The Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1936-195?, July 21, 1955, Page 2, Image 2

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Central Point AMEBICAA
Published weekly on Thursday, bv Central Point *
Publishing Co., Chester A. Ashton and Cecil A.
Sharpe Jr., owners.
Entered as second class matter
at the postoffice. Central Point,
Oregon, under the Act of March
3. 1897. Re-estabiished September
13. 1928.
One Year
$2 50
Six Months
Advertising rates on Application
Cecil A. Sharpe Jr., Editor
141 North .Second St.
Telephone NO 4-1323
Former Postmistress
Visits with Parents
Book Briefs
From Central Point
Public Library
By Evelyn Graham
Central Point has received from
the Jackson County Library a
group of books to be permanently
deposited in the local library.
For the reference collection, we
have been given “Collier's New
Work! Atlas and Gazetter” and
the college edition of “Webster's
New World Dictionary”. This
dictionary was chosen because it
has the largest word stock of any
college edition and its definitions
are written afresh in a modern
style and from an American point
of view. In addition to the multi-
Icolored maps-and complete ga­
zetter, the atlas includes many
to Rocks and Minerals”. The text
is a technical discussion of min­
eral collections, rock and mineral
classifications, physical proper­
ties. and descriptions. The 254
illustrations will be helpful to
both the amateur and professional
as an aid in rock and mineral
It is the plan of the branch
department of the Jackson County
Library to continue to provide
other new and interesting addi­
tions to the collection—to make
the Central Point Library a more
attractive and efficient servant
of your community.
tables, charts, and statistics with
an explanatory text presenting
Mrs. Charles McDonald of
the world in its geographical, North Hollywood, California, ac­
physical and commerical aspects. companied bv her two nephews,
We have received several of Craig and Kirk Pierce of Fuller­
the Golden Nature Guide series, ton, Calif., arrived in Central
written by Herbert Zim. All of Point last Sunday morning.
these books are beautifully ill­
They will be here to visit her
ustrated with colored plates and parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Munn.
are “co-authored'' by eminent The boy’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
scientists. Available now at Cent­ James Pierce, are expected here
ral Point are following titles: later.
“Trees”, “Birds”, “Flowers’,
Mrs. McDonald is former post-
“Stars ’, and “Insects". We also mistress of Central Point post
have on order the book on mam­ office.
mals in this series.
The nature lover will be glad ELLIS HOME SOLD
to know that we have “Wild
The former Robert Ellis home
Flowers of the Pacific Coast” by at 624 Alder street has been sold
Leslie L. Haskin. This attractive t0 Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cavin,
book includes botanical descrip­ formerly of Klamath Falls. The
tions and illustrations of our Cavins are sister and brother-in-
lieautiful western wildflowers.
law of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mor­
Another welcome addition is ris of Central Point. The sale was
Frederick Pough’s “Field Guide handled by the M & M Agency.
New Minister
At Gold Hill
Honored Sunday
By Adah Jones
GOLD HILL—Rev. and Mrs.
George Hatch of Community
Methodist church were honored
on Sunday evening at the church
by a reception, welcoming them
to the community. The first part
of the evening was spent in group
Ringing in the sanctuary with
Mrs. Rov Eskew, pianist, and Mrs.
Paul Molloy, leading.
Those present then adjourned
to the dining room where punch,
coffee and cookies were served
at beautifully decorated tables.
Mrs. Wendell Aoplen was at the
coffee urn and Pat Bickel of the
MYF group serving punch.
Floral and table decorations
were in charge of Mrs. J G.
Kofahl and Mrs. Millie Walker.
Others assisting were Mrs. Wil­
mer Bailev. Mrs. Lawrence Smith
and Mrs. Melvin Burnett.
Cousins of Mrs. Warren Pat-
terson. Upton road, from Bristol,
Illinois, are house guests this
week at her home. They are Lena
and Mabel Miller. Mr. and Mrs.
Matt Bennett and two sons of
southern California alsö visited
briefly at the Patterson home
this week.
Legion Auxiliary
Plans Camp White
Birthday Party
Plans for the Camp White Aug­
ust birthday party were made at
.the last meeting of Myers-Hol­
land unit. American Legion Aux­
Mrs. Mary Parker, delegate
from the local unit, will leave
next Tuesday for the American
Legion Auxiliary convention to
be held at Redmond July 27
through July 30.
It was announced that the aux­
iliary will hold only one meeting
a month during July and August.
Committee chairmen have been
oppointed for this year. Chair­
men and their committees are:
Civil defense, Mrs. Ella Mae
McCall; public relations and com­
munity service, Mrs. Margaret
Naples: constitution and bylaws,
Mrs. Effie Borah; publicity, Mrs.
Eva Campbell.
Membership, Mrs. Alberta Gear­
in; hospital and rehabilitation,
Mrs. Mary Parker; Americanism,
Mrs. Leola Faber; Pan-American
and music, Mrs. Elizabeth Faber,
and child welfare, Mrs. Mary
Fred Parkinson will arrive in
Central Point late Sunday even­
ing from Silverton. He and his
wife and two children will leave
Monday morning to make their
home at Silverton. Parkinson rec­
ently purchased the Silverton
'- V '
Why of course they can stay -for dinner I
when you
have a new
e Enjoy luxury foods out
of season!
• Buy foods In quantity
when prices are lowest!
M.d.l P-1 SS —IS <H H.
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NOW 5 4.5U
it's simple to prepare meals on short notice
when you have a
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Phone 2-2456
Corner of Main and Bartiatt
food. Geezer!
You’ll welcome the conivnicnce of a freezer
when unexpected guests drop in. It’s so
easy to take out exactly the cute of meat
you want to serve . . . the vegetables and
fruit for a complete meal. No hurried
shopping tripe ... no last-minute opening
of cans. Serve your finest foods, perfectly
preserxed, whenever you wish, in season or
out ’ You’ll be surprised at the money you can
saie in the family food budget. And you’ll
he delighted to find the time-saving, ivork-
saving ei\ae of preserving foods by freezing.
A Western Company ouned and operated by Western People