Central Point VOLUME XXVIII Ashton to Buy Sharpe's Share Of American Arrangements will be com­ pleted this weekend between Chester A. Ashton and Cecil A. Sharpe Jr., co-publishers of the Central Point American, for the purchase of Sharpe’s interest in the Central Point Publishing company by Ashton. When legal agreements are signed, Ashton will become the sole owner of the newspaper and commençai printing shop. Ashton has not announced future plans for the Central Point American or for the com­ mercial printing side of the firm. Sharpe has revealed that he and his family intend to enjoy their first vacation in seven years before making plans for the future. The two men and their fami­ lies came to Central Point in April. 1954, and purchased the Central Point American from Kenneth Powell and the estate of the late Virginia Ellen Powell. Since May 1, 1954, the date of the purchase, the partners have produced the Central Point American, a weekly newspaper serving School District 6, and conducted a commerical printing business in conjunction with the newspaper. Medford City Voters To Decide On Fluoridated Water Medford city council met Tuesday evening and voted to offer a charter amendment to city voters concerning the fluor­ idation of water supplies. The measure will appear on the November ballot. A group of interested citizens in favor of fluoridation present­ ed councilmen with petitions carrying more than 1400 signa­ tures asking for ïhe ballot mea­ sure Signatures were securred from Medford, Central Point, Jacksonville and Phoenix water users Outlying cities are using water through the Medford wat­ er commission. Endorsements of fluoridation were also presented to the coun­ cil as follows: Jacksonville Pub­ lic Health Assn., Medford Coun- cil of Parents and Teachers, Southern Oregon Dental Society, Jackson County, Medical Society and auxiliary, Medford Central Labor Council, Beta Sigma Phi, Zi Mu chapter, Beta Sigma, Phi. Alpha Beta chapter. Beta Sign' a Phi, Alpha Rho chapter, Medford Junior Chamber of Commerce, Crater Lions club and auxiliary. Junior Service League. Novelty Shop Opened Today Ruth’s Novelty Shop, owned and operated by Mrs. Carl T. Nelson of Central Point, opened today. Thursday, at 38 East Pine street The new shop is located in the Old Stage Realty building next to Central Point Cleaners and Gino's Diner. ___ Mrs. Nelson stated that s^e will handle antiques, bric-a-brac and novelty items. She will also accept goods for individuals on ai aonsignmert basis. Sh«- reported that she hopes to work the business into an ex­ chan shop for women, similar to those popular in California. Under this arrangement, women consign articles from their homes for sal* or exchange AMERICAN * CENTRAL POINT. JACKSON COUNTY. OREGON Crater Registration Set September 6-7 For Coming Term Registration of students at Crater High school for the 1956- 57 school term will be held Sep­ tember 6 and 7 Principal Arthur Straus announced this week. All ninth grade pupils and all new students will register on Thursday. September 6. Regis­ tration will be held all day, from 9 a m. to 5 p.m. Thursday evening, September 6, from 7 to 9 o’clock, registra­ tion will be held for all upper class members. Friday, September 7, will be devoted to registration of upper class students also. During the day, registration will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Registra­ tion will continue Friday even­ ing from 7 to 9 o’clock. Fires, Storms Call Out Laddies Two grass fires last Thursday, August 16, and calls during the Sunday and Monday storms kept Central Point volunteer firemen busy. At 1:55 a.m. August 16, trucks were called out to extinguish a trash fire in a field at the east end of Manzanita street. At 2:35 p.m. that same day, they were called out to extinguish a grass fire behind the Crater Drive-In on Front street. Sunday evening, volunteers stoodby on a power failure on Freeman road. Monday, men and equipment were called to the H. P. Jewett residence when a tree was blown over on the house. 3-Year-Old Girl Electrocuted . By Pump Motor Carolyn Mae Hedges, three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin D. Hedges of Route 2, Box 248, Medford, in the Mid­ way Four-Corners district east of Central Point, was electrocut- between 2 and 2:30 p.m, Tues­ day, August 21, when she touch­ ed a 110-volt irrigation pump motor. The accident occurred near her parent's home. Two small boys were playing nearby found the young girl’s body and notified a neighbor woman, Mrs. Bernard Gunn. The girl was rushed into a Medford doctor’s office in an effort to revive her. According to the coroner’s re­ port, the electric motor was homemade from service station compressor motor. Investigation of the accident was made by the coroner’s office, sheriffs office and by Claude Haggard, safety engineer for COPCO. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, August 25. from the Conger-Morris chapel in Medford. The Rev. Clynton Crisman, pastor of Medford Friends church, will officiate. Interment will be in Siskiyou Memorial Park. The girl was born May 26, 1953 in, Medford, and had lived in this area all her life. Survivors, in addition to her parents, include two brothers, Teddy and Dale; one sister, De­ borah; garndparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hedges. Sioux City, Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. George Gunn, Medford, and several aunts and uncles. Electrical, Wind Storms Cause Minor Damage Through City Readiness Tests Planned Aug. 20 One more day of testing for pre-first grade students has been scheduled for Wednesday, Aug­ ust 29, according to George Johns, principal of the H. P. Jewett Elementary school. Tests will be given in room 5 of the Central Point Junior high school for all children who were not able to be present for the two previous testing days. August 21-22. Tests will be given to children who will not be six years old until after November 15 but will reach this age before January IS. Children showing a mental ma­ turity of 6t4 years will be ad­ mitted to the first grade. This week tests were given to 14 prefirst grade children. Tests were given by Mrs Walter Foote, first grade teacher on the elem­ entary school faculty. Realtor Report» Sale of Property The H. E Clason residence on Alder street has been sold to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Masterfield of Central Point The J R Christensen property on Old Stage Road, near Military Road, has been purchased by C. L. Ghelardi and R. Reynolds. Both transactions were hand­ led by Carl T. Nelson of Old Stage Realty in Central Point. MOVE INTO NEW HOME Mr, and Mrs. Clifton Hammill and two children expect to move into their new home on Oak street in Central Point Sunday. They have been living on Elk Road in the Elk City district. NUMBER 48 THURSDAY. AUGUST 23. 1956 Damaged roofs, shattered trees and broken limbs seem to be the extent of storm damage in Central Point following two sum­ mer storms Sunday and Monday evenings. Sunday evening an electrical storm and heavy rain struck the valley. Monday evening a windstorm with gales up to 63 miles per hour and rain rocked the valley. A large tree limb fell on the H. P. Jewett home on West Pine street Monday evening; garage roofing at the John Cimfl home on Second street was blown off; a small hole was caused in the Arden Pinkham home on Ash street; a large tree at the C. L. Munn home on ThirtJ street was split and a tree was blown down at the Max Burd home on East Pine street. Roofing on both Faber’s Super Market and on the postoffice building was damaged by the wind Monday. A city truck was operated throughout the city Tuesday picking up tree limbs and debris which were blown into street and parking areas Frank Benesh, district man­ ager of COPCO, reported Tues­ day that Sundays electrical storm caused only minor dam­ age in Central Point. One transformer burned out was located at the corner of Freeman Road and East Pine street, near the C. W. Anhorn home. Sections of the town were blacked out temporarily Sunday for as long as 45 minutes until power was restored. Mondays windstorm "was one of the worst we’ve experienced” Benesh stated Hardest hit was the downtown area of Medford where many services were brok­ en by falling limbs. A 75-inan COPCO crew was called out to repair damages. Crater Finance to Open Local Office October 1 Principals Return To School Posts Principals in four of the five School District 6 schools are back at their posts in prepara­ tion for the opening of the new school term on September 10. Those back on duty include: Arthur Straus, Crater High school; C. A. Meyer, Central Point Elementary and Junior High schools; George Johns, H. P. Jewett Elementary school; and Gilbert Mack, A. J. Hanby and Margaret Patrick Element­ ary schools in Gold Hill. Roland Smith, principal of Sams Valley Elementary school, will not report for his duties until shortly before school opens. Destitute Family Receives Help From Local Folk A man and wife and their seven children, victims of the Yuba City, Calif., flood, had their faith in human nature re­ stored last weekend when cit­ izens of Central Point rallied to their aid. The chain of events which led to their aid began about 5 p.m, Friday, August 17, when a local citizen reported to city police officers that several small chil­ dren were selling berries on the street to earn funds to buy po­ tatoes for their family’s even­ ing meal. Further investigation by Po­ lice Chief Wallace Bowen reveal­ ed that the family was located on the banks of Bear Creek and they had no food or money and little clothing. Emergency calls to the county welfare department secured some aid for the family and Chief Bowen was able to place them in a vacant house on Second street. Local residents who heard of the plight rallied around with clothing and food gifts, several merchants donated essential fur­ niture and medical aid was se­ cured for the youngest child* who had a fever. Myers-Holland post of the American Legion was instru­ mental in securing aid In ad­ dition employment has been found for the father. The couple are Mr. and Mrs. King Haynes. Their seven chil­ dren range in age from 13 months to 14 years. They lost most of their pos­ sessions in the Yuba City flood and received some aid from Cal­ ifornia welfare and the American Red Cross. They moved into Nevada to secure work and again had trouble. They had come here to take a position in a lumber mill, but the mill had been sold, unknown to them. Oil Car Arrive», Street Work Starts Construction work began this week on the erection of a new building for Crater Finance, a new Central Point business firm. The building, being construct­ ed by Stanley Parrish, contract­ or, is located at 135 Pine street, next to Livingston's Sporting Goods. Concrete block will be used for the modern 19 x 40 foot structure. Cost of the building, as listed on the city building permit, is $5500. One feature of the new building will be a walkway which will permit pat­ rons to reach the parking area at the rear Furniture for the building is being constructed by Bill Crabb of Central Point Cabinet and Millworks. According to present plans, the building will be completed and opened for business on October 1. Frank Wilkinson, who makes his home on Ross Lane, near the Central Point-Jacksonville high­ way, will be the manager of the new firm. Wilkinson, who has been in the finance business since 1939, was most recently manager for the past four years of a Medford finance company. He is married and the father of two children. He is a veteran of armed forces service during World War II. The new firm will handle small loans up t* $1500 as auth­ orized by the laws of the State of Oregon, according to a spokes­ man for owners of the firm. The Central Point location wak « chosen, the spokesman said, be­ cause of the brilliant future of growth in the Central Point area and fof the opportunity to serve northern Jackson county. Record Attendance At Youth Bible Camp Reported by Churches The Southern-Oregon Com­ munity Churches Fellowship re­ port a record attendance cf 158 young people attending the Youth Bible Camp The Bible camps are being held at Camp McLaughlin, Lake of the Woods. During the past five years Bible Camps have been held at various locations The Fellowship Girls, and Young People’s camps. Last week 129 junior boys were registered. The Junior Girls* camp wil be held August 27 to September 1. A number of young people are attending from Central Point Community Bible church, Trail Community Church, Eagle Point Community chrch, Berean Bap­ tist, Medford Community church as well as 20 other churches. Dr. Elmer Wildner, a nation­ ally know youth worker and author, is the speaker for the three camps Rev. Rolf Hansen of Spokane Beacon Chapel is the Young People's evangelist. Rev. Noel Olson is the director of the camp. Anyone wishing to attend this camp contact the pastor of any of the churches of the fellowship. A tank car of oil for use on the city streets was spotted on the railroad siding Monday. Work began Wednesday on spreading the oil on the desig­ nated city streets. Work is being done by Hughes A Dodd, Med­ ford, the same firm which did the street work last year. DIKES HAVE SON Mr and Mrs Joy Dikes of Route 2, Central Point, are par­ ents of a son bom Thursday, August 16, at Community hos­ pital in Medford Weight at birth was 8 pounds ROGUE VALLEY WEATHER U. S. Weather Bureau Mia. Prec. Max. Aug. Aug Aug. Aug Aug. Aug. Aug. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 85 91 92 92 94 91 93 52 40 54 58 59 55 58 .19 .13 T 1