Rogue River, Oregon Page 6 April 23,1953 Gold H ill, Oregon THE TIMES M n. Frances W illiam s Ls working far Mrs. Vic Starr at the Sweet Shop in W im er. NEW LAND fc TODD MOTOR SERVICE T ex a co P rod u cta Phone S - 9122 C old H ill, O regon Animal Health Supplies W e have th e latest treatm en t» a v a ila b le for such aa: Afasiilis—Foot Rot— Milk Pkvtr National Drug Store C r a n ia Paas Phone 5333 We Give S & H Green Stamps U T H E ANBW EM TO YOUR B U IL D IN G P R O B L E M W» D allvar it ta Y e a r GRANTS PASS Jett READY M IX Phones 7573 - 31S1 The Tim es, Rogue River,O re. FOR Dear Sir: FOR SALE It Is a pleasure to o rgan­ ize a program in a situation when Miscellaneous there Is as much cooperation as there is in Rogue River. To begin FOR SALE: D inette set, $20.00 with there must be cooperation in Rocking chair, $ 7 .0 0 . Floor lam p, $ 2 .5 0 . Good washer. $15. the school; we have that and the next is the. cooperation of the busi R te .l, Box 5, Rogue River. 5th house north of Gram m ar nessmen of the town. They have School. lA23p shown just how interested in the school's behalf they are many tim es before. This year they cam e FOR SALE: Single drive truck and up with a surprise donation for trailer short logger. Brownie, v a ­ the Pee-W ee League w hich over- cuum brakes. Sound condition. w telm s m e. It is their backing Binders, e tc . included. that w ill im prove the league as One m ile south, of Rogue River on the years go by. I wish to sin cere­ Old Stage Road. Pitt Penny. ly tliank a ll tnose business firms: lA23p Rogue River Shell Service, G ail's M arket.B ob’s T ex a co .E rn ie 'sh ld r. SURE, SAFE, SOUND. Your Supplies, The H ub,C hinook Sport­ Savings are Insured up to $10, 000 ing Goods, The T im es, Rogue by an instrum entality of me U n it­ V alley E lectric, W eaver's Cash ed States G overnm ent. M arket, Triangle Service, H ud­ FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS son's G arage, G elvin's M arket, Grants Pass K ilm er's C leaners, Rogue River Feed and Farm S upplies., Bob's G arage, Rogue Barber Shop, Mus- FOR SALE: 1952 Z enith Trans­ e r's C lothing Store, Harold W .Sal oceanic portable in ex c ellen t ter. G eneral Contrac tor, N ick's condition, $ 85. 00 M arket and Little Joe’s. GERSTY'S RADIO Ron Brown, Rogue River. Pee-W ee Coordinator lAl6ptf To the Editor of The T im es. FOR SALE. Player piano. Organ. M andolin. Underwood ty p e w r i­ ter in good co ndition. Two 600 pound calves. Box 286 West Evans Creek Road. 2A23p Dear Editor: H A R R Y H U D SO N GARAGE H any Hudson -------- * Flores Leyen SÙ---- P L U M B IN G $« P L U M B IN G S U P P L I E S Shontz Supply We attended the open ing perform ance of our lo cal Sen ior High School play. When one considers the colossal job it must have been to whip up a cast of teenagers into the very cred itab le perform ance they gave of "T h e P L A Y BA LL ! Eager Miss Beaver” , we fe e l that “ OUT OF THE LOT” we have som ew hat of a genius “ SLUGFEST” am ongst us. Ladies and gentle m en, we refer to our teach er of 1952 WILLYS Station Wagon . English and D ram atics, here at 1951 NASH Ambassador 4 dr. the Rogue River High School, Mr 1951 NASH Statesm an 4 dr. G .B .F ahey . 1951 PONTIAC C hieftan 4 dr. An old trooper, 1951 PLYMOUTH Belvedere 2 dr. Blaine Sham beau 1949 CHRYSLER 4 dr. 1949 CHEVROLET 4 dr. 1949 CHEVROLET C onv.C oupe TO VISIT DAUGHTER 1949 KAISER 4 dr. 1948 KAISER 4 dr. Mrs. John Harder of Evans 1948 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe C reek left for Laisson Airforce 1947 DODGE 4 dr. Base, Moses Lake, W ashington, 1946 CHEVROLET 4 dr. April 14th to visit her daughter, Mrs. James P .C hapm an, whose Take advantage of Nash “ OUT husband is serving w ith the 8th OF THE LOT" nationw ide Used Troop C arrier Wing. Car "SLUGFEST" VISITORS AT VANSCOTERS DEL ROGUE GARAGE 611 SE Sixth S a e e t, G rano Pass, Oregon Mr. and Mrs.Frank Whicher of Long Beach and Apple V alley, C alifo rn ia, were visitors last w eek at the Birdseye C reek home of Mr. and M n. A .E .V an sco ter. YOUR HOME FOR NASH SALES AND SERVICE 23Atfc BE FREE IN ’53 of loo many monthly payments J J Bv C o n s o l i d a t i n g Y o u t B i l l s Y o u M a . Be A b le T o Reduce Your Payments By O ne-half o r M o r e C o n s o lid a te d FURNITURE, MEDFORD 2-6277 ROGUE RIVER SHELL SERVICE to FOR SALE - 1950 2 -d o o rC h e v . sedan. Powerglide, radio, heater, spotlite. Very good condition. Price $'795, term s. See Nick at N ick's C uallty Mkt. 2 A30p -OR SALE:Greenslab-wood, 5 -d e r BOB SALE, REAL ESTATE load, $9 delivered Rogue River; $ 9 .7 5 delivered Gold H ill. Im m ­ FOR SALE OR TRADE: Good e d iate delivery. re n ta l property in Medford, close MITCHELL'S WOOD YARD in. For sm art ranch property near Grants Pass 2977 M26tf Rogue River. Write L .D . Johns, Gold HUI. Ore. 4 M14p F R E E Z E R F O O D PLA N I f you would like to know more about Rogue River H ard­ w are’s Food F ieezer Plan c a ll GEORGE LAUBHAN, Rogue Riv­ er 215. 19Mtf OK KELT CHEVROLET USED TRUCKS OK FOR SALE: Homesites, close in. M arshall, Wards C reek . 4M14p FOR RENT FOR RENT: Modem 3 -room house Unfurnished. $ 2 5 .0 0 a month. R te .l, Box 265, West Evans Road. 2 A 9p 1951 CHEVROLET 1 /2 -Ton P ick­ up. 3-speed, sport light, und- ersealed. WANTED 1951 FORD 1 /2 -Ton Plclhip. 3- speed, h e a te r,c le a n andsharj 1950 CHEVROLET 1 /2 -T o n P ick­ WANTED: C arpenter and cem en t work. New or rem odeling. 2nd up. 4 -speed, h eater, sport house south of Foots Creek on 99. Ught. 4M14p 1949 CHEVROLET 3 /4 -T o n P ick­ Robert Sugden. up. 3-speed, ra d io ,h e a te r, sport light. 1949 INTERNATIONAL 3 /4 -T o n Pickup. 3-speed, h eater. 1948 FORD-6 1/2-T on Pickup. 3- sp e e d ,h e a te r,fa c to ry new motor. GOOD VALUES 1941 DODGE 4-D r. S ed an .. $167 1941 CHRYSLER coupe . . . 387 1941 CHEVROLET co u p e-5. 197 1941 CADILLAC 4 -d r......... 297 1940 OLDSMOBILE 4 -d o cr. 247 1940 CHEVROLET coupe . . . 267 1946 DODGE 4 -d r. S e d a n .. . 895 1949 FORD 2-door S e d a n .. . 1095 1946 CHEVROLET 4 -d r......... 845 1947 DODGE 1 /2 -T . Pickup 865 1946 FORD 1 /2 -T . P an el___ 595 GMAC andFIRST NATL.BANK TERMS KELT CHEVROLET 7th St. betw een J and K Phone Grants Pass 4461 WANTED: Batkie Douglas Fir poles Contact C.E.Johnson.Giants Pass 6358*. or B.M.Kearns,Rogue Rivet. rfN6c WANTED: Used tires & tubes. CLIFF'S TIRE SHOP (form erly O .K . Rubber W elders) RR. 4A30c LOST AND FOUND FOUND: Pair of childs glasses. C an be had by ca llin g at The T im es office and paying for this ad . SERVICES ARTIFICIAL BREEDING The Rogue Valley Proved Sire Service. All proven ires, now available, in Guernsey,Jer­ sey. Holstein, Shorthorn,Brown Swiss and Hereford!. H.E.MILLER. 1612 Orchard Home Drive, Medford, Ore Ph 2-4093 rfN6c BILL’S SECOND HAND STORE- WE BUY, SELL OR TRADE S. W. ‘ Bill" SOUTHARD Phone 5739 LOCKSMITH— Key* mad.- to order while you wait. Grants Pass, Oregon LA R R Y SCHADE Sfasca 1918 Diamonds - Watches — Jewelry - Silverware 9 SOUTH CENTRAL AVE. MEDFdRD, OREGON U-DO-IT CAR Laundry in any am ount from $50 Miscellaneous P L E A S E !P L E A S E !P L E A S E ! Would sm all boy that several people saw c a tc h and carry away my pea fowl hen please co n tac t m e. Shade Com bs, Ph. Rogue River 241 lA23p L oans ARE MADE ON SALARY, SALE $2500 GRANTS Complete Laundry Service PASS 6625 COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS ABOVE $3« > MADE BY COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. UNDER INDUSTRIAL LOAN COMPANIES ACT OF ORE. We Dp Extracting and Drying POPULAR PRICES 132 No. Broadway Rogue River, Ore Phone 4-1, > BLASTING POW DER ' SEE THE VALLEY LUMBER CO. FOR DYNAMIT^ 545 N W. *F Street Grants Pass Phone 461-