The Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1936-195?, August 23, 1956, Page 2, Image 2

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    C om
“Official newspaper of the City of Central Point, Oregon"
Published weekly on Thursday by Central Poiat
Publishing Co., Chester A. Ashton and Cecil A.
Sharpe Jr., ow »ers
Entered as second class matter
at the postoffic;:, Central Point,
Oregon, under the Act of March
3, 1897. Re-established September
13. ln2C.
One Year
Six Months
Advertising rates on Application
Cecil A. Sharpe Jr., Editor
141 North Second St.
Telephone NO 4-1323
editorially speaking . . .
Before this writer pulls the cover over this old "mill" for
the final time, he would like to leave you with a few passing
Central Point and its people have been good to us for the
past two and one-half years and we will retain many memories
of friendships, experiences and minor tribulations. On the whole,
we will regret the separation, but we feel the gain in knowledge
and maturity will, at least in part, make up for any present
We will cherish the memories surrounding the birth of our
youngest child while residents of this town. We will cherish the
memories of friendships which we hope will not end. We will
cherish the part we have played in the life of a small American
town. We will cherish the feeling that we have been able to
contribute, in our small way, to the growth and progress of this
The value of these memories will not overshadow, however,
the dreams we hold for Central Point which we are sure will
eventually become reality.
If you will bear with us, we would like to point out a few
small things which we hope will be done to improve this town
. . . "our town" ... if you please.
First, we would like to see a complete business section
develop along Pine street. Next, we would like to see the many
"absentee" business owners and employees become an active
part of Central Point, both by residence and by interest.
Further, we would like to see the city administration op­
erated on a sound business basis and the many complaints from
residents halted. We would like to see the city officials take a
sincere interest in the town and continually drive and work
for its improvement.
Next, we would like to see the (if you'll pardon the expres­
sion) moesbacks of our town take a completely new outlook
toward the town and stop the opposition which they are con­
tinually offering to growth, development and progress.
Finally, we hope that some day, this city will work out some
arrangement to provide paved streets, concrete .walks, unclutter­
ed vacant lots, trim and neat homes in all parts of town and
parks and recreation facilities for its youth.
In short, we sincerely hope that Central Point will over­
come its "growing pains" and develop into a full fledged,
active city.
Our suggestions may bo too pointed for some to accept,
but we are making them only because of the sincere interest
we have in the town and its people. We believe the people of this
town will not disappoint us.
It has been our pleasure . . . goodbye.
The Editor
Central Point, Oregon
Dear Sir:
I wish to thank you on behalf
of the American Cancer Socity
for your fine advertisting ser­
vice to the 1956 April Cancer
With your cooperation in pro­
moting this year’s theme. "Fight
Cancer With A Check-up and A
Check,” the Society has conclud-
years in being delivered she was
stunned for it was a black-mail
letter, asking for money to pre­
vent the writer from exposing
George Radcliffe as a murderer.
From that moment on mys­
tery and fear were her constant
companions, for, having been
married to George for twenty
five years, she thought she knew
his every thought and action.
Yet there were things, she real­
ized, that made it seem the writ­
er of the letter might be stating
the truth.
Taking matters in her own
hands, she almost ruined their
marriage, for in her fear and
anxiety she did some very fool­
ish things. She knew that if her
husband were guilty, then an
innocent man was soon to be
executed. In going to see the
person who wrote the letter, she
started a chain of events that
ended in his death, and she knew
that maybe George had killed
him to silence him, and as her
fear of him grew she decided
to end all the fear and trouble.
How she did this and how the
story ends will keep you guess­
ing to the last page.
Local 4-H Riders
Place in Show
Seven Central Point horsemen
won top honors during the 4-H
Horse Show held Sunday at the
fairgrounds in Medford.
Penny Sampert of Westside
club topped three classes to lead
the young 4-H’ers entered in
the show.
Results and placing of Central
Point riders were as follows:.
Senior horsemanship: Joyce
Kerr, 2nd; Margaret Taylor, 4th;
Jim Frink, 7th.
Junior horsemanship: Linda
Gibson, 4th. Senior bareback
riding: Margaret Taylor, 2nd;
Jim Frink, 4th. Junior bare-
back riding: Linda Gibson, 1st.
Halter class: Margaret Taylor,
5th; Jim Frink, 10th. Stock
horse: Margaret Taylor, 5th;
Linda Gibson, 9th. Trail horse:
Margaret Taylor, 3rd; Jim Frink,
7th, and Linda Gibson, 10th.
FFA Members
Chief Points Ont Honor Kunzman
Number Shortage
How’s your house number?
Police Chief Wallace Bowen
pointed out last week that a
number of local homes lack
identifying house numbers.
He mentioned that there have
been several times when he has
been unable to locate a par­
ticular house because of the lack
of identifying house numbers.
As an aid to police and fire
department work, all local resi­
dents are urged to check and
make sure a house number is
displayed on their home.
Persons who do not know
their house number may call at
the city hall. City records show
the correct number for every
house and lot in the city.
Mrs. C. Hover, Girls
Home from Fir Point
Mrs. Carl Hover is home now
from Fir Point church camp
where she spent the past week
serving as a teacher.
Girls attending from Central
Point were Patty McCue, Dorna
Mose, LeDawna Kridler, Sharon
Danekin and Lynda Bennett.
Mrs. Hover reported it was
much cooler at the aamp than
here in the valley during the
week. There were a total of 45
girls from Southern Oregon at­
tending the camp.
Mr. and Mrs. John Blackford
of Central Point spent the week­
end at Davis, Calif., visiting her
son, Don Morgan, who is in his
third year of veterinary school
at California Agricultural col­
lege. They also attended the
Yolo County Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Abbott and
children, Marla and Tommy, of
Central Point left Wednesday for
a vacation trip on the Oregon
coast. They will be gone a week.
Leonard Kunzman, vocational
agriculture instructor at Crater
High school until his resignation
last week, was honored by mem­
bers of Crater chapter, Future
Farmers of America on Friday.
The party was held at the
home of last year’s president,
Norman Barnes. Kunzman, has
resigned his teaching post to
accept a position with State Vo­
cational Education department
directing adult education.
A farewell gift of a leather
briefcase was presented to Kunz­
man. A poem was read in his
honor by Chapter President Bob
Several graduates who had
been taught by Kunzman were
also present at the party. Re­
freshments of ice cream and
punch were served.
Across from Courthouse
ALL DAY 10 ”5
From Central Point
Public Library
Aris Van Hoy
First Train To Babylon
By Max Ehrlich
If you like suspense that keeps
you wondering what is going to
happen next, this is a book you
will like.
When Mrs. Radcliff opened the
letter that had been delayed ten
Providing you with bonking «orvicot at limo» Io wit your con-
vonionco comoi finl with Rnt National.
“Open hour»” of 10 am. Io 5 pm., ovory weokdoy including
.< ’
Sitvrday, onablo you to mako coving« and chocking dopotiti,
orrango for loom, havo acco«« to your tafo dopotit box, and
uw fho many othor holpful bonking torvicoi of First National
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Central Point Brane**
for your Rambler, Hudson or Willys vehicle.
Stevens Auto Sales, Inc.
Hudson • Willys • Rambler Sales & Service
505 N. Central
Phone 3 3655
far Your Convenience
Book Briefs
Come Ln and aoe me at Stevens Auto
Sale*. Inc. service department lor—
ed a good campaign aimed at sav­
ing lives.
Most sincerely,
H. B. Cooper
State Campaign
"Bobbin' Bob Sez:"