The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, May 31, 1879, Image 1

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Published avorjr Saturday Mornlnsj
uAJtiij xsrvm iss-craca.
Ktlillfil,(;iii)4 Ck , Orceiiii.
ODO Tf ,,3 flo
Six Months., ..,,.,..,...,..,,.,,, t M
Thrts Months , 1 00
To Jt(irlliet wa guarants (lit most
favorabls tirmi mil fill- I'riallnir.
Tl Interests of Sonthora Ore
gon AlvvnyH I'orcmost,
-rr-T-i if-jgA.
Trft Development of our Mine, Ihsltnprors.
merit of our" Harbor, and Hall road Com
munlcatlon with tho Interior, Specialties.
VOL. 1.
NO. 22.
An Apology fur Flirtation.
"At) women Ire floklal" you toll ni
Wall-yes If by rtokloyou tnssu
A IrllU' his fal Hun you 11111 are i
A Dd Rrtally mora true Hull limy "
' Hut women are of iil-so crtitl I
They flatler and wax tor awhile,
Tlin trsail on Ida lirai U that wa Klta tbm,
Aoil lUal Hi a blow wild a smile I"
V are cruel II may U I but cruel
In million of dunning wsyaj
Ho sorry at tint lo havo Imil you,
Ho VI ml ou tlio gloomiest days,
Itul yon man I you calculate nloely
I loir utr you may ru or bow (r,
Ami nam ose ruuiueut you eotuii,
Nor lly the lio lint you mr.
Ami wlifii you t ImI aro aucctiful,
An J tl lluwsr 11 oU down (t your ft))
lit color atu do mora iftcl,
Its perfume I no mora no iwmI.
Von leave It to Ho on tlm niWil,
Kin I, tramping II tlowri In (he dint
And foy, that such I your right here,
Tu break nd b outrage our Irmt,
IttlUve ins, Uiftt If you would lot us
lis boaoet ami liun m we ere,
Not ilrivloK to oonquor tu always,
Tlio world would m UotUr by tr,
Nelllu Now Year's: VUlt.
" Quarrelled Frank I" exclaimed
Mr. Wontwortli. " Quarrelled with
Frank 1" echoed tlio htisbuud, in tlio
seme breath, and with no leas auiar.o
moot. Then they both looked at Nelllo.
NclHo u mm. Wontworth's unmarried
alitor, mul she now stood beforo thorn,
(ill dusty with travel, having just ac
counted for her uuexjocled journey, by
saying ahohad "quarrelled with Frank,"
tho aaid Frank boiug her lover, to whom
ho had been engaged.
"Quarrelled with Krouk 1" repealed
Mra. Wontworth, holding upher itauda.
" Oh, Nellie i and I thotiKht him ao
Nelllo laughed.
" Don't look so horrified." alio cried.
" Tho fault' nil rolno. You woro kcmhI
enough to ruk mo lo Mnil tho wiutnr
with you ; but IilvollntHl, Locaum, you
Ma, I thotihtI wm in Iuto with Frank.
Hut now tiiut I Mini thai I am uot, I
Iuto como."
" Not ia lovo with I'muk I" cxclaiiuod
hor ltir, holiltnK uji both hauiU.
" Oh, N'olllo I how can you y o7"
' Hut I do any it. Or rather, I find
I cau't marry a iiaraou, and livo a hum
drum life, lu aoiuu attiffr littlo rectory,
all my day. Ho Frank tuuat o. 1
have cow here, ou tho but dny of Do
cemlkir, a you oe, i" to finish off
tho old year, and bo donn with tho old
life. To-morrow I lgln a now year
and a new life. I ahnll coma out, a it
wero, at your rccitiou. I in to ml to
natch a rallllonaiio, and bo ' lniiy (or
oTr aftor.'aa tho alory IxwVa j.
Il hajiiiy foroor nflor ?" echoed
her brothor'tti'law, dubioualy.
"And why not?" rwnllod tho ky
girl, turninfr aharply ou him. " Uooan l
everybody, nowailay, aay that uionny
i chlni kuu ' ou ugoi ao muun
of it younolf
you don t underataiul
about otunra,
ou can afford to bo ro
mautia ; but I cu't.
And aa for li
all tar day iu a poky littlo mrtorr
"Ah, my drarl" InWirjtOsod hnri
lor, with a doprocatiug ahako of hor
"Thorn, uow, don'l lo illdaotia," ro
tortcd Nellio, IntiRhiuK a(ialu. " It
docan't Ikooiiio you, darlliiK, and bo
aide, I Intend to have my own way. I
alwaya did have it, you know,"
Nothing moro, thorefore, wa aald
about Frank, tho winter that followed
wa ono of tho Rajtftt fur yearn. Not
an evening piuncil that Nulllo vm nut
tiroaont at Koiuii party or othur, aud tho
day woro tilled up with rvoeptlon call,
aleiKhliiR partlea, eto. For Mm. Went
worth' beautiful alaler ku (julto a
belle. A dozen fortune wore laid at
her feet, beforo Iout curuo, briii(tiu((
with it aouio li)iht ueaaatluii of tho
round of ajolie: but they Mere nil
rejected, Tlila atiltor wa to old, thai
ono not auftlcieutly cultivated, a third
waa too obviously aulllah, a fourth too
high terai9retl. llealde, uow that alio
had tasted of tho airen cup of funhiou
ablo ooiety, Nollio found, u many a
one had found lieforo, that It wo, aftur
all, but " dead mm nalum," Hlio turueil
from It,, finally, with loathing.
" I auppoaa I have exhauntod life,"
alio aaid ono day, a alio aat in her drew
luR-room, aud ourioualy re(arded hor
olf lu tho inirro:. " I urn looking
frightfully old and worn not a bit liko
the froth, bright girl that cutno horu
laat December. Tho fact i, all tho
wen aro fops or foolu, Keeking rich
wivoa ; and wo, well, un'ro no hottur ;
all tho women aro ftohomiug puppeta,
amoug which I tuayolaaauiyaolf, trying
to aecuro rich huabanda. Fin diagmtod
with them," alio continued ; "with my
self moat of all, Fd rotlior go book
aud marry tho parson, and inoud stock
ing in tho baywiudow of tho littlo
?;roon roatory, than marry tho beat man
a Rooiety."
" Hut tho imriou in't thuro now,"
nam Aim. woutwortli to bur ono day,
when alio had repented nomothing liko
thl in her iireaoueo.
"What I ha ho left Dlngloy parish T"
and ahogavo ngaup, while the color Hod
from hor ohookti. ,
" Yc. I htard ho had."
"Loft Ulngley jmii.h I What, for
good ?"
" Ho I aupiioao. Homo rioholly ohuroh
as called him. They the t tho low-
has called him. They the
ei required iiuor aettlng,"
"And it did," ho aid, fraukly.
" Frank won too great for u, and our
littlo villngo I might have aeuu it.
Why hoaii't anybody written ? Mother
know that I ut luuvt. alio rniaht have
thought that It would lmvo beou of
como lutoreat to nio,"
" Mnnm ktiow you had thrown him
over, and took it forgrautwd. lauppoao,
that you didn't caro to hoar.1'
Nelllo' reply was a slgnllloont shrug
of tho shoulders,
T nlinll nnfflr iifln liltii atialn. f mm.
-""- -: .- ..- -:"."." - v
Mho iwlil, thai lilftht, to her
Ho'll find you out yet." aald Akiio.
" Never I You'vo no idea how horri
bly I treated him, Now, I auppoao
ho'll go hunting after n wealthy womrtn.
Well, I don't euro."
Jlnt aim did caro. Her tears, In tho
night wntehon, attoated lo it ; alio oared
in lier awn effuaivo latigungo, tromen
doimly, Tim next day wo Hunday. Nollio
could hordlr bo induofd to go to chtiroh.
Hlio hail MiilTered, in learning loo late,
iierhap, tho nrioehina worth of tho
heart alio had dared to trille with.
Thn church wba a goodly distance,
and Nellie, as nho Mibirod, with down
cast eyes and n heavy hfart, felt do-
porntnly iu need of IU calm and
strengthening itervlco. At the first
sound of tho rector's voleo, however, a
shiver of delight thrilled to her heart.
Hlio dared not, at the moment, lift her
oyes, kho felt so humbled, but when
alio did gather tho courage, there stood
Frank Fenroso, and his ringing voice
wa tho sweetest tnnaio sho had over
heard, Aud when sho caught his eyo
sho bado farewoll to hope ; for sho felt
then that sho loved him and had loved
him all along.
At the close of tho service he catnn to
meet them : came .jiilutly, steadily,
smilingly ; this man whom Nelllo hud
deaerted for society aud fashion.
If his hand hod but tromblixl a littlo
as ho grasped hers masterfully, sho
might lmvo again indulged iu aomo
flippant seoch, to iirovo that ho hud
not conquered her ; but thn tears wero
too near for that, lln pointed out tho
varied beauties of the old church.
" I think you would liko tho parson
ago it is uot green," ho added with a
half suppressed stniio,
" Frank I" she said, imploringly.
" And when you aro there It will be a
bower of rooes," he added. " You will
What could alio amy ? Nothing. Her
oyes, eloquent with tears, did all tho
" Did j on know Frank waa going to
iireaeli tula morning? she asked of
Wontworth an they drove homo.
" Of course." ,
" You might, at least, have prepared
" Why I To keep you from going?
And defer, if not prevent this liapjiy
ending? Oonfes, now, Nollio, you ra
tired of fashion and society."
Hhe held out her hand.
" I am tired of it, aud I forglvoyou,"
sho said. " Imto Is better than money,
after all. Aud," sho added. outbusUs
tieally, " there's not another man iu
tho world so good as Prank Feuroio."
" Exospl Harry," said Agues, noalling
closer up to her husbsud.
Drain mitl Muielc.
There I no more valuable class of
men, in any community, an fsr aa re
sults aro concerned, than those who
work with muscle tho class generally
ktiowu a " laboring men." Their co
adjutors tho men who labor with brain
are, however, equally valuable, Ont
side of what is called " professional
life," they are dependent upon each
other. There is an unavoidable partner
ship Ixlwevit them, aud they are each
other's beat friends. The otio directs
tho other )erforms ; aud both accom
plish. The dialiuetion botwoou the two
classes is uiudo In reference tu tho di
rect means by which each ono Btipitort
himself, and (Ills his place iu life.
Nobody pretends that tho ' working
man " docs not think, any luoro thau
thai thn worker by mind cannot saw
wood or dig in a mine. Hut the old
notion that the lawyer, the otcrgyiuau,
tho doctor, tho xoliool teacher, tho
ucwN)ANr nun, "W nf emu it jmu,"
do not labor, Imh Imxui uxploiled. There
is many ii -houoI.,I eye aud thiu white
llnger.dhat tolls the secret of solid hard
Tho brain, liko tho muscular organ
into, diividups ami wont out with hard
work. They uro machines that cannot
last forever. The sloupleA watch iu
your pocket grows rickety in time ; aud
the forty-ton looomolive breaks down
at last. Tlio one in gold and tho other
is iron : but both must work and rest.
And, liko any othur machine, the part
which doe tlio most work, wears oul
llrst. Tho sturdy blacksmith's leg
and unpelito are goixl, nod his mind
still bright, whou ho can no longer
wield his hammer. Tho student's eyes
wear out before his foci or hands.
Tho little fuel or tho deatruetion of
iiarlaof our being by hard usage, shows,
lu tho failure of particular muittal ina
nities, that " headwork " is hurd work.
Drain needs rent. It ihu uotiueuble fuot
that mou fatuous forsomo spioiul tntol
lectual power, begin to grow old in that
power llrat. Napoleon's groutuiMs lay
in his wonderful strsgotio auduxeuuthu
ability. Tlio prison of Klbu oould
uot hold him. Thn baro rocks of Ht.
Helena did. Ho had beuuu to wear ont.
Tho literary world has never produced
n more versatile nnil active iutellool than
that of Walter Hcott. Ho used every
nart of his bruin ut once, aud used it
inoussautly. Whon his mind gavo way,
it broke all over. Ho died almost an
idiot. Tho most brilliaut of American
wits aud humorists, John 0. Hixo, who,
uutil tho sixtieth year of his life, wun
tho delight of every jovial company ho
entered who was restless in his fuuui
iiwss, has sunk Into n settled melancho
lia. Ho writes no more. Hu aits ut
homo, in tho very abjeotness of tho
bluea, and ref uses oven tho prosouoo of
his dearest frieuda. His intellect is as
Thut :
as over-uU but tho lolly nart.
is worn oul.
Thai tho brain may work, and work
hard, is as plain u truth as is tho hard
nesa of tho laboring hand. Thut it
unoda Yost and variety, as much as tho
stoniaoh does, is proven to us ovory
day, IfawUy;
A roporter, iu describing a railway
disaster, says, " This unlooked-for ao
oMout came upon tho community una-wurtiB,"
Huxley on Tlfpiilillcanlmii.
. In his rccont book on tho Fhllosophor
Hume, ono of the aeries of " Kugliah
Men of Lotlcrs," (Harper tc. Drothors),
I'rofossor Huxley gives expression in
cidentally to somo of his own political
views. As to tho monarchy ho nays:
" At tho present day tho dangor to mon
archy in Hritain would appear to lio,
not in increasing lovo for equality, for
which, excopt as regards tho law, Kng
liatiinon hayo never cared, but rather
entertain an aversion ; nor In any ab
stract democratlo theories, upon which
tho mass of Knglishmou onr tho con
tempt with which thoy viow theories in
general ; but in tho constantly-increasing
tendency of monarchy to boonino
slightly absurd ; from tho over-widening
discrepancy between modern tiolitical
ideas and tho theory of kingship. As
Hume observes, evon in his time pooplo
hail loft olf making beiiovo that a king
was a different species of man from
othor men ; nod slnco his days mom and
more audi n.ako-bclieveH havo become
imiiossiblo, uutil tho maintenance of
kingship in coming generations sooma
likely to depend entirely upon whother
it is tho gonoral opinion, that a horod
itary presidont of our virtual republic
will servo tho gonoral intorcst hotter
than an eloctivo ono or not." Hpeaktug
of republicanism, I'rofessor Uuxloy re
iterates tho great truth so often incul
cated by Washington aud his compa
triots : " Tho true reason for doubting
the tKirmanonoy of a ropnblio, oven if it
is ever established, lies in the fact that
a republic reouiros for its maintenance
n far higher standard of moralitvand of
intelligence in tho mernbersof tho BtaUi
thau any other form of government.
Bsmuol gavo tho Israelites a king be
cause they wero not righteous ouough
to do witbout one, with a pretty plain
warning of what thoy wero to expct
from tho gift. And, up to this titno,
the progress of such republics as Intro
been osublished iu tho world has not
been such as to lead to any confident
oxfioetation that their foundation is laid
on a sufTlciantiy-accuro subsoil of pub
lic spirit, morality, and intelligence.
On tho contrary, they exhibit examples
of personal corruption and ivolitical
profligacy as fluo at any hot-bed of des
potism has ever produced, whilo they
fail in tho primary duty of tho admin
istration of justice, as nouo butaneffeto
despotism has over failed." I'rofessor
Huxley bcliovcs that jmbllo opinion in
Kngland has passed through and left far
behind thn stage whou absolute mon
archy could bo recovered, aud while ho
sees tho " virtusl republic," which Eng
land now is, steadily tending to become
a formal republic, ho does not look for
ward lo that a tho millennium. Home
American Students in Ucrnuiiy.
Tho number of Americans who como
to Gorinauy to tlnUh thoir studios,
writes a correspondent at Btrassburg, is
not only lsrge, but incroasing. They
atudy hero chiefly nitdicino, philology,
and music. A few hear lectures ou law
at the universities ; but tho origin, the
ory, and practice of Gerruau law, aa
wall as the highly abstrsot and anti
quated method of teaching it, are
o foreign to our views of jurisprudence
thai such students generally themselves
regsrd their lawstudlrs as a luxury and
an accomplishment, rather than a prac
tical gaiu. Though our students aro to
be found in nearly every univorsity
twn, most of thorn gather at Lcipsio
and Ilerlin. List winter Ihsro wero
moro American students at Leiptio than
thuro wero natives of all other countries
nut KurojHidn together. Tho figures
were: Americans, sixty-seven; total, sev
oiity ulue. Austria excepted, no singlo
Kurotiean nation sent so many students
lu Leipsio as America. Tho chief B tales
were represented as follows : Austria,
sutvnty-onu; Itussis, sixty-ono ; Bwit
serlaml, forty-nine ; Great 11 ri tain, nino
teeu ; Greece, fourteen ; France, four;
the United (states, sixty-seven. Tho
majority of our countrymen who atudy
in Germany arc not wealthy. Most of
them como supplied with a sum which
they think, with fair economy, will last
ono, two, or three years. Their calcu
lation is based, almost without excep
tion upau tho theory that tho expennes
of living iu Germany aro much less than
at homo. I venture to say that not one
iu llfty lives within his theoretical esti
mate. My own oxporionco ia derived
from n residence iu Leipsio aud Btrass
burg, of nearly two years, withvitlta to
lierliu, Dresden, aud other cities of
North Germany. It is uot n rare thing
to moot man who say that, had they
known tho expense of studyiugayear or
two hero to bo so great as it Is, they would
not havo come, or would have post
poned thoir comiug. Ham Journal.
Hi; Lkt Tueu Talk. It is ouo mark
of grualuuss to treat smalt ouutuios with
contempt. Frederick tho Groat never
cared how much fun or orltioism his
pooplo made of him. Ho was fond of
sayiug that " ho could do whut ho
pleased, aud his subjects could J.iy what
they pleased," How ho would havo
treated tho "seditious utterances"
which Diamsrck is so sternly repressing,
two facta may sutllco to show :
A Ilerlin bookseller scut to tho palace
u copy of the moU stinging lampoon
ever published against Frederick, and
uskod fur his majesty's instructions.
" Do not advertise it offensively."
ausworod tho king, " but sell it by nil
means ; I hope it will nay you well."
Ou unother occasion ho found a crowd
sturiug ut a sourrilous caricature of
himself, which hud boon pasted bo high
up ou tho wall that it was uot easy to
see It distinctly, Tho king, pushing
his way through tho startled throng,
Add to his utteudunU,
"Put it lowor down, that thoy may
not liuvo to strain their necka over it.
In uu iustaut tho obnoxious placard
was torn to shreds, aud tho crowd dis
persed with a shout of " Loug live
Father Frita,"
Tho lattor part of a who man's life is
taken up in curing tho follies, rdju
dlooa and falso opiulous ho had con
traoteil in tho former.
Form In tho Trotter.
Form is of moro importanco than
moro action, TJio osr-horse is ablo to
fold tho knoo, but yon cannot train him
to get over tho ground rapidly or to
last tbrou"gh a rao of broken heals.
Ho bonds tlio knoo but cannot reach and
gather quickly, Is overtepped with
weight, and therefore falls iu a atrngglo
which Is decided by speed aud courago ;
and tho causo of failnro is lack of form.
Ono of the best writers ou abo horse
has furnished us with rules for tho se
lection of a thoroughbred. Wo aro ad
vised to choose an animal with a dcen
and wido back and loin ; with a chest to
" afford su fHcIon t room for tho heart
aud lnugs," but not too wido, for "au
open bosom is regarded as a suro sign
want of paco
tho back ribs
should bo long, or, am suoh a formation
is generally colled, 'deep,' so as not
only to gtvo protection to tbo content
of tho belly, bat t afford a atrong at
tachment to tlio muscles which connect
tho chest to tho hips ; " the ribs " must
bo act wido opart, and not huddled up
together ; " " for fast road work where
tho full uro of tho legs is gcnorally tho
limit to tho etaoaot of work, a ory
hoary carcass is aa objection, as it in
creases tho weight soon them ; And An
ovortopped horse that ia, one with a
body too big for his leg is a most worth
less brutu ; " a projecting neck, 'moder
ately lung And proportionately thin,
wido jaws, and intelligent hear,, broad
abovo tho oyes, this nostrils, which
should open under exercise and show
tho rod lining membrane ; shoulders
obliquely placed and broad blodo, well
clothod with muscles ; long thighs ap
proaching almost to iho proportions of
tho grsyhoind ; necks full size and
clean, and all tho points proportion to
ono another. The authority from which
wo havo condensed those points is
" Btonohenge." Tbo fastest trotter in
tho world today, Edwin Forrest, comes
up to tho standard samed by tbo Eng
lish critic. Ho has aono of thn charac
teristics of the cart-borao, and all of tho
points of tho substantia! thoroughbred.
Maud B., tho great four-year-old, also
has the form of a thoroughbred. The
prepotent blood in both is that of tho
running horse. Without form neither
would havo shown ao much speed as to
attract publio attention. The trotting
elements in tho pedigree of each have,
with the assistance of toe-veights, sim
ply given a new impulse to speed. Thoy
havo in fl sen cod tho motion, tho folding
of tho knee aud tho aotion of tbo stifle,
and thus enabled the two to atartlo the
country with their deeds. If a sire of
a cart-liko form and excessive knee
action is Be strongly prepotent aa to
stamp both his foraanatl iila aciiofiapoB
his progeny, you may keep breeding
him from now until doomsday withont
getting a trotter, of moro than average
merit. Admit that he simply repro
duce himself and allow no margin for
improvement. Edwin Forrest, like
Maud H., is wonderfully speedy as a
trotter, bvcante he has tlio speedy for
mation of tho thoroughbred, without
which formation he would bo merely
commonplace, iu spite uf tho trolling
elemeuts in his sncestral tree. Toe
weights, with braiua behind them, have
iu recent years played an important part
in tho development of the trotting
horse. Take an animal in which Iho
thoroughbred triumphs over tho " Can
uuck " at tho rato of seven to two, and
put him in tho hands of a Gtlden who
understands tho ne of weights, aud he
will make a trotter of him, not able
merely to go the diitance, but to do his
miles in tho quickest time. Tho horses
which win the majority of hard-fought
races in these dsys of progress, possess
uot ouly the form, but a lsrge percent
ago uf the blood of the English racer.
Tur, Meld ad farm,
i t .in .....
A conteuijwrary says : "There is no
reosou why farming may not bo made to
pay much ufteuer than it does. Very
few have learned to regard it as a busi
ness. It Is a sort of chanco work alt
rouud. Moat men look on it as a sort
of real estato transaction. Thoy hopo
ouo day to sell ont at a big; figure, bonce
aro afraid to improve their farms with a
view to agricultural operations, for foar
that whoever buys tho laud will uot care
for those little things. Wo huvo often
hoard some improving farmer riJiouled
for his expenditures by some knowing
ones, vho were very sure so and so
would get more for his place than it ho
had thrown his mouoy iu the dirt."
A Wabu vor Poumtr Houses. Tho
Fmmer't Advocate gives this as the best
whitewash for poultry houses : " Into
the whitewash psil drop a teaoupful of
soft-boiled rice and mix thoroughly.
Then pour iuto a quart-pot of cold water
s.y tell or twelve uro pa oi orude car
bolic acid. Mix this iuto the rest aud
swab tho interior of your henhouse with
it. For outside, use rook salt dissolved.
instead of boilsd nee, and dispense with
carbolio acid. No other preparation of
whitewash ever equaled this for poultry
Sjp HI !.,
KekiI!U lUn-NKsa, Harness should
uover ou kept in the stables where ma
nure is oonsUutly generating lare
quautitlos of ammonia. This ammonia
is rapidly absorbed by tho lesthor, aud
tho ulXoot upon the leather is about tho
same as would result from saturating it
with strong lye. In a word, ammouia
rota leather, and hence koepiug harness
in tho stable is sure to result in its
damage moro or less.
Too little attention is paid to the
keopiug of rabbits. Thoy can bo, aud
are iu some countries, mado as profit
able as poultry. Thoy are obosp, iu
crease rapidly, require only such care
as any child can give, and thrive in olose
oonUuemtnt, iu this respect being
superior to poultry. Its flesh is g roe
able and nutritious,
Tho estimated number of horses In
tho United Btates is 8,000,000, Illinois
raukiug first iu number.
i .
In IndianA farmers aro hirinjj haudo
for tho year at front 913 to 918 a month,
Hcrncs In Morocco,
On every sido, as you travel through
tho country, you cannot help noticing
tho fertility of the land. Delicious
fruits grow almost wild in great abund
ance oranges, pomegranates, apricots,
peaches, quincos, almonds, vines and
Hg troes. Wido fial Is of grain wave
beforo your eyes, as surely they wonld
not woro it not that tho soil barely
nodds to bo turned ovor : for, through
all the centuries since this coast was
first cultivated, not one partlclo uf im
provement do tho indolent people seem
to havo mado in their clumsy methods.
When a nativo farmer finds he can no
longer sit in the sun and postpone his
plowing, if ho is to have any crop at
all, he catches a donkey And a goat, or
a cow and a mule, or any other crea
tures (Including his wife) that will
pull, and harnesses them to a plow
which would bo a tine curiosty for one
of our btfricnltural fairs, since it is
simply scoci sticks of wood bonnd to
gether so that the sLarply pointed end
of the main or Siandle piece, is dragged
along a little nnder the sod. Yet wo
mnst not forget that much nearer home
a liko lack of progress is seen ; for in
parts of Mexico an almost exactly simi
lar excuse for a plow ho been need for
throe hundred years, ani may perhaps
be used lor three hundred izore.
When tiKi caravan reaches a town of
considerable size, stop is likely to bo
mado for aomo days, lu order to allow
trading to be earned on. Bnt business
is not permitted vo worry the traJcn
much, and between tho entertainmbsts
of tho village people and tho recrea
tions of tho camp, tbo stranger will not
laok for amusement. It is to this race,
it is always to be remembered, that we
owe the Arabian Nights' tales. Of
theso stories oar translation contain
only a selection, and as yoa sit and sip
your coffee, tea vr lemonade u soma
little cafe of whitewashed stone, yoa
hoar tho old plots and familiar names,
and many new romances of tho same
kind, told by men who do nothing else.
Tbo tales form tho tressure of a very
numerous class of men and women
throughout the East, who find a livli
hood in reciting them to crowds never
tired of listening. Tne pnblio squares
of all the towns a'Kmnd with such men,
whose recitations, full of gestures and
suggestive looks, hold a circle of silent
listeners spell-bound with the pleasing
pictures their imaginations conjure. It
is said that tno physicians frequently
recommend the story-tellers to their
patients in order to soothe pain, to
cilni agitation, or to produce sleep ;
ana, accasiomoa to uiik to sick ion,
they modulate their voices, soften their I
loses, abuI genuy eeaes steep buam
over the aanerer.
Quite the opposite of this quiet and
dreamy amusement, which takes the
place of our theatres, are the shows of
tho snako-eharmers, wbo everywhere
collect pennies from admiring groups.
Thoy sit on the ground and bandlo the
aerpents in every way, allowing them to
oil about their arms, necks and body,
and dart long, forked tongnes almost
into their faces, while one of the group
hammers a Umbourino as though his
life depended on it. I cannot couceivo
how this so-called musio hoc anything
to do with the wonderful control exer
citkl over the snakes by the juggler ;
I should think they would grow cross,
rather than be " charmed" by its inces
sant discords. Erntt lngeruU, in St.
mi A f ii i
The Kiu? of Ituriuah.
The King of Hurmah is little over 20,
and he boa boeu barely four months on
the throne. Ho is a Ull, well-built
porsousblo young man. He is very
fair in complexion, has a good fore
head, cloar, steady eyes, And a firm but
pleaAaut mouth. His chin is full aod
somewhat sensual-loukiug, but withal
ho is a manly, frauk-foced young fel
low, and is said to have gained self pos
session, and lost the early nervous awk
wardness of his new position with great
rapidity. Of his character little has
yet developed, but circumstances have
occurred to prove that he is very far
from destitute of a will of his own, and
that he has no fondness for any dimin
ution of the royal prerogative. Aa we
passed out of tho palace after tho in
terview, a house iu the palace grounds
was pointed out to me, within which
had been imprisoned in squa Id misery
over since the illness of the late king
some twenty male mernbersof the royal
blood, who were regarded as likely, if
left at large, to use efforts for the hin
drance of tlio accession of the lad who
uow sits on tho throne, and who, among
tho youngest of the sons of his father,
was selected to succeed, portly by fe
male intlueuce, partly by reason of the
belief of the ministers that he would
iutorposo little obstaole toward tho ao
oomplishmeut of tho programme of
consiitutiuual reform vrith which they
desire to begin a new reigu. And in a
stable uear by. incarcerated thoro a
month ago, aro ooutluod three of these
miuiaters, living proofs that constitu
tional reform is a ticklish aud risky un
dertaking, whon all the traditions about
the throne are those of absolutism, and
tho youngsters who aro soft seeming
and pliable when powerless nonenities,
learn swiftly to take their own part
wheu placed in a potitiou of power.
King-makers, it is true, can be king
breakers, but it is also true that many a
klug-maker ha himself beeu broken
by the king ho has mado. And I dare
asv tho ministors in tho stable there are
rather sorry now that they did not
make another choioe. Itonilo iYeirj.
The success of tho mixed classes in
University College, London, is now As
sured. In somo classes the attendance
of young women is as high as thirty
per oeut. of the whole. Tho professors
are porfeotly aatistled with the result of
opeuing the classes to womeu students,
aud the young men have uot the slight
est fear that the staudard of education
will be lowered.
A paragraph iu the hand is worth two
In an uuoreaiting exchange.
"Oolng A-Flshlng."
The man who invented tho fishhook
will some day havo a monument. Itwill
be a granite column flvo hundred feet
blgli, built by tho boys Alone. A boy
migutpoeaiuiy get along with marbles,
tops, stilts, balls and kites, yet ho
would feel that there was an aching void
enough somewhere A kite does well
sa long as it will outsail all other kites
and tho string doesn't break, and a pair
of stilts aro good property -until after
iuu urst ibii ; uu lor rest aoiiu pieao
uro the fish-hook can never ho beaton.
A boy will always expect more aud get
less irom it than anything else invented,
but ho novor gets too discooraged to try
Tho Smith boy was obserrod trying
his luck yesterday in a pond on a va
cant lot ou Alfred street. As far back
as last December his mother promised
him half a day out of school aa soon as
tne ush began to bite, and yesterday
was tho glorious day. Where there s
water there ought to bo flab, according
to every boy s reckoning, and this
yonth " surrounded " that wee little
pond-hole with its barrel of muddy
water with just as muoh enthusiasm as
a man wonld throw a lino rato Lake St.
Clair. He had ham, aweetcake, po
tato, dried beef and boiled egg for bait,
and when he had spit on his bait aud
cast in bis book all the Seth Greens
ever born couldn't have convinced him
that ho would fail of at least one good
bito. For two long hoars he fished
for sturgeon and pickerel and pike,
changing tbo bait now and then And
nti-rer forgetting to spit on it, And as be
hxalod np for the last time ho would
siraply admit that it wasn't just the
right sort of day to go fishing. If he
h4 had a little one lo carry home his
triumph wonld have been more com
plete, but yet his eyes were like dia
monds as be met two boys on tho cor
ner end called ont :
" Say I IV e stayed out of school a
wbolo htlf'iay and been a-fishingl I
didn't catch any fish, 'cos they were all
on their nests, bnt yon ought to have
seen the big frog which tumbled off a
stone rDttroit Frea Prat.
How They Eucliered the Old 3fan."
We ere told on the " best authority "
that a wealthy old gentlemsn residing
in a high-toned portion of this goodly
city had a beautiful motherless daugh
ter Irom whom he exacted a promise
that she would never marry without bis
sanction. Her first lover, though " poor
but honest," won her heart. The father
mected aim. And bade her, ebec&s asl-
Bo&er. Sfee said, ,4Xo LaJtall yet
marry hfaa under year ewn T99t, bet
not without yoar consent." Time
p issed along, and one evening, not long
since, her father, for her especial
amusement, gave a select masquerade
ball, to which, of course, her lover waa
not invited. While the masks were on
and mirth running high, there waa a
shout for somo one to play preacher, a
a youthful pair were to have a sham
wedding. Some one volunteered, and
the bride And groom stepped forth, he
hobbling on crutches and she gray
haired and decrepit. Their appearance
was creeled with roars of laughter,
The minister said: "Some one must
giro this bride away ; she is loo yonng
to be responsible." She chose a conple
for guardians, apparently because they
stood nearest. The ceremony waa per
formed, and tho hand-shaking And con
gratulations commenced, but the bride
bad fainted. Her husband snatched
off her mask and hia own, and in the
general consternation everybody fol
lowed suit. When lol the married
couple were the " poor bat honest" and
bis chosen one ; tbo minister a bona
hda Justice of the Peace. The girl
hod selected her fathor and aunt to give
away tho bride, am' thus 'rith his con
sent she was marrnxl ', home to the
man of her choice, x he old man saw
the joke, pronounced them too old fcr
him, gave his blessing and received tho
husband into hia family. OoUitn Eta.
Tub Tcrkisu Bath. Dr. Fleming,
of Glasgow, has presented to the British
Medical Association an account of some
experiments by the author upon him
self at tho temperatures of from one
hundred and thirty to one hundred and
seventy degrees Fahrenheit, upon the
weight, temperature, pulse, respiration
and seoretions. The result showed that
tho immersion of the body in hot, dry
air, produced loss of weight to an ex
tent considerably greater thau normal,
amounting on the average at the rate of
about forty oauces au hour. This
was accompanied by an increase iu tie
temperature of the body and a rise iu
tho pulse rate, with at first a fall, then
a rise in tho rapidity of respiration.
The amount of solids secreted by the
kidneys wa increased, and coincidently
tho amount of urea. Tho sweat con
tained a quantity of solid matter in so
lution, among other thiugs a considera
ble amount of ures. The most impor
tant effeot of the bath, however, waa
the stimulation of the emuuetory aotion
of the skin. By this means, tho tissues
could, as it were, be washed by passing
water through thbm from within. The
increased temperature and pulse rato
pointed to tho necessity of -caution in
the use of the bath when the oiroulatory
system waa diseasod.
Tun "Wiokkd Weed," Hops are
first mentioned by Fliuy, the yonng
plants being oaten as a vegetable, like
our asparagus. But until the sixteenth
oentury they were not used as an ingre
dient in ber ; and. when their cultiva
tion waa first introduced from Flandors,
iu 1525, an outcry waa raised, and Par
liament was petitioned against a" wicked
weed that would spoil the taste of tho
drink and endangor the people," But
the nimiaut bitter found favor with the
publio, who relished this addition to
the previously unmitigated sweetness.
Aud ao the hop was promoted from the
hedge-row to the " garden," and ever
since, labor end money h been con-
sMBtly expended on it.
Train the Boys for Ilnslncs.
Thero Is ono clamant In tho home in
strnction which boys recoivo prior to
their advent into tho businoan world to
which too littlo attention has bocn
given. Wo moan the cultivation of
abita of punctuality, system, order
and responsibility. In too many koiiid
holds boys from twelve to seventeen
years are administered to .too mnoh by
loving mothers or othor female mem
bers of tho family. Boys' lives thrdngh
those years are tho halcyon days of their
existence. Up in the morning just in
season for breakfast; nothing to do but
start off early enough so as not to be
late; looking upon an errand as taking
so much time and memory away from
enjoyment; littlo thought of personal
appearance except when reminded by
mother to " spruce np " a littlo: finding
his wardrobe always where mother puts
it-in fact, having nothing to do bub
enjoy himself.
Thus his life goes on until school
ends. Then ho is ready for business.
He goes into an office where everythis
ia system, order and precision. He is
expected to keep tbingr. neat and order
ly, sometimes kiadle tires, file letters,
do errands in short, become a part of
a nicely regulated machine, where
every thing moves in systematic grooves,
and each one is responsible for the cor
rectness in hu department, and where,
in place of ministers to hie cc-mfort, he
finds task-tnaate.8, more or lesa lenient,
to be sure, and everything ia marked
contrast to his previous life.
In many instances the changs is
too great. Errors become nameroas,
blunders, overlooked at first, get to be
matters of Berious moment; thea pa
tience is overtasked, and the boy is told
his services axe no longer wanted. This
is hia first blow, and sometis&M tie
never rallies from it. Then cornea the
surprise to tho parents, who too oftes
never know tho real caase, nor where
thoy have failed in tho training of their
What is wanted is every boy to have
something special to do, to have soe
duty at a dennite hour and to leant to
watch for that hour to come, to be an
swerable for a certain portion of the
routine of the household, to be trained
to anticipate the time wheat h By
enter the ranks of bBsiaess, attel te be
fortified with habits of energy, aeearaey
And application, too of tea ef more ka
portaace than superficial book leoraieg.
Com. Bulletin.
Bkiixiant Whitewash. Take belt
a bashel of good nnslaofcod iusa aavsl
slack it with beilktg water, eevorfwg it
daring the process fcs keepia tja4i; .
--- fluft M.4l,Mm.L A Laiak asfjatWBtaV
Br3BB7vajarsa tnajnav aasorapr jSEnr4rBBB4Ss 4Vatjp aswarsr sma
n t rri fffi fir J ...1.1 L -ast "la -faugW Aj
arsra aasraw snn saaswa f mw ( jps,wbbjb jf raBPmi
salt, previeaely dissolved ia wars
water, three poaads of groaad rlee,
ground to a thia paste and stirred aad
boiled hot, half a poaad t pew-etaesl
Spanish white nisf, aa4 a poaad ot
clean glue, which had been previeaary
dissolved by first soaking it well sad
thea banging it over a slew lea ia a
small kettle, within a larger eae filled
with water; add five galloae ei hoi
water to the whole mixture; stir it well
end let it stand for a few days, covered
from dirt. The whitewash ahoald be
put on quite hot; for this parpose it
con be kept in a kettle on the stove.
Ono pint of thia mixture will cover a
square yard of surface if properly ap
plied. BrnsheBiore or less small may '
be used according to the natare of the
job required. The wash reteia its
brilliancy for many years. There ia
nothing of the kind that will compare
with it, either for inside or oatwd
Gbavt for a Roast Fowl Boil
the neck of the fowl, after having cat it
small, in half a piut of water, with a
seasoning of spice or herbs; Iqt it stsw
very softly for an hoar and a half.
When the bird is just ready for the
table, take tho gravy from taedrtppiag
nan And drain off the fat; stniatka
liquor from the neck into it, mixing
them smoothly; pass the gravy again
through the strainer; heat it, adding
seasoning if necessary, and take R hot
to the table.
Ehixd OrBTzna. Large oysters are
the best for this purpose. 8ianaer for
a minute or two in their own liquor,
drain perfectly dry, dip in yolks of
eggs and then in bread crumbs, sea
soned with cayenuo (or block) pepper
and salt; fry them ot a light brown.
These are chiofly used aa a garaistt for
Uh or fowls, but if intended to be eatea
alone, make a little thick melted batter,
moistened with the liquor of the oysters,
and served as sauce.
BoiuKo Potatoes, Havoyoar aaaea
pan half full of water; let it boil, then
throw in two teaspoonf uls of salt, thea
add your potatoes; let thsat boil twenty
minutes; do not let them stop boillBg
one instant; when -thoy crack opes or
seem inclined to do so, take thaw oM
the fire, strain tbo water oi", put them
back on tbo stove with the cover oa the
saucepan; let them stand ao three or
four minutes and yoa will have thea
mealy and white.
To Bou. Pickled Beet. Pat
tho tiro in oold water; let it smatar
slowly, allowing fifteen niaatea for
every pound; do not let it boil; keep
skimmiug or it will look dirty: if it m
left in the pot until.the water is aeld k
will bo muoh moro tender. Aatsag all
tho recipes no one seems to aava
thought of giving one for
Boiled Hakv Put a ham frt a boiler
while the water Is oold; be carefal that
it- boils slowly, A ban ot twenty
pouuda take foar hoars and a hall,
larger and smaller iu proper Uaa; keaai
the water well skimmed. A 0s has
wants uo oeakisg, bat aa eld oe atas
bo soaked sixteen hoars ia a laasya safc
of water,
Diuwaixa ro Turast. T dry
pieces of bread or Cfaekafs, 4m tfcaem.
fine, put ia a wall piece of feaataw w a
little oieau, with sam, payyarsri mh,
one egg and a small qiisaaSsy 4
moisteaad wW Jftttk.
Remove tba tkrtsJk
roast fowls Uf Hat WMsv
L( 1
m ..-i-jk aaJVJCJLfaUAl jitMi a , - aL ljmhJlJ
fjmv- -fw - ,