ag "m. t fe 0 B-'J I b iJ ft I o c. 11 n Jetrft Cwrefter. -WklaboRtAMU.Lnw SL"Z1?U8I hd bettor cau SSpSTS.5 Uii0wl n tear, iwa ", MMuesj) lire-wood. imiru lietxaenirho bn .r wn mu . rr; t,.d," "uo ua? raw Htm - ua ns a personal hii;" wLV?" V .J"r w-T t acea single Tfcra is aioro thai, ono jrreat mall tha United State audi iratem iiftl?wM ia Lo MI tWak i you . ii-T: ".""Jt" . ?aiwra who TLI. V. " "? w h" 55. -- i c , iur X" SauT ?lulaS t he old -. w JJCM BKimi out. leaving tfriutm and gases behind. l " 9 W btcfe, aad he Jcd Ajfjtkiewr MjaUtat box aa A mh , "I write I a. .-. .. ,.. a. a. vat iw nrsuw." 'Xkia ia Wftik HtL loo. W rrffc :.,.: .-v0v.-Jf5?!! mhES!z1Z? tJPt diffcireacoiaTSpell te WKsd "xero,wbut you one KwwitJeMi9 diflTereaco a whea you aieorr that yoar cn are read to drop off oa the slightest provceatioa. IlosmjaJoatiaSa Miller. " to h m to tho woods oaco aor& Well, if Mybodjr ia holding on to air. MiUer, aty tho gatlftauut know enough to all for tho police. BJao J&prtst. Cttrtosa teqaira thai aow7oa awal- F. 11I r Wo poxifler, lala la ita varions forma, drink 1mm , wbbla rhubarb, and chew oowx tmmmiam bark. Chicago Journal. CccidKS, bst wo sever caw this so ieiasy oC or coaabj exchaages: "0 to jwb of poetrj, a large TMiaalns: M NAvevtisesMsts are unavoid- My Mik4 oat, but wiU poaatively IIJLJ ' ?C f. i'W. Jjvrrist4teoari. the casap, tho iPNmr, saw erth below and heavea hvm, ht a wc aeweJ a gray patch im wb Mkat C ?esr fcbasdi black i. Xha ' 1ot. Tfaal'a re- -Amdrpg' Mtmr. X Pfcnirfthk dtrrau. Itev. 3Tr. Waiea, coataJs kltlteraisae$tbeij A4aaMs,MSM BW NnpMt Ul 1 Oil EBOSTB- Sikg. M lathi hk eeNcvasatioai that a i Mi of Mack ribboa, van ia aoma way, wittfcrtl aha t4oc7 ot bcreavaaaefit jest m -mil m a esaipleie moarsis suit. The OMaekita TrUyrtpi, of IfOaisi aam, ayx : " The aabliaaa indifference .bm by awtsy of Out patrons of this pay pr m to the 8tt of its finances aitaforcoatnsat. Wears too proud o lr, bat it ia highly probable wo afcaUJaave to retort to stealing to rtaka 8os peoplo who thick thai by mmt&k eaauFUp taoy are pre awsftiay hoaasii ia. a land that l Ww tfcasi 4a0. wiU flad that naUiag bhuti: mri&Qfm ia th conlribation bee Ms 8uwr will prove a aerio&s altowkaeic to rwdisg thair title clear. Mome Sentinel. The Xui Who DWh'I Tote. Th aam who had f ally saade tip wlwi c? S poll aaoaber vote "rad,ait'AlAtkti-oa. Ho his fcwtrd of m atrat coracrs and ia sro- eria Icf a f ortsigbt prertoas, and it tUi Um a fcf of good to ha?? mea tflr le hkaaMrtfes ; 1Mb, doa'fc ay that, Mr. Jorkina. Waeao'tafuureyoa front 'politics, fa de4 we can't." lial ho vm obUaw. lia nad oe iibMwaalr aad carefullr asado xtp his laial noitogottaur tho polk, aad so coai saore ais. x.vca iwredictftd that both partiaa h smashed to pleees u Mr. Tsririaa dii!m' f" out. he woaida't Tfllsmt. Dariac the aaorniag of ele U skajr arpaetod oaUara iauB Mal rtalrtai to aatmat him for HaaveVa aha ia aad poll his vote and save t4 aawaary bat tay aiaai csui. tin Dim KjMtd to hear raatora that the what asoasiow had baen declared " obT a isat'iat e uia aucsc, uu ou utu ia. JAIaa mdkad oat after dinner. JCa Uf&y Wpd ai ha woald not meet aay taw oaauHtaws . aau w . taw lk, awlha didn't meet any. He asiisstml that every citkea would waVilr slsaMd if hs had voted yet, but ai ess aha haadrada he met said a want afeeat cteettoa. iu sue con irea, tbar kifcad ahoat Wiwaa rover, caurrH, ttTu Tiuiitiimr. a4o. Erea when sir. Jot' kaaa aeak4Jy walked pastdikward - -"- i--' u ssa raaked lor biru fiaWat hwaa aad va ordero that no aalkwa ahaaU ha admitted, and bait alataat purcun'Tr hkaaelf that there haa 1a aa eketka, when hk wn niitkBirt aa4 aahl it wan Uio biggest ih(rewui , L , .. mm. u-nv it aua .haia " tuirai strata ,-m r. waiJwr; but tho jarty went ine." "X 'wo . saved tho "X ask for jr vou. Vaau't ,'ioy ". ma Volcano Vfu-br. C?ori0Ji,5arM.8' J rom of BhJ?t iilten ,oKn. Alfred Sayro jenWDg lUconruey thUuorilr.DftTid. frbwW ttSa"10 coao PoatHl .r? ?? Yiilor npocta that it i SS?'0 ae8ri ii InSSfew? or in SSmi8! ?Mt 'VA0 e1" " waJcr any fJ "" . jsnino nines in clrcmu iS? 2 f0"1 wiV.h lh "es, sur SS.fe . woll-dcflnod riu,: Tho Feet tw S?10 " 8bc liundrod leet below this rim. The netlm Hn 1!?f P,.BD,d, ftl ft Blanco c&n be ?f" M iacated by vtwt rolumoa ot waoko and vapor wising around and T ma S?10 " prolecUons ndja cent. To Uus point the sight-seeker ia conducted by guide, and Uicre, stand infif on the brink ot the projecting scona, ho looks down oa tho strangest au wildest olemont, surging and throwing ila fiery spray as it xnwlly beats against tho surrounding walls. Irom which it seems to bo repelled by MBtA nRtn.n nnm, .!!. i!i . 1 - -- - I'v. .-, uiui iu 1U1V1 uuwu and become of sombro huo and drift wwat m do overturned and lashed into vraves and crimson shreds that fall bck into Uio xoassiro cauldron. Tho heat "vary great and burns the face, and Uio bnghtaeas of tho broken olcnionta apaintuUydsjadingtothooye. Thero is no sameness or monotony, and from tne smooth, dark surface of, a minute's uutjiuus tnngca uy crimson lines, firy fiaKea iesue with .hktain nnn.i ach furtive eUneo BivintrikTiifrArant jww. d thea a deep rumbling as of a 5 m m joiiewea oy uio wildest , ost Tioleat agitatioa. Hours mwM oo spt gaziag at the changing, msurtateefaswat. Over much of tho read from Hilo to tho volcano, thirty aU4M, there is scarcely any earth, show iag a sew volcanio formation. Varied vettetatioB h&s nniiiM,i im.;,i vigoroasly from tho scarcely distin guis&Able soil of decomposed lava, and. KjMBlK'oiaecomposedlava,and, J?dd .scori ow produced and BS5S?sl7..'5&?s? b .j& inablO. and its forniinn 19 Tinll in thin layers, easily crushed under the foot of tho pedestrian. Tho bottom of the main crater aad exterior of the burning lako is composed of layers ot Java of different colors aad different comparative structure, iaterlappod and interainod as it oozes along, aad, at short intervals, tho slowly-moving masses pretaiag their heavy, burning fronts, still liquid, though far off from tho burning cauldron, i'ou can thrust a walking-stick, iato it aad easily de tach quantities of the comdstency of sugar when struck from the valmer pan, or thin mash. Tho bod of the main crater was soma few years sgosev entl hundred feet deeper below the unchanging surrounding rim. It rises and falls without any Axed or regular periodicity. Tha active lake of fire is atprcaeat aixhaadred feet below the rim of aarrouadiag country, and the dissasxioaa of the oumiacr lake three haadred Tarda Ioaa br oao hundred yards wide. This lake or cauldron is constantly chaagiag Its size, form, aad loeauoa Irosa cycle to cycle, aiowiy w3tanag aroaad thd vast area of the great crater. The lava is at present throws oat of the burning lako by a sabterraaaaa passage oa the west side, ia a river, aad araaseshi way, dividing into auay slowly-moving streams, throughout the western, half of the ic eloaed plais, each stream at night show ing il size aad encroaching course, and to the visitor, standing m the rim immediately above, gazing down, it looks like a vast city at his feet, ir regnlarly fllumiaated by tho sport of revelers. As the lava is cooled, it is riven into all manners of shapes, breaking like ice under the influences of changing tides, and as on walko over the newer formations, looking down between tho broken fragments, can be seen, a few inches beneath the cooled surface, bright, shiny, hying firo ia Bititn n aan titles. The heat radiated frost tho surface ia very great, bat the north wind aaaally blowing over aa eievatioa oi aoom ouu uwu awed faei, cook tho ataoaphere gener ally, so Uio visitor aaaers bo ihwu veaksce. I belkve no ono has lost life, as yet, aociika tally in the crater, T An nni think uv onafeeu natur ally safe oatil he haa ascended to the oaiside coaatry, and even then the .! Icininr from many fissures. brkging up aalphuroas odors, makes ofifl who k sinful and believe ia ctor aity of torment think that ho k not far from hk f nturo homo. ' In aacending to the upper regions you are conducted to a small houso within a stoae'a-cast of tho hotel. Hero yoa oisrooo anu iauui$o ta. m uM-. bata. A pipe oondack vapor from a Harare ia a rock to tue room in wnicu yon sit inpuris naturalilnit, a la Jluu, and when yoa aay 'Beady a valve is open.! admitting tho vapor in any vol ame and of any temperature yoa de sire. "When you feel as if yoa were ia Tartarus, aad about to give up we gloat, shout 'Alia!' to the native Superintendent, and the valve k closed .t.71 iha ninnr abut off. Ton are then doacod with warm and then with cold water, rubbed dry, with towels, sub mitting to the Lomitomi-a. native remedy lot all human ilk, whi con skk in working and kneading yonr body with their hands as if it were dough. You then don fresh linen, and i,l-.. .. j1nn and oriental, but smelting like a match-box, you feel, if ever in your life yoa did feel-and its funny when you feel that way liko taking a drink, but by your lady, yoa must carry yoar own amunitlon, for strong drinks are rare in that Tplcanlo dale. This desire being grauiwu, ravenous oppetito rages, wuicu w u sipaled bran boor's recreation at the bouutif ally supplied table of the Vol- cano house " I attended a term of court at Illlo, and was retained in s number of cases, thus making ray frip to the volcano pay mo61,000. Ihuccettfnlly defended a man charged with murder, and after Us acquittal, viewing tho crater, the idea occurred to me of proposing to nsrliameot, nowjn aesfion, the policy Lf ohangJBb' the mode of alIou from hanging to vralking ,a Jfhrttalo the crater, liome, mo i" "M"rj7; natlonin the world, tthrew culprits down tho Tarpekn rock-why bouId not Uta lkwaiku kingdom, which ex: Ikts throngh IU own Insignificance anu weaknvM, uao a natural agent subserv ing economy and making tha death penalty too horriuk for eontcmpla- Turning r Joko on Artonma Ward. A Arriter in tho llaltinioro Krtrv SU W.y received tho following story from John 1 Smith, who was tho ml vanco agent of Artomus Word during his lecturing tonr in this country; - Artomus was lecturing with his pixno rama of Halt Lnko, In Canndn, nud ns uusiness was gool ho was in corres pondingly high spirits and his pockota were full of coin. Tho dav bofom flinr wam tn Wvri Smith told Wanl that as silks wore so much cheaper iu tho British Posses sions than iu tho Uuited States, ho had pnrohasod n largo piece of silk and was going to tako it to his wife as a present. ard was pleased with the idea, and in the samo coutUlenco told Smith that ho had also purchased a piece of melton cloth, and both oouferred with each other so as to pass tho custom house. Ward suggested to Smith to wrap tho silk around his body, ami Smith iu timi advised Artomus to place his cloth within tho folds of hispauorama of Salt XAko. They each agreed to tako tho other's advlco, aud Smith loft tho next morning to go ovor to tho States iu ad vance. Tho bnudlo of silk wound around him made him feel quito un comfortable, especially when ho c.uuo to uio enstom uouso and commenced in terrogating about hia baggage. Tho official wasvorv polite and passed Ins baggage without a murmur, aud thon invited him into his private ottlco, handed him a eigar, nud begged him to tako a seat. The heat of tho room begau to make Smith very uncomfortable and ho aro.M) xogo i lie Seal Oil. air." R-ii.l tlm nlUtM 20 I must bo uolmr ." sanl tho WhwIaI T -. II V . .. qvuiiu rfaa. x can t stami amine so long, aad then I've a great deal to at tena to." " You seem to bo a very stouti.ih kind of a man," said thb officer. "les,"said Smith, his face gotting red, and the warmth from tho silk iu creasing "I'm pretty solid, hut I can't stand a hot room." " Ah," said tho inspector, " what' Uie trouble? Anything tho matter with yourchost or lungs?" " Only a slight oppression," replied Smith. " Oppression about tho lungs 1" ex claimed tho officer, rising and ml vane ing toward tho suffocating agent. "Lot me mako an examination for you, sir, it may bo dangerous. Please remove your coat." "It's nothing it will soon pass away," replied Smith, inwardly pray ing for a chanco to escape. "ily dear friond, you should not al low yourself to suffer a moment," said the officer, " and I insist upon examin ing your cheat. Doubtless 1 can relieve you of all your trouble." The inspector insisted, and tho disco tu fitted agont, after vainly trying to escape from his solicitation, final)? ilnnl. edged the corn, and confessed to having o wutcucu an upon uis person. Tho Officer knchcl lipnrHlv- ami aaia: " Xknew it all the whilo. Hero's a letter I received this morning." And - -..,..,, .. v iuuuw omim a ie;ier writton vy Ward, informing tho insoocinr tl.ut u smuggler would endeavor to twss a quantity of silk, describing Smith's ap pearance, and claiming one-half of tho reward for tho information. Smith was indignant, of course, but deter mined to got even with tho incorrigible joker, so ho told tho officer about Ward naving tho roll of cloth concealed in his panorama. The inspector appreciated tho joko, and lot Smith off with a small iwnalty. The next morning Artemus Ward ar rived at tho enstom hoase with his pan orama, when tho inspector commenced interrogating him, and insisted upon hk letting him havo a glimpse of his beautiful pictures. "Ward tried every excuse, but tho offi cer wis importunate, and finally he was obliged to have his man unwind one section of the panorama heforo tho in spector. Artemus stood by and explained the views, until suddenly tho cloth camo to light, and as it slowly unwound in front of the pictures Ward struck an attitude liko his performance upon tho stage, and in tho drawl of tho exhibitor said' "This view is slightly encumbered wiui twenty yarus oi moiton ciotn. That d n Smith told you all about it. What's the damage ? Tho inspector soon settled tho ques tion of charges, and for once Artomns found himself caught by his own joko. "Its Betteu HiHEn Ui." Sir, Sloodj tells tho story of a poor woman, ( wtio was tact, anu near nnto Ucatu. SLo lived in a qarrct iiro stories up. There was a Christian lsulf who often visited lior, and always fonnd her very cheerful. This visitor had a lady friend of wealth who constantly looked on tho dark side of things, and was always cast down, although alio was a professed Christian. Hue tuongut it would do this lady trood to sco the bed-ridden saint. so she took her down to tho house. When they got up to tho first story, tho lady drew ap her dress, and said: "JIow dark and filthy it is J" "It's better higher up," said her friend. Thoy got to the nejrv story and it was no better. Tho laV complained again, but her friend replied, "It's better higher up." At tho third floor it seemed still worse, and tha lady kept complaining; bnt her friend kept saying, " it's hotter higher np." At last they got to tho fifth story, and when they went into tho sick room thero was a nico carpet on tho lloor there wero flowering plants in tho win dow and Jittlo birds singing. And thero thev found tho bod ridden saint ono of theso saints whom Ood is pol ishing for his own templo just iearo. ing with joy. The Isdy said to her: "Itnustbo very hard tor you to Ho hero." 8ho smiled, and said, " It's better higher up! " Yes, and if things go against ns, my friends, let us remem ber that " it's better higher up." "Wo aro saved by hope." Tho soul that is filled with this hopo sees a bright side to overy cloud, and hoars a cheerful song above all storms and all sorrow. It is " Christ born within us tho hopo of glorj." SIcn know how thunder and Jlght ntrur Mmn from iho clouds in summer, and they want to thunder and lighten sometimes themselves; but it la better that tho contents of the iouJ should drop down Iu gentle rains, and make something grow, than that thero should bo flashing and resounding in iuo ijuot on, and that tho oak should bo crushed to pieces which has btwn growing for a hundred years; and it Is better, not that men should produce a great rackot in tho woilJ, and work destruction around thew, but that they should create hap pineta among their ellow-meu, Nnmby rnmby Stuff. PeopUi who depend upon a wevkljr iMcr In order to treop potted H" "venU trmi- ptrlnjr In tho world, do not wlh to bo tur- felted with sontstlonsl nonM lit tlt l'l'0 of nsmliy lumhr crltblln thiol continued Morle Tha Wrsklv Ciihomh , are Kind to tec, iHerdt litis elutt of tntllcr wlilclt U dlthcd tip I? Mit of lit contctu pornrliN ami while lvln nterlalnliiK 'tl celUneous retdlnp. tncttidlnir complete tlor let, poetry, etc b ell Wnowii iHlir,nhe iho new of the tcV In readable tht. The "continued tton" pertem t Isnore the publication of Inlcretllnir ifvouutt ot setusUK-curreiicetstid till Ihelrcoliiinnt with llcllou of tuck low Ettde iilf l I toiiRht for by the Ignorant tud depntel. 6. J. Hiiwloy Co. We delre to ctll the attention of our read er to tho fact thai thlt old and impular tlrtit areoireihur unuttial faellltlea r ;"r ehac of all Kindt of Kroverlet hll they deal In none but ilrtl iUm good, Ihjy tel t tkolowett uurkct rtte. Ordert frm e eounlry piomptly flIUd. Komll by Welit. Fatgo i Co . or by V O. Onler Addrott sift Sutter 8U, San Krandu-o. J. W.SUAEFFKIt tCO.'S IIUKKN -SK.h CIll ARH aro uuaranleed to be mtdo or the tlu- ett HavanaTobacwv SBStcraraento tt.S F. Ai ftttthe I'llitifW TnK J. r. UtU, tnaarlff f Ctrt. Bie Kjjf,TBtfrwtillfa4yihi i CWf er J d4 IMh 8U. I' Vi c. aruite. 01 AlVl'lMteri NVor . No itSTWrUW.,8.r..rruIW'l rrilotnllllillniM J U I'ariaa. I'wft' KiliMli STciu7'Ta lirllil IIN UMirtTHi tr Mt. K. Ua. ta frMI t llradlat. anl la.lpwlil WW t lKra7S.,rar ft ' i. a' im wviaJfalof lh as ! I" ' ' lB ,u i'worrUtor m ii".i" ("M'l" I UU.ehatli ud tit. fa' i '"" "" v11 "M "' tea Sr(l tuicr a i ! ' X ""' "' ' ' Mi 1 la form or Uitt a e r I I'jr T IV""1" ile-jrtns mM cwi Jt l ' 'I" at'.f par ia. ,V i' mntk Tin Host Spring ."ModU-iiio and Heuutillor of tho Complexion In use. Cures 1 I tuples, Molls, Jllntoltes, Xeiintlia, Serutilu, tJtmt, Ultuuiimlic and lereurlitl l'nins, ami all Psoases arising froiu a disordered Mate of the Ulood or l.lver. SOLO BY ALL DRDGGISTc. M(isn.lMKin TaHfMlVViK ItDTKI. Htl Mn4 n . Mt Fnixiwi mmJ uix.t,. tl, CIIONNKTT & nRXTINT . la Thlr4 !,. '"',- Cfiire v.sovux. Ucanlt. ua .a DUM--Mn x- tiamCo,mKtill. DHOTOGRAPHS. GETTHEBESfn fan I ihttararmt at r II UOVtrs, MiiJvu I ln(Mr-,B T'H LADIES AND CENTS rvlr!ujC r..rpwi i tlMfm, lli HaBi,. lA' I I'llOl 1M)N I I Ktilt br lt lln! Ml a tare .Tatiu m t'r ha4ur4 br i . Mnv. a rf 11 Traxiiuvuttit utw V.ur-ia U Ct l IlltKI.Odt La YOUNC MEN! rerr i u : x ti i r. : 11 1 tt s'3alivauaraal.i xuu .lantnlf pttlkaUr.. fvlaX" I rr I tlUHr ot awP0'Ji.""i WANTED llau.i.U lltt ,aUa, a.iti riaa . njaa,i llaaoa, X S w l 4Uaw) l , IVIac II -Itl. Haa rraactacui QUARTZ BRBASTPINcvr: h(titMait.i r.riajiijailt jlaiKaaa.'aa uan umr, it a&) an i an krarnr n( aat. I ra&a PUM (ilHtAXSASU All. KlSWsur Mt H tallcutrHBKul.rrpai r4ltl't wt ,-l a an I atraa4ai . raim. ,irt rr n. u ubi1 ( rr intiir ni't'i u.u a . . u. k ' u ML KIMhur Mt 20S lsirkrt (iitrrfru r Flowrrl Uf U.4.1 trt t'Mf ItU) bra I vf ' niA'tvm u i. utvi.iiiu vft i;i h -ii hi. n rrn M? v an I . ai a ,rtf. t if. i . .tul'il u. Mlnf l,at'4k' . n. a- i . taJttf i I'.a 1 1 vaalflaaaflA -, Katha.ifU'r U lTrD OR ; ! P"aU4 a'amra r.i .a.L.111 M if,. frituf a. . I'f lnia ( ' a Irom WaaklBfiQCNf llijra, n U' mi 4,f an. lrtulorT 44raa, K .rl I" " B"J Maabia4iui. (' I AGNTSWANTED I'OK 1'ictoriai Comiiiviitator. ill I)!.lrall..m Hii'i IllUa Aaima a II I. I.raaral .llaa a4 tlbrr araKUM Lttxrm t i r Clrcs an ( (.arrUiiii 4 U . W Waaa ojt..n r fatMUH" "" " ill iffivajj .a u oil" :0C 'AJIfJi-lVJ A3IIIU IHifHI ui it '4Ua4 tMlfi t i (! a I?!) j'IVII rOVV aatl fl'Ktal II U mi -jiiiiri . ni-.r una. 'WIH1 l(Wi4 1..UI t" 4 i.l u'll'! Lnwn at it ilx3 til. faYY u.s ;: i jj ', ..oij. 3IU 4IJ WVI Tiv SAN VRANCISCO SHOPP1NO Or evLtti uwHini'if rj i hum Milcti ' fa. lliMaafei 4 attic at Krt. ttllK I t-t -ltll mtcf""B lattc and II U curat. V t fiaar, l4fw J A U llallll OX, St r iintl, Saa aTtO'itro, i a. I LANDS AND FARMS Ai una. If oriMcUl art. i j i,l t rttj or IL I. ill Maoaffer Mdfiil, nl iiMri Va ii-r 4 ui I t laf. M ,' ' W 8. Af'l .ill li f'jr mi nuT'i ,t,iaa, 4ti l.m i,BaJ' . CHAMPION SATE i i,f TIIK WOKtl I M -(art irtl , IrtlrMI Kaf ';wpr A 8f 1 firt'Cdlun f' ml -e aol llurJaf a. (larjrnl. I Irfanii Va'T.i, lKa llarf'i I'alani frmarr HbraU IV t ItHWI MIBIIIulH, ' MDI.ll I'AIOKAl" ", W Mqii.f; aiii, ru llili IHb rrantUajM, Harrraaur la ( ,JP. VAS H(;ilA,U A Co. PLAZA STORES. 700 to 710 Knarry 8t. ",p-im laa I'laia , V O II ; 1. XAU rKANCIIKO Otwd Ora I'M lrr aJ ilmia4r waitht ... II Af.liM OrbWli llunlli, I aaa WalCTiea lulul.uul Coin allttr rMrt Auarlcaa HivTaniml. li'iiiUin tulcra Amrruao w,i'U,(. nlil raw lis it) (u , Mtaal M1 " OUIO ravana, irj tui atll l'!f II !., :l. Hi A laro aa '!,.( til Jxtnv aul yl.raiii a 4wirjfr,naii' ni, -I Ha', Vail i art au.liMtff fin. I!!n Mu la ai'it UuWitu, (.i.a.oj. u , aautl. I) U UiaAjr a.! Itna. Ijr pacific - Iar"(iaa'kM(xl urar.altl,iw1rr ilaacatl l- r ta aaf, ll Liaa aittauawl lar llr Iu iu u' '' ' wiiklua- Uao, urljilual lIa aia tlaaia", a iau olbr Jl ,ila( ara Kill Sivil It n- l-.l laaa lu iMtltl im, w mI.1 Bwtallla wi,ila ll ,N,l-r awl llM,k Ijjml Wiui r a .i aa! A IA; la uaialial Ivr oorlaKigaliim all laulbMau, a i,iL. ,. itnuil ttf tiw t. ral4ifaa fat Ijbtli II- l,i- m , aivl lum f ranaUaiLtuuaa).l MtulirK, lAittAI'i ai.'.f Uli aia 1U J uwifoaM Tvi'K Bonriui ja Ctttlltnt Pros.llont (if Job ni Dltptv fvunll, ami ' - Uaarw Ma t ' A nilii kk aul I'rlava IJalDa braMralltM i'rvtufi ilal f i taliaadUO I' l(ulilaaUilullr tuiaalx! AiUnaa Jlunlnr. I,um a- ,.,n3a liyl., Hl'a J)i)l!ierii. C OKArrAK'SSptvUal liaijixir for iJirr Haiti r I'Mllla iVila I aroai. 11,1a I, lui(ruii( ICiidr lir an wA aal 111 1"",," tljlil .(... U4 hi talvian ol CHurula. Mh' CataitKU c. a,foi .b'.'l ira-llaa. ualllnnalalt. etc. I'tiea) Ki3,aSSK biacrwlf. ("ad cl(.( oi prv, San rrabttaa , iiiWrt. er Iba ui wuMM Ora!lg Iktlliill, (,aL iauullurraiSulli DR. SPINNEY & CO, No. 1 1 Kearny HL, Han Fraiitlsco. ( Ailrllrot(nSA J'SAseiaoollllMHI'lClJt, fjpmMBBBjB8BiB&SBHMHHHHH TitlHBrtl WB i ISHIIElvJkMKfl ' aZjUMnK&flkKwaSaaJV ' ULail I' Rhode lolnnd Granite ! O II M.Miiiinrnia ail plinna vt Iho s'llil liialriUlitnli ili', lilH lli l'"" ,'!' !1 ami I v't i.H tt, m HI Kwtiir tlnsil. IIowmH. Aill"a l o ln n nan iii i I r rlmilar PACIFIC TEA CO, Jobtwiaamt ltlU tvalfia la ail i.Mr i'lll.X 1 AMI JAI'AM Till. Stnplomul Fnnoy Crooorloa. IThalitian.! (lull Italra. I X 0 K iiWMUliKIt, uus ilarKH hi , KraHrlarM. CONNECTICUT FIRE INS. CO. ASMVtH. , II S TIIK LMU.Kir AWKTH W HUM IS 1 1 rVc "I aar (vweaaj Mt l'"l "' I'allnt Malta Mliiinr Unuino 'tt Aseal. VM Catlfwnlt UllVCr HflW6S OxCOViVC ViOOWvXvV, Km.i'i '. e. v m neii (.nil . . PI.AZA STORES, 700 la 71 Ksrny St. (Ofti t fiaa . .... .....ia .11) VUlVl lllll Wii' a.l t.' arr44i-i, I (t , A Unoas Hall ! : "'. I"a ! M I ll ( k. rtt, law,! aifi ir I ( UhlH (Nh li Cai. ih aijl M. I tj IJgkl W.ljfcl 1r ( aMlnii ..l i Will (iMtr I aaali"""' M'aii'J t l.a HlMa..aiara miu 1 1 I- I in Hl I r tarr Jr.a anna l III " -i i )! aaJ i.i ih I kaa atl lala " MAfwainitra1'' H aramnl JOHN nOOKltS & MUNaT IlKSKHM, STOCK AND SALE YARDS, lr Mark I 4 Nials tla. daa frulxa. l (tLtaa ,t i.o i.r ( (IIIIKT II t.Tf. J ia liirfaSa. hra ll VacaalaS, f Sllli t tvviil, a jairi "SECRETS TOIaD," B)tl raaJMt ha hf lh fav.fil a-tr K afvhurr witft fluljr lt ltla4rli , h t n aa4 n (ouit ' ( U 4jf .hf "KI.riiAXU," ' ,-m r aa4 ilnilll IwuK l.f uij aa4 s h ih waalir h-maa an J nuaa-iaiiM liw ml v a, l.itfcar wot hr ai h ( .- t .1 , bf ajiial XI. UK UMIJN. Ill lit, ; a!aul,.Tin ru.j AfiNTS WANTED.? tt,.,,y,J.1-'V, aiMrrlr, V t t'( w Urftt Saw L i x Ht" IUhSIVh.4 u UhHWh. Tftt a . (J'aK rtti'-. Uf I H " lt t i - ' -tsvthaif V Ml kOli tr ml llvMiaalatfa 4H 1 W I Ik l i44i 14 lh.lU lt"Jn)f" Ifcr w w t at If 4 Hr rMW Hta4 tf av i hw ti m !: M of U i4 o'laaf bjkt 1 GREAT REDUCTION, Hacts & Lambert's 3E3I- dfe? Xi AQENTS WAHTEDL!rrr ruami fur o a. lt.tuUI Wt.ttd. (kwi tantwotvil lUallMPa. (ivuril.wa Ka"i inr, fa' mn aal H ih Maal tnrlf' 'il I ( tt OJ.ra. ta't-xlllaa 4 B'. .iti.fa i. r n rim 1,1 l" 'ai ,nr St -r i J , ra. I H'lii it "" a ' , w r i f , t B a AI4fr al A, I, II XS lliit'r A I u , m i rraa I I 1 II IBM k i-: c o u n liiyery Stable, 1331 and 1320 MARKET STJIKCT, IW TIM a4 Hi. N nUtllMII 'PMVM ur .fcllV l.A. UM-tlxsr ? JKT I arrlal a ( ii. a ii.u4 b in nta a4 aai u urM I. I., .till II I II A I O, t' X I' . .S-wti-rleal. N'u, M INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, II aad Nfarii; t,, nn rraaalaaa. t ti a4 mi to tIAV. II C 1'ATIinx.K. r,a4,rla. Tttai 4 ailranl t Miarl.aa. aavUS laa lIBi af , II'' - w a.a,t wain ir ai ,a Iaa4ia4 !!". a f 4a i Jr-lar n I I '. I a i u U a. Ilwrf i. TOUI? THI HAROt I0?l Tht CampUxiis Clear, tiii: Ti.trrii uirr. t a.taiu raiantsf " la iDitiM a) lft'aicli ia a ,' ,Mlj't,,ai St ta rwialra mitlln v Mr. JtMlirUt-H'a l.liulll lr?lHa Mfia, a. 1 r4t""l 'M t J U.oolH and miioi'N. .fll hi I.I.I v i,r tint Hal- It jmi,, a ao raa" ''"'a i. ,'iir iikt bi r,atta (ail l,i ' li ai at f'.aa ttl 'iat a ii f.,f H,. 14 liajiaaa4 A ! lZCal -a. I i i 14 ymth la I lia)! Ta ll (a f 'i a i k"I au4 I HUIrau-. IMl(a a4 I aaia i a,l I I-' ra l la r ,atf rfa I lr i.itaa ai . laa-.nal tta a4la 'tt m w I ' a wa4 a ,a4wlloa I"" Vt '" ,iilt ir.i.lM la'M.ife.'m )4l I i.n hw4 M ... f III vv ANI r.V Ii Ha nai.T I!. a , h'l l II r,aiua f o a' PATEHT ADJUSTABLE BUOOY TOPS. rain:, i i. I .. Y-- 7 Woiftht, 1 3 lbs. HARNESS! Aod 8i4(llerr(Jov) Wbolaialt Airl Untall. v 3a lnIUnri llaraata, lulu lf al Al fT a lm'il Ii tif llarliaaa iMaTTiyKV I K I Kir art ., s1 llaaur raP i'yiVJrii Jla'r,aa. 1 1 1 Ml l par art, mj aiffliwt ia I- fjjra.ii iiva; hi ll ' lHMrHi 1 .11 i-fi nl kjI ,1 i, l.aii-aafi ll I,. I, ur , (.ii rltaia. HSr ihi' Ha m l.-ail,. r. ifMt umIIIi r, in aic li 111 1 I ur'jf lHiba. i ii ( par ,)m II., iu. ai,a wtiii-a. la ' 14) ar d ,i "-r, ,- i- wnlCiillt. ll I itril, (lidlat llrbllaa, .u'iUil .r lit mi,, Ii , iiiui Mrdui , luliara il(u Ji ft Ui I alllomia Iaa4 loll "I Hia ami lipia Mr in-arjr ladaiat rr ilwii haiillnal HI IHa liatl Ilia til MMUtl Iraaa, tahOul M rlra,lla, f r litlrc aaiiiuai.lf (Hilar, lir alula pfmiMI; nllt.I ana tatUlarliua Uttaraula W (latla, til Jlala.l HI bcarfifX nan 1'i.btlaco Naik4 fur l'il liat (I nooE. 8 .. 8.28 V7ATEP. i-l 0lv- l'C' I'l" U' ril'E, J - ilv , in oh Hntn Co oil a Itic. kia fr Vium Una Hi W.R.ALLEN 7111 JlnrM'l ali-rnl, aa rwaadaio N. CUHRY & BEO, 113 Baoiama (treat, Sa Krinrlif. SOLE AGENTS Ifis Hide Co., of lirllieporl, Conn. Kelt I Al.lrOllMIA OllklKIN, AIIIZONA, Ilk VAim. WAKIIIIIOI")' TKIIIllTOIir.AWIMHAIKi Alai. fil tut W W.tlllKKNKII'M I lairlo, H'nlyalut, CliOkalmra , aiauraitui wnitfaiaai. , iiuaauiira llr.oit liiailliia llOlllll.K IILNH, apil allkliiilaiiJIJIINa, jilKXIW aluTI'll 'l'li,li,a,l 1; Ilia iaJlB Uanulaa irurvwj anq III I'IB lanulaA luraiaul Ktwlaa,! and Atnarica, kU- UUNITIUM dfall kiu4i, iu ijuauUlIM w suit ' a f t I JMM asssaali"tSBB I i rPV gaggr. M'llia i i.i,, T' I' H IHliT StLnli AKn I a ,i A ill ll I'aia f aj ui, I ! r -a H "Vt HIM til I ( l., M If !ri, . I If I) I r, J, tr (i llm'rl. Aa'! 'aw. if ,Yii f l ' la rp a 4 ith i ,.,- an t v a: i t- nil i,'i("i v, i h I ma ii l I ', It ,m Ail', i 1 1 Ml Mai ,ai ' " ai i I r ff aicif I3M h til a r ca,ts, r ,n a lln, k laalira THE BEST CLOTH ING F 8 Boys. C. C. HASTIMGS fe CO. mu mi:, nvn ritA.M ism, Noir-aWriiNiiroiiifiif IluloM N n r0 &uy .11,1,.,,, KCONOMK'AI .aXAjg AI.WAIH I'OH 91 I X IS l RELIABXE 4aflKpM Water Whits, 150 ()k. rtre Tet. VAIII'INIIIIU1.A . IH.MiaaiMin.M,At.MtMi:iV.N,,.,. 3,w, amrrntiiaiMlu Ml . M.i frnurlam.. r lrrii,,r. A-IiTT TOtTE; HOITSBS MITII Till! AVERIIX MIXED PAINT, Tit llat, Mint l)ur.t)lt ami llwmlltwl cf all IVlMta, imikpaiu:!! itiunv rim im:. nit or ,iv aiiiAUt: nit kii.iiii nitNtiti;i. O. 3. OXvXvXOIC. Oanorsvl Jta.sait, Ni. tl'ail MAHKirr Stra.t. innilU IVuut Ntrrnt, Hn I'murl,,,,, MITCHELL WACON8,Hlv': voir it jiom; A. V'.IANB0ttN,Ag8t,UUUll,,a.' & Q 9S, -. 'I'lIK MUrhall rt flai ak4 r' Wa4h a t ar Wall (kDU ltW( l lkln.ia. HI, ka ci4i o(ik farta i..., iwtitr i i. aar v tfcaf k'r aahwra atkawpala aa n i a lmr'riaa ll an a waaafal,T at Uaa i-,' X 11 a al aaai,imal . I a THOSOUOHDIIACS, E.vPR2S3 Ufa)' ataaa JfAUa. llMlr, fhmtmn, ,4 l.lKlal I arilai.a u( a.i kiMa, PACIFIC water cure Eclectic Health institute, MOHTHWCST C0HHKU 7lt ASl) I. T H.VOHAJIKSTO. tJA!.. lui,' full, ! a-1 w lral ail aara, a. ! lataal 4 elawal attanlll Mlflr4aa. halaw ilk tvl rwma aa4 Uo.rJ. Hfc aJaEJa aia ar rvhttt itiaawa. tur n,Var fniUrt a4 ti- Jl. . )!. rill, M. It.. l-rarlalar. VaCOVIVC iOOVV.a, aurrraaar lal ,1. V.k X'll.k.k, HA ( . PlaAZA STORES. 70U Ij 71(1 Ko-irny Hi u-ai it- ru r in 'ui, mx nusi im ! X aaa I ( H l it (,r al4ia ( .IJ4(, fi-a larll M ' I ,(,.!, T latatla nn k U IP I4ia4vn. kl. l. irf(-4M ' l lair I KiWka, 35. ft.lai a M fatf'aac al,if fair (,Uarala. iat. ftaiaj a a IU'l ailr falraaklM Jilo'lm r l ' AMta I.I ill'alHaa.1. y Via ).rfk (iar. ill to !., W K II.HHlaa (H na t lala t- Mm. AI iM,o Ha.1 t,Ma .(!. Ui 4 f J Wa;i. r, J,.l fil Wpfa. Uan U fcaittat. Ja J WESTERN FIRE ANO MARINE INSURANCE CO. (aJIMaia. 100 CalllprnlM .St.. San FrnncKo. t'al IIIIAMII OI IIIHI'.CTOItni (" 11 Jaiai tlKkl Ka. Ilaurr aatauia, jaa lar. Wan Wllita. W W la If Haa II Uot J Wa-4 a -aiV J VikHa. a t AvtU WHEELS. AKGOSY. W Kwlaaba a tl-aaalaf Sona'l.afOf taiaaa X HakAar a,r Ft, TVa Uual arakw fk. Mix I I uanfcrt taaka rv at !jw AMttmV AKNl-V, 3jS,'riimla.,l., i.a nii" Boswcli Heater, Cooler anil Dryer, uMt. '"ttrVrlnStevr' M1 yar H-B.a ..V.,UU af IMa fmt rrt.. ri Kalaaa liana akwf 4 l"al, l tt4tipuir kaaltataMkiaf I ara tiui, aaia( 4l'a. k.l aaalor.taa)Uca.-J ap ' taai aj la ak aiaalkar ia Mai a Hi lla(aal la al ) .,11 J.. . iblv ItalMiaauHl lb iMMaaA raaal lha.anaa ia aa(,- ,aa Iruajt anjaa. ' la kalo laaw ( la iMai aiaaiaar at tM I"-""1 riallll'l.4 1,1 ltaaat llaal kill ala !"',. Hiroiuxi i f.4 tr rati In i.ilr wtar thai rirt t.r Hat! ., w ( ( aa llr.,,!!.! I, .aa ln,i I it na,Mr !',. i af ..(Mr haiiaf aartiat AMV, V" ',' Ula, a( il.Mlplla 'l.rlaraf HJ)Wr,l,I. I ' AilSiiiiArxin'r ...( Mauaf at r itaf r III. nELS'-AOfnTO eour .rrf.trmi. traauil Lis.r.iti laj UtaatMA ( IM Aj.. I t H4 ra r.n.niaa-ll tjr IM a.lina aali)iran ifii,. t'a.l. aln4 M ill. I ull llllarlrirt... Iif I. .ail. l.allM. I, lariiww, UUral In r .1.1.4 wr ia , taaali la Acaatk, J4CirjH.,lalrlit. .KW U'lIIIC-NOW ltK.HV. 1'or Hula Kvarywbero. PHYSIOLOGY OF LIFE ANO MARRIAGE, Mr ji. ii. j ir . ' 'PilK MOT lrKKK.t.Y l!ITKKKTINU WUIIK I oar It.nxl (rum ll.a prtaa, ita4lar Irtaltrat llltaaaa IM famuna wulka i.f llr Mallbui, llr4 laoak ll.a,t(al lalnriutr. ami Mr Uaaahl, IM lau( aKiiutl)'. rilnl .... , , fh inMl .at-rl .outra. of illalllr lam liara, la Ian ruaa'alUal li,ar ba ra.l lr a tit una In akf (iaia !.-ts" l Ala an, I dlaaata fullf i.alal Ilia iiiaubtr IMI ira M ,Mta-l ih inlara.1 ul a , nr litnik ullratala Kaarijr IM ,aa ul lualla luriualliiulvr afrl-r I'llll K, SS IKHTN, A'lrM, alluMaia in aw ' i,n Xanalii,, Kit. Ill Waaliaciiin fctrral. Hall fraurui.i, ( al C0MP0UHD 0XV0EN 72:2 REHARKAILCUBESfr.ti;;:; M .mm..., fkl.a M.a Mi.,alla ..14a lallfuJU naaa-aai talt BrBtaiaamU In 111 liar Htrtn rtr.miiun Ji-vj .,-, nf lllflflrxKi.l.Va . 1 II llatir )f frti, T H, at tlaril ami !" Utt1t i. aaa.aj.aa Una 111 imi.wiii. ..naiia,r,iirii Ailluif. aul alira wlai air laf. ra,aMal linn, i jr I villi manr Slin I rnlaCl lalllwtllla in f t. mart, 1,1, 7L,L III UttUULX h hum, llll (Jlrar i hi.. 1 Ull. EVERYTHING ON WHEELS" Xt. 3D 3MC O XT a. OCs . Tim ("uncord I'nrrlMlfn Hoiualliry lit lamnrril u K. II N Mlil(iinarf llrrr. ualldi j'alaia llulal, Han Kralitlaiti, wlura u iM !!rimlrio"(Viiiird llariit anil K II Millar Wo guiarr III.) llufKlt. and IViriUirra) win IwihimUnI fiipt 'iiulialia 1 ' S KAhTiUM, A.ul, ' Mow Httloturr toll, H, V, F ? """""saCatefc JJsr A ft to i K7 DUIIAIII.K Iu:,viy UK l'AIMTN COAL OIL. i ui n flaaiaU CI xjxn.ic-xxrr PIANOS, r.f lltlo,T.iuii at I H.ira' iiny 1'ai4ii.m I I aialaatl'i,, r ' W Wa ,. , IITTI.IIII aiTIII'tl, a fll INI.l. 33BKEARNY.ST &9IOMARKCTSTSr I I ' BERLIN-COLOGNE Firo hisuraiico '()., ur iu:iti.i. m.ioi i Capital, $1,500,000 HUTCHINSON k UHK, Genera) Aeccls, Pacidc Siales am! Tmilonts, aiiO UVTai CialUnrltU rtint Wl .Sn ow Nla.,Httti l'rnurl,r. Tti0sly Tanfiot ititur Kttswn t hl 1 " 1 i 1 v .... 1 1 at, f. ,.( IM I A t I , f ,a.w.rt llll(.Mataaa, I braHlr a nHal I gallon . IM aa 1 w .ftaiala I wNttitatliala Hnaiii la, aUlH lllaaalaNa, at I laa .. . . ,1.1 (. ta.lh aw,, aa4 a 4aiiar. in imv, t ffaal a vaawU, ua4tr kla ,vfra'iirf A a) afallr lllllar I I h.alr , at ..,. Il. IIMii.).l I lr.Mlr I.Ik rr I t.i, nla a' r a a, all 4ialai a4 4'a.M la bv.ll. t . liaaa.a lati Jl 1,irr at r. la.. V,covav toowus, I" I . I. 4 XI II . ll A ( PLAZA STORES. 700 to 71 H Kaattttx Hi. urt-ii. ik in.. . ' ll tk.l 1(1 1 IIIVKllMll ntirlaaM U. a... a,..'.. I (I ll.t.nii. ki Hfclih"ta, iiM.aa. iuaaria&f .r I i)Um lla.XatHa'a, au. l,r a, 4 aat lkfcilaK iu mat la - a. I i.i' r.l aaaala4i( t ,i l ttal at i a, i.M aril a -lal mtiWt'l'iMallu Mu ltatii 0 ,mii atm 1 marl lla, ftiwi.. IJ Lf.,- a-r . t lla, ( .1 t.' ; ''Olr --- iVjS (,QV THE GREAT .'5tf tlXAJ-i.l 3VH-ASl. IJ.VKH VMII.AINT. W'K,'A II I li .IKY .!-" CUfltM Of Tt' HTOMACI1 ATTP I.OW.LH yyai. swsiim kiiia '" XTTa33aPiaXaaX--- ocn HOrU ''"WAiJll BifU ift-.auArnr, iiii.iouarfW- miAIUtlDIIW, KCta 10 ratH.LT VEQLWSL9 IU action on dla M nlralyilinrtl rJ anriiiiaiuiiwatar miiwa.' "., TriJa I rlL any onlln! (. tut Ilia 4lni iliwuld ! tontlnutXu'iul ll oHaart a roropww .. a. a - --..! iaai,.j.iia ll.a lilitf krt 1 if t aaJTa I CUru II W-nai intHiiisl'-'iai " .S""T.i" T. ...... il.... ... nll.lMnr1nv ill.nn,.a Ull, .i,.- i.a,i iiiiualluu. nr avuk and ltuiu llKal, .'""a " ' r? - .11 ........- V L'CKANNINB.WHITEi1 .Pkopiiitsr Mia.. -.. . .AlRJ it -w;- jis WIW'II- iiaayaa i iJ.a,lfil,tjirtalW iwtotI I W rf a. B 1 . t a. ,.,'ti. . 1.1 tDn or r " J 4