Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About The Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1936-195? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1956)
THURSDAY, AUGUST 23. 1956 CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN, CENTRAL POINT, OREGON PAGE FOUR CHURCH SERVICES COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH 4th and Alder Paul O. Kroon, Pastor Sunday: 9:45 a m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship; 6:45 p.m. Jet Cadets, Sr. Y.P., Jun ior Story Time, Basic Bible Study, Pre-service Prayer Hour; 7:45 p.m. Evening service. Mon day: 7:30 Men’s Prayer meeting. WHALE OF A STORY © urin * tms THIRTY SPENT FILMIN» "MOBY «R1OORY P*£K WORE TMS WMKLSBONS PE» Li» OF H» SS CAPTAIN AHAB FOR MOKS than aso hour » nsaklv all OF WH£H Wise PAMSO ATOM PIN» ABOUT ON THS B l IP»«* KOLLIN» OeCKS OF TMS WHALIN» SHIP, TAtit/CU' FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Norman K. Tully, pastor Church worship 9:45 a.m. Sermon: “Inconsiderately Busy.” Church school 10:45 a.m. Classes for all ag»*s. OPTICAL ILLUSION? Í^K ALL WE KNOW STARS we “Sll'lN Tue heaven » man have ptsAPPSAReo canrumtl mo ! what we actoaalv see are OF LICHT FROM THE STAR WHICH MAW HAVE BEEN A WORD... ..XtCTA AiCRiTARV OF THE TREASURV HUMPHREY: "THE CONTINUEP 6UCCE56 OF OUR ECONOMY ...IS THE SLIM TOTAL OF ALL THESE INPIVIPUAL EFFORTS THAT MAKE OUR SYSTEM SUPERIOR TO ANYTHIN* KNOWN IN THIS WORLP BEFORE^ ANO BUY IN* Ut »AVINO» tONff» CAN BE AN /MPORMNr MART OF THAT EFFORT.' Five Local Home Economics 4-H'ers Win Berths at Oregon State Fair Eleven Jackson county 4-H clubs girls won the their way to the Oregon State Fair by tak ing championships in the 4-H home economics contests and demonstrations held at the Jack- son county courthouse Augst 13, 14 and 15. Central Point girls who won championships were as follows: Patsy Charley was the top in dividual demonstrator in foods. She gave a demonstration on Boston brown bread. Joan Do brot of the Kandy Kids made the top dairy foods demonstration on bread pudding and Sharon Coff man and Sandra Ghelardi gave a team demonstration on banana nut bread to win the special breads demonstration contest. Patsy Charley of Central Point won the bread baking contest and Carol vonder Hellen won the cake baking contest. These girls are both members of the Kudj Kill. All winners will enter contests during the Oregori State Fair at Salem, September 1-8. 4-H club members from throughout Jackson county en tered the contests and demon strations. Others from Central Point and Gold Hill areas who placed were as follows: Mary Lou Savage of the Kandy Kids, red, for “Bunny Lunch for Small Fry.” Alison Pinkham and Nikkie Hammond of the Chowder Chicks, red, for “Fruit Torte.” Marlena Coffman and Cheryl Ghelardi of the Kandy Kids, blue, for “Puff Pudding.” Phyllis Taylor, Sun & Fun club, red. Nikkie Hammond, champion blue. Senior bread baking: Joan Do brot, blue. Junior bread baking: Patsy Charley, blue; Sharon Coffman, blue; Sandra Ghelardi, red; and Linda Warren, white. Cake baking: Marlena Coff man and Carol vonder Hellen, blue; Charlotte Bush, red; Nancy McKay, Elaine McKay and Mary Lou Savage, white. Wool sewing contest: Jocky Cameron, red. Blanket stitch; Dianne Jore, Gold Hill, blue. Demonstrations winners in cluded Aletta Myers and Anita Pierce, blue, for ‘We Like a Well Made Bed." Senior and senior team demonstrations win ners included Carol Meyers and Julie Ashton, red, for “How To Put I q a Zipper;” and Jocky Cameron and Linda Warren, red, for "Tape Tips.” PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD Rev. W. H. Johnson, pastor Sunday school ...____ 9:45 a.m. Morning worship _____ 11 a.m. Evening worship ........... 7:30 p.m. Young people 7:45 p.m. Thursday Forest Acres Community Church (N on- denominational) Affiliated with the American Sunday School Union Sunday school classes for all ages ........................... 9:45 a.m. Church service ............... 11 a.m. Young people ................... 7 p.m. Evening service and songfest 7:30 p.m Midweek prayer meeting Wednesday ............... 7:30. p.m. PILGRIM HOLINESS CHURCH H. James Kreider Sunday school________ 9:45 a.m. Morning worship__ .... 11 a.m. Youth Service ...... 6:45 p.iu. Evangelistic service _ 7:30 p.m. Mid-week prayer service and Bible study 7:30 p.m. Thursday VISIT ON COAST Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Naples and her sister, Mrs. C. R. Pend- red and daughter, Margaret, spent Thursday, Friday and Sat urday vacationing on the Oregon coast. Mrs. Pendred is from Mer chantville, New Jersey. CHURCH OF CHRIST SUNDAY— Bible School . ..... 9:45 a.m. Classes for all ages. , Morning Worship .. _ 11:00 a.m. Communion and sermon. Junior High Youth Meeting 6:45. p.m. Vesper Hour..................... 7:30 p.m. “A service for the whole family” High School Youth Meeting - 8:30 p.m. Until further notice PINE STREET SERVICE Relief Corps Ladies Plan Birthday Party Plans for a birthday party at the September meeting of the Women’s Relief Corps of Central Point were made during the August 21 gathering held at the city park. A potluck dinner was served in the park at noon. The menu included fried chicken, ham and lima beans, spaghetti and ham burger balls, salads, cake, buns and corn. The organization held no meet- • ing in July due to the absence of many of the officers. Those present for the Tuesday meeting at the park were: Mr. and Mrs. McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. Hays, Mrs. Elizabeth Faber, Mary Foster, Emma Pence, Em ma Williams, Tillie Maple, Jo Whaley and Margaret Wilson. The next meeting will be at the Legion Memorial hall on September 18. Dry Cleaning • • • • • » / PLEATED SKIRTS JACKETS SLACKS DRESSES SWEATERS I CLOSED SUNDAYS Have your Back-to-School dry cleaning done now, in plenty of time. Just call us. Y our Shell Station CENTRAL POINT CLEANERS Ray Anderson, operator S & H Green Stamps Comer 4th and Pine CENTRAL POINT Charles & Louise Novosad 40 East Pine Street Phone 4-2523 GREEN STAMPS CENTRAL POINT T WAGONS WE HAVE THEM WAGONS WE HAVE THEM SUBURBANS! s E w> s 2 dr. and 4 dr. Wagons 3 BEDROOM HOME on two-acre irrigated tract. Lot» of built-ins, pantry, din ing area. Very beautiful yard. Outstanding home. $11,500 $2.000 down or will take house trailer as part of deal. Keep those weeds down. Prevent tires 2 BEDOOM HOME in Central Point $4.500 Will trade for 3-acres or more of unimproved land with good spring or creek. —RENT— • Weed Cutters Other sickle bar or rotary blade We have several nice new homes in Central Point. Elig ible for FHA. Come in and see us about them. • Lawn Mowers EM MERRICK'S 1121 Court Medford s OUR SELECTION IS COMPLETE • Roomy and Flexible • Push Button Drive • Beautiful Washable Interiors • 230 H.P. Super Red Ram Engines Dodge-Plymouth Come In Tomorrow and Get an X I EXCEPTIONAL RUYS Lots and Lots of Wagon« to Choose From! (/) Z Wm. A. Standridge 8 < Real Estate Agency £ 222 Pine Phone NO 4-1948 Rea NO 4 2934 Central Point o o PARSONS MOTORS 315 E. 5th WAGONS DODGE — PLYMOUTH HEADQUARTERS — Next to Greyhound __ WE HAVE THEM WAGONS 5 w> X X H I GREENS . . . BLUES . . . YELLOWS Fire Season! ■ Phone 3-3687 WE HAVE THEM w z 8 * H U1 > s I cn Z 8 *