yj5l v'iyjij.i.'isJiwMl;.11 w " srywiwift?!'k "'' ' 4-. 1 Nrahu VlttRBi NV 1 iHfe. C5! wBHL TUB '' Rsffirk ik M it BJ Kl- 4 f- 1 TUB COAST MAIL HA'A'B IAV,. Jllity I?, IM7I, TWWIHW WW Nnv Phbm AVI Matim'AI, The I, though now utile to turn nut jnli of nil kind fully ci hi n I if not Crlur to any other ollleo In tho counlv. Ill ojilur lo liurcnw our facil- Itli'H for irfc't 11111I nihl world wo lmo will for a now' jolt ircn iif the moot ititrm'l pntoiit. W haw al io (tout for Mich ninlorlitl a wo linvo not already, iuhiitcd for jolt woik of I'vory I I111I. V eiocl thu proMUH'l nmlothil In ft few wunlis, nntl when It iinhort wttttill I111 procured to do printing of nil Uhwhi in holler or n good Myle ah It ommi lol,u "" iiuro. ROM) LaIuibxy. On Himdny night, n llio ncliiiomir TulUgld wan lyliiu nt tlio Coon City vlnilf. whoro kIio took on it tlookloml of Mnvo timber, somo inUurunnl ntolo tho schooner' IkhiI, ami It Imi not Mnoo boon hoard from. It U MipjH)od w)iuo jmron took It away nml mink it in tliu slough, as It would b illlllinilt to conceal such ft Itoat, and tho party who jook It oould niuko no 11 mi of It without luting de tected. A pornon who would thin gratify prlwito.ntHllcu, or from any other Initio motive do such itu not, I a proper ntthjeol for tho penitentiary. rim:. J.mI .Monday nioriiliiK nlKtut 11 o'clock a lire win discovered In T. Diviii' IkkH nml ho tdiop.on Trout lrcet, (every one known where, it in) hut by tho prompt nclionof Mie llro Ovpitrtmoul It mmpiioklyoxtlngtiWh cd, doing no further damage than burning a hole In the floor. Il had Ignited, probably, from n cigar thtonn into n mtwdiut spittoon, mid bad burn od nil night. Notwithstanding nil Oil. In) tutu make you u uiru a jwir ol boou ah ever. Til nk. -J tut a wp go to prw ve roile from M I. lUmK-oin.of 1'nrk (mhtirtt, n cojty of Mitj. Molloij' ro jxirl ol lh nurry of tln Coquillo rli vr, for which Mr. II. will plnnno oc cut our thnuk. Tho mwrc jytwiks woll for tin pW, ihw reiurcf th Mtlloy bihI tho liciii'fili which would rrinill from Ut Imjmvomnt of Uh ontrancc. Wo ntri ilmt it i tint l for piiblicKtloii thU wwk, howv it, It will upjicitr In our noxt. O1IAI.1.KXOM Mr. Tom IloiUiid rlmlloiiKort any Irfwl now hulll, olthor on Uihm I!)' or CiHpiillo river, to rowIitK inntcli, for not 1m tlmn fifty or mor llitiu ouohundrchldolhtra, tho tinmoy to ho put up on tho fld, nml Ilia m'titi'h to t,tkjfjilncJuly tthj tho dUtnuro nt to jreft J ont iniltf. Aium ntnro IIhhImiiV to tho front, hwu'iiJ .-lidtiM for you. 1 "... . . , ., . I Vaoatki M'o nru Informed, ibnt tho rlwlo jk1 ofllctt hn been n iMtmloueil. and bk likely to lw ViulfMl. Mr. Jlttry Dtinhnm iioat iultro hs ntuvetl nway nml jl unooriHIu whutlior ntiyone wlfiv Ite fonml who wlljjako the oincct. ' Immiakatiox. Some iiino or ten jounp ii.en direct fmni I'inlnitil arr( mkI by the (iuttir Trlfnir Ual SutnUy. Thu prontHH't of ItUMtin iimkiitR h draw itmii I'inloud forMblior MMii,lMiy to mnko cmigrulioti from that country inoru lively than tuiinl. VAaai:v)Rit l.trr Tlie Arttitit, Cpt. (I, llU,Nrried In rinil Friday tE.ith ,'"' f'dlowiitf; jaen Vfonl Crtpt.Tkhnor, Mr mA family. Cmw Hav M, VnyJIrMorKAn, It. II. Jono. Mr. 1). Wilcox, nml 0 in lite torai;. Paiwcmixk l.irr-The (iuult TW Jnlr, Cnpl. llutlcr, arrived in port Sun lny, May 11, with thu followiiif pni i6iif?ur: (1. Orubo, Mr. lAiwtor nml Ikiv, X. HoinI nml 1 1 ,n the Moorage. Pt.iiAaA.vr wenthur ntnlu. T. I.y.noii hn ojiouml n tailor in HoM'hurK. uhop 'I'm; nhuft of tho Monmor liicort ennui up on thostrwm. (I. WobKtor Ima gono to tho Coquillo on ImihIiio. Noaii Tnii'l'liiid nguln takan ohiirgo of thu C(Htbdo holol. Wm. Wauii ruturniMl to Hnn Fran clfco on hint .lrooii M.MifliiAM.W'AViottiriHidouthO'lr 5,1111. Olnd to hijo you hnok. A vimv pbmwint ilnuoo took pluoo in Kmplro City last Satuiday nlyht. llisv. H. Ukvina will hold lilvinuacr vico in Marnhllcbl oory .Sunday nt U o'clock u. in. This Mnsonn nro having now blocks put uniliir tholr biiildlut;, tlio old oikw ImvliiK rolled nwny. I). Wu.co3f, of tho linn of U. 11. Donn t Co., nrrivod fiom Bnu Krnn ulnco on thu .Irnilii, John Ki.i.iiuiiy nml Win. IImikoii, w j;o lo thu Ooliinibin with dipt. Pnrkor on tho luitle C'trnk: Tun Hloiiiuor Umpire will hoou io wiiiio hor (tld roiito hutwoun Coon liny untl Hint KraiiulHoo, Dr. T. 0. Mnukoy bun rocoivnd (ho appointment nn llojilth Ollluor of thirt poll, vico Ifniry l.nno rohiKmtd. Wi: ltnu himiil Hint tho 7'ui t;ot nnothnr bont nt Jfoifli Ilniul, In rcpluco tho quo which won nlolon. Mn, 0, Oaiimon ban ruturncd from ToiijMJIo, whoro ho lian boon milking iiomo (HprovuinonN on hla'raiiuh. Wi: loitrn from Mr. J. P. Tuppor tlmUhc Kulfa Cook will lonvo for tho Colutnblivtllrool, about next Tuobdny. ftp nNwwmrmnv W.LUixnx of (Vm itlvor, him haoji oinployotl to (ouch tho Coipiillu Oily Pi'hnnl,iimt dm tdrm oniumonootl hut Momlny, M fen of the onily hiwii ijmlii, In thM county linn lotlod 111 lhonrflin(l, in coiiMvpionoo of tlio hJo oold wet wciilhor, Mil. (1. WiS4B mill Vffo lmrn Komi lo Sklpnnon, Clitlwp county, on 11 vlnltto Mm. Wltiuyto'rt iUbr, Mr. (Jhni. NS'urtl. . ft ;Tiir.clll7cniiof Kmplro City nro lo mko 11 cohjlirnllOM on tho 1'onrlh of .Inly, find hiiv milwcrlhwl throe limiaj dtciil tlollflw thcroior. Tin: OiUtk Tflutr nrrivail Sundy morniiiK fiom Hitu I'mucinco, Iwing throo diiyp ami a Imlf on tho (wwotfo, ImviuK "topld 'it (ho why ort. Tut: rolling Muck now In dm on tliu luthmtti Traimit It. It. oniidliU of luimhcHr, hut it Im h lurxo plotorm with cutnfortAhh) wilt Mid room fur (roiKht. Tun cnwm pondliiK in tho U. H, Clr C'ourt, in vol v1ii(; tho olnlm of II. II. I,uu iiK)ii Ilia Mrlifli.'lii town li. will not ho litkon up for argumunt till uost month. At the tvhool mcutitiK In Kmplro City, Ut Stnnlny, thtt otu to nmtott 11 jMMiinl twx, for chool puriMJiW, wiw Iwt. Tho diitrict UJ11 debt bout thgio humlri'd dolhir. MoCi.iim.an A Co., U. 8. nmll wn tractum batwenn Intro nml Itmuhun;, nro prpnrtiilJo cnrry mnKorfl in thu 11101' opmfortnbli! iiittiuior. Boo tholr nil. in another column. Wm.Tkmi'm: and bin briilu put in itif iippoAniucw on the ArcuUu It' rnthcr mnldmi William, wu didn't mifiwH-t anythliiK "' ttmt. kind, hut youhnvooiir ht't winho jimt tho Miiim, I'.tMintuKiu oiitKoing on tho Ouie TH(r : V.. C. McCltiro, K. W. Cum ming hiuI J it rob lhuch. In mhUtiou to cohI, Ua.cn rriinl 0U iiiilo," intxtl ojjun, 10 torlt.Uv(Kml 197 loxiof driwl fnilt fromCollvcrVdrlnjf wub lilinittfii Iax Saturday wu the first time (ho SMUiie mimul hor r;ulnr Coo rivocjrtp foriwimo. inontb. 8b w delafPiJ l Tfmpir City lo mteml tht rhool mooting. Ilumtion I ovi dontly niMkliiK mpid tridt in thU jmrt ol tb country. Ui;i Mnoiou bwi movwl hi drug thro down lir undsriMMth Dr. TowerV otneo. He inlcmU to opitn 11 cigttr luml in iHinncctioi whti hi rtoro, nod will abH At tip ft flWrfinir room in l)ti rmtr omclliing which bat long l!! nrti4l. ' "'; wi.m ... y , r Jwcy. rriv l.t Mr Cty WatliMMliiy. Jim. iltufJwjp fwriw I'm; wife mmI family of Dr. 'lC lurmerly Mwl nt Kmpirrj. untl b nml httr littbiilriiiebtor will gladly be weIoiif w .... cil lwrk by her nuwemim IrieiuU lltjr iter,.ilt nct'oniirtuiivhor. f'lrrtilt (Vitirt llt.rLnl. . The following am the caees on the dockut for tliu iext term of Circuit wMirt, to coiitmjib Monday. May $6: 11. Herman ?. lUrtniau .t Hume, I apieal from J. P. Court. A lrftbrve vc. A. Duller, notion to recover money. 1JW. tianford vs. H. H. huw,iMo rucover money. Apiwalgd from J. P. court. W. S.tfcH. W. Vandorburg v. A. Lobree, to recorer moitity. Appealed front county court. U. Wolwtor u. Neltou it'Doblo, to recover itioittfy. Apitealed from coun ty court. II. II. Cammnnn v. Coo. Wnaaou, to rocovor money. II. 11. Cflinnmnii v. T. M. liermnn and II. Herman, lo forocloee niort- ' I). II. Cammauit v. John Smith, to foreoloto n muit);ngo John Norman va. Tlioe. Wnlkr,to recover monoy. T. It. Deuu A Co, vs. I. Iuighhorn ot nl, opilty for injunction. A. M, and It. W. StmiMOit v. W. It. lab, M. liaum, W. Ttirpin and IUII. I.uko, toforoebwo nml reform mortr gngo. Thou. Wnlkor ve. John Norman nud wifo, to foroclote a mortgngo. K. W. (iotty vc. 11.11. llarrotlot ill, lo forecloHo mortgngii, .1. M. IIiitioi vn. T. 11. Ilmdou, to recover money. Ann Flanagan s. Ohtiito of liliuiit gnu t couit. ffroiit jirobnio .iiaiio, iiiiiiuiii 1 i ii.. ..iaiSi 4 Whitnoy A Dyor vs. 1). LWntaou nml wifo, to fmoclotoiv murtgngo. John T. Tnylor k Coquillo lllack Sand Mining Co., to toaovor monoy. Stnto of Oregon va. Win, Hvnim, liuoony. John Mullai key vn. Julius I,iuon, to rocovnr pooatdouof pui-wonnl prop 01 ty. Apponlud from J. P. court. Slnto of Orogou vs. (loo. Wilwn, indlotiuout. Stnlo of Uiogou vs. John Joluwon, Imllutmout. 0. W. Tuuor a. Ann Khinngnu, to roour monoy, Apponlod fiom coun ty coin t. Glnrhun lfeMorgiui va. ,Jq1iii Mor gnu, for divoruu, WmtM. Jllllnlrd vs. Job Angol.to forcoloio a mottgago. T.O.Ouokilll A Co., w. Korrj A llalloy, lo looovur iiioiu . T. J. Moultuu ve. Dnvid 1)k nml wifu, to foruoJoKO it mortgngo. iiwrtiwtgwiwaww,'''""?t'wu,w'',,J"."IIJW"''t'WBa' '"J'wwiwwhiuwiwb JonntliMi Osborno vs. A. Jlirwc, to racovor niomry, It. i, Dmii Si Oo. k. 'J'ho. '. HmII. to looovor monay. I', A. Pottrmu v. l'trMomrehrto rccor niBiny. ApinnUutl from J. I', court. 1 0. Y. nafojjd w, II. W. Unnord, oourtrmntlnn oTmIc. A . l'crthbwkifr vn. J f , 1 1, Juvto re viitpt nmiiey. Wllmenllng rt. J, JoMl, to tocovor money. Stmuf A McCrnmm m. Andrtw Jllllur, lo rooovor moiy. A. I'urnlibalipr vr llUck tNuill Miti fnx Co., to rwovor money,, 11. 1 1. J,utw v. II. Wrewiiler, to ro corer money. IMwurd MeCtowu vn. Wmi. Wnrticr to rfeoover money. Appealed from cotinly court. p IScnl D!liilo 'EVitiiMM'ilonu, May OV Peter OvwlinltwMiil wife to Hoowe Morrhi. land ift ec. 1. T. 'M, It. IStroiiUliiinKm) Hero. 1150 May & "H, 8.8tlckny to John Weav- or, loHlu W.IK ami 38, T. Wt, It. 12, coiitairdnTOiJft acrt-. $500. May IK John Hear and wife to An drew Ogrtn, loU 1 and 2, ace. 26, T. l, It. 18,7-J.fiOai'rfti. X). I). L. WaUon. JI. It. Smith, 8. Ham ilton, Aaron Uoattflttd Tho. Ilr-nl, to Charlotte Smith, lot 7 in CUiok 3, CooaOity. ffiO. Tlio ciHtor in cliiof is nbtcnt on a viait to the benutiful CoiuilIo, ami ha left uti iu c! large of tho deport ment of tl iill -or tKjrhnpa, more projicrl) 8eking, tlio m-ifaor'u de tmrtiueut. We agreed to do tins column fiir Iiim, and will try to ful fill tho promt?. Wo tit, idwyirB in IjmihI, nt tho winctiun Uible,'Wird nltnoat out of eight hylhoenoYtnotta pile of exchange which are stackel in djeordcTtroitnd ua,caniu thn wiUi Uw eye of a of -a ire Jwrd Jy kiow what kind of an eye trying lib extract from thetn eoinetnin which we think will intercut the public, but we are unaUcccMful, and with a aiuh arrive at tho com luition that all ww editors' hi the country are out un a pleaaure trip and tlie foremen are running the office; one $v locaia are very ararce tld week juxt a 11 we ciian't Kiuiw tl; auJ otwr aaya "Hon. Ii. N. Cooko is no niori),M wo know tiiat, too, but we can't write more than one obituary on him; Hinging Dtc-in down witli a feeling of bitter dtappintinenL we reallxe "tlwl tlie much nbuMKl wlitor'a trials are not tho least of human woes. But we. nro rudly "Mrouawlfrom Uri deep ntcdilaHon and brought hack to the atom reality by tlie tnurinhnlehoulofUte"dcv IP' for "copy !" "copy !" Well may, he about copy I" yea, fdiotil till Uk; vety tyt rattle huhcir y6xtm ; find to ore that mocking wiilu ripplo acroM hi Ink atneaxed face and double It up till it look like n full is moon, attorn 'indeed. We rcftolved to make one but and deejveratc cftbrt, inwardly dcteriuiti- ing thrtt "ere the clow oj ay me wnil" of tlmt dtvil kIiouUI VAiii4i w iw dew of tlie inoniiiig. So bxik' ing around inltopea of finding some thing tluit lias hitherto cscajMnl our atteti'.lor?;e y, under the table an exchange. No, we weremletak t ii, that jmttfT n-fueediDto cxlinpc with ua.'ao wo ltave to jtaj R $7..'0 a year; iWitlw,Orpgoniattr CJlaftc ing down its coluiruia, wiilijurnticfil Intent, nothing hut the glaring liead "Grout Republic , Invctiglion," overyu'liero aiuwert our iiupnrinj: jinnee, Init our condition is not hn j5xi'wl, (jr we already linvo on lu large a cargo of that wreck as we dare carry. If noine one would only commit auicide, kill Home boily, our "devil," for iuaUuioe. (it would hi op his in fernal mouth, anyway) we could wrlto up h half ooluinn obituary with thu groateal ease. WuVbotild calmly atand and ijr a unui fall in to the mudflat bend first, and under the prvm-nt ciivuiiiataucsn tlw cry of fin would full like uiuaio on our onr. We ihvo scrntchetl more hnir oil' thu top of our head than throe month a growth ami ti doaon bottlos of King's Imir rcatorntive will put buck iignin ; hit-o chewed ij loud liunciU luul pntont ikmi holtlora to tho amount tlmt will nboul balunco our "buck Biliary" nccouul, to say nothing of tho quires of legal enji wo have uafd up in writing longwinded cditorinlHon live Uauettguoss that's what they're culled. Won't he tear around though, when he finds that ,1.' all luat wintei wood (ho laid in n shed full) iigoitc?, Hut ho will mn'- or iaptHJt that wo whittled it nil up, certainly nut or it would come out of our wages at (ho month' end. If ho iipicKiiu anything, and don't show us tho projtor decree of respect lo which wonrofutitliid, wo will can unity reiuiuk tlmt if he couhl mnko it convenient lo put another hand in our pliuo, a wo. weren't feeling very well, and would Ijko to take a littlo jnuntoiit Sntho c'ouutpy in onlor to rouuporatv, hut if nt any timo before wo reliirnod lie tdiuiild IiKpX)ii to run a littlo nhoit of original matte, wo would tako jjaMtt pleasure iif helping OUt,OtU.,0lO. l-'OKIUIA.S'. I'.'S. -Tliiiiijs are loo:h)y up a bit, nml "we may be happy yot." Uavo mt tout tho"detl" down to raise an exutunieitt, and expect u cry nioniont to hiMr the 1 ry of Kite, ' 'I'lrt," ring out on thowLiit utr. l'ull irtiou!ar noxl week. .llsirluc liilcllUrencc. AIUtlVKI). Srj).y, May II. Ktmr ritiMto Tttlfair. Itntler. M4 dnva Ittmp. I' j.ihiu1 indue to I'.feliattor. J1KIWAT, Mliny 4 0. Altar AreaUi, Holt, QQ Itrmra from . V, Im and fhtlMi to F, HJK-tUr. . Aiiifci. Mu3lt Sch Korwny. Whabifln, 8. Y, '( lk-cli Amy., ifrtiiib-, H. P. 14 m Ouw'f Tlir. Htitlor, H. V. " lftJi C. If. Maliant, Jiwrenco 8. P. VMS IM Y KimUI.HAKKKT. Hatter Vfc .82 Cheew " .'M) Urd " - - 1518 Kama " -. - - 10f Ilacoti (td) " - - - - Nilfl ' alicmklar" 12W Iteef " 81S " jter o.r. - liTt 7 - - 0 " H iiiy. f ntion " -"'?- - Ranaagn " ; - - l!gm per iloz - . '--I'oUtoM " -' ' - Amla H)r iHiu - "-' 3 13..' ,f Cofleo Tea n 41 It II Itice Ileana I'kmr Mir bbl Atiptoadrled .. lUutiw " Cnrranta " Oyirtora, 25 cent iter can. TumaUHW, 2T " " Corn, " IVorho, .37' or 8 eana for II. Pie fniil and Jellfee wrcan M cenia. 0a S. iA'L 113 nonnnuiw to coos bay. DAILV LIXE OF STAGES, ai'snAV8iscti:PTi:J) .11c'B.i:i.9.ArACo.,lrjirlftorM Tlir? qnkkunt, clieowt and wif.-nt line ! No ilctfiitioii on occuHt( ti.ie water, and no dnwl-axe wagonti iinity in the trantmifaainn of iHUfngeni and frviiit. Palrriimottli HiMatuajr rtot awaurl tnat nil bon'mwi iuitnnrted 10 it will m prooipt lv aU4n4l U), and every care taken that the comfort of NUM'tinrii v ill be icural C1mh: nintivctioiui wllllx' made w ith the Ocean line of steamers plyintr'wlwwii CSooe liy and San I'ran ciaco. PamHenaem ianK to the IJav City will flml Ui to Tw the chenfK' and ltt of ail ruutM. PKItKIKS A lUWmtlCK, AkIjs. MetroitoWian Hotel Hoeebiir. 1'. CHKTTllt. AKont, Empire aty. (i.to-in rwrici:. All jKsroona indebted to the undor sinnod on account of over CO daya standing are rcqueatod to call and settle the same witliout delay. M. CL.WKBSTEK. , iroswi: to r..vr. . , ' Liuiyer part 01 a two atory bouse Ubjrcr lutrt tiaed as a photograph fal- lerv. Kmiutre of F. i: WIXOHESTEU, KmVirc llniiw, Umpire City. . 1 , 1 A o. 1 PHOTOOnAI'JITENT Mie 19x9. For sale cbea Evt rythiitK complete no. rnquire of F E WIN'CllKSTEU. Empire Houe, Einpiro Ciiy. ."HOTiriX U. S. Jm OrriCK, KosKHtmo, Ou.,May 0, 1S70. Complaint lmvii lapn'ontrol at tin ofllee by Kaci-uki's Uoick ngninist A. M. StMr, tor alMHulunhtv pre-uiuptian J). S. entry Xff. JHltJ.dalwt Sept. 10, 1S78, upon the ti of SE4, SKii ol SV4'. fey' ?.ant NF.4 uf NK.mc. 11, tow whip SI, aHUltraiij;e 15 weat, In Curry county, Orefioit, wltltA view to tho cancollutiun of ald entry ; tlie parties are hereby sum umnod to ajtiH'wr at this office on the IWth tlayofJuue ISTiLat ten o'clock a. hi., to refeHMtd and birmidt testimony conoorn iug Mbl Hlleaed aUuHltintnetit. Wm. F. HKXJiMiN-.ltogi.ttt-r. J. C. Pvllertox, ilteceivor. . 1-ltKSw) .-M)iu;t:. The undersigned lierebvwgivo no tice to all penHni imhibted to thorn on account, to ploAe oonie and tsttlo the ame witliout delay, with cash or note, KEKD&KlthSOX, Norway, Goes Co. Ogn. fe. Empire House, ZtS eo p G 23. c3- EmpIkk.City. rillllS HOUSE HAS 1IEEX P.E X opened ihrouglouit. GOOD BEDS AN0JS00D BOARD. Y ClirXliSi: COOKS employed. TEEMS MllUKAL. . F. E. lXCriSTEK, Proprietor. B00T& SHOE MAKER Mausiifiku), Oon. wn,ii xo j.xj-xt 3CX3VZ3 m OK QTJSTOC WOBj in a thorough manner nud uv, only tlitd . BESTJflgHUALi n'Shopou Front Sfrflotjppitosito tho 1'ionwr Market vv vl-7-lf - 8"V2 10 . . gft 12 " 0O7O 8rM0 - () " 7 - 17 - lSlO 2ft 10 VOX'H IMftlir.U NIIOIN j.v ywjsror run cimitAf. Horror . .Mmrxllflold, Ojjii. f you want nn ortny ahavo, An tuxn m bprlfftf ovorwivo, Jimt call on 'tie at my mlooti, j it 1 ron 1 01 1 cu inn iiotoiffli noon ; if y raora nro cbitrp, my rtrfMora kcon. My ibop U nent and towels arc cloan, And I hero I think you'll find Everything to stiiltlic mind ; I trim tlieliairwitli skill for ;ont, Of t'oiirno the price in fifty tfonla ; BbnriiiK, Un, I dotliat well. And nolhiilx but atrial will toll; So helpine gnieioua If J rnako ydfflTol- Icr, You ncwl not pny n qtmrlorof n dollar. J.W.Cox.l'ropr. I'.S. Hot nml coM bath alwnt'S read. 1-lStf STew Market F. TlMJIKHMA.V, I'TOPIt. On Front titreet. near Dcnu & Co.'a atore. Um always on hand the lwt of IIEEIM'OKK, MEATS 0 nil KINDS, and everything to bo found in a First Class Market. J'UWIiSan LO Wan UtcLO WEHT A living idisreof patiouagel solic tel. vl-7-t A DMI.MSTHATOH.S S OTIC'E. Notice i hereby given that tnc iiridfrflfciirl hfiH leea 'itittohitel a'Iniin Intra tor of the ttttatc of ibnrriitH Dawson, deceased. All jteraoni indebtcl to aaiil cutate willlx' reijuinnl to make imrnc illato settlement, and all pcrMna having claims atrain."t said estate arc notified to present the Fame to mo, with proper vouchers, at my residence In Marnhfield, Oregon, uithin mix months from the date of thiM noticii. II. A. AXUEltHOy, Adrnlnlatrator. Datwl April 10th, 187U. 10-41 7HYVIVK. Having InMy bought the stock of drugs heretofore lelonpng to Dr. Harry Lane, lam How prepared to carefully comrxmnil and put up phyHcian'B jtreccriptlonH, The at ronnge of those having prescriptions to 1m; fillwJ. is roicctfu!lv solicited. LOUIS F.M'UNK0E.& cXtJTTIO.Tf. ATOTICE IS IIEREDY GIVEN I that O. H. Prey, of Coquillo river uooa county, Oregon, is not outltonreti to transact any business for us. EEEDi NELSON. N'ortWAV, May 1, 1379. 20-2m THE COAST MAIL. ... A w. SUBSCRIREBS "W 3ST T S3 3D , for Iko EiAKCrBST, . AKDT1E CHEAPEST f xjnrsiAri2it 1 On The Coast SOUTHERN OREGON. JOB WORK, Fnou a P R . ' To .v EXECUTED ' AT Slxoxt nSTotice. WauaiEis, IUoKinfifc Lookiuht, LltSlinELD, OlJEGON. P 3P TB OR) Win. Reielier Proprietor Keeps constantly on hand, and offers for sale o Bupcrior article of LAGER BEER, ALE AND PORTER, WHOLESALED KETA1L. my 11 mi is suj ruiiD wiTiirm: choicest branjs of WINES, LIQUORS .'AKB CIGAItS. BRANCH SALOON AT EMPIRE CITY. lvltf TV111. 0. Webster, MANUFACTURER OF BOOTS 3c SHOES A SMALL STOCK Of Custom Work Constantly on hand REPAIRING Will Receive Prompt Attention. SHOP Located on Front Street, oppofdte the CENTRAL HOTEL, Marshf:cld, Oregon. 2tf E B. DEAN & CO. E. B. DEAN, D. WILLCOX AKD C. 1L MERCILVNT. Ye have Always ok Hastd a Full Assortment Of - gENERAL MERCHANOiSg Stock Always Complete. TjTTl&'JBtttt MANUFACTURED TO ORDEB And SP -, 4 -.'-,. z:. vz SOLD IN ANY QUAHT1IV DESIRED AND At the Loirest Living Fricea. E.B. DEAN & CO. Itr &islmrg& Hirst, Fbokt Steeit; - - - MAitsirrrxLD, Oas. NEW GOODS by everWstcamer ; keep constanth ryestcainer; keep consianuy on hand in our LARGE and COM- 3IODIQUS store, a well selected stock f "GENERAL MERCHANLHSE consitiing of tho best staple and fancy X)K"5T C3-OOT3S of air kinds, tho choicest GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. ALAKGK8T0CK0P CLOTHING, ILVTS ami CAPS, BOOTS nml SHOES, RUBBERS amLOIL CLOTHING, SLIPPERS and OIL CLOTH CROCKERY anil GLASS WARE, HARDWARE and TOOItS, liGARS AND TOBACCO, I'oiiif, Oils and Varnishes, Choice Wintt ami Liquors, TIX WARE and AMMUNITION, wood and willow wahk, , , CUTELRY and s T.A-T i o nsnED Arsr, ASU SCHOOL BOOKS. yrTJX.sxmxxxTfir aqortn, Our extwtsivo showcases nro filled wish tho llncftt MILLINERY AND FANCY- G-OOZDS."; Store eliarKt at any point on tho routootuh steamer Myrtle. YM-tl PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES! ' N. I). AH eoods nurohascd ntiouri) will ho delivered freer o I altar gr COOS BAY FURNITURE STOIC CONBTASTtY OK IIASC . Mattresses C Bcdttcadsi Chairs it Zewtfes, h Cribs a CraMut PICTURES, FRAMES, MOULDED, TABLES, MIRRORS Ac S CoaHtlBKraem riamaJr f Made to Order. COFFIXS made at shortest notice. , SEWIM&MACtlKS Attacii2t3, Needles 4c F. MARK,' lyltf PKOnUETO. ILH-HI PIONEER MAKKETS, 3rABsnnEtD' Empibe Crrr. H. P. WpiTNEY, Psopkxxto. 4 " - ' A good 'supply,or i Ifv BEEF, TOKKy UVTSOX end all Had of - SALT MEATS Ad VECETAILEt constantly on hand. Abo a good stock of AXD LOGGING CAMPS SUPPLIED AT SE0MT NOTICE coos aasry MAJRKET. KABSSKraXD, ORJOOX, B. F.Robs, W. B. pntrsos 4rD.HuMt FroprietoBk Rad provisions of all kis4 bold at tho lows living rtc " and r ;i DELIVERED at any point Mt ft ? ,, rs- t r m l(MAvMPS vl f r 1' VESSEESa q w dvimwANni Oj'l r , "- .j m t '- j i J f