ept. 11. 1952 Rogue River. Oregon THE TIMES Gold H ill. Oregon FOOTBALL TURN-OU'i AT ROGUE RIVER HIGH FINE FOOD C apt. Don Lebrmann * Byron K ile* Jerry Nightengale * Ed Lilly * Norman Bean Gene Bates C arl M artin* Charles Gnose * Open 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Reasonable Price» Greyhound Bus Stop BRIDGE * LETTERMEN BREAKFAST — LUNCH — DINNER— CAFE Phone 761 EV ERY SA T . N IT E Sr. Sr. Sr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Soph. »4 yr. 1 yr. 1 yr. 2 yr. 2 yr. 1 yr. ly r. 1 yr. Page 9 NEED A CLOCK ? M a n te l Back Back Tackle C enter End End End Tackle C lo c k s Second hand but all reconditioned and hound to give you years of good, fine service BARNES JEWELBY STORE ill S. W. "H" Stt~< rSo-SMS Grants Pass, Oregon • t ■ n i • a a a NON-LETTERMEN MB SENIORS C o -C ap t.D av e Shaw* Howard Baldwin * Phil Case * 6 Back Ceifter Guard k > k I JUNIORS Oscar Stallsworth ' Don Biggers * Gene G alt Al Puddy Harvel Tracer Don Lingren Del M cKenzie * Trum an Drew * Don D oolittle Ron D oolittle Ted Stanfield * C letis Daily* Dee Black * Leslie Edgerton * Paul Koester * Bob Hoover * Loyd Morrow * Alan Hoffman Charles Davis B efore You INSURE ia *52 There are C ertain Things You Ought to do S to p B efore You BUY IO O N At the P r ic e « And S ervice Roland Prefontaine Victor Rapp* B ill Weaver * Gary Phillips * C raig W illiams Claud Wyland Harold Moore Bill Cram lis ts n AUCTION MART hut WSONSWAT N1OBT AT 7 A N Y T IM E A N Y W H E R E F U R N IT U R E -C A T T L E REAL ESTA TE uasst LASser. Aucnoimf Ph.G .P. 3264 or 4901 CHART YOUR COURSE * indicate the boys th at have been out for the first two weeks of practice. THIRD RATTLER VISITED GRANDPARENTS ROGUE RIVER SHELL SERVICE EO H U T a «a HOME FROM HOSPITAL The Neily Sunds had a house full over the Labor Day w eek-end. Visiting them were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Harry Winters of Wimer Adolph Blackem an of Las Vegas, | has gone to Seattle to see her new Nevada; M rs.Sund's m other, Mrs. R. grandson, which incid en tally , is theS. Norton of Coos Bay, and son. first grandson fix the Winters. Robert, of C alifornia. Bob has r e ­ turned to Sacram ento where he w ill teach chem istry, biology and botany at the M cClatchey High VISITED ROCK GARDEN School. Bob received his Masters Degree at Stanford University in The Roy Moores of Wimer spent the Sunday of the Labor Day June. w eek-end visiting the Peterson's Rock Garden a t Bend. Jim McBee and Richard Deck- elm an are in Portland taking their physical exam inations for the Army SAW STATE FAIR The H am s Stone fam ily of Wimer took in the State Fait at Salem over the Labor Day w eek­ end. They are still talking about a ll that steak on the hoof. North or South . East cr West. Rogue River Shell has a com plete guide for yore convenience u d d e s ­ tination Com e In f o r this navel service a n d let us check yoia car for its top service Mon held > ac- s of :ew- the COMMERCIAL 230 S.W 6th Phone FINANCE CORPORATION Grants Pass 6625 M-28S Lie, 3-272 IT’S STOOP, stoop , Mai» A Rivaraid« — Medford PHO NI 2-4277 License M -i 34 License S-244 « ri 8 . b a n d (P u L , a n d (P u l , BEFORE YOUR (10THES-DRYING (A N EVER BEGIN YOU O W N A • h 1 j c u r L c i l a n . A U T O M A T IC Marie Davis, daughter of Mrs Ruth Davis of Wimer, has returned home after spending three weeks visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs W alter Davis of Klam ath Falls VISITORS AT THE WOODS HOME The Harold Wood fam ily was host to Mr. and Mrs. Pete Bergen and daughters, Marylin and Deanna of S hafter,C alif. ;M arian M artin of G len d a le ,O re .; and Mr. Wood's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Zachary of B akersfield,C al Closed Munfljy the d be le t r. se int- e- r. I as old h •ge- e- 6 that dem alth Ml; I •Id he lak Int- g In Beauty Shop SPECIALIZING IN COLD WAVE PERMANENT 1- irs k jm - ool CLOTHES DRYER Opal's EVE RIGGS ach- e t- hool 1. n J 5 7 ^ / BEFORE J , u r - YOU CO! .MAP HELP TO Back Back End Guard End Back Back Guard | FIRST GRANDSON W ILL S E L L FO R YOU ould L ie . Mrs.Ben Letteken of Wimer Thane “ S tack ” Stackhouse shot a rattlesnake at the logging of W imer is hom e from the hospital cam p of her husband last w eek. after undergoing a serious operation She is proudly displaying the seven rattles. Said snake was the third one killed this season at the cam p. LABOR DAY GUESTS HARRY’S <*onti Guard T ackle Guard Guard Back C enter Guard Tackle Back Back Back Tackle Back FRESHMEN T here May Be Lower P r ic e a But T here Ia No Substitute For Safe­ ly. INSURE WITH HARRY HILL AND BE SAFE M w rT 1* J “ ™* st d e- SOPHOMORES C ITY PA R K R O GU E RIV ER MURPHY ROAD End Back C enter Back Guard T ackle W ith ezlng • a rnl- H am ilto n in your home, th e Last b it of lau n d ry labor ia gone for good. N o more lugging back breaking baskets of wet wash up th e base­ m ent stairs . . . no m ore stoop, stretch, and pin to p u t th em on th e line. Ju st ta k e your things as they come from w ringer or spinner, toss them into your H am ilton, and get on w ith your washing. T he H am ilton load will be fluff-dried, fresh, and wrinkle-free, ready for ironing, by th e tim e tlte next washer load is ready for drying! See ihit lakor-iaeing miracle machine today, and place your retercalion for tarlletl Jtlieery. lp to •Und ,OW he Be- •z- loon theü THREE C's UPTOWN PSonc R. R, 274 H ead q u arters for Hom s Laundry Equipm ent 211 N E 6 th SI. G ra n ts P a s s Phone 3455 I. m. -ch ic e .