THURSDAY. AUGUST IS. 1956 Lady Lions Ask Donations For New Kindergarten Central Point Lady Lions are asking for donations of the fol lowing items for the new kind ergarten to be started this fall in Central Point. For the girls: two dolls and doll clothes, one doll bed or cradle, one play stove, play dish es, play equipment for house keeping, small dolls either rub ber or plastic, doll house furni ture. For the boys: trucks or cars, trains and play farm animals, games such as number puzzle games, tinker toys, inter locking plastic blocks, and 100 Golden Books, two soft rubber balls and children’s records and a clock. Donation of any of these items in good usable condition, would be appreciated by the club. The Lady Lions are donating chairs for the kindergarten. Items may be left with Mrs. Bill Saxbury at 263 South Sec ond street or telephone Mrs. Bill Abbott evenings, NO 4-1140, or Mrs. Dick Körner, NO 4-2261, and arrangements will be made to have them picked up. CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN, CENTRAL POINT, OREGON Relief Corps Ladies Plan Basket Lunch Women’s Relief Corps of Cen tral Point will meet in the city park on Tuesday, August 21. A basket Luncheon is planned at noon. All members of the corps are urged to come out for this meeting. TR Homemakers Work on Fair Project Table Rock Homemakers club met at the home of Glenna May Brown recently. The meeting was called to order by the president, Glenna May Brown. We did not have the flag salutes this time. The min utes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Carol Mey ers. We had invited Marjorie Hat tan, county extension agent, to come out to see our work, but she was unable to attend Every one is busy getting their work finished and ready for the fair as this was our last meeting. Refreshments were served. Anita Pierce, reporter CHURCH SERVICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Norman K. Tully, pastor Jaycee-Ettes Hold Church worship___ 9:45 a.m. Sermon: “The Mirage and the Social Meet, Doll Pool" Awarded to Benston Church school 10:45 a.m. Central Point Jaycee-Ettes held a social meeting last Wed nesday evening, August 8, at the home of Mrs. Cecil Sharpe in Central Point. Miss Jaycee-Etta, the club’s doll and her complete wardrobe, has been awarded to Nichola Benston, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Dexter Benston of Central Point. Mrs. Melvin Anhorn, chairman of the project, made the announcement. The doll was displayed at the Jaycee booth during the Jacksonvile Jubilee. The next meeting of the group will be held Wednesday Aug ust 22, at the home of Mrs. Don Hanscom on Blue Moon Ranch, north of Central Point on High way 99. Those present were Mrs. Dale Bartley, Mrs. Bill Colley, Mrs. Gay Hallett, Mrs. Don Squire, Mrs. Lee McNew, Mrs. Don Hanscom, Mrs. Homer Billups, Mrs. Don A. Faber, Mrs. David DeArmond, Mrs. Cecil Sharpe, Mrs. Melvin Anhorn and Mrs. Bruce Turner. Guests for the evening were Mrs. Alan Bishop and Mrs. Mel vin Frick. Beauticians Plan Potluck Picnic Members of the Oregon Beau ticians Association and their families will hold a potluck pic nic at 10:30 a m. Sunday, Aug ust 19, at Casey State park on the Rogue River. This event is to be a com feed. Everyone is asked to bring his own table service. OLD STAGE REALTY When your friends or relatives are looking for a home, ranch, or business property, please bring them in. We have several good listings of Central Point, Medford and rural property. CARL T. NELSON Classes for all ag<*s. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD Rev. W. H. Johnson, pastor Vesper Hour ................ 7:30 p.m “A service for the whole family" High School Youth Meeting 8:30 p.m. COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH 4th and Alder Paul O. Kroon. Pastor Sunday: 9:45 a m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship, Rev. Floyd Pollock, guest speaker. 6:45 p.m. Jet Cadets. Jr. Story Time, Senior Y.P., Pre-service Prayer Hour 7:45 evening service with Rev. Floyd Pollock, speaker Tues. 7:45 p.m Korean Film, “Of Such is the Kingdom" Headline News from Here ’n There ORGANIZE JUBILEE The first meeting of the Cen tral committee appointed by the participating organizations in the forth-coming Jubilee to be held in Cave Junction over the three day Labor Day holiday was held on Wednesday evening at the Legion hall and various pro jects were discussed in more de tail. It was definitely decided to concentrate most of the activities at the VFW grounds and the adjoining Spieth’s field Anyone interested in having a booth or concession should contact Phil Kellar of the Rural Fire Dept, or Don Adams, general chair man—Illinois Valley News Forest Acres Community Church (Non-denominational) Affiliated with the American Sunday School Union Sunday school classes for all ages ......... 9:45 a.m. Church service ............. 11 am. Young people ............... 7 p.m. Evening service and songfest 7:30 p.m. Midweek prayer meeting Wednesday .............. 7:30. p.m. PILGRIM HOLINESS CHURCH H. James Kreider Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning worship . .. 11 a.m. Youth Service .............. o:45 p.m. Evangelistic service 7:30 p.m. Mid-week prayer service and Bible studv 7:30 p.m. Thursday CHURCH OF CHRIST SUNDAY— Bible School 9:45 a.m.’ Classes for all ages. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Communion and sermon. Junior High Youth Meeting 6:45 p.m. A huge sign is planned in Cres cent City at the junction of 101. and 199, proclaiming “Stay on U. 6. 101”. The sign is to be a promotional venture initiated by two Brookings motel operators, Merill Bullock of the Crest Mo tel, and Jack Hagen of the Bonn Motel in conjunction with the Brookings-Harbor Chamber of Commerce. . , The outdoor sign, which vvi*l be 12*4 feet high and 42 feet long, will be multi-color with a scene from the Oregon Coast painted on. The artists sketch shows a portion of Harris Beach state park.—Brookings Harbor Pilot Central Point Res. NOrmandy 4-2291 Office NOrmandy 4-1164 MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR to a report from the Douglas county health department. Samples were taken from the dam site on North Myrtle Creek, from Myrtle creek in the park area and from the river by the railroad bridge, favored swim- ning spots.—Myrtle Creek Mail TO PROBE D.A. Jackson county’s Bar Associa tion has appointed a committee, headed by Attorney James M Main, to investigate complaints that the district attorney’s office has violated the civil rights of some individuals. The Times learned that at least three attorneys are prepar ing complaints for the commit tee to investigate and one of them has arranged for a parade of witnesses to appear. Another complaint deals with a single individual, allegedly held in jail for four days without be ing brought to court for a hear ing The third complaint, it was understood, deals with the pre liminary investigation of the Billy Nunn murder case.—Rogut River Times PLAN NEW SCHOOL Completed plans for a new 7th and 8th grade elementary school and an adjoining new multi-purpose gymnasium for School District 54C are expected this month. At a meeting of the local school board Monday night, the new construction projects were dis cussed by board members with Howard Glazer of Dougan A Heims, architects. The current schedule calls for completed plans to be ready so that an advertisement for bids can appear in the August 23 is sue of Wertern World. If satis factory bids are received, the Board plans to proceed with the sale of $280,000 in bonds auth orized by the people in an elec tion March 10, 1956. and plans to start construction this Sep tember. with occupancy due by the fall of 1957—Bandon West ern World. CONTAMINATION SHOWN Testing of three natural bath ing places near Myrtle Creek indicates contamination in Myr tle creek and the South Ump qua river above the accepted standards of purity, according For Real Economy Shop The ECONOMY M RKET Where Your Dollar Makes More Cents In Central Point High Quality Foods With A Money Back Gurantee on Every Purchase OPEN SUNDAYS - 9 Til 8 OPEN WEEKDAYS - 8 Til 8 SUPERVISOR STRICKEN Mrs. Marlene Grout took over as supervisor at the Curry Gen eral Hospital on Monday, after illness forced the resignation of Mrs. Dorothy Sauer, former-man ager, some two weeks earlier than had been planned. Shar ing the responsibility of the sup erintendent’s position with Mrs. Grout will be Nina Stansell, lab oratory technician. Mrs. Sauer, who had expected to remain on duty until August 10, was stricken last week for the second time while on duty ' BANK NOTES ... < from your friendly Home-Owned Rogue Valley State Bank DIP YOU KNOW —r I, , - — BANKS WILL USUALLY HAY THE WRITTEN AMOUNT ON A CHECK IF IT DIFFERS IROM THE AMOUNT IN FIGURES TO BE SAFE, BE ACCURATE 4-H and FFA X Fair Supplies • SHOW CANES • CURRY COMBS & BRUSHES N u jua s world WB TOOAY MORE WOMEN THAN MEN WORK IN BANKS NINE PERCENT OF TBC LADIES OR MORE.THAN » OOO ARE LISTED AS _ EXECUTIVES. —— • COAT DRESSING • SHOW HALTERS We carry a complete stock of show supplies. And we’ll be glad to special order anything not in stock. Just call on us. BROKER 36 Pine at the hospital, and left for her home at Rio Dell, Calif., on Thursday.—Curry County Re porter. ROAD SIGN PLANNED Sunday school ____ 9:45 a.m Morning worship ... _ 11 a m. Evening worship 7:30 p.m. Young people 7:45 p.m. Thursday PAGE FIVE Central Point Pharmacy S & H Grwn Stampa Phone NO 4-1183 CENTRAL POINT 233 Pine ONE MAN OPERATION barfing quarters w the old west OFTEN CONSISTED OF OC MAN. Hi5 TENT, A BIG LEDGER BOOK AND AN OVERSIZED REVOLVER Rogue Valley State Bank Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 pm.—Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Member Federal Reserve System 1109 Court Street Medford. Oregon