THURSDAY. JANUARY JI. ISSI RAGE THREE BULL’S EYE NOTES a by Sam Mallon DEPOSITS AT LOCAL BANK BETTER THAN 49' RECORD Keep Clean”-Defense Advice Belgrano also pointed out that in of $151,055,062, and resources of May of this year, the capital stock $516.803.857. Figures for the National Bank of the bank was increased from $4,- group, consisting of 46 First National 500,000 to $7.500,000 and a dividend statewide banking offices and 15 in stock, consisting of two additional . affiliated banks with 18 offices, shares for each three shares out­ show that on December 30, 1950. standing, was declared and distri­ total deposits were $647,140,445, buted to shareholders. The funds loans $273,533,425, and resources necessary for this purpose were $700,585,253. This represents an in transferred from the accumulated crease over December 31, 1949, of earnings of the bank. A cash divid­ $70,786,325 in deposits, $98,185,727 end of $2.00 per share, which was in loans, and $76,892,647 in re­ being paid on the outstanding stock sources. prior to the distribution of the stock j On December 31 a year ago, the dividend, has been continued on all I First National Bank group had stock presently outstanding. This i total combined deposits of $576,- action has resulted in a 664,% in­ 354,120, loans of 175,347,698, and re- crease in the amount of cash divid- t sources of $623,692,606. ends which are being distributed to J shareholders. The Golden Links, Ladies Bible A year ago, on December 31, 1949, ¡class of the Church of Christ, have the First National Bank of Portland ( postponed their meeting until furth- had deposits of $476,427,181, loans er notice is given. Take it from a renowned health This month the Central Point authority: Junior Rifle Club is making a drive Grime doesn't pay! ” Figuies released by R. C. Isaacs, for new members. The larger the According to Dr. George Uhl. manager of the Central Point branch head of the L ob Angeles Health membership of boys between the of the First National Bank of Port­ Department, there is an important ages of 2 to 18 inclusive, the more relationship between high stand-' land show that on December 30, ammunition the club can get from ards of household cleanliness and 1950, deposits Tor the branch the D. C. M., so come on boys, now national defense. amounted to $1,098,855 and loans is the time to join. All Boy Scouts “Cleanliness begins at home," totaled $510.078. said Dr Uhl, “and provides one are urged to join, for in addition to answer to the oft repeated ques­ A year ago, on December 31, 1949. the other medals you can also earn tion: ‘What can I do to help na-! comparable figures for the branch your marksmanship merit badge. tiona) defense?’ ” were, deposits $788,520 and loans, We have rifles, so you don’t need "Keep clean.” he urged. $321,583 one to join. If you have one though, “We learned much during the bring it. second World War and we have At the same time, Tie First Na­ continued to improve public health We have entered two teams in the tional Bank and its 46 statewide practices and methods since then William Randolph Hearst National banking offices reported total de­ Food handlers, for instance, have Junior Trophy match, to be shot posits on December 30, 1950 of been taught the importance of during the month of February. It $525,335,111 loans of $241.624,159, cleanliness and our public schools is a two position match, prone and have stressed courses in health and resources of $570,746,196. instruction. Due to a vigorous na­ standing, and each participant will According to president F. N. Bel- tional and local health education receive a brassard, while each mem­ , grano. Jr., these figures represent an campaign, people are more health The washing machine is a fa­ ber of the winning teams will win a increase over December 31, 1949 of minded today. The great number vorite member of every familv. trophy. Our two teams will consist 1 $48,907,930 in deposits, $90,569.097 in It provides a never-ending supply of new home washing machines of five members each and will be I loans, and $53,942,339 in resources. now in use in this country are a of clean clothes, and the assurance good health and that “clean plus factor in the public health of chosen by elimination in club com­ Belgrano commented further that feeling." In times like these, the favor," he said. petition. I the bank increased its capital funds family washer is essential to the His statement underlines the ac-i health and happiness of the Amer­ from $33.042,322 on December 31, The December Postal Match did ceptance of the electric washing ican home. not bring out any outstanding score. 1949 to $34.988,667 on December 30 machine as essential to the health As a matter of fact, the team score of this year. This represents a net find morale of the American home are dipped in suds every day in gain in capital funds of $1,946,345 dropped 23 points, which proves to Around the world, wherever' forty million homes, for cleanli­ there are Americans there is soap ness is a virtue and an old Amer­ the boys that hurrying does not pay' after paying dividends for the year and the unrelenting instinct to ican custom 1950 of $1,080,000 and adding $900,- off. It is better to hold and squeeze, keep clean. The G.I. takes his bath These days, clothes like their watch your breat.iing, and make : 000 out of earnings to the reserve in his helmet. The sailor dips him­ wearers must work harder, last . for possible loan losses. The capital each shot count. An instructor oi self in the sea. And Americans longer, and oe ready for emergen­ accounts of the bank now stand at coach can talk and talk, but it is at home rely first on the family cies Shortages, higher prices, and bathtub and then on the family general tightening of supplies of $7,500,000 capital. $17,500.000 sur­ the actual experience that teaches washing machine, a tool that is civilian wearing apparel make plus, and $9,988,667 undivided pro- the individual over a period ol fast becoming the nation s bes' clothing economy a must Wash ' fits, making a total of $34,988,667 in time tnat the instructor really morale booster. ing economy is the only way to ! capital funds. knows what he is talking about. Americans spend more time meet this critical situation, and During the' shooting of a match, washing than they spend eating. the washing machine is the best Dishes, faces, elbows and clothes economizer when the pressure is on and the tendancy is to hurry and get it over with, that is the time wnen one of the great essential lessons in life, St. Mary’s team determined to win. (A) to the tune Self-Control, is learned. One must The Spartans’ first defeat loomed Central Point Ashland carefully exercise self-control ano before them but with good defen- Hogue 9 F 6 Le ml j’ use all of the alloted time in an : sive playing and a gift field goal Henson 5 F 2 Babbitt (2 points) from St. Mary's guard, Higirrbotham 6 C honest effort to do it right. 2 Hurbayer Adults could slow down and use 1 Read, gave the Sparants a colse Peterson 2 C 2 Sutherlin little more self-control in their daily I decision. Parent 10 G 2 Carter lives, and the entire world would I Central Point St. Mary’s Hill 12 G 7 Putman benefit. Hogue 7 F 2 O'Brien 2 Kurr “SEE YOU FRIDAY AT 7:00 P.M.” Henson 4 F 4 Dugan Higinbotham 6 C 8 Mishche Mrs. Iva Mays of Central Point, Parent 10 G 6 Meunier had a tonsellectomy performed at , FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Portland Hill 0 G 6 Read the Osteopathic hospital on Friday i JUNIOR HIGH SPORTS Gift Field Goal 1 Paup Jan. 5th and Mr. John Calkins. P. O. DECEMBER 30, 1950 1 by Read 2 Box 54, Central Point, had an emer- | Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Spartans Win Again gency appendectomy Sunday night, RESOURCES The Spartans “B” team scored an Jan. 7th. 1 Cash in vault and in Federal Reserve Bank. . $ 65,609,918.92 easy victory over St. Mary’s “B’ Sprians Lose One, Win One— Due from Banks...................................................... W4,91 8,563,64 team. First quarter score was 12-5; Spartans “B" teams suffered its Total Cash ............................................ $1 10,528,482 56 second quarter, 18-7; third quarter, first defeat this basketball season. United States Government Obligations, Central Point 24-15; in the fourth quarter, the It was a very tight game, with Ash­ Direct and Fully Guaianteed.......................... 152,840,679 31 HOME IMPROVE­ Spartans overwhelmed St. Mary’s land having the eàge at the foul State, County and Municipal Bonds and SAW SHOP MENT LOANS Warrants ............ ;.............................................. by scoring 18 points to St. Mary’s 4 I line. Score Ashland 20, Central 4*,*34,369 55 Lfberol repayment program. Other Bonds and Securities................................. Contom SAW FILING 4,101,616 01 points. Final score—42-19. Point 19. No mortgage required Stock in Federal Reserve Bank..................... ANI» REPAIR 750,000 00 Line up: Central Point Ashland HOME MORTGAGE Loans and Discounts............................................ .. 241,674.159.75 St. Mary's Geyer 4 Cfc. tral Point F 7 Taylor Mill M huh —llnnrl H mwx . Etc. Accrued Interest Receivable................................. LOANS 2,176,340 07 0 Barnwell Brenner 5 F Tool Grinding Geyer 14 F 5 Johnson Up«to-th«mmute information Bank Promises, Furniture and Fixtures and I 2 Bobbet McQuade 3 F on 01, FHA, rtgulor mortgage Safe Deposit Vaults..........................................• Brenner 5 5,695,101 40 2 Baker C CI/O8KD Í4AT. AFTERNOON loans. Other Real Estate owned..................................... 1 Link Lefler 1 3 00 C McQuade 6 G 2 Sword Customers* Liability on Accounts of Leiters 6 Paup Harsh 6 G Phono 111 Lefler 5 G PERSONAL LOANS 4 Parent P.O. Box 21» of Credit, Acceptances and Endorsed Bills. 5,131,9(9 71 Central Point, Oregon 3 Cox G Convenient terms, repay out of Harsh 12 Spartans (A) drubbed Ashland Other Resources..................................................... 556,471 13 income. Frompt service. Substitute—Ashland Thomson 5; TOTAl 8ESOURCES.............................. £570,746,196 51 T Murphy 2. AUTO LOANS Ask your eu»o deoler, or apply LIABILITIES Oregonians have relied on FIRST NATIONAL for every banking service Automobile Liability ANNOUNCEMENT— Central Point Spartans vs. Eagle Point Eagles at the High School gym, 7 and 8 P.M., Monday, January 15. Come and support your team. A good night's entertainment at a minimum cost—Adults, 25c—Stud­ ents, 10c. at any Frit Notional bonking office. CHECKING ANO Fire Insurance LELAND CLARK SPARTANS WIN AGAIN— Phone 2-4646 A easy victory seemed to be in sight for the Spartans (A) as they led 20-12 at the end of the first half. The second half began with the 7 N. Bartlett MesICord. Oregon • Nhipping • Storace EADS 18 S. Fir. Medford. LAWRENCE’S Ph. 2-7121 i MEDFORD ROLLER RINK Remember The Lawrence COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR Watch Repairing SUN. It WED. NIGHTS 7:30 to 10:30 P.M. AUTO BODY AND FENDER REPAIRING & PAINTING Gas and Arc Welding Lawrence* a Jewelry FRIDAY tt SAT. NIGHTS 7:30 to 11:00 P.M. GILKEY’S GARAGE 130 E. Main TOW CAR SERVICE Day and Night Medford Reputation for Expert Accounti or Coi» Check- oddrass im- regular per SAVINGS M rd Torci. On-gon ROLLER SKATING Medford Armory 3rd & Oalc eCnlral Point Regular Checking »he popular Low plan. Nome and printed free on ionol checks. • I’m-ktnic • (rating Now earn 1 ’/,% up to ond in­ cluding $10 000 00, 1% over $10.000 00 TRUST AND INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES $ 34,988,667.92 may develop In the future) it hat not been ottorated to any partieulor looni or type of loant. (Etfablithed from earntngt - Janu­ ary I, 1949, through December 50. '950) ¡Demand , ........................................ . . ... Savings and Tim« Liability for letters of Ciedit and as Acceptor Endorser or Maker of Acreptanres ond 1 705 331 33 • 535,555,11160 Reserve for Interest, Taxes, Etc.......................... Other Liabilities............................ .. ..................... TOTAl LIABILITIES .......................... 570,746 19*51 MONEY ORDERS In addition to it* 46 tlale-wide banking office», 15 affiliated banks with 18 offices are members of th« First National Bank Group DEPOSITS . TRAVELERS CHEQUES The First National Bonk of Fortland and 46 Offices . 18 other Oregon Banking Offices in the First Notional Group $525,335,1 1 1 60 121,805,334 25 All Typet of Business and Commercial Loans IOANS ANO DISCOUNTS Th« First Natlonol Bonk of Forflond ond 46 Oflicai II other Oregon Sonkin, Offices In tho First Noflonol Group $741.624,159 75 51,909,265 47 OPEN 10 ta S iHCiuotNO Mrunoar TOTAl (ESOUtCES Valuables and important pa peri protected for little more then a penny a doy. $647,140 445 85 $275.555.475 2? Phone 1461 COFFEE CUP CAFE Dr. Paul T. Rutter IÍFJ (UHO OBfOON tOCftHM * WE HAVE BEEN RIGHT HERE FOR SEVERAL YEARS! OPEN 7 A.M. to 8 P.M. Our Friends Keep Coming Back for Good Eats and Friendly Service! OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Phone Rogue River 296 * Hiway 99 Gold Hill, Oregon Tho First Notional Bonk of Portion* ond 46 Offices........... II other Oregon Bonking Offices in the First Notionol Group $570 746,196 51 129,(19 057,10 TOTAl IISOUBCIS of the 64 BANKING OFFICES in the FIBST NATIONAL GIO UP .................................................. 1700.5(5 257 *1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE OBSTETRICS — SURGERY HELEN V. RUTTER. R-N. In Attendance (1—) THESE ARE THE 64 BANKING OFFICES IN THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK GROUP Office hour«: 10-12 a.m. and 2-5 p.m. Daily except Thurt- dey and Saturday afternoon» MVSS4 MANCH OAKSIOCI MANCH OMGON CITr MANCH MNOIITON MANCH IA1IM MANCH SHUMAN COUNTT MANCH STATION MANCH TH« OAUiS MANCH TlllAMOOa MANCH UNION MANCH WOOOOU«N MA» CH Ralph McGonagle PLUMBING Installation and Repair PHONE IO kx I 3S1 N. Second — Central Point Total Capital Fundi............................ (•»•rvo for ponible loan Io,Mt. Tbit rotorvo it to apply againtl any loan lottnt That Foreign Bills ................................................ Interest Received in Advance............................ Ask any officer of this bonk for defaih. Sunday Afternoon—2 io 5 P.M. Hiostitte 1-nntrw Appointment Phone 2-7238 Medford Capltel....................................................................... I $ 7,500 000 00 Surplus...................................................................... 17,500 000 00 Undivided Frofitr................................................... 9,986,66/,97 i 1 • •