Sept. U. 1952 Rogue R ivet. Or eg on THE TIMES G old H i ll. Oregon Page 3 LIVE O AK GRANGE T H A N K YOU HARDWARE The L ive Oak Grange o f Rog ue River wishes to thank the p u b lic for (h e ir support and cooperation in m aking the rum m age and cooked food sale such a success. Surprise packages p r e p a id by Mrs Maude D engler and Mrs. Laura Douglas were won by Mrs. S hirley D ick and Mrs. Odagard. There w i ll be a Harvest Dinner O ctober 19th. turkey and a ll the trim m in g s for a n o m in a l charge. Keep the date in m in d . B elle Nelson HEC C h a irm a n B ÍU - Sm BiB SUPPLY COMPANY P H O N E 5 -9131 G O L D H IL L ,O R E G O N V IS IT IN G PARENTS WHILE ON A V A C A T IO N re c e n tly , Lee Orvis of Rogue River fis h ­ ed in Yellowstone Lake where he caught the lim it o f these fiv e c u t­ throat tro a t. averaging 16 inches. He caught other fish in other la k ­ es and streams and the ocean too. Knowledge is Power Mrs Donald Brady, and son, P atrick of Coos Bay are v is itin g Mrs Brady's parents, M t. and Mrs. Richard Scott of Rogue River. 81ST BIRTHDAY Mrs. James W ile y o f Evans V a lle y celebrated her 91st b irth d a y , Tuesday Sept. 11th. M rs. James W hipple of Rogue River spent the day w ith her. A th ro w o f th e d i c e . . . has lost many a lifetime savings. When it comes to financial security a safer, surer, method of handling money is needed. That's why such great dependence is placed on Jackson County Federal. Savings are insured up to $10,000. Make your savings do reliable double duty, too! your passbook will show you how fast regular savings PLUS earnings add up. Start now! RETURNS TO COLLEGE S hirley Davis w ho has been em ployed a t G a il's M a rke t during the sum m er months has returned to W hitw o rth C o lle g e to resume her studies. 2. HAVI ANCIt NT ® RII< OLYMPIC ftCORPi 9BÎN BB5TSD» 1 . WHICH FAMOUS STATSSMAN WAS A CONCBITT b ATION CAMP IN M A T IP CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE DIXONS VIS IT IN G J. I f T u tu A CURB FOR HICCUP6? (1) Dr. Leopold Figi, chancellor of Austria and recent visi­ tor to the United States, spent five years in the notorious Dachau concentration camp. He was arrested in 1938 when the Nazis took over Austria. Guards whipped him with steel- threaded oxhide lashes. Once he was forced to stand 54 hours at a tte n tio n in the open a ir w ith 3,000 o th e r prisoners, u n til the last is q u ite m odern. I t arises fro m o f six escaped prisoners had been the desire to a ttra c t a la rge p a y­ in g p u b lic to a th le tic contests. recaptured. O n ly his n a tive toughness, his (3) D octors have m ore th a n 200 fa ith , and his w ill helped h im s u r­ m ethods of c u rin g hiccups. M a n y v iv e the ordeal. Kees V a n Hoek o f the fo lk lo re treatm e nts some­ relates the sto ry o f F ig i’s life in tim es w o rk , re p o rts Jack M. the London T ablet. S w a rto u t in T oda y’s H e a lth m aga­ (2) There's no te llin g . T ake the zine. The m ost co n siste n tly bene­ p e ntathlon , w h ich consists o f the ficia l, p ro b a b ly, is re b re a th in g a ir dash, broad ju m p , discus, ja v e lin , exhaled in to a paper bag. and w re s tlin g . The G reeks d id n ’t Paper bag re b re a th in g can even m easure the ju m ps, the d is ­ cause fa in tin g ; if you do it, guard cus o r ja v e lin th ro w s, b u t con­ against fa llin g W hen you ta ke tented them selves w ith d e te rm in ­ back exhaled carbon d io x id e in to in g w ho had made the best m a rk y o u r lu ng s it stim ulates the res­ and w on the event. p ira to ry areas o f the b ra in w h ich The w in n e r o f the p e ntathlon , exp la ins R ichard M H ayw ood in are in v o lv e d in hiccups. the A ug ust C a th o lic Digest, was D octors a p p ly the same p r in ­ d e term in ed by a system o f scor­ cip le 'w h e n th e y place a m ask ove r in g firsts, seconds, and th ird s The y o u r face and have yo u breathe a idea of kee ping records, and th e ' m ix tu re o f carbon d io x id e and keen in te re s t in record b re a kin g i oxygen. _____________ Dorrell • Licensed Apprentie» • Vetaren W. W. II • Lutheran Church Funeral Director and Embalmer • V.F.W. MEDFORD, ORE. Growing with Jackson County Since 1909 Park Easier GaiFs Market Fri. & Sat. Specials ROGUE RIVER S E P T . 12 a n d 13 HO M E GROW N Sweetcorn 6ears 25‘ S w ift's Corned Beef 4 7c fresh W EDGE CSI! AT GAIL’S SOON ■ ■ PURE LARD 2 5 u O M A T O MEMBER Charles G. Savings and Loan Association 126 EAST M A IN Pay Less STAFF • Jackson County Federal M r and Mrs. Ted D ixo n o f Palo A lto , C a lif . , have been spending several days in Rogue River w ith the Leonard Walshes. M r. D ixon is a b u ild in g consultant fo r Stanford U. where he is studying fo r his Ph. D , degree. SOUP 10c CH SUGAR PURE CANE 1 0 0 -lb». $ 9.69 Rsoleem X>ur piskien Coupons 1TGÀÌL’S~ COLORED OLEO C O N G E R -M O R R IS Funeral Directors— Ambulance Service West Mam at Sixth— Medford Member National Selected Morticians by Invitation Highway 99 22 Gail’s Market pound OPEN SUNDAYS INTERESTING FUN EXCITING FREE W ATCH FOR FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENT Rogue River