(E ditorial) The Time» recommend» to the voten on the Republican ticket: W a lte r Nunley far district attar ney; Bob Brantley for county Judge; Bob Fowler far county assessor; Carlos Morris for county coron­ er; G. A. Dlerdorff, D. O . , far State Representative, and; E .H .fE d ) Mann for State Repre­ sentative. The Tim es believes that If W alt Nunley is elected district attorney that tome Of the high which has been so evident in the county courthouse w ill com eto an end. I Volume I GOLD HILL TO von TWICE THIS WEEK Gold H ill voten w ill go to the polls today (Thursday) and again tomorrow. In today's electio n , up for app­ roval of the voten Is the c ity bud­ g e t and charter changes. Slightly less than 300 are e lig i­ ble to vote and only a small per­ centage of those were expected to MBB their ballots la the c ity e le c ­ tion although considerably more were expected to "he an hand ft* the presidential prim ary Friday. In the c ity election, the C ity H a ll w ill be the location for v o t­ ing but la the Friday election the H a ll and Brownell's motel w ill be used. No d ifficu lty In winning appro­ val of the voters to a slightly larg ­ er budget was anticipated Inasmuch as the Increase was okehed by the citizens co m m ittee, and because much of the Increase was brought on by need far mare fire eq uip ­ ment. C h ie f Interest In the city e le c ­ tion seemed to center around one change which would consolidate the offices of C ity Recorder and C ity Treaswer making a paying job that could take the fu ll tim e of one person and make opening of a c ity office feasible. Other changes proposed are m in ­ or In nattue and Interest of voters. In the Friday prim ary, however a number of county offices as w e ­ ll as s a te positions are contested and presidential electors w ill be chosen with a battle between p le ­ dged and unpledged In sight. Elsenhower supporters, pledged, seemed to have the slight edge. WHERE TO VOTE IN THIS AREA Here are the places In Gold H ill -Rogne River areas where you go tc •vote: Sams V a lle y , No. 74 -Sams V a il ey school; W im er. No. 75 - Enterprise G ra­ nge H all; Rogue River east. No.- 76 -Live Oak Grange H a ll; Rogue River west. No. 77 - VFW HaU; Gold H ill north. No. 78 - C ity HaU; Gold H ill south. No. 78 - Brown eU m otel residence; Foots C reek. No. 80 - C om m un­ ity H aU . la life or their financial backgro­ und. In selecting Bob Fowler far the nod far county assessor, we dug as deeply as was passible Into his past. We talked w ith many peo­ p le. Including Fowler, and we have »elected him for endarseme It Is probable that the gambling syndicate w ill go under ground far Nunley has promised to enforce the law equally for ALL the peo­ ple. • To e lect Bob Brantley at county judge Is to bring to an end the re ­ ign of snubs far this end a i Jackson county that has been the lot of the m ajority of citizens under the present Incumbent. The election of Brantley, like the election of Nunley, w ill bring to an end a government far a few of the privileged a t the expense ot nt oecause we believe he Is the best man for the position. Fowler knows and like» tne pe­ ople In this end of Jackson county and under his term , we believe we could expect fa ir treatm ent. Carlos Morris for coroner was not d iffic u lt to select. He Is a native of this end of the county and he has shown It tim e and tim e again by his generous use of his tim e and equipment. But above of the many. Brantley has promised to hear and deal fa irly w ith a ll men and women, regardless of their station ©be ■■■■ ■ I -I.— — . -------- THE TIMES a ll he has fu lfille d his office w e ll and fa ith fu lly . D r. Dlerdorff has the backing of almost everyone In this sec - tion of the county from a ll we have been able to learn. He Is fu ll of Ideas, good Ideas and If he can carry out any of them , the county as a whole w ill benefit. We believe he deserves the support he has been getting. Jackson county elects two re ­ presentatives. The other one we recommend Is E .H . (Ed) Mann, who has a good labor record, and who has promised to follow the dictates of the people In legisla­ tion. He has promised fa ir treatment far a ll. S im es - Gold H ill, Oregon _____ May 15,1952 10 Cents 17,000 ADDITION TO GOLD HILL PLANT NEARS COMPLETION No. 20 SEWAGE PLANT SAID MOST M ODERN Workmen far the C ity of Gold H ill this week put the finishing touches an the 8 7 ,0 9 0 addition to the sewage disposal plant that pas been under way fcr the pan two months. Councilman M ilto n Stelumetz was die designer of the Improve­ ments and worked In close cooper­ ation with the Installation. Noted among the Improvements Is an autom atic flow metering sys­ tem that registers the actual amou nt of sewage that the lo cal plant handles every 24 hours. W ith this Information, It w lU be possible to check the amount of In filtra tio n water In the sewer lines during the winter months and w ill be the basis far correcting leaks In the »ewer system, After two months work. Gold I 5»«ln«netz. d « « * operation Is H ill's reconditioned sewage system ! to b * * * * n latest Improve Is put Into operation. Deslgned by Councilman M ilto n ments to bring the system u p -to - O te ahead at any other city MRS. D. WALKER HEADS HEALTH GENERATOR BLOWS Mrs. Delos W alker Is the newly elected president of the Gold H1U H ealth U nit. She was chosen at a meeting In the home of Mrs. Arthur Boye, Nor th 99 from Gold H ill, last week. She succeeds Mrs. J. G. Kofahl who has been president far tp w years. Mrs. W illia m S. Dickinson was elected vice-president and Mrs. Roy Cameron was re-elected secre­ tary-treasurer. ♦ To retiring officers, corsages made by Mrs. George Dorman were presented. Preceding the business meeting, the annual luncheon was held. Flans were made for a delegation to attend the annual meeting of the Jackson County Hearth Associa­ tion Thursday, May 18. at the G u i­ ld HaU In Medford. The Gold H U I unit w ill furnish cakes far refresh­ ments. M n . Melfard Hood, clin ic chairm an, announced that a sum­ m er child clin ic would be held an June 9th In the basement of the Com m unity Methodist Church. When a generator at the cement plant la Gold H ill shorted about 10 p. m . , Monday night a week ago, the whole countryside was a - lighted, scaring some people Into thinking an atom bomb had bunt. The plant was running fu ll shift . when the generator let looae but no one was hurt. B rillian tly lighted one minute, the next minute the plant was p lu ­ nged Into deep darkness. Power was shifted over to Copco and work went an but questions re - gardlng what had happened cootlz ued far days. GOLD HILL HEU The Gold H ill HEU met at the Scout HaU with seventeen members and one visitor present Miss Eula Winter mote, county extension sgent, Installed the new officers for the coming year. There w ill be a picnic lunch second Friday In June at Irene Johnsons Please bring a prosp­ ective member o E .R .D rake and R .E .D rake of the Lazy Acres M otel. Gold H ill, snd R .G . W itte, owner of the American M otel la San LeanAo, C a l i f . , a ll caught lim its of trout the opening day of the season. The location. Rogue River behi­ nd the M otel. ______ FOREST REfURNS Returns from Rogue River N ation­ a l Forest during the first nine mou­ ths of 1951-52 fiscal year, totaled >924,543. It was announced last week from the forest headquarters The entire disposal plant was ot sim ilar size. An automatic device w ill tell cleaned snd drained prior to the ot water seepage and make checks improvements, which was a con­ siderable task due to Improper pre­ of pipes practical. vious maintenance, and lack or proper working space w ithin the plant itself. W ith this condition now canect- ed. and with the Installation of a communutor In the future, the dis The new off leers of the Gold H U I p o u l plant In Gold H U I w ill be se­ FT A were Installed May 8th at a cond to none far a c ity of its size. meeting In the Gold H ill Gym . The new officers In su lted by Fast Pres. GOLD HILL BOY, BILL FORCE, M n . Norman G a ll, a r e M n . A lb ­ MAKES GOOD, WINS AWARD ert Harrison, Pies. ;M rs.C arl Mays. Vice-Pres. ¡Mrs. M arie Brianock, Gold H ill had one very proud Treas. ;M n . C e c il Johnson as proxy c itize n this week. H .D . (Bud) for M n . George Turner, Sect. Farce, postmaster. M n . Albert Harrison gave a re ­ He was proud of his son, BUI, port on the FTA convention held who had been awarded the Ore­ a t Pendleton. gon Press Club honors far a series M n . M elfard Hood was present­ of u x articles he did last year ed with a past president pin by M n . far the M a ll Tribune, w hile a Norman G a ll. member of the s u ff. A 4H clothing exhibit was dis­ He Is now employed by the U n ­ played by the girls In the classes ited Press In Portland. of Mrs. Adah Jane» snd M n . Irene BUI started with the Medford Johnson. paper as a correspondent while The eighth grade mothers pro­ still a high school student in Gold vided the refreshments which were H ill. served by M n . Floyd Lance an^ After a b rief trip to the U n iv ­ M n . Lee Malone. ersity of Oregon, and service In World War II, B ill returned to the university, majoring In Journalism MOTHERS HONORED and In 1948 he oradnared and re ­ Mothen were honored on M o th ­ PTA INSTALLS NEW OFFICERS er's Day during the regular Sun­ day qparnlng services at the Gold H1U Com munity Church. Rev. li . A. Dlerdorff presented his sermon to a large gathering of mothen and their istnllies, turned to southern uregan and the Tribune. He was on the staff far fore . years before accepting an advau cement with the wire servl'-» DeMolays ana their mothers were special guests and M n . Dlerdorff was presented with a yellow orch­ id far being the oldest mother pre­ test. AU other mothen were g iv ­ en small potted plants. The Rebekahs are sponsoring another of their p o p u l a r *quere