Page 12 Gold H ill, Oregon FERGUSON TRACTOR ON DISPLAY THE TIMES Rogue River, Oregon MARINERS TO SPONSOR CUBS May 15.1952 TRIP TO YREKA Stated m eeting Josephine Chapter No. 26, Grants Pass. Oregon, May 19th. Visitors w elcom e. Juanita Butler. W .M . Next F a ll the Mariners Club Mrs. L illy McKay and her of Rogue River w ill sponsor a Cub m other. Mrs Harney of G lendale, Scout Pack for Rogue River and took a trip to Yreka Mother's Day. surrounding area. The Grants Pass Pack 23 com m itteem an w ill be present at the last com m ittee m eeting before | the summer vacation to answer * scout questions and to help in any way he can. This m eeting w ill be May 19th at 8 p. m . in Fellow ship H a ll. Anyone interested in the Cub Scout program is urged to attend. Cub Scout mothers of Den 9 w ill serve refreshments. ( ’MAGNAGRIP’ KNIFE & TOOL RACK Permanent Magnetic Grip Tlie com ing week’ s display at The Tlmds features three machines for the farm and the rural resident. They are: The Ferguson tractor, pictured above; a Bantam garden tractor, and the Scythette, which is a power scythette. The latter w ill be demonstrated at the ce m e ­ tery cleanup in Rogue River Saturday m orning. EVANS VALLEY GIRL LEAGUE The Evans Valley G irl League held a Mother's Day Tea the 9th of M ay. The girls present ed a lovely program . M arie Davis to ld about the Girls League. Judy Deckelman played an a cco- rdian solo. ’ ’ AccorOian N o ve le tte ’ Two readings. "M o th e r’s Glasses” and "M o th e r's D a y " were given by Jo Ann Wixxl and Barbara H e­ adrick. Ann Buck played a c la r i­ net solo, "B ra h m ’s L u lla b y ” . Rose Marie Machado played "Long. Long A g o " and "B lue Belles of S cotland" on the saxo­ phone . The g irls in Mrs. Hltson's home econom ic class baked the cookies for the tea. They also made skirts to m odel. Girls whose mothers attended wen Sharon Stevens. Marie D a v­ is. Nadine W ildren, Dorothy Ann Dechard, Shirley Powers. Francis Oden. Roberta Adams, Dorothy Jean Randall, La Vena Hardin, W ilm a M cClung. Ann Buck, Jo Ann Wood. Other g irls present were La Donna Tracer, txiaron Ard, Lola Polti v in t, Judy D eckelm an. Nanie Ri il, Rosie Hoyt and Lorena Rose. >ther mothers present were Mrs Newton, Mrs. Ceiderburg and Mis Mary Moore. I \ ichers there were Mrs W illi.i. is. Miss Wilson. Mrs. Hoover. Mrs. Hagberry. Mrs. IJ illis and Mrs. Hltson. Three members of the girls chor> included the program. Dor, Jean Randall, chairm an ol it »gram, thank there who hi 1 ' uh the program and tea. and ked the mothers for th eir a tti . ice. I \RM BUREAU ORGANIZATION FOR ROGUE RIVER SET FOR 29TH VISITORS FROM GERMANY UNDER DOCTORS CARE R .C .W a lker, owner and manager of the Buck Brush M otel on Pleasant Creek is In Medford undergoing a series of m ed ica l exam inations. M r. and Mrs. C arl Sandeen of Rogue River were visited last week by M r. Sandeen's sister and her fa m ily , the H . A.Danielsens and two boys, Jim m y and Johnnie. MCNARY DAM VISITORS They have just returned from 4 years in Germany where M r.D a n - Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lieb of ielsen was in the o ffice of the Rogue River are being visited by High Commissioner, John J.M et th e ir daughter and s o n -in -la w , C lo y. M r. and Mrs. Fred G o te ll. Mr. G o te ll is a foreman on the McNary) The Sandeens expect the sen­ io r Sandeens. M r. and M rs.C .E . Dam construction. Sandeen of Kasson, M inn, in the near future. The younger Sandeens hope to have senior Sandeens make, th eir home w ith them . 3.50 3.50 We Give S & H Green Stamps Bell-Stieber Supply Co. HARDWARE • PLUMBING SPORTING PHONE 5-9 1 3 1 • PAINTS GOODS GOLD HILL, OREGON BANTAM Rota va to r MOTHER'S D AY VISITORS Mrs W .F.Thom pson of Plea­ sant Creek was visited on Mothers Day by her three daughters and th eir fa m ilies: Mr and M rs.Le- Roy Slack adn daughter of W in ­ ston. Oregon, M r. and Mrs. D .F . W right o f O rick, C a lif. -. and Mrs. A lv in Hoyt and fa m ily of Rogue River. BROKEN WRIST A. Marsden had the misfortune to fa ll and break her w rist, and bruise her knee and nose. Put more pleasure in your hobby, make home repairs easy with this husky aew D rill. Light and compact, it’s easy to handle. Has plenty of power for % In. d rill­ ing in steel, H in. in hardwood. Helpful eod handy in a hundred ways. Ask for V« in 5W 1 Home Shop D rill r nomai today! shop Pouered by internationally known single cylinder 147 cc. governed engine— oil bath air cleaner— two gear ratios giving four forward speeds. J CASCADE SUPPLY COMPANY MEDFORD — M o rr ows W a rd w a r« 1228 Ho. RIVERSIDE PHONE 2-9489 DOES YOUR CAR RIDE LIKE THIS Then your Tires are "O ut-of-R ound" You've ridden on a streetcar or a troin and felt the slap or bump coused by a flat spot" in one wheel. The same applies to your tires — a flat or a spot with excess rubber or tread will give you the same kind of ride in your car, all because your tires are out-of-round. In the dining room of the Live Oak Grange H a ll tn Rogue River on the evening of May 29th, a farm bureau center w ill be fo rm ­ ed, it was announced this week by Dave B lair. re is a farm bureau center at i 'resent tim e In W im er, A iarmcra in the Rogue River Out-of-round" condition of your tires robs you of hundreds of miles of wear ond causes you to feel that your cor is bumping along the road when it should be gliding smoothly. All the wheel alignment and balancing with counterweights that con be done will not correct this condition. are- no are interested in helping to (» the center are invited to a id the m eeting. E lig ib le at fu ll members are a ll rsons who make 60 per cent or are of their liv in g from th e ir farms Others are e lig ib le as asso­ ciate members. /our O. K Rubber Welders mechanics know th a t...A N D N O W HE CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT-correct the out-of-round of your tires by making them perfect circles with the James Auto-Float TIRE TRUE-ING Machine pictured ot the left. COMPLETE TIRE TRUE-ING ond balancing can now be GUAR­ ANTEED. ond your next ride will indeed give you the feeling that your car is riding on a cloud. THE t a u t lN G MACHINE IN OPEEATION BABY GIRL Mr and Mrs. John Childers oi the Del Rio orchards. Gold H ill, ate the parents of a new baby g irl. She was bom May 10th and w e ig h ­ ed S and 3 /4 pounds, ARIZONA VISITORS Mrs Haxel Patrick and her dau ghter. Kathy, from Casa Grande. A rlro na , are in Rogue River to spend a week w ith Mrs Patrick's patents. Mr and Mrs E.W . Wea­ ver l R. C. MILLER ROGUE RIVER. OREGON .J L M J K IS