The Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1936-195?, August 16, 1956, Page 2, Image 2

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    THUSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1956
AMERICAN Opening Dates
For All Schools
Told by Mekvold
CeMiral Point
"Official rewspapcr of the City of Cantral Point, Oregon”
Published weekly on Thursday by Central Point
Publishing Co., Chester A. Ashton and Cecil A.
Sharpe Jr., ov iers.
Entered as second class matter
at the postoffice, Central Point,
Oregon, under the Act of March
3, 1897. Re-establisned September
13. lft28.
Opening dates for all schools
in Jackson county have been
announced from the office of Alf
. fubuihkkb
Mekvold. county superintendent
Opening dates are as follows:
One Year
September 4; Ashland, Apple­
Advertising rates on Application gate, Elk-Trail, Shady Cove,
Six Months
Butte Falls and Rogue River
Cecil A. Sharpe Jr., Editor
141 North Second St
Telephone NO 4-1323
September 5: Lone Pine. Sep­
tember 6; Rogue River. Septem­
Book Briefs
ber 7: Eagle Point.
September 10: Central Point,
From Central Point
Crater High school, Jackson­
Public Library
ville, Griffin Creek, Ruch, Phon-
Aris Van Hoy
ix Elementary, Talent, Medford
Elementary and Junior High
Sierra Baron
Pinehurst, Howard and
By Thomas Blackburn
Evans Valley.
Perhaps possession is nine
Central Point American
September 17: Phoenix High
Central Point. Oregon
points of the law, but when there school, Medford Senior High
To The Publisher:
is no law, and property claims school. St. Marys will follow the
The purpose of this letter is are disputed, the owner finds same program of opening the
to explain away the apparent
elementary on the 10th and the
confusion concerning the com­ he has to fight to keep his land, high school on the 17th.
parison bid on the city liability and Mike McGann was no ex­
Parents of first grade children
ception to the rule, for as pos­ are reminded to plan to bring
The bid submitted by our sessor of a fancy looking Span­ birth certificates for children
agency, which was approximate­ ish document giving him owner­ entering school for the first time.
ly $130.00 a year lower than the ship of forty four thousand acres, Physical health check-ups were
policy submitted through anoth­ known as the Princess Grant, he made earlier for children who
er agent, was based on exactly found he really had a fight on would enter‘the first grade this
fall through clinics conducted by
the same specifications as used his hands.
Of all his enemies, Peyton, the county health department.
by the other agent, and the
specifications were furnished to the man who swindled Mike out
us by the City of Central Point. of several thousands of dollars
We were asked to bid on this and gave him what was thought
coverage, and the bid was not to be a worthless deed, was the
submitted for the express pur­ one most determined that Mike
pose of embarrassing anyone. should share the land and the
We feel that it is only fair to gold found on it, with him and
the taxpayers of any community who incited all the gold seekers
Funeral rites for Arthur B.
to avail themselves of the lowest and miners to participate in Mead, 83, of Central Point, were
insurance figures they can get fights and raids against Mike conducted Friday afternoon.
providing the coverages are com­ and his friends.
August 10, from the Community
But Peyton didn’t figure on Bible church.
We would like to point out these friends of Mikes, on the
The Rev. Paul Kroon, pastor
that the company in which we cleverness of Benson, the cour­ of the local church, officiated
bid is one of the largest and age of McCraken, the gun­ Interment was in Memory Gard­
slinger from Texas, nor the loy­
strongest stock companies.
ally of Dutch and all the others
Very truly yours,
who became partners in the
T. C. Barker
fight against lawlessness and
bloodshed, but most of all Pey­
ton didn’t plan on the part
Recent guests at the C. L. Beatriz would play in his de­
Munn home in Central Point feat, for she had reasons to hate
were Mrs. Ida McQueen of Mon­ him, and when she married
rovia, Calif., and her daughter, Mike, her chances to even the
score against Peyton came in
Mrs. Alf Smith, of Canyonville. many wavs, and she used them,
Also visiting were Mr. and Mrs. for she had lots to fight for, and
Don Foster and two children, with Mike, they fought and won
Ricky and Donna, of Sacramento, an empire that later became a
Calif. Mrs. Foster will be re- part of the state of California.
Imembered as Helen Long of
Central Point.
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Naples
of The M & M Agency in Cen­
A son was born to Mr. and tral Point moved into their new
Mrs. Jack Burns, Route 2. Cen­ home at 1125 Pine street last
tral Point on Saturday, August week. They had been making
11. at Community hospital in
their home at Seventh and
Medford Birth weight was 7 Laurel. Vic Noel of Central Point
pounds, 8 ounces.
was the builder of the new home.
Rites Held Friday
For A, B. Mead
Top Entertainment
Slated at State Fair
State Fairgrounds,
(Special)—Plenty of entertain­
ment is promised at the 1956
Oregon state fair which opens
its eight-day run here Saturday,
September 1.
And a lot of the entertainment
is free.
The free midway sights will
include a balloon ascension and
parachute jump daily at 6 p.m.;
a “Mr. Talent” TV show daily
at 3 p.m., and a thrill act describ­
ed as “one of the most daring
ever brought to the state fair.”
Other entertainment features
will include an all-new Helefle
Hughes stage revue, a combin­
ed world championship rodeo and
horse show and pari-mutuel
harness and running horses.
From where I sit... iy Joe Marsh
Turned Out To Be
a Good Break
We had a water main break last
Thursday. Happened early in the
morning—about two am.—and the
first thing most of us knew about
it was when we tried to turn on
the faucets and nothing came out
but a hissing noire.
Nobody was inconvenienced
much though. Repair crew went
right to work —and things were
fixed up in jig time.
Incidentally, the water com­
pany got a flood of payments on
overdue btZZa that day. Lots of
“forgetful” folks must have fig­
ured they were being warned!
From where I sit, sometimes our
obligations slip our minds. Like
the responsibility we all have to
our communities ... to see that
our neighbors enjoy the right to
decide for themselves how to
work, how to vote, whether or not
to enjoy a bottle of beer. Any
time we “forget” we owe this
right to others, we take a chance
on stopping the flow of tolerance
that makes this country such a
grand place for us to live in.
Copyright, 1956, United States Brewers Foundation
Wnild you
now featuring . . .
trade 20 minutes of your time
for a saving of hundreds ?
vv hy put off the fun of a Ford Test Drive for a
single day? As you know, it puts you under
absolutely no obligation. And it may save you
literally hundreds of dollars—we'll get to that a
little further on.
A brand new
taste thrill!
By a Test Drive we mean more than a once-
around-the-block “spin.”
We want vou to test the power that rocketed
Ford to a 500-mile stock car record at Indianapolis
... the GO that won the grand prise at NASCAR’s
Daytona Championships. We want you to feel how
this Ford sro. pays off in row kind of driving: in
traffic, passing on the highway, getting going at
«■attic lights. We’ll put either a Ford Six or a
nughtv V-8 with up to 225 h.p. at your disposal.
We want you to drive and listen— drive and feel.
"Sure," you’ll say as you drive along the road.
"Feels prettv good—but after all, this car is new"
W ell sir. w hen you come in from your drive we'll
show you exactly why a nevf Ford will stay like
Vanilla and
chocolate flavors
Try it now from
(Formerly Wieely’»)
ens Memorial park. Conger-Mor­
ris funeral home had charge of
Mr. Mead died Wednesday,
August 8. He was bom October
7, 1872, in Gloversville, New
York. He came to Oregon from
Caidwell, Idaho, in 1924 and
had made his home in Central
Point since 1939.
He was married to Miss Min­
nie Brown on November 5, 1894,
at Gloversville, New York.
Survivors include his wife;
two sons, Newton A. Mead, Cen­
tral Point, and Robert L. Mead,
Roseburg: six grandchildren and
10 great grandchildren.
Honorary pallbearers were
Tylie Evans, Ray Guss, Joe
Gray, Willard Ball, Lawrence
Leonard and J. L. Newman. Ac­
tive pallbearers were Simmie
Hilliard, W. C. Higinbotham, H.
E. Gleason, Rudy Hansen, Ray
Britton and Cecil Culbertson.
Central Point
Au/uit it Saving Saavon
■t your Ford Dealer’».
Bag a deal while he clean
hi» decks for the ’57 models.
new for a long, long time.
We’ll show you how Ford has five cross-members
(including a “K” member) in its frame. Ford’s
leading competitor only has two. We’ll show you
the deep-block \ -like engine design which enables
Ford engines to take it.
Now what you've been waiting for. How can
you save hundreds of dollars by taking a Ford
Test Drive?
Simply by proving to yourself that there really
*r a fine car in the low-price field.
\ou see. the reason a Ford does not cost hun­
dreds of dollars more than it does, is Ford’s huge
production and the huge volume which we Ford
Dealers sell.
But enough of this talk. Come in. And rou do
the driving and the talking. Bring the family, too.
FORD goes first
5 for SIXX)
Main and Fir
Phone 3-4549