The Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1936-195?, August 16, 1956, Page 3, Image 3

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    THURSDAY. AUGUST 16. 1956
County Crews
Improve Road
In Table Rock
By Mrs. Ray Doran
TABLE ROCK — The county
road crews did a very neat, ef­
ficient job on the highway from
the bridge north beyond the
It is a fine road now and we
hope it will last. With the nice
road from Four-corners on in,
it makes the road in between
hard to take.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Reum and
children spent the past week at
Lake of the Woods
Mrs. Barbara Taylor and Mrs.
Pirkey accompanied the teen­
agers to Jackson Hot Springs
Friday evening for a swimming
Tamara and Shane Doran mov­
ed bag and baggage to their
grandparent’s home for the fruit
season while their mother is
packing pears.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wyatt
and very small son from Cali­
fornia spent a few days at the
Ray Wyatt home.
Mr. and Mrs. William Wagner,
Iowa City, Iowa, and their son,
Kenneth Wagner, and wife of
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, visited the
Walter Timms last week. Wil­
liam Wagner is Mrs. Timm’s
Gail and Gwen Smith, twin
daughters of Mr and Mrs. Bob
Smith, Medford, spent from
Tuesday through Friday with
the Walter Timms.
Mr. and Mrs. H»*nry Christoff-
ersen and son, Brian, and nieces
from Arlington Heights, Illin­
ois, were Saturday visitors at
the Timm home.
Miss Grace Bigham, Joy Chap­
man, Mrs. Earl Bigham and son,
Kenneth, and Mrs. Mina Cook,
Medford, left Sunday for a motor
trip to Portland and points of
interest along the way. They
returned Thursday, August 16.
Mrs. Irene Shirley, Medford,
who taught in Table Rock school
many years ago, was a visitor
in this district Saturday.
Thirty members of the S. J.
Richardson family met Sunday
afternoon for a potluck dinner
held in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Richardson and children
who are visiting from Portland
for a few weeks.
Mrs. Mary Myers, 4-H leader,
accompanied Aletta Myers and
Anita Pierce to the court house
Tuesday morning where they
demonstrated the art of home­
making. Next week they will
exhibit in the 4-H fair.
Pear picking got underway at
Redskin Monday morning Modoc
is also picking now.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Warren
of Central Point are parents of
a daughter born Saturday, Aug­
ust II, at Community hospital.
Weight at birth was 7 pounds.
Dry Cleaning
Have your Back-to-School dry
cleaning done now, in plenty
of time. Just call us.
Charles & Louise Novosad
Phone 4-2523
40 East Pine Street
Secretary Seaton Custom Archery Bow Manufacturing
Plans Appearance Plant Chooses Gold Hill Location
At GOP Jamboree
Ladino Clover Seed
Secretary of the Interior Fred
A. Seaton will fly to Medford
from Washington on August 30
to attend a big Republican
’•jamboree" in Hawthorne park,
according to Mrs Kathleen Bash.
Jackson county Republican com­
mittee chairman.
Invited to attend the affair, at
which Seaton will be the prin­
cipal speaker, will be Republic­
an candidates for all state and
Fred A. Seaton
By Adah Jones
GOLD HILE—A new industry
is being Welcomed in Gold Hill.
It is the Tarbell Custom Bow
Shop where Neil Tarbell, with
assistants Wayne Brandon and
Bud Ingram of Ontario, Calif, are
manfucaturing custom - made
bows tor the archery trade.
The business is in a building
next to the OK Pastime Tavern.
It has been empty for the past
year or so.
Machine tools and some ma­
terials are on hand ready to fill
orders. Tarbell states that he
has several orders to fill for
California customers so he ex­
pects to be busy.
Bows on hand are beautiful
and are calk'd modern composite
bows made of three materials.
Black walnut wood, which can
be obtained locally, makes up
the main part of the bow; east­
ern maple is used for the limb
of the bow and fiber glass cov­
ering comes from Los Angeles.
The bows are claimed to be
faster, more flexible and dur­
able than older types
strings are of dacron.
About eight different lengths
in three price ranges will be
made. Other supplies will be
handled later.
Of interest was that Wayne
Brandon had killed the largest
black tailed deer, by bow and
arrow, ever killed in the United
States. This kill was made in
Southern California.
The young men are looking
forward to attending the state
archery ’tournament to be held
in Eugene this weekend. Aug­
ust 18 and 19.
Also of interest is the fact that
Joe Williamson, three-time state
archery champion, lives near
Gold Hill and can supply the
black walnUt wood needed in
manufacturing the Tarbell Cus­
tom bow.
national offices, including Seat­
on’s predecessor as Interior Sec­
retary, Douglas McKay.
Tickets to a smorgasbord sup­
per, feature of the affair, will
go on sale immediately for $1.50
'pach, Mrs. Bash said. She ad­
ded that this is not a fund-rais­
ing meeting, and that the tickets
are simply to’ pay the cost of the
food. Those wishing to see i.nd
hear Seaton and the political
candidates, but who do not wish
to participate in the informal
supper, will be welcomed free
of charge.
The jamboree will • begin at
6 p.m. Thursday, August 30,
Most people these days are
with music and entertainment,, spending money as if it carried
which will continue through the an early expiration date.
smorgasbord. The entire program
will be over in time for the Sec­
retary to appear on a local tele­
vision program at 9:30 p.m.
Tax Set by Board
A tax of 65 hundreths of a
cent per pound on Oregon ladino
clover seed sales made after Sep­
tember 1 was approved at the
first meeting of the new Ladino
Clover Commission held recently
in Madras.
The tax was voted on ladino
clover seed of 95 per cent or
higher germination and will be
collected by seed dealers. Major
portion of the tax this year will
be applied to advertising and
promotion of ladino seed grown
in Oregon.
The seven-member commis­
sion of five growers and two
dealers elected J. A. Macy as
chairman; K. A. Harris, vice
chairman; and Willis Freemw,
secretary-treasurer, all of Mad­
ras. Other members are W Roy
Stevenson. Madras; Melvin Wai-
demar, Culver; Burle Burreson,
Gold Hill; and R. Wallace Rice.
Grants Pass.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Fleischer
of Central Point returned hpme
Saturday after vacationing in
Seattle, Wash, where they at­
tended the annual Sea Fair pag­
eant. While in the Washington
city they also visited her two
sisters and several nieces and
"The national debt is nothing
to worry about,” suys a college
professor. This statement doesn't
reassure us in the leust, for the
reason that any idea a college
professor may have about finan­
ces is bound to be theoretical.
Terole’» Jewelry
Jewelry - Watch Repair
We Buy & Sell
39 South Bartlett
Phone 2-7025 - Medford. Ore.
Capt. Duncan Visits
Enroute to Alaska
Captain James A. Duncan, his
wife, Elaine, and their three
children, Barbara, Helen and
James, Jr., were overnight guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L.
D. Hays in Central Point Friday
Captain Duncan is beihg trans­
ferred from Parks Air Force
Base, California, to Ladd Air
Force Base, near Fairbanks,
He and his family will drive
to Alaska over the Alcan high­
way. Captain Duncan is the son
of Mrs. Hays. His assignment to
Alaska is for a period of 30
Keep those weeds
down. Prevent fires
typical low rates
from Central Point
Chicago ....
Salt Lake City
• Weed Cutter»
• Two separate washing actions.
e Fully-illuminated Guide Lite* control.
• 3-Temperature water selection.
Either sickle bar
or rotary blade
• Lawn Mower»
Station to station rates, not including tex, for 3
• Giant, 9-lb. capacity.
• Suds-Miser* saves soap, hot water.
• 7 Rinses, thorough yet use leu water.
• Porcelain top resists mars and stains.
• 5-Year parts warranty on transmission.
$50 Trade-in
Come in today
See it in action I
minutes after 6 p.m. weekdays and an day Sunday
in/oy a family reunion
tonight by flophono
1129 Court
Dial 3-1522
Pacific Telephone
gives you these advantages
Hal Krueger and Al Thompson
Phono 2 2 45*
Comer Main It Bartlett