Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About The Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1936-195? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1956)
AMERICAN ✓ Central Point VOLUME XXVIII Council Okays Property Trade With Bert Peck A trade of property between the city and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Peck of Central Point was auth orized Monday evening by city councilmen as they passed Ord inance 425. In the trade. Peck has deeded a small portion of land at the intersection of east Laurel and Ninth streets to the city to en large the street intersection. In exchange, the city is deed ing lot 4 of block 6 in the Pat tison addition to Mr and Mrs. Peck. The bid of $410, submitted by Thos. Whittle, building contract or, was accepted by councilmen as they passed Ordinance 426, which authorized execution of a deed. Whittle purchased lot 8 in block 37. M. C. Gleason, police commit tee chairman, recommended that the probationary salary schedule for Police Chief Wallace Bowen and Patrolman Alan Bishop be changed to a permanent basis. As of August 1, both officers will receive an additional $15 per month. This change, which was passed by the council, will place Chief Bowen on the salary schedule at $4380 per year and Bishop at $3930 per year. At the same time, councilmen passed a motion authorizing that the budgeted salary increase for the city recorder be placed in effect. A motion was also passed which set the city recorder’s salary at $2200 per year. This change will not effect the 1956- 57 budget, but will be in force next year. It was pointed out that this change was passed to give a better picture to city residents of the duties of city recorder. Fire Chief D. D. Turner ap peared before the council and asked that budgeted equipment for the fire department be auth orized. Money was included in the budget for the purchase of another self-contained mask, re pair pump on one truck and re placement of CO2 extinguishers. A motion was passed authorizing the purchase. Mayor Donald E. Faber pre sided. Councilmen present were M C. Gleason, Robert Padgett, William Saxbury, L. J. Bigham and E. R Yokom. w CENTRAL POINT. JACK8ON COUNTY. OREGON » . - - --------------- _ -------- THURSDAY. AUGUST 9. 1958 Resolution Calls City Hits New Water Use Record For City Election A new water consumption record for the city of Central Point was estbalished last month, during July, according to figures presented at Monday evening’s council session. The July, 1956, water use in the city totaled 14,939,800 gal lons. This was 1,600,000 gallons over the previous record month of August, 1955, w’hen 13,387,700 gallons were used. Just to have a little fun with figures, let’s divide the city pop ulation into the gallonage. We came up with 7838.3 gallons per resident per month! Breaking this down even farther, we came up with a figure of 10.53 gal lons per hour per resident! Of course, in juggling these figures a bit we ignored the in dustrial and commercial use throughout the city, but that's still a lot of water. Resolution 124 was adopted by city councilmen Monday evert ing during their August session calling for a city election on No vember 6, 1958. In this year’s election six city offices will become vacant. The offices' of mayor, city trea surer and city recorder will be up for election as well as three council chairs. Councilmen whose terms wifi expire are Robert Pad gett, L. J. Bigham and William Saxbury. Date of the city election coin cides with the state and nation al general elections. DIRECTORS TO MEET Members of the board of di rectors of School District 6 win meet Monday evening, August 13, for their monthly board ses sion. The meeting will open at 8 p.m. Jim Glenn Elected to Council Post Vacated by Harry Tonn Grangers Name November 8 Date For Turkey Feed The annual turkey dinner, popular event sponsored by the Central Point Grange, has been set for Thursday, November 8, according to arrangements made at the regular meeting last Fri day evening, August 3. Mrs. John Niedermeyer and patueu 9J9M xnojj uojseo S.IJM co-chairman for the annual event by Mrs. Marshall Weid man, grange home economics chairman. Delmar Smith, grange lecturer, showed pictures to the group of his recent trip to Canada. He gave an interesting report on the different farming areas he saw during the trip. Cleo Young had charge of the display table for this meeting. The display was composed of vegetables, including many of the new varieties which are now available. Serving committee for the evening was the John Nieder- meyers, Melvin Halls and Mrs. Frances Hedgepath. James W. Glenn was elected to a post on the Central Point city council Monday evening to fill the vacancy created by the res ignation of Harry Tonn. Tonn had submitted a letter of resignation to the council asking to be relieved of his dut ies as of August 1. Members of the council voted to accept the resignation. Glenn, owner and operator of Crater Department Store, will serve the remainder of Tonn's terfn. Tonn was originally elect- for a four-year term. Glenn will serve out the remaining two year and five months. Standridge to Open Real Estate Office William A. Standridge of Route 1, Central Point, announc ed this week that he will open his real estate office in the Cow ley building next Monday, Aug ust 13. Standridge is occupying one of the two newly remodeled of fices in tlie Cowley building at the corner of Pine and Second Streets. Standridge, well known in this area, was formerly employed by the W. A. Darling Agency in Medford and most recently by The MAM Agency of Central Point. Sam Mallon, Mother Killed in Collision Samuel Norman Mallon, 50, his mother, Mrs. Carrie Gertrude Klamath Falls, who arrived at Mallon, 73, Central Point, and an the scene shortly after the ac Ashland couple, Mr. and Mrs. cident. Verbie Edward Grise, both of Funeral services for Mr. Mal Ashland, were killed about 6:30 lon and his mother were held p.m. Thursday, August 2, in a Monday afternoon, August 6, two-car, head on collision on the from the Perl Funeral home in Green Springs highway approx Medford. The Rev. Norman K. imately two miles from the Tully, pastor of Central Point Klamath county line in Jackson First iS-esbyterian ( church, of county. ficiated Interment was in Siski The accident, one of the worst you Memorial cemetery. in the history of Southern Ore Mr. Mallon, well-known in gon. also killed Charles Elwell this area, has been a resident Klaus, 52, Portland, driver of of southern Oregon for the past the other car. 11 years. He was bom at Oil Details of the accident are un City, Pa.. October 15, 1905. known as there were no witness He and his wife. Irene, operat es However, it is believed the ed Pine Tree Market in the Mallons were bringing the Gris Tolo district north of Central es back from a trip to Dairy, Point. He also operated Sam's about 18 miles east of Klamath Tractor Service. Falls at the time of the accident. He w’as a member of Central The Grise family had recently Point Masonic lodge Medford moved to Ashland from Dairy Scottish Rite bodies, Ashland and Mallon was believed to have Commandery and Hillah Temple been interested in purchasing of the Shrine, the Fraternal Ord er of Eagles and was past presi their property at Dairy. The crash was reported by dent of Central Point Lions club. Jim Hicks, scaler for the Ned He was a member of the Meth- Putman logging company ofodist church. x NUMBER 17 — Four-Corners Residents Ask Hookup with City Sewer Line Appointments Asked For Readiness Test On August 21 and 22 Parents of children eligible to take school readiness tests are asked to call the school super intendent's office at Crater High school for appointments. The office number is NOrman- dy 4-2793 Pupils of School District 6C who will not be six years old until after November 15 are elig ible to take the tests on August 21 and 22. Children who will be allowed to take the test must be six be fore January 15. A child who shows a mental maturity of six years and six months on the test will be admitted to classes on trial. Testing will be held at the third grade building at Central Point Elementary school. VFW Collects Autos, Scrap In Clean-up Five abandoned automobile .'bodies and five and one-half tons of scrap metal were picked up Saturday and Sunday by members of Central Point Vet erans of Foreign Wars Post 4316 during the first half of their clean-up drive. Commander Robert Monsey re ported that most of the scrap last weekend came from the area outside the city of Central Point. The drive will continue this weekend,* August 11 and 12. Seven car bodies inside Central Point have been lined up for pickup this weekend. Persons wishing the VFW post to stop at their home and piclfup scrap metals or trash are asked to call either Monsey at NO 4-2738 or Drive Chairman Frank Bruce at NO 4-2466. Eight men of the post were out last weekend for the pickup detail. Whitset Re-opens Valley Billiards Valley Billiards, popular rec reation spot in Central Point, re opened last Saturday, August 4. under the new management of Joe Whitsett. The billiard room has been moved to the rear of the Cowley building because of two offices which were constructed in the front portion. The entire area has been redecorated in a color scheme of brown and white. Whitsett, who was formerly employed as a repairman for a coin amusement machine firm, has leased the business space from Crater Investment Co., owners of the building The billiard room was form erly operated by Leo Phelps. He is survived by his wife, Irene; daughter, Mrs. John (Nancy) Stuckey, of Ashland; a son, Norman L. Mallon; and two brothers, Harold G. Mallon and William Mallon. Mrs. Carrie Mallon made her home on Table Rock road and had been a resident of the valley for ten years. She was born in Pennsylvania on May 25, 1883. She was a member of the Meth odist church. She is survived by two sons, Harold G. Mallon and William Mallon; one brother, William Willings; one sister, Mrs. Henry P. Liddy; a granddaughter, Mrs John Stuckey; and three grand sons, Norman L. Mallon, Harry STRATTONS HAVE BOY S. Mallon and William E Mal Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stratton lon. of Central Point are parents of Pallbearers for Mrs. Mallon were Arthur Rupp, Fred Keier- a son, James Frederick, born laber, George Fnthman, Rich Sunday morning. August 5, at ard Stratton, Lester Gilman, and Community hospital in Medford. David Kreer. Pallbearers for Mr. Birth weight was 8 lbs., 15*4 oz. Mallon were Wallace L. Bazo, Mr and Mrs. E E Stratton of Norman Matteston, Knute Wem- White Salmon, Washington, and mark. Paul Snook, Henry Everett A. Faber of Central Point are grandparente Croucher and James Glenn. A request that approximately 25 residents of the Midway Four-Corners area northeast of Central Point be permitted to make sewer connections with the city's trunk line was heard Monday evening by city council men. The proposal wns presented by Earl Yoakley, owner of Yoak- ley's Little Super Market. He was accompanied by Bob Hart, county sanitarian. In his request, Yoakley point ed out that only those firms and homes which could be served by gravity flow could be allowed to hook up with the city's line. He also mentioned that forma ation of a sewage district at Four-Corners has been accepted by Medford, but that the ex pense of serving the widely- scattered homes has halted the project. Hart spoke briefly to city coun cilmen and stated that no new construction is being allowed in this area because of the sewage problem. Yoakley reported that the 25 persons in. that area are vitally interested .n securing sewer ser vice and r re willing to pay any reasonable monthly service fee. The resid nts would put in their own sew A lines, Yoakley said and pay this expense themselves. Robert Padgett, water and sewer committee chairman, pron^ised that the council would investigate the proposal thor- teqi paun» an X|q»no technicalities would have to be checked before a definite answer could be given. Comparison Bid On City Insurance Confuses Council A comparison bld of $513.68 for city liability insurance and coverage on a city fire truck Monday evening caused city cnuncilmen to hold up action on the agent-of-record plan. The bid .submitted by Chris Barker Agency, was presented Monday evening after council men had previously voted to adopt an agent-of-record plan and had named Faber-Stratton Insurance as the city’s agent. Councilmen indicated that they did not understand the let ter submitted by Barker and did not understand what coverage was included in the comparison bid The policy submitted by Rich ard Stratton carried a premium of $644 65 Councilmen decided to contact the two agents and have them appear at the next council ses sion to explain the difference in the two bids. CONTRACTORS LICENSE Donald Titus of Central Point announced this week that he has taken out a paint contractors license. Titus and his wife own The Center, local confectionary. U. S. Weather Bureau Min. Prec. Max. 73 45 Aug. 2 44 76 Aug 3 49 81 Aug. 4 54 82 Aug. 5 86 52 Aug. 6 90 52 Aug. 7 90 55 Aug 8 Clear skies and no rain pre- dieted for the weekend. Temp eratures for 80 to 94.