April 23, 1953 THE TIMES Rogue River. Oregon VISITED DAUGHTER rack M eet GARDEN CLUB T Rogue River high school's LIONS LIONS MEETING Rogue River Lions and the Ladies Auxiliary held a joint meeting Monday A pril 20th honor­ ing District Governor Gunnar C . Wohgen. International Councilor Lou Hardin of Grants Pass made the awards to Mr. Wohgen which Included a life membership to the Rogue River Lions Club; a 100 percent Secretary pin; a Mast er Key and Placque for getting twelve new members; a pair of binoculars for an average gain of four members per club throughout the dist5 the district; and a District Gover­ nor’s ring. John Wilson, deputy dist­ rict governor initiated six new members: Richard and Robert De Armond, Frank Stamm, Bert Quig­ ley, Harold Sander and James Oliver. There were many guests from the Medford, Grants Pass and Phoenix clubs. The Auxiliary to Rogue River VFW served dinner to 70 members and guests. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Walke er and family of Eugene, Oregon, visited recently at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Walker of Gold H ill. We G iv e S & H G r e e n S ta m p s THE HUB Continuous Shows Sat A Sun. Doers Open 1:45 - Show 2 :00 Dally Matinee at 2 p .h i, NOW! Ends. Sat. I SUSAN HAYWARD ROBERT MITCHUM in •’The Lusty Men" Sun. Mon. Tues. B E T T E D A V IS in "T H E STA R" Mr. and Mrs. Vic S u n spent Friday afternoon and evening vis­ iting their daughter and family. Mrs. Elmer Baker in the Apple- g» « - track squad which was weak in the field events durlnR the first meets, scored victories in the shot put, javelin, and high Jump but was successful in only one The following awards race - far first place - the 120 have been made to the students yard hurdles in a trianghlar track of the Rogue River High School m eet in Rogue River Saturday. who entered posters and essays Illinois VaUey was first with in the conservation contest spon­ 58 1/2 and Eagle Point secono sored by the Rogue River Garden with 56 1/2 points. Club: The results in detail: POSTERS: DISCUS:Lucas,E.P; Blue.IV^Lin 1st Prize-$3- to Harold gren, RR;Lilly, RR. D isunce, 122. R. Moore, 9th grade. Slogan: SHOT PUT: Rhoten, RR;Blue,IV; Protect Our Forests - Home of Eccelston, EP;Lucas, EP. Disunce Our W ildlife". 39 f t . 2 in. 2nd Prize - $2- to Jenny POLE VAULT:Hackney.EP;Plum- Fritz, 10th grade. Slogan, “ Con­ lee, IV;Morrow, RR;Eccelston, EP. serve Our W ildlife". Heighth: 9 ft. lOin. 3rd Prize - $1 -Bill Beck, 120 HIGH HURDLES:Spalinges. IV; 9th Grade. S lo g an /’Sportsman’s BitterUng,IV;Plumlee;IV;Morrow Dream-Let’s Help Preserve I t" , RR. Time: 15. 5 also Rita King, senior. Slogan: MILE :Eastgate. E P;Berkner, 1V; "Protect Our Trees and Wild­ McKenzie, RR;Blue,IV. T im e-.5. It life " . 100: Reich,EP;Clayton,IV;Christ- ESSAYS: ean, EP;Hoover, RR. Time: 10.3 1st Prize -$3 - Judy 440: Reich. EP;Cook, IV;Howell, Farrar, Freshman. T itle, "Forest RR;Mason,EP. Time: 56.0 Enemies" by "D ougie” Fir as 880: Clayton,lV;Elledge,RR;Pul- told to Judy F a m r. Very clever len.IV iN elsop.EP. Time: 2.12 A story of the enemies of the Javelin: Biggers. RRjChristean. EP Fir tree and the help man has Brewer, IV ;Clayton,lV . D ist.: given. 148.2 1/2 2nd Prize -$2-Kara Lee 120 S unfield, RR;Bietterling,EP; Irwin, sophomore. T itle /’Guard­ Cooke,IV ;Plum lee,IV . Time: ians of Our Forests", a story of 23 1 the Forest Ranger, his work and BROAD JUMP: Kester, IV;Barton, I qualifications in helping pre­ IV:Biggers, RR;Smith,IV. Dist: serve the forests. 18.10 3/4 3rd Prize -$1-Nancy De- 220 :C hriste an, E P; Ke ster, 1V; seHe,sophomore. Title: "Our Barton. IV;Hackney,EP. Time: Friend the Beaver". A com ­ 25. plete story of the Beaver, how HIGH JUMP: Kile.RR;Wright.EP he works and is a friend to and Barton.IV tied; Hackney,EP mankind. RELAY: EP;IV;RR. Time: 141.2 The posters were judged by Mrs. Sam Bellah, Secretary of the Rogue River Garden Club;Mr. Walsh, Superintendent of Rogue BABY GIRL. River Schools; and Mr. Obey of Mr. and Mrs.Claude Mar­ the Forest Service, Grants Pass. shall of Arlington, CaUfornia, are Posters were chosen from the proud parents of a seven and c 45 entried and essays were the one half pound baby girl. best three from 55 entries. The Paternal grandparents are first prize poster and essays are to be sent to the State Federation Mr. and Mrs. Frank MarshaU of of Garden Clubs to be entered foi Rogue River. Both Mr. and Mrs.Claude the grand prize of $25 each. This Marshall went to Rogue,River award will be made at the State Convention,June 1st a t McMinn­ High School. She will be rem em ­ bered as Betty F i s h e r . ville, Oregon. The posters were display* ed at the Isaac Walton Club in FOR SALE Grants Pass, then returned to the school Monday for any student Common brick $75 per M who wishes to keep his at her Scratch brick 80 per M poster. Get our quotations on all nec­ Awards were presented to essary m aterials for building your the winners at the matinee of fireplace. the Senior High School play. REDWOOD LUMBER & MFG. CO Highway 99 Rogue River COOKED FOOD SALE SATURDAY (We Deliver) Ph.R.R. 244 DEL ROGUE FEED AND SEED ROGUE RIVER GARDEN CLUB by * MRS. HAYDN WILLIAMS Conservation Chairman OPTOMETRIST NOW LO C A T E D AT 4 3 0 S W 6 th Street GRANTS PASS,OREGON PHONE GRANTS PASS 7-543 BOB’S TEXACO TRIES TO GIVE THE BEST SERVICE POSSIBLE WHETHER IT IS AIR FOR YOUR TIRES OR A GREASE JOB........ We have modern equipment for handling your service needs and our products are as good as money can b u y ... On top of that we want our customers satisfied. Try u s ... BO B’S TEXACO SERVICE 3=3» the ideal small CRAWLER TRACTOR for the • IxiKger »Rancher and the SEE THEM AT— H u b b ard -W ray Co. “ Th« F o rm er.’ Stör« Sine« 1#84” G R A N TS PASS P H O N E 4222 132 S.E. H ’ ST. (Good until Moy 15/ ■i< »P reven ts overheating NOW! Ends Sat. WILD BILL ELLIOTT in “ The M a v e /lc k s " - And - “ BOMBA AND THE ELEPHANT STAMFtDE" Sun. Mon. Tues. DONALD O’CONNOR DEBBIE REYNOLDS in "IL o v e M e lv in ” In Technicolor - And - “ CAPTIVE CITY" Starts Wednesday RORY CALHOUN in "T he Silver Whip" - And - THE BOWERY BOYS in “ Jalopy" Mr. and Mrs. Artie Laws and two children of Rogue River spent Sunday visiting at the horns of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Force of Gold Hill. DR.ROBERT L. STEPHEN Starts Wednesday BOB HOPE MICKEY ROONEY in "OFF LIMITS" CMbaMM SA«w-i l« t. I fam. D m o 1:4»— U «w 1 0 « Page 9 Gold Hill, Ckegon VISITED PARENTS of e n q in t cousod by overheating. VRMNPURGt COOLING SVSTCM . Removes scale and rust and restores mas.m-m coding A/££PS / r / av T 0 P * y • len g th en s ra d ia to r life- crawl l a m MAIN anp FIR , MEDFORD , OREGON . . . . s e p v /e e . - coup ^ p ^ Z -6 2 9 7 " 8UPOET TERM5 on a// m ajor rego/rs