The Times. (Gold Hill, Or.) 1952-1953, April 23, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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    Page 2
Rogue River, Otegon
Portoffice Box 368.
Rogue River, Oregon
Phone R R 250
Route 1. Box 349.
Gold Hill. O egon
Phone GH 5-9221
THE TIMES It an Independent newspaper pub lithe d In two
editions each Thursday, one for the residents of Gold Hill and
surrounding areas, and one for Rogue River and Its trade area
Maxwell L. Thayer
Marcia E. Thayer
Gold Hill. Oregon
By Harris Ellsworth
Congressman, 4th Dlst.
Me yen Hardware in Rogue
River will be closed all day Sat­
urday, April 25th, to take in ­
Mrs. Walter Archer of West
Evans Creek road has taken over
the sale of Watkins Products in
the area from Sardine Creek, Rog­
ue River and Evans Valley.
The legislative program of
the House is about to narrow dowr
Phone 2631 -
651 So- Paciflc H1«hway
Granu Pa” ’ Ote8on
to a consideration of annual appro­
priations bilLs. The House origin­
Subscription rate Is $2 . 00 a year In advance. »1. 00 for men in the ates all money bills, acts on them
and then sends them to the Senate
The new fiscal year for which the
appropriations are made will be­
Established November 2, 1951 at Rogue River, Oregon
gin July l.T im e is therefore short
in which to pass eleven bills through
Entered as second class matter In the post office at Rogue River,
both Houses of Congress. The first
Oregon, May 1, 1952.
one will come to the floor about
April 22 and the others will follow
N A T IO N A L E D IT O R IA L in rapid succession. The House is
N IW J fA fl»
I ASSOCIATION not usually able to handle more
e u tiis H its
I if J L
than two such hills in a week.
Fortunately, the Senate has
Deen holding hearings and other­
wise getting its preliminary work
done on the appropriations job.
Therefore, when the Senate re ­
This is the time of year when political subdivisions get budget
ceives a bill passed by the House
it can be acted upon quite prompt
Already Rogue River school district #35, and Evans Valley school
The same question'may oc
have set their budget.
Gold Hill's city council have set a tentative budget, about 17 <&> cur to you which has been the sub
ject of considerable argument here
less than last year and have submitted it to a citizens committee
for recommendations. IF no changes are made, Gold Hill can look
That is:“ Why so many appropria­
tions bills - - why-not just one bill
forward to a tax cut.
Rogue River lias named the budget committee of citizens but a
for the entire job'’” In fact, that
general feeling among the council is that about $2,000 will have
idea was tried, but it took just as
G ra n ts P a s s
to be added if a drainage project is to be done. This would mean
long, if not longer, to do the job
in one bill as it does the other way
a u x increase.
Meanwhile, the county, not to be outdone, has named a budget
The same subcommittees have to
com m ittee and this group too will have its problems on what to do
do the same work. The difference
and the disadvantage is that those
with all the money that is coming the county’s way. rhete is some
pressure to invest some of the county funds in a juvenile home.
com m ittee members who finish
And just so tlie taxpayers don't forget, another month will see
their work early cannot get final
the county board of equalization meeting. This board, headed by
action on theit part of the bill un
aced Judge Coleman, is the same one that last year attem pted to
til all of the other sections are
T he Finest in Each and
secretly order a ITft tax increase for Central Point, Gold Hill and
ompleted. 1 believe the time the
Rogue River. The state tax commission stopped the move after pro­ “ one package" idea was tried, the
Every Service
big bill was not finally passed un
tests by the cities involved.
til some three months after the
PHONE 3388
141 N .W C ST
beginning of the fiscal year. Thus
SO Years ot Service
Also just so you w on't fo rg e t.. the taxpayer has a voice whether
AU departments were compelled
it be city or school district. If he permits his taxes to be raised,
to operate for a quarter of the
they can be;if he fights, who knows........
year in a state of uncertainity te
garding their funds. Under the mul
tiple bill system many of them
could have been cleared csi time.
t » •
The last county grand jury came up with a good idea. They re ­
President Eisenhower has
commended tliat funds be provided for a special Investigator to be
assigned to the district attorney and responsible to him.
issued a ringing challenge to the
We*d like to commend that grand jury and make a wry face at
rulers of the Russian people and
the one that preceded. You'll remember the one before that “ In­
the iron-curtain satellites. It was
a challenge to make peace --not
vestigated" the Rogue Rivet bridge with a white wash brush in one
hand*. They had no investigator to help
and they sought n ^ e .
to make war. Sincere .sim ple, but
Ollier grand juries might be different. They might WANT infot
with smashing directness, Presiden
.nation tlu t only a private investigator could dig up for them.
Eisenhower stated the problem
Loving core is for cars, tool A man’s car
We believe that an investigator for the district attorney would be
(peace in tlie world' with great
is his castle. But, only if he keeps it in
a healthy thing right now for Jackson County. He d undoubtedly be
clarity and offered an equally
shape . . . everything in order .... and all
worth a good deal mure to the taxpayers man his salary would cost
clear solution. Without rancor or
running smoothly. The better you treat
the ca. you drive . . . th » better your tar
bitterness but in words which can
' hBu'c of course, there will be those who don't want to be investi­
will treat youl
be understood by anyone, the Pre
sident pointed tlie finger at the
gated and they have money and power...........
Be C a re fu l— th e lif e you save m oy b e y o u r own I
Russian dictators and invited them
to make peace and disarmament
possible. I hope everyone reads
that speech. I believe I can obtain
WEATHER CONTROL...................
a copy and send it to anyone who
missed it in the press and would
During the Mav primary and during the general election, The
like to read it. Just let me know.
Times opposed the election of Representative Robert Root.
• ••
We did it because we felt, and subsequent events have proved
(Continued cm Page 4)
our stand right, tlu t lie represented the pear growers.
We felt and we still feel that NO one should represent a certain
branch of Industry or agriculture to thu extent we felt Mr. Root
Now, heie is some history.
Senator Ben Day of Gold HUI and a com m ittee of the legislature
P e rs o n a l lo a n s to $ 3 0 0 .0 0
As Close As Your Pticme
spent considerable time and money Investigating this knotty pro­
blem of weather control. The com m ittee came up with a lengthv
M o to r V e h ic le lo a n s to $ 5 0 0 .0 0
report and recommendations and Senator Day introduced a bill.
The- pear towers hired Medford Attorney McAllister to draw a
M o r tg a g e Loans $ 1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 to $ 1 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0
bill for them but some gesture was made toward otherlnterests to
make It look like it wasn't just a pear growers bill. They fooled
some of the people some of the tim e.
, , ,
guarc against losses
Root and Representative Mann (we hope he was fooled part ot
the tim e) introduced the bill. As this is being written, the bill lies
on the governor's desk, awaiting only his signature to become a
law. Pressure from the moneyed interests will tie for him to sign it
^T h^U R A ^E /
Quality Repairing
Now we’tl adm it tlu t some control over tlx* cloud seeders is
Expert Warkmanahlp
M 350
better than no control at all but we hate to see the same old story
repeating and repeating Itself with power dictating law wither than
the w ill of the people.
Remember the margin on the anti -could seeding hill in this
county was only 32 v o te s.. . if some mistake wasn't n u d e. . .
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