THURSDAY. AUGUST 23. i95s 1 RATES: Three cents per word, minimum of fifty cents. Classifi ed ads accepted until 6 p.m. on Wednesday. Just call NO 4-1323 or mail your ad to Central Point American, P. O. Box 247. Miscellaneous RUG, UPHOLSTERY CLEAN ING with Duraclean process. Contact Robert Nagle, franchised dealer, phone NO 4-2043, Cent ral Point. aj »- i CHILD CARE, R N. Telephone NO 4-2468 . 47-2 DANCE EVERY SATURDAY night with Chuck Wheat’s or chestra at the fairgrounds pa vilion in Grants Pass. 9 ’til 1. Admission 75c. tf Business Services central point beauty SHOP closed Mondays. Late ap pointments Tuesday. 335 Pine, Telephone NO 4-1013, Central Point. ' tf Wanted WANTED—Baby sitting dur ing the day at my home during fruit season or permanently. Telephone NO 4-1462 . 45-3 For Sale PAGE SEVEN CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN. CENTRAL POINT. OREGON Demonstration Team from TR • Appears on TV Livestock Market Tour Slated Sept. 5 For 4-H Members plain marketing procedures to the group. The exchange is a voluntary organization of the commission firms at the stock- yards. Club members will arrive at the yards for breakfast Septem ber 5 al 7 a m Morning and noon meals will be provided by the stockyards and livestock ex- clango. Visits to Swift and Company, the livestock exchange building and Kienow’s market will com plete the day’s program and give club members information on distribution of meat products brand inspection and market re porting. An educational tour for 4-H club members in livestock mark eting has been set for Septem ber 5 in Portland, reports Cal By Mrs. Ray Doran Monroe, state 4-H extension TABLE ROCK—Anita Pierce agent at Oregon State college. and Aletta Myers, the home ZöMÖ«- Exhibitors of 4-H warket live making demonstration team in stock at State Fair and other 4-H which won a first in bed The forests are dry. Be sure ÇuppO'X NATIONAL club members are eligible to that making, were guests on tele cigarette is out. participate in the day’s events, CIVIL DEFENSE WEEK vision Monday afternoon to give which will be highlighted by SEPTEMBER 915 1956 their demonstration again. sale of their 4-H animals at the AUTO Mrs. Mary Myers, long time Portland Union stockyards. • i’ FIRE 4-H leader, is the one respon father, Dan Doran, and brother, Oregon Farm Bureau Federa sible for the class in Table Rock Ray, and family. LIABILITY tion will truck Sta(e Fair an and we are all proud of her and Of interest to this district was imals from Salem to North Port HEALTH - ACCIDENT the two nine-year-olds who have the news of a son, John Gilbert, land Tuesday, September 4. worked faithfully to finish all for the John Heberling family at Other participants in the program BONDS their projects. are expected to have their an San Jose, Calif. NOTARY PUBLIC Mr and Mrs. Aubrey Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Donald Richard imals at the stockyards by 7 a m. and daughters spent a few days son and children left Saturday Wednesday. The sheep market The M & M on the coast at Yachats, then morning for their home in Port opens at 8 a.m. and the hog and motored by way of Portland Sun land after several weeks visit cattle markets open at 9 a.m. Agency day. Club members will watch as here with parents and relatives. Mrs. Elmer Hull with grand Bartlett pear picking on Modoc their animals are sorted, weigh Marga/ot Naploa, Realtor daughters Reanna and Marilyn, resumed Monday after a few ed and delivered to buyers by Corner Third k Pino Street left Monday by train for Los days off to allow the pears to commission agents, according to W. Y Fowler, OSC livestock Phon»» NOrmandy 4-2513 Angeles and a trip through acquire more sugar for weighin Central Point. Oregon Disneyland. They expect to re packing. The second picking of marketing specialist and chair turn about Friday. Bartletts began on Redskin Wed man of the tour. Wo don't sell everything— W. E. Williams, president of Mr. and Mrs. George McClung nesday. but we do aoll REAL ESTATE the Stockyards company, and Myron, Harlow and Mae John and daughter, Sharon, Palo Alto, and INSURANCE Calif., arrived Sunday for a 10- son, Portland, visited the Everett Prosser Clark, secretary of the local livestock exchange, will eZ- day visit with Mrs. McClung’s Browns over the weekend. FOR SALE—Cultivated peach es. Hale and Rio Oso Gem. By the box or truck load. Leave order at Alexander Hardware in Central Point or phone 2-7974, Medford, after 6 p.m. 46-3 RUBBER STAMPS, DATERS, SEALS made to your erde--. Fast service. Central Point American, phone NO 4-1323. Help Wanted-Male “RELIABLE MAN WITH CAR to serve 800 family food route. Better than average earnings. Nationally advertised. If you have good credit reputation and are sincere and industrious, write for information to J. R. Watkins Company, 3903 Brook lyn Ave., Seattle 5, Washington." 46-7 Former Sams Valley Man Killed in Calif. Walter Straus, 49, of Sacra mento, Calif., formerly of Sams Valley, was killed in a lumber accident where he was employ ed in Sacramento recently. Word of his death was recent ly received by friends in the val ley. Straus, who moved from Sams Valley about 10 years ago, was the son of the late Dick Straus of Sams Valley. Watch those fires. Help to Keep Oregon Green. Your INSURANCE May Be Out of Date Too! See Us For Your AUTO FIRE CASUALTY We'll be happy to advise you on all your insurance needs. CHRIS BARKER AGENCY Real Estate • Insurance Dial NO 41163 Central Point Oregon Like to prepare for parties, picnics — or that special dinner — well in advance? Like to add an hour or so of leisure f time to your busy day — and still treat your family to delicious, nutritious meals?