I Vol. II Rogue River, Oregon THE TIMES GOLD HILL, OREGON Mar. 12, 1953 PLAN SHOW w 10 cents No. 71 WATER SUPPLY CRATER PTA SCOUTING FOR AMATEUR TALENT IN GOLD HILL, SAMS VALLEY FORECASTERS SAY SOUTHERN OREGON ABOVE NORMAL ANL RESERVOIRS FILLING Mrs. Norman G ail of Gold Hill this week began a search for am ateu r ta le n t for a show to be sponsored by C rater high Parent-T eachers Association on Friday night, April 17th. The show w ill be a benefit for the PTA treasury, a sm all adm ission fee to be charged but no entry fee for the am ateur talen t. Mrs. G ail, who is in charge of rec ru itm en t for the show said th at am ateur ta len t w ill divided into three c la sse s., . pre-school and grade school, high school students, and adults Groups w ill not com pete a g ­ ainst each other but there w ill be com p etition w ithin the class­ es. Any kind of act, such as d an c­ ing, acrobatics, m usic, rea d ­ ing, com edy skits, singing or any other entertainm ent w ill be w elcom ed, Mrs. G ail said. Gold H ill grade school student body entrants w ill register with Mrs. Audrey Beman and Sams V alley am ateurs will register at their school. However, any one interested may co n tact M rs Gall. In addition to the show, there will be a food booth where r e ­ freshments w ill be served. With roads already becom ing dusty from the warm spring days, a more optim istic picture of the future of w ater supplies was painted than anyone had a n tic i­ pated. O ptim istic was the report of W .T . Frost, U. S. Soil Conserva­ tion Service and Oregon Agrlcul- tu r* l station and R .D .C hurch, U S. W eather Bureau, Medford. Reservoir w ater supply in soutf ern Oregon, based on seven r e ­ porting reservoirs, is 34 per cent greater than average and 63 per cen t g reater than last year with a ll reservoirs 60 per cent or mort fille d . In addition, the pair reported that southern Oregon's 1953 wat er supply outlook rem ains good to ex cellen t. W ater content of mountain snow -cover as of March 1 aver aged 119 per cent of norm al In the Rogue drainage basin. Full w ater year runoff fo re­ casts prepared by the w eather ROADBLOCK AT GOLD HILL RESULTS IN CAPTURE OF TWO WANTED IN COOS PROGRESS ON THE BRIDGE approach is being made by h igh­ way crews at Rock Point bridge GIRL SCOUTS ANNUAL DINNER HELD; BADGES OF MERIT ARE PRESENTED COUNTY CHAMBER TO ASK FOR 99 HIGHWAY PLANS freew ay. Board forms for the cem ent are shown at left center In the above picture. NEW MILK PRICE ORDER FOR JACKSON COUNTY APRIL 1 Distributors expect the price of milk In the Medford area to go up on April 1. This feeling was expressed late last week following a hearing in the Jackson county courthouse at which producers and distributors subm itted evidence of increased costs of production and labor Albin Nordquist, field represent ativ e of the Oregon milk m ark et­ TELEVISION FOR AREA SEEN ing adm inistration, who con d u ct­ AS SUMMER POSSIBILITY ed the hearing, said that a new idm inistration order on prices is Most of Jackson and some of Josephine counties may be served to be issued about April 1. by a television station late this sum m er, it was announced Thurs day as the F ed era l C o m m u n ica­ PINOCHLE CLUB tions Commission granted a p e r­ m it for construction of a station The Gold Hill Pinochle transm itter on Blackwell Hill. Club met on Thursday March The television station w ill be 5th at t^ie hom e\of Mr. and Mrs. operated by Southern Oregon Clarenc of Sardine Cr. Broadcasting com pany which now iwon high prize Da operates radio station KUIN in b was high for for men.E Grants Pass. j'Thompson the ladies Studio and offices w ill be set won the coisolation prize far up in Medford tie ladles, Ind Claude Rich far the m en . ‘ ENLARGING "RED SHUTTERS" Directors of the Jackson County The Gold Hill Girl Scouts C ham ber of C om m erce last week and fam ilies held their annual decided to ask the State Highway dinner Monday evening, March Commission what their future 9th in the school ca feteria, Aftei plans were for Highway 99, p a rti­ a lovely dinner the girls each» cularly concerning the construc­ had a part in a program honor­ tion of a new highway in the ing the founder, Juliette Low. Blackwell Hill area. Mrs. Hazel Holderness, Girl Scout leader, presented all th e girls with h.'^sekeeper b ad ­ ge*- The following girls receiv ed second cla ssV a d g e s^ e le n Hood, ¿u z an n e Hood, Marilynn Harrisoa, Donna B urnett, Sandra DensmoM, SandraUiope received her world tfe-fo il \a d g e . ring design badges weife Iva biay Governor, H elen H oottand Sandra Hope. HeletnHood and Sandra WORK UNDERWAY ON NEW Hope were awarded conservation COURTHOUSE ELEVATOR badges. Donna Burnett received a Construction was started last very rare badge for a girl, that week on a new $14, 000 elevator being one for rabbitry. in the Jackson County courthouse Virginia Munday, Iva Mas It is expected to be com pleted Governor and C arolene Armstron; in about a month. received tenderfoot pins. F am ilies who attended HOBBY CLUB the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. The Gold HUI Hobby Club Lester Bean, grandparents of V ir­ ginia Munday; Mr and Mrs Louis m et at the home of.Mrs A .C . Hope and son Donald, Mr and Mrs Moser on Friday of l^st week. H. Dens more; Mrs. Ivan Governor There Will be Vo Hobby Club m eeting Ihlv » tc V but wiL and daughters;Mrs M elvin Bur­ be the foil owl n f\w e e ^ w u h e r e ­ nett and son,Bruce.M r. and Mrs Melford Hood.Mr and M n .A lb en sidence of Mrs Edith Graff is on Harrison and ton. A lbert. Jr Highway 99 . \ A roadblock setup north of Gold Hill last Tuesday night resulted in the arrest of two men wanted in Coos County. They were Merle F. Blue, 27. Yreka, and Ernest Burton, 30, Eugene. In their car, police said, they found guns and am m unition as w ell as a blackjack. who last week began pouring cem en t for a big retaining w all to prevent slides on the new 99 Mrs and M a. C harles Hum m el, ow n^saw d operators of the "Red ShuttMb G rfA ' on Hlghws; 99 are e n la r ju S g ^ e * cafe. Good w eather caused a steady Increase In em ploym ent in Jack- son county during February GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SALE The Gold HUI Girl Scouts are now baking urVers for cookies, and will d eliver tlfcm March 28. The Y iris a r i observing N ational G v ^ c A t* Week, and a ll orders wHl p re d a te d bureau Indicate 112 per cent of the norm al flow at the Middle Fork of the Rogue river near ITaspect HEALTH CLUB The Gold Hill H ealth Club m et on Tuesday, March 3 at the home of Evelyn Thom p son on 2nd Avenue. There were thirteen members present and two visitors, Mrs. Louis Hope and Mrs. Treva J one Mrs. Me If J d Hood report ed there were y babies at the we, ic w hich was held Fel at the C o m - munity (lurch. pre-school clinic fo r, ch llJK j; who are entering sc x>l next term . It w ill be hel i t the sam e place, on May 5 A food sale was discussed and w ill be held around the first part of April. Refreshments were served by hostess Mrs. Maude Dickenson and co-hostess Mrs. Maysel G ar­ rison. There w ill be a b i-m o n th ly Jackson County H ealth Unit m eeting in Medford Thursday March 19th at the Girls C o m ­ m unity C lub. SAUSAGE SUPPER The Gold Hill Grange will hold lu annual Sausage Supper Saturday March 21st at the Granne H all.