May IS. 1952 Gold H ill, Oregon READY-MIX Concrete THE TIM ES Rogue River. Oregon NEW TRUEING MACHINE INSTALLED IS THE ANSWER TO YOUR BUILDING PROBLEM S ctfthE ttl We Deliver It to Your Jobl GRANTS PASS NOW ON DISPLAY AT THE TIMES READY MIX The PanEFt 5cqîSe Phonee 3088— 3131 AUCTION CUTS WEEDS, GRASS LLOYD’S AUCTION BABN D O N 'T FORGET THE BIG A U C TIO N SALE EVERY TUESDAY N IT E . 7:30 REEDS We w ill s e ll for you on consign­ m ent a n y th in g .. a n y tim e .. . an y­ where. furniture - tools - m is c e ll­ aneous Items - livestock, or any­ thing you m ight have to dispose of We w ill buy household fu r n ., merchandise,stock, etc. BARN one half mile S. of Rogue River on 99 DD rs rt £ 3 , LLOYD H. EDGERTON, Owner and Auctioneer. Something new in machinery has been added to Rogue River's grow­ ing stock. R .C . M ille r, shown above, has installed a new tracing machine In his O. K. Rubber Welder's Shop on the Highway at the bridge. It Is the claim of tire men now that h alf the accidents and most of the not so easy riding and shimmle is caused by unround tires. The new machine pares them thin, like an apple peel, making tires round again. _______________________ PTA M EETING We G iv e S it H G r e e n S ta m p s THE HUB - FINE FOODS AMD FINE BEVERAGES HOMESTEAD CAFE TAVERN Rogue River Parent Teacher Association held their fin a l m e e t­ ing of the year. Monday M ay 12th at 8:00 p. m . in the High School Library. Mrs. Floyd Barrett, past pres­ ident of Washington School In • Grants Pass, and also past regional Vice President of district V II of State Parent Teacher Association, conducted the installation of the new officers. M r. Jeff Irwin was Installed as the new president. Mrs Ray Davis w ill serve as first Vice president with Mrs. W illia m John­ ston as second vice president. Mrs Loyd Morrow was installed as sect. Mrs. Roy M ilto n , corresponding s e c t., and Mr Myndret Busack treasurer. Mrs. W illia m H . Johnston, the retiring president, was presented with a past president's pin by Mrs. Barren. The attendance prize was won by Mrs. M ille r's fifth grade class, and it was voted to give them a picnic with their choice of the place to go. Mrs. C het Smith reported that ten musical Instruments for the band had been purchased this year. The purchase of band instruments was the PTA project for the year The program chairm an. Mrs. Keith Barnes, opened the program for the evening with a panel dis­ cussion taken from the Parent- Teachers M agazine. Speakers were Mrs. Floyd B arrett.chairm an Mrs. Keith Beck. Mrs. W illia m C . Rohlfing and Mrs. Robert Gass, a ll of Grants Pass. Under the direction of Marie I S A « ! » -• Daniels, the Rogue River PTA Mothers ingers sang two numbers. "W hen Children Pray" and " A Gypsy Choral Fantasy". In closing was the Opening AdAess to State Convention at Pendleton. Oregon, by our N a t­ ional President Mrs. John Hayes. Refreshments were served in the High School C afeteria by a c o ­ m m ittee of second and third grade mothers with Mrs. O liver Thom p­ son, chairm an, and Mrs. Wardlaw and Mrs. M e lv in Lut man. assisting Triangle Service Balpfr and Bud RoffU* R tW WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION The Women s A n a to lia n of the Hope Presbyterian Church •f Rogue River w ill r « £ t Friday, May loth at l O ^ a . (n. at the fello w sh ip ¿jjall for a work m e e t­ ing Ladies w ill orlng a sack lunch. SHRINERS GATHER Nobles of the Mystic S h rin e .H ill ah T e m p le , w ill gather for a c e r­ em onial In Grants Pass Saturday. Illustrious Potentate Eugene H. Tardy w ill o fficiate at the tra d iti­ onal cerem onial which w ill be held in the M em orial auditorium at the Grants Pass high school, with regls nations to start at 10 a. m . and the business session getting underway at 1:30 p. m . Features of the session w ill In ­ clude a band concert , a dinner and a colorful parade. Austin Brownell Is general chair man of the affair with Del Thors land as his assistant. Other comm lttees are headed by Hudson T .D a vis, Don McGregor. W illia m I. Wlnningham, Sil H . Jacobson, N o ­ ble D .Stanton.Rex Barnett,Eugene Trahern. Dick Singleton and Dr. E. W. W a ll. A number of Gold H ill and Ro­ gue River Shrlnen plan to attend. GRANGE MEETING Live Oak Grange m et May 8th with the Lecture program be­ ing presented at the beginning of the m eeting. Grange was called to order by Master Henry T jo elker. and first and second degrees were given to M r and Mrs. C.B.Reynolds, M r. and Mrs. E .M .D a v is o n . Mr and Mrs J.B .Leyen, and M r.and Mrs. J. W . Anderson. Mrs. Kate Rheuliog was in charge of the tableaux. Visitors for the evening were M r. and Mrs. Roscoe Roberts and son of the C entral Point Grange Mr and Mrs. Densmore from Gold H ill Grange, and Mrs Bern ice John­ ston. Mrs Esther Sund.and Mrs Ruth Drumm a ll from Enterprise Grange. Third and fourth degrees w ill be given May 22nd. The de­ gree team w ill practise M ay 20 at 8 p. m . at the Grange H a ll. UPKEEP O F CEMETERIES CASCADE SUPPLY COMPANY MEDFORD A 1228 No. RIVERSIDE PHONE 2-9489 NOW ON DISPLAY AT THE TIMES to __ __ W THE FAR MORE POWERFUL FERGUSON 30 &/GGER.. .inpower... in/wtbrmance.,. in economy/ Drive it yourself. Y ou’ll aee what we mean! You’ll be thrilled by ita powrr . . . by the eaay way it pulla three bottoms in almost any aoii . . . by the way It handles every job speedily and efficiently. As for economy . , . Juat aak any Ferguson ''30" owner! H e’ll sm ile.w ith pride as he talks of savings in gas, oil, service. "Compere price tags, too,” he'll tell you! Call ua toda y and aak for a ’'S h o w d o w n ’* demonstration right on your own farm. We’ll be happy to come out at any timet /Meets 410RFof tAe needs of/MOREoftAe farm ers NEW LO C ATIO N FOR GERSTY’ S — M O REof tAe tim e / G enty's Radio Repair and Service Shop has its sign up and is ready for business at the new location an M ain Street Rogue River. It u the red-fronted b u ild ­ ing fo rm er!* occupied by The * Tim es, and located next to the Homestead. H al and Is Gerstenmeyer. ownen. have been in the radio repair service ui the Rogue River area fcr the past year and a half. WILKEN FARM EQUIPMENT CO. MEDFORD PH J-3159 G .P J 0 67 NOW ON DISPLAY AT THE TIMES