The Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1936-195?, August 16, 1956, Page 6, Image 6

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    THUSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1956
Birthday Party
Held Thursday
For Bezoff Girl
By Mrs. Robert Nagle
Jeanette Bezoff, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Bezoff, celebrated
.her seventh birthday with a
party Aug. 9. The children en­
joyed several games and refresh­
ments were served. Those at­
tending her party were, Linda
Christie, Ronnie Christie, Carol
Christie, Denise Nelson, Freddy
* Nelson, Sandra Christen, Terry
David Nagle, Kathy
Nagle, Bobby Nagle, Mrs Bern­
ard Parent, Mrs. Jerry Nelson,
Mrs. Robert Nagle and Mrs. Jack
Clarence Harrison and his son,
Richard Harrison, and Bill Rig-
geret went fishing over the
weekend at Little Fish lake,
They reported that the fishing
was very good.
Mrs. B. Todd of Phoenix was
Monday evening dinner guest at
the Clarence Harrison home.
Mr .and Mrs. Richard Wicks
and daughter and, Mrs. Arnvelle
Wicks of Cottage Grove, were
weekend guests at the Everett
Young home. Mr. and Mrs. Char­
les Whittlock were Saturday and
Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Young.
Miss Mary Savage qnd Miss
Shirley Savage, daughters of Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Savage, rec­
ently celebrated their birthdays
with a trip to Oregon Caves
with their mother, Mrs. Richard
Savage, and several friends,
Mrs. P. B. Bigelow of Medford,
Mr. Jim Baker and son, Bruce,
from San Diego and Randy
Clark They enjoyed the trip
very much.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rice and
Mr. and Mrs. John Hall of Ta­
coma, Wash., are visitors a» the
L. C. McMahan home this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Van
deKamp are the parents of a new
baby boy, Chris Van deKamp
who weighed 7 pounds. 12 oz.
when he arrived. The Van de­
Kamps have three other chil­
Mary, Veryle, DeWavne and
Arvella, children of Mr. and
Mrs. George Prom, are now mot­
oring to Reno, Salt Lake and
Minnesota. They plan to return
the northern route through Yel­
low Stone Park. Mr. and Mrs.
Gary Prom were Sunday visitors
at his parent's home. Mr. and
Mrs. George Prom.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bezoff and
children spent Saturday and
Sunday in Klamath Falls, as the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. O.
Schockey. They also visited her
parents Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Ar­
nett and Mrs. and Mrs. Lee
Chism and children in Ashland
on their way home.
Mr, and Mrs. Richard Muller
and children and several friends
spent the weekend deep sea fish­
ing at Crescent City, Calif. They
caught several salmon add some
Several of the Willow Springs
children and their parents are
very busy this week with 4-H.
Mr. and Mrs. Addison Blass
and son of Inglewood, Calif.,
were weekend guests at the
Archie Purdy home. They are
Mrs. Purdy’s aynt and uncle Mr,
and Mrs. Archie Purdy and Mrs.
Purdy’s sister and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Newman and chil­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Vin­
dren, Mr. and Mrs. Addison cent and Danny Mainwaring,
Blass and Mr and Mrs. Gary son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Prom of Eugene, spent Sunday Mainwaring, left Monday for
Summer Bible camp at the Boy
at Diamond Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Steven­ Scout camp at the Lake of the
son were Saturday evening vis­ Woods. They will return Satur­
itors at the Glen Ward home.
Weekend visitors at the Char­
Mrs. Curly Dollar and children
les Hallett home were Mrs. Hal­ Janet and Steve, from Irvington,
lett’s brother and sister-in-law, Calif., came by plane Friday
Mr, and Mrs. Grover Bass of evening to spend two weeks at
Anderson, Calif. Mr. Hallett’s
her parent’s home, Mr. and Mrs.
nephew and family, Mr. and John Cota. Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Mrs. Charles Roger and son, Bromly were Saturday evening
Michael, of Klamath Falls and visitors at the John Cota home.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bailey
of Klamath Falls.
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Roy Col- Harrison, Johnsen
pitts and family enjoyed a pic­ Attend Annual OSC
nic at Grants Pass park.
Mrs. Richard Muller, Mrs. Ken­ Council Workshop,
neth Mainwaring, Mrs. Carl
Bennett and Mrs. Clarence Har­
rison are very busy working in
Crater High school are learning
the fruit packing plants.
Mrs. Jim Holler of Klamath the latest techniques of leader­
Falls was a recent guest of Mr. ship this week at the second
and Mrs. Bernard Parent. She annual student council workshop
has been ill and was over to visit at Oregon State college.
They are Ron, Harrison, presi­
the doctor. Mr. Clee Haynes of
Willows, Calif., brother of Mrs. dent of Crater High school stud­
ent body, and Karen Johnson,
Parent, was a Sunday guest.
Monday guests at the Bernard secretary.
Parent home were Mr. Parent’s
More than 150 high school
brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. students who will lead their
Joe Parent and daughter, Mary schools during the coming year
Ann, of Yakima, Wash.
and 25 advisers are attending the
Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Smith workshop. The week-long meet­
attended the State Beekeepers ing will end Friday.
picnic in Salem Sunday. Mr.
It brings together student
Smith is the vice president.
leaders and high school advisers
Miss Phyllis Taylor, daughter to work toward understanding
of Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Taylor, of objectives of student councils.
has a new horse.
It is sponsored by the Oregon
Terry Bezoff, son of Mr. and Association of Student Councils
Mrs. Jack Bezoff, Gary Vincent, in cooperation with OSC.
Grace Gail Tells
Gold Hill WSCS
Of Week at Camp
By Adah Jones
GOLD HILL—Miss Grace Gail
spoke of her week at Camp
Magruder, at the Womans So­
ciety of Christian Service meet­
ing last Friday afternoon held
at the church. Miss Gail was one
of four young women attending
the thirteenth annual School of
Missions from the Eugene dis­
trict of the Methodist WSCS.
Mrs. Melvin Burnett served
refreshments during which time
the group sat informally around
the table and learned from Grace
how interesting and alive a week
at a mission school can be.
After reviewing the week, for
those present, questions were
asked and answered, also a var­
iety of leaflets gave further in­
formation on the many phases
of the work of the WSCS around
the world. It was noted that in
Belgian Congo the word for the
name of- the society was Kip-
endano, which means “the great
love for one another.”
Devotionals were led by Mrs.
Ferd Jones, the theme Deing
‘How Real Is the Kingdom.”
Mrs. Charles H. Pendred and
daughter, Margaret Louise, of
Merchantville, New Jersey, ar­
rived Tuesday evening by plane
for a visit with her mother,
Mrs. D. Chesley Bones, and with
her sister, Mrs. M. F. Naples.
They expect to be here until
August 26.
Wa don't a«U • ▼•rything—
but wn do anil REAL. ESTATE
Four cases, ranging from im­
proper parking to drunk and
disorderly conduct, were heard
in the city police court during
the past week.
Fred Medicus of Trail was ar­
rested Saturday, August 11, on a
drunk and disorderly conduct
charge. He was fined $100 in
police court and given a 90 day
suspended sentence pending pay­
ment of his fine.
William W. Iseman of Route
2, Central Point, was fined on
two counts. He was arrested
Sunday, August 12, on a charge
of driving while under the in­
fluence of liquor. His fine was
$100. He was also fined $5 for
no operators license.
Harvel W. Tracer of Prospect
was fined $5 for failing to stop
at a red light.
Harry Frye of Medford posted
$5 bail August 8 on a charge of
improper parking.
Officers Investigate
Theft of Gasoline
Theft of gasoline from the
tank of her parked car was re­
ported early last week to city
police officers by Gladys Shultz,
on North Seventh street.
The gasoline tank was drained
while she was on a four-day
vacation. City police officers in­
Plan Now To Attend The
August 20-25
Jackson County Fairgrounds
We offer a salute to our Jackson
County 4-H club and FFA Chapter
members. At their annual fair, they
are exhibiting a years work which
reflects their ambition, resourceful­
ness and skill.
we salute . . .
Club and Chapter Members From
The M & M
Margaret Napiaa. Realtor
Cornar Third fc Pina Street
Phone NOrtnandy 4-2583
Central Point. Oregon
Violators Pay
Fines to Court
A Western Company ouned and operated by Western People