Page 4 Rogue River, Oregon Mr». Frank Marshall of Ward» Creek has returned from Newberg,Oregon, where »he was c a lle d by the death of her step­ mother. A p ril 23. 1953 Gold H ill . Oregon THE TIM ES Mrs. M arshall’« father. Claude Boles, accompanied her home and w ill stay w ith the M ar­ P IA N O GRADE SCHOOL TRACK R E C IT A L Mrs. D .F .B a rn e tt w fll pre­ sent her piano pupils in a re c ita l Saturday evening A p ril 25th at 8 p .m . at Fellowship H a ll, Rogue River. Pupils rm dering selection» w ill be Jeff Davis, Eddie Blanken­ ship, D avid C arter, Carolyn Con dray. C hristie Speers, RoUand Gnose, Lauia Ann Hom , Larry Hom, Margaret P inkel, Theron S tiehl, Jean S tiehl, Jane Wicks, Stanley Green and Bobby W il­ son shared honors w ith two firsts WASHINGTON REPORT (Continued from Page 2) Washington, D.C js a crowd ed c ity these days. I doubt i f then shalls for a w h ile . is a hotel room available in town. Members of the Society of News­ paper Editors, the Am erican News japer Publishers Association, the Women’ s Spring Conference of the Republican Party, the Daught­ 660: Eliedge. RR;Wagne:,RR;Stu­ ers of the Am erican Revolution, and perhaps some other organiza­ art. EP. T im e : k.4 8 .2 75:Green, RR;Greb;Bums, RR. tions are convening here. Every su itin g Friday, we w ill, for one week o n ly .g i« day groups erf h ig h scho o l or c o l­ BASEBALL: Wilson. RR;Christean, the highest trade-in allowance for your old caron Leah Wicks, a ll of Rogue River; lege students, generally in c h a rt­ EP-.Greb.EP. the cars listed below, in our history. and Louise Sealy. M a rilyn Stringei FOOTBALL: Greene, RR;Greb, EP ered busses, are visiters to the C a p ito l. Members of Congress are C harlotte Terry and Barbara T e rn Wilson, RR. pretty busy at this season of the 330; Wilson, RR;Greene,RR;Ell- We have slashed the prices of these cars to the of Grants Pass. year but none of them are too The p ublic is c o rd ia lly In edge, RR. T im e ; 46. 6 absolute minimum, and with the high n ad e-to a - vite d . busy to meet and ta lk to people 150 Christean, EP; A lla n , RR;Lane, from their home districts. I am owance for your old car, this SPRING FEVER^SALE RR. T im e ; 17;4.5 delighted to have a c h a ir e to SHOT PUT: Kaiser,EP;Greb.EP; is one of the biggest used car events in Grants Pa ta lk to folks from O egon. Maybe TO ATTEND FAIR A T CAMP G riffin , RR. Dist. :37 ft. 6 1/2 In a few letters w ill not be answered WHITE ON SUNDAY history. BROAD JUMP: Byms, RR;Allen, R1 as soon as they otherwise would be Wilson, RR. Dist. :16 ft. 5 In. President D ottle Burkett, Mary but aside from that the work of Good selection to choose from, but hurry '. HIGH JUMP:Greb,EP.Lane. RR Pearl W illiam son and Hazel your Representative is not ham p­ and M arcoff,EP tie d . Heighth: G re e n h ill of the Rogue Rivet VF ered. On the contrary, I fe e l i t is W a u x ilia ry plan to attend the ft. 7 in . most h e lp fu l to get the ideas and Cam p White Arts, Crafts and opinions of people from home. 52 MERCURY 4 -d r. sedan R A H. M e rc-o -m a tic . Like new Hobby Fair to be held Sunday at 52 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER 4 -d r. sedan. Heater & overdrive CALLERS A T THE LAWS the VA D o m ic ilia ry . Follow ing the fa ir visit the trio SURPRISE BIRTHDAY P«\RTY 51 CHRYSLER WINDSOR. 4 -d r. sedan. 3 to choose from , a ll e x c e ll ‘ Sunday callers at the G at- plan to attend the In sta lla tio n of 51 MERCURY club coupe. R & H, M e re -o -m a tic . Very Fine fie ld Laws home in Rogue River Steelhead Post #6881. o A surprise birthday party 51 PACKARD ••300” 4 -d r. se dan. C o m p le te ly equipped. were Mr. and Mrs. W illia m 41 ose was given for Mr. Henry Baker on of S tockton,C alifornia;M rs. Helen 51 PLYMOUTH club coupe, lo w m i l e a g e . COOKED FOOD SALE ^ tu rd a y evening. H arrell and Mrs.Edna Weston of 51 PLYMOUTH 4 -d r. sedan. Very clean. Among those present were The Women's Association Baker, Oregon. The ladies are 50 BU1CK SPECIAL 4 -d r. sedan. R A H . Top C ondition M r. and M rs .I.D .H a rd in and of Hope Presbyterian Church w ill sisters and were the C arter girls fa m ily , M ^.R u th Davis and fa m ­ when they live d here some fifty hold a cooked food sale Saturday 50 FORD 2 -dr. sedan. A S t e a l ! A p ril 25th at Del Rogue Feed and years ago when the town was c a ll ily , Mr. and Mrs. Lester Oden 50 PLYMOUTH club coupe. R A H. and fa m ily , Nit. and Mrs. H o w - ed W oodville. They spent the Seed Store in Rogue Rivet. ard^laker and fa m ily , M r. and day c a llin g on old tim e friends. There w ill be a ll kinds of 49 CHEVROLET club coupe. R A H. s h a r p Mrs. Elmer Baker and son, Mrs. Mrs. M innie Lance, fo rm e r­ cooked foods and the sale w ill 49 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4 -d r. sedan R. A H. v e r y c l e a n Frances W illia m s, and Mr. and ly pf Rogue River was a bo a Sun 49 NASH "6 0 0 ” 4-dr sedan. R. A . H. Cruising gear.Scon. Special start at 10 a . m. sta fclrs. Lee. day visito r. 49 BU1CK SUPER 4 -d r. sedan. R A H. Only 13,000 miles o n ih is c a r Mrs. M a tt Neathamer L ik e N e w ! and sm all of West Evans Creek called on the Law^ Monday FORMER RESIDENT VISITS 48 OLDSMOBILE 4-dr.sedan. F u lly equipped. A good buy. Mbs Pat Kasper, form erly ! SPECIAL SWEEPSTAKE AWARD of W im er and now of Giants Pass • 47 CHEVROLET AERO 2 -d r. sedan. C om pletely reconditioned. was a visitor at the C a rl Rhotens Mrs.Esther Shock of the 47 CHRYSLER ROYAL club coupe. R A H , Clean. Rogue Rivet Garden Club who o last^veek. won the Sweepstake Award at the 46 FORD 2 -d r. sedan. Leatherette in te rio r. Very nice. RONALD HAS MUMPS recent Flower Show also won a special award, a hand painted 46 PLYMOUTH club coupe. R .A H . S O L ID . Master Ronald Koop of plate painted and presented by W imer has the mumps. M rs.Cleone Carton of W alnut Grove M o te l. o OPEN TIL 8 PM MONDAY THRU FRIDAY FO R S A LE SUN. 10 TIL 3 each as Rogue River grade school defeated Eagle Point 50 to 31 here on Saturday. Eliedge and Byms of Rogue Riv er were other firs t placets. The result»: s VISITED DAUGHTER Day or Night MONTGOMERY & BOYER MOTORS Ambulance Service 612 N. W . A S tr « * D ial 4463 Chrysler and Plymouth South 6th St. at C avem en B rid g e G ran ts Pass O re g o n Grants Pass ___ M r. and M rs.J.R.Sowles, parents of Mrs. Lynn F litc h of Rogue River visited their daugtff- er and her fa m ily enroute to M ichigan for a four months vaca tion w ith M r. Sowles’ brother, whom he hasn't seen in forty-rw< years. IN HOSPITAL ^ B a rg a in Day Specials NEW SPRING PATTERNS REG. 39$ ODD SIZES AND DISC.COLORS VALUE $1 to SI. 95 S ail Cloth Fl O R SAMFLfc a s Cubic full w i4 r| 51-lb Oeeser. C rispin i( Rainless enargel. WELLINGTON SEARS BRAND $2345° SPECIAL PINK, MAIZE AND AQUA SIZES LARUE, MEDIUM. SMALL REG. 49$ 3 for $ 1 .0 0 98c D enim yd. SANFORIZED 15 cubic feet. New FAST­ ER fre$»in$, low tempera­ ture refrigeration system. Tecumseh hermetic com­ pressor. 5 year warranty. PLAIN SHADES,CHARCOAL, RED FADED BLUE, BROWN S31795 S liC IA L 39c •AGOLDCN IHJLE * Floor Sampli 11 Ft. Upright Freezer B»frig»rator 2 9 c yd. STRIPES, DOTS A Pl AIN SHADES R ayon B riefs REDWOOD &JMBER A MFG. CO. Highway 99 Rogue Rivet • (We D eliver) Ph. RR 244 8 0 Sq. Print» Nylon Hose 5 9 c pr. R ichatdfthoten of Rogue River is a m edical patient at the Osteopathic Hospital in Med ford. Outside Wh. P aint^flO gal. $5. 55 Outsldfe Wh. Paint * 5 gal. 4. 70 Perfect U tility Paint For Outbuildings & Fences $£. 75 Pet Gallon Shingle tone a r low as $12 for 5 gallons • CHECK OUR PRICES ON ALL •TYPES OF PAINT TO DO YOUR JOB A SAVE MONEY! 1 E V E RY T H I NG TO WEAR FOR EVERY MEMBER OFTHE FAMILY yd. M odern P lu m b in g & S h eet M etal I - * 32 N o rth R iv e r iid e M e d fo rd