April 23, 1953 Page 7 Gold Hill. Oregon from Thursday to Sunday in Port Charles KeU, daughter, land visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lorenc, and three gtandchildren, Richard Gray. Larry, Donnie and Gary, spent THE TIMES Rivet. Oregon GRANGE GOLD HILI GRANGE The regular meeting of the Gold Hill Grange was held Thursday April 16th with Master John Stieber presiding. Mr. and Mrs.R.L.Hoffmar and Master and Mrs. Joe Wilson, all of Enterprise Grange were wel come visitors. Charley Foot reported live stock and butter still on the de- c lin e . Chaplin Iola Beman report­ ed Sister Deloras Lester ill. Sym­ pathy cards were sent to Mary Shaw and Eleanor Ganong whose sister has passed away. The chart­ er was draped for HEC Chairman Ethel Askin who suddenly passed away last week. J anita Clark was rein­ stated by vote of the Grange. First and second degrees will lie given at a special meetinj the evening of April 23rd for all Grangers who wish to bring candi­ dates. The ladies are asked to iring cake and sandwiches. The lecture program was very interesting. Mrs.John Bruce played “ Rustle of Spring" by Sind ing; and Hal Bishop painted a lant scape scene which was auctioned for the benefit of the Grange at the social period following the re­ gular meeting. The 4-H Club will show moving pictures in the Grange Hall at noon May 9th. The refreshment com m it­ tee for the evening was Mr. and M rs.J.H.Holst, Mr.and Mrs. Ed Fiene, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shunt- erman. Nannie McKay Publicity HAPPY BIRTHDAY What you CAMP WHITE ARTS,CRAFTS AND HOBBY FAIR Sunday is set to draw VFW members and Auxiliary members from all parts of the county, as well as the general public. Here is Chester Fair­ banksw ith an exhibit of woodwork that will be on display^-------- PROMOTED DAV1S-LEHRMANN NUPTIALS James P. Cobble, Air Fore« Mrs. Ruth Davis of Wimer son of Sergeant and Mrs. Paul L. Cobble formerly of Foots Creek announces the marriage of her daughter, Marie, to Don Lehrmann and now of Townsend, was recent son of Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Lehrmann lv promoted to the rank of Aitmai Second Class. of Savage Creek. Airman Cobble enlisted in The young couple were the Air Force In July of 1952.Cur­ married at Reno, Nevada, April 16th. Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Lehrmann, rently he is stationed with the and Charlene Davis accompanied USAF Security Service, Brooks Air Force Base, San Antonio, Tex them. as. The bride is the grand­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker of Wimer; and Mr. and Mr; Davis of Klamath Falls. The young couple will re side in a trailerhouse on the Lehr mann property, and will finish out the school year. Present plans are that the groom will work this summer and enter Oregon Technical In ­ should know about Suneral Service is told in this informative booklet. Courtesy copies are available at Mabel Carlos CONGER-MORRIS Funeral Directors— Ambulance Service West Main at Sixth— Phone 2-71 11 "H ym ns of the W o rld " KMED, Saturday, 8 45 a m . Member National Selected Mortician« by Invitation SEE US TODAY! R E B U IL T M OTORS Happy birthday to Myr­ stitute at Klamath Falls next tle Nelson who celebrates her semester. birthday April 24th. W hen in Medford Stop in and Visit the FOR C h e c k t h e . , p r ic o a — w h y n o t h . v . y o u r c o r r u n n i n , li k e « * « o il c o n . u m p t i o n n n d m in o r r e p a i r . o n d h . v . th e p l . o . u r . o n d « to r tin e BIGGEST LITTLE STORE In Down-Town Medford W I S F IC IA L IZ I IN HEALTH FOODS and k n o w in g you » Model "A".. V8-1937 u p .. Mercury .... C hevrolet... Plymouth .. P r ic e « in c l u d e r e b u ilt p r ic e « on and c a r» "got w ith o u t .5139.50 . 179.50 . 189.50 . 189.50 . 189.50 e n g in e , tru c k » th e re " not in s ta lla tio n lis t e d any c o n v .n .e n c e ol V t r o u b le . Dodge.......... $199.50 DeSoto-Chrys. 229.50 Stude Champ. 229.50 Pontiac Olds 6 229.50 B u ick .......... 299.50 ond a lo .n e r car if needed C a ll u. fo r h e re. We Now Have recommends. W e have also added a line of • . . Easy Term Financing STAPLE GROCERIES . . for the convenience of those who Prefer ONE-STOF »hopping. ■ It'» »Flopping. » ■ your y*-- ’ opportunity to SAVE 15% Down — on gasoline— parkins meter costs and bothor»ome p a r k i n g •" M O N EY, too, for our price» «re con­ sistently LOW! -O N Up io $200 S16.80 Per Month APPROVED CREDIT Delicious ... Nutritious PHONE i s 5114« « • BASIC HEALTH STORE 11 SOUTH FRONT STREET M e d fo rd , O r e . RHONE 3-2961 Z United Engine Rebuilders On Redwood Highway A .r..». from Drive In Theatre OPEN A LL DAY SATURDAY