Page 10 Rogue River, Oregon THE TIMES Gdid H fH , Oregon B , IM I ROGUE R iv a l PTA DISCUSSES TEENAGERS A N D W H A T T O DO ABOUT Y O U TH PROBLEMS A group discuslon <» the sub­ ject " How Can Parens And Tea chers Help Young People Adjust to Today's Problems" brought forth seme lnneexO agaw denlight­ ening Ideas to sees-age p u n s , a t the meeting a t the Rogue Rive Paeeat T each es A a so clari« . Mae day sight, , Problems of l a s hems, tim e sway ftwm home, use ai fa m ily c a n . spending mosey, vocational guidance, m ilitary service for boy«, training far sat­ isfactory adjnstment In society and a b ility te get along w ith other« — a l l were considered dur lng the liv e ly d ls e a s is s . I t was d efin itely fe lt more emphasis should be placed an pleasant, happy home life , to give boy« ta d girls the feeling of security which they need, and where they should be receiving the funds mentals of moral and splr- ltn a l valnes. One group reported "W e fee l, parents should arouse themselves to the importance of taking their children to Sun- WILCOX HOTEL, Rogue River. . . er Woodville that was In 1896, Is pictured above with M attie Seam an's house (now owned by E lizabeth Sheffield) In the b ac k ­ ground. Frank Clem ens Is In the white shirt and Melvin Whipple Is by the post. Pictured loaned by Rollln Taylor. because we PROGRAM We' re s p o t r e c o v e rs spot e v e ry - ty p e "Dispatch to New Y o rk" -dm Constitution of the United Stares becomes law - Is the first chap­ ter of a 13 chapter radio series, The Am erican T ra il, sponsored by the VFW A u xiliary. I t w ill be heard over K U IN , starring Feb. 18 a t 5:15 p. m . of no a i a t t e r hoe d i f f i c u l t . G a r- ■ a n ta w i l l tu rn e d be r e ­ to you th o r o u g h ly c le a n e d . Kilmer's Cleaners I iiOGIIg B k n r . '" B mlads of the tndlvldaals. M n .L e e M ille t announced a W en -baby C lin ic te be held February 17th In the C iv ic Clnb Koonu from 1 to 4 In the a fte r­ noon Dr. M erkel, County Health O fficer, w ill be la charge. A t the Valentine motif, and the girls served delicious sandwiches. cake sad cookies w ith tea aad coffee. * t r e a t th e a r i g h t ’ . fo r a Economics Class The buffet u b le was beautifully decorated w ith S t a in s cone o u t in i f fy Owing the 1 cnadacred by the ] Irw in , a i tree for selecting next year's a ffic e a , was elected The ca m - nritree r — is o a f Mrs. Aefhej Smith, Mrs. Lee M ille r and fc*. Harold Wehren. The budget bearing» and election « Marek 5th was r i l le d ta the ntrenrieu of those f u a . M r. Walsh emphasised the fact chat I t is the ah lig arim s i every one tn the ru ra l c t to be a t the umeiiag to hear what i s ! la the schools, what Is to be i aad where the mewey Is going. M i. Walsh said, "T his year's bad- get w ill determine thr M ad of school we w ill nave next year. ” M r. Walsh strewed the fact, that he himself would be Qad a t any tim e te answer ques­ t i o n which might arise la die this tim e babies may receive shoo far Im m unization free of cost. Tbe highlight and clim ax of the evening were the refresh­ ments served by Mrs. Bell's Home REMEMBER Rogue River Lions benefit variety show in the Rogue River gym on Friday, Feb. 20th! a j Mr.Kfchnnd seared kls high i gmtpaffofffb |f L "y Continuous Shows Sat A Sun Doors Open 1:45 - Show 2 :00 Dally M atinee at 2 p, m. NOW! Ends Sat. YVONNE DE CARLO in "H urricane S m i t h " In Technicolor Sun. Mon. Tues. MITZI GAYNOR "T h e 1 D on't Care G irl" _____In Technicolor Starts We«£ ROBERT T A Y L O R in "ABOVE AND BEYOND" Continuous Skout Sot t Sua. Down O«on 1:41— Skew 2 00 About 1896 or '97 when this picture was taken, the store above stood on .the corner oppos­ ite Del Rogue Feed and Seed in Rogue River. Individuals In the photo ate described as W. V. Jon­ es, Ada Jones, Mrs. M attie S ea­ man, Mary Jones, Dave Jones, D. G. Dougan and Cary Mathews Penne gar. Signs on the store show E .E .M ann was a candidate for some office, that there was a dally stage, that Battle Axe and Star plugs were popular chawing, and there is even some early day cheesecake with a girl posed on a barrel of CU m at Flour. The next m eeting of the Live Oak Grange w ill be March 26th. There w ill be a potluck dinner for Incoming and o u t-g o ­ ing officers. MEN'S GYM CLASS A Men's Gym Class resu lt­ ed from the March of Dimes very spectacular basketball gam e. The participants had so much fun that they decided a gym class would do them all some good, so met again on Wednesday the 4th of Feb. They w ill m eet from now on every Tuesday at the Rogue River High School Gym and any man that wishes to take advantage of this opportunity to gain some physical exercise and relaxation is invited to do so. A research grant of $2500 has been given the Oregon S u re college of forestry for use In the developm ent of a p rac tica l sys­ tem far fire rating danger In slash burning and other logging operations. The grant is the second In two years to be received from BootlKelly Lumber com pany of Springfield far research on forest fire prevention. The first project com pleted last month was on Both Chinook Sporting Goods and Del Rogue Feed and Seed ways of reducing the number of forest fires starred in gasoline power-saw operations. windows were decorated this week by Boy Scouts. u w i ¿vwicc H El D O VER Ends Sat. B IN G C R O SB Y BOB H O PE D O R O T H Y LA M O U R Topi in quality, talen t galore T h ey 'll leave you standing And shouting far more "T h e Road To B ali" ______ In Technicolor SERIAL^SaturJay Mat Only Far an enjoyable night, to leave you aglow M eet us next week a t the Variety Show (Feb. 20 - 8 p. m. - RR Gym) Sun. Mon. tu«. CORNELL WILDE in " O p e ra tio n S e c r e t" - And - GENE EVANS in "Park ROW**________ Starts Wednesday Lex Barker in "TARZAN’S SAVAGE FURY' - And- "U nder The Red Sea” H I6 H T tO V Rogue OSC FORESTRY SCHOOL GETS GRANT TO STUDY FIRE DANGER RATINGS COMPLETE INSTALLATION from SERVICE to FIXTURES Valley E le ttrit Co. Phone Rogue River 421 O bjective of the new study is to find a suitable system for measuring moisture conditions in the woods that w ill aid the de vel - opment of a fire danger rating and scheduling of burning opera­ NEWLAND R T0DD MOTOR SERVICE Texaco Producta Phon« S - 9122 Cold Hill, Oregon We G iv e S & H G re e n S tam p s THE HUB NOW tions during safe periods These moisture values would be incor­ porated with other w eather fa c t­ ors tn arriving at a final rating CALL OB ST OP IN FOR APPOINT M IN T S LET US HŒPAEE TOUR I.VCOME TAX DALE COLLINS Sdeber Supply Co. Gold H U I. Che Beauty Shag Now Managed By tA g nes D M a h o n e y