PAGE SIX Friends, Guests Visit at Homes In Willow Springs By Mrs. Robert Nagle WILLOW SPRINGS—Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Parent went to Klamath Falls, Tuesday. Mrs. Parent visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Holler. Mr. Parent attend­ ed the 4-H and FFA auction sales of Klamath Falls Junior fair. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Par­ ent went to Crescent City Sun­ day. Mr. Clark arid Mr. Clee Haynes were recent guests at the Parent home. Haynes is Mrs. Parent’s brother. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Weiss and Mr. and Mrs. Don McCulloch and son, Steven, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lees and children of Cres­ cent City over the weekend. While there they visited the beach, the weather was fair. Mrs. Lees and Mrs. McCulloch are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Weiss. Mr. and Mrs. John Roberts and family were recent guests at the Glen Ward home. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hallet were her son, Donald Frazier and his two sons. Dale and Larry, of Adin, Calif. Also visiting the Hallets were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hasen of Medford. Hasen is Mr. Hallets niece, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bailey of Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Gunter of Med­ ford. Mrs. Olive Blackford jsst re­ turned from a two weeks visit with her daughter-in-law and family Mr. and Mrs. West Bag- ley and children Sharon and Milton of Happy Camp, Calif. She also visited with her broth­ er, Mr. Joe Collier of Weed, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Schockey and children of Klamath Falls were overnight guests at Jack Bezoffs home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Arnett and childen, Sharon and Raymond of Redding were Saturday and Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack . Bezoff. Mr. Arnett is Mrs. Bez- off’s brother. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bezoff and children and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Arnett and children spent uSnday at Tou Velle park and they also visited KBES tele­ vision studio in Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nagle nnd children spent Sunday at the Lake of the Woods where they met her parents and family Mr. and Mrs. Amil Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Louise Magallanes and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bennett and daughter Patty, all of Klamath Falls. Mrs. Magallanes and Mrs. Bennett are sisters of Mrs. Nagle. Mr. and Mrs. Roger von der Hellen went to Portland on a business trip Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hammond THURSDAY, AUGUST 23. 1958 CENTRAL FOINT AMERICAN, CENTRAL POINT, OREGON Demo Candidate Adlai Stevenson of Illinois won the Democratic party nomination as its presidential candidate during the conven­ tion held last week in Chicago. Stevenson won the nomination on the first ballot. His running mate as vice presidental cand­ idate is Senator Estes Kefauver of Tennessee. and children attended the Ore­ gon Beauticians Association pot­ luck picnic at Casey park Sun­ day on the Rogue River. Mrs. Hammond is the vice president of the Oregon Beauticians Assoc. The doctor has removed the cast from Mrs. James Browns leg. She was in a car accident recently. Kenny Mainwaring, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mainwaring and Bob Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris are picking pears for Scott Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Simpson of Roseburg were weekend vis­ itors at their daughter and son- in-laws home, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. McMahan. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert May- field and family were recent guests at his brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mayfield The residents of Weiss Road off the Willow Springs road are very glad to move their mail boxes closer to their homes this weekend. Last Thursday Carolyn Stev­ enson and her niece Teras Pekarek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pegarek went to Union Creek to visit their ma­ ternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles King Saturday af­ ternoon Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Stevenson and son Billy and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pekarek join­ ed their daughters. They all came home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bates of Bandon, Oregon were recent guests at the Randall Kay home. They came over to see the Shakespearan festival. Randall Kay is grading lumber in Roseburg. Donna Colpitts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Colpitts is attending Summer Bible camp at McLoughlin camp. She will be home Saturday. Oris Wolff, son of Mrs. Anna Wolff, is home and is now visit­ ing in Crescent City, Calif. Monday evening dinner guests at the Sharon Wight home were her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Connell of Medford and Mrs. Wights sister of Eugene, Mrs. Les Finley and daughter Terry. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Davis are very busy remodeling their home on the North Pacific highway. Mr. and Mrs. Don Christie and family went to Gold Beach Sun­ day. They reported that the weather was very nice in the afternoon. % Drivers Post Bail For Illegal Parking Citations for illegal parking were issued during the past week to two motorists by Cen­ tral Point police officers. Ralph Hartley of Central Point posted $5 bail for illegal park­ ing. John Travolo of Medford posted $5 bail for improper parking. SHORT VACATION Mr. and Mrs. James Glenn and family spent the weekend and first two days of this week on a brief vacation trip. They returned home Wednesday. For the purpose of better ac­ quainting themselves with wo­ men of other counties and their activities in extension, Jackson, Josephine and Klamath county committees and representatives are planning a get-together Wed­ nesday, August 29. The day’s activities will take place in the Suzanne Holmes hall on the Southern Oregon College campus. Registration will begin at 10:30 a.m. A sack lunch will follow at noon and the event will ad­ journ at 3 p.m. Special talks, games, singing and group activities are in store for those who attend. MISSIONARIES VISIT Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Powell and two boys, Alan and Gary, were guests at the Carl Hover home Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Powell are missionaries to the Hawaiian Islands. Powell spoke and presented pictures of his work at the Church of Christ Sunday evening. Starting Friday .... NEW HOURS (Through Months of August and September) Monday through Saturday TANK GAS SERVICE Cooking - Wafer Heating - Refrigeration - Heating Propane tanka for rent—No need to buy. UTILITY ^SERVICE Tri-Countv Meet Called by Extension Women for August 29 OPEN 6:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.—Closed on Sundays GINO’S DINER and Dairie Delite TELEPHONE 2-5284 228 West Main - Medford (Next to Central Point Cleaners) 40 Pine Street Central Point Motor TUNE-UP H7/y/ people who used Io buy higher priced ears PROTECT YOUR CAR WITH A COMPLETE MOTOR TUNE-UP. Now’s the time to let us give your car a tune-up for better mileage, bet­ ter handling, better all- around performance. DRIVE IN TODAYl are ehaugiug to Chevrolet More and more buyers are deciding that they prefer a street handling Chevrolet to a big, unwieldy high-priced car! When you consider Chevy’s reputation for per­ formance and roadability, you wonder why any­ one would p.iv hundreds of dollars more for a higher priced car. Well, a lot of people have been wondering the same thing, and the result has been a big switch from high-priced cars to Chev­ rolet. Of course you save plenty, too. Come in and sample the fun and get the facts! America's largest selling car —2 million more owners than any other make! Kincaid Garage Telephone NO 4-2403 Central Point Only franchised Chevrolet dealers jca r display this famous trademark COURTESY CHEVROLET 227 E. Ninth MEDFORD. OREGON Phone 2-4112