BOXHOLDER SUBSCRIBE NOW! ! >•* * * LOCAL P. O. or RURAL ROUTE Time is growing short Subscri e now to The Times Only one issue more and then unless you are a paid subscri ber, yo u 'll miss T he Times. It contains a ll your local Gold H ill news. It is your only vo i­ ce. rX A P A V. a. rosTA O B P A IB Ma. • Eunes Volume I The Times, Gold H ill, Oregon April J7, 1952 5 Cents No. 16 STATE OFFERS DEAL FOR GOLD HILL CITY PARK ACCESS HIGHWAY IS PROMISED TO GOLD HILL Crews Struggle The State of Oregon offered sev eral concessions to the C ity of Gold H ill at the council meeting Monday night in exchange for a quit claim deed to the c ity park. The council took the matters under advisement and the State temporarily at least withdrew its offer and a threat Of condemna­ tion proceedings was voiced. What the State offered was some Working carefully with the sad thing that Gold H ill has demanded memory of a man who once went to his death doing the exact job, i f the new highway 99 is toby-pass crews are working to put Savage Gold H ill, feeder roads to permit dam (pictured above) in opera­ traffic to come Into the city and tion. into the park. It is planned to get the dam up What the state wanted in ex­ so water can be in the ditches of change was the deed to two of the the Grants Pass Irrigation District three park strips, leaving a wee by the weekend. park to which a road would be er­ Victor Boehl, manager of the ected. district, said he had cautioned The road would cost the state the workers not to take any chan­ an estimated $8,000. ces. W. G. Stuntz, right of way agent In thé Times photos above note for the state, made the offers to the big pile of debris near center the council and asked immediate o f dam. In photo at right in the action so the State Highway Com­ distance two workmen are attem ­ mission might have the deed at pting to float some of the tim b ­ their meeting in Salem next Mon­ ers. day and Tuesday. High water and obsolete hydra He revealed, among other th i­ ulic gates are hampering work of ngs that log trucks w ill not be per the crews. mltted to use the 99 freeway but w ill be compelled to use the coun-| ty ‘ 'frontage” roads which w ill a l­ ia feed traffic into the c ity . The Gold H ill Health Unit, Asked what would happen if the which is backing the local cancer c ity refused to grant quit claim drive is putting forth a plea for fu ll deed to the State, Stuntz answer cooperation from the entire com m ­ ed: CANCER ORIVE “ If you don't sign, we’l l have to condemn i t . " Councilman Cooper im m ediate­ ly said that the State Highway Commission's attitude was one of dictatorship: “ Either do it our way or we’l l condemn i t , ” he said. Councilman Stieber pointed out that the Highway Commission asked for cooperation but was not ready to cooperate with the city. Council observers believed th­ at if the State would replace the park property with another piece of property suitable for a park on the river that the council might seriously consider such a show of good faith on the part of the State The council and the city trea­ sures the park as much as anythi­ ng because it is dedicated to a former beloved citizen. Ben Hur Lampham. A new park could be dedicated to him also. HOBBY CLUB The Gold H ill Hobby Club met Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Turner with thirteen memben present. Mrs. Lester W il­ cox came as the guest of Mrs. Lógr­ ame Hall. The group Is becoming more advanced with each m c«ing, and anyone interested in either fig ­ urine or textile painting is invited to attend. The group meets ^ach Friday evening, and the next meet­ ing w ill be at the home of Mrs.Gra- ffis on Highway 99. To Close Pom Gates U.S. Mail Train— 1 9 5 2 V ersion FIRE IN HOPPER AT PLA N NING M ILL HERE Late Easter Sunday afternoon the sawdust “ hopper" at the Gold H ill planing m ill caught on fire, and but for the auick action on the part of Volunteer Fireman Clyde K e ll, could have resulted in a very dfsasterous fire. Fireman K ell saw the flames from his house, and went immediately to the firesution. Be­ fore all of the volunteer group were even on the scene, Mr. Kell had the pumper working and th e fire partly under control. | 133rd ANNIVERSARY The Gold H ill Amethyst Reb- I ekah Lodge celebrated the 133rd I anniversary of the founding on Apr. 16th. Entertainment was furnished I by a group headed by Mrs. Paul Thompson. Uncle Sam is going more and more to.the postoffice on wheels, like the one pictured above which server in the Utah area. Right now the post office department is asking for bids to carry the mail by truck from Dunsmuir. C a lif., to Grants Pass. A bond of $20,000 is required on bids which must be in the postoffice in Washington a week from to d a y. ANNUAL SHOW SET FOR 25TH RAISE NUTRIA GOLD HILL LADY LIONS The Gold H ill Lady Lions met Thursday evening, April 10, at the home of Mrs. Catherine Rockford. At the regular business session it was announced that at the next meeting they would have as their guest, Mrs. Cary of Grants Pass, who would give a demonstration on , how to make reversible rugs. T h is demonstration w ill take the place of the regular business meeting, and a ll ladies of the community are in ­ vited to attend. The group w i l l meet at the home of Mrs. Evelyn Jore at 8 p. m. An interesting sideline of the Wei The annual Physical Education dell Applen's is the raising of Nutri, Show at the Gold H ill school w ill be presented on Friday evening, Apr second cousin to the otter 25th at 8 p. m. in the school gym. The animals are not native 40 th Students from the third grade thro United States and the ones that are ugh the eighth grade take part in here were imported from Argentina unity. A ll too few people realize They are not in quantities even the importance of the funds recei­ the folk dancing and tumbling. Popcorn and pop w ill be sold and there. The animals themselves are ved from this drive - - and it is o ft­ en too late when the dread disease admission w ill be charged. The pub a peculiar oddity. They weigh at lie is invited. fu ll growth from 15 to 20 pounds and strikes your own fam ily. have a long ratlike ta il. SKATING PARTY Their feet are webbed, with the The last Gold H ill skating front feet sim ilar to a monkey’s or GOLD HILL BPW party of the school year was held The Gold H ill Community Meth­ a human hand. Wednesday night, April 9. at the The regular meeting of the They are strictly vegetarian, and odist Church Sunday school teach­ Grants Pass Rollerdome. The funds Gold H ill Business and Professional very tidy, washing a ll food before are to go toward the graduation of Womens Club was held at the home ers and officers held their regular eating it. the eighth grade class. of Mrs. John Stieber. The program meeting at the home of Supt. Wend They are w ell equipped to eat e ll Applen on Tuesday, April 8. was provided by three members Many changes in the present Sun­ carrots and the like because of the of the Medford B .P .W .. a ll state gold hill buys truck day school were suggested and appr­ four huge Beaver-like teeth they officers. They were Laura York, oved , due to the increase in enroll have in front. State Second Vice President; Flo­ ment. The animals are very valuable, To replace an antique truck, the rence Lance, State Treasurer, and The Easter program scheduled wa- because of their pelts, and though Gold H ill c ity council purchased a Bertha Haskins, State News Ser­ they are hardy and easy to raise, 1946 Dodge truck and it is now in presented and all changes made at vice Chairman. Mrs. York, assist­ this time. Mr. Applen says they frighten very use. The truck is used far general pur­ ed by the others, led a ro u n d It was hoped enough young marr­ easily, particularly by loud noises pose hauling. tablé discussion on program co­ ied couples would come to Sunday or strange people. At such time they are like ly to k ill their young, ordination for small Business and school to set up their ow® class. as well as themselves, in their f r i ­ THETA RHO GIRLS CLUB Professional Womens Clubs. They If, and when, daylight savings gave a preview of the national time goes into effect, the starting ght. program planned for next year A new Theta Rho Girls Club is tim e w ill be 9:45 a. m. instead of on "Ramparts We B uild", with now being organized in Central 10 to allow more class tim e. FIRE NUMBER ay phases leading toward nation­ Point by the Rebekahs, and a ll Refreshments were served by Mrs. al security. girls in Gold H ill between the ages Applen. Fire Chief Mel Hood wishes The next meeting is to be of twelve and eighteen are invited Those present included; Rev. and to announce that the "stamping” to join. M iu Irene Rock w ill be held in Grants Pass on April 22 Mrs. Dierdorff, and teachers, Mrs. of the telephone books in Gold _______ the leader _ „ of ulv the uiuu club. The girls at S p.m . at the Library Aud­ Sam Jones. Mrs. Ferd Jones, Mrs. H ill has been completed. The num do not need to have any affihation itorium . This w ill be held jointly Nora Walt, Mrs Bob Jacks. Mrs. her ,0 call In c * k of fire ha. been with the Rebekah, or O d d fe llX Dora Burnett, Mrs. Dorothy Turner, with the Grants Pass B.P.W. The Lodges to join. The club w ill be and H. Leutke. stamped in red on the front and back program w ill consist of a film on of the books, as w ell as on the Gold instituted at Central Point Odd­ health, under the direction of Mrs. H ill page inside. If there i, anyone fellows 1U11 on May 3. Erma Plett, Health and Safety Ch- As an accommodation to The whose book ha, not been stamped, Grants Pass, and an in t­ Times, and without charge to you may c a ll Mr. Hood at Gold eresting talk by Miss Fern T rull, the paper, -you may sut,scribe at H ill 59022 and it w ill be attended D o n 't f o r g e t th is is State First Vice-President. Bell-Stieber’, today! c le a n u p tim e ! to. CHANGES.S.TIME