to. I .rrtanil r rommrtidi'd lirlk allntf ltalrriii.it efllir l.a.l.f.llirU Willi full illf.flli.ii., .I.y mall, ihi.IhiIiI, liM. IJfiaral In. A.M .u..ll 1 A L.d J a rawaa-l assy r-"- sjp - n ... S-afcdlll-Sf-JfJIr'A a.l.la.M.. faUaUd M.f li ' "'"Hciiyiiai-fiwcitt HARNESS! . . ..jii.n.l. uhnlaiala aad Hatall. h...... "-.,".." ;..:.j .,...:.;. innJDia- MIs iiauiwaw. i s" i trt-t ii hiu(U taff lUruflM, Is) l IW r alt aluKla i(tl Ilamaa., Ill Mm 111 Hir Ml, MJ. Mddl... la IW.aili llMMf ahll. II W ly la tr dm , t .11 ni.'aWi.. IIIi...Iai . lantliulu LHKaay3 Ot i iwithllfU N. CURRY to BRO. Ml lanioia Itmt.laa rranalu. SOLE AGENTS rus tss Sharps Olflc Co., of Brldncporl. Conn, roil UAUrontiiA, iiiikuoh, aiiimna, hk VAIH.WAWIIUOTOH TKIIIIITOIIr-.ANIUIIAIIO. Alau.Asanl fur W, W.OIIKKNKII'd lal.biatad Wadaalaal, . .Cliuk.Uia. ak. SB P f !i kfcsVV )lffU-iiiac1lli tad lis IM) I I I.K tiurtBi ana ( inW, llr?.IW aDdrfs .la br Ilia laaitlag Uauulan. Kaelasdand Ainarlna, AM' TBBBT all kind! n yi"f.Wlil Miad W D aU(araiif k MUNITION of ill kliill.l QtianltUuloidll, nBSli Ik." Ilarrtii aall.f.MWHiiiaallll.lw Ij. Sir r Ik, . ;urrr Cuuik. II u K par dm, (lam Kltaiai, f I lr d"j f kiiaka I'll.!' "Idlb.rd.il.. .aaatfVill.r., ft li I) liirduftldliif ifrldlM. (totOKiUI r tin Slnrtirf, II Ut III fr dm, i CulUr ll lo dl p. i or. . Callurtila kan J li.ra.il (IMr ami ltuff Mr li.arr a4dla fur Kk Mrdlli i Ilia ! hard tvuad irr: taunul lia aiirlnd rr iKlra am iiuaiilr. Ordar. Iir.ji.rra. prwinpliv RIM aa a4ll.curi su.rani.ihl. W llaVH, III llarkal kt , ar rir.l.kaa frahslacs. Mad fur I'llra U.l. ..I....H iiiiiiitisrnsi . i;iJiiiiar iiifiair iii I'arMe Va In ClrsulalliMi au.t a..li.i ... lh. ..l., bM J ' ,0" J ".71"-.' ........ . .: . .. ...:"' ,,,,i r.ri.illl.i. III. r.EHI,VI'IIUt)MCI,i; Iht DUIt.ilH.i; i hi: IAIJTS. Z36KEARNY.SZ & 910 MARKET.SI S.F. a4 It aHO.Kdta'akbjf. , XKW H'OItlC-NOW KKAIV. I'or Bala Kv7iara. PHYSIOLOGY OF'tJFE ANO MAI81ACE, M J. II. JttH.ljflii H. l. tR Ml.vr IXTtMatLT IJHmtTtXI WtH I ...f l..4 fl tk um, .t.nlla I auraf II. .ar.. M l.aa. k. f III UalkM. Ml.l (. tk. tl r.Mta... M Mr. kal, Ik a halnS lllad . , tk aa m f( tltl lM kw, I ! raj.lk.t a. kx rad lf ar In l f t law. ( AN d da rUf ...ilala la t ..ar. tk.l nm l .kf.. ( talar ( a k. Iwll t( liaraia. MmI. Ikt 4 af Vm HMIlfit,'" t'rivta. ' AdlM.allnM.r. o ra.T Jltir!k f . ... wiilfc. ift. u ri.au-r. f l (tr.au rifU. M ..) kr Ik. . al V S.lt.f Boswall Heater, Cooker and Dryer WMpit.au ru;!r iMijr i;;hup ar ll.al. ((. ' tw.k.iaa. rawd' l. r llal . .-.aii. lw, ulw. aad ('., d. ! m k.a. !.. Inwa.M alk. a ikiaj -r fla, a k.41 M4tMlMtlxkMMj a 6 ikia., .. UilulUMMk. Icki ...atalad t- Mird df 'Mi'r lruat i ttd auult.4 kr dS.d Kal .ualaia. at. ll..at, J. Wuta.liIf..l.d. lll..(. IH.k (-, a4 I. khii iioii.. ia f aad fp..i". nn f aa4 U. a .!. la katf an an), aad kl Ik ll-a, Ik..ta4 iv. .at.au iron. .tiu. M ...la. sattal in. Mat .alV.f HM hc-a riiti-tfc. lbl'.d II.. I H" aala IraiM tipii.Mi. iLila4Wriil laaaKir "f lk.ldr krfadi.l.d k.i r IK !. . ii ii,t.,ii. Nix. ikki k. r.Mttf r rL7 .niti.'i..n...rri.ai aiii. rw i--1.1 ib. kMilall,a 1"t .... luMMfcLk I"! ll AilUlKAtklud jj W Moalri"tr at a. I llitBi Th Only Tmpraai Blttart Xsws. Tk ( W-.l I'arlS.r and Catkarllc Warrald lurMr.alldla.M4al.las Ham aa Impaia .11 u( Ihaklnnd Ak aSMtnal fMdr M HulU. Itlllau.n.aa, I (.rsHla I'aHallttallaM, a aad all r.ntala t'amplalM.a. Marafa. la.NklN ltl.aa. e -m IUII.it ar cal rul.l.l fur ImMHiM, aad al. da.llanl la kwi iiinI kixiwkwM an'aa.lli W. rrramm.ad ya. nlla lllllr fur all .kioalo w.aka.anwnf Ik. Klitu.ia.Ml I'l.rWMl l.ltrvr l'aH4lalnU. furaalaM alldraa.lata aad d.al.rtla mlMla, llrarr.l t.r-ilMlilll.rj St, Ma llaatlwu. HMrr.aa.r la '. I. VAX MOH AAI1M da .'. PLAZA STORES. 700 to 710 Koarujr tlk iiifrn k ) I- (I, Itai till, kAN rilAMCIM.il, VtlllH.. in alir ad4f, r O l.pa kk IVl.lt. Mliiil., Ulab.-jm.and can. fur . "1 I in j nn.m ..n.i, nr .jri t. H .1 tim in IftHr.l MldlaahifUiM.dala Ik wivfld .. "'" III uia.iaii umiuci .K.ijrrun.r i.fii.x AiirHllaaollur .IIKWool llal .... IJ2J aImI ll;l .i.ll .f. llt a..linl IM II.WW ( Uir.tatflasilk Hal h a v i: y o u it n o ar k ' H ALL'S PIANOS, Vor Htjflfl, Tuna and Durability Unequal'1' Call and Ik. in, YtUitf aad Wai.IW.ICf. IS TY..KH .TMr.Kr. MAN VNAN('IMC Ml MKIII.Y OK WOOIlUNII, VOld) CO..UAI. EVERYTHING ON WHEELS, x.akdCCxruH.3t4. Thi ii.riril t'wrrlwK ifHslrf tlai r.inovad In, Nd, 41 Kyr MdslMWfr' ' Milliil'. aca ol.l, rtau Vrikc m, ' U'J ' rd WllallSaarjr Ml. M. W, mm HtTTERMlB .rnriTiTlllll .L