VOLUME XXIV CENTRAL POINT, OREGON. Gerald Hutton Wins First Prize in Contest IO STUDY PUN THURSDAY. OCTOBER 25, 1951 tr u Of Or«, NUMBER » International Telephone Directory Junior Hi Poin^ o Recognition Given Program to Close Wed. Face Medford Junior» Central Point Firm 1 We are pleased to announce the This next week will bring to al This Saturday morning everyone . fol owing winners in our "Count th. I Dots contest. Those winning please the Central p0lnt Gleason Supply Co. dealers in De­ close the Telephone directory pro- U invited to come in Saturday, October 27th. and Luxe Myrtlewood Gun Stocks have gram being brought to the residents Junior high Pointers play their re- claim your awards. received an order for an exceptional of the Central Point areas over turn football game against Medford The winning number is 1512. KYJC, by T. M Hougardy, publish­ Gerald Hutton, having turned in piece of wood to make a stock for er. A group of finalists will be Junior high school. Last Saturday a Magnum Rifle for the President of the local boys defeated the Medford the count of 1512 at 1 n e irli A representation of about twenty awarded the 1st prize of the Fleetr Mexico. The special rifle is to be drawn from the list of daily winners team 12-0 and the return game was ira rgsairiorttc nvnrl kiir-l««.-. — ,-.. li 1 five residents and businessmen of , blanket and portable heater. one of a pair being built by Weath­ and on Wednesday evening, they to have been played earlier in the On October 26 the Comets go into Central Point, met i in the ' Legion i Mrs. Harold Gebhard is awarded erby’s Incorporated Nationally will compete for the large group of week but it was twice cancelled by action against the Ashland Brizzlies. I prizes. Memorial Hall, Wednesday lesday evening, | the second prize of 62 piece set < f known rifle makers. [ the Medford school. It is expected to be the best game to discuss plans for the formation of dishes, she having turned in the Many a laugh has been enjoyed These rifles completed are to be Then on Tuesday evening, the of the year for the Comets. Coach a Community Charity Fund, to take correct total but much later. photographed and shown in some of , Past >n hearing a neigh- viiiv vra — Pointers will probably wind-up their Warren said the Comets' chances care of all needs of the people of the Mrs. Fred Freeman and Mrs. Clyde the . °°r try t0 ilnd an ad *n th0 many sys­ the Rebekah district convention here and rMs. William H. Durdan, both of Evangelistic Service. D Ofl pm. Saturday, October 27: studio in Central Point, marking suburban Snyder and sisters-in-law, in December. Hostess prize was Wednesday night service, (Young tems that about the only way to ex­ 10 a m.—C.P. Junior Hi vs. Med­ pedite anything is to leave ’em alone received by Mrs Maynard McKay. arrived at the same hospital, on the another new business for Central People’s). 8 00 p.m. ford Jr. Hi football game. Point. The photo shop is located Holy Ghost Rally Saturday, 8 08 same day, shared the same room, Refreshments were served by_ the Monday, October 29: . Does anybody went to g; back C.. Tues- and gave birth to babies on the same between Wisely’* Confectionery and p.m 7:30 p.m.—Telephone directory, hostess, Mrs. Thomason. On You are cordially Invited ta attend will day. Mrs. Durden gave birth to a the Central Point Pharmacy. to the time when people « rked day, November 13, the club all this services. KYJC. John baby girl, and Mrs. Krull had twins twelve and fourteen h i’i tor a 8 p.m.—Oddfellows lodge, 1OOF meet at the home of Mrs. WHO'S RIGHT? PENTECOSTAL CHURCH OF GOD dollar a da/? — both girls. Kime. halt Pamona, Cal.—Mrs. Helen L. Wai Sth A Pine Streets Fun- 8:15 p.m —C.P. Federated H. H. Trautman. Pa»ior An adult, without * c . î - vjû U«1 ker, of La Cresccnta, Cal., entered YOUNG PICKPOCKETS— CHICKENPOX REPORTED— Sunday School, 9:45 *.m »ters, Grade School gym. illustrates the difieren*.« between her hooked rug in a competition at Chicago — Six girls and a boy. all Miss Judy Patterson and Miss Morning Worship, 11 am. Tuesday, October 30: Loa Angeles County Fair. Because ige wtum measured by .ri'urity Negroes, from 9 to 15 years of age, many Evangelical Sendee, 7 45 pm. 7:30-p.m.—C.P. Jr. Hi vs. St. Marys Kathy Harsh are among the week have damitted to police that they the rug had a frame around it, jud­ Midweek matead of ,/ear. • • rv icc, Wednesday ! children home from school this football game. obtained more than 12,000 from ges disqualidied it. Undaunted, Mrs night at 7 45 p m 7:30 p.m. Telephone directory, with chickenpox. Freedom of the ptexi a not an Walker entered her work of art in From the Central Point grade pocket-picking operations during PILGRIM HOLINESS CHURCH exclusive right of those who pruit the picture display. The design and KYJC. ' school office comes this request that I the past two weeks and that the Rev. L h William*. Pastor newspapers and be- Wednesday, October 31—Hallowe'en color <>f it was so subtle that, from gang had taken thousands of dollars, chic­ 0 45 A M. loop to «iwr/L-idy. Sunday School 7:30 p.m.—Final telephbne direc­ parents be on the lookout for slight ten feet, it looked like an oil paint ­ in addition to the 12.000, during the kenpox, if the child has a u 11 00 A M ing. So, she won a blue ribbon—for . Worship tory, KYJC. fever and any spot like water blia- last nine months. Now that fresh vegetable: are 7 30 P M. Evening Service Thursday, November 1; her picture. | Wednesday Prayer meeting, 7.30 scarce, and m re expansive, tho man 3:30 p.m. Central Point P.T.A., Jr. |ters’________ ______ ' We are very »orry to hear of R. G of the house will auut 'Jut he 1 P.M H.S. library. De Gasperi, back home, Center of population moves from Ekdah), owner of the Self-Servic accxL them fur lu» health. ’ A Friendly Welaww for AU. ” to buxid US. friendship Friday, November 2: Italy mto lUuwis. 4 Laundry, being sn th« hospital. I 8 p.m—Central Point Gx»ace. I a • • ■ ' I TEAM TRfOAY EYE. Churchcs