The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, May 24, 1879, Image 2

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1. .
sV -
m, j .
ACV V1Ab A Ah --
"" " nwOrtucw eMlew.
??,. V to'nl on tlw question
y immigration.
T !- ..
ni.... t ., . , -fj-...M jtt t3 nil
i "' umiiia has prepared and
'?. . c . ,m,t nlrto tho
V. ; y m any particular.
ffcfcMIKj leruiw,e Mffl.
AJ 11 vet of tlM ftnny anpm- i'fife
JJwced hai )l? wna wilHmt - T I
bt ejections
flM.rrt hail
li&Z U.Y V"""" inlucmti v
ngtftet tho IkhtfflXlWdwU,ml,,,,
sat xiwSi22ffi?B
n i1 jV""" la,r clwUnn
woe&l forbid Um r
. ., ,.v . fe Mlllliiiirv t..ta-l.. ...1 1 "V
WW, If necessary to nnrtetlil ":T""",i,irawnuS
The Slate of CnllCbrnln.
Snncy of the Coiptllle 1th cr.
Fenarnin i.iii hmm.' ". "?. viy Runrnntcrn m r u ,i .;
MiMtuU i; . .:.!'" .""' wrtiicnco wit. in ti,n ir. i 'a: x " '
kjm: s w &aMiffffj
-mw IIIU IIL'IIL III iTllfVll 1
. -- "r-" - MKtit'
employment. The lull i
niter July 1,
wiM for nnv suhlect
oni mm Mum .. 1 1 ;..-.
-1-,,.,miui ittvtvr
,""K i resident in the
. ..-"-" avroiiitzui. ill ii n
he in. favor of such n law na r !rJ:tAAc8 to nR8 j. carry on J
...Ji:. - . i. uiiiiiui.tmiif-iiiir w
Hiuijuirv" i...f....t i -....... ...
i.rAiiS.iJ""H,,uwni wncL. or to own.
, .. . w i. " . a - - "'vi iiiiiui ni" tTi .... j r
jiwco on election Ua and to tiro. .. i-. " . "v. "u" or own
Wl ln lnMl... .i..l .1' . . . . I
j .... wwmtii unv, anu io tiro- . .. i . ""
rial. uhl d iio total 5K S EthSf1i9tnJe,ft,rnnv 0,h
wi of law and order, xV each li r ' i ' l,vwful wmmeiro,
mksin eniinvM. Lt-JzS I wnt am- farm, canon. vinVvnr.1
ItHjly iCted tho following, which ! fcL.? n7 5 wn, hnw or lo
1M lnkmitd without Uwilte nn"era Vf -to, hwet
lifavid of tho prestdentt ajWl?oata or swine rortinypuqw
miftunketCKUrttliat ti .V.II ... ' i in" ""MV "f w incroaso oi
MlioW ninny ,&tt"."toP
". i4t v .i inn iiirni " - ". vifc vj liiuiil'I' ki
softly wlien niieli fnwi,iorkn8 mechnnir nnkiho i.i),
i-t. . V-. - - - -" " '- m-.- .. '-i ---fcj -atAtrtri-
ww w trpei stwed cnemiwt of the , waiters, scrmnts, cooks, clerks.
!TSrtn,f. S"i oflwitotion other kind of InW l5illcd or un
ccH9ftt Uiicd Sutw Uw,irA.....V"
4 e Mw.k of all W g inroS ?r trahng tlwrctn ; or except in
.. J.Vi Hi JwwiwkVs U kiei. v tv,,vii iterprctcrH or teacher oftlmPh;.
sS3i3JBW . , .. -f "!-'". J -. I . -1-.. .. ... -
mn ho iiiy seen that such JtW imSSi. i Y-;mou ot J
MMIHHildfm of av AtmtatuWlmwt wpumwHDie ty a tmo not less
M yiUitdinft eftekctkvn day to
5SW etri4 WwrtM tf the locakitr
jmmmm ibe election is being Hohl
Th (klay ttvccMaiv in obtaining;
i wr: ire ine jcpswsure or the
Fbixow Comuadks '. A full geocra-
suiipre&Hnsr $ t, .v;n.ui -;,. . ,.?:.,-t.wi
Ot CAUSinS tUt in Iir!t-iti' In vii-tnirv thn liinnnr nt
itehallbc our conntnr. on the battle Held of
un f UKJ, or nupnNHiniont in the
cnuenaanr not exceeding six
immthss why both fine and impris
onment; and also hv forfeiting nf
dl property mhI or invested in the
wsitiY of a Ute,lfore tlw now- 1tub,j51l w" , . 1
.4.51!. TiV V1?. , The .CCOnd section innl: it :in.i
wmt TiSS or ESTlawful for ar ixn, comimtion
HtWtioa to lks wAlvfianKubject of China for any of the;
nKtaSSItte government STrTn? H
0fHkcd tbo neceitr for fhe ! crivrelcra or t,e.acl,tf ra of the Cluneal
jwr to u tho aiilltarv inan;l',nsi,aRandimP0a neof?100
trpo;KV to protect the tight of . 'or each offence. , j
tUhim tuid to enforco olicdiencc to i lli "ot probable that -the courts '
ti,hir of the United Stales, andi will stwuio Mr. Slitters view of thU
in 307, congres paswd and jntsti- bjt, even if hi bill were to be-,
4ent JcfftfrKmapiirovctlabiUwluclilc011 law; but tticro is still less
jnovidktl "that in all cases of insur- probability of it meeting ibe approml
lec&m or obstruction to tlio lawj, of a majority in congrc. I
fcithfeeoi thoXJnited States oranv :
iitdiiWiua Ma or territory Trhcro it !" tte SwrriTora T th War wMk 3f cxt-'
mi JftWfal wr ttee president ot the! w,wtjw. .
Unttetl &lw to call fortli the mili-
ilMiijrtlw pttrpoe of
T$mm W he Mv executed,
iawnit foe mm to ciuplox-for the 'Mexico. Altbousb we are now old
mmymc0e Pch part of tlvc land and miwt oon ceae to feci the vicis
we bmw HHve v uk vowu i7vei'Y4"-'""v vv. t... vyjVu
. .. .i. i
ikA .. -- TmiTrtrMHT . ir . -- - ' ' -
r T... "T", "r,,t ... ., bcltevwl tluit tlnre are iwrhatHj some
INit HMMKrv mk'jfcrcnco with the tu,v nf v tiv,. ;., n.n i.n
ft and wrmincka exercise fwould enjoy the privilege of a reunion,
ilM ekscil fxanchie haaalwaya and commemorating our oldier life
MC3MM It ever beeil practwed, 'flic i the event of the gtorioun campaign.
Ml mtcemxty CXta for it enact-. u -8ha, i.edone. I confess I am not f
MMi. Jbll tm bill wlitctl was vc- no expert in getting up meetings of
m4. hf irciJident llayta would, if' any kind, but I know tliat it you were
ciiMicd, prevent Hie military or na- us "anxious to come together berc, as
XT Ittm ev nwtndnins or prevent- j you were to respond to the bugle blant
irw4) A'ioli'nc and anurdcr till battle, tbirty-oneypaw ago. the tast
SfoTir the Uti W the of calling you'out wonld Ijc compara
4i JVlvir !? fc : tidy easy. But in tho absence of a
" "Jf r?ik Zil.rt w.T : better plan, as a lwginning,lwtii a-'.
w,w4i that the anny should hold -ulue ty,e rcpoa.lllity after request-)
m& power to interfere with the cxer- n not cojnruanding, that Just as
aiw f the elective franchise, but tlic MfH aa you read tbw add res, you sit
'mtiirvntion of the peace, and tlie,(iowu and drop the undersigned, at '
Lii.tMiif tfca oersoa of citircna'Kusene. Oregon, a note giving yourt
JTjS day. or any other, is a name, bce of addrcaa. toxetlier witn
tTtWutieaofUwKorerninent iy useMio you think proper as
ymtw IJK ttuura ww T j i i i to the most convenient tune and
wikfc iKH nOtl rid?, 'SiJfof SngVetc. And also, see
h, mW r IHirtom cnotiind '; every soldier in your neigl.bor-
&mxy WU ttitain tlc veto ot- JiO0d fa nulde oware 0f the movement
e WHMiident hy sending the picr to him contanV
"" Jimtthw. Then. o soon as r am sati -
H Miantrtf rt-1-"1 fiel you favor the proiJOsiMon, notic e
AUinirosi lfriiile given eaUine the meeting t
3, chap, LXIJ.ot tliemicellanc- thc-Kmo ami place which m
mot llihitae, iwy; Wfityteem to indiea c. Jani well
neCCarr,IUVilr;;TT,T ' " anairs, unrrew
W x 7AVIlrtllKIIItl fffJtTliil CItTUUKBi )V4 lb 111
.-.w tuitifl ana Ike-estr lnoi u Mircu mat we ni w v.. .- -
EKdardmSreforchai whatever locality we nuymcej,
KSTand Tiber eomiiKHlitiw custom-; ml hat we would be favored by rail
oTW by heaped measure, and in road companies hartne means of con-S-Sa
r aSci Tcommoditie the . rcyancc. owr soldiers, the inattcr
Zu3lher "mailer measure U, f your hands. Shall "
TfLTTtliJ i ", high aa may U I to, let inc hear from you promptly
SZI brt ot desV- Will also newspapers friendly to the
.sos" tunnan triu
pw bn ip a , , irilil sKf,tjr.v7M(r Urd
WisMt aMt otHcr grains w - - - ---". ;,! fttSli.. If yon iH
T J?5WK2h JK.TI TtHbel ' vou sQ. have an honorary in the
IPJ " w..wv -- o w , - . ,... .
.. - .. itt.j fiinri KiM.tniini ur ruuinuiii
r)l.e iro. w T7 ."':'" -"" ....if..lU-
tuiir hiishel luiu vMVjvf "i '"
Jt oW pot Iw requirwl to
k measure," while it musfl
J. JF. Ami.
!l-"!?lXJrrfir:!-M. ki WaM,t Terrltery.
STeVfruU which are gd by inej , of jj
4tt Ve WMW"'., v1h,, le : ,.5..hbor named J. Zummault. The
OwfiH.Me.---":-"-";,--- Wfl miwctinff arwomanii.e
.)W.?1""h r?n't,ir TbcLucT had bceuUlkmgabout
MWIJI -- I' - . . . .
in , el walked fifteen jnHe
ta Dayton to
y . . . . . ..t .
la kali imiiie proline !: "r'.-.';."."i.-.:r !-..
" &"flti2Z. !?;?n'e the mah ho ,1 lh
-" liHVJft i:i L'UUIV IHVtivw --v- . . r t - sf ,..., I.ttf.r tilll
faiimlWIwnd t'f
....LK,..onlain his eonduvt. but lie
t:l. .! iiiii him and ho fcliot lilm
. " '. i. '.... 'mm niiundetl man
III MSII-UV""""-- "' '
died last evening.
X J5NlWh Colony broifght out un-
vsjasmY " "" y . rpilttrftiiivintf otia fann near Mioai a nrry,
waw HHNRty oe artww, men w , for tJjret. yw,r, mo nu-.m,..
. .. i n-un ciLiniiv mui" chiif. iiiv i"." "---
U aHHT:-" (years u. , m ";7h" wtM since.
4ilrlbke hwon ';";,ii.u:ia. wI ,ie
-ii ..tlU luurtlUtlHI! 01 inilVi(W -"- lt...iinir
wan'T -n'-- -
of quite a
jWsmaikrattirn hHild ihoso a
T!E-Tr2Llr kh. They have
(WHMMJMW " -11"""
hm4 wW 1 lie V"l',
in. ro-
coiisentiMt 10 sucn ?",?!"''u
plied, "My sister married a Ohiuainau
ffl I'm no iKitter jb.n rh W
Their maxim evidently J. V t
lU MJ WB UJ"Hv "-J-JV-
thu od
TlieSanVmiK'iseo Curt of recent
date, contains the following denip
tion of tho new steamship "Plato of
California i"
She is an iron screw steamer of a,
00 tons measurement. JIO? feet long,
feet beam, SM feet depth of hold,
and her engines, aro 2,000 indicated
horse power, She has a capacity for
200 first clas passengers, and large ac
commodations in the steerage. The
main saloon occupies the entire width
of tho shin, and is magnificently fit
ted up and finished in walnut, curled
maple and ash. Tho stateroom are
heated with steam, and the berth are
so arranged as to fold up, similar to
those of a sleeping ear, when not in
ne. Electric bells Communicate with
the steward's room, and they are pro
vided with every convenience know u.
An electric light is fixed at tho Ikw of.,
tho vessel, and, by means of a reflec
tor, throws a rav ot lieht two mile.
S x electric lights aro No provided to
tllumiunto tho engine room and the I
main saloon. She is supplied with
all the modern improvements, among
tho most uotieable of which is a ma
chine for reversing the main engine.
lly moving a handle tho distance of
four inches, tho engineer can, bv an !
exertion equal to luting about "five
pounds, oiR'ratc the main steam valve
andat once modify the sjeed of the
engines, causing them to stop and re
verse nlnm't instantaneously. The
utility of this appliance, especially in
caso of accident, is obvious to "all
Many attempts havo been made to
tecr steamships by steam, but in
most cases, with only partial succos
On this vessel tho steering engine is
out of sight of the man at the wheel,
and, so far as he is concerned, he
makes uso of tho ordinary wheel
The helm is put to port or starlioard
ai mual; but, instead of acting direct
ly on the rudder, it moves the steam
valves of a pair of small direct acting
engines, thus setting them in motion,
which is transmitted through gearing
to tho rudder. The valve tear of
thesQ steering engines is so construct
ed that it will permit the engines to
move the rudder a distance onlv cor
responding to that which the helms
man moves the wheel. In heay
weather, instead of requiring three
or fonr men to steer the ship, she can
by this machine le mannged cumIv
by one man. A metalic dic Uhmi
the bridco records the movement of
tho rudder, and being plaecjmder
the eye of the officer, enables nim to
see how his orders are obewd. The
"State of California" was built by
Cramp k Pons, of riiiladelphia, ami
has been rated by tho English Lovds
A 1 for twenty years, a rating never
before accorded to an American steam
ship, and something that sjieak most
highly for the care and skill in her
Her whulctimo from Philadelphia
to San Francisco was fifty-nine days,
thirteen and a half hours. During
the voyage she was detained nine !
days and one hour, making her actual j
running time fifty days twelve hours i
and a half. This is the best time on
rcoord between the two iwts, and I
beats the running time of the Oregon
three days and a half.
Great Republic Disaster.
The court of inquiry which was in
stituted uriuquire into the cause of
the stranding of th" steamohip Grtnt
Rrpublic, on Sand Island, nfler a mm
sion of about two weeks, find the fol
lowing report ;
After a' full investigation and a
careful review of tho testimony iniiui
ring into the loss of the steamship
Great Republic :
We find that Capt Jas. Carroll did
wrong in giving the ship in charge
of Pilot Doig, and allowing him to at
tempt to cross the Columbia river lr
in the night. We suspend his liuane
as master of steamships for six months
from thiidatc.
Wo find that Pilot Thomas Doig
acted imprudently in attempting to
bring the Qrtat Jlrpitblic over the Co
lumbia river bar in the night, thereby
endangering tho lives of ) many or-
son and so much valuable property.
-,,. .... i i.:. i:..,....... .... ..:i. ....
steam vessels for 12 months from date.
After a very careful investigation of
the steamship Grrat Republic, we find
that she was tight, staunch, and in a
seaworthy conditiou when stranded
ncarand Island.
Oro. H. Fi.ANiBit.i.
Inspector of Hull.
Jamks Lotax,
Jnspectorof Boilers.
Agrkaltiral lie prrsslon la England.
A London dispatcn of the 17th of
May says: A Time$' correspondent
to-day intcrviewel several .N'orfolk,'
bincolnshiro and Yorkshire land own
ers, who say that farmers are failing
right and left, which failures aro only
known locally. Many landlord after ,
reducing renUi, cannot get tenants.
Several large owners arc about to take ,
their farms anil worJc tlicnu-oivui.
Several great Scotch landlord have
reduced rents twenty and thirty per
cent. To-day the Princo of Walos'
agent in the Duchy of Cornwall gave
notice to tenants that in considoratioi.
of tho present depressed stato of ag
riculture, a rcmUsiou of twenty jwr
cent, from the rents for a period of
three yfara would bo maile. In no
man's memory has agriculture been
MprofHIcH. gilt bowing in part to
bad horvests. but chlolly by tho vast
food importations froniAinrrica.
Half Fare Hates.
Kridav, the fiOlh day of May, will Iw
observed as formerly, with tho ii-ual
impressive cerrmoiiies. Half hire
rates have been scoured over tho fol
lowing routes -. The . . l. It. It-, O. &
C, It. It., and O. H. X. Co. Only those
reported at headquarters of Ooorgo
,, '.:..!. . ..,... v.. 1. will le (tilt ted to
this dwhietioii. All mioh will le re
tunied'frco to their homes, upon pre
sentation 6f certificate from tlio ot
TilK tkoleton of an Indian was dug
up by a man who was digging a collar
fire miles east of Jtoseburg. A bow
and quiver of arrow, and Hie "wad
ofalargaiar(wcroouuiJ hi com
pany with the ruiiiuhi.
Us mm Status K.iiri:m Orrici',
ToHTLAxn. Ok , Sm-r .!'. I7(.
ORNKliAI.: 1 have the Imiun to
tmusiuit herewith a chart of the t'
quille liver, Oregon, toother with
the ivK)il 01 Asitaut Ihigineer C.
M. llolton, ami to submit the follow
imr reiNirt of a xnrvev nude nniler
my direetion, in
4cm'i'iik "Xm m.
vents the action of the'llmnorla" and
:w " i1 ';:::::: ..i ' v v. i a 110-.. .u.. Hity ha, 1,,
work, HIM with sloiio; be.vond the, oigiuiled in Portland.
ullie ueenii proper, wneie uii'i joo.iHM) fire oeeurrml III riiico,
fresit water will not bemateiially felt,
the wall should Iw nioniiiuiry uu e
tone to the height otSfect below low
...1. ..I ..f luriroboeks fmill I III !
i,.. fn.m that t low water, tho topi
.-.tmiNitre with lb" I and sides protected by pieces wehfli
act ot congress bimwovih! June 1?.
OtuflOT or nvnv.
Tho act of Juno I . 1.S75. provides
for an examtliatiou or uney of "I o
qnillo liver, Oropm." il eatiuwte
of the eot "of TmiiMvemeiit pilr
to be made."
Alter careful pMimittalloii and lu
pilry it was found ibat the object In
view was to tiiHke mii h evaiwma
lino k would Almu the necessity of
iiiiiiroviim tho inoiuh f the ilvr, and
to prepare plan and i
necessary work,
I..- Imi A li H) (mi.
The eshiiall cost of till woik Is
iMMmnlmatelj a follows .
Lower training wall. H, tlH reet,
at $& per bwl , tM
U,wtmlninif-wHll,8.(V0 fwt,
al 11 H-r Ww
Two masonry abutment nt
ia,iXHi each Ig.";
Ontingeiiclga, 0 ik-c cent. 7iv
l lie v iMiuf o rn i
union of the north
(.'alibitnlii. on tho Mill InstunL
Faiimiuismi l n. honloiaun. Iuim been
dwtiojedby IU'- I, $100,000. ,
'run niriii who lecenlly nltoiiinlil
(o kill lliMttb. Iheaclor, I limine and
thinks It his duty to slay aelors.
Tun working men of Chicago have
itdopted lesoTutlons eonpiitubittiig
the working men of California on
their victory, and deelrti lug thulr sym
imthy with th motto, "thu Chlnose
must ko"
.) itiN .Miu.kii I waleomud by tbe
fitfimhml In the following sublime
stialu- J in I ae I letue Miller, known
to the woild as Jimquhi Miller, the
iwe of the Meriu,wu welcome you
Total , , , lMtf
nit lie I iv r, arm in iw, "- "ir -. ? i. I" ,M "" ',:'.",17r .'" ""'"'oooi you
.umates for Uie not needed. Hit elliiMl cost of tie . Jwk , nWU (U(hf and Join vonr
work will I aUait lltxWVjl )f ilib Mln t,Uirm In wIshlugA-fu-Aeaiom
amount JAO.uxi can ik prwnwiH h- tis
A i. vann quantity of beiH-wax ha
le'U plow Ml up Inn field hi Cttilsoi
T-l 1 H ntltll' 111 KM M. ! I I'll (IT '- " -..-
'""""i"'" . .. ., i .. i 1...1.... ,i... ..,i n.i vrt-.
iiirmiti hi nwiin-nM"iii".. . . n
. i . ...l ...i.i. ii.. iii imiiuttiH io ho miimir iik'
n Him iiii.ihiv ,, i-.-i-- -- -.' . , ...
forks, w ldeh rlsimi o ne Hogue river ( rectimi """' '""' '.'TJi.i. . ' eouuti . w here it Is siiimnsud to hav
mountains, Oreao" ''' r circuit. , tcriiig imiuig sou " " " r, iwu lmll by the ocean very mauv
mis cuiirsea, unltiMiU-ut p rut ca mm. ,-re tne '"'.- '' "ViVurHl. ' ." U 'lJHwd to have
ii mouin ; mo iii r i iu.iv . .- i ., - -- ,-.,,.. ..f ilm ct"e innn eoinu wmcK, 01 WHICH tile
Pacific Ocean half v..v Utaeni Cna, M for ,.'V"mC.,r J f ?,iIHi Vn , weiit aeiiaratlmi hao no reoonl.
Uavaud Port Orf.a. aUmt lo miles work can c obtallil near at mum m
imth of eaivo ic m latilade WCoquille river I'aoM the Salem 7bm 7WXr welnam
07 hoi Jh ul r ' . cMiani.mTOTiM. 'that the 'two l S, prUners. Maker
From ho wtit on' to congress of There is no Hrt of riilr on the t o- d Hirks. that leeuntty mhmkhI from
IhJrelantih ." v.e.i.ity ot iviquille li; I'rom V. I I Vman. tl.-poiiUei.tlarv have Ik,m, caught by; -i ... .iJ Ji ii. u.r an. 1ST5. iUmct nnWic at Itandol .h. (.o.piilIe J. . Smith and a iH.,ouf men. near
iiiiiiv .,vt...v,,v.i .-....-'- -", --- - -v -. I .. .ft
Meheitia, wherv thev were trvluir to
get aero the Sautlam river.
V Sr Piniinain'iui
f: i. To... .1 ' ,,( it'volullouary nawpnMr
.V in.d !. ' H UiMlaiidUlHMly, Is still being
.r:l! -Hir: Hn-irtateil etmhtimdy. The lai
111111' inviivinuii iivv" .-..-. ,,- ....:.
I quote the follmi .nt , w river, l i-an i ne J
The Coquilkrtv.r .ll avewite l Tlie coastwise import rnmslst
...V,"- vM"'Tr .... ....i... ii. -, L.n.l of meivhandbHi and
."" ?, 1 3i".:,: 'forth-7Z eiUe,l to 7..KX. tons, dining the
,"... ..,'...i.. .i..... ii rt of ! Iiut Aseal car The r
.. .... "...1 . ..!..!.. . I. .1. .I..HUH WiAl Vt-llltit t't'liar inn
wilier, anu uy iikiii ".- ---" , ,,,. v
miles mare, . . . aat,ii. owiio-s a- ,llimi.r, uhI on the iiHiriiluir of
1 presume tho ..'h-w nf.r to high have been imw ''" w!!!!!! Ilulmivin's exwiitbm. eoiitalnvii an
tide, as Capt. Psrk.r. i he pOol at jm Meame nmr ., a : ... .-.... . - , ntU , U xM
....ik .s aio - . . v iiii.vt ititwi . mbimi- - vitm'ia nam n ai-i - ,.., .-,...,,,
ant Knglneer Holt " 'tbat the river over the Ur f they are lowd nut by
was navigable for --el of W "wt tug which UcnidmM In the river:
draft at low water iM. io Co,iUe City, they rsrrv shout wffM t.lHHvrvl
2.". milus front its auatth. and that the I meaattre. of lumber valued at .K).
tidal intluenee wa n.tteil witha rise I The salniott fishery bustnesss I grow-
i r.n ..t ii. .. . .. .. ...;ni it milMli,, ntiuillv on the urer. three firms
un stream " M" w engagi-d in It. ( trr is Millerii.g and dying in the
Throughout tin di-raiue the river' It ic thoogbt that if the mouth nf bo-.iUl.
is deseriletl as pr.-' titmc the foal tire this rivir was mice properly Iniproveil j ()v, ,( it(t ,jrnl t Uawkelte. lly
of a natural caiinl it Imnk steep, its a Uyrr ani.'imt d caidial ami nuiti- j & t0 fj.j,,,, ,,, Itim. fivi.r. the
channel free fn.m r'k, hoah -r U-r of wwfl. would I jminiiately nimr da. wahe 1W out of one hu
rapid, and oUtru. U"! "tdv by a few (m ployed in sreuring and cKrrii P0(dirt. A smaller amwuitt wa rtab
snag, easily U U- r. movcsl. i marat pnbwii.i of thU rich ' ''" Ihl from anotbrr pan. Tlie proiwb
tiik uxthaxck to . -ovji'iLUt Rtvr. The Coquilte rivrr is in tlie eoUectHm J lnn Httt u( tn, ju,oi, ttt this hit-
The south sW the entranet t-i district uf stMithem Oregou. llw MpnM, wusi-H't came frifiu a poeket.
the river is a 1M rmky headland, nearwrt port l eoiry H al Unjare tHitgh the gravel generally promis-
while the north il' w a low. niy fiiv oo nay. . iwnn rn
HmI'IIIK ('lTV,;()IIKil(i!f.
c. ii. (K)i,di:n,m.i).
M uminir.i.n, OiimioK.
C Wr. TOU'IClf, M. ).
"ifUISllt'lKI.!), Ollfdox,
W. V. AN(!Ki.,M. I).
CV'uffe Hlu, Vyn.
Will practice In the various courts
of the state
oil UK AT I'Ul'lllt: ctTV, Oom.
a, "m:. sicniii"jr.
MAiuiiriran, Ohkmo.
At.axAVPftK Mum. eomiKiity 'd
dler of emiUMiiv M. lt cavalry , stall-
Im1 nod fatally wounded John Hwnii,
....... .iT .. J.... n-i...
1 ,nvnV'T. r ""'" .," 'K ? '....' "V VflT inv til'lil m c iinvrn-1 vurn
loroirr w ill imn nun in in" Kunni i ,iij i ,111 1 I I Uljll VI l U.l I IjI illll Tilla
! '
boue st Walla Walla, while the tat-
KMl'lltE CITT, 9fX.
i ColUtlmi and other binlites rlsrnl
iin in ImwiU, will rnelve ptonipt atirif
it'll vl-3-lf
r. witirarr,
f,". .S'. Jltneriit tttul If. ,S". Deputy
is it i tie
nit, the entranet
200 feet wide, wit I
than !i feet in th
liar outaide the i -t depth
feel at low water
In addition to lle-e troubles thre
are many ilangerotn nx-ks in the iin
meliate vieiHil- 4 the present m
lraiuH. Tha gr.a dilfienlty arie
from the shifting -jed and the n-k
From Capt. Park, r, the Ur pilot. w
That thesamls l..ft rapidly that
he cannot rely on m'rmaiioo gained
ono day for the in xi but has to make
a thorough examination of the chau
nol before oa&h trip.
I ng only about i-olletel I mm loretgu import at r.iw
id. pth of not mot pire City during the last fiscal yar.
. htiiinel. On ! The nearest lighWHiUso Is at cape
rago. IS miles db-tant. the aearesi
w..rfc of defence are at tin month of
Tm; minister of tliefnterlor has nil
thoriseil trustor Martin, vlre jwtwb
dent of th rommilte) of the intitro
l A nMi-ti-Mii unkin. Lu nrwwnis h lottery
of X)Kl one frawe tickets lo raise a mWhhI i sfnnl mab-e.
S"lT'E'VE32rOR 1
ClMIII.I.K ClTV, Cht.S'.
WUI altsinl to lite bliies of mirvej Iuk
In any part Ibe etauity.
IVrlM-t utaiMofalt siirvr)vl IsixN.fur-
the Columbia river 1TO mlM litiiut. j , , ht ,h(( ,,llll,rtott ,, 9iMUitf
The roiMirt of Mr. C. M. IhiIUni. as- I ., , .' ....i ... a.-
;:..."!- ia i..,!1.' t"j " "" !""""
villain tmi'iwi, ..-.-... - fuiteil stales.
A Man Jumrnl front a train lies
Voiiealla a few days aao, mhI was iln-h-ed
violenily in the itrotind. tail when
the train slopped lo uk (f any injury
hsl resttlKHi. tlie leilow gauteii an up
right pnslurearMl tan for ibebrudi. in
which lMdiepeared. Hals upH
imI o be insatie.
N'tw York lfrtm lias the fob t Tikkisii (wrhas buy Utile Circa-
Ueneral lKla Inform me sinn girl, and when theae reach the
" B l tl.XS.I.. ft...., uu ..U
bu-f lll lU L'liiot. Pm-ifie "' .""'." " Jrii uir,. wiim-
Heinieetfull stibmitted,
Mai. of Kngtiieers, llvt. Col.CS. A.
Brig. Oen A 1 Humphreys,
Chief of KngineerK, U. S. A.
Utah ltallruad.
Chcapi's. Ac B(k.s !
M VSXtHKI i flat !!.
IT., nln.t dlntx ill if ili. rliannI Ire
queiitly cuk through the aml spit , bmtng ;
...u. Il. la.t, nl n. .'U.ul nl l(t . . .
.'" r '" :rrr i .: ;i met- mat m uuNNii-armc :r:.. -,...;i.w..i.:v." ;:". i.,
iii 'IhieetiilieA I7Tt a schooner and power hare decided mjk.m ...iUHhg Jnto ltU ,,Mrm The Iwrwiii ami pb
tin: hwI through at tlial locality. Mae uiaa .MHwem wwn ns wi t e eml !1IMhj a year, or na i Tht IfMllatlibHinott ntbifd the l't
The dirfteuli) to be that the leraiutu l th Cdumbla rivet. Orw that tlie Turkish govrriiinrnt can d IaHUn f..r tsha-atinii m ln fmiii.t in die
sand driven alug by the sinnig q j,,,,,,!, i h k, built , lect or Uwrow mneh of llm other ft U11O..11 of Southern Oregon. Tli
north wwrf wimU m ummcr. p.dl) - ..-.... .i-...l ,. ( IwM tin hw American guns, Araibnoy is (tradusttil into thtee drpatt-
indonm this ...-rib i.. and lhal Oh ! hi-year. The .my. exleml over a T , m.llU as' fol..w.
urrcnt on ,! .14. in h, dr -e of the nute, and Oen uNJ lp- lrgl ttrlHtHutHt
is spread oer too greal an art to . jiyd tt ,eanng '' "1" lt- owllnary rarriaae drawn bv lMe In nhirh lniolurt..ry Utanvhea am
giv it ii u nl scouring tore tu ri-, Tlw lhnl miv rmB be L , 'inaminaled by eteetricUy nn laupJ.t.
O tUOiHliWnlout MM.ep wir , t . . , . flrt ,,afts, . , .. , . , ,,- ....jLi.ii (1f ll. I The .titular IWuitrttitriit.
in Mio-1 r,inbntcbu OrllMisniiihy. Itwullnc.
channel is therefore oui.lied kwn '" ir aiwi iw toja,tAn mw puru uy mti rwarjr uiwni
through the n. k until Vi oeeupu it-1 It i contemplated to siart from mm h, !f-TiTiftTt m"?l
present irsuiiua. , poioton the flab .Northern, say about '" ! " . ,?1 l.ody t
hldteeVffilie7r.TtU - "" " d l,re.,wH,sa to aletler addrenl by J TAr ,.tor ir,rJu,rH
-: .i ...! i.. ,i... (....;...,.; intintr and lerntonal aid can be -' . ...... c. i.... i.w...irlnw wlmt Fiiibrurloe lUik-keiiliiirim;le
fr..,'t.-v Vain. atrike' it aliiint di- eorl. Hut Mr. Ihllou mhmiU the idea ', amount of luml. eau I made avalla-1 tUM '" db.lauy. CheiiiUtr) , I'ldlli'
........ ., --- - - ., m i ""- '- . -,- . ... . 'ful l-4tiMifit . I Jtllii. lEIilastlr. Illrflii't
. rw. ..- .,., . .,.,,.. ..... ...... . "- -
hey draw U'riUwf. tlrwminar.tfeitraihy. Illt.ry.
themdvos lliynbibar) . I ainillar Selenre and Men
tal and Pmittcal Atilliin-lli-.
1. 1.. . ...1.1.. f.. .1... .u.v.Mi.i.1 ..l .r.
IHII BHinMIIJ IM, HIH ,...r... ... ... I,.,l,,,.l.
". .,.. : ..j...... Un..u.ul .!, ., , AnlliinrlK
rears hiiv hihoi wiwi'w rw.v. , ....
to JaiillA
of the Ireasii
f Isa m SMfcii ta I
iJll 1. Mu.1K!tt iirtfir faiJlltw lnl.rtlltl W llPfl lin-"l.
rwV.....ntA. iliMufrsir f JtmtllCMl t
"yirrjtftrv iiiwitKip; --"-
upon iiensioiis wsstiii n"r Il41111.,,fv nllli ,,,-. vi.w
,ry Srf. 1871). the seeialar- ;',"'r '''V"',
rensnry Haien ihathiehidlng . ,. .'
mnt already Milil,4SUys)i hi lids b
gloom over the many friend of
family concerned. The family
rectly aslwrtdisAaoceU'lowthitoakj (W irom Matttana,aml Mys he
ledge ribaitorilhHiU. . w0ttWn.t . tMi. I le will go and
thus entirely avoiding the rocks be- , ,. , . .' , .., " , . ,
low, near tlie preaenteotraiico. 'IhiiU whore he pleases without abb
thM TTDca. 1 1 4rt link will U jmshwl to Kobe
The mean nse and fall of the tides City, the l lo the Columbia, w here
is 3 feet. water navigation i reached ami
the vau iv or Tlie coueaia. braohe will be pushed olTsoasto
Tlic Coquilb rirar dram. I renwrt the biwme- ot the W.I-w of
of conntrv uf shoot lsi spare miles. , ,
coiwutii.g of vafleytand Lw ndHag ' lne ami other rang, of niouii
mountains, leji are coerwl with ; tains.
maguifireiit timber, including maple l -
ash, live-oak hr, etc. ; the mountaiiisj Wouldn't "hitcrilcw.
are said to 1 ndi ia coal, iron, gold, ,
ami other minerals, while the valleys Joquin Miller arrived lu Portland
are well suit dm agriculture, all kinds ,y mteawer, on the 19th, ami a rKrt
of cereals grnw-fa hnuriantlv, and Onpmlm called mi him for
fruit sad K'taUk in BbondaiKC. " , ,,,i,i-.i i. utrawnm. an inlarvlew, Uaat flrat daelared ho
The lst pl for improving the, would have imlhing to do with the
mouth of thu river would eem to bn nnrtr. He complaiuud of tho way
by asaisiing natHiw In it. erTorts to Ul0 frrt,k f j, daughter, .Maml. Iind
ki-ep ois-n a linintel thnmgh ittf spit . ,. . ,. . ,T... i..,..i,..i ,.,..
near the r. k, llge als,u2M bt " wentioiisd by tho 1 ortlaml Jp
alxive the pr nt entrain e. For this era, ami said
purxM- tin- ppltfof lhtcouut have White 1 was away working with my
i'uiiiiiiiiiimI the construction of a 'brain and h-ii in thu interest of hu-
dam als.ut.),t below tlie '''''')'.' "? st.Uwtl III it lm jaeic , nrro-ll forllirvalsi.mdoagalnit
of tlw cruk imlieaieti on the chart, When I flrt l-an to Write about :,...,.
rt- . 1.. I I. ..I ... Il .... Il.i. IM nn
.itxuii. im.i mi iiiiiiii.i iui i, .i i.r
Mtrebra, Oeomctry. Trij!'
ranch Is iHvelf
hnd fr from in lo 1 1
ir mil wllb i.rlmlii (amllles. antl fur
AS.vt)Cfleof M)lotihig hapjHtiusI ,( ,h wjiru wnrid sliidruts ijitbto-
about two weeks ago. wuieii nni eai Ketiier ami iswru iiicuiMiivtm,
Pilmary lVpailmeiit
Jiiubir , .
Senior .
. . - li.M
. - - 7Sl
- - 10,00
ilv eoucerned. The family of
Marlon IMvb. who llvew nur Parrm
iugtnti, one day eookeit miiiiii pla
plant laaves for gtf ens. Nol long af
terward. thrw of the children were
taken sick and tiiedb-al aid not being
procured lu time, the ymmgost, alsiy
alKMtt four ytmr old, died.
Til i: wife mid a five ysr old dtui-
gliler of Martin SuUU-rger of Marys-4
ville Sutter eouiily t;al.. were intiim
this afternoon suspended by tbeir
necks in an out building on hi ranch
about three miles north of l uba City.)
Mv.turv mirroumlfi the alfitir. and It !
ii not known whether it Is a ene "J', ,, ,,nd, nml.nH licda to the travel
miiruer or snn-nie. ii im """." " i In , nn IikiiI i U'tiiiu.
Corner of "A" ami Kiont Strict,
Ifnv life based and fixed up the atsno
li.iiMt wrfei'l wnrrsuteil in proiullit a
this evening that tho liindmnil has
this dam i built m as lo rweive tin
t. o. owr.N
. .ji.. .... i. i.. ' . - . i - .... i i i, i i i a i.iti! iiuiuurii i roi ii i r in ii, ,fl
. in nisi auxies , o Kr , man. I nave traveieu in r.iiKianu nno i ...-.----- ..
is n.,t .leewutd to lai well N'lect-1 reidalertd "Joamiiu Miller, Oregon." Oliwiiioiiean, rauiwii lemwr, v
for the wan rs-of a tidal sir. .on, in 1 1 hare gmie Is, Jeru.alem and regis- meeting prweniwi """"""
ler to improve it.siiouW lt gently terol "JimmiuIii Miller, Orogon." I proKrnmmn ... . :," 'r'.fi.::
.a ' - . f I.. I a ' . 1 f !. kab- llisa V1KIII r I flltlllll II1IIII 1 1 1 1 Z
i . . m. . kiioik. kiiit inmn. kini a m niioii' ir .... r w
current n rl
...I ... 1 . . B...U . 1 a --. ,. Mftl-.f aHiiiiiiniv 1 k.a.. km I ..ou. I A.
IOM III IIIV lie 'IIIIM.HUII, ! wwuvui; I IWTV BHIHICIW1 1111 IIIU M1U llllll ll'tjir " I , r. - . . -
.. i ...... i.. .1... .u. i. ..i ....i . i... fiit... t ......... i.., i Ineoion tax. frno trade, sj'etilar isluea
IIIIIIU.1, nt III lllltHltU IW MIU w ... IPIDII ..lll.ll .lllllll, Wll-Ji"". -"- ' , , , T .1 , ,.,,
crib work hlbd with sbme ; lail for now 1 letuni home, (wanting to the ticm, separation of ehureh and stale,
want of fmnl work has b--n tcaiNi- register) ami have to register mysidf
rarily sukih ml l. It is now prowswd i "V. If. llilier, ." 1 navo no homo
to start u tram ag wall from the iiul now. I am a broken man a broken
nmirthe luo'itii.if ( indMa- man."
ted on tlu hart, ami to carry it aeros " ' '
thosjiit in a direaifon nearly west onl Tut: Idaho Democrat says: I here
to a depth of U feat at low waUr, that 1 1 some uneasiness felt in the southern
being lh-di pth Jef red t le gamed i ,H,rtion 0 Owyhee county, at thu dis
iu the (h.ii.ii.1. Starting from tlie ... ,I,.lljm,li,d ,v (ho Indians
rockylLdge.,i,th8pU and miiiilna l" " mainiiail! ino iniians
nearly piralb I with the training wail on Duck valley reservation, iblsri
already un uiiiuaj, will be another, ervation seems to be tho homo of some
the two nj.pi.,.,. hlilg near their outer f the Nevada I'ltilis, small ImiikIs of
oiiils,Maslopr-iiila-liUhn(ehan- ., , ,,, , , n rt,mmi,lt f U,o
""' ."" -"'i'" ""? "-,:," ,"";, Hnu nutes, ami remnani mine
iii&dlt:vi W..-I.0..-. -o ni.or...
ried up to a h uditof 0 feel low . neaii Indian, and other renegades. It
water.s'.iK. t obtain tiiafidlinllueneijM gjd that the whole ntimbar of lm
of tho ebbtide , ihaoilleruuds slmuh (diauseongiegatod nt the place amount
be earned to high water mark ami , . MJM, ,.,. r roiireaeiitial
have iij-.n thitn cement mawiiiy ' ' " ' aro ropreat nie t
lnilkhimih,aiMod up to a height of to be of ihelowesl lypeof erioket-eat-15
feel above high water jnurk. ors, Une white man Is rojairtod lo
It U hAjH-d that tlitf iiiereasa of re- j imn Wlw lw0y ,y thtnt, and
force lo kwp ,.pn a oliamiM with a , are iep.irtt-l
ibjiilli of 12 feet. H8 denired . a tin -
H... VsTi T.V.., il.. A mvx 1...1...1I J A- iCcmiy. .(rotii
r". ..". 11 . . ..1.1. .1. .1 .... .... it.iLbui.1 I ..I.I.. un. 1. lomiinltcil so
.. mm 11.11 1...1 In i-i iimn il V II" 1 id' in l
nti i,i'v ,,.-. ., - . .- ,--roli
lr "i il' Cotpulh m p pm-ai
iiihI the abohlioit of exemption ot
'clerical students from coicrlptioti.
Ilodeelarod that tho time had urrl-
vml for ihirgovernmciil to iuatigur-1
ate a true republican dicy, j
Tim large wurcliuiiM) of Treiinhurd j
t ('iMhiir, at Astoiia. wa burned on 1
the ililli instant. Iwirue lots of ow:
dur, tar, oil and other oxplolvos were
stored in tho warehoiue, and several
violent exploiloiiM (seiirred. Mr
Trent-hard, who was sleeping hi the
store. Imr. ily usciipml. The II ro is sup
posed lohave bueiieaustd by coiubtis
ll. hi, The ptoperty i fully insured
in two I'ligllsh companies.
'I'll 11 host piece of jHilllo rep'iltee
that has ever eoinu iiiuler our notice,
ttMik place in Modioli yuars ago, on tho
occasion ofatmmpiut that was ten-
ibirad Kdwaid r.vuiett. .iiulgo Hiory
said, in proposing a toast to tho dis
tinguished guest, "Fame follows for
tune where Ever ell goes " Thu nd
idhud slittosimin, when his turn dame
lo thank his friumls for the honors
conferred m ltlm hiuidsomuly io
nsid ilinlidiinmlild hi.luo with tllobrib
repiv to wiiiitevur uuigiu
IBrug Store,
OIL C II. 00LDKN, Piioib.
Oppuntlc Sunburn' Mure
II A V 1! V N H T ANT I. V 0 N II A N I
.iii inn iiiiiii 11 mil 1 1 , 1- i m tj 11 iin'ir 1 vi -
i.i. ti'n ImiIi bv l ikiiii? 'ludu mil' iiriiinaM.iv Miiir, thiic still
w.ihiiiii iraii - .-' lt willhi art'U In 'hii
-riii-a'i'crr iraa ,
aoxbMV .Tnex
oxumss, jJ.iJ''iI"if
m'ca'Cxonsiuy A.rtrx
AIM) fltoH'l!
iind everything usnully kept lu
rrwrtprtoii f.WreViffy Cmn-
po 11 11 ifcd.